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One of the most effective methods Female contraception is the intrauterine device. The reliability of this contraceptive method is about 98%, which is a very high result.

Let's take a closer look at what the action of intrauterine devices is based on, what reviews women have about them, what examinations need to be done before installation, who can get the device and who cannot, what are the indications and contraindications, as well as possible complications.

The action and effectiveness of the intrauterine device

An intrauterine device is a small plastic device (most often), which, when inserted into the uterus, blocks the possibility of a fertilized egg entering the uterine cavity and further development embryo. Some women consider the IUD to be an abortifacient method of contraception, since fertilization still occurs. For some religious people this is unacceptable. For such people, from a moral point of view, the Mirena intrauterine device is more suitable.

It not only mechanically prevents pregnancy, but also prevents fertilization from occurring due to changes in hormonal levels (this coil secretes small quantity levonorgestrel hormone - 20 mcg per 24 hours, the effect is similar to the effect of oral contraceptives). Reviews about the Mirena intrauterine device are positive; there are no “punctures” due to its dual action. Read more about women's opinions and discussions in the comments at the bottom of this page.

It is recommended to install intrauterine contraceptives for women who have one healthy partner, since they do not protect against sexually transmitted infections. And in case of infection, they can become a catalyst for the inflammatory process in the uterus.

Types of intrauterine devices

There are several types of intrauterine systems. They differ from each other in the material from which they are made, in size and shape. Only a doctor can choose the right intrauterine device. The most popular intrauterine devices: Nova T, Multiload, Juno, Mirena.

But talking about which of these intrauterine devices is the best is wrong. Each of them has its pros and cons. In addition, the IUD must be selected individually for each woman. You can buy an intrauterine device at almost any pharmacy. But before purchasing, we would recommend calling several pharmacies at once to find out their price, as it can vary greatly.

The Nova T spiral (price about 2500 rubles) has T-shaped. Its horizontal branches are very elastic, which makes the installation of the IUD easier and non-traumatic. This device can remain in the uterus for up to 5 years.

The Multiload intrauterine device (price - about 3,500 rubles) has the shape of a semi-oval, at the ends of its branches there are spike-like protrusions that allow the device to better attach to the walls of the uterus. This feature reduces the risk of spontaneous prolapse (expulsion) of the IUD.

The Mirena IUD is considered one of the most effective, but also expensive IUDs. The cost of this intrauterine device is about 7,000-10,000 rubles. The validity period of Mirena is 5 years. Installation of the Mirena coil for small fibroids is also acceptable, and some experts even believe that this “hormonal coil” can slow down the growth of this benign tumor.

The big advantage of expensive IUDs is that the materials they contain (gold, silver, copper) have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Juno Bio

Juno spirals appeared in Russia more than 20 years ago. They were invented by Belarusian doctors. Copper-containing IUDs have become a real breakthrough in the field of contraception. Now in pharmacies you can find several varieties of this contraceptive - both for women who have given birth and for women who have not given birth.

The most budget option. Its cost is about 250 rubles. This is a T-shaped spiral, shaped like an anchor. It is made of inert material and covered with very thin copper wire. Copper has an additional contraceptive effect. Shelf life - 5 years.

Juno Bio-T Super

Approximate cost - 300 rubles. Its difference from the previous model is the special antimicrobial composition with which the spiral is treated. This composition includes propolis. According to the manufacturer, this serves as a prevention of endometritis and ovarian inflammation - common complications when using an IUD. The period of use is 5 years.

Juno Bio-T Ag with silver

Price - about 450 rubles. Silver is part of the “winding” of the spiral leg, along with copper. This precious metal prevents the oxidation of copper and thus improves its effectiveness. Can remain in the uterus for up to 7 years.

The price is about 550 rubles, with copper. It is distinguished by an F-shaped shape, jagged edges and a slightly larger size than previously described IUDs. Therefore, this IUD should be used mothers of many children, women who have had several abortions, as well as those who have already had cases of an intrauterine contraceptive falling out of the uterus. Service life - 5 years.

Costs approximately 800 rubles. The composition includes not only copper, but also silver. Shown to the same women as Juno Bio Multi. But the service life is longer - 7 years.

Ring-shaped Juno Bio-T

Approximate cost - 300 rubles. This is the only IUD that can be recommended for installation in nulliparous women. It has a relatively small size (18 mm) and a shape that minimizes the risk of perforation of the uterine wall by the spiral. The second type of spiral has a slightly larger size- 24 mm. It is recommended for women who have given birth, but for those who for some reason cannot use a classic T-shaped IUD. If after its installation there was severe bleeding, pain, etc. It can remain in the uterus for up to 5 years. Contains copper.

Ring-shaped Juno Bio-T AG

Costs about 450 rubles. The properties are the same, but contains silver. Established for a period of up to 7 years.

This is an expensive spiral with gold, it costs about 5,000 rubles. Has a T-shape. This coil is used by those who have an allergic reaction to copper. It can lead to contraceptive rejection and loss. Spirals with gold are much less likely to have side effects, since it has an anti-inflammatory effect, even greater than silver. Validity period - 7 years. Appearance exactly like the regular Juno Bio-T.

By the way, there are more expensive IUDs on our market, for example T de Oro 375 Gold - a spiral with a gold core, its cost is more than 10,000 rubles. Manufacturer - Spain.

Installation of an intrauterine device

Before installing an intrauterine device, you need to undergo a gynecological examination and take smears. The spiral is installed only in healthy women who have given birth more often and who do not have inflammatory processes in the reproductive system at the time of IUD installation. It is also recommended to do an ultrasound to detect possible contraindications to this species contraception.

The installation of an intrauterine device is carried out on days 5-7 from the beginning of the menstrual cycle, when the cervical canal is slightly open, this will make the whole process easier. A contraceptive can also be installed immediately after an abortion, 5-6 weeks after childbirth (if by that time the uterus has contracted, and even if the menstrual cycle has not yet returned) and within 3-4 days after unprotected intercourse for the purpose of post-coital contraception.

Before installing the IUD, the gynecologist performs a gynecological examination and measures the length of the uterus using special tools. The installation itself lasts no more than 5-7 minutes, or even less. At this time, a woman may experience unpleasant pulling sensations in the lower abdomen.

Schematically, the installation of an intrauterine contraceptive looks like this.

Immediately after installation and for 7-10 days, mild pain may persist. The same as spotting and spotting. If they do not cause you much discomfort, then this is within normal limits. It is possible, if necessary, to take painkillers (ibuprofen, paracetamol, etc.) or antispasmodics (No-spa).

After 8-10 days you can resume sex life, no longer afraid of pregnancy. But before this time it is better to take care. You should also avoid heavy physical activity, these include not only lifting weights, but also long walking. Postpone sports and visiting a bathhouse or sauna for a couple of weeks.

10 days after installation of the intrauterine contraceptive, you should visit a doctor and it is advisable to undergo a control ultrasound if it was not done immediately on the day of the procedure. Visits to the gynecologist also need to be scheduled after 1, 3, 6 months, and then go for examinations 2 times a year.

What women who have an IUD should always remember

1. It is necessary to periodically independently check for the presence of spiral threads protruding from the cervix. Their length should remain the same. If you cannot feel the threads, they have become too long, or vice versa - short, then you need to urgently see a doctor, this means that the IUD has moved out of its place. And if there are no threads, then it is quite possible that expulsion has occurred - spontaneous prolapse of the IUD or the spiral is lost somewhere in the uterine cavity.

2. Even if everything is fine, you need to go to the gynecologist once every six months.

3. Under no circumstances should you wear the IUD for longer than the recommended period, since the IUD can “grow” into the uterine cavity and can only be removed from there surgically. Doctors usually recommend removing the intrauterine device several months before its expiration date to avoid complications.

4. Unfortunately, even the IUD does not guarantee 100% non-pregnancy. On average, out of 100 women with an IUD installed, 1 becomes pregnant. Therefore, you need to monitor your menstrual cycle as carefully as before installing the IUD.

5. If you have severe pain in the stomach, unpleasant odor from the genitals, sudden weakness or bleeding - immediately go to the doctor or call an ambulance.

6. If you are planning a pregnancy, then removal of the IUD is mandatory. It (removal), as well as the introduction of an intrauterine device, is performed only by a gynecologist.

Indications and contraindications for IUDs, advantages and disadvantages, pros and cons

1. The IUD is indicated for women who have given birth as a reliable means of contraception.

2. The reliability of the IUD does not exceed 98%.

3. There is a risk (albeit low) of perforation of the uterine wall, both during and after installation, of the IUD falling out (expulsion).

4. More abundant menstruation, intermenstrual bleeding is possible and, as a result, anemia. When using Mirena this is practically impossible.

5. An IUD cannot be installed in women who have inflammatory or infectious diseases of the external and internal genital organs, neoplasms in the uterus that deform its cavity, or anemia (hemoglobin below 90 g/l). A history of ectopic pregnancy is also a relative contraindication, since its risk always increases in women using this type of contraception.

6. Despite all these disadvantages, intrauterine devices also have undoubted advantages - they are one of the most reliable methods of modern contraception (along with condoms and oral contraceptives), and have a long validity period (up to 7 years).

Pregnancy and intrauterine contraceptive

If pregnancy nevertheless occurs while using an intrauterine contraceptive, then the woman has two options - either try to save the child or have an abortion. In most cases, you can try to save the child. There are many women who have carried and given birth to healthy children conceived using this type of contraception.

If a woman chooses an abortion, the method of carrying it out will depend only on the duration of her pregnancy, her desire and financial capabilities. First, the doctor removes the device from the uterus, pulls it out by the antennae, then expands the cervical canal and removes its contents either using a curette or a vacuum aspirator.

If the pregnancy needs to be continued, the doctor weighs the pros and cons and decides what would be safer - to immediately remove the IUD or leave it until the birth. Great value has a specific place where the egg was implanted. Removing the IUD can cause spontaneous miscarriage. And a foreign body in the uterus can always become a source of inflammation.

If it is decided to leave the IUD, then it will be “born” along with the afterbirth (placenta) or will be removed from the uterus during a cesarean section.

Discussion: 416 comments

    What does your doctor say about pregnancy? Cervical treatment varies greatly... Which one did you undergo? What's wrong with your cervix now? Are there any problems?
    The risks after “cauterization” and conization are that the cervix, due to the scars formed as a result of treatment, may either open poorly during childbirth, or, worse, begin to open much earlier than the PDR, that is, there is a risk of late miscarriage or premature birth .
    The doctor must determine these risks and the period for postponing pregnancy for you individually.

    Hello! A year ago I was treated for erosion, now I’m pregnant. What are the risks if I leave the child, since after erosion I can’t get pregnant for 2 years?

    Girls, remember: ANY contraceptives cause irreparable harm to your body. And not only yours.
    I will share with you my bitterness personal experience and if this helps at least one of you “decide on the choice of contraception,” then my review was not in vain. My first pregnancy was unplanned, I gave birth to a child in quite at a young age. My gynecologist advised me to immediately put in an IUD shortly after giving birth, because... “The low position of your uterus is conducive to pregnancy.” I counted the spiral ideal option contraception, because I didn’t have to take crap pills, etc. My IUD was also convenient to use; I didn’t have any problems with it, except for heavy periods. I was happy! Especially from the fact that I’m not killing anyone + that I’ll get pregnant when I want!.. After the first IUD, I didn’t hesitate to get a second one. As a result, I had two spirals, 5 years each. Now about health. This is my second marriage and, of course, my husband and I wanted to have a child/children together. We have been married for 9 years, but we still don’t have children together. During these 9 years I had an ectopic twice and that’s all. Both were examined; no pathologies were found in either; anatomically, everything was normal in both. A couple of years ago, my husband, during his free time at work, began translating a book about abortion, “The Right to Life,” into German; we live in Germany. One day I got a call from him: “You said you installed a spiral for yourself? How long did you have it? Five years??? This is a lot!.. I’ll bring the book and you can read it...” I lied to him then. I couldn’t admit that I had two for 5 years each... It turns out that they simply HIDE a lot from us - especially information about the consequences, about how conceived embryos die... The worst thing is ignorance. From ignorance of exactly how many souls I ruined with my IUDs... After re-reading the truthful literature about the intrauterine device, I understood my terrible mistake.. I am writing to you because not a single “medical” institution will tell you such consequences of the intrauterine device as the pathology of ectopic pregnancy and infertility. Regarding infertility from IUDs: there are now a lot of infertile couples among young people and there is already an opinion among people that French IUDs for export are impregnated with some substance that leads to infertility..
    In conclusion, I would like to remind women who have an unplanned pregnancy my favorite saying: “God gave a child, he will give for a child!” And this is not even a saying, but physical law life, which works 100%, believe me!..

    They offered me a choice of 2 spirals, Nova for 4700 rubles and Juno for 1500 rubles. The gynecologist says that there is no difference, so why is the price 3 times higher? Maybe someone knows?

    Hello. I also want to install a spiral. The doctor recommended copper. Hormonal pills are not very good. I feel bad when taking them. I don’t want to have sexual intercourse and I’m depressed.

    Natalya, have you ever tried taking birth control pills? Those for regular contraception? If so, how were you doing with your weight then?
    And I don’t understand, Mirena is prescribed for contraception or for what?

    Girls, my gynecologist advised me to put Mirena on, but I’ve read so much about the side effects - it’s terrible, weight gain, baldness, and wild mood swings (like depression) ... I just cured my hair, lost 35 kg in 2010, I’m holding on I’m still at this weight, I got married and don’t want to get hysterical with my husband, my character is not angelic anyway, but I don’t need protection. So what should I do? How to accept the right decision?

    Eva, yes, no one can select a spiral better than a gynecologist.

    I noticed the Juno Bio-T AG spiral. Please tell me if it is suitable for me if I did not give birth, but had one abortion at the 11th week of pregnancy? And what about the size of the spiral: in this case, is it better to use 18/24 mm or is it individual and should you consult a gynecologist?

    You know, I am a mother of four children, all my hope was in the IUD, but alas, I was pregnant for 6 months and did not dare to give birth. The children are small, well, as much as possible, it’s hard, of course, I’m sorry. What now, what to do...

    There are several types of Juno (see article for information). The shelf life of spirals is 5-7 years, this is the maximum period for how long they can be kept without changing. But the doctor can remove the IUD at your first request.
    According to statistics, out of 100 women who use an IUD, 3 become pregnant. If you look at the comparison, the number of unplanned pregnancies is higher when using a condom and lower when using a condom.

Intrauterine devices are contraceptives, a means of controlling the onset of pregnancy. Their efficiency is very high: when correct use they protect Birth Control Methods: How Well Do They Work? from pregnancy by 99%. They are even used after unprotected sexual intercourse.

Externally, most of the spirals that are now used resemble the letter T with different tails. But there are intrauterine implants of other forms.

The spirals are divided into two large type:

The principle of operation is this: copper supports aseptic inflammation in the uterus. Aseptic means that it does not happen due to microbes and does not threaten anything. But the action of copper changes the composition of cervical mucus, making it more difficult for sperm to penetrate the uterine cavity. In addition, copper prevents attachment to the uterine wall. Intrauterine device (IUD).

These are plastic spirals that contain progesterone, an analogue of the human hormone that prevents pregnancy. They also interfere with sperm and egg implantation, and at the same time also suppress ovulation in some women Intrauterine system (IUS).

How long does an intrauterine device work?

Spirals from different manufacturers and with different compositions are installed for a period of three to ten years.

An intrauterine device costs quite a lot: from several thousand rubles (including the installation procedure). However, it quickly pays off and is one of the most available methods contraception for women who have regular sex life.

How to install a spiral

Only a doctor can install any type of spiral, and the same can remove it. Therefore, you cannot do without consulting a specialist who will help you choose a product (with copper or hormones) and decide on the installation.

This is usually a simple procedure, but an extremely rare complication is uterine perforation. INTRAUTERINE DEVICES. Sometimes the spiral may fall out. Therefore, in the first three months you need to regularly visit the gynecologist; the doctor himself will prescribe a schedule.

After installation, the spiral is not felt, only two short antennae are released from the cervical canal (from the cervix). These are threads Intrauterine device (IUD), which help ensure that the spiral is in place. Subsequently, they will help the gynecologist remove the IUD.

These same mustaches do not interfere with ordinary life, including during sex.

Sometimes after installation a woman may feel discomfort and discomfort, but they pass quite quickly. The procedure itself is not very pleasant, but not much worse than a regular examination by a gynecologist.

What are the advantages of an intrauterine device?

The main advantage is the reliability of contraception. Nothing here depends on the woman, her partner or the masses. external factors. Condoms, you can forget about the pill, but the spiral stays in place and doesn’t go anywhere.

In addition, the IUD can be used by breastfeeding women who cannot afford, for example, hormonal contraceptives.

In most cases, women do not notice the spiral at all.

Contrary to popular belief, the IUD can be installed in women who have never given birth before and have not (but it is better to use the IUD after 20 years, when internal organs fully formed). IUDs have a reversible effect, and you can get pregnant literally in the first month after removing the IUD.

In addition, IUDs do not increase the risk of cancer and can be combined with any medications. Your contraception guide.

When should you not insert an intrauterine device?

There are not many contraindications Birth Control and the IUD (Intrauterine Device):

  1. Pregnancy. If you want to use the IUD as emergency contraception, you need to hurry.
  2. Infectious diseases of the pelvic organs (including sexually transmitted diseases or those associated with complications after termination of pregnancy). That is, we first treat the infection, then introduce the IUD.
  3. Oncological diseases of the uterus or cervix.
  4. of unknown origin.
  5. There are additional restrictions for the IUD with hormones, just like for taking it.

What side effects may there be?

Apart from complications when installing the IUD, the most common side effect is changes in the menstrual cycle. As a rule, periods become heavier and last longer. This is especially noticeable in the first months after the installation of the spirals.

Sometimes bleeding becomes too heavy and long, bleeding appears between cycles - in any case, this should be discussed with your doctor. Sometimes you have to abandon this method of contraception.

IUDs do not protect against infections, and in some cases increase the risk of ascending genital tract infection. Therefore, with a new partner you need to use additional methods contraception.

What happens if you get pregnant while on the IUD?

Although the IUD is one of the most reliable methods, pregnancy is rarely possible. If a woman decides to keep the child, they try to remove the IUD at an early stage so as not to damage the amniotic sac and provoke pregnancy.

Intrauterine device or IUD for short (although it would be more correct to call the device an intrauterine screw) - this is a contraceptive with one of the most high degrees efficiency. It consists of plastic and/or one or more metals, as well as control threads. Some IUDs contain hormones.

The effect of the intrauterine device is that the device placed in the uterine cavity changes its neutral environment to a slightly acidic one. This affects the mobility of male germ cells and their ability to fertilize. And if conception does occur, the IUD prevents the embryo from attaching to the walls of the uterus (abortive effect of contraception).

Intrauterine device - types

Non-hormonal intrauterine devices

There are a great many such spirals. If necessary, they can be ordered by:

  • Composition.

IUDs come in plastic and plastic-metal types. Of the metals used in the latter, copper, silver, gold or combinations thereof are used. For women with metal allergies, a plastic spiral, for example, Goldlily Plastic, is suitable. True, the level of protection of such a system is somewhat lower than that of its plastic-metal counterparts: within a year, pregnancy occurs in 4 out of 100 women versus 1 out of 100 women using metal coils.

Therefore, if there are no contraindications, then it is more advisable to install an IUD with metal. The use of copper alone in an IUD is considered a thing of the past; in tandem with silver or gold, the spiral works much better.

  • Form.

The most common are T-shaped IUDs. It is believed that, due to their shape, they are best located in the uterine cavity of most women. Ladies who, due to the structure of the uterus, are not suitable for a T-shaped IUD, are usually prescribed a semi-oval spiral, such as Multiload.

There are also ring-shaped, S-shaped and many other intrauterine devices.

  • Size.

Typically, IUDs come in one size. However, some brands produce several sizes of one type of hormonal IUD. It is reasonable to buy an IUD based on the size of the uterus - it reduces the risk that the contraceptive may not be suitable.

Hormonal intrauterine devices

  • These are intrauterine therapeutic systems. In addition to protection, they have a healing effect. IUDs with hormones are prescribed for the treatment of uterine fibroids, for painful heavy menstruation, for the prevention or treatment of endometrial growth.
  • The degree of protection against unplanned pregnancy with IUDs with hormones is very high. Under the influence of hormones, the mucus in the cervical canal of the cervix thickens, preventing the movement of sperm. And the endometrium becomes thinner, due to which in rare cases of fertilization of the egg, the embryo is not able to implant into the wall of the uterus.
  • Due to the effect of hormones on the endometrium, approximately 20 women out of 100 experience amenorrhea by the end of the first year of wearing a hormonal intrauterine system. This does not harm the body; menstrual function will be restored some time after removing the device. But you need to be more sensitive to your body, since due to the absence of critical days, you may not notice the onset of pregnancy.
  • Hormonal IUDs are T-shaped and contain the hormone-like substance levonorgestrel. The brightest representatives of hormonal IUDs are the Mirena and Levonov intrauterine devices. The degree of protection against unwanted pregnancy with such contraceptives is extremely high: only one woman out of 1000 becomes pregnant during the year.

Reasons for decreased effectiveness of the intrauterine device

  • Incorrect installation. It is ideal if the spiral is installed by an experienced gynecologist. A few weeks after the procedure, it is worth doing a control ultrasound to make sure correct location Navy.
  • Displacement or loss of the spiral. If the doctor's recommendations are not followed, the device may become dislodged or fall out. Every month it is necessary to check the presence and length of spiral garters in the vagina. If they lengthen or shorten, then most likely the spiral has shifted and you should visit a doctor. If the antennae of the spiral cannot be felt at all, this means that it either fell out or due to the displacement of the IUD.
  • Incorrect coil size or shape.
  • Using an IUD beyond the manufacturer's recommended period. The spirals are designed to last from 3 to 7 years. But gynecologists recommend not using an intrauterine contraceptive for more than 5 years, even with a longer service life.

If you notice a delay of menstruation for several weeks (while wearing a non-hormonal IUD), nausea, dizziness and other signs of pregnancy, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Benefits of intrauterine devices

Non-hormonal intrauterine devices are ideal in cases where it is necessary high protection from unplanned pregnancies, but the use of oral contraceptives is undesirable or even prohibited. For example: for the protection of breastfeeding mothers, heavy smokers (especially those aged 35 years and older), women with breast tumors, diabetics and others.

Hormonal intrauterine devices have the same advantages as oral contraceptives, but without their disadvantages. The dose of hormones is small, since the drug acts locally, there is no effect on the stomach, lactation, and there is no need to take daily pills. The price for a hormonal intrauterine device is relatively high, but the effect lasts 5 years.

Contraindications to the installation of any intrauterine device

  1. Malformations of the uterus.
  2. Oncological pathologies of the reproductive system.
  3. Inflammatory, infectious processes in the vagina. When using the IUD, the usually closed cervix is ​​slightly open, which makes it easier for pathogens to enter its cavity.
  4. Ectopia, cervical dysplasia. Before installing the IUD, the cervix must be healthy.
  5. Bleeding of unknown origin.
  6. Pregnancy. Before installation, you should make sure that there is no existing pregnancy.
  7. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

Contraindications to the installation of a non-hormonal IUD

  • Long, heavy and painful menstruation.
  • Anemia.
  • Nulliparous women. Women who do not have children rarely get non-hormonal IUDs.
  • Promiscuous sexual intercourse. The IUD does not protect against infections and is therefore not recommended for women who have more than one sexual partner.

Contraindications to the installation of an intrauterine device with hormones

  • Breast cancer.
  • Relapses or acute diseases of the urinary system.
  • Liver failure.
  • Severe diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Decompensated diabetes mellitus.
  • Migraine.
  • Thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities.
  • Age over 65 years.

Possible side effects or complications associated with wearing an intrauterine device

  • Damage to the uterine wall. Happens to approximately one woman out of 100. The culprits are the thinning walls of the uterus and the unprofessionalism of the gynecologist. Women who have repeatedly given birth or had abortions are at risk.
  • Bleeding.
  • More heavy, painful menstruation, shortening of the menstrual cycle. Data side effects During the first six months of wearing spirals, they are common. But over time, with a properly selected IUD, discomfort during menstruation goes away or is significantly reduced.
  • Spotting, spotting between periods.
  • Intrauterine pregnancy. A conventional IUD reduces, but does not eliminate, the possibility of fertilization. Due to the effect of the IUD on a woman's uterus and fallopian tubes, the risk of ectopic pregnancy increases slightly. With a hormonal IUD, the risk of ectopic pregnancy is significantly lower.
  • Pregnancy. You should definitely not try to maintain a pregnancy if it occurs while using a hormonal IUD. In other cases, the risks are assessed by a doctor. The opinions of gynecologists regarding attempts to remove the IUD from the uterine cavity or cervical canal during pregnancy vary. Some people advise trying to remove the spiral early stages gestation. This can provoke spontaneous abortion, but if this is not done, the likelihood of injury to the membranes and miscarriage at any stage, or premature birth, significantly increases. The risk of infection of the fetus through a loosely closed cervix increases. Also, as the uterus grows, the likelihood of injury from the intrauterine device increases. Others insist that if the spiral is located in such a way that the likelihood of interfering with the development of the fetus is low, then it is not worth interfering. Even with an IUD installed, it is possible to carry a child to term.
  • Problems with pregnancy after using an intrauterine device. They happen rarely, the IUD in such cases is an indirect culprit. By itself, it cannot lead to further problems with conception and pregnancy, but infections that easily penetrate the uterine cavity can do so. Therefore, when wearing a spiral, a woman should especially carefully monitor her sexual health.

Installation of an intrauterine device

The installation or removal of an intrauterine device is carried out in a hospital setting by a gynecologist. This short procedure does not require hospitalization. Often, the IUD is installed either a couple of days before the start of the menstrual cycle, or last days menstruation, when the cervix is ​​more pliable and/or slightly open. It is also possible to install an IUD in the first 10 minutes after an abortion, after 6 weeks from the moment of natural birth or 12 weeks after a cesarean section.

After removal of the IUD from expired operation, you can immediately install a new intrauterine device.

  • Preparing for an IUD insertion is easy. A few days before the procedure, it is advisable to abstain from sexual intercourse. Also, you should not use care cosmetics for intimate areas and medications (except in cases where the opposite is prescribed by the gynecologist).
  • In the first week after installation of an intrauterine contraceptive, it is prohibited
    have sex, take a bath, visit a bathhouse or sauna, perform heavy physical exercise, douche, take medications containing acetylsalicylic acid, lift weights, use tampons. It is advisable to avoid the last two points throughout the entire period of wearing the spiral.

The most common intrauterine devices

The best intrauterine device is the one that fits. This can be either a budget non-hormonal option or an expensive one therapeutic system. When choosing a contraceptive such as an intrauterine device, it would be useful to read reviews, but final decision should be taken based on the recommendations of the gynecologist, your own tests and well-being.

  • One of the most affordable options is considered to be a contraceptive made in Belarus. intrauterine device "Juno". The brand offers non-hormonal IUDs in several varieties. The classic “Junona Bio-T” is a ring and T-shaped plastic-copper IUD with a service life of 3 and 5 years, respectively. “Junona Bio-T Super” is a plastic-copper T-shaped spiral with a monofilament thread with a service life of 5 years. "Junona Bio-T Ag" is a plastic-copper-silver IUD with a validity period of 7 years.
    Sterilization of spirals of this TM is radiation.
  • Another common option is the non-hormonal intrauterine device “Multiload” (Multiload CU-375) from a Dutch manufacturer. It has the shape of a semi-oval with branches along the perimeter. Made of polyethylene and copper, sterilized by gamma rays. The service life of Multiload is 5 years.
  • The golden intrauterine device is not exotic these days. Several people use gold in contraceptives. brands, the most famous is Hungarian intrauterine device "Goldlily" Exclusive" (Goldlily–Exclusive). This is a T-shaped contraceptive made of plastic and an alloy of gold and copper in equal proportions. Available in several sizes. This spiral is preferable for women with a tendency to allergies and inflammation. The standard service life is 5 years.
  • Intrauterine hormonal device "Mirena"- a kind of legend in the world of contraceptives of this kind. This intrauterine therapy system is manufactured in Germany. Mirena is a T-shaped design made of plastic and metal, enriched with a progesterone analogue.


A modern, highly effective means of protecting against unplanned pregnancy is the intrauterine device. It is impossible to say for sure which spiral is better, the most suitable option is selected individually.

Since each type of IUD has its own advantages and disadvantages, the best option is selected individually. There are dozens of different IUDs on the market today.

We hope there is no need to remind you that the choice of “your” IUD should be discussed with your gynecologist. If you still have questions after reading this article, do not be lazy to describe them in the comments and a Healthy-Lady specialist will definitely answer you.

When choosing your product, you cannot be guided by the recommendations of friends or reviews on forums. - it is up to the patient to decide after the recommendation of her gynecologist. Each woman has her own medical history and, depending on it, the doctor bases her decisions when selecting an IUD.

Classification by composition

Intrauterine contraceptives, known as "spirals", or IUDs, are divided into two groups:

    Neutral or inert IUDs.

    IUDs, invented about a century ago, belong to this group; they are often called first-generation devices. Examples include a plastic Lipps loop or a Mahua ring made of stainless steel with two curls, a Margulis coil, Saf-T-Coil (double coil), Spiran-B (Wroclaw coil), Dalkon shield and others. In the USSR, models of the LVK (Leningrad intrauterine contraceptive) with a bactericidal braid were developed.

    In modern gynecology, these IUDs are almost never used, retaining only historical significance. Due to low effectiveness and a high percentage of complications, the World Health Organization banned the Lipps loop in 1986.


    One subgroup of these IUDs contains copper - either pure or combined with other metals (silver, gold, platinum).

    The second subgroup includes hormonal IUDs, which have a container with gradually released progestin hormones. Older models contain progesterone, while the most advanced ones contain levonorgestrel (and other progestogenic agents). These are the most effective and most expensive IUDs.

Classification by shape

IUD models that are now widespread on the market

Copper-containing IUDs. Popular models are ParaGard, Sopper-T, Nova-T and Multiload.

Sorr-T (made in Finland, India) is the most popular copper-containing IUD in the world. There are a number of varieties of this model:

  • T-Cu-200 (Gyne-T) Copper wire wraps around a plastic rod. The copper surface area is 200 square meters. mm - hence the number “200” in the name. Service life - 3 years.
  • T-Cu-200-C. It has five copper couplings on the rod and one on each “shoulder”. Serves for 5 years.
  • Cu-7 (Gravigarde). It looks like a number "7" because it has only one transverse arm. Suitable even for nulliparous women. Active for 2 years.
  • T-Cu-380A is the most common and effective variation. There is copper wire on the rod and hangers total area 380 sq. mm. Can last up to 10 years.
  • T-Cu-380Ag (as well as T-Cu-200Ag and T-Cu-300Ag) - in addition to copper wire, there is also a silver core. It releases silver ions, which have a bacteriostatic effect.

In Belarus, the Simurg company produces many IUDs, differing good quality and low price:

  • Juno Bio-T Super - the “leg” of the IUD is entwined with a thin wire made of pure copper (380 sq. mm). The service life of the contraceptive is 5 years.
  • Juno Bio-T Ag consists of a plastic T-shaped base, the rod of which is wrapped in copper-silver wire with a total area of ​​380 square meters. mm. Recommended for those giving birth, lasts 7 years. The wire has high radiopacity and corrosion resistance.
  • Juno “Juno Gold” has a copper-gold wire braid, recommended for those with silver intolerance, and lasts 9 years.
  • Juno "Juno T Au" is distinguished by the presence of copper wire wrapped around a rod of pure gold. The declared service life is 7 years.
  • Juno Bio-T Super" (copper with propolis) - the anchor of this spiral is treated with an antiseptic containing natural propolis. Thanks to its release, this IUD has an anti-inflammatory effect. Working life up to 3-5 years.
  • Juno Bio Multi and Bio Multi Ag (Simurg, Belarus) F-shaped - analogues of the Multiload type IUD. Wire area 380 sq. mm. They are available in two sizes, the smaller of which can also be used in nulliparous women, since it is low-traumatic and has good resistance to expulsion. They serve for 5-7 years.

Other, no less famous and effective spirals.

One of the methods for integrating higher order DEs is the order reduction method. The essence of the method is that, by replacing a variable (substitution), this DE is reduced to an equation of lower order.

Let us consider three types of equations that allow a reduction in order.

I. Let the equation be given

The order can be lowered by entering new feature p(x), putting y " =p(x). Then y "" =p " (x) and we obtain the first order DE: p " =ƒ(x). Solving it, i.e., finding the function p=p (x), solve the equation y " =р(x). Let's get a general solution given equation (3.6).

In practice, they act differently: the order is reduced directly by sequential integration of the equation.

Because equation (3.6) can be written in the form dy " =ƒ(x) dx. Then, integrating the equation y "" =ƒ(x), we obtain: y " = or y " =j1 (x) + с 1. Further, integrating the resulting equation for x, we find: - the general solution of this equation. If the equation is given. then, having integrated it successively n times, we find the general solution of the equation:

Example 3.1. Solve the equation

Solution: Sequentially integrating four times given equation, we get

Let the equation be given

Let us denote y " =р, where р=р(х) is a new unknown function. Then y "" =p " and equation (3.7) takes the form p " =ƒ(х;р). Let р=j(х;с 1) is the general solution of the resulting first-order differential equation. Replacing the function p with y ", we obtain the differential equation: y " =j(х;с 1). To find y, it is enough to integrate the last equation (. 3.7) will have the form

A special case of equation (3.7) is the equation

which also does not explicitly contain the desired function, then its order can be lowered by k units by setting y (k) = p (x). Then y (k+1) =p " ; ...; y (n) = p (n-k) and equation (3.9) takes the form F(x;p;p " ;... ;p (n-κ) )=0. A special case of equation (3.9) is the equation

Using the replacement y (n-1) =p(x), y (n) =p " this equation is reduced to a first order DE.

Example 3.2. Solve the equation

Solution: We assume y"=p, where Then This is a separable equation: Integrating, we get Returning to the original variable, we get y"=c 1 x,

- general solution of the equation.

III. Consider the equation

which does not explicitly contain the independent variable x.

To reduce the order of the equation, we introduce a new function p=p(y), depending on the variable y, setting y"=p. We differentiate this equality with respect to x, taking into account that p =p(y(x)):

i.e. Now equation (3.10) will be written in the form

Let p=j(y;c 1) be general decision of this first order DE. Replacing the function p(y) with y", we obtain y"=j(y;с 1) - DE with separable variables. Integrating it, we find general integral equations (3.10):

A special case of equation (3.10) is the differential equation

This equation can be solved using a similar substitution: y " =p(y),

We do the same when solving the equation F(y; y " ; y";...; y (n)) = 0. Its order can be lowered by one by setting y"=p, where p=p(y). According to the rule of differentiation complex function we find Then we find

p=uv=((-1+y)e -y +e -y +c 1) e+y, or p=c 1 ey+y. Replacing p with y ", we get: y"=c 1 -e y +y. Substituting y"=2 and y=2 into this equality, we find with 1:

2=c 1 e 2 +2, c 1 =0.

We have y"=y. Hence y=c 2 e x. Find c 2 from initial conditions: 2=с 2 e°, с 2 =2. Thus, y=2e x is a particular solution of this

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