Military map of the second world war. Maps of the largest battles of the Second World War

From the book The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. Volume I author Shearer William Lawrence

THE BEGINNING OF WORLD WAR II At dawn on September 1, 1939, on the very day that Hitler chose on April 3 to launch Operation Weiss, german army crossed the borders of Poland and moved towards Warsaw from the north, south and west. German guns roared in the air

author Volobuev Oleg Vladimirovich

§ 9. The beginning of World War II On the way to a new world war: failure of the idea collective security. Without encountering any real opposition, in March 1938 Hitler carried out the Anschluss (annexation to Germany) of Austria. The Western powers did not consider absorbing Austria

From the book History. General history. 11th grade. Basic and advanced levels author Volobuev Oleg Vladimirovich

§ 12. The final stage of the Second World War Crimean (Yalta) Conference allied powers. The question of victory over Germany was only a matter of time. February 4 – 11, 1945 in Crimea, in resort town Yalta, the next conference of the heads of the great powers took place -

From the book Questions and Answers. Part I: Second world war. Participating countries. Armies, weapons. author Lisitsyn Fedor Viktorovich

Battles of the Second World War ***>"Fire rams" (when a shot down plane was sent to ground targets) were recorded almost from the first day of the war. The first fire ram in World War II was carried out by an English pilot named Emden, in 1939. He rammed a German cruiser " Emden"

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Ireland during the Second World War Mention has already been made of the involvement Northern Ireland during the Second World War. On the other side of the Irish Sea it was assumed that Eire would join the conflict. Given the experience of Irish history, it is difficult to understand why this was believed so much.

by Sayers Michael

From the book England. History of the country author Daniel Christopher

Prerequisites for the Second World War Fascism is gaining strength The thirties of the 20th century were marked by an increase in the number of supporters of the fascist doctrine. On Far East was gaining strength Empire of Japan- in 1931 Japanese troops captured Manchuria. In Germany, Hitler spent

From the book Secret War against Soviet Russia by Sayers Michael

2. The beginning of the Second World War on September 1, 1939, mechanized units Nazi army invaded Polish territory at seven points. Two days later, England and France declared war on Germany. Less than two weeks have passed since Polish state- the very Polish

From the book General History in Questions and Answers author Tkachenko Irina Valerievna

16. What were the results of the Second World War? What changes took place in Europe and the world after World War II? The Second World War left its mark on the entire history of the world in the second half of the twentieth century. During the war, 60 million lives were lost in Europe, to which many should be added

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99. FORMATION OF THE WORLD SOCIALIST SYSTEM AFTER THE SECOND WORLD WAR. CONSEQUENCES OF THE COLD WAR FOR THE USSR After the end of World War II, the balance of power between the leading powers changed fundamentally. The United States significantly strengthened its position, while

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France on the eve of World War II The government of Edouard Daladier. Domestic policy. In April 1938, the radical Edouard Daladier (April 1938 - March 1940) became head of the cabinet. It did not include either communists or socialists. In addition to the radicals, the government included

From the book Russian Holocaust. Origins and stages of the demographic catastrophe in Russia author Matosov Mikhail Vasilievich

9.3. THE BEGINNING OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR The British informed Hitler that they were not against the return of Danzig and the Polish corridor to East Prussia, let him not be disturbed by the possible declaration by England and then France of a showy, “strange” war (a war without active

From the book General History. Recent history. 9th grade author Shubin Alexander Vladlenovich

§ 11. The beginning of the Second World War Causes of the new world conflict The state created by the German Nazis could not exist for long without resorting to the seizure of new territories and resources. Nazism was focused on war, on the destruction of not only other states,

author Volobuev Oleg Vladimirovich

§ 9. The beginning of the Second World War On the way to a new world war: the failure of the idea of ​​collective security Without encountering real opposition, in March 1938 Hitler carried out the Anschluss (annexation to Germany) of Austria. The Western powers did not consider absorbing Austria

From the book General History. XX – beginning of XXI century. 11th grade. Basic level author Volobuev Oleg Vladimirovich

§ 12. The final stage of the Second World War Crimean (Yalta) Conference of the Allied Powers The question of victory over Germany remained only a matter of time. On February 4-11, 1945, in the Crimea, in the resort city of Yalta, the next conference of the heads of the great powers - allies was held

From the book From ancient Valaam to the New World. Russian Orthodox Mission in North America author Grigoriev Archpriest Dmitry

It is difficult to imagine the dynamics of combat operations and troop movement patterns without a map. That is why cartographic materials of military operations have always been used, in particular maps of the Second World War. They fully reflect the state of military affairs and make it possible to understand what is actually happening at the front. And this is extremely necessary in historical, archaeological research and examination, in the study of history in schools and universities. In these cases, the map of military operations is an indispensable attribute.

Examples of military maps that are still relevant today and used in history include the following:

  • - maps of the battles of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1045)
  • - maps of the Red Army (1941)

German cards:

  • - Barbarossa plan map showing the attack fascist Germany to the USSR and many others.

The latter is always used in schools during history lessons in order to show students how Germany of that time solved the problem of obstacles Soviet Union on the path to world domination.

Speaking about the history of Ukraine, it is worth citing as an example maps of the Second World War, illustrating such significant events:

  • - assault on Odessa (9-10. 04. 1944)
  • - assault on Zaporozhye (13-14. 10. 1944)
  • - boiler near Kiev (26.09.1941)
  • - Kharkov battle (12-29. 05. 1942)
  • - Rovno-Lutskaya offensive (27.01. – 11.02. 1944)
  • - Melitopol offensive operation (26.09 – 5.11.1943)
  • - Crimean offensive operation (8.04. – 12.05.1944)

As we see, special attention focused specifically on the events of the Great Patriotic War. At that time, all Ukrainian territories were occupied by the German invaders. At the same time, Ukrainian
nationalists, led by Stepan Bandera, attempted to create an independent Ukrainian state. However, the idea could not be realized, as a result of which all supporters of this idea ended up in concentration camps.

During the war years, the partisan movement developed enormously on the territory of Ukraine. Such detachments were formed by military forces and nationalist organizations, as well as under the initiative of activists. Their activities are also shown on battle maps. By the way, the most famous organization belongs to the UPA.

The brutal actions of the Ukrainian occupiers led to death huge amount people. More than 100,000 people were killed in Kyiv alone. The place of their death was Babi Yar. These events were also recorded on historical maps Ukraine. Also, cartographic materials display patterns of movement of people forcibly deported to Germany, refugees who were forced to scatter around the world.

Today there is an idea to create a so-called interactive map WWII, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the victory Soviet people over Nazi Germany.

The system of the above WWII map is based on Yandex.Maps. With the help software method using databases, all designations of the units of the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany that hosted direct participation in WWII. Clicking on a unit icon will reveal to the user all descriptive information, including composition, weapons, and specific combat actions by that unit on the specified day.

Sheet 5. Assault on Odessa, April 9-10, 1944

Sheet 6. Breakthrough near Kovel, July 18-20, 1944

Sheet 3. Assault on Zaporozhye, October 13-14, 1943

Sheet 47. Zaporozhye offensive operation, October 10-14, 1943 (P.280)

Sheet 8. Scheme of the Belgorod-Kharkov offensive operation (P.73)

Scheme 38. The fight for the Dnieper (October - December 1943) (P.437)

Sheet 9. Battle of the Dnieper, August 25 - December 23, 1943 (P.98)

Scheme 26. Fighting near Kharkov in 1942 (P.315)

Scheme 17. Boiler near Kyiv(P.265)

Sheet 60. Kiev offensive operation, November 3-13, 1943 and Kiev defensive operation, November 13 - December 22, 1943 (P.332, 334)

Sheet 61. Kiev defensive operation, July 7 - September 26, 1941 (P.333)

Sheet 22. Kyiv offensive operation (1943)

Sheet 124. Kiev offensive (November 3-13) and defensive (November 13 - December 22) operations of 1943 (Vol. 4, P. 158)

Sheet 125. Kiev defensive operation, July 7 - September 26, 1941 (T.4, P.161)

Sheet 45. Zhitomir-Berdichev offensive operation, December 24, 1943 - January 14, 1944 (P.271)

Sheet 103. Zhitomir-Berdichev offensive operation, December 24, 1943 - January 14, 1944 (T.3, P.339)

Sheet 139. Kharkov offensive operation, February 2 - March 3, 1943 (P.767)

Sheet 140. Kharkov defensive operation, March 4-25, 1943 (P.768)

Sheet 141. Battle of Kharkov, May 12-29, 1942 (P.769)

Sheet 278. Kharkov offensive operation, February 2 - March 3, 1943 (T.8, P.360)

Sheet 279. Kharkov defensive operation, March 4-25, 1943 (T.8, P.361)

Sheet 280. Fighting near Kharkov, May 12-29, 1942 (T.8, P.365)

Sheet 142. Chernigov-Pripyat offensive operation, August 26 - September 30, 1943 (P.782)

Sheet 114. Rivne-Lutsk offensive operation, January 27 - February 11, 1944 (P.614)

Sheet 220. Rivne-Lutsk offensive operation, January 27 - February 11, 1944 (T.7, P.133)

Sheet 91. Destruction Nazi troops on Right Bank Ukraine, December 24, 1943 - April 17, 1944 (P.482)

Sheet 205

Sheet 80. Melitopol offensive operation, September 26 - November 5, 1943 (P.441a)

Sheet 162. Melitopol offensive operation, September 26 - November 5, 1943 (T.5, P.236)

Sheet 76. Lviv-Sandomierz offensive operation, July 13 - August 29, 1944 (P.423)

Sheet 151. Lviv-Sandomierz offensive operation, July 13 - August 29, 1944 (T.5, P.44)

Sheet 69. Crimean offensive operation, April 8 - May 12, 1944 (P.384)

Sheet 65. Korsun-Shevchenko offensive operation, January 24 - February 17, 1944 (P.369)

Sheet 134. Korsun-Shevchenko offensive operation, January 24 - February 17, 1944 (T.4, P.376)

Sheet 38. Donbass defensive operation, September 29 - November 4, 1941 (P.248a)

Sheet 39. Donbass defensive operation, July 7-24, 1942 (P.248b)

Sheet 40. Donbass offensive operation, August 13 - September 22, 1943 (P.248c)

Sheet 94. Donbass defensive operation, September 29 - November 4, 1941 (T.3, P.238)

Sheet 95. Donbass defensive operation, July 7-24, 1942 (T.3, P.240a)

Sheet 28. Donbass offensive operation (1943)

Sheet 39. East Carpathian operation (1944). Carpathian-Dukla operation.

Sheet 104. Western Carpathian offensive operation, January 12 - February 18, 1945 (Vol. 3, P. 394)

Sheet 66. East Carpathian offensive operation, September 8 - October 28, 1944 (T.2, P.375)

Sheet 32. Crimean operation(1944)

Sheet 139. Crimean offensive operation, April 8 - May 12, 1944 (T.4, P.493)

Sheet 31. Korsun-Shevchenko operation (1944)

Sheet 26. Battle of the Dnieper (August - December 1943)

Sheet 26. Battle of the Dnieper, August 25 - December 23, 1943 (Vol. 1, P. 481)

Sheet 205. The defeat of the Nazi troops in Right Bank Ukraine, December 24, 1943 - April 17, 1944 (Vol. 6, P. 490)

Sheet 92. Dneprovskaya air- landing operation and landing actions, September 23 - November 13, 1943. Airfield hubs of the initial landing area (T.3, P.207)

Issue 2000-6: Battles for Kharkov in May 1942

Sheet 1. Powers and plans warring parties before starting the operation. Operational situation on May 11, 1942 (P.8)

Sheet 2. Northern fighting strike force from May 12 to May 14, 1942 (P.24)

Sheet 3. Combat operations of the northern strike group from May 15 to 16, 1942 (P.30)

Sheet 4. Combat operations of the northern strike group on May 17, 1942 (P.31)

Sheet 5. Combat operations of the southern strike group from May 12 to 16, 1942 (P.32)

Sheet 6. Combat operations of the northern strike group from May 18 to 19, 1942 (P.64)

Sheet 7. Combat operations of the northern strike group from May 19 to 20, 1942 (P.75)

Sheet 8. Start German counter-offensive and combat operations of the northern strike group from May 17 to 19, 1942 (P.76)

Sheet 9. Combat operations of the northern strike group from May 20 to 21, 1942 (P.76)

Sheet 10. Combat operations of the northern strike group from May 22 to 24, 1942: encirclement Soviet troops(P.77)

Sheet 11. Combat operations of the northern strike group from May 25 to 28, 1942: liquidation of the encircled group (P.77)

Issue 2004-4: 1941: Fighting in Ukraine

Sheet 1. Combat operations on the Southwestern Front on June 22-23, 1941 (P.33)

Sheet 2. Combat operations on the Southwestern Front on June 24-25, 1941 (P.39)

Sheet 3. Combat operations on the Southwestern Front on June 26-27, 1941 (P.53)

Sheet 4. Combat operations on the Southwestern Front on June 28-29, 1941 (P.59)

Sheet 5. Combat operations on the Southwestern Front June 30 - July 1, 1941 (P.65)

Sheet 6. Location of units of Army Group South and the Kyiv Special Military District as of the evening of June 21, 1941 (Appendix 1)


Issue 2004-6: Battle of Kharkov, February-March 1943

Sheet 1. Combat operations in the Voronezh and Southwestern Fronts from February 1 to February 19, 1943 (P.42)

Sheet 2. Combat operations in the Voronezh and Southwestern fronts from February 19 to March 21, 1943 (P.43)

Issue 2002-1: The fight for Crimea, September 1941 - July 1942

Sheet 1. Battles for the fortifications of the Perekop Isthmus in September 1941 (P.9)

Sheet 2. Battles for the fortifications of the Perekop Isthmus in October 1941 (P.11)

Sheet 3. Fighting on the Crimean Peninsula, October-November 1941 (P.17)

Sheet 4. Fighting on the outskirts of Sevastopol, November 4-11, 1941 (P.18)

Sheet 5. The first assault on Sevastopol, October 30 - November 21, 1941 (P.23)

Sheet 6. Second assault on Sevastopol, December 17-31, 1941 (P.26)

Sheet 7. Kerch-Feodosia landing operation, December 26, 1941 - January 3, 1942 (P.33)

Sheet 8. The position of the parties before the May offensive German troops to the Kerch Peninsula, May 6, 1942 (P.60)

Sheet 9. Fighting on the Kerch Peninsula, May 8-9, 1942 (P.62)

Sheet 10. Fighting on the Kerch Peninsula, May 10-11, 1942 (P.63)

Sheet 11. The final stage of the capture of the Kerch Peninsula, May 12-20, 1942 (P.65)

Sheet 12. Third assault on Sevastopol, June 2 - July 4, 1942 (P.83)

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