Statements by psychologists about human relationships. Interesting quotes from psychologists

  • № 12479

    Don't imagine that your case is unusually difficult. Even those who eventually became the most eloquent representatives of their generation suffered from such unconscious fear and shyness at the beginning of their careers.

    Dale Carnegie
  • № 12419

    Everyone is firmly convinced of his own objectivity, and no one believes in someone else’s.

  • № 12323

    In psychosis, the world of fantasy plays the role of a storehouse, from which psychosis draws material or patterns for constructing a new reality.

    Sigmund Freud
  • № 12322

    In our dreams we always have one foot in childhood.

    Sigmund Freud
  • № 12320

    A dream is the guardian of sleep, not its violator.

    Sigmund Freud
  • № 12305

    If there is any secret to success here (in the art of relationships between people), then it lies in the ability to understand the point of view of another person and look at things from both his and your points of view.

    Henry Ford
  • № 12299

    A person has two motives for behavior - one real and the second, which sounds beautiful.

    Henry Ford
  • № 12081

    A psychologist is a person who looks at everyone else when beautiful girl enters the room.

  • № 10754

    Normal people- only those whom you know little.

    Alfred Adler
  • № 10736

    Separate the incident from the underlying problem. The problem is not behavior, but the inability to change the situation, having tears and mixed feelings.

    Gordon Neufeld
  • № 10733

    If a child experiencing irritation could not change the situation and could not cry tears of futility, could not go through the path from anger to grief, then the energy of frustration goes further, to the last mechanism of defense against aggression.

    Gordon Neufeld
  • № 10722

    Inviting an older child to depend on us means convincing the child that he can rely on us, count on us, can trust us with his problems and we will solve them, he expects our help. We seem to be telling the child that we are here for him and that it is okay if he needs us.

    Gordon Neufeld
  • № 10719

    The invitation to depend and the consent to depend is the choreography of two people who love and trust each other.

    Gordon Neufeld
  • № 10717

    The accusation that psychotherapy is missionary does not seem justified to me. It is strange to talk about the development of psychotherapy, while excluding expansion as a property of life. Psychotherapy in its current understanding arose as a proposal in response to a socio-cultural demand. But, having arisen, it - like any other area of ​​​​activity - cannot help but create demand. The logic within which the formation of demand for medicine is called education, and for psychotherapy - missionary, is the logic of biased subjectivity, a double standard.

    Victor Kagan
  • № 10716

    My task as a therapist is not to penetrate into the patient’s meanings and the reasons for their occurrence, but to create conditions in which the patient has the opportunity to live and experience these meanings himself more fully and differently, to change them so that, in some In cases, they ceased to generate or maintain symptoms, and in others they led to the optimization of coping strategies and the maintenance of quality of life with persistent symptoms.

    Victor Kagan
  • № 10715

    I have great doubts about the thesis about the need to subject psychotherapeutic techniques to “serious scientific analysis” - at least as long as this analysis is associated with a “scientific worldview”, on the basis of which psychotherapeutic techniques allegedly do not want to act, and for now it is not defined what should constitute a “serious scientific analysis”, which they supposedly do not want to be subjected to. Here it is appropriate to recall an anecdote: a private driver drives up to a person standing in a long line for a taxi: “Would you like a lift?” - “But you’re not a taxi” - “What do you need – checkers or driving?” Already become catchphrase: “I don’t know why it works, but it works” reflects the situation in psychotherapy much more accurately than the supposedly scientific “checkers”.

    Victor Kagan
  • № 10714

    Psychotherapy is often reproached for being represented by many closed sects with their own beliefs, their own “bird language”. Indeed, each of its directions shapes own theories, from which methods supposedly follow, although upon impartial examination it turns out that these theories themselves are mythologies built on individual perception and empirical findings.

    Victor Kagan
  • № 10713

    In relation to psychotherapy, we can say that a person today lives in a culture of change, not canons. This culture itself is devoid of previous psychoregulatory traditions that helped to cope with changes. And if scientific and industrial revolution XIX c., changing lifestyles, naturally relied on “scientific psychotherapy” with its laboratory and medicalization, today the emphasis is increasingly shifting from sciences to humanities.

    Victor Kagan
  • № 10712

    Psychotherapy is, first of all, a hypostasis of culture. I especially want to emphasize the non-replication of psychotherapy: just as in the theater each performance of the same play is unique - the same but not the same, in psychotherapy each session is unique even when using the same method or technique. Dialogue – and psychotherapy is a dialogue, not an influence – cannot be replicated.

    Victor Kagan
  • № 10711

    Term psychotherapy stands for various principles(secular, that is, secular) ethics and their application in practice. Thus, each method and each school of psychotherapy is a system applied ethics, expressed in the idiom of treatment. Each of these methods and each of the schools bears the imprint of the personalities of their founders and adherents, their aspirations and values

Quotes from psychologists about human existence are quite entertaining. At all times, man has strived to find the meaning of life. Many people dedicated for many years in order to understand true goal of his stay on earth. To solve this difficult task, numerous asceticisms were carried out and various tests were arranged.

This is because man by nature is a researcher; he tends to seek the truth in everything. Quotes from psychologists about meaning and essence human existence makes you think about a lot. For those people who want to live their best years meaningfully, they may be useful.

“The incomparable benefit is to spend your life on something that will remain for centuries” (W. James)

It is very important to give the right direction to your existence. You can’t just waste your days, seeking momentary pleasure. With this approach, it is impossible to achieve anything significant. Feel greatest value Our life is possible only when we make significant efforts to do something useful. Self-realization involves, first of all, taking responsibility. A person must think carefully about how to spend his best years, and only then can he achieve success. When we devote ourselves every day to our favorite activity, it seems meaningless and useless. Appeal to eternal values ​​radically changes the attitude towards reality.

“Changes in consciousness can change an entire life” (D. Carnegie)

The existence of every person is determined by his aspirations. Quotes from psychologists confirm the idea that we get exactly the result we strive for. Events and circumstances often develop as expected. It’s just that a person gets used to directing energy in a certain direction every day and therefore gets approximately the same result every time. Anyone who constantly complains about life, as a rule, does not develop, but stands still. The problem is that most people do not believe in themselves and do not see the opportunities that are near them. They get used to living, submitting to the monotonous stream of gray everyday life, and don’t even try to change anything.

Making meaningful changes in your thinking can really help you get rid of the overwhelming feeling of hopelessness. When habitual stereotypes are destroyed, a new understanding of the essence of life will come. Quotes from great psychologists in many cases are aimed at revealing this truth.

“Love cannot be measured by suffering, because a healthy feeling is happiness” (M. Labkovsky)

Many people confuse the state of falling in love with their own fears and concerns about unfulfilled desires. Most accept suffering to a specific person for love. However, this understanding has nothing to do with reality. Quotes from psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky are aimed at considering the essence of love as a state. If we suffer, it means we are moving away from our true self, we cannot express own feelings. You cannot dissolve in your partner precisely because in this case there is a high risk of losing yourself. People who truly feel happy in their relationships note that they do not accept false self-sacrifice.

Understanding love as inevitable suffering takes away from us in advance internal resources, makes you doubt your own capabilities. In this case internal forces individuals find themselves buried under a multitude of uncontrollable experiences. Over time, the ability to actively influence own life. It seems that events happen by themselves, without any of our participation.

“If one person replaces the whole world for another, this means that one’s own personality is lost” (M. Labkovsky)

How often do people live only by the interests and needs of their partner, forgetting about their own! Quotes from psychologist Labkovsky reflect the problem of an individual accepting responsibility to himself. Few people put in the effort to realize their individual dreams. After all, constant self-sacrifice reduces the chances of effective self-realization. Integrity is a state that is achieved through tireless work on oneself.

Thus, quotes from psychologists about personality predetermination are of the greatest value. They reveal the essence of life itself because they help you focus on what matters most.

Don't imagine that your case is unusually difficult. Even those who eventually became the most eloquent representatives of their generation suffered from such unconscious fear and shyness at the beginning of their careers.
Dale Carnegie

If a child experiencing irritation could not change the situation and could not cry tears of futility, could not go through the path from anger to grief, then the energy of frustration goes further, to the last mechanism of defense against aggression.
Gordon Neufeld

The question of the mission of psychotherapy is, first of all, a question of its comprehension of itself and its purpose.
Victor Kagan

The greatest friend and the most big enemy a person is his imagination.
Arturo Graf

Here we collect not only aphorisms from little-known psychologists, but also quotes from great psychologists.

A person “by nature” is not inclined to earn money, more and more more money, he just wants to live, live the way he is used to, and earn as much as is necessary for such a life.
Maximilian Carl Julius Weber (Max Weber)

A person has a strong temperament, capable not only of feeling strongly, but also of maintaining balance under the most severe trials and capable, despite the storm in the chest, of obeying the subtlest instructions of the mind, like a compass needle on a ship agitated by a storm.
Carl von Clausewitz

Remember that unfair criticism is often a compliment in disguise. Remember that no one ever hits a dead dog.
Dale Carnegie

After a period of happiness, joyful excitement and a sense of fullness of life, the perception of what has been achieved will inevitably come for granted and anxiety, dissatisfaction and a desire for more will arise!
Abraham Maslow

It is very easy to destroy or suppress a person’s potential so much that a full-fledged personality seems to us like something like a miracle, such an improbable case that it leaves us in awe. But at the same time, it is encouraging that self-actualizing people nevertheless exist, and therefore, you can cope with all the challenges and emerge victorious.
Abraham Maslow

Life is a process of constant choice. At every moment a person has a choice: either retreat or advance towards the goal. Either a movement towards even greater fear, fears, protection, or a choice of goal and growth of spiritual forces. Choosing development over fear ten times a day means moving toward self-realization ten times.
Abraham Maslow

Anyone who has only a hammer as a tool tends to look at any problem as if it were a nail.
Abraham Maslow

Trying to escape from anxiety is doomed to failure. Moreover, those who want to get rid of anxiety lose the invaluable opportunity to realize themselves and are not able to learn to be human.
Rollo May

Since the pigs learned about Freud, they explain all piggishness as a complex.
Don Aminado

Everything that irritates others can lead to understanding oneself.
Carl Gustav Jung

...a neurotic can be characterized as a person who has not given up in the struggle for his own personality.
Eric Fromm

Man is the only animal for whom his own existence is a problem: he must solve it and cannot escape it anywhere. He cannot return to the pre-human state of harmony with nature and must develop his mind until he becomes master of nature and himself.
Eric Fromm

In what cases should you contact a psychologist, and in what cases should you contact a psychiatrist?

This was a collection containing quotes from psychologists.

I decided to publish a selection of aphorisms of great psychologists. Read these laconic wise phrases sheer pleasure.

I think other people’s thoughts very easily become your own if you perceive and process them. Conclusion: read the greats and your thinking will be elevated!

Loneliness is conditioned not by the absence of people around, but by the inability to talk with people about what seems important to you, or the unacceptability of your views for others.

Carl Gustav Jung

The problem of “being unloved” quite often turns into a problem of one’s own dislike.

Irvin Yalom

If I love another person, I feel oneness with him, but with him as he is, and not as I would like him to be, as a means to my ends.

Erich Fromm

Psychotherapists are people who have learned better than others to get along with their madness.

Carl Whitaker

Where there is Intimacy, there are no Games.

Eric Bern

People sometimes say about a person, “He hasn’t found himself yet.” But they don’t find themselves, they create them.

Thomas Szasz

Numerous problems arise when we try to meet others' expectations instead of defining our own.

Carl Rogers

By trying to be ourselves, we alienate many people, and by trying to give in to the desires of others, we alienate ourselves.

Clarissa Estes

Most of what is real within us is not realized, and most of what is realized is unreal.

Sigmund Freud

The world is simply ideal, so there is no need to improve it, all your efforts are in vain. Leave the world alone, after all, and take care of yourself in your spare time!

Nikolai Linde

Wish someone lucky to meet you and you will be lucky to meet someone.

Eric Bern

All our actions are based on two motives: the desire to become great and sexual attraction.

Sigmund Freud

Every normal person in fact, only partly normal.

Sigmund Freud

Illusions attract us because they relieve pain and bring pleasure as a substitute. For this we must accept without complaint when, coming into conflict with a part of reality, illusions are shattered.

Sigmund Freud

Anyone who has only a hammer as a tool tends to look at any problem as if it were a nail.

Abraham Maslow

I very seriously object to the desire for perfection that some doctors and psychologists adhere to when working with people. I have never met a perfect human being and I do not expect to ever meet one. Perhaps it is precisely the imperfection that you are trying to take away from a person that gives him the charm that makes it possible to distinguish this individual and remember him.

Milton Erickson

No influence on a person can be more intrusive and predetermining than that which he is not aware of.

Otto Kernberg

These terrible crows - depression, despair and a feeling of uselessness - will always be somewhere nearby, right outside our window. No matter how consciously we want to get rid of them, they will come to us

come back again and again, and their hoarse croaks will interrupt our sleepy denial. Let's think of them as a constant reminder of the task before us. Even hearing their croaking, the noise of their wings, we still retain freedom of choice.

James Hollis

A person who feels loneliness experiences a unique experience of wandering and at the same time realizes his own inner essence with which he can enter into dialogue. Thanks to such dialogue, the individuation process begins.

James Hollis

We enter the world alone and we leave it alone.

Sigmund Freud

The task of making a person happy was not part of the plan for the creation of the world.

Sigmund Freud

In a certain sense, what we call happiness happens as a result of (preferably unforeseen) satisfaction long time pent up needs.

Sigmund Freud

To be truly intimate with another, we must truly listen to the other: let go of the stereotypes and expectations associated with the other, and allow ourselves to be shaped by the other's response.

Irvin Yalom

Relationships are unsuccessful when a person is partly with someone else, and partly with someone else fictitious.

Irvin Yalom

We are completely responsible for our lives, not only for our actions, but also for our inability to act.

Irvin Yalom

Love is, rather, a form of existence: not so much attraction as dedication, an attitude not so much towards one person, but towards the world as a whole.

Irvin Yalom

We are all lonely ships on a dark sea. We see the lights of other ships - we cannot reach them, but their presence and similar position to ours give us comfort.

Irvin Yalom

Life must be lived now; it cannot be put off endlessly.

Irvin Yalom

Life means nothing, not yet thinking man who could interpret her phenomena.

Carl Gustav Jung

Meeting yourself is one of the most unpleasant.

Carl Gustav Jung

The meeting of two personalities is similar to the contact of two chemicals: If there is even the slightest reaction, both elements change.

Carl Gustav Jung

Everything that irritates others can lead to understanding oneself.

Carl Gustav Jung

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own soul.

Carl Gustav Jung

We often face despair that comes from the inability to make a choice or unwillingness to be ourselves; but the deepest despair comes when a person chooses “to not be himself, to be different.”

Carl Rogers

A person can go beyond his own limits only by relying on his own true nature, and not on ambitions and artificial goals.

Frederick Perls

Awareness of the present without running into the past or future leads to psychological growth. Experience the present in any at the moment is the only possible real experience, the condition for satisfaction and fullness of life, and consists in accepting with with an open heart this experience of the present.

Frederick Perls

There is no worse lie than a misunderstood truth.

William James

When you need to make a choice, but you don’t make it, that’s also a choice.

William James

The art of being wise is knowing what to ignore.

William James

The greatest discovery of my generation is that a person can change his life by changing his attitude towards it.

William James

There is a definition that says that meanings and values ​​are nothing more than reactive formations and defense mechanisms. As for me, I would not want to live for my reactive formations, much less die for my defense mechanisms.

Victor Fraknl

Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you catch it, the more it escapes. But if you turn your attention to other things, It will come and sit quietly on your shoulder.

Victor Frankl

The desire to find the meaning of life is the main motivating force in a person... I am not afraid to say that in the world there is no more effective help for survival even in the most terrible conditions than the knowledge that your life has meaning.

Victor Frankl

Suffering's purpose is to protect a person from apathy, from spiritual rigor.

Victor Frankl

Let those of you who are deprived neurotic manifestations, will be the first to throw a stone at me, be he a theologian or a psychiatrist.

Victor Frankl

Not the least of the lessons I learned from Auschwitz and Dachau was that best chance survive even in such extreme situation had, I would say, those who were directed to the future, to the work that awaited them, to the meaning that they wanted to realize.

Victor Frankl

How seductive is popular talk about self-realization and self-realization of a person! As if a person is intended only to satisfy his own needs or himself.

Victor Frankl

What matters is not our fears or our anxiety, but how we relate to them.

Victor Frankl

Life either has meaning, in which case meaning cannot disappear from anything that can happen. Either it does not make sense - but then this also does not depend on the events taking place.

Victor Frankl

Man has become a commodity and views his life as capital to be invested profitably. If he succeeds in this, then his life has meaning, and if not, he is a failure. Its value is determined by demand, not its human dignity: kindness, intelligence, artistic abilities.

Erich Fromm

The unfortunate fate of many people is a consequence of the choice they did not make. They are neither alive nor dead. Life turns out to be a burden, a pointless pursuit, and deeds are only a means of protection from the torments of existence in the kingdom of shadows.

Erich Fromm

Man’s task is to expand the space of his destiny, to strengthen what promotes life, as opposed to what leads to death. When I talk about life and death, I don't mean biological state, but the ways of human existence, his interaction with the world.

Erich Fromm

Home life task man - to give life to himself, to become what he potentially is. The most important fruit of his efforts is his self.

Erich Fromm

The main danger in life is being overly cautious.

Alfred Adler

I think other people’s thoughts very easily become your own if you perceive and process them. Conclusion: read the greats and your thinking will be elevated!

Loneliness is conditioned not by the absence of people around, but by the inability to talk with people about what seems important to you, or the unacceptability of your views for others.

Carl Gustav Jung

The problem of “being unloved” quite often turns into a problem of one’s own dislike.

Irvin Yalom

If I love another person, I feel oneness with him, but with him as he is, and not as I would like him to be, as a means to my ends.

Erich Fromm

Psychotherapists are people who have learned better than others to get along with their madness.

Carl Whitaker

Where there is Intimacy, there are no Games.

Eric Bern

People sometimes say about a person, “He hasn’t found himself yet.” But they don’t find themselves, they create them.

Thomas Szasz

Numerous problems arise when we try to meet others' expectations instead of defining our own.

Carl Rogers

By trying to be ourselves, we alienate many people, and by trying to give in to the desires of others, we alienate ourselves.

Clarissa Estes

Most of what is real within us is not realized, and most of what is realized is unreal.

Sigmund Freud

The world is simply ideal, so there is no need to improve it, all your efforts are in vain. Leave the world alone, after all, and take care of yourself in your spare time!

Nikolai Linde

Wish someone lucky to meet you and you will be lucky to meet someone.

Eric Bern

All our actions are based on two motives: the desire to become great and sexual attraction.

Sigmund Freud

Every normal person is actually only partly normal.

Sigmund Freud

Illusions attract us because they relieve pain and bring pleasure as a substitute. For this we must accept without complaint when, coming into conflict with a part of reality, illusions are shattered.

Sigmund Freud

Anyone who has only a hammer as a tool tends to look at any problem as if it were a nail.

Abraham Maslow

I very seriously object to the desire for perfection that some doctors and psychologists adhere to when working with people. I have never met a perfect human being and I do not expect to ever meet one. Perhaps it is precisely the imperfection that you are trying to take away from a person that gives him the charm that makes it possible to distinguish this individual and remember him.

Milton Erickson

No influence on a person can be more intrusive and predetermining than that which he is not aware of.

Otto Kernberg

These terrible crows - depression, despair and a feeling of uselessness - will always be somewhere nearby, right outside our window. No matter how consciously we want to get rid of them, they will come to us

come back again and again, and their hoarse croaks will interrupt our sleepy denial. Let's think of them as a constant reminder of the task before us. Even hearing their croaking, the noise of their wings, we still retain freedom of choice.

James Hollis

A person who feels loneliness experiences a unique experience of wandering and at the same time realizes his own inner essence with which he can enter into dialogue. Thanks to such dialogue, the individuation process begins.

James Hollis

We enter the world alone and we leave it alone.

Sigmund Freud

The task of making a person happy was not part of the plan for the creation of the world.

Sigmund Freud

In a certain sense, what we call happiness happens as a result of the (preferably unexpected) satisfaction of long-held needs.

Sigmund Freud

To be truly intimate with another, we must truly listen to the other: let go of the stereotypes and expectations associated with the other, and allow ourselves to be shaped by the other's response.

Irvin Yalom

Relationships are unsuccessful when a person is partly with someone else, and partly with someone else fictitious.

Irvin Yalom

We are completely responsible for our lives, not only for our actions, but also for our inability to act.

Irvin Yalom

Love is, rather, a form of existence: not so much attraction as dedication, an attitude not so much towards one person, but towards the world as a whole.

Irvin Yalom

We are all lonely ships on a dark sea. We see the lights of other ships - we cannot reach them, but their presence and similar position to ours give us comfort.

Irvin Yalom

Life must be lived now; it cannot be put off endlessly.

Irvin Yalom

Life means nothing until there is a thinking person who could interpret its phenomena.

Carl Gustav Jung

Meeting yourself is one of the most unpleasant.

Carl Gustav Jung

The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is even the slightest reaction, both elements change.

Carl Gustav Jung

Everything that irritates others can lead to understanding oneself.

Carl Gustav Jung

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own soul.

Carl Gustav Jung

We often face despair that comes from the inability to make a choice or unwillingness to be ourselves; but the deepest despair comes when a person chooses “to not be himself, to be different.”

Carl Rogers

A person can go beyond his own limits only by relying on his own true nature, and not on ambitions and artificial goals.

Frederick Perls

Awareness of the present without running into the past or future leads to psychological growth. The experience of the present at any given moment is the only possible real experience, the condition for satisfaction and fullness of life, and consists in accepting this experience of the present with an open heart.

Frederick Perls

There is no worse lie than a misunderstood truth.

William James

When you need to make a choice, but you don’t make it, that’s also a choice.

William James

The art of being wise is knowing what to ignore.

William James

The greatest discovery of my generation is that a person can change his life by changing his attitude towards it.

William James

There is a definition that says that meanings and values ​​are nothing more than reactive formations and defense mechanisms. As for me, I would not want to live for my reactive formations, much less die for my defense mechanisms.

Victor Fraknl

Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you catch it, the more it escapes. But if you turn your attention to other things, It will come and sit quietly on your shoulder.

Victor Frankl

The desire to find the meaning of life is the main motivating force in a person... I am not afraid to say that in the world there is no more effective help for survival even in the most terrible conditions than the knowledge that your life has meaning.

Victor Frankl

Suffering's purpose is to protect a person from apathy, from spiritual rigor.

Victor Frankl

Let the one of you who is devoid of neurotic manifestations be the first to throw a stone at me, be he a theologian or a psychiatrist.

Victor Frankl

Not the least of the lessons that I was able to learn from Auschwitz and Dachau was that the greatest chances of surviving even in such an extreme situation were, I would say, those who were directed towards the future, towards the cause that awaited them, towards the meaning which they wanted to implement.

Victor Frankl

How seductive is popular talk about self-realization and self-realization of a person! As if a person is intended only to satisfy his own needs or himself.

Victor Frankl

What matters is not our fears or our anxiety, but how we relate to them.

Victor Frankl

Life either has meaning, in which case meaning cannot disappear from anything that can happen. Either it does not make sense - but then this also does not depend on the events taking place.

Victor Frankl

Man has become a commodity and views his life as capital to be invested profitably. If he succeeds in this, then his life has meaning, and if not, he is a failure. His value is determined by demand, and not by his human merits: kindness, intelligence, artistic abilities.

Erich Fromm

The unfortunate fate of many people is a consequence of the choice they did not make. They are neither alive nor dead. Life turns out to be a burden, a pointless pursuit, and deeds are only a means of protection from the torments of existence in the kingdom of shadows.

Erich Fromm

Man’s task is to expand the space of his destiny, to strengthen what promotes life, as opposed to what leads to death. When talking about life and death, I do not mean a biological state, but the ways of being a person, his interaction with the world.

Erich Fromm

The main life task of a person is to give life to himself, to become what he potentially is. The most important fruit of his efforts is his own personality.

Erich Fromm

The main danger in life is being overly cautious.

Alfred Adler

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