The following methods are used in this work. Coursework research methods

Research methods- these are ways to achieve the goal of research work. Sometimes students use the wording research methods or project, but it is more correct to use the first type of record.

The rationale for research methods is described in the Introduction to Student Research section. Often this section contains a simple listing of research methods.

In justifying the research methods, it is necessary to indicate the research methods that were used in research work and it is advisable to explain your choice of research methods, i.e. indicate why these methods are better suited to achieve the goal.

At each stage of the work, the researcher determines the research methods to be used that are best suited to accomplish the tasks set in the research work and achieve the desired goal in the project.

A huge number of research methods applicable in a research work (project) can be combined into methods empirical level, experimental- theoretical level and just at a theoretical level. Let's consider possible methods research in research project schoolboy.

Types of research methods

Empirical level methods:
  • observation;
  • interview;
  • survey;
  • survey;
  • interview;
  • testing;
  • photographing;
  • check;
  • measurement;
  • comparison.

Using these research methods, specific phenomena or processes are studied, on the basis of which hypotheses are formed, analysis is made, and conclusions are formulated.

Methods of experimental-theoretical level:

  • experiment;
  • laboratory experience;
  • analysis;
  • modeling;
  • historical;
  • logical;
  • synthesis;
  • induction;
  • deduction;
  • hypothetical.

These research methods help not only to collect facts, but also to test them, systematize them, identify non-random dependencies and determine causes and consequences.

Theoretical level methods:

  • study and synthesis;
  • abstraction;
  • idealization;
  • formalization;
  • analysis and synthesis;
  • induction and deduction;
  • axiomatics.

These research methods make it possible to produce logical research collected facts, develop concepts and judgments, make conclusions and theoretical generalizations.

Basic research methods

1. Studying literature and other sources of information

This research method is the collection of information on the research topic (project) from books, magazines, newspapers, disks and the Internet. Before you begin collecting information, you need to identify the basic concepts that are important for the study and find their definitions.

Please be aware that information may be varying degrees reliability, especially on the Internet. In the text of your research paper, provide links to sources of information.

2. Observation

This research method is a targeted perception of a phenomenon, during which the researcher obtains information. Before you start observing, you need to make a plan.

Answer the questions: when, where, for how long and what exactly you will observe. Write down the results of your observations. Records can be made in text or table form.

3. Survey

conversation, interview, questionnaire.
The conversation is conducted according to a pre-planned plan, highlighting issues that require clarification. It is carried out in free form without recording the interlocutor's answers.
When conducting interviews, the researcher adheres to pre-planned questions asked in a certain sequence. During the interview, responses are recorded.

4. Questionnaire

This research method is a mass collection of material using a questionnaire. Those to whom the questionnaires are addressed provide answers to the questions in writing. Questionnaires can be on paper or online. When preparing for a survey, clearly define the questions you want answered and determine who you will ask them to. Survey results can be presented in text or in the form of charts showing what percentage of respondents chose one answer option or another.

5. Experiment

This research method consists of conducting a series of experiments. Experience involves creating certain conditions, observing what happens, and recording the results. Both the conditions, the course of the experiment, and the results obtained must be described in detail in the research work (project). The results can be presented in the form of text, graphs, diagrams. It must be remembered that educational experiments on animals and people are strictly prohibited!

6. Text Analysis

This method Research is the process of obtaining information through the interpretation of text. In the text you can find words with one meaning or another, words different parts speeches, repetitions, rhymes, means artistic expression, errors, discrepancy between the content of the text and the illustrations, etc. All this affects our perception and understanding of the text. You can match the text to foreign language and its translation. It is interesting that today scientists consider text not only verbally expressed information, but also graphic images, and even music.

Examples of recording research methods

Research methods: observation, interviews, statistical analysis, study of the media, literature.

Research methods:
1. theoretical: theoretical analysis literary sources, newspapers;
2. empirical: interviews, sociological surveys.

Research methods: theoretical analysis and synthesis scientific literature, periodicals about the history of the city from the archives and funds of museums, libraries, excursions in the vicinity where historical events took place.

Research methods:
1. bibliographic analysis of literature and materials on the Internet;
2. taking temperature measurements;
3. system analysis;
4. isolation and synthesis of the main components.

Research methods:
- study and analysis of literature;
- survey of schoolchildren;
- taking measurements of the weight of the backpack;
- analysis of the received data.

Research methods:
1) First, we will draw up questions and conduct a survey. Then, knowing the energy value food products, let's calculate the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates consumed by each student.
2) We will process the results of the survey we conducted using computer program. Based on the data obtained, it will be possible to observe the dynamics of changes in the risk share of liver and gastrointestinal diseases.

Coursework research methods are the methods, certain techniques or means by which the assigned tasks were solved and, as a result, the stated goals were achieved. Despite all the diversity and the presence of highly specialized techniques, scientific research methods are divided into two: large groups: theoretical and practical, or empirical.

What are the research methods in coursework?


Serve to comprehend and process empirical materials using logical operations and inferences.

Analysis Material or speculative division of an object, process, subject, phenomenon into its component parts in order to study their features and properties. Historical analysis is used to understand complex evolving systems.
Synthesis A procedure reverse to analysis and organically related to it. Consists of combining data obtained during previous consideration individual elements, into a single whole.
Classification Distribution of information based on comparison. Simple but effective way structuring is suitable for absolutely everyone.
Abstraction Abstraction from secondary features to specify the properties of interest in the subject being studied. It is often used in the humanities: in philosophy, philology, pedagogy, literary criticism, psychology and other sciences - to identify key patterns hidden under a layer of unimportant details.

Reasoned assignment of attributes of one object to another based on the similarity of their characteristics. Exists in two forms:

  • associative - can unite phenomena and objects that are very distant in nature;
  • logical - probabilistic conclusions about the similarity of the units under consideration are made based on the phenomena observed during their parallel study.
Without analogy, ideal and material modeling is impossible.
Induction Drawing conclusions based on generalization of individual facts.
Deduction Transition from general to specific.
Generalization Revealing general properties and signs of the phenomena under study, according to which they are combined into groups, classes, etc.
Idealization A subtype of abstraction in which concepts are mentally created about objects that do not exist in reality, but have real prototypes. Often used as a research method in coursework in the natural and social sciences.
Formalization Revealing the essence of processes through mathematical models, formulas. Cornerstone algorithmization, programming. Widely used in linguistics, exact disciplines, logic.
Axiomatic construction Statements follow from postulates accepted as the starting point of reasoning that do not require proof.
Ascent from the abstract to the concrete Theoretical disclosure of the essence of the object under study through the movement from the initial definitions of its important aspects to the compilation of a holistic picture of their interaction.
Forecasting A complex technique that is often used when writing dissertations. Represents a chain of logical and mathematical operations, undertaken with the aim of obtaining specific results for the formation of various forecasts - from anticipating demographic crises in sociology to planning the profits of enterprises in economics.


They assume the acquisition of knowledge through experimental and applied methods.

Comparison Establishes similarities and differences, defines general and specific, identifies changes, trends and patterns. The first level of any analytical research.

It is considered the simplest method, an element of other practical techniques. This is the basis for further practical or theoretical actions. It relies on the perception of objective activity by the senses and leads to results that do not depend on the will of the observer. May be:

  • direct (visual) - information is collected without the use of special equipment;
indirect - data is obtained manually using instruments and automatically using recording equipment.
Measurement Defines what is expressed in conventional units numerical value the value being studied in comparison with the standard.
Description Based on the results of observation (qualitative) and measurement (quantitative) and can be qualified as their final phase. Information collected expressed in language scientific concepts, diagrams, graphs, digital data, which are then presented in the course work.
Experiment Essentially special case observations. Provides for the experimental study of objects and phenomena in a natural or intentionally created environment. It can be carried out directly with the object under study or with its model and provides the opportunity to track their properties in extreme conditions. A mandatory property of reliable experience is repeatability.
Material Modeling

A type of experiment. It is based on working with artificially created imitations of real objects, operating with which in reality is associated with significant difficulties or is completely impossible. Material models can be similar to the original:

  • geometrically (models, models);
  • graphically (drawings, diagrams);
  • mathematically;
  • physically.
Modeling is also the reproduction of a fragment of reality (situation, process, etc.).




Widely used in coursework in social and humanitarian disciplines. Consists of collecting oral or written information from interlocutors or respondents.

The division of course research methods into empirical and theoretical is quite arbitrary, since many techniques are universal scientific methods work with objects under study, for example, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, abstraction, analogy, generalization, modeling.

How to present research methods in coursework

Choice a certain method depends on the topic of the project, its . Techniques must correspond to the content of the research stages and contribute to obtaining the most accurate results at each of them.

Research methods are indicated in. There is no need to decipher each one and register its classification; a simple listing is sufficient. There is no need to write unnecessary ones: the teacher may ask where exactly and why they were used, but research specific to the field must be identified.

Sample design

Example No. 1. History.

Research methods: analysis and synthesis specialized literature, publications in periodicals dedicated to events in the history of the city; studying archival materials and closed funds of the Museum of Military Glory, interviewing veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Example No. 2. Law.

The methodological basis of the course work includes: system analysis, comparison, typology, theoretical and legal forecasting.

Example No. 3. Psychology.

Research methods: observation, survey, testing, questionnaires, projective method(according to L. Frank), quantification. Psychodiagnostic professional techniques diagnostics emotional burnout personality according to V.V. Boyko, “Mississippi PTSD Scale.”

In this work we used following methods scientific research:

Theoretical analysis of specialized literature on the research problem;

Pedagogical observations;

Questioning using a developed questionnaire
“What are the requirements for those involved in workout training”;

Methods of mathematical statistics for processing the obtained survey results.

Theoretical analysis of specialized literature as a method of scientific research, it is the selection and study of literary and official documentary sources related to the research topic. Theoretical analysis of specialized literature has own goals and tasks, the solution of which allows us to answer the questions posed to the maximum extent. The purpose of analytical processing of information is to consolidate theoretical knowledge, develop practical skills and formulate basic documents regulating its activities.

Pedagogical observation represents a systematic analysis and assessment individual method organizing the educational process without the intervention of a researcher during this process. It differs from everyday observation, firstly, in the systematicity and specificity of the object of observation, and secondly, in the presence of specific methods for recording observed phenomena and facts (special protocols, symbols when making notes, etc.) and, thirdly, subsequent verification of the observation results.

The greatest effectiveness of pedagogical observation is achieved when used in combination with other research methods.

Questionnaire- this is one of the methods of written survey, which serves to obtain information about the typicality of certain phenomena. The effectiveness of the survey is influenced by: selection of questions that most accurately characterize the phenomenon being studied and provide valid (truthful) information; production of both direct and indirect questions; exclusion of hints in the wording of questions; prevention of dual understanding of the meaning of questions; preliminary testing of the degree of understanding of the questionnaire questions on a small number of respondents and making appropriate adjustments to the content of the questionnaire. The respondents can be students, their parents, teachers, educators, etc.

Mathematical statistics allows you to decide various tasks processing factual material, obtaining new and additional data, justifying scientific organization research, etc. Nowadays, computers play a big role in mathematical statistics. They are used both for calculations and for simulation modeling. The algorithm for performing the work consists of the following stages. The first stage of calculations is to find the average arithmetic quantities studied indicators that make it possible to obtain a generalized characteristic of phenomena based on any quantitative characteristic.

To solve the problems and test the hypothesis, the following were used: research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem, observation of the educational process, pedagogical experiment, method of analysis pedagogical experiment, statistical methods data processing.

Experimental research base: Municipal educational institution secondary school in the village of Ilyinovo, Yalutorovsky district Tyumen region. 4th grade students participated in the experiment.

The study was carried out in three stages.

The first stage is staged (01.02.10 – 01.03.10) – selection and understanding of the topic. Study of psychological and pedagogical literature, problem statement, formulation of the goal, subject, object, research objectives, formulation of a hypothesis.

The second stage is the actual research stage (03/02/10 – 04/02/10) – development of a set of measures and their systematic implementation, processing of the results obtained, testing of the hypothesis.

The third stage – interpretation and design (04/03/10 – 05/03/10) – carrying out control experiment, processing and systematization of material.

Scientific novelty of the research: The research is that the conceptual and terminological apparatus describing the process of development of cognitive interests of younger children has been clarified school age through use gaming technologies.

Practical significance is that the conclusions and results of the course work can be used in the educational process of general education institutions.

Structure and scope of work: the work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, bibliography, including 42 titles, applications (4). The work includes tables (4).

The total volume of work is 54 pages of computer text.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations research on gaming technologies as a means of developing the cognitive interests of younger schoolchildren

1.1 The concept of “cognitive interest” in psychological and pedagogical literature

Interest, as a complex and very significant formation for a person, has many interpretations in its psychological definitions, it is treated as:

Selective focus of human attention (N.F. Dobrynin, T. Ribot);

The manifestation of his mental and emotional activity(S.L. Rubinstein);

Activator of various feelings (D. Freyer);

Active emotional-cognitive attitude of a person to the world (N.G. Morozova);

A specific attitude of a person to an object, caused by consciousness of it vital significance and emotional appeal (A.G. Kovalev).

The most important area of ​​the general phenomenon of interest is cognitive interest. Its subject is the most significant property of man: to cognize the world around us not only for the purpose of biological and social orientation in reality, but in the most essential relationship of a person to the world - in the desire to penetrate into its diversity, to reflect in consciousness the essential aspects, cause-and-effect relationships, patterns, inconsistency.

At the same time, cognitive interest, being included in cognitive activity, is closely associated with the formation of diverse personal relationships: selective attitude towards one or another field of science, cognitive activity, participation in them, communication with participants in knowledge. It is on this basis - knowledge objective world and the attitude towards it, scientific truths - a worldview, worldview, and attitude are formed, the active, biased nature of which is facilitated by cognitive interest.

Moreover, cognitive interest, activating all mental processes of a person, on high level of its development encourages the individual to constantly search for the transformation of reality through activity (changing, complicating its goals, highlighting subject environment relevant and significant aspects for their implementation, finding other necessary ways, bringing creativity into them).

Feature cognitive interest is its ability to enrich and activate the process not only of cognitive, but also of any human activity, since the cognitive principle is present in each of them. In work, a person, using objects, materials, tools, methods, needs to know their properties, to study scientific foundations modern production, in understanding rationalization processes, in knowledge of the technology of a particular production. Any kind human activity contains a cognitive beginning, search creative processes, contributing to the transformation of reality. A person inspired by cognitive interest performs any activity with greater passion and more effectively.

Cognitive interest - essential education personality, which develops in the process of human life, is formed in social conditions its existence and is in no way immanent inherent in man from birth.

The importance of cognitive interest in the life of specific individuals cannot be overestimated. Interest acts as the most energetic activator, stimulator of activity, real subject, educational, creative actions and life activity in general.

Cognitive interest is of particular importance in the preschool years, when knowledge becomes fundamental basis life.

Cognitive interest is the integral education of the individual. As a general phenomenon of interest, it has extremely complex structure, which consists of both individual mental processes (intellectual, emotional, regulatory) and objective and subjective connections of a person with the world, expressed in relationships.

In the unity of the objective and subjective in interest, the dialectics of the formation, development and deepening of interest is manifested. Interest is formed and developed in activity, and it is influenced not by individual components of activity, but by its entire objective-subjective essence (character, process, result). Interest is an “alloy” of many mental processes, forming a special tone of activity, special conditions personality (joy from the learning process, the desire to delve deeper into knowledge of the subject of interest, into cognitive activity, experiencing failures and strong-willed aspirations to overcome them).

Cognitive interest is expressed in its development various conditions. Conventionally, successive stages of its development are distinguished: curiosity, inquisitiveness, cognitive interest, theoretical interest. And although these stages are distinguished purely conventionally, their most characteristic features are generally recognized.

Curiosity is an elementary stage of a selective attitude, which is caused by purely external, often unexpected circumstances that attract a person’s attention. For a person, this elementary orientation, associated with the novelty of the situation, may not have much significance. At the stage of curiosity, the child is content with only orientation related to the interest of this or that object, this or that situation. This stage does not yet reveal a genuine desire for knowledge. And, nevertheless, entertainment as a factor in identifying cognitive interest can serve as its initial impetus.

The author of the work must use methods during the research. However, practice shows that when determining them, most students face two problems. First: “I don’t understand what method should be used in this course work.” Second: “If I use methods, I cannot determine which ones.” Such difficulties arise due to poor awareness of students. After studying this material, it will be easy for you to determine which research methods need to be used in a particular course work.

Methods of scientific research are a certain set of tools that guide the student for a full disclosure. Their correct choice is the key to achieving the goals of scientific work.

What groups are research methods for course work divided into?

There are three groups in science: special, general scientific and universal.

  1. Special methods cannot be used to solve general scientific issues - they are applicable only in specific branches of knowledge. For example, if we are writing a paper on chemistry, then in the introduction it is advisable to mention methods of qualitative and spectral analysis. In course work in biology, the bioindication method will most likely be used, and in physics, the method of physical modeling will be used.
  2. Universal methods. They are rarely used in the process of writing term papers, since they have more of a philosophical background than a scientific one. Most often used in dissertations.
  3. General scientific methods for researching coursework are widespread in research activities and in other areas ( deductive method investigations, analysis of the state of the labor market, etc.).

What methods are considered general scientific?

  1. Analysis – isolating from a whole object its individual components (properties, features, functions, etc.) to obtain maximum information about it. According to the characteristics you can do comparative analysis. For example, comparing organ functions state power And local government. Or, difference clinical death from biological according to the main characteristics.
  2. Synthesis - a method directly opposite to that described above. It involves combining a set of previously identified characteristics (parties, relationships) into one whole. Example: referring to the signs of an offense committed by citizen N, we can classify his act as a crime of medium gravity.
  3. Classification – combining the objects under study or their characteristics into groups according to one or more criteria. This method is used in almost every course work. It is especially widely used in descriptive sciences: geography, biology, geology. It is often found in jurisprudence.
  4. Generalization – assignment of several objects to one category based on the determination of similar properties and (or) characteristics. A striking example: categories “family”, “genus”, “species” in biology.
  5. Analogy – a method based on inferences. If the objects under study are similar according to some criteria, then, consequently, they are similar according to others. An ideal example there will be a principle of analogy of law in jurisprudence. Its essence is as follows: if the current legislation does not provide for an article that would regulate a specific dispute, then to resolve the issue the court can apply the rules governing similar legal relations.
  6. Modeling . It will be much easier to study an object from its reduced model than from the original. The modeling method is used to visually represent the object under study. The model must correspond to the original in those properties that are important for study, but may differ from real object according to other parameters (for example, size). Finds application in the works of students who study to become engineers, architects and builders. In this case, the work may consist of a theoretical and practical part. Most often, the practice involves creating models of architectural or engineering structures (buildings, bridges, etc.)
  7. Experiment . Studying an object by testing not in a real environment, but in special conditions(most often controlled). Through experimentation, it is possible to obtain the most important information for research without serious losses. Let's say we need to trace chemical reaction when several reagents interact.

This list can be continued for a very long time: observation, deduction, induction, description, forecasting - the choice is yours.

As a rule, it is advisable to use no more than 4-5 methods in course work. But if you consider it necessary to indicate more, write factually.

If you are having difficulty identifying the research methods used to write your term paper, remember: help is always available!

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