Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris). Prices and admission requirements

Higher normal school in Paris– École normale supérieure, Paris (ENS Ulm) – prestigious university France, located in the famous V arrondissement of Paris. Ecole Normale was founded at the height of the Great French Revolution- in 1794. Throughout its long history she collects within her walls the best minds, which makes it not only the most elite university, but also the centers of French and European thought.
École Normale is a member of the “Paris Sciences et Lettres” (PSL) association, which unites the leading universities of the Latin Quarter: Collège de France, Ecole Polytechnique, Sorbonne, Pierre and Marie Curie University and others.

Advantages of the École Normale Supérieure in Paris

From the moment of its foundation to this day, within the walls of Ecole Normale new, often revolutionary in relation to existing science theories. First of all, it should be noted the faculty philosophy, where most French intellectuals of the second half of the 20th century, such as M. Foucault and J. Derrida, worked and studied. The ENS Faculty of Philosophy is the most prestigious not only by the standards of France, but also globally. The faculty was and remains no less significant mathematicians, firmly in the global top 30. The faculty conducts its activities in close connection with mathematics physicists, which ranks 43rd in the world rankings.
The École Normale Supérieure is famous for its high research activity, especially in the direction of interdisciplinary projects at the intersection of the humanities and scientific disciplines. She collaborates with the National Center scientific research(CNRS), where, as part of a joint project, philosophers and cognitive scientists are studying the work human consciousness. Ecole Normal also boasts advanced research in the field of exact sciences, especially in mathematics and physics, which have high index citations in the academic environment.

Requirements for admission to École normale supérieure, Paris

  • Ecole Normale differs from a regular university in its high level of requirements for applicants. Both foreigners and the French themselves, in order to enter ENS, must study at least two years at the university or complete the Prépa preparatory courses, which take place right within the school’s walls. It is worth noting that studying at preparatory courses significantly increases the chances of admission, but is not the only option: foreigners have the opportunity to enter Ecole Normale both after preparation in France and after completing 2 university courses abroad (in particular, there is a special competition for students from other countries Selection Internationale).
  • Upon admission to Ecole Normale, the applicant must provide documents on previous education translated into French or English: a diploma or an extract from grade book, as well as a school certificate or diploma of completion of secondary specialized education. Notarization of the diploma is not required.
  • As additional documents, the applicant is required to provide a motivation letter, two letters of recommendation from teachers, a resume and a plan research project. The language in which documents must be drawn up depends on the field of study: applicants humanities faculties must provide everything additional documents in French, applicants to scientific faculties - in English or French.
  • Education at the École Normale Supérieure is available in two languages: French and English (only for science students). The school conducts its own foreign language exam, so IELTS, DALF, TOEFL, etc. certificates. not required upon admission.
  • Regardless of the program or method of admission, all applicants to the École Normale Supérieure must pass an entrance exam for their specialty. As a rule, his program includes essays on given topic, interview, commentary on the text, for those entering the scientific field - also exams in mathematics and physics.
Deadlines for applying for admission vary slightly depending on the faculty, but generally fall on January 10-20.

Tuition fees and scholarships at École Normale Supérieure in Paris

ENS is a public institution, so education is free, as in all public universities in France. However, students are required to pay €500-600 annually as compulsory social security fees, which is common practice in the country. The bulk of the expenses will be living in Paris: renting a private home will cost from €600 per month, and food and transport costs will cost about another €500. However, many students (primarily those who have been selected for the Séléction Internationale program) have access to accommodation in the School’s dormitory, which costs only €300 per month.
École Normale Supérieure supports international students financially through the Séléction Internationale program: each student enrolled in this way receives a scholarship of €1,000 per month, which covers almost all study and living expenses. There are 20 SI scholarships awarded per year.
In addition to the scholarship from the school itself, foreigners can apply for various scholarships from French or Russian Government: program " Global Education", Eiffel scholarship, Copernic scholarship, etc. It should be noted that in most cases, scholarship programs are designed for future masters and doctors.

Construction of the Higher Normal School

The main building of the Ecole Normale is located in the famous Latin Quarter, which has earned the title of the center of student life in Paris. Here small streets separate the most prestigious universities France: Sorbonne, Collège de France, Ecole Normal and others.
In addition, ENS is located among popular historical attractions. A student can easily walk to Luxembourg Park or the Pantheon, the Parisian Catacombs or the banks of the Seine.
Ecole Normale owns two more campuses. One is located near Montsouris Park on Rue Jourdan. The second is located in the southwest of Paris - in Montrouge.

Notable teachers and alumni

  • Felix Edouard Justin Emile Borel - mathematician and politician. Together with René Baer and Henri Leberg, he is the creator of measure theory, where the measure of a set (a non-negative quantity) is interpreted as the size or volume of the set.
  • Emile Durkheim is a philosopher and sociologist. Considered the founder of sociology as a science. His works “Elements of Sociology” (1889), “Rules sociological method"(1895) and others are classics of sociological thought;
  • Jean-Paul Sartre is an essayist, writer and philosopher of atheistic existentialism. He is the author of such cult works as the novel Nausea (1938), the play Behind Closed Doors (1943) and philosophical work“Being and Nothingness” (1943).

Programs - Bachelor's - Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris

Bachelor's degreeArt History and Theory
Bachelor's degreeBiology
Bachelor's degreeChemistry
Bachelor's degreeClassics
Bachelor's degreeCognitive Sciences
Bachelor's degreeComputer Science
Bachelor's degreeGeography
Bachelor's degreeGeosciences
Bachelor's degreeHistory
Bachelor's degreeLiterature et Languages
Bachelor's degreePhilosophy
Bachelor's degreePhysics
Bachelor's degreeSocial Sciences
Bachelor's degreeTheorical and Applied Mathematiques Masters Degree Programs
Bachelor's degreeAnalysis, arithmetics and geometry
Bachelor's degreeAnalytical, physical and theoretical chemistry
Bachelor's degreeAstronomy and astrophysics
Bachelor's degreeBiochemistry and molecular biology
Bachelor's degreeCellular biology and development
Bachelor's degreeChemical engineering
Bachelor's degreeChemistry: Materials
Bachelor's degreeCinema and audiovisual studies
Bachelor's degreeCognitive neurosciences Mind and Brain Sciences
Bachelor's degreeCognitive sciences
Bachelor's degreeComputer science
Bachelor's degreeContemporary philosophy
Bachelor's degreeDroit administration prepENA
Bachelor's degreeEcology, biodiversity, evolution
Bachelor's degreeEconomic Analysis and Politics
Bachelor's degreeFundamental concepts of physics
Bachelor's degreeFundamental mathematics
Bachelor's degreeGenetics
Bachelor's degreeGeopolitics
Bachelor's degreeHistory: The Mediterranean world in medieval times:Byzantium-Islam-Latin West
Bachelor's degreeImmunology
Bachelor's degreeInterdisciplinarity in the social sciences
Bachelor's degreeLiterature and Civilizations: Medieval studies
Bachelor's degreeLiterature: from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment
Bachelor's degreeLogics and basis of computer science
Bachelor's degreeLogics, philosophy, history and sociology of sciences
Bachelor's degreeMathematics
Bachelor's degreeMathematics of modeling
Bachelor's degreeMicrobiology
Bachelor's degreeMolecular chemistry
Bachelor's degreeNeurosciences
Bachelor's degreeOcean, atmosphere, climate and teledetection
Bachelor's degreePartial differential equations and scientific calculus
Bachelor's degreePartial differential equations, random and determinist modeling
Bachelor's degreePhysics and biological systems
Bachelor's degreePlant development and growth
Bachelor's degreeProbabilities and applications
Bachelor's degreeProbabilities and statistics
Bachelor's degreePublic and Private Law - Comparative analysis of law
Bachelor's degreePublic and Private Law - Theory and analysis of law
Bachelor's degreeRandom modeling
Bachelor's degreesciences of cognition and complex systems
Bachelor's degreeSciences of materials and nano-objects
Bachelor's degreeSciences of the Earth, environment and planets
Bachelor's degreeSociology: Sociology and Statistics
Bachelor's degreeTheater studies
Bachelor's degreeTheorical and descriptive linguistics Doctoral Programs
Bachelor's degreeArcheology
Bachelor's degreeArt History
Bachelor's degreeArts and Media
Bachelor's degreeBrain, Cognition and Behavior
Bachelor's degreeCognition, Behavior, and Human Conduct
Bachelor's degreeConcepts and Languages
Bachelor's degreeCondensed Matter and Interfaces
Bachelor's degreeDynamic et Physico-chemistry of the Earth and the planets
Bachelor's degreeEarth Sciences
Bachelor's degreeEconomics Doctoral School Panthéon Sorbonne
Bachelor's degreeElementary Constituants – Complex Systems
Bachelor's degreeEnvironmental Sciences
Bachelor's degreeFrench and Comparative Literature
Bachelor's degreeiViv – Interdisciplinary Graduate School for the Life Sciences
Bachelor's degreeMathematical Sciences
Bachelor's degreeMolecular Chemistry
Bachelor's degreePhysical Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry
Bachelor's degreeSocial Sciences Doctoral School

In 1985, the school merged with the Seversk Women's School and received its current status and name. Now, the main task of the university is to prepare students for work in the field of fundamental and applied scientific research. Many school graduates - Nobel laureates. The highest normal school is the highest educational institution in France, occupying the first positions in the world's re-tings of universities. Over the 221 years of its existence, this university has become an elite school with a wide choice of faculties and current fees -a form in which gifted young people can realize their ambitions.

University type


Location and transportation

The university is located in the south of Paris. The main educational building of the school is located at 45 Ulm Street, in the 5th arrondissement of the French capital. The school also has campuses on Boulevard Jourdan and in the suburb of Montrouge, plus a biology department in the rural area of ​​Foljuif. The campus can be conveniently reached by metro (fare 1.40 euros) or overground public transport(fare 1.80 euros).

The university is widely known in the world and occupies 59th position in the list of the 500 best universities in the world by version THE 2012-2013 (Times Higher Education World Rankings). As of 2014, it is recognized as the best higher educational institution France and ranks 35th in the world academic list.

Number of students

Total students: 1,350 Foreigners: 450

Living conditions

The university does not provide on-campus accommodation, but it is not difficult to find a decent alternative. The City - international university Parisa rents rooms for affordable price starting from 400 euros per month. It is possible to rent an apartment or private dormitories near the university. Prices for private apartments in Paris range from 500 to 800 euros per month.

List of awards and achievements

École Normale Supérieure is the most prestigious higher education institution in all of France. Among its graduates are numerous scientists, philosophers, writers, government and church leaders of the highest level - Jean-Paul Sartre, Louis Pasteur, Jacques Derrida, Georges Pomidou, Michel Foucault, Pierre Bourdieu and others. In the British Times newspaper's supplement to higher education, the École Normale Supérieure of Paris was recognized the best university continental Europe based on the results of the 2006 and 2007 academic years.


Natural Sciences: Department of Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Physics, Geology.

Humanities and social sciences: Department of Literature and Languages, Philosophy, Antiquities, social sciences, geography, history, foreign languages.

Prices and admission requirements

Bachelor's degree

  • School certificate
  • Confirmation of knowledge of French DALF/DELF, TCF level B2 or TEF level B2-C1 and/or English language TOEFL iBT 80+, IELTS 6.0+

Enrollment is carried out on a competitive basis in accordance with the number of available places.

Tuition fees Bachelor's degree: from € 600/year

Master's degree

  • Specialist's diploma in a related specialty or bachelor's degree
  • Average diploma score 4.1.- 5.0
  • Active academic/scientific activities
  • Recommendations from teachers and/or employers
  • Confirmation of knowledge of the French language DALF/DELF, TCF level C1-C2 or TEF level from C1
  • English language TOEFL ibt 80+ or ​​IELTS 6.0+
  • The candidate's age must not exceed 24 years at the time of submission of documents
  • Candidates who have previously applied are not eligible.
  • The candidate must not have resided in France for more than 5 months at the time of application or earlier
  • The candidate must provide a bachelor's degree diploma

Tuition fee Master's degree: from € 750/year

Grants are awarded every year for foreign students (20-25 each year).

The monthly scholarship is 1000 euros.

Ecole Normale Supérieure(French cole normale suprieure other names: “ENS Ulm”, “ENS de Paris”, “Normale Sup” or simply “Ulm”) French government agency in the field higher education in France under the ministry public education France. The current director is Monique Canto-Sperber.

The main campus is located on rue d'Ulm (Ulm street, rue d'Ulm), 45 in the V arrondissement of Paris (hence the name: Ecole Normale Supérieure (Ulm)).
History, status and tasks
The École Normale Supérieure in Paris is part of the École Normale Supérieure, together with the École Normale Supérieure of Cachan and the École Normale Supérieure of Lyon. However, only the Parisian High School, due to its long history and prestige, in legislative or regulatory texts is simply called the “Ecole Normale Supérieure” without additional designations.

The current VNS was created as a result of the merger in 1985 of the Paris Higher Normal School and the Sèvres Women's Higher Normal School. (Before the merger, women had the right to hold competition in the Paris VNS. Two wonderful examples- Simone Weil, who entered the Paris High School from the women's high school in 1928, and academician Jacqueline de Romilly in 1933).

The Paris High Normal School was founded on the 9th Brumaire of the third year of the Republic (November 30, 1794) by the National Convention, which expressed the desire that a “normal School would be established in Paris, where citizens already educated in the useful sciences would be called from all parts of the Republic, so that under the leadership The most learned professors in all fields are trained in the art of teaching.”

Now, in accordance with the decree of August 26, 1987, “Higher normal school with a high level of cultural and scientific education prepares students for work in basic or applied scientific research, for teaching at universities and in preparatory courses high school, as well as in secondary education and, more generally, to service in the state administration and administrative-territorial entities, their public institutions and enterprises.”
Science and education
The Paris VNS differs from other higher schools in France in that here they study both literature and science in comparable volumes. In view of this, the Higher School of Science consists of a department of literature (in in a broad sense) and departments of sciences. Each department has its own deputy director (directeur adjoint) and director of studies. Department of Sciences Department of Biology
Department of Chemistry
Department of Computer Science
Department of Mathematics and Its Applications
Department of Physics
Department of “Earth-atmosphere-ocean” (geology, etc.)

Department of Literature Department of Literature and Languages
Department of Philosophy
Department of Ancient Sciences
Department of Social Sciences
Department of Geography
Department of History
Department of Cognitive Studies
Collective Histoire et Philosophie des Sciences (CHPS)
Platform " Environment» (Plateforme environnement)
Passage of the Arts (La Passerelle des Arts)
Space foreign cultures and languages ​​(Espace des Cultures et Langues d’Ailleurs, ECLA)

Interesting facts
A special jargon (jargon normalien) is common at the École Normale Supérieure.
Collectif, Le livre du centenaire, Hachette, 1895
Collectif Les Normaliens peints par eux-mmes, Chamerot et Renouard, 1895
Paul Dimoff, La Rue d'Ulm la Belle poque (1899-1903), imp. G. Thomas, 1970
Franois Dufay et Pierre-Bertrand Dufort, Les normaliens. De Charles Pguy Bernard-Henri Lvy, un sicle d'histoire, J.C. Latts, 1993 (ASIN 2709613077) ;
Edouard Herriot, Normale, Socit nouvelle d'dition, 1932
Michle Ferrand, Franoise Imbert et Catherine Marry, L'Excellence scolaire: une affaire de famille. Le cas des normaliennes et normaliens scientifiques, L'Harmattan, coll. "Bibliothque de l"ducation", 1999 (Higher School of Economic and Commercial Sciences


Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris)
Original title

École normale supérieure
rue d'Ulm - Paris

International name

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Former names

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Year founded
Closing year

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Year of reorganization

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Ecole Normale Supérieure

Target capital

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Scientific supervisor

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International students
Bachelor's degree

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Master's degree

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Postgraduate studies

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Doctoral studies

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Ulm, Jourdan, Montrouge

Legal address

st. Ulm, 45


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Coordinates: K: Educational institutions founded in 1794

Higher normal(pedagogical) school(fr. École normale supérieure other names: "ENS Ulm", "ENS de Paris", "Normale Sup" or simply "Ulm") is a French public institution in the field of higher education in France, subordinate to the French Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. The current director is Marc Mezard (French). Marc Mézard).

The École Normale Supérieure is one of the most prestigious higher educational institutions in France, for admission to which you must study for several years in special schools after graduating from the Lyceum. preparatory classes(“les classes préparatoires”), in order to then undergo a strict competitive selection.

The main campus is located at rue d'ulme(Ulm Street, rue d "Ulm), 45 in the V arrondissement of Paris (hence the name: Ecole Normale Supérieure (Ulm)).

As of 2014, it is recognized as the best higher education institution in France and ranks 35th in the world academic list.

History, status and tasks

The École Normale Supérieure in Paris is part of the École Normale Supérieure, together with the École Normale Supérieure of Cachan and the École Normale Supérieure of Lyon. However, only the Parisian High School, due to its long history and prestige, is simply called “Ecole Normale Supérieure” in legislative or regulatory texts without further clarification.

The current VNS was created as a result of the merger in 1985 of the Paris Ecole Normale Supérieure and the Sèvres Women's High Normal School. (Before the merger, women had the right to hold competition in the Paris High School. Two wonderful examples are Simone Weil, who entered the Paris High School from the women's School in 1928, and academician Jacqueline de Romilly).

The Paris Normal School was founded on the 9th Brumaire of the third year of the Republic (October 30) by the National Convention, which expressed the desire that a “normal School” be established in Paris, where citizens already educated in the useful sciences would be called from all parts of the Republic, so that, under the guidance of the most scientists in all fields and professors to learn the art of teaching.”

Now, in accordance with the decree of August 26, 1987, “The Higher Normal School, with a high level of cultural and scientific education, prepares students for work in the field of fundamental or applied scientific research, for teaching at universities and in preparatory courses for higher education, as well as for secondary education.” education and, more generally, to service in the state administration and administrative-territorial entities, their public institutions and enterprises.”

Science and education

In the VNS of Paris (and since 2010 also in Lyon) they study not only natural sciences, but also equally humanities and social sciences.

  • Natural sciences
    • Department of Biology
    • Department of Chemistry
    • Department of Computer Science
    • Department of Mathematics and Its Applications
    • Department of Physics
    • Department of “Earth-atmosphere-ocean” (geology, etc.)
  • Humanities and social sciences
    • Department of Literature and Languages ​​(Département Lila, that is, Li la)
    • Department of Philosophy
    • Department of Ancient Sciences
    • Department of Social Sciences
    • Department of Geography
    • Department of History
    • Department of Cognitive Studies
    • Group "History and Philosophy of Science" (Collectif Histoire et Philosophie des Sciences, CHPS)
    • Platform "Environment" (Plateforme environnement)
    • Department of History and Theory of Arts (Département d’Histoire et de Théorie des Arts, DHTA)
    • Department of Foreign Languages ​​(Espace des Cultures et Langues d’Ailleurs, ECLA)

A special jargon (jargon normalien) is common at the École Normale Supérieure.

School principals

  • Jerome Carcopino (1940-41, 1942-44)

Notable alumni

  • Astronomers: Andoyer, Chalonge and Kovalevsky
  • Mathematicians: Darboux, Borel, Picard, Elie and Henri Cartan, Hadamard, Weyl, Baer, ​​Fréchet, Dieudonné and Chevalley
  • Mineralogists: François Sulpice Beudan
  • Historians: Charles Seignobos, Lucien Febvre, Marc Bloch, Jacques Le Goff, Jacques Revel
  • Chemist and biologist: Louis Pasteur
  • Physicists, Nobel laureates Lippmann and de Gennes
  • Sociologists and philosophers: Michel Foucault, Georges Dumézil, Émile Durkheim, René Worms, Jean-Paul Sartre, Alain Badiou, Quentin Meillassoux, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Pierre Bourdieu and Jacques Derrida
  • Writers: Muriel Barbery, Jean-Paul Sartre, Jacques Derrida, Romain Rolland
  • Linguists: Claude Agége

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  • Collectif Le livre du centenaire, Hachette, 1895
  • Collectif Les Normaliens peints par eux-mêmes, Chamerot et Renouard, 1895
  • Paul Dimoff, La Rue d'Ulm à la Belle époque (1899-1903), imp. G. Thomas, 1970
  • François Dufay et Pierre-Bertrand Dufort, Les normaliens. De Charles Péguy à Bernard-Henri Lévy, un siècle d’histoire, J.C. Lattès, 1993 (ASIN 2709613077) ;
  • Edouard Herriot, Normale, Société nouvelle d'édition, 1932
  • Michèle Ferrand, Françoise Imbert et Catherine Marry, L'Excellence scolaire: une affaire de famille. Le cas des normaliennes et normaliens scientifiques, L'Harmattan, coll. "Bibliothèque de l'éducation", 1999 (ISBN 2-7384-8221-X);
  • Pascale Hummel, Humanites normaliennes. L'enseignement classique et l"érudition philologique dans l"École normale supérieure au s-XIXe, Belles Lettres, coll. "Études anciennes", n° 298, 1995 (ISBN 2-251-32645-6);
  • Pascale Hummel, Regards sur les études classiques au XIXe siècle. Catalog du fonds Morante, Paris, Presses de l’École normale supérieure, 1990.
  • Pascale Hummel, Pour une histoire de l’École normale supérieure: sources d’archives (1794-1993), en collaboration avec A. Lejeune et D. Peyceré, Paris, Archives nationales - Presses de l’École normale supérieure, 1995.
  • Nicole Masson L"École normale supérieure: les chemins de la liberté, Gallimard, coll. "Découvertes", 1994 (ASIN 2070532844);
  • Alain Peyrefitte, Rue d'Ulm. Chroniques de la vie normalienne, Fayard, 1994 (ed.);
  • Robert Flaceliere, Normale en peril, Presses universitaires de France, 1971
  • Romain Rolland, Le cloître de la rue d'Ulm, Albin Michel, 1952;
  • Jean-François Sirinelli, École normale supérieure: le livre du bicentenaire,PUF, 1994.

See also



Excerpt characterizing the Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris)

Svetlana at 10 years old

– Is...what is this? – the little girl asked with a breath. – Can I play with him?.. He won’t be offended?
Mom apparently mentally reprimanded her sternly, because the girl suddenly became very upset. Tears welled up in her warm brown eyes and it was clear that just a little more and they would flow like a river.
- Just don't cry! – Stella quickly asked. - Do you want me to make you the same?
The girl’s face instantly lit up. She grabbed her mother’s hand and squealed happily:
– Do you hear, mommy, I didn’t do anything wrong and they’re not angry with me at all! Can I have one like that too?.. I’ll really be very good! I really, really promise you!
Mom looked at her with sad eyes, trying to decide how best to answer. And the girl suddenly asked:
– Have you seen my dad, good glowing girls? He and my brother disappeared somewhere...
Stella looked at me questioningly. And I already knew in advance what she would offer now...
- Do you want us to look for them? – as I thought, she asked.
– We have already looked, we have been here for a long time. But there are none. “The woman answered very calmly.
“We’ll look differently,” Stella smiled. “Just think about them so we can see them, and we will find them.”
The girl closed her eyes funny, apparently trying very hard to mentally create a picture of her dad. A few seconds passed...
“Mommy, how can it be that I don’t remember him?” the little girl was surprised.
I heard this for the first time and from the surprise in Stella’s big eyes I realized that this was also something completely new for her...
- How come you don’t remember? – the mother did not understand.
- Well, I look and look and don’t remember... How can it be, I love him very much? Maybe he really is no more?..
- Excuse me, but can you see him? – I asked my mother carefully.
The woman nodded confidently, but suddenly something in her face changed and it was clear that she was very confused.
- No... I can’t remember him... Is this really possible? – she said almost in fear.
- And your son? Can you remember? Or brother? Can you remember your brother? – Stella asked addressing both of them at once.
Mother and daughter shook their heads.
Usually so cheerful, Stella’s face looked very worried, she probably couldn’t understand what was going on here. I literally felt the intense work of her living and such an unusual brain.
- I came up with it! I came up with an idea! – Stella suddenly squealed happily. – We will “put on” your images and go for a “walk”. If they are somewhere, they will see us. Really?
I liked the idea, and all that remained was to mentally “change clothes” and go on a search.
- Oh, please, can I stay with him until you return? – the little girl stubbornly did not forget her desire. – What’s his name?
“Not yet,” Stella smiled at her. - and you?
- Leah. - The little girl answered. – Why do you still glow? We saw these once, but everyone said that they were angels... And who are you then?
“We are girls like you, only we live “upstairs.”
– Where is the top? – little Leah did not let up.
“Unfortunately, you can’t go there,” Stella, who was in difficulty, tried to somehow explain. - Do you want me to show you?
The little girl jumped for joy. Stella took her hand and opened her stunning fantasy world, where everything seemed so bright and happy that I didn’t want to believe it.
Leah’s eyes looked like two huge round saucers:
– Oh, what a beauty!....Is this heaven? Oh ma-mom!.. – the girl squealed enthusiastically, but very quietly, as if afraid of frightening off this incredible vision. -Who lives there? Oh, look, what a cloud!.. And golden rain! Does this really happen?..
-Have you ever seen a red dragon? – Leah shook her head negatively. - Well, you see, but it happens to me, because this is my world.
- And then what are you - God??? “But God can’t be a girl, can he?” And then, who are you?..
Questions poured out of her like an avalanche and Stella, not having time to answer them, laughed.
Not busy with “questions and answers”, I began to quietly look around and was completely amazed by what was opening up to me. extraordinary world... It was truly a real “transparent” world. Everything around sparkled and shimmered with some kind of blue, ghostly light, from which (as it should have been) for some reason it did not become cold, but on the contrary - it warmed me with some unusually deep, soul-piercing warmth. From time to time, transparent human figures floated around me, now condensing, now becoming transparent, like a luminous fog... This world was very beautiful, but somehow impermanent. It seemed that he was changing all the time, not knowing exactly how he would remain forever...
- Well, are you ready to take a walk? – Stella’s cheerful voice pulled me out of my dreams.
-Where should we go? – Having woken up, I asked.
- Let's go look for the missing! – the little girl smiled cheerfully.
- Dear girls, will you still allow me to watch over your little dragon while you walk? – not wanting to forget him for anything, little Leah asked, lowering her round eyes.
- Okay, take care. – Stella graciously allowed. “Just don’t give it to anyone, otherwise he’s still a baby and might get scared.”
- Oh, wow, how can you!.. I will love him very much until you return...
The girl was ready to go out of her way to flattery, just to get her incredible “miracle dragon,” and this “miracle” puffed and puffed, apparently trying his best to please, as if she felt that it was about him...
– When will you come again? Will you come very soon, dear girls? – Secretly dreaming that we will not come very soon, the little girl asked.
Stella and I were separated from them by a shimmering transparent wall...
-Where do we start? – the seriously concerned girl asked seriously. – I’ve never seen anything like this, but I haven’t been here that long... Now we have to do something, right?.. We promised!
– Well, let’s try to “put on” their images, as you suggested? – without thinking for a long time, I said.
Stella quietly “conjured” something, and a second later she looked like plump Leah, and I, naturally, got Mom, which made me laugh a lot... And we put on, as I understood, just energy images, with the help whom we hoped to find the missing people we needed.
- Here it is positive side using other people's images. And there is also a negative one - when someone uses it for bad purposes, like the entity that put on my grandmother’s “key” so that it could beat me. Grandma explained all this to me...
It was funny to hear how this tiny girl expressed such serious truths in a professorial voice... But she really took everything very seriously, despite her sunny, happy character.
- Well, let’s go, “girl Leah”? – I asked with great impatience.
I really wanted to see these other “floors” while I still had the strength to do so. I had already noticed what a big difference there was between this one we were on now and the “upper”, Stella’s “floor”. Therefore, it was very interesting to quickly “plunge” into another unfamiliar world and learn about it, if possible, as much as possible, because I was not at all sure whether I would ever return here again.

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