University ranking systems in the world. Rating of prestigious universities in the world, according to the U.S. agency

On Wednesday this week, the British magazine Times Higher Education published the results of its annual global survey of the world's best universities THE World University Rankings.

Consistent leader of the last five years, Caltech ended up in second place in the ranking. Otherwise, the top ten higher education in the world has undergone virtually no changes: positions 3 to 9 are occupied by the same universities as last year.

On the third place - Stanford University(USA). Followed by the University of Cambridge (UK, 4), Massachusetts Institute of Technology(USA, 5), Harvard University(USA, 6), Princeton University(USA, 7), Imperial College London (UK, 8). The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich retained its ninth place, managing to remain the only university not from the US or UK in the top 10. Rounds out the top ten University of California at Berkeley(USA).

This year, THE World University Rankings study includes 980 universities on the planet, which is 180 more than the previous year. The study once again demonstrated the dominance of higher education institutions in the United States and Great Britain.

So, top 100 best universities world 2016-2017:

1. University of Oxford, Great Britain
2. California Institute of Technology, USA
3. Stanford University, USA
4. University of Cambridge, Great Britain
5. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA
6. Harvard University, USA
7. Princeton University ( Princeton University) , USA
8. Imperial College London, Great Britain
9. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich (ETH Zürich), Switzerland
10-11. University of California, Berkeley, USA
University of Chicago, USA

12. Yale University, USA
13. University of Pennsylvania, USA
14.University of California at Los Angeles Los Angeles,UCLA), USA
15. University College London (UCL), Great Britain
16. Columbia University, USA
17. Johns Hopkins University, USA
18. Duke University, USA
19. Cornell University, USA
20. Northwestern University(Northwestern University), USA
21. University of Michigan, USA
22. University of Toronto, Canada
23. Carnegie Mellon University, USA
24.National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
25-26. London School of Economics and political sciences(London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE), Great Britain
University of Washington, USA
27. University of Edinburgh, Great Britain
28. Karolinska Institute, Sweden
29. Peking University, China
30-31. Federal polytechnic school Lausanne (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), Switzerland
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany
32. New York University (NYU), USA
33-34. Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia Tech, USA
University of Melbourne, Australia
35. Tsinghua University, China
36-38. University of British Columbia, Canada
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
King's College London, Great Britain
39. The University of Tokyo, Japan
40. Catholic University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium
41. University of California, San Diego, USA
42. McGill University, Canada
43-44. Heidelberg University, Germany
The University of Hong Kong Hong Kong) , Hong Kong
45. University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
46. Munich Technical University(Technical University of Munich), Germany
47. Australian National University(Australian National University), Australia
48.University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
49. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
50. University of Texas at Austin, USA
51-52. Brown University, USA
University of California, Davis, USA
53.University of Minnesota, USA
54. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
55. University of Manchester, Great Britain
56. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
57-58. Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
Washington University in St. Louis, USA
59. Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
60-62. University of Queensland, Australia
University of Southern California, USA
University of Sydney, Australia
63. University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
64. Boston University, USA
65. Wageningen University and Research Center, Netherlands
66. Higher normal school(École Normale Superiore), France
67. University of Maryland, College Park, USA
68. Pennsylvania State University, USA
60. Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
70. Purdue University, USA
71. University of Bristol, Great Britain
72-73. Ohio State University, USA
Seoul National University, The Republic of Korea
74. Monash University, Australia
75. Free University of Berlin, Germany
76. Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
77. Leiden University, Netherlands
78-79. University of New South Wales, Australia
Rhine-Westphalian Technical University Aachen (RWTH Aachen University), Germany
80-81. University of Groningen, Netherlands
University of Pittsburgh, USA
82-85. Dartmouth College, USA
Emory University, USA
Technical University of Berlin, Germany
University of Warwick, Great Britain
86. Utrecht University, Netherlands
87. Rice University, USA
88. University of Glasgow, Great Britain
89-90. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea
University of Tübingen, Germany
91-92. University of Helsinki, Finland
Kyoto University, Japan
93. Uppsala University, Sweden
94. Maastricht University, Netherlands
95. University of Freiburg(University of Freiburg), Germany
96-97. Durham University, Great Britain
Lund University, Sweden
98-100. Aarhus University, Denmark
University of Basel, Switzerland
University of California, Irvine, USA

The ratings will be very useful for those students, schoolchildren, Russians and foreigners who are faced with a choice of which country to study in, or for those who want to get a job abroad in the field of research, teaching and business. The first academic ranking was published by Shanghai University in 2003, and a year later the Times newspaper compiled its version of the best universities in the world. Today there are various ratings - from student to specialized, national and international. Formation of the rating involves taking into account large quantity parameters, which may vary slightly:

  • For example, the prestigious QS World University Rankings are based on 6 main characteristics: teaching (number of Nobel Prize-winning teachers), research part(the level of significance of the research being carried out for science), prospects for graduates and assessments of employers, the number of foreign teachers and students. An important condition for a university is the presence of postgraduate programs and undergraduate programs in at least two broad subject areas. Universities in the USA and Great Britain are considered permanent leaders in the QS rankings
  • Another respected ranking is published by the US news agency U.S.News, which is an authoritative compiler of rankings of world universities
  • The already mentioned Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), compiled by an Asian agency, will be especially useful for those who want to build a career in scientific field abroad
  • The purpose of the Best Global Universities ranking is to collect all necessary information about the research and academic reputation of universities.

The Times Higher Education magazine is known for its annual ranking of universities around the world. The World University Rankings 2018 includes 1,000 universities from around the world.

THE (Times Higher Education)

  • quality of teaching: the ratio of the number of staff and students, doctors and bachelors is determined
  • level of research activity: where does the university rank in advanced research and what income does it receive from it?
  • degree of dissemination of knowledge and innovation: the role in the dissemination of knowledge is determined through citation
  • financial indicators of universities (in order to determine the effectiveness of universities and their material base)
  • international perspectives: degree of interaction with foreign institutions, number foreign students and teachers, participation in research programs abroad.

The best universities of 2018 according to The Times Higher Education ranking

15. University of California, Los Angeles

20. Northwestern University

21. University of Michigan

22. National University of Singapore

23. University of Toronto

28. New York University

29. Peking University

Many rating agencies are involved in determining the best universities in the world, and the results of their assessments sometimes differ significantly.

To determine the best universities in the world as objectively as possible, we collected data from three world university rankings - QS, Shanghai and U.S. News.

Rankings based on which the best universities in the world are determined

The best universities in the world 2016-2017

Harvard University

- a university that has established itself as a world leader in the field of exact sciences and technologies. This is where cutting-edge research in the natural sciences and engineering takes place. MIT gave the world 80 Nobel laureates, as well as many outstanding scientists, engineers and public figures who changed our lives forever.

– a truly legendary educational institution, one of the oldest in Europe. The University of Cambridge was founded in 1209 and has established itself as a brilliant institution from the very beginning. No university in the world can boast as many Nobel laureates who studied within its walls as Cambridge - 88 winners of this prestigious award.

- the first educational institution opened in London. Since its creation, the university has always been at the forefront of research work. UCL alumni include the prime ministers of China and Japan, as well as Alexander Bel (inventor of the telephone), John Fleming (inventor of the vacuum tube) and Francis Crick (discoverer of the structure of the DNA molecule).

The subject rankings of universities Round University Ranking (RUR) for 2017 showed: in 6 areas of knowledge, Russian universities have significantly strengthened their positions in the quality of teaching, namely in the natural and technical sciences.

Universities were assessed in 6 broad areas of knowledge:

Humanitarian sciences;
Life Sciences;
Medical Sciences;
Natural Sciences;
Social sciencies;
Technical science.

In each of subject areas from 400 to 600 of the best universities in the world are represented. Russia confidently confirmed its leadership in fields of knowledge traditionally considered leading in the country: 30 universities from Russia took part in natural sciences, 37 in technical ones.

A total of 13 domestic universities entered the world TOP-100, which is an absolute record for 8 years of publication international rating universities RUR. The undisputed leader was Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, entered the major league in 5 out of 6 areas of knowledge. Tomsk State University entered the top hundred in 4 areas of knowledge, St. Petersburg University became a leader in 3 nominations. Two more universities, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI and Lobachevsky University, entered the world TOP-100 in two disciplines.

The RUR rating agency notes that the quality of education in Russian universities is significantly higher compared to other areas of the rating, such as the level of research or the level of internationalization. On average, in individual rankings on the quality of education, domestic universities occupy two or even three times higher positions than in general rankings, which simultaneously evaluate all areas of a university’s activities.

Results of the development of Russian education

Russian universities received the greatest representativeness in the ranking for the quality of teaching in the field of technical sciences - 9 participants at once:

26. Moscow State University named after. M. V. Lomonosova
38. ITMO University
52. Moscow State Technical University named after. N. E. Bauman
54. Moscow aviation institute
63. Tomsk State University
90. Tomsk Polytechnic University
94. Russian Chemical-Technological University named after D.I. Mendeleev
96. Peter the Great St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University

The second area of ​​knowledge in which Russian universities traditionally demonstrate outstanding results – these are natural Sciences. In this area, five domestic universities entered the TOP 100 in terms of teaching quality:

67. Tomsk State University
68. St. Petersburg State University
73. Lobachevsky University
98. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

Experts from the RUR Rating Agency note that, unlike the two previous areas, medicine and life sciences have traditionally been developed to a lesser extent, and only in last years The state is making significant efforts to develop these areas. That is why Russia is represented by four universities in medicine, and two in life sciences.

Russian universities in the TOP 100 for the quality of teaching in the field of medicine:

25. Moscow State University named after. M. V. Lomonosova
26. Tomsk State University
54. Lobachevsky University
80. St. Petersburg State University

Russian universities in the TOP 100 for the quality of teaching in the field of life sciences:

32. Moscow State University named after. M. V. Lomonosova
35. Kazan Federal University

The following universities are included in the TOP 100 in social sciences:

26. Moscow State University named after. M.V. Lomonosov
91. Russian economic school
99. Tomsk State University

The first hundred in the humanities is represented by the following Russian universities:

8. Moscow State University named after. M.V. Lomonosov
23. Tomsk State University
95. St. Petersburg State University

Detailed information about universities around the world can be found here

Cambridge university

Cambridge opens the list of the best universities in the world. The University of Cambridge was founded in 1209, and is the fourth oldest university in the world. The University of Cambridge is located in the UK, Cambridge. The average cost of studying at this university is $20,000. About 17 thousand students study at the university, 5 thousand of whom receive a second education. More than 15% student Cambridge University Foreigners.

Harvard ranks second in the ranking of the best universities in the world. Harvard University was founded in 1636 and is considered the most famous university in USA. More than 6.7 thousand students, 15 thousand graduate students study there, and 2.1 thousand teachers work there. Graduates of this university were eight US presidents (John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Rutherford Hayes, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, John Kennedy, George W. Bush, Barack Obama), as well as 49 Nobel Prize winners and 36 Pulitzer Prize winners. Tuition at Harvard University is $40,000.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is considered one of the most prestigious educational institutions in the world. In an MIT record, 77 members of the MIT community are Nobel Prize laureates. The average cost of training, including accommodation, is 55 thousand dollars. More than 4 thousand students and 6 thousand graduate students, as well as about a thousand teachers, study at MIT.

Yale University ranks fourth among the best universities in the world. This is one of the most prestigious private universities in the world. Tuition costs an average of $37,000. Yale University is located in the USA, Connecticut. Students from 110 countries study at the university, and more than 11 thousand people receive education every year. Five former US presidents studied at this university, as well as many politicians, businessmen and scientists.

Probably many have heard about Oxford University. Oxford is one of the most famous and oldest universities in the world. More than 20 thousand students study there, 25% of whom are foreigners. There are also over 4 thousand teachers at Oxford. Studying at this university will cost you on average from 10 to 25 thousand dollars, depending on the chosen specialty. Oxford also has over 100 libraries and more than 300 different student interest groups.

Imperial College London was founded in 1907 by Prince Albert. The college is located in the very center of London. It employs about 8 thousand employees, of which 1,400 are teachers. There are 14.5 thousand students studying at Imperial College, and the average cost of education, depending on the specialty, is 25-45 thousand dollars; the most expensive specialty there is considered to be the medical specialty. 14 Nobel laureates have graduated from this college.

University College London was founded in 1826. On this moment The college ranks third in the number of foreigners studying there, and first in the number of female professors. In total, more than 22 thousand students study at the college, almost half of whom receive a second degree. higher education, and 8 thousand are foreign students. The average cost of training is from 18 to 25 thousand dollars. 26 Nobel laureates have graduated from this college.

The University of Chicago was founded in 1890 thanks to donations from John Rockefeller. The university employs more than 2 thousand teachers, 10 thousand graduate students and 4.6 thousand students study. The university also has a library, the construction of which cost $81 million. The average cost of training is 40-45 thousand dollars. There are 79 Nobel laureates affiliated with this university.

The University of Pennsylvania was founded in 1740 as a charity school, became a college in 1755, and in 1779 was the first college to be given university status. In 1973, over 52 thousand students studied at the university. At the moment, more than 19 thousand students study at the university, and more than 3.5 thousand professors teach. The average cost of tuition at the University of Pennsylvania is $40,000.

Columbia University closes our top ranking of the best universities in the world. It is located in New York City, where it occupies an area of ​​13 hectares. Columbia University was founded in 1754. Many graduated from this university famous people, including: 4 US presidents, nine judges Supreme Court, 97 Nobel laureates and 26 heads of other states, a list of which includes the current President of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili. More than 20 thousand students study at the university, half of whom are girls. The average cost of training is 40-44 thousand dollars.

Top Universities world video

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