Zemfira sayings. Quotes from the song zemfira - zemfira

Today Zemfira is one of the most commercially successful performers in the history of Russian music. Zemfira became the personification of a new movement in Russian rock, under common name"female rock" Zemfira is a phenomenon, it is, at a minimum, an event.

In 2004 in Russian textbook history for the 9th grade, the section “Spiritual Life” included a mention of Zemfira as the founder of a “completely different” musical youth culture.

Zemfira provided great influence on the creativity of young groups of the 2000s and on the younger generation in general. In November 2010, her debut album was included by Afisha magazine in the list of “50 best Russian albums of all time.”

In 2012, 2013 and 2014, the singer was included in the rating of “One Hundred Most Influential Women of Russia” compiled by the radio station “Echo of Moscow”, information agencies RIA Novosti, “Interfax” and Ogonyok magazine.

Zemfira rarely appears in public, she is not verbose, but frank and honest. He doesn’t like to give interviews, comment on the lyrics to his songs, and generally doesn’t consider himself a poet.

A man without falsehood. A thoughtful look, a rare smile, a hooligan, a genius, a complex girl... She was awarded many epithets, but what is absolutely certain is that she is a very busy person who loves what she does and lives by it.

Best quotes from Zemfira Ramazanova

Our whole reality is stupid and illusory, and only love is a real thing.

Happiness is a very short moment, and if it were not so short, then people would not strive for it so much.

If there is no food, it is better to fall asleep. When you feel bad, it’s better to go to sleep. You wake up - everything is already in order. And if you can’t, it’s better to fall asleep again.

The concept of freedom is to set oneself the limits of what is permitted.

You can sleep and eat at any age.

It’s impossible to live without mistakes, I’m happy with my mistakes.

I am an optimist by nature and I know that everything will be fine. And when exactly it is better not to specify.

I am not a supporter of half measures. I love and hate desperately.

I treat those who are close to me very tenderly and carefully and am not capable of hurting them.

Man is a very weak creature and two highs in one day are too much for him.

Can I be feminine in dresses and skirts? No! I'm a monster with a tail and scales!

I never hide my thorns and I write kind and sweet songs.

If you have achieved success and are unloved, it means you are lonely.

Depression is a state when the Internet is turned on and there is nowhere to go.

I really like the cool fish... they are silent.

I have complex character and I'm hard to please. I am often dissatisfied with musicians and myself, but the public could love me more.

I don't need help, don't bother me, that's all.

Patience is what I would like to cultivate in myself. Although sometimes it seems to me that I am very patient. That is, if I really need something, I will endure it for a long time. But it wouldn’t hurt to learn momentary patience.

I don't like it when people gather in a bunch, I don't like it big companies. It seems to me that the most perfect form communication is a dialogue. And the desire to join the crowd is due to a lack of ourselves.

It seems to me that our people, including me, like to suffer more than to rejoice. Joy is generally fleeting, but suffering clings more tightly. His hooks are sharper.

As far as external manifestations, then I am a harsh person and divide the world into black and white. This is a technique, because the contrasts are more visible. And inside I have a whole range of shades. But few people know this - I communicate closely with a very limited circle of people.

There must remain a share in a person. Ras*****va... no... cut it out... I'll find a word now... damn... damn it... damn it, what is it... I'll find a word now... there must be an element of freedom in a person...

I may not be the most flexible artist, but you have no other choice.

Zemfira is a Russian rock singer, musician, composer, producer and songwriter. Zemfira became the personification of a new movement in Russian rock, which journalists dubbed “women’s rock.”

At the beginning of 1998, Zemfira moved from her native Ufa to Moscow, where she began working with her group “Zemfira” on her first studio album, released a year later. Since 1999, Zemfira has released six studio albums, which received significant attention from the press and public. Her discography also includes a collection of B-sides and two live albums. In her lyrical quests, mental suffering and searches were embodied modern youth. In 1999, Ogonyok magazine called Zemfira “the breakthrough voice of the generation.” Throughout the singer’s career, many of her songs hit the top lines of the Russian music charts, including “Arivederchi”, “Iskala”, “Traffic”, “Walk”, “We are breaking” and “Without a chance”.

Zemfira also became the producer of the musical film Green Theater in Zemfira, which received many positive feedback from critics. Together with director Renata Litvinova, Zemfira became a co-producer of the film The Last Tale Rita, for whom she wrote the music. The film took part in competitive program 3rd Odessa International Film Festival and 34th Moscow International Film Festival. She also wrote music for Renata Litvinova’s films “Goddess: How I Loved” and others. Several of Zemfira’s songs from the album “Thank You” are heard in Kira Muratova’s film “Melody for a Barrel Organ,” and in the film “Eternal Return” a concert recording appears repeatedly in the frame “ Songs of the Duke" from the opera "Rigoletto" performed by the singer.

Since her appearance in show business in 1999, Zemfira has undergone numerous changes in appearance, manner of behavior on stage and communication with journalists. Her behavior in public was often shocking and caused rejection by the press.

Zemfira is also distinguished by perfectionism in her work and severe disagreements with music producers. Therefore, she often produces her albums herself. Musical style Zemfira belongs to the rock and pop-rock genres. Her music is influenced by both guitar pop and the harmonies of jazz and bossa nova.

In 2004, in the Russian history textbook for grade 9, the section “Spiritual Life” included a mention of Zemfira as the founder of a “completely different” musical youth culture. Zemfira had a great influence on the work of young groups of the 2000s and on the younger generation in general. In November 2010, her debut album was included by Afisha magazine in the list of “50 best Russian albums of all time.” Choice of young musicians”, where he took fifth place. The rating was compiled based on a survey among representatives of several dozen young musical groups Russia. The list also included the album “Forgive me, my love.”

In 2012, 2013 and 2014, the singer was included in the rating of “One Hundred Most Influential Women of Russia” compiled by the radio station “Echo of Moscow”, information agencies RIA Novosti, “Interfax” and Ogonyok magazine.

Zemfira's image and creativity have become iconic for children and teenagers who grew up in the 90s. Fans still look forward to every concert and memorize quotes from Zemfira’s songs. What does she talk about in her texts and why do the topics she touches on remain relevant for so long?

Zemfira sings, as a rule, about herself and her experiences. She is talking to the listener in simple language about what interests everyone in one way or another - about love and hate, about death, about money and about what is not customary to talk about - about mental illness, about sexual development.

According to the singer, rock for her is a protest, and even in later years creativity, after gaining stable financial well-being, music remained her way of fighting for her independence.


The singer's first album, called "Zemfira", was released in 1999. Now, many years later, the singer admits that she doesn’t like many of the songs from the album - she can’t even perform them at her concerts.

She noted the virtual absence of arrangements, calling the album's musical flaws the mistakes of youth. At the same time, the record instantly brought popularity to the artist, the scale of which surprised even her producer.

Many Zemfiras were instantly remembered by teenagers and young people; they were light-hearted, courtyard-like, and rebellious.

  • I burst into your life, and you were stunned.
  • I’m a cynic, and you’re telling me about some soul, have mercy on my ears.
  • I am suffocating from tenderness, from your-my freshness.
  • Why do these glances bother me? I'm an outlaw, I'm a weather forecaster.
  • If you cannot be God, I will be.
  • You are a genius, I am a genius too.
  • I’m wearing rings and show-offs, and I have three calluses on my left.
  • I am a scandal girl, an air girl.
  • Who told me: “It won’t work”? If I want it, it will come true.
  • I am a fire girl, a splash girl.
  • I'll burn the ships in my harbor, I'll change my ticket for rubles, if I grow it all the way down to my shoulders, I'll never return home.

"Forgive me, my love"

Working on the second album, published a year after the first, Zemfira Talgatovna decided to independently act as a producer, because she was not satisfied with the quality of the Zemfira record.

The album "PMML" gave fans such hits as "Forgive me, my love" and "Iskala".

In terms of text, “Forgive me, my love” can be called a logical continuation of the debut disc: there are compositions with a social orientation and autobiographical ones. But most popular lines this time there were quotes from Zemfira’s song “Do you want” and other songs about love.

  • Do what you want with me, become my shadow suddenly, break my fingers, kiss my skin.
  • Please, just live, you see, I live for you.
  • Please don't die or I will have to too.
  • If you want, I'll give away all the songs, I'll give away all the songs about you...
  • Home - too early and empty. With you it's too late and sad.
  • I have been looking for you for many years, looking for you through dark courtyards. In magazines, in movies, among friends. The day I found it, I went crazy. You are just like in a dream, just like in the albums where I painted you with gouache.
  • Just behind the dunes, a sailboat I invented is waiting for you.
  • You are running over my abyss. Then you will repent, and your wings will fly.

"14 weeks of silence"

The singer’s third work, released in 2002, was fundamentally different in content from Zemfira’s previous music. Many called this album more feminine than the first two.

Before starting work on the album, the author went through a creative crisis and doubted whether she would continue musical activity. During periods of doubt, she spent a lot of time on the Internet in search of inspiration, which is reflected, for example, in the lyrics of the song Webgirl.

But, as before, the most memorable lines for fans were quotes from Zemfira’s songs about love and laconic everyday sketches.

  • It's going to blow through my window cold wind.
  • Frozen fingers in absence hot water.
  • The last trolleybus is not greeted at the depot.
  • So little time left before the first snowstorm.
  • And in the open windows there are stars.
  • The wind will desperately blow away the hats.
  • Just let's be friends, let's be friends on the lips.
  • A girl living online, living for everyone.
  • On a smoky morning, we left a big break and fell into the soft piles.
  • Smoke, monitor, smoke again. And the dawn is breathing down my neck.


Zemfira Ramazanova's rather depressing album appeared in 2005 and was warmly received by critics. Rock sound is combined in “Vendetta” with electronic compositions that are atypical for the singer.

As for the lyrics, they have become more concise and poetic. The lyrics of the fourth album are mostly very personal, more adult than in early works. They are not focused on outside world, but on the author’s inner experiences.

Many people remember the succinct quotes from Zemfira’s songs, with the help of which polysemantic and at the same time understandable images are created.

  • I am ready to change, without looking, with anyone who calls.
  • I know all your tricks. I'm just angry.
  • You are silent and don't try to understand.
  • I'm leaving, leaving reasons for controversy, my funny dog, my beloved city.
  • Sadness and cigarettes - what could be better, better than this.
  • Ships have a heart and the ability to choose and, while dying, smile.
  • But even the stones are rolling somewhere, and I am more alive. And this Friday I'm going to get off the ground.
  • I am like a dried up puddle, and my heart is completely empty and cold.
  • And we must bear this pain together, glass.
  • Lantern, rope, ladder. Forget...
  • It's quite warm under the stars on the roof. Maybe we can go for a walk and take a step forward.

"Thank you"

In 2007, immediately after the release of the album "Thank You", Zemfira called it her best job, noting the conceptuality and positive mood.

Critics and fans received the release extremely mixed. The album seemed unusual to the public due to its acoustic sound and the melancholy clearly present in the songs.

Some listeners were happy that the performer finally managed to find new style, others lamented that the former charm early creativity singers is hopelessly lost. Some critics considered the texts crude or forced, while others successfully sought out strong quotes Zemfira in the songs of the fifth album, the main message of which is indicated by the singer as gratitude.

  • We will live long and together we will explode in the subway.
  • Remember me sad and happy, proud and free.
  • The boy wants to be a god, but it is so difficult, and sad, and so lonely. He told me this drunk, looking into my eyes.
  • And while walking in the morning, I really wanted someone to sing about it.
  • Forgive me for my weakness and for the fact that I love so strangely and desperately.
  • Gentlemen, you did not understand the most important thing.
  • I chose life while standing on the windowsill.
  • This rain probably doesn't know about me.
  • Thank you for these tears, pure as snow.

"Live in your head"

Zemfira's sixth album was released in 2013 and received a lot of positive reviews from critics. According to many of them, best quotes of Zemfira's songs were heard precisely in the sixth album, permeated with the theme of love and death.

After the lighter and more abstract album "Thank You", the singer returned to intimate and dark lyrics with notes of decadence, anguish and restlessness.

  • And kill you unknowingly, accidentally.
  • Count to one hundred, live to see one hundred!
  • My songs will one day leave me.
  • And not know anything about you, not know anyone before you.
  • I want to sing and fly, fly and sing.
  • I want to be impossible, unthinkable, unacceptable, wrong.
  • To change anything, I will have to die.
  • I'll rip my heart out for you, I don't need it anymore.
  • And I'm searching your face in your face.
  • You see time - I see light.

Five years have passed since the release of the album “Live...”, and while the singer is taking a creative break, loyal fans continue to wait for new releases.

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