Sound-letter analysis of the word everything. Sound-letter analysis of a word

In Russian language assignments there are some where you need to do sound-letter analysis words. In terminology, such an exercise is called phonetic analysis and is indicated in the task by the number 1 above the word, for example, “notebook¹”. Compared to other analyzes (lexical, morphological, etc.), phonetic is one of the easiest exercises, and after several trainings the student will be able to cope with it competently and quickly. Today I will tell you how to correctly perform sound-letter parsing of words, which will help not only schoolchildren, but also students who have already forgotten school material, and parents who help their children complete homework assignments.

What do you need to know before doing a sound-letter analysis of any word?

The simplicity of exercises for phonetic word parsing lies in the fact that they are performed by listening to the word. You don't need to look for spellings or morphemes, you just need to know what characteristics apply to each sound. Therefore, the first thing you need to learn is the table:

Letter tape for phonetic analysis

Red cells show vowels, blue cells show consonants. Let's look at the vowels first: the top row is allocated to hard sounds (from [A] to [E]), the bottom row to soft sounds (from [I] to [E]). Now let's turn to consonants, there are more of them, and they are classified differently. As can be seen from the table, there are paired sounds (from [B] - [P] to [Z] - [S]) and unpaired (voiced from [L] to [Y'] and voiceless from [Х] to [Ш'] ). L and Ъ do not carry any sound load.

It is not indicated in the table, but you need to remember that:

  • sounds [Zh], [Sh], [C] – always hard;
  • the sounds [Ч'], [Ш'] and [И'] are always soft (which is indicated by an apostrophe [’] when parsing a word in letters and sounds);
  • sonorant sounds (during the pronunciation of which there is no vortex movement of air in the vocal tract) are [Y'], [L], [L'], [M], [M'], [N], [N'],[ P], [P'].

Another interesting point, regarding the letters E, E, Yu and I: these letters denote both the vowel sound itself and the softness of the consonant in front of them, and two sounds at once.

Dual Role letters E, E, Yu, I

Having understood these initial requirements, you can begin the sound-letter analysis of the word.

How to make a sound-letter analysis of a word

After the tables given above have been studied, a schoolchild or student will be able to competently make a sound-letter analysis, since now he has basic knowledge about letters and sounds. The task is done according to the following plan:

  • the word being parsed is written correctly (to do this, remember vocabulary words, spelling and spelling rules);
  • is put correct accent(a spelling dictionary will help);
  • to the right of the word being analyzed, its transcription is written and the word itself is divided into syllables;
  • sounds are recorded in a column from top to bottom along with all their characteristics:
    • vowels – stressed/unstressed;
    • consonants – voiced/voiceless (paired/unpaired), hard/soft (paired/unpaired);
  • indicates which letter represents each sound;
  • counted total quantity letters and sounds.


Let’s make a sound-letter analysis of the word “Day” according to the above diagram.

  1. First, let’s write it down correctly – “Day”. There is no need to put stress and parse the word syllable by syllable, since it consists of one syllable (the word has only one vowel letter).
  2. We record the transcription [d'en'].
  3. We put the letters and sounds in a column along with their characteristics:
    1. d [d’] – consonant, voiced/paired, soft/paired;
    2. e [e] – vowel;
    3. n [n’] – consonant, voiced/unpaired, soft/paired, sonorous;
  4. We count the total number of letters and sounds: letters - 4, sounds - 3, since “b”, as already mentioned, does not denote any sound.

Now let’s analyze the word “Key” by sounds and letters.

What's happened phonetic analysis words?
What is transcription?
How to do sound-letter analysis words?
What characteristics of vowels and consonants are given in phonetic analysis?

IN oral speech words are made up of sounds. IN writing words are made up of letters. We pronounce and hear sounds. We write and see letters. In writing, sounds are represented by letters.

Phonetic analysis of the word is an analysis of the sound composition of a word. To perform phonetic analysis means to characterize all the sounds that make up a word.

Note. IN elementary school this parsing is usually called sound-letter analysis words.

Notations used in phonetic analysis

The phonetic notation of a word is called transcription. The word specified for phonetic analysis is indicated in the text by the number 1.

Square brackets are used to format the phonetic notation. Each sound corresponds to one sign. capital letter not used. Words must be stressed. The softness of a consonant sound is indicated by [❜].

For example: pebbles[gal❜ka], leaf[l❜ist❜ik]

There is one more additional icon - the sign of the longitude of the consonant [bar at the top]. It is used in cases where two letters make one sound: long[long❜long❜], sew[sh yt❜].

The order of phonetic parsing of a word

  1. Pronounce the word, set the number of syllables and stress location.
  2. Carry out a phonetic recording of the word.
  3. Describe each sound in sequence:
    a) name the vowel sound, define it as stressed or unstressed;
    b) name the consonant sound, determine whether it is voiced or voiceless; hard or soft.
  4. Write down how many letters and sounds there are in the word.

Brief explanation of the content and sequence of phonetic parsing operations

  1. Say the word and listen to yourself. To determine the number of syllables, you should pronounce the word while chanting, i.e. by syllables. To determine a stressed syllable, pronounce the word in its entirety, together.
  2. Write down the transcription of the word (make a phonetic notation).
  3. Characteristics of sounds is the naming of sounds in the order they appear in a word. This point is actually sound analysis.
    You should draw out or use your voice to highlight the first sound as part of a word (and not the way this sound sounds separately, alone), then highlight the remaining sounds in the same way.
    After this, characterize the sound: a vowel - is it stressed or unstressed, a consonant - is it voiced or unvoiced, does it have a voiced-dull pair, is it hard or soft, does it have a hard-soft pair.
  4. Count how many letters there are in a word and write it down; count how many sounds there are in a word and write it down. Establish their correspondence, i.e. whether the number of letters and sounds is the same or whether there are more or less letters (sounds). Explain the reason different quantities letters and sounds.

When conducting phonetic analysis of a word, the following options are allowed:

1) in addition to the characteristics of sounds, you can indicate which letter indicates the analyzed sound on the letter;
2) the softness of sounds that do not have a hardness-softness pair may not be indicated by the sign [❜].

Nightingale 1 they don't feed you fables

Sample of oral phonetic analysis

1-2. I say the word nightingale- [salav'y'a].
This word has three syllables - nightingale. Stressed syllable third. The emphasis falls on the sound [a]. The first and second syllables are unstressed.
Vowel sounds. In the first and second syllables, the sound [a], indicated by the letter o, is heard and pronounced indistinctly, because unstressed. In the third syllable, the sound [a], designated by the letter i, is heard and pronounced clearly, because shock.
Consonant sounds. The sounds [s] and [l] are heard and pronounced clearly, because are before vowels. The sound [v’] is heard and pronounced clearly. These sounds are designated by the letters es, el, ve. The sound [th’] is heard and pronounced clearly, because is located before the vowel sound and is separated from the previous sound by the separating sound ь.

3. Vowel sounds.

[a] - unstressed, indicated by the letter o;
[а́] - shock, indicated by the letter i.

Consonant sounds.

[s] - deaf double, hard double, designated by the letter es;
[l] - voiced unpaired, hard paired, designated by the letter el;
[v’] - voiced paired, soft paired, indicated by the letter ve;
[й'] - voiced unpaired, soft unpaired, indicated by the letters separating ь and я.

4. The word nightingale has 7 letters and 7 sounds. The number of letters and sounds is the same: b I has two sound meanings.

nightingale; so|lo|vya; 3 syllables.

s [s] - consonant, voiceless pair, hard pair;

o [a] - vowel, unstressed;

l [l] - consonant, voiced unpaired, hard paired;

o [a] - vowel, unstressed;

in [v’] - consonant, voiced pair, soft pair;

[th’] - consonant, voiced unpaired, soft unpaired;

I [a] - vowel, stressed.

7 letters, 7 sounds.

The number of letters and sounds is the same: b doesn't have sound value; I has two sound meanings.

It will be on our street too holiday 1.

Sample of written phonetic analysis

holiday; holiday; 2 syllables.

p [p] - consonant, voiceless pair, hard pair;

p [p] - consonant, voiced unpaired, hard paired;

a [a] - vowel, stressed;

z [z’] - consonant, voiced pair, soft pair

n [n’] - consonant, voiced unpaired, soft paired;

and [and] - vowel, unstressed;

k [k] - consonant, voiceless pair, hard pair.

8 letters, 7 sounds

The number of letters and sounds does not match, because the letter d has no sound meaning.

Remember: The following letters cannot be included in the transcription: I, Yu, E, Yo, b, b!

To correctly perform sound-letter (phonetic) parsing of a word, you must adhere to the following plan:

  • Place stress on the word and determine the number of syllables in the word.
  • Write down all the letters in the word, and opposite each letter write down the sound corresponding to it.
  • Write a description for each sound.
  • Write down the transcription of the word, and also count all the letters and sounds in the word.

It is necessary to begin the analysis of a word by placing stress in the word (it is necessary to pronounce the word correctly). After this, they determine how many syllables there are in the word. The number of syllables and the number of word hyphenation options are not the same thing. The number of syllables in a word coincides with the number of vowels, which is why, to count the syllables, it is enough to count the vowels.
Then you need to write down all the letters in the word, and for each letter choose the sound that corresponds to it (how the letter is pronounced). There are letters that do not represent sounds - ь, ъ. However, if the vowel is at the beginning of the word or the vowel is located after a soft or hard sign, then such a vowel will denote two sounds at once. Sounds are recorded in square brackets.
After all the sounds have been written down, it is necessary to give each sound a characteristic, that is, describe it. In Russian, sounds are divided into two large groups: vowels and consonants. Vowel sounds are divided into stressed or unstressed. Consonants can be hard or soft (paired or unpaired), voiced or voiceless (paired or unpaired). If the sound is soft, then a dash is placed above it on the right. If a sound is paired, then such a sound has a pair, but only according to this characteristic(for example, if the sound [b] is a paired voiced sound, then the sound [p] is a paired voiceless sound).
At the very end, write down the transcription of the word in square brackets. Transcription of a word is the totality of all sounds, the way we pronounce this word. The sound-letter analysis ends with writing the number of all letters and sounds.

Sound-letter analysis of the word "five"

Five - one syllable (since there is one vowel letter), emphasis on the sound [a];
p - [p"] - consonant, soft pair, voiceless pair;
i - [a] - vowel, stressed;
t - [t"] - consonant, soft paired, unvoiced unpaired;
b - [-];
[p"at"] - transcription of the word;
4 letters, 3 sounds.

As soon as parents begin to think about how to teach their child reading skills, in addition to letters and syllables, the concept “ sound analysis words". However, not everyone understands why it is necessary to teach a child who cannot read how to do it, because this can only cause confusion. But, as it turns out, the ability to write correctly in the future depends on the ability to correctly understand words into sounds.

Sound analysis of a word: what is it

First of all, it is worth giving a definition. So, sound analysis of a word is the definition of the order in which sounds are placed in specific word and characteristics of their features.

Why do children need to learn to perform sound analysis of a word? For development phonemic hearing, that is, the ability to clearly distinguish sounding sounds and do not confuse words, for example: Tima - Dima. After all, if a child is not taught to clearly distinguish words by ear, he will not be able to write them down correctly. And this skill can be useful not only when studying the grammar of your native language, but also when studying the languages ​​of other countries.

The order of parsing words by sounds

When performing a sound analysis of any word, you must first place the stress, then divide it into syllables. Then find out how many letters are in the word and how many sounds. The next step is to analyze each sound step by step. After this, it is calculated how many vowels and how many consonants are in the analyzed word. At first, it is better for children to be given simple one-syllable or two-syllable words for analysis, for example their names: Vanya, Katya, Anya and others.

When the child has gradually figured out how to correctly analyze simple examples, it is worth complicating the analyzed word examples.

Sound analysis of a word: diagram

When working with very young children, special colored cards are used to better assimilate information.

With their help, children learn to create a sound analysis scheme.

The scarlet card is used to represent vowel sounds. Blue - hard consonants, green - soft. To indicate syllables, use two-color cards in the same color scheme. With their help, you can teach your child to characterize sounds and whole syllables. You also need a card to indicate stress and a card to show the division of the word into syllables. All these designations help teach a child to do sound analysis of a word (the diagram does not play a role in this last role), approved by the official school curriculum Russia.

Vowel sounds and their brief characteristics. Diphthongs

Before you start analyzing a word, it is important to know what features all phonetic sounds (vowels/consonants) have. When teaching children early stages it is necessary to provide information only about the most simple properties, the child will study everything else in high school.

Vowel sounds (there are six of them: [o], [a], [e], [s], [u], [i]) can be stressed/unstressed.
Also in Russian there are letters that in a certain position can produce a pair of sounds - ё [yo], yu [yu], ya [ya], e [ye].

If they follow consonants, they sound like one sound and add softness to the preceding sound. In other positions (the beginning of a word, after vowels and “ъ” and “ь”) they sound like 2 sounds.

Brief characteristics of consonants

There are thirty-six consonant sounds in our language, but they are represented graphically by only twenty-one characters. Consonants are hard and soft, as well as voiced and voiceless. They also may/may not form pairs.

The table below lists voiced and unvoiced sounds that can form pairs, and those that do not have this ability.

It is worth remembering: the consonant sounds [y`], [ch`], [sch`] are soft in any position, and the consonants [zh], [ts], [sh] are always hard. The sounds [ts], [x], [ch`], [sch`] are absolutely always unvoiced, [m], [n], [l], [р], [й`] are (sonorous) or voiced .

Soft and solid sign and don't make any sounds. Soft sign makes the previous consonant soft, and the hard sign plays the role of a sound separator (for example, in Ukrainian similar role plays an apostrophe).

Examples of sound analysis of words: “language” and “group”

Having understood the theory, it is worth trying to practice.

For example, you can conduct a sound analysis of the word “language”. This word Quite simple, and even a beginner can take it apart.

1) B in this example two syllables "ya-zyk". 2nd syllable is stressed
2) The first syllable is formed using the diphthong “ya”, which is at the beginning of the word, and therefore consists of 2 sounds [y`a]. The sound [th`] is a consonant (accord.), soft (soft.) (green card), the second sound [a] is a vowel, unstressed (scarlet card). To indicate this syllable in the diagram, you can also take a two-color green-red card.

4) Syllable 2 “tongue”. It consists of three sounds [z], [s], [k]. Consonant [z] - hard, voiced (card blue). Sound [s] - vowel, shock (red card). Sound [k] - agree, hard, deaf. (blue card).
5) The emphasis is placed and checked by changing the word being analyzed.
6) So in the word “language” there are two syllables, four letters and five sounds.

One point is worth considering: in this example, the word “language” was understood as if it were for first-grade students who do not yet know that some vowels in an unstressed position can produce other sounds. In high school, when students deepen their knowledge of phonetics, they will learn that in the word “language” the unstressed [a] is pronounced like [i] - [yizyk].

Sound analysis of the word "group".

1) In the analyzed example there are 2 syllables: “group”. 1st syllable is stressed.
2) The syllable “gru” is made up of three sounds [gru]. The first [g] - agree, firm, ringing. (blue card). Sound [r] - agree, hard, ringing. (blue card). Sound [y] - vowel, shock. (scarlet card).
3) A card is placed in the diagram indicating the division of syllables.
4) The second syllable “ppa” has three letters, but they produce only 2 sounds [p:a]. Sound [p:] - agree, hard, deaf. (blue card). It is also paired and pronounced long (blue card). The sound [a] is vowel, unstressed (scarlet card).
5) Emphasis is placed in the scheme.
6) So, the word “group” consists of 2 syllables, six letters and five sounds.

The ability to do the simplest sound analysis of a word is not something difficult, in fact it is a fairly simple process, but a lot depends on it, especially if the child has problems with diction. If you figure out how to do it correctly, it will help you pronounce words in native language without errors and will contribute to the development of the ability to write them down correctly.

Sound letter analysis words

Memo for sound-letter analysis

1. We hear and speak sounds, write and read letters. (We talk about sounds, but we denote them in writing accordingly with letters.)

2. There are 33 letters in the Russian language: 10 letters representing vowel sounds (A, O, U, E, Y, I, I, E, E, Yu), 21 letters representing consonants (B, V, D, D, F, 3, J, K, L, M, N, P, R, S, T, F, X, C, Ch, Sh, Shch) and 2 more special letters (or signs) - b and b.

3. Vowel sounds - 6 (A, O, E, I, U, S). There are many more consonant sounds. They are divided into hard and soft. Or, to put it differently, they form hardness-softness pairs, for example, [n"] ( soft sound) in the word touch and [n] ( solid sound) in the word throne. (Please note that, according to tradition, we wrote the sound in square brackets - [n], and the softness of the sound was indicated by the sign ". But we do not explain these icons to children yet - they will study this at school. Preschoolers, when performing sound-letter analysis, use color: red - to indicate vowels, blue - to indicate hard consonants, green - to indicate soft consonants).

4. There are 3 always hard consonant sounds - these are F, W, C and 3 always soft consonant sounds - these are Y, CH, Shch. All other consonant sounds can be either hard or soft.

5. Vowels I, E, Yo, Yu can denote 1 sound (respectively: i - [a], e - [e], ё - [o], yu - [y]), if they come after consonants (for example: ball - [mach], squirrel - [ b"elka], flax - [l"on], hatch - [l"uk]), and 2 sounds (i - [y"a], e - [y"e], e - [y"o], yu - [y"y]), if they appear at the beginning of a word (yama - [y"ama], raccoon [y"enot], fir tree [y"olka], yula - [y"ula]); after a vowel (bayan - [bai"an], fan - [vey"er], tea (from tea) - [tea"ok], bayun (cat-bayun) - [bai"un], and also after Kommersant And b(ate - [sy"el], bunches - [grozd"y"a], jam - [varen"y"e], linen - [bel"y"o], bindweed - [v"y"unok]).

6. Consonants also differ according to the bone-ringing-voicelessness principle. Always voiced: R, L, M, N, J, always deaf: X, C, Ch, Shch. The remaining consonants form pairs: B - P, V - F, G - K, D - T, F - W, 3 - C.

7. Words are divided into syllables: the number of vowels in a word, the number of syllables.


Draw a wavy line so that the vowels remain at the top and the consonants at the bottom.

What more?

What are more - vowels or consonants? Complete the letters so that there are equal numbers of vowels and consonants in each line.

Find the letters

Underline the letters you need to form words: house, bow.

Sound-letter analysis of words at school

Phonetics- a branch of the science of language that studies speech sounds. Phone (Greek) - sound.

Graphics- a branch of the science of language that studies letters. Grapho (Greek) - writing.

Letters- signs indicating speech sounds, we see and write them. The Russian language has 33 letters representing sounds. Graphic characters also include an accent mark, a hyphen (dash), punctuation marks and others, but the letters ь and ъ do not indicate sounds. Sounds are formed in speech apparatus when exhaling air. When consonant sounds are formed, the exhaled air encounters various obstacles in the mouth (lips, teeth, tongue, palate). A stream of air overcomes obstacles and this produces consonant sounds. Consonants in the Russian language are divided into voiced and voiceless, hard and soft. Hard consonant sounds have softness pairs [b] - [b"], [v] - [v"], [g] - [g"]. They do not have softness pairs [zh], [sh], [ts] , they are always hard.

They do not have a pair in hardness [h"], [sch"], [th"], they are always soft.

Note. The sound denoted by the letter ш is a long, soft, dull sound, for example: cheeks, brush. Paired with the long soft voiced one is [zh "zh"], which is found in a few words, for example: yeast, reins.

Consonant sounds are divided into voiced and voiceless. When voiced consonants are formed, the vocal cords vibrate and a voice is formed. And when pronouncing voiceless consonants, the vocal folds do not vibrate, and noise is formed. Vibration vocal cords can be felt by placing the back of your hand against your throat. They have a pair of voicedness and deafness [b]- [p], [v]- [f], [g]- [k], [d]- [t], [zh]- [sh], [z]- [With]. They do not have a pair for deafness [th], [l], [m], [n], [r], they are always voiced. They do not have a voiced pair [x], [ts], [ch], [sch], they are always deaf.

Voiced and voiceless consonant sounds can differentiate words. For example: house - volume, count - goal, ball - heat, etc. Paired soft and hard consonant sounds distinguish words, for example: bow - hatch, small - crushed, nose - carried, horse - horse. A voiced consonant at the end of a word and before a voiceless consonant is replaced by a paired voiceless one. This replacement is called stunning. For example: tooth - tooth, low - low. A voiceless consonant before a voiced consonant (except for l, p, m, n, th) is replaced by its paired voiced consonant. This replacement is called voicing a consonant. For example: request - ask, hand over.

Examples of sound-letter analysis of words

Watchmen - [starazhyt] - 9 letters, 8 sounds, 3 syllables.
S - [s] - consonant, voiceless, paired, hard, paired;
T - [t] - consonant, voiceless, paired, hard, paired;

R - [r] - consonant, voiced, unpaired, hard, paired, sonorous;
O - [a] - vowel, unstressed;
F - [zh] - consonant, voiced, paired, hard, unpaired;
And - [s] - vowel, stressed;
T - [t"] - consonant, deaf, paired, soft, paired;
b - [-]
Volume "m - [aby"om] - 5 letters, 5 sounds, 2 syllables.
O - [a] - vowel, unstressed;
B - [b] - consonant, voiced, paired, solid, paired;
b - [-]
E - [th"] - consonant, voiced, unpaired, soft, unpaired, sonorous;
[o] - vowel, stressed;
M - [m] - consonant, voiced, unpaired, hard, paired, sonorous.

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