4 the atom contains the following particles. Nuclear forces acting between nucleons...

To the question: What particles make up an atom? given by the author Flush the best answer is

Atomic nucleus ( central part atom) consists of elementary nuclear particles- protons and neutrons. The radius of the core is approximately one hundred thousand times less than radius atom. The density of the atomic nucleus is extremely high. Protons are stable elementary particles with a single positive electrical charge and a mass 1836 times greater than the mass of an electron. A proton is the nucleus of an atom of the lightest element, hydrogen. The number of protons in the nucleus is equal to Z. A neutron is a neutral (having no electric charge) elementary particle with a mass very close to the mass of a proton. Since the mass of the nucleus consists of the mass of protons and neutrons, the number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom is equal to A - Z, where A is the mass number of a given isotope (see Periodic table of chemical elements). The proton and neutron that make up the nucleus are called nucleons. In the nucleus, nucleons are connected by special nuclear forces.

The transition of a proton to a neutron in the nucleus can be carried out in two ways: either a particle with a mass is emitted from the nucleus, equal mass electron, but with a positive charge, called a positron (positron decay), or the nucleus captures one of the electrons from the K-shell closest to it (K-capture).

Answer from MyElepphant[guru]
A positively charged nucleus (the nucleus, in turn, includes positively charged protons and neutrally charged neurons) has negatively charged electrons rotating around the atom.

Answer from Baby sucker[newbie]
My salary

Answer from Ingenuous[newbie]
Thank you

Answer from Oleg Zubachek[newbie]
An atom consists of a nucleus, which has a positive electrical charge, and negatively charged electrons. Charge of the nucleus of any chemical element equal to the product Z by e, where Z is serial number of this element in the periodic table of chemical elements, e is the value of the elementary electric charge.
An electron is the smallest particle of a substance with a negative electric charge e=1.6·10-19 coulombs, taken as an elementary electric charge. Electrons, rotating around the nucleus, are located in the electron shells K, L, M, etc. K is the shell closest to the nucleus. The size of an atom is determined by its size electron shell. An atom can lose electrons and become positive ion or add electrons and become negative ion. The charge of an ion determines the number of electrons lost or gained. The process of turning a neutral atom into a charged ion is called ionization.
The atomic nucleus (the central part of the atom) consists of elementary nuclear particles - protons and neutrons. The radius of the nucleus is approximately one hundred thousand times smaller than the radius of the atom. The density of the atomic nucleus is extremely high. Protons are stable elementary particles with a single positive electrical charge and a mass 1836 times greater than the mass of an electron. A proton is the nucleus of an atom of the lightest element, hydrogen. The number of protons in the nucleus is equal to Z. A neutron is a neutral (having no electric charge) elementary particle with a mass very close to the mass of a proton. Since the mass of the nucleus consists of the mass of protons and neutrons, the number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom is equal to A - Z, where A is the mass number of a given isotope (see Periodic table of chemical elements). The proton and neutron that make up the nucleus are called nucleons. In the nucleus, nucleons are connected by special nuclear forces.
The atomic nucleus contains a huge reserve of energy, which is released during nuclear reactions. Nuclear reactions occur when atomic nuclei With elementary particles or with the nuclei of other elements. As a result of nuclear reactions, new nuclei are formed. For example, a neutron can transform into a proton. In this case, a beta particle, i.e., an electron, is ejected from the nucleus.
The transition of a proton to a neutron in the nucleus can be carried out in two ways: either a particle with a mass equal to the mass of the electron, but with a positive charge, called a positron (positron decay), is emitted from the nucleus, or the nucleus captures one of the electrons from the K-shell closest to it (K -capture).
Sometimes the resulting nucleus has an excess of energy (is in an excited state) and, going into normal condition, releases excess energy in the form electromagnetic radiation with a very short wavelength - gamma radiation. The energy released during nuclear reactions is practically used in various industries industry.

The experiments of the great scientist, the “father” of modern nuclear physics, helped create a planetary model of the atom. According to it, an atom is a nucleus around which electrons rotate in orbits. Danish physicist Niels Bohr slightly modified this model within the framework of quantum concepts. It turns out that the electron is one of the particles included in.


This particle was discovered by J.J. Thomson (Lord Kelvin) in 1897 in experiments with cathode rays. The great scientist discovered that when passing electric current with the gas in it, negatively charged particles are formed, later called electrons.

Electron is the smallest particle that has negative charge. This makes it stable (lifetime on the order of one iota years). Its state is described by several quantum numbers. The electron has its own mechanical moment - spin, which can take values ​​​​of +1/2 and -1/2 (spin quantum number). The presence of spin was confirmed in the experiments of Uhlenbeck and Goudsmit.

This particle obeys the Pauli principle, according to which two electrons cannot have the same quantum numbers at the same time, that is, they cannot simultaneously be in the same quantum states. According to this principle, the electron orbitals of atoms are filled.

Proton and neutron

The core, according to accepted planetary model, consists of protons and neutrons. These particles have almost the same mass, but the proton has a positive charge, while the neutron does not have it at all.

The proton was discovered by Ernest Rutherford as a result of his experiments with alpha particles, which he bombarded gold atoms with. The proton mass was calculated. It turned out to be almost 2000 times more mass electron. The proton is the most stable particle in the Universe. Scientists believe that her lifespan is approaching infinity.

The hypothesis about the existence of the neutron was put forward by Rutherford, but he could not confirm it experimentally. This was done by J. Chadwick in 1932. A neutron “lives” for about 900 seconds. After this time, the neutron, electron and electron neutrino will decay. It is capable of causing nuclear reactions, since it can easily penetrate the nucleus, bypassing the forces of electrostatic interaction, and cause its division.

Smaller particles

Both the proton and the neutron are not integral particles. According to modern ideas, they are made up of groups of quarks that bind them together in the nucleus. It is quarks that carry out the strong and nuclear interaction between the components of the nucleus.

Test No. 5

Option 1

    The phenomenon of radioactivity discovered by Becquerel indicates that...

A. All substances consist of indivisible particles-atoms.

B. An atom contains electrons.

B. The atom has a complex structure.

D. This phenomenon is characteristic only of uranium.

    Who proposed the nuclear model of the structure of the atom?

A. Becquerel. B. Heisenberg. V. Thomson. G. Rutherford.

    The figure shows diagrams of four atoms. Black dots are electrons. Which diagram corresponds to an atom 2 4 Not?

    The composition of an atom includes the following particles:

A. Only protons.

B. nucleons and electrons.

B. protons and neutrons.

D. Neutrons and electrons.

    What is the mass number of the nucleus of a manganese atom? 25 55 Mn?

A. 25. B. 80. C. 30. D. 55.

    In which of the following reactions is the law of conservation of charge violated?

A. 8 15 O→ 1 1 H+ 8 14 O.

B. 3 6 Li + 1 1 H→ 2 4 He + 2 3 He.

B. 2 3 He + 2 3 He→ 2 4 He + 1 1 N + 1 1 N.

G. 3 7 Li + 2 4 He → 5 10 V + 0 1 n.

    The atomic nucleus consists of protons and neutrons. Between which pairs of particles inside the nucleus do nuclear forces act?

A. Proton-proton

B. Proton-neutron.

B. Neutron-neutron.

D. In all pairs A-B.

    Proton and neutron masses...

A. Treat as 1836:1.

B. Approximately the same.

B. Relative to 1:1836.

D. Approximately equal to zero.

    In the nucleus of a calcium atom 20 40 Ca contains...

A. 20 neutrons and 40 protons.

B. 40 neutrons and 20 electrons.

B. 20 protons and 40 electrons.

D. 20 protons and 20 neutrons.

    In which device is the trace of the movement of a fast charged particle in a gas made visible (as a result of condensation of supersaturated vapor on ions)?

A. In a Geiger counter.

B. In the cloud chamber.

D. In a bubble chamber.

    Determine the second product X in a nuclear reaction: 13 27 Al + 0 1 n 11 24 Na+X.

A. Alpha particle. B. neutron. B. proton. G. electron

    The atomic nucleus consists ofZprotons andNneutrons. Free neutron massm n , free proton m p . Which of the following conditions is true for the mass of the nucleus? m g ?

A. m g =Zm p + Nm n

B. m g > Zm p + Nm n.

D. For stable nuclei, condition A, for radioactive nuclei condition B.

m p =1.00728; m n =1.00866;m = 7.01601.

A. ∆m ≈ 0.04. B. ∆m ≈ –0.04. B. ∆m =0. G. ∆m ≈ 0.2.

14 In what units should the mass value be expressed when calculating the binding energy of atomic nuclei using the formula ∆E= ∆ m* c 2 ?

A. In kilograms.

B. In grams.

V.V atomic units masses.

G. In joules.

    What is called critical mass in uranium nuclear reactor?

A. The mass of uranium in the reactor at which it can operate without explosion.

B. The minimum mass of uranium at which a chain reaction can occur in the reactor.

B. Additional mass of uranium introduced into the reactor to start it.

D. Additional mass of substance introduced into the reactor to stop it in critical cases.

    What kind radioactive radiation most dangerous when a person is exposed to external radiation?

A. Beta radiation.

B. gamma radiation.

B. Alpha radiation.

Additional task.

    All chemical elements exist in the form of two or more isotopes. Determine the difference in the composition of isotope nuclei 17 35 ClAnd 17 37 Cl.

A. the isotope 17 35 Cl has 2 more protons in the nucleus than 17 37 Cl.

B. the isotope 17 37 Cl has 2 less protons in the nucleus than 17 35 Cl.

B. the isotope 17 37 Cl has 2 more neutrons in its nucleus than 17 35 Cl.

G. isotope 17 37 Cl has 2 fewer neutrons in its nucleus than 17 35 Cl.

18. When alpha decay atomic nuclei...

A. The mass of the nucleus remains virtually unchanged, so the mass number remains the same, but the charge increases by one.

B. The mass number decreases by 4, but the charge remains unchanged.

B. The mass number decreases by 4 and the charge increases by 2.

D. The mass number decreases by 4, the charge also decreases by 2.

19. Energy is released or absorbed in a nuclear reaction. 3 6 Li + 1 1 H→ 2 4 Not + 2 3 Not? Masses of nuclei and particles in a. m. are respectively equal:m 3 6 Li=6,01513, m 1 1 H= 1.00728,m 2 4 Not= 4.00260,m 2 3 Not =3.01602.

A. Absorbed because ∆m

B. Stands out because ∆m

B. Absorbed because ∆m> 0.

D. Stands out because. ∆m> 0.

20. When the 5 10 B isotope is bombarded with neutrons, an alpha particle is ejected from the resulting nucleus. Using the laws of conservation of mass number and charge, as well as periodic system elements, write down nuclear reaction.

Test No. 5

on the topic “Structure of the atom and atomic nucleus”

Option 2

1. Radioactive radiation may include...

A. Only electrons.

B. Neutrons only.

B. Alpha particles only.

G. Beta particles, alpha particles, gamma quanta.

2. With the help of experiments, Rutherford found that...

A. Positive charge distributed evenly throughout the entire volume of the atom.

B. The positive charge is concentrated in the center of the atom and occupies a very small volume.

B. An atom contains electrons.

D. An atom has no internal structure.

    The figure shows diagrams of four atoms. Electrons are depicted as black dots.

Which diagram corresponds to an atom 7 3 Li?

    The core contains the following particles:

A. Only protons.

B. Protons and electrons.

B. Protons and Neutrons

D. Neutrons and electrons.

5. Why charge equals strontium atom nuclei 38 88 Sr?

A. 88 B. 38 C. 50 D. 126.

    In which of the following nuclear reaction equations is the law of conservation of mass number violated?

A. 4 9 Be + 2 4 He → 6 12 C + 0 1 H

B. 7 14 N + 2 4 He → 8 17 O + 1 1 H

V. 7 14 N + 1 1 N → 5 11 V + 2 4 Not

G. 92 239 U → 93 239 Np + -1 0 e

6. Nuclear forces acting between nucleons...

A. They exceed gravitational forces many times and act between charged particles.

B. They are many times superior to all types of forces and act at any distance.

B. They are many times superior to all other types of forces, but act only at distances comparable to the size of the nucleus.

D. Many times exceed gravitational forces and act between any particles.

    Proton and electron masses...

A. Relate as 1836: 1.

B. Approximately the same.

B. Referred to as 1: 1836.

D. Approximately equal to zero.

8. In the nucleus of an iron atom 26 56 Fecontains:

A. 26 neutrons and 56 protons.

B. 56 neutrons and 26 protons.

B. 26 protons and 56 electrons.

D. 26 protons and 30 neutrons.

    In which device is the origin of an ionizing particle recorded by the occurrence of an electric current pulse as a result of the occurrence self-discharge in gas?

A. In the cloud chamber.

B. In a Geiger counter.

B. In a scintillation counter.

D. In a bubble chamber.

    Determine the second product of the X nuclear reaction:

13 27 Al + 2 4 He 15 30 P + X

A. Alpha particle (2 4 He).

B. Neutron.

B. Proton.

G. Electron.

12. The atomic nucleus consists ofZprotons andNneutrons. Free neutron massm n , free protonm p . Which of the following conditions is true for the mass of the nucleus?m I ?

A. m i Z*m p + m n ; B. m i = Z*m p + N*m n

D. For stable nuclei, condition A, for radioactive - condition B.

13. Calculate the mass defect (∆m) in a. e.m. Atomic nuclei 2 3 Not. Masses of particles and nuclei, expressed in a. e.m., respectively equal:m n = 1,00866; m p = 1,00728;

m I = 3,01602.

A. ∆ m ≈ 0.072 B. ∆ m ≈ 0.0072 C. ∆ m ≈ -0.0072 D. ∆ m ≈ 0

14. In what units will the energy value be obtained when calculating the binding energy of atomic nuclei using the formula ∆ E= m* c 2 ?

A. In electron volts (eV).

B. In megaelectron volts (MeV)

B. In joules.

G. V a. eat.

15. In a nuclear reactor, substances such as graphite or water are used as so-called moderators. What should they slow down and why?

A. They slow down neutrons to reduce the likelihood of a nuclear fission reaction occurring.

B. They slow down neutrons to increase the likelihood of a nuclear fission reaction occurring.

B. They slow down the fission chain reaction to make it easier to control the reactor.

D. Slow down fragments of nuclei formed as a result of the fission of uranium, for practical use their kinetic energy.

16. What type of radioactive radiation is most dangerous for internal irradiation of a person?

A. Beta radiation.

B. Gamma radiation.

B. Alpha radiation.

D. All three types of radiation: alpha, beta, gamma.

Additional task.

    All chemical elements exist in the form of two or more isotopes. Determine the difference in the composition of the nuclei of the isotopes 10 20 Ne and 10 22 Ne

A. the isotope 10 20 Ne has 2 more protons in the nucleus than 10 22 Ne

B. the isotope 10 20 Ne has 2 fewer protons in the nucleus than 10 22 Ne

B. the isotope 10 22 Ne has 2 more neutrons in the nucleus than 10 20 Ne

G. the isotope 10 22 Ne has 2 fewer neutrons in the nucleus than 10 20 Ne

18. During beta decay of atomic nuclei...

A. The mass of the nucleus remains virtually unchanged, so the mass number remains the same, but the charge increases.

B. The mass number increases by 1 and the charge decreases by 1.

B. The mass number remains the same, but the charge decreases by 1.

D. The mass number decreases by 1, the charge remains unchanged.

19. Is energy released or absorbed in the nuclear reaction 7 14 N + 2 4 He → 8 17 O + 1 1 H? The masses of nuclei and particles (in a.m.) are respectively equal: m 7 14 N = 14.00307, ​​m 2 4 He = 4.00260, m 8 17 O = 16.99913, m 1 1 H = 1.00728.

A. Absorbed because ∆m

B. Stands out because ∆m

B. Absorbed because ∆m> 0.

D. Stands out because. ∆m> 0.

20. Using the laws of conservation of mass number and charge, as well as the periodic table of elements, write a nuclear reaction that occurs during the bombardment of 5 11 B alpha particles and is accompanied by the knocking out of neutrons

Answer form

To test work № 5

on the topic “Structure of the atom and atomic nucleus”

Class _____________

Option _______






Answer form

for test No. 5

on the topic “Structure of the atom and atomic nucleus”

Date: ___________________20__

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Test No. 5

Option 1

  1. The phenomenon of radioactivity, discovered by Becquerel, indicates that...
A. All substances consist of indivisible particles-atoms.

B. An atom contains electrons.

B. The atom has a complex structure.

D. This phenomenon is characteristic only of uranium.

  1. Who proposed the nuclear model of the structure of the atom?
A. Becquerel. B. Heisenberg. V. Thomson. G. Rutherford.

  1. The figure shows diagrams of four atoms. Black dots are electrons. Which diagram corresponds to an atom 2 4 Not?

  1. The composition of an atom includes the following particles:
A. Only protons.

B. nucleons and electrons.

B. protons and neutrons.

D. Neutrons and electrons.

  1. What is the mass number of the nucleus of a manganese atom? 25 55 Mn?
A. 25. B. 80. C. 30. D. 55.

  1. In which of the following reactions is the law of conservation of charge violated?
A. 8 15 O→ 1 1 H+ 8 14 O.

B. 3 6 Li + 1 1 H→ 2 4 He + 2 3 He.

B. 2 3 He + 2 3 He→ 2 4 He + 1 1 N + 1 1 N.

G. 3 7 Li + 2 4 He → 5 10 V + 0 1 n.

  1. ^ The atomic nucleus consists of protons and neutrons. Between which pairs of particles inside the nucleus do nuclear forces act?
A. Proton-proton

B. Proton-neutron.

B. Neutron-neutron.

D. In all pairs A-B.

  1. Proton and neutron masses...
A. Treat as 1836:1.

B. Approximately the same.

B. Relative to 1:1836.

D. Approximately equal to zero.

  1. In the nucleus of a calcium atom 20 40 Ca contains...
A. 20 neutrons and 40 protons.

B. 40 neutrons and 20 electrons.

B. 20 protons and 40 electrons.

D. 20 protons and 20 neutrons.

  1. ^ In which device is the trace of the movement of a fast charged particle in a gas made visible (as a result of condensation of supersaturated vapor on ions)?
A. In a Geiger counter.

B. In the cloud chamber.

D. In a bubble chamber.

  1. ^ Determine the second product X in a nuclear reaction: 13 27 Al+ 0 1 n → 11 24 Na+X.
A. Alpha particle. B. neutron. B. proton. G. electron

  1. The atomic nucleus consists of Z protons and N neutrons. Free neutron mass m n , free proton m p . Which of the following conditions is true for the mass of the nucleus? m g ?
A. m g =Zm p + Nm n

B. m g
B. m g > Zm p + Nm n.

D. For stable nuclei, condition A, for radioactive nuclei, condition B.

  1. Calculate ∆ m (mass defect) of the atomic nucleus 3 7 Li (in amu).
m p =1.00728; m n =1.00866;m = 7.01601.

A. ∆m ≈ 0.04. B. ∆m ≈ –0.04. B. ∆m =0. G. ∆m ≈ 0.2.

14 In what units should the mass value be expressed when calculating the binding energy of atomic nuclei using the formula ∆E= ∆m*c 2 ?

A. In kilograms.

B. In grams.

B. In atomic mass units.

G. In joules.

  1. ^ What is the critical mass in a uranium nuclear reactor?
A. The mass of uranium in the reactor at which it can operate without explosion.

B. Minimum mass of uranium at which a chain reaction can occur in the reactor.

B. Additional mass of uranium introduced into the reactor to start it.

D. Additional mass of substance introduced into the reactor to stop it in critical cases.

  1. ^ What type of radioactive radiation is most dangerous when a person is exposed to external radiation?
A. Beta radiation.

B. gamma radiation.

B. Alpha radiation.

^ Additional task.

  1. All chemical elements exist in the form of two or more isotopes. Determine the difference in the composition of isotope nuclei 17 35 Cl and 17 37 Cl.
A. the isotope 17 35 Cl has 2 more protons in the nucleus than 17 37 Cl.

B. the isotope 17 37 Cl has 2 less protons in the nucleus than 17 35 Cl.

B. isotope 17 37 Cl has 2 more neutrons in its nucleus than 17 35 Cl.

G. isotope 17 37 Cl has 2 fewer neutrons in its nucleus than 17 35 Cl.

18. During alpha decay of atomic nuclei...

the mass number remains the same, and the charge increases by one.

B. The mass number decreases by 4, but the charge remains unchanged.

B. The mass number decreases by 4 and the charge increases by 2.

D. The mass number decreases by 4, the charge also decreases by 2.

^ 19. Energy is released or absorbed in a nuclear reaction. 3 6 Li+ 1 1 H→ 2 4 Not + 2 3 Not? Masses of nuclei and particles in a. m. are respectively equal: m 3 6 Li=6.01513, m 1 1 Н= 1.00728, m 2 4 Not= 4.00260, m 2 3 Not =3.01602.

A. Absorbed because ∆m
B. Stands out because ∆m
B. Absorbed because ∆m> 0.

D. Stands out because. ∆m> 0.

20. When the 5 10 B isotope is bombarded with neutrons, an alpha particle is ejected from the resulting nucleus. Using the laws of conservation of mass number and charge, as well as the periodic table of elements, write down the nuclear reaction.

Test No. 5

on the topic “Structure of the atom and atomic nucleus”

Option 2

^ 1. Radioactive radiation may include...

A. Only electrons.

B. Neutrons only.

B. Alpha particles only.

D. Beta particles, alpha particles, gamma quanta.

^ 2. With the help of experiments, Rutherford found that...

A. The positive charge is distributed evenly throughout the entire volume of the atom.

B. The positive charge is concentrated in the center of the atom and occupies a very small volume.

B. An atom contains electrons.

D. An atom has no internal structure.

  1. ^ The figure shows diagrams of four atoms. Electrons are depicted as black dots.
Which diagram corresponds to an atom 7 3 Li?

  1. The core contains the following particles:
A. Only protons.

B. Protons and electrons.

B. Protons and Neutrons

D. Neutrons and electrons.

^ 5. What is the charge of the nucleus of a strontium atom? 38 88 Sr?

A. 88 B. 38 C. 50 D. 126.

  1. In which of the following nuclear reaction equations is the law of conservation of mass number violated?
A. 4 9 Be + 2 4 He → 6 12 C + 0 1 H

B. 7 14 N + 2 4 He → 8 17 O + 1 1 H

V. 7 14 N + 1 1 N → 5 11 V + 2 4 Not

G. 92 239 U → 93 239 Np + -1 0 e

^ 6. Nuclear forces acting between nucleons...

A. Many times superior gravitational forces and act between charged particles.

B. They are many times superior to all types of forces and act at any distance.

B. They are many times superior to all other types of forces, but act only at distances comparable to the size of the nucleus.

D. Many times exceed gravitational forces and act between any particles.

  1. Proton and electron masses...
A. Relate as 1836: 1.

B. Approximately the same.

B. Referred to as 1: 1836.

D. Approximately equal to zero.

^ 8. In the nucleus of an iron atom 26 56 Fe contains:

A. 26 neutrons and 56 protons.

B. 56 neutrons and 26 protons.

B. 26 protons and 56 electrons.

D. 26 protons and 30 neutrons.

  1. In which device is the origin of an ionizing particle recorded by the occurrence of an electric current pulse as a result of the occurrence of a self-discharge in a gas?
A. In the cloud chamber.

B. In a Geiger counter.

B. In a scintillation counter.

D. In a bubble chamber.

  1. ^ Determine the second product of the X nuclear reaction:
13 27 Al + 2 4 He 15 30 P + X

A. Alpha particle (2 4 He).

B. Neutron.

B. Proton.

G. Electron.

^ 12. The atomic nucleus consists of Z protons and N neutrons. Free neutron mass m n , free proton m p . Which of the following conditions is true for the nuclear mass m I ?

A. m i Z*m p + m n ; B. m i = Z*m p + N*m n

D. For stable nuclei, condition A, for radioactive ones - condition B.

^ 13. Calculate the mass defect (∆ m) in a. e.m. Atomic nuclei 2 3 Not. Masses of particles and nuclei, expressed in a. e.m., respectively equal: m n = 1.00866; m p = 1,00728;

m I = 3,01602.

A. ∆ m ≈ 0.072 B. ∆ m ≈ 0.0072 C. ∆ m ≈ -0.0072 D. ∆ m ≈ 0

^ 14. In what units will the energy value be obtained when calculating the binding energy of atomic nuclei using the formula ∆E=m*c 2 ?

A. In electron volts (eV).

B. In megaelectron volts (MeV)

B. In joules.

G. V a. eat.

^ 15. In a nuclear reactor, substances such as graphite or water are used as so-called moderators. What should they slow down and why?

A. They slow down neutrons to reduce the likelihood of a nuclear fission reaction occurring.

B. They slow down neutrons to increase the likelihood of a nuclear fission reaction occurring.

B. They slow down the fission chain reaction to make it easier to control the reactor.

D. They slow down fragments of nuclei formed as a result of the fission of uranium for the practical use of their kinetic energy.

^ 16. What type of radioactive radiation is most dangerous for internal irradiation of a person?

A. Beta radiation.

B. Gamma radiation.

B. Alpha radiation.

D. All three types of radiation: alpha, beta, gamma.

^ Additional task.

  1. All chemical elements exist in the form of two or more isotopes. Determine the difference in the composition of the nuclei of the isotopes 10 20 Ne and 10 22 Ne
A. the isotope 10 20 Ne has 2 more protons in the nucleus than 10 22 Ne

B. the isotope 10 20 Ne has 2 fewer protons in the nucleus than 10 22 Ne

B. isotope 10 22 Ne has 2 more neutrons in its nucleus than 10 20 Ne

G. the isotope 10 22 Ne has 2 fewer neutrons in the nucleus than 10 20 Ne

18. During beta decay of atomic nuclei...

A. The mass of the nucleus remains virtually unchanged, so the mass number remains the same, but the charge increases.

B. The mass number increases by 1 and the charge decreases by 1.

B. The mass number remains the same, but the charge decreases by 1.

D. The mass number decreases by 1, the charge remains unchanged.

19. Is energy released or absorbed in the nuclear reaction 7 14 N + 2 4 He → 8 17 O + 1 1 H? The masses of nuclei and particles (in a.m.) are respectively equal: m 7 14 N = 14.00307, ​​m 2 4 He = 4.00260, m 8 17 O = 16.99913, m 1 1 H = 1.00728.

A. Absorbed because ∆m
B. Stands out because ∆m
B. Absorbed because ∆m> 0.

D. Stands out because. ∆m> 0.

20. Using the laws of conservation of mass number and charge, as well as the periodic table of elements, write a nuclear reaction that occurs during the bombardment of 5 11 B alpha particles and is accompanied by the knocking out of neutrons

^ Answer form

for test No. 5

on the topic “Structure of the atom and atomic nucleus”

Class _____________

Option _______


























^ Answer form

for test No. 5

on the topic “Structure of the atom and atomic nucleus”

Date: ___________________20__

Class _____________

FULL NAME ________________________________

Option _______


























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IN 1




















AT 2




















No. 20 5 10 V + 0 1 n. → 3 7 Li + 2 4 He (1 OPTION)

5 11 V + 2 4 He→ 7 14 N + 1 1 N (OPTION 2)

^ Table for converting the number of correct answers to mandatory questions into a rating on a five-point scale.

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