Anthology of Russian poetry The Circle of the Lord's Summer. Application "Living Poetry": concentration of Russian culture for recreation and education

***3 weeks on the main AppStore banner***
***Winner of the National Book Competition “Book of the Year – 2013” ​​in the category “ E-book»!***

The seasons and Russian traditions truly come to life in a unique multimedia poetry application " Living poetry" On its pages you can not only read the best poetic works, but also hear and see how familiar lines are performed by your favorite Russian actors, and the masterpieces of Russian artists come to life to the music of Tchaikovsky in the application on your iPad/iPhone.

Thousands of illustrations, music, dozens of original cartoons, more than 700 poems read by the best artists of the country: Maxim Averin, Valery Barinov, Sergei Bezrukov, Anatoly Bely, Egor Beroev, Ekaterina Vasilyeva, Igor Gordin, Vadim Demchog, Igor Kostolevsky, Vasily Lanovoy, Dmitry Nazarov, Andrey Panin, Maria Poroshina, Mikhail Poleitsimako, Andrey Smolyakov, Vladimir Steklov, Georgy Taratorkin, Konstantin Khabensky, Sergey Shakurov, Igor Yasulovich and many others.

“Poetry is a genre that can truly touch every heart and make it a little purer, better,” says general producer Arkady Levin. “With this project we want to revive the great Russian poetry with the help of modern technologies. We want the poems to sound, play, move, be colored with the colors of the best Russian artists, and speak in the voices of the best Russian actors. We want people to hear, see, feel poetry - and love it the way our ancestors loved it.”

Incredible! *****
How much painstaking work and effort has been put into this amazing work

Delight!!! *****
I didn’t know that people were capable of such a miracle! ... The ingenious set of paintings, poems, actors (delightfully, professionally voicing the poems of great poets), and of course the breathtaking animation!

Bravo! *****
One of the strongest content projects on the RuNet!

The Anthology's 1,500 pages are presented in 12 monthly issues.

Anna Akhmatova, Konstantin Balmont, Ivan Bunin, Alexander Blok, Nikolai Gumilyov, Sergei Yesenin, Nikolai Karamzin, Mikhail Lermontov, Osip Mandelstam, Boris Pasternak, Alexander Pushkin, Ivan Turgenev, Fyodor Tyutchev, Afanasy Fet, Velimir Khlebnikov, Marina Tsvetaeva, Sasha Cherny ... – 94 authors.


Igor Grabar, Arkhip Kuindzhi, Boris Kustodiev, Isaac Levitan, Valentin Serov, Alexey Savrasov, Konstantin Yuon... - hundreds of fragments of Russian landscape painting, as well as unique icons from the collection of the Andrei Rublev Museum.


The book's illustrations come to life in dozens of original cartoons directed by Irma Komladze, based on poetic works– more than 70 minutes of animation.

Musical cycle “Seasons” by P.I. Tchaikovsky in a brilliant transcription by Alexander Gindin, as well as an original soundtrack by composer Anton Viskov.

Methodical manual on the basics of eloquence

Statement of fundamental laws speech culture and correct pronunciation is accompanied in the “Manual” by a method for eliminating speech deficiencies and a unique selection of exercises - Russian proverbs and sayings. Audio classes are conducted by a professor of the department stage speech Theater Institute named after. Boris Shchukina, Doctor of Science in Linguistic Acmeology (IUFS Oxford) Anna Brousser.

Printed version of the Anthology of Russian Poetry (idea, compilation, comments, appendix - Olga Nersesova):

Published with the blessing of the blessedly reposed His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II;
- winner of the National Book Competition “Book of the Year - 2010”;
- laureate International competition“The Art of Books-2010”;
- laureate International Prize saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius (2010);
- winner of the VI Open competition “Enlightenment through books” (2011).

Express your wishes on our pages:


In 2009, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior published a four-volume anthology of Russian poetry, “The Circle of the Lord’s Summer. Seasons. Orthodox holidays”, which received several awards. Work on the electronic multimedia version of the project is now being completed. The curator and scientific consultant of the project, Archpriest Alexander Ageikin, and the general producer of the project, Arkady Levin, told Pravmir about it.

It all started with Sunday school

In the early 2000s, a wonderful actress, director and teacher Flora Yakovlevna Nersesova (baptized Olga), Arkady’s mother, began teaching in our Sunday school artistic word. It was she who came up with the idea of ​​​​creating an anthology of Russian poetry “The Circle of the Lord’s Summer. Seasons. Orthodox holidays."

The work took more than three years and was completed in 2006. At the same time, the project was blessed for publication by His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II. The four-volume volume was published at the end of 2009 and was awarded all possible professional book, public and church awards.

Archpriest Alexander Ageikin was born in 1971 on Far East in the family of a military man. In 1994 he graduated from the Russian State University for the Humanities. Baptized in 1989. Since 1992 he has been an altar boy at the Transfiguration Church in Peredelkino. In 1996 he was ordained deacon. Since 2000 he served in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Protodeacon since 2001, ordained priest in 2012. In March 2013 he was appointed rector of Epiphany cathedral in Elokhov.

The anthology consists of four volumes (by seasons). Each volume is divided into two parts: the first contains poems by great Russian poets about the time of year to which the volume is dedicated, the second contains their poems about Orthodox holidays that fall during this time of year. Olga Yakovlevna wanted to use great poetry to show the harmony of nature and the spiritual world.

The famous Pushkinist Valentin Semyonovich Nepomnyashchy helped us in selecting the works. When the collection was compiled, he wrote that this was an anthology of Russian poetry as poetry, unprecedented in volume and scope Orthodox people. More than seven hundred poems by 94 poets were published there - from Simeon of Polotsk to Joseph Brodsky.

The book is intended for family reading. It's beautifully illustrated and there's literally no square centimeter white paper for one and a half thousand pages. Poems on spiritual themes are illustrated with thousands of specially restored miniatures from the Khludov and Kyiv Psalters (IX and XIV centuries), and poems about nature and the seasons - with hundreds of fragments of Russian landscape painting.

The collection can still be purchased today for a donation at the bookstore of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior or ordered to be delivered anywhere in the world on the project’s website, although almost the entire first edition - six thousand copies - has sold out.

Unfortunately, Olga Yakovlevna did not live to see the book’s publication, but this is entirely her merit, and now Arkady and I are continuing her work. Since the book was conceived, computer technology We have made great progress, and we have the opportunity to voice poems in the electronic version of the book, provide musical accompaniment and “revive” the rich illustrative material in dozens of animated films. And now we, together with the Sretenie center for cultural initiatives, are implementing this project.

TV series stars in new roles

The poems published in the collection are read by wonderful artists. Our project is non-profit, and there is no way to pay the artists’ work, but this did not bother anyone. More than forty of the best artists in the country, despite being busy, found time and came to our studio to record. For some, this was a completely new role.

Arkady Levin was born on September 1, 1969 in Moscow. In 1988 he graduated from VSMU named after. Gnesins, a musical theater actor by profession. In the same year he was accepted into the troupe of the Moscow Youth Theater. In 1995 he graduated from the Shchukinsky directing department theater school. In 1996-2000 taught at the Shchukin School. He staged performances at the Moscow Youth Theater and other theaters.

For example, Andrei Panin, who recently left us, said that he had never written down poetry before. Before enrolling, he was almost as nervous as an applicant to creative competition: “Let’s try, but I don’t know how, I’m not sure it will work.” This was one of the most inspired and wonderful posts of the entire project! Andrey read poems by Nabokov, Khlebnikov and Khodasevich - 15 poems in total.

Maxim Averin, whom everyone knows for his title roles in the TV series “Capercaillie” and “Sklifosovsky,” read Blok with such inspiration! 25 poems! I think many will be amazed to see their favorite artist in this form.

It must be said that for the actors themselves, many of the poems became a revelation - they had never met them. Including famous poets. For example, poetry lovers know Sasha Cherny, but mainly as a satirist poet. I suspect that few people have read his marvelous Nativity. We are planning a recording in the near future - Misha Polizeimako will read.

Archpriest Alexander Ageikin: And all of Yesenin is read by Sergei Bezrukov. When we invited him to participate in the recording, he was delighted and said: “This is part of my life.” Of course - he acted in films and in the theater, he knows many of his poems by heart! But when we sent Sergei Vitalievich the texts, he was amazed. He saw five or six poems out of thirty for the first time.

Unknown poems of the greats. Undeservedly forgotten poets

The same thing happened with Alla Sergeevna Demidova. She has been reading all her life, but she saw some of the poems offered to her for the first time and was delighted with them. And when we consulted with her about who to invite to read Tsvetaeva, she asked to show her what we were going to write down from Tsvetaeva, and it turned out that many of the poems were also unknown to her. “Where did you find this miracle?” she asked.

And there are a lot of such cases. The whole point is that in Soviet era poems devoted to religious themes were not included in poetry collections, and many were forgotten for a long time.

Type of software: Fiction
Developer/Publisher: Sretenie Ltd
Version: 1.6
iPhone + iPad: Free (shell)/66 rub. (issue)/99 rub. (season of three episodes)/329 RUR. (all works) [iTunes link]

Application " Living poetry“reminded me of the lessons of “Russian Literature” at school. As we read famous works classics, taught and recited poems. I can’t say that I was a diligent student or a fan of classical Russian literature. Cramming poems did not inspire delight, but during lessons my thoughts more often hovered in the depths of space, and I wanted to quickly get home to continue reading the adventures of the “Steel Rat” or the crew spaceship"Queen of the Sun" Nevertheless, my school memories of the lessons on “Russian Literature” are pleasant, and thanks to them, many works were read and memorized, and all this is a culture of speech and thought. These are the interesting memories that the “Living Poetry” application brought back to me, which is very different from what we are used to using. App Store.

The authors of the project " Living poetry"raised a very important topic modern culture in Russia. Enthusiasts fear that its level is declining under pressure from funds mass media and a general simplification of the language, a decrease in the number of hours devoted to Russian literature in school curriculum, young people read less and less and watch more and more, play, hang in social networks and communicates in a distorted language.

By their example and actions, the creators of “Living Poetry” are trying to somehow positively influence culture in society, to instill interest in classical literature in general and poetry in particular, to make the world a little better.

On the other hand, is everything really that bad? After all, the world is changing, and people are changing too. In every era, the older generation was shocked by the behavior and aspirations of the younger generation. But the children grew up, settled down, had children of their own, and began to inspire shock and awe on their parents. A generational conflict arose again. This is the essence of the story, which develops in a spiral.

But this does not underestimate the merits of the developers of the “Living Poetry” application and the authors of the project of the same name. For those who love classical literature and poetry, it will become an outlet and show that there is real art in the word, it cannot be forgotten, hidden or buried. For more down-to-earth users who prefer modern works or, in principle, do not read due to various reasons, the program can provide an interesting and unusual experience, or even inspire pleasant nostalgia for school and college times. After all, this is not just a collection of poems, thematically divided by seasons. “Living Poetry” is a whole poetic world in which classical music, painting and words are intertwined.

The encyclopedia is built on simple principle when each month represents separate volume with your own poems, music, illustrations and animation. One issue will cost 66 rub., season (three episodes) - in 99 rub., and all works are in 329 RUR. It's a small price to pay for what awaits you in these virtual books, believe me.

Each work is voiced by a professional actor, and these people do not just “do work,” they live in poetry, they breathe the works they read. Don't believe me? Go to the contents and select the section " Artists" Everyone has a video of the voice acting process. Take a look and you will understand everything:

On the other hand, it is enough to open any poem and play the recording. After this, you can close your eyes and enjoy the work of talented artists (Maxim Averin, Valery Barinov, Sergei Bezrukov, Anatoly Bely, Egor Beroev, Nikolai Burlyaev, Ekaterina Vasilyeva and others) and the works Balmont, Akhmatova, Blok, Yesenin, Lermontov, Lomonosov, Pushkin, Turgenev and dozens of others. Total - 94 authors.

By the way, precisely in order to attract interest younger generation children and schoolchildren to classical Russian literature, all the most famous artists countries. If the user doesn't know who he is Gumilev or Khlebnikov, or Vyacheslav Ivanov, then he knows exactly who he is Konstantin Khabensky, Andrey Panin And Egor Beroev. Thus, interest in famous and talented contemporary artists will make it possible to introduce the work of great Russian poets to an audience that until this moment was not interested in classical Russian literature and poetry in particular.

The abundance of multimedia functions, music, painting and animation is also aimed at attracting the attention of young people, but more on that later.

Another important point- this is the positioning of the project and application both for family reading, that is, for both adults and children, and for reading and activities of parents with children. That's why the app includes textbook on speech technique.

You can read the works as is, without additional manipulations with the page. The screen clarity is quite sufficient. If you use, then it is possible to either enlarge the page with a standard gesture, or open the text in a separate window with a double tap.

Besides, The interface is well adapted for iPhone:

In principle, it’s difficult to get confused in the menu, especially since the application has convenient help:

It is also worth noting the beautiful thematic design of the encyclopedia: illustrations, animation, masterpieces of painting, not to mention the wonderful music P.I. Tchaikovsky from the series " Seasons" The harmony of the selection of materials attracts, draws in and encourages you to organize your own literary evenings. At least it's not torture to try. Please note that the "Living Poetry" application became the winner of the National Competition " Book of the Year 2013" in the category " E-book».

Among the features, I will highlight some leisurely interface. The transition to a separate page with a poem and return to the book occurs within a couple of seconds. But these are small things compared to the work done.

I express my respect and respect to the authors of the project. They did a tremendous amount of work putting the “Anthology” together, organizing its voice-over and promoting literature to the masses. In fact, this is an entire encyclopedia, including more 700 poems, voiced several dozen leading artists of the country, including thousands of illustrations And one and a half hours of original animation, created specifically for the project.

I do not share the opinion that now everything is bad and people are forgetting about classical literature, poetry or the beauty and correctness of speech. Yes, some lack of culture and distortion of the language, sometimes completely wild, is observed among adolescents and young people, but all this is a temporary phenomenon. However, projects like “Living Poetry” make it possible to overcome difficult stage faster and remind you of the great literary heritage, which we have.

"The Circle of the Lord's Summer" will be another step on the path to understanding the spiritual foundations of our culture.
Its constituent works are of varying artistic merit; among the authors are geniuses, great ones, and simply good poets, and ordinary talents: those with expression religious feeling illuminated by a spark of poetry. There are many rhymed texts on religious themes in which poetry is essentially absent - they remained outside the scope of this anthology.
Each of its four volumes contains two sections. One - “Seasons” - consists of poems that, for the most part, do not contain any religious themes, but simply present pictures of nature in its different states: majestic and touching, joyful and menacing, sad and funny, but in the totality of their they recreate - in word, rhythm, sound, the sense of verse - the cosmic rhythm of the life of the world in its laws of natural necessity given by the Creator - the image of a grandiose wheel of the annual cycle, full of beauty and involuntary, sometimes not realized by the authors, reverence for the Wisdom of Creation.
This first circle serves as a natural background for the second, in the center of which is man, in his relationship to God and with God, in his position as the only being in the created world, which, like all nature, is subject to the laws of necessity, while time is endowed with the divine gift of freedom. This is the section “Orthodox holidays”. Its theme is purposeful freedom in the world of natural necessity, namely, the free striving of man for the supernatural perfection of Him in whose image he was created; free will- to realize one’s likeness to God on the path of faith, the fight against sin, and internal improvement.

The set consists of 4 volumes:

  • Volume 1. Autumn.
  • Volume 2. Winter
  • Volume 3. Spring.
  • Volume 4. Summer
    And the application "Methodological manual on the basics of eloquence."
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    If you haven’t read “The Circle of the Lord’s Summer. Seasons. Orthodox holidays. Anthology of Russian poetry (set of 4 books)", you can purchase it in the following stores:

    Buy “The Circle of the Lord's Summer. Seasons. Orthodox holidays. Anthology of Russian poetry (set of 4 books)" in stores: 8500 rub.

    The “Living Poetry” application was created for those who are not indifferent to Russian culture. One application for iPad and iPhone on iOS 5 and higher contains paintings by great Russian artists, poems, musical works and animation. IN free application“Living Poetry” you can read poems yourself or listen to them performed by actors, watch paintings by Russian artists come to life in animation, and be fully imbued with the national spirit and atmosphere of the seasons.

    How many poems do you know? How long have you looked at paintings by great Russian artists, and would you recognize them if you saw them? One course in cultural studies has long been forgotten, and only pale imprints of great works emerge in memory. The abundance of information and entertainment for every taste takes us further away from classical works, but it's never too late to come back. And even if your preferences are far from the heritage of Russian culture, it’s worth telling your children about it so that they can make their own choice.

    Paid and free editions

    After logging into the application, its presentation is automatically loaded, which briefly shows the capabilities of the multimedia book. It will run every time you log in, and you can either simply skip it or turn it off completely.

    You are taken to the main menu of the collection “The Circle of the Summer of the Lord,” where you can watch video instructions, read about the publication, or immediately download different issues. If you do not profess Orthodoxy, do not be alarmed by the title - this collection is dedicated not to religion, but to culture. The application does not impose Orthodox faith, it is simply shown as an integral part of Russian culture.

    The publication is divided into 12 months, and each of them has its own collection of poetry, music, painting and animation dedicated to a given time of year. Each issue (month) costs 66 rubles, but you can buy them cheaper by season - for example, the whole winter (three issues) will cost only 99 rubles. and you can download all the content of the application (12 months in total) for 329 rubles.

    Two part release

    The issue is divided into two parts: seasons and Orthodox holidays. As mentioned above, Orthodoxy is inextricably linked with Russian culture, and as part of it, occupies a significant place in the collection.

    The main menu of the month is designed in the form of a book with easy navigation. You scroll through the windows, choosing what you would like to read, watch or listen to, and you can immediately go to the first or second part using the bookmarks at the top of the book.

    The icon with windows at the top of the page calls up a convenient menu in the form of dynamic windows, the second icon calls up a general menu (Contents) for all issues.

    General menu for the anthology

    In the menu for all issues you can set different parameters: view it by month or by alphabetical index, if you need to find a work by a specific author. On the left page you can select a category: poetry, painting, music, animation, view the artists taking part in the issue and find the most interesting.

    Using this menu, you can find pictures that you would like to see or an artist whose voice you like best and buy this particular issue, but if you have decided to get comprehensive education, it is more convenient to buy everything at once and then watch and listen to everything you want without “ This part not purchased. Should I buy this part?


    Everyone is accustomed to the fact that the paintings of great artists are motionless, and only your own imagination can make them move. The Live Poetry app is different. The authors of the project decided to revive static works - they are spinning in the picture autumn leaves, you are moving through landscapes, a train is traveling, and the autumn haze is floating.

    The video is accompanied by classical music, which immerses you in the atmosphere of Russian autumn or another time of year.

    Various animations from paintings famous artists is in every episode - people move in them, nature comes to life and music sounds.

    Poems and audio recordings

    The main theme of the application is poetry, and in each issue you will find famous poems Russian poets. The anthology contains works of 94 authors, such as Ivan Bunin, Alexander Blok, Afanasy Fet, Alexander Pushkin, Sergei Yesenin and other poets, whose poems are imbued with love for the Motherland and reflect the essence of Russian nature and soul.

    You can read them yourself or listen to them performed famous actors by turning on “play” at the bottom of the page. The poems are selected in such a way as to convey as accurately as possible the atmosphere of Russian nature in different times year, and the soulful voices of the actors, together with the musical accompaniment (Tchaikovsky’s “The Seasons” cycle), help to feel it more deeply.

    From the main menu of the application, you can go to the video room of the “Anthology of Russian Poetry” project to watch a studio recording of Averin, Bezrukov, Burlyaev, Panin, Khabensky and other famous actors reading poetry, as well as animations from different months.

    If you have enough time and desire, you can listen to the entire episode at once by marking it in the menu that opens at the bottom of the page, or start listening from any track.

    In total, the collection “Seasons” contains more than 700 poems, thousands of thematic illustrations and many original animations from famous paintings by Grabar, Kuindzhi, Kustodiev, Levitan, Serov, Savrasov and other Russian landscape painters.

    Additional features

    If you liked the selection of poems and paintings, you can order a paper version of the Anthology of Russian Poetry “The Circle of the Lord’s Summer”. Also in the application it is proposed to buy the textbook “Fundamentals of Diction”, in which the professor of the Theater Institute named after. Boris Shchukin and Doctor of Science Anna Brousser tell how to eliminate speech impediments by using training exercises, Russian proverbs and sayings.

    The creators of the application want to introduce people to the art of Russian classics and for this they are even ready to give modern gadgets.

    MacBook Air 11′ for the love of poetry

    To participate in the competition, you don’t have to buy all the issues or pay any money, the main thing is to create an account on Instagram, post a picture from the application and collect likes. The more subscribers you have, the more likes, which means more chances to win. The main prize does not depend at all on how many likes you have. MacBook Air 11′ is played according to the principle of a lottery and it will not be the most active who will receive it, but the favorite of fortune. The competition has already begun and will continue until November 1st, so if you want to win an iPhone 5, iPad 4 or iPad mini, it's time to start collecting likes!

    Who will like this collection?

    The "Living Poetry" application became the winner of the National Competition "Book of the Year - 2013" in the "Electronic Book" category, and this is quite understandable - it combines original solutions, beautiful design and easy navigation. With the help of "Living Poetry" you don't have to search and select poems and paintings to show your children what Russian culture is.

    This application will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. At school you could not yet appreciate and feel the spirit of your Motherland, why not do it today? Delightful music, the beauty of words and colors - this multimedia application helps you have a great time, simultaneously refreshing your knowledge about the culture of your native country.

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