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North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO, North Atlantic Alliance(English) North Atlantic Treaty Organization , NATO; fr. Organization du traité de l "Atlantique Nord , OTAN) is the world's largest military-political bloc, uniting most European countries, the USA and Canada. Founded on April 4, 1949 in the USA, "to protect Europe from Soviet influence". Then 12 countries became NATO member states - the USA, Canada, Iceland, Great Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Norway, Denmark, Italy and Portugal. It is a “transatlantic forum” for allied countries to consult on any issue affecting the vital interests of its members, including events that could threaten their security. One of NATO's declared goals is to provide deterrence or protection against any form of aggression against the territory of any NATO member state.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Organization du traité de l’Atlantique Nord (OTAN)

Member countries map


28 states [show]


Brussels, Belgium

official languages:

English French

Secretary General

Anders Fogh Rasmussen

Official site
North Atlantic Treaty Organization on Wikimedia Commons


In accordance with North Atlantic Treaty 1949, NATO aims to strengthen stability and improve prosperity in the North Atlantic region. “The participating countries have joined forces to create collective defense and maintain peace and security.”

NATO's 2010 Strategic Concept, Active Participation, Modern Defense, presents three the most important tasks NATO - collective defense, crisis management and cooperative security.

Regional teams

There are two regional commands within Allied Command Europe:

  • Northern European Allied Forces: Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland and Czech Republic; headquartered in Brunsam, the Netherlands;
  • Southern European Allied Forces: Hungary, Greece, Italy, Spain and Türkiye; headquarters - Naples, Italy.

The Atlantic High Command consists of five headquarters:

  1. Eastern Atlantic,
  2. Western Atlantic,
  3. South Atlantic,
  4. Strike fleet,
  5. Allied Submarine Command.

The official languages ​​of NATO are English and French.

The headquarters of the NATO Council is located in Brussels (Belgium).


Main article: NATO expansion

date A country Notes
founding countries
April, 4 1949
April, 4 1949 Great Britain
April, 4 1949
April, 4 1949 Iceland Iceland is the only NATO member that does not have regular armed forces; this was one of the conditions for the country's entry into the organization. Iceland only has a coast guard. It was also decided to train Icelandic volunteers at bases in Norway to participate in NATO peacekeeping missions.
April, 4 1949 Italy
April, 4 1949 Canada
April, 4 1949 Luxembourg
April, 4 1949 Netherlands
April, 4 1949 Norway
April, 4 1949 Portugal
April, 4 1949 USA
April, 4 1949 France Since July 1966 France withdrew from the NATO military organization, remaining a member political structure North Atlantic Treaty. In 2009 she returned to all abandoned structures.
first expansion
18th of Febuary 1952 Greece WITH 1974 to 1980 Greece did not take part in the NATO military organization due to tense relations with another member of the bloc - Turkey.
18th of Febuary 1952 Türkiye
second expansion
9th May 1955 Germany Joined West Germany. The Saarland reunited with Germany in 1957, and on October 3, 1990 - a united Germany.
third expansion
May 30 1982 Spain Does not participate in the NATO military organization.
fourth expansion
March 12 1999 Hungary
March 12 1999 Poland
March 12 1999 Czech
fifth expansion
March 29 2004 Bulgaria
March 29 2004 Latvia
March 29 2004 Lithuania
March 29 2004 Romania
March 29 2004 Slovakia
March 29 2004 Slovenia
March 29 2004 Estonia
sixth expansion
April 1 2009 Albania
April 1 2009 Croatia


Possible members

Membership Action Plan Participants

A country Partnership for Peace Accelerated dialogue Membership Action Plan
Macedonia November 1995 April 1999
Montenegro December 2006 June 2008 April 2008 December 2009
Bosnia and Herzegovina December 2006 January 2008 April 2008 April 2010

Participants of the Accelerated Dialogue

A country Partnership for Peace Individual affiliate plan Accelerated dialogue
Ukraine February 1994 November 2002 April 2005
Georgia March 1994 October 2004 September 2006


USSR, Russia

Main article: Russia and NATO

The USSR perceived the creation of the bloc in 1949 as a threat to its own security. In 1954 in Berlin, at a meeting of the foreign ministers of the United States, Great Britain, France and the USSR, Soviet representatives were assured that NATO was a purely defensive organization. In response to calls for cooperation, the USSR offered NATO member countries its membership in the alliance, but this initiative was rejected. In response, the Soviet Union formed in 1955 a military bloc of states pursuing pro-Soviet policies - Warsaw Pact .

After the collapse of the Organization Warsaw Pact and the USSR NATO bloc, created according to official documents, to repel the Soviet threat, did not cease to exist and began to expand to the east. And if earlier the bloc stated its main goal was to repulse the Soviet threat, now, according to the American left-wing publicist Noam Chomsky, “the task is to control the international energy system, sea ​​routes, pipelines - and everything else that hegemony decides to control."

In April 2006, answering questions from the Moscow News newspaper, A. I. Solzhenitsyn stated:

“NATO is methodically and persistently developing its military apparatus - to the East of Europe and to the continental coverage of Russia from the South. Here there is open material and ideological support for color revolutions, and the paradoxical introduction of North Atlantic interests into Central Asia. All this leaves no doubt that the complete encirclement of Russia is being prepared, and then the loss of its sovereignty.”

Summary: NATO: history, participants. The North Atlantic Council is NATO's highest political authority. NATO expansion in the 1990-2000s. NATO interventions in the Balkans. Russia and NATO: 1997 agreement, creation of the “Russia-NATO Council” body.

Requirements for knowledge and skills:

Have an idea : about the history of NATO and its members.

Know: the true goals of this political bloc, the role of the United States

Be able to: Assess Russia's benefits from normal relations between Russia and NATO.

History of originNATO

North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO, North AtlanticAlliance- identical names of the world's largest military-political bloc, uniting most European countries, the USA and Canada. Appeared April 4, 1949 in USA. Then the NATO member states became USA, Canada, Iceland, UK, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg. Norway, Denmark, Italy and Portugal. One of NATO's declared goals was to provide deterrence or protection against any form of aggression against any NATO member state. It was also declared that glaNATO's clear goal-guarantee the freedom and security of all its members in Europe and North America in accordance with the principles of the UN Charter. To achieve this goal, NATO uses its political influence and military capabilities.

Moscow perceived the creation of the bloc as a threat to its own security. In 1954 in Berlin, at a meeting of the foreign ministers of the United States, Great Britain, France and the USSR, Soviet representatives were assured that NATO was a purely defensive organization. In response to calls for cooperation, the USSR proposed NATO member countries to join the alliance. However, this initiative was rejected. In response, the Soviet Union was forced to form a military bloc of socialist states in 1955 - OrganizationWarsaw Pact

Despite the “gentlemanly” agreements between the leaders of the USSR and the leaders of the West on the non-expansion of the alliance, in period from 1952 to 1982 Four more European states have joined the Alliance: Greece, Türkiye, Germany, Iceland and the number of its members increased to 16 states.

NATO expansion to the East

After the collapse of the USSR and the Warsaw Pact V NATO March 12, 1999. the current ones have entered Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic.

In 2004, NATO expanded its membership to include states that were former Soviet republics: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, as well as such states as Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.

In 2009, NATO was admitted Albania and Croatia, and currently in this block there are 28 states.

All these steps are far from altruistic and harmless activities.

In April 2006, answering questions from the Moscow News newspaper A.I. Solzhenitsyn rightly noted: “NATO is methodically and persistently developing its military apparatus - to the East of Europe and to the continental coverage of Russia from the South. Here there is open material and ideological support for color revolutions, and the paradoxical introduction of North Atlantic interests into Central Asia. All this leaves no doubt that the complete encirclement of Russia is being prepared, and then the loss of its sovereignty.”

Organizational structure of NATO's highest decision-making bodies

The USA plays a leading role in NATO, x Although formally, each NATO member country fully participates in the decision-making process on an equal basis, regardless of its size or political, military and economic power.

Supreme political body NATO is North Atlantic Council (NATO Council) , which consists of representatives of all member states and meets under the chairmanship of the NATO Secretary General. This position is currently held by Anders Fogh Rasmussen. During the period between sessions, the functions of the NATO Council are performed by NATO Permanent Council, which includes representatives of all member countries of the bloc with the rank of ambassadors.

The highest military-political body of the organization since December 1966 became War Planning Committee , assembled twice a year at a session at the level of defense ministers.

NATO's highest military authority is Military Committee consisting of chiefs general staffs NATO member countries and the civilian representative of Iceland, which does not have regular armed forces, and meets at least twice a year. The Military Committee is subordinate to the commands of two zones: Europe and the Atlantic. Supreme High Command in Europe is headed by the Supreme Commander (always - American general). Subordinate to him are the main commands in three European theaters of war: Northern European,Central European and Southern European. During the period between meetings, the functions of the Military Committee are performed by Permanent Military Committee.

The main bodies of NATO also include Nuclear Planning Group , which meets usually twice a year at the level of defense ministers, usually before meetings of the NATO Council.

NATO and threats to Russian national security

A key place in achieving political and military superiority of the United States and NATO is given to solving the problems of further weakening Russia. Here's how the former US Secretary of State talks about it G. Kissinger: “I would prefer chaos in Russia and civil war trends towards its reunification into a single, strong, centralized state.”

However, not the words of high-ranking politicians, but practical actions The United States and NATO give priority to the task of ensuring the national security of our country. Generally, threats to Russia's national security manifest themselves in areas economics, socio-political, military, international, scientific, information, border and environmental. At the same time, the US leadership views NATO as one of the main instruments for protecting American interests in the rest of the world.

To this end last years NATO's armed forces are being actively modernized. At the same time, the inadequacy of the alliance’s existing forces and capabilities to real security threats is becoming increasingly obvious. The total military potential accumulated by the bloc today many times more than needed to conduct anti-terrorism operations or counter the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

Official NATO emblem

The exact origin of this emblem is unknown. But there is information that the idea of ​​​​designing the emblem and flag was proposed by one of the employees of the International Secretariat.

The NATO emblem (white compass on a dark blue background) was adopted on October 4, 1953 North Atlantic Council as official symbol North Atlantic Alliance.

The circle symbolizes unity and cooperation, and the compass rose - common path to the peace that the 19 member countries of the North Atlantic Alliance have chosen.

The NATO motto was invented by André de Starck. He served for many years as Belgium's ambassador to NATO (1952-1976) and was an excellent diplomat. When, in the 50s, the then NATO Secretary General Paul-Henri Spaak asked him to choose a suitable motto for the North Atlantic Alliance, Andre de Starck remembered the phrase “Animus in consulendo liber”, which translated means “In council the spirit is free.” He learned this phrase as a child during a trip to San Gimignano, Italy. Since then, these words have graced the NATO Council meeting room.

What is NATO

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) - military-political alliance North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO; Organization du traite de l\"Atlantique Nord, OTAN.

NATO (abbr.) - North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO; French Organization du traité de l "Atlantique Nord, OTAN) - is a military-political alliance, the creation of which was formalized on April 4, 1949 with the signing in Washington by twelve states (USA, Canada, Iceland, Great Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Norway, Denmark, Italy and Portugal) of the North Atlantic Treaty, more known as the Washington Treaty, which provides for collective security and mutual protection of member countries from external threats. The Soviet Union was considered the main source of threats at that time.

(Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty states that in the event of an "armed attack" on one or more of its members, other NATO members will immediately assist the country or countries "attacked" by taking such action as they "deem necessary, including the use of armed force." strength").

(NATO armed forces themselves were created in 1950 in connection with the Korean War. In December of the same year, a session of the NATO Council decided to dissolve the military organization of the Western Alliance (Brussels Pact) due to its merger with military organization NATO). Agreement about joint activities in the economic, social and cultural spheres and collective self-defense (Pact of Brussels, signed on March 17, 1948, and amended by the Paris Agreement of October 23, 1954)

It should be noted that three member states of this alliance (France, Spain, Greece) had “special” periods of relations with military structure NATO - they did not take part in it: France from 1967 to 2009, Greece from 1974 to 1980, Spain - from the moment of its entry into NATO until 1996. Iceland is the only NATO member state that does not have its own army, but it has a civilian representative on the alliance's Military Committee.

According to NATO's charter, the alliance is open to the entry of new members capable of developing the principles of the Treaty and contributing to collective security. NATO's activities include developing international cooperation and taking action to prevent conflicts between its members and partners; defending the values ​​of democracy, individual freedom, free enterprise economics and the rule of law.

(Since the mid-90s of the last century, in connection with the end of " cold war"and the disappearance of the main source of threats - the Soviet Union, NATO began to implement the policy " open doors" in a relationship former countries socialist camp, expanding to the east - ever closer to the borders of Russia. The rationale for this expansion was the conclusion made during special research NATO, about the emergence of the need and unique opportunity to improve security in the Euro-Atlantic region without renewing the demarcation line).

Currently, 28 states are members of NATO:

Belgium, Great Britain, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Canada, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, USA, France are the founding countries of the alliance;

Greece, Türkiye - countries of the first wave of expansion (February 1952);

Germany participant in the second enlargement (May 1955);

Spain is a participant in the third expansion (May 1982);

Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic - countries of the fourth wave of expansion (March 1999);

Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia - participants in the fifth expansion (March 2004);

Albania, Croatia - countries of the sixth wave of expansion (April 2009).

Major NATO decisions are prepared and taken in committees made up of members of national delegations. NATO's highest political authority is a session of the North Atlantic Council (NATO Council), which is held at the level of heads of state and government. During the period between sessions, the functions of the NATO Council are performed by the NATO Permanent Council, which includes representatives of all member countries of the bloc with the rank of ambassadors. NATO's highest military authority is the Military Committee, consisting of the chiefs of general staff of NATO member countries. The highest military-political body of the organization since December 1966 has been the Military Planning Committee, which meets twice a year at its sessions at the level of defense ministers, although formally it consists of permanent representatives. The main bodies of NATO also include the Nuclear Planning Group, which usually meets twice a year at the level of defense ministers, usually before meetings of the NATO Council.

Within NATO, the Partnership for Peace (PfP) program and the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) have been created. Thanks to these initiatives, NATO member states have opened up new ways of cooperation with other countries (including Russia).

NATO Secretary General – Anders Fogh Rasmussen

Danish General Knud Bartels became the new chairman of the NATO Military Committee.

Official languages ​​of NATO- English and French.

The headquarters of the NATO Council is located in Brussels (Belgium).

History of the creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) - a military-political alliance

Reasons for the emergence of NATO:

· The post-war split of Europe into eastern and western spheres of influence, which became a future springboard for the Cold War between the USA and the USSR;

· The program of post-war economic settlement, which resulted in the Marshall Plan, which served as the first stage of consolidation of Western European countries under the wing of the USA;

· Lobbying the United States for the idea of ​​the onset of the “Red Threat”, cat. Identified a new common enemy - the USSR;

After the Yalta agreements, a situation arose in which foreign policy victorious countries in the Second World War were in to a greater extent focused on the future post-war balance of power in Europe and the world, and not on the current situation. The result of this policy was the actual division of Europe into Western and eastern territories, which were destined to become the basis for future springboards of influence of the USA and the USSR. In 1947-1948 the start of the so-called The “Marshall Plan”, according to which huge funds from the United States were to be invested in European countries destroyed by the war. The Soviet government under the leadership of I.V. Stalin did not allow delegations from countries under Soviet control to participate in the discussion of the plan in Paris in July 1947, although they had invitations. Thus, 17 countries that received assistance from the United States were integrated into a single political and economic space, which determined one of the prospects for rapprochement. At the same time, political and military rivalry between the USSR and the USA for European space was growing. On the part of the USSR, it consisted of intensifying support communist parties throughout Europe, and especially in the “Soviet” zone. Special meaning there were events in Czechoslovakia in February 1948, which led to the resignation of the current president E. Benes and the seizure of power by the communists, as well as in Romania and Bulgaria, the blockade West Berlin(1948-1949), deterioration of the socio-economic situation in other European countries. They allowed right-wingers outside the USSR occupation zone political regimes European countries, develop a common position, rethink the problem of their security, identifying a new “common enemy”.

In March 1948 it was concluded Brussels Treaty between Belgium, UK, Luxembourg, Netherlands and France, which later formed the basis of the “Western European Union” (WEU). The Brussels Treaty is considered to be the first step towards the formation of the North Atlantic Alliance. In parallel, secret negotiations were conducted between the USA, Canada and Great Britain on the creation of a union of states based on common goals and an understanding of the prospects for joint development, different from the UN, which would be based on their civilizational unity. Detailed negotiations between European countries and the United States and Canada on the creation of a single union soon followed. All these international processes culminated in the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty on April 4, 1949, introducing a system of common defense for twelve countries. Among them: Belgium, Great Britain, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Canada, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, USA, France. The agreement was aimed at creating common system security. The parties pledged to collectively defend whoever was attacked.

Thus, in fact, from its founding, NATO was focused on countering Soviet Union and, later, to the countries participating in the Warsaw Pact (since 1955). Summarizing the reasons for the emergence of NATO, it is first of all worth mentioning economic, political, social, a major role was played by the desire to ensure joint economic and political security, awareness of potential threats and risks for “Western” civilization. At the heart of NATO, first of all, is the desire to prepare for a new possible war, to protect itself from its monstrous risks. It also determined the strategies military policy USSR and Soviet bloc countries.

Ni-der-lan-dov, Nor-we-gia, Port-tu-ga-lia, USA and France (withdrew from the military organization in 1966). In 1952, Greece joined the bloc (in 1974-1980 it did not participate in the military organization) and Turkey, in 1955 - Germany, in 1982 - Spain, in 1999 - Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, in 2004 - Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Ru-mania, Slo-va-kia, Slo-ve-nia, Es-to-nia, in 2009 - Al-ba-nia, Khor-va-tiya. The headquarters of the organization is in Brussels-se-le (Belgium). The official languages ​​are English and French.

The main governing bodies in NATO's political structure are: the NATO Council, the Military Planning Committee n-ro-va-niya and Group of nuclear-no-go-plan-ni-ro-va-niya, the work of which is provided by various co-mi- te-you, agent-st-va, bureau and other special structures. Activities of the highest ru-ko-vo-dying organ-ga-novs org-ga-ni-zu-et and co-or-di-ni-ru-et general Secretary of NATO.

The NATO Council is the highest political body that has the power to make decisions on all issues sti al-yan-sa. It includes representatives of all countries - teaching blocs that enjoy equal rights in the discussion zh-de-nii and pri-nya-tii decisions. Or-ga-ni-for-qi-on-but-the right-of-my form-of-activity-of-the-highest-political-or-ga-on-yav-la-ut- All sessions, which occur at different levels of representation (heads of states and governments, mi -ministers of foreign affairs, ministries of defense, permanent representatives of member states) and -rio-dich-no-styu pro-ve-de-niya (planned and extra-regular). The place, time and level of their pro-ve-de-niya is op-re-de-la-et by the Secretary-General of NATO after the co-vet -sul-ta-tion. At the same time, the full power of the NATO Council and the decisions taken have the same status and legal force without vi-si-mo from the level of the pre-sta-vi-tel-st-va. The NATO Council at the level of heads of state and government is working to resolve particularly important issues. about owls, as a rule, once every 2 years. At least twice a year, summer and winter sessions of the NATO Council are held at the level of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in which for-vi-si-mo-sti from ha-rak-te-ra about-su-zh-dae-my-possible-participation of mi-ni-st-rov eco-no- mi-ki and fi-nan-sov, as well as other mi-ni-st-states - members of al-yan-sa. Also, 2 times a year, the Council pro-vo-dit for-se-da-niya at the level of mi-ni-st-ditch ob-ro-ny, where about-su-well-yet- all about the use of coalition troops (forces) and the conceptual issues of military construction of the Ob-e-di -nyon-nyh military forces of NATO (NATO Allied Forces). Decisions on the za-se-da-ni-yah of this or-ga-na at-ni-ma-yut-sya according to the principle-tsi-pu con-sen-su-sa, formalized-la- there in the form of the final do-ku-men-ta and under-pi-sy-va-yu-sya before-sta-vi-te-la-mi of the state-teaching st-ni-kov. Summer sessions take place alternately in the countries of the bloc, winter sessions - in the headquarters of al-yan-sa. In case of un-ob-ho-di-mo-sti-tion, without-from-la-ga-tel-decisions can be called upon out-of-order sessions of the NATO Council. In the period between mi-ni-ster-ski-mi sessions-si-mi not less than 1 time per week for-se-da- of the NATO Council, acting on behalf of the NATO Council at the level of its representatives -vi-te-ley state-states - members of al-yan-sa in the rank of words. They look at the li-ti-tical as-pec-you of the current activities of the bloc, the problems we work with of the NATO countries in various regions, the implementation of the agreement on the positions of the countries participating in ak-tu-al-nym inter-people's pro-ble-moms, co-or-di-ni-ru-y-ut-xia action of national governments on pro-ve-de -new military-political measures, developed-work-tan-ru-ko-vo-da-schi-mi or-ga-na-mi al-yan- sa. According to this, the Permanent Council performs administrative and economic functions.

The Committee of Military Planning (KVP) is the highest military-political body for re -she-nu-nu-problems regarding the or-ga-ni-za-tion of the ru-co-vo-military organ-ga-novs and ob-e-di-non- of NATO, the approval of plans for the construction of a station and the use of coalition forces, you are working ki of strategic concepts of the bloc, military participation of countries in the union. For-se-da-niya ko-mi-te-ta with the participation of mi-ni-st-rov of the states - members of the bloc (except for France tions) take place 2 times a year before sessions of the NATO Council. On them we discuss problems, from-to-planning with-in-military activity tel-no-sti, including the construction of the NATO Allied Forces, plans for their development and all aspects of ensuring che-nia, as well as about-from-the-know-the-name of the com-mand-acting coalition organizations of the military command. In the period between the se-da-niya-mi KVP ru-ko-vo-dstvo military-political activity al-yan-sa osu -sche-st-v-la-et Po-sto-yan-ny ko-mi-tet of the military-en-no-go plan-ni-ro-va-niya, consisting of a-sto-yang - of the hundred representative countries of the bloc (they also work in the Po-sto-yan-nom so-ve-te). In the course of his for-se-da-niy dis-smat-ri-va-yut-sya about-ble-we are the ones who are in military-political activity al -yang-sa, ob-su-zh-da-yut-sya and re-sha-yut-sya administrative-fi-nan-so-vye-pro-sy, as well as questions-about-sy func- cio-ni-ro-va-niya of sub-chi-nyon-nyh military organs. The STOL decisions are out of the question and are not subject to the approval of the NATO Council.

Nuclear Planning Group (NSG) - the highest governing body of the Al-Yan-sa on nuclear issues politicians. It is intended for the study of general problems of the nuclear strategy of the North Atlantic Union, development plans for the development of the nuclear forces of the bloc, consideration of the development of the bloc, ensuring safety -sti, oh-ra-ny and live-che-sti of nuclear weapons, control over military equipment and races -eat weapons of mass production (WMD). For the NSG with the participation of the defense ministries of NATO member states (except France) As a rule, 2 times a year within the framework of the work of the KVP under the chairmanship of the General Secretary of NATO or for him. The representative of Is-lan-dia teaches in the work of groups in the ka-che-st-ve na-blue-da-te-la. In the period between the NSG, its functions are performed by a permanent group of nuclear plan- ners -ro-va-niya, which includes representatives of one hundred participating countries in the Permanent NATO Council. The support work for the NSG is carried out by the headquarters group, which does so at least once in Week. The main advisory body under the NSG is the NSG High Level Group. Its composition includes you-so-positioned representatives of the military departments and government institutions -states - members of the bloc, as well as ex-per-you, specializing in the field of coalition nuclear weapons -ti-ki. This group is held several times a year under the leadership of the United States.

Secretary-General of NATO, heading NATO, KVP, NSG and a number of leading permanent committees, co-or-di- neither-ru-et their activities, carry-out preparations for-se-da-niy, control-li-ru-et you-floor -failure to make decisions, you perform representative functions. In addition, he is a representative of the Council of the Euro-Atlantic Part-ner-State (EAPC) and the Middle-Earth Group but-the-sea-work-with-no-thing-st-va, and also with-the-pred-se-da-the-te-lem of the Council of Russia - NATO and the Commission NATO - Ukraine. The Secretary-General is not part of any national de-le-ga-tion and is subject only to the NATO Council. The election of the general-no-go sec-re-ta-rya proceeds on the basis of the principle of a unified voice of all members block. At the same time, the can-di-date for the post of general-no-go sec-re-ta-rya (as the prim-vi-lo, former minister of foreign affairs of one of the states of al- Yan-sa) must speak English and French. Kan-di-dat, received the approval of all countries-teaching-st-nits, official-ci-al-but ut-ver-zhda -et-xia in the qa-che-st-ve of the next ge-ne-ral-no-go sec-re-ta-rya block (usually for 2 years) for ses -sii So-ve-ta NATO. The general secretary represents the in-te-re-sy of the Se-ve-ro-at-lan-tic union in the international arena No, you-ra-zha-et the official views of al-yan-sa and you-stu-pa-et as the head of the political and military organization of the bloc. ka. In the process of consultations when resolving practical issues of NATO activities, he does not interact with each other -de-st-vu-et with the governments of the countries-teaching-st-nits, conducts negotiations with them in the course of official communications -zi-tov and or-ga-ni-zu-et mutual-mo-de-st-vie according to the decisions of the highest political and military -li-ticheskikh or-ga-nov al-yan-sa. The Secretary-General has a position and authority on various issues of NATO activities. The main working organ of the General Secretary is the Inter-people's Sec-re-ta-ri-at NATO.

The highest body of NATO's military structure is the Military Committee (MC), which includes the chief ki of the General Staff of the armed forces of NATO countries. France is represented in the VC military mission, and Is-landia is on the blue-da-te-lem. VK op-re-de-la-et on-the-right of the construction of the NATO Allied Forces, agrees with the plans for their use, go-to-vit re-co-men-da-tion on military issues for the KVP and ru-co-vo-dit activities under the ranks of the military or-ga-nov. For-se-da-niy VK pro-vo-dyat-xia at the level of the chief of the General Staff 2 times a year, usually before for-se-da-ni-the KVP. In the period between-for-se-da-mi control for you-half-not-adopted VK decisions and co-or-di -na-tion of the activities of the highest military committees of the implementation of the Permanent Military Committee in co-operation -one hundred national military representatives of state-states - teaching-st-ni-kov of the military organ-ga-ni-za-tion of the bloc. The executive body of the VK is the Inter-people's Military Headquarters (IMS), which includes representatives -see all the countries of the bloc that have contributed their troops to the NATO Allied Forces. A special place in the activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is occupied by the NATO Center for Environmental Assessment (SITCEN), which from-ve-cha- Et for the collection, synthesis and analysis of political, economic and military information, as well as for the development of information for-ma-tsi-on-no-ana-ly-ticheskikh ma-te-ria-lov. The center circle-lo-su-precisely monitors the military-political situation in all regions of the world and opera-ra- tiv-but brings her to the leadership of al-yan-sa.

NATO's armed forces represent the combined strength of the armed forces of countries that are part of the North Atlantic Union , which according to their place and role in the war, the means of its conduct, the operation of the fore-knowledge, affiliation with strategic group-pi-rov-kas, and also, according to the degree, under-chi-non-no-sti coalition organ-ga-us departments under the NATO Allied Forces and the armed forces remaining under the national command. The sum-mar-but in the armed forces (2011) there are over 16.8 thousand tanks, about 25.6 thousand guns in the left artillery. till-le-rii, mi-no-met-tov and MLRS, about 8 thousand combat aircraft (including over 530 carriers of nuclear weapons) , over 960 combat ships, over 200 naval combat aircraft (including about 80 carriers of nuclear weapons). Mobilization capabilities of NATO countries in terms of human resources: about 114.5 million people fit for military service and military training -more than 17 million people. The expansion of NATO due to the entry into the bloc of states - former republics of the USSR and members of the Organization of Warsaw -sko-go-go-vo-ra (OVD) brought to the dis-ba-lan-su of the us-ta-new-len-nog-ra-no-things according to the number what the hell is going on in Europe. As a result, NATO has more than what was resolved in the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE Treaty; 2011): tanks - by about 6 thousand units, infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers - by almost 10 thousand, artillery systems - by more than 5 thousand, sa-mo-le-tov - by 1.5 thousand, combat helicopters - by more than 500 units. The imbalance is especially obvious in the flank zones of the bloc, where NATO has an advantage over Russia There are over 1.2 thousand tanks, about 2.7 thousand combat vehicles and about 1.6 thousand artillery units.

Is-to-ri-che-ski NATO was created as an in-st-ru-ment of military in-li-ti-ki Za-pa-da in relation to the country -to us so-tsia-list-stic la-ge-rya. The USSR and other states of the Department of Internal Affairs were considered to be the main thing against the opposition. The creation of NATO in the conditions of the beginning of the “Cold War” helped to promote the growth of the Euro -py for military-political groups, strengthening races in the military and ob-st-re-niu of the con-front -tions between Za-pa-dom and Vos-to-kom.

The political and legal fundamentals of NATO's functions were included in the content of the Do-go vo-ra. Their de-ta-li-za-tion and military-theo-re-tical positions on the use of the armed forces of al-yan-sa from-ra-zha- were included in the NATO Strategic Concept, Strategic Guidelines and other conceptual documents ment-tah, the maintenance of which-ry me-los-as the expansion of al-yan-sa and the evolution of military views according to the political leadership for the ability to wage war. During the Cold War, there were 4 strategic concepts (1950, 1952, 1957, 1968), the last of which, in the use of the armed forces, the bloc had a universal character and action until the end of 1980 -s. With the dis-pa-dom of the inter-people's system of the countries of the social-cy-list-st-st-va and the Department of Internal Affairs, the NATO leadership under-stu -pi-lo to re-look-ru for military-political purposes, pro-voz-gla-siv, that-li-ti-ka al-yan-sa in the region -ti-safe-but-sti ba-zi-ru-et-sya on three elements: dia-lo-ge, co-work-no-st-ve and provide-pe-che- Institute of ten-tsia-la collective defense. In the Strategic Concept of 1991, the defensive character of the Se-ve-ro-at-lan-tic union and its resolve was confirmed NATO members to defend their security, su-ve-re-ni-tet and terri-to-ri-al-integrity. However, the ut-ra-tiv of the main opponent in the person of the USSR, the NATO leadership began to search for new bas-but-va- niya of its essence. So, it was stated that the ten-tsi-al threat for NATO member countries does not come from a coordinated ag-res -this, but from the instability in the European con-ti-nen-those, caused by so-ci-al-no-economic-no-mic and political-ly-tical about-ble-ma-mi, ethnic differences-no-gla-siya-mi and ter-ri-to-ri-al-ny-mi sp-ra-mi. In addition, in the do-ku-men-those under-black-ki-wa-elk, that although the layer-living-sha-tion in Europe in the closest per-spec-ti-ve de-la-et large-but-mass-headquarters na-pa-de-nie on the union-ni-kov ma-lo-ve-ro-yat -y, yet such a possibility cannot be excluded. In this way, NATO has taken the path of expanding the list of possible threats for the pro-eci-ro-va-niy of force for tra -a traditional zone from-vet-st-ven-no-sti, open-possibility for intervention in the internal affairs of other states . In 1992, the countries of Al-Yan-sa announced their readiness to provide military resources for the production of blocs peace-creative operations under the auspices of the Council for Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE). At the same time, the Hel-Sink CSCE summit agreed to the involvement of NATO armed forces in such operations , which in 1992-1996, by decision of the UN Security Council, carried out a number of operations against the Yugoslav blockade -vii, and in 1995 - an air offensive operation against the Bosnian Serbs. Since 1994, the program “Part-ner-st-in-the-name-of-peace” - military cooperation-no-thing - has been implemented. NATO states with European states and former Soviet republics of Transcaucasia and Central Asia, which are not members of the organization. Per-in-at-chal-but pro-gram-ma oh-va-you-va-la 24th go-su-dar-st-va, their number is per-rio-di-che-ski from-me -nya-et-sya with joining the program of new states or joining states, studying working in the program, in NATO. At the beginning of 2012, 22 countries, including the Russian Federation, were studying the program.

In 1999, the Strategic Concept of NATO was adopted, which brought about some military-po-li-ticheskogo ha-rak-te-ra or-ga-ni-za-tion from su-gu-bo defensive union-for to union-on-stu-pa -tel-no-mu. The concept of pre-smat-ri-va-la expansion of functional and geographical boundaries by-thereby introducing new ones members of the Se-ve-roat-lan-tic union and active participation in the internal affairs of su-ve-ren-states . To the list of threats, to ward off some of them, military forces were used, to-ba-vi- Lis: about-st-re-nie internal-ri-po-li-ticheskie about-sta-nov-ki in go-su-dar-st-vah following-st-vie pro-va-la so-tsi-al -but-economic reforms, de-zin-te-gra-tion of individual countries, re-pra-tion of human rights, change-of-function -ro-va-niya of tele-com-mu-ni-cation and information systems, un-controlled-m-gra-tion of the village . Despite the recognition of al-yan-som of the rules of the use of force, established between-the-native right, in the do-ku-men-the pre-sup-smat-ri-va-possibility of implementing military-powerful ak- tions without the sanction of the UN Security Council. The practical reality behind the Strategic Concept was NATO’s aggression against the Union Republic of South-wealth. Via (FRY), implemented in 1999 under the premise of defending the rights of the Kos-Soviet Albanians and completing Xia from-tor-same-ne-em from the FRY Ko-so-va. Since August 2003, NATO has taken over from the United States and is implementing co-man-do-va-nie between the people's si-la-mi co-de-st -via safety-no-sti in Af-ga-ni-sta-ne.

In the new strategic concept of NATO, adopted in November 2010, as well as in the main concepts we are directly talking about the further expansion of not only the geographical, but also the functional zone from the vet-st -ven-no-sti. Stra-te-giya al-yan-sa for-klu-cha-et-sya in the dos-ti-same-nii be-zo-go-roch-no-go to-mi-ni-ro-va- knowledge in all spheres of world development. At the same time, the renewed strategy of the pre-do-smat-ri-va-et pro-longs the trans-formation of the block from the euro-at-lan -technical defense structure in the organization, which ensures security in the world -bal-nom mas-shta-be. NATO's global institutions are being seen in its attempts to play a significant role not only in issues defense, prevention of armed conflicts or terrorist attacks, but also in energy and environmental issues -gical security, which are related to the economic and environmental spheres and do not have a clear -ra-zhen-noy military co-former. Thus, the current non-functioning strategic concept of NATO is a logical pro-continuity -my po-li-ti-ki according to the glo-ba-li-za-tion of the role of al-yan-sa and under-me-noy of the UN in-sti-tu-tov. An example of its use in practice is the use of the armed forces of Al-Yan-sa against Libya in 2011.

The official basis of the agreement between NATO and the Russian Federation is the OSCE Act on Mutual Agreements but-she-ni-yah, co-work-no-che-st-ve and safety-pass-no-sti, under-pi-san-ny in 1997 by the heads of all states - members of al-yan-sa and Pre-zi-den-tom of the Russian Federation. For consultations and cooperation, a Joint Standing Council (SPS) was created. It was replaced by the Russia-NATO Council (NRC), established in 2002 at a summit meeting in Rome. Within the framework of the NRC, Russia and the state-su-dar-st-va - NATO members work as equal-right partners in areas that represent mutual in- terres. NRC is a me-ha-niz-mom for the promotion of consultations, the achievement of con-sen-su-sa, cooperation no way, you are working together on decisions and actions on safety issues in the EU -Atlantic region. For-se-da-niya of the RNC at the level of words and military representations are carried out under the pre-s-s-da-tel-st-vom ge-ne -ral-no-go sec-re-ta-rya of NATO at least once a month; twice a year - at the level of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defense and the Chiefs of the General Staff; and, as far as possible, at the level of heads of state and government. In August 2008, after the Russian Federation carried out an operation to bring Georgia to the world and recognize non-violence si-mosti South Ossetia and Abkhazia, the work of the RNC was pre-rva. In March 2009, the heads of the Foreign Ministries of the countries - members of the Al-Yan-sa made a decision to cooperate with the Russian Federation within the framework of the NRC. At the same time, successful efforts in collaboration on individual issues (pro-ti-vo-de-st-vie ter- ro-ris-mu, pi-rat-st-vu, natural and tech-no-gene ka-ta-st-ro-fam and others) do not remove significant differences but-gla-siy, which-s-stu-st-vu-are between the Russian Federation and NATO on fundamental issues, to which-from-but-syat- the ongoing expansion of the bloc, the deployment of missile defense elements in Europe, NATO's exit from the pre-de-de- ly concepts of defensive union, compliance with the CFE Treaty and others.

General secretaries of NATO: H.L. Is-may (1952-1957), P.A. Spa-ak (1957-1961), D. Stikker (1961-1964), M. Brozio (1964-1971), J. Luns (1971-1984), Lord Carrington (1984-1988), M. Woerner (1988-1994), S. Ba-lan-tsi-no (acting 1994, acting 1995), V. Klas (1994-1995 ), H. So-la-na (1995-1999), J. Robertson (1999-2004), J. de Hop Scheffer (2004-2009), A.F. Ras-mus-sen (since 2009).

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization 26 (NATO) currently includes 19 countries and ensures their interaction in the military-political field. As a military alliance, it is by far the most developed of all European multilateral security instruments. NATO has created a whole system of mechanisms through which the joint activities of member countries are carried out, starting from coordinating the policies pursued by the members of the alliance to international arena, and up to preparation for the organization of military operations in the event of war.

The highest political authority of the alliance is the North Atlantic Council, which crowns the “civilian part of NATO’s institutional structure. Council sessions are held twice a year at the level of foreign ministers (sometimes joined by defense ministers), and in some cases at the level of heads of state and government. It determines the direction of NATO's activities, conducts consultations on the most important international political issues affecting the alliance and makes key decisions on practical issues of its functioning.

As for the military organization of the union, its core is an integrated command structure that ensures the interaction of the armed forces of the member countries and their preparation for participation in collective defense in the event of an armed conflict. The NATO military organization includes dozens of different components - commands, committees, agencies, various elements of the overall military infrastructure, etc. The bulk of the armed forces of the member countries are under their control and are transferred to the alliance only in case of war, but some military formations are allocated to the disposal of an integrated command structure and Peaceful time. In general, the NATO military mechanism is a unique phenomenon both in its scale and in the degree of integration of its national-state components.

With the end of the Cold War, the threat of a large-scale military clash along the East-West line was practically removed from the agenda. Strictly speaking, this meant that the military alliance had lost its raisond "etre, since main meaning its existence was to prepare to repel aggression. The Alliance is faced with the daunting task of adapting to new circumstances and rethinking its role in the new environment. Twice during the 1990s, new NATO strategic concepts were adopted (at the summits in Rome in 1994 and in Washington in 1999). The process of restructuring the alliance, accompanied by heated debates between its participants, is developing in the following main directions.

1. There is a certain decrease in military activity within NATO. Although the traditional task of organizing collective defense in the event of external aggression and providing adequate military capabilities remains fundamental, the scale of military preparations has been reduced since the end of the Cold War. The size of the armed forces has been reduced, some of them have been transferred to a reduced level of combat readiness, and the role of the nuclear component in military strategy 27. As part of the ongoing restructuring of the military command, it is planned to reduce total number headquarters at various levels from 65 to 20.

2. At the first stage of NATO restructuring after the end of the Cold War, special emphasis was placed on strengthening the non-military functions of the alliance. The “New Strategic Concept”, approved by the North Atlantic Council Summit in Rome (1991), emphasized the importance of the political aspects of ensuring security through the development of dialogue and cooperation. The decisions of the Brussels NATO summit (1994) emphasized the need to increase the political role of the alliance and its contribution to ensuring stability and security in Europe in interaction with other structures operating on the continent.

3. Efforts are being made to strengthen the role of the alliance as an instrument for the strategic involvement of the United States in Europe while simultaneously providing greater independence to the European members of the alliance. In 1994 the course towards the formation of a “European Security and Defense Identity” (ESDI) within NATO was officially approved; It was decided that the military capabilities of the alliance could be used for the operations of the Western European Union (WEU). The concept of a “Combined Joint Task Force” (CJTF) 28 was adopted, which can be separated from NATO as a “separable, but not separate force” for operations carried out by European members of the alliance without the participation of the United States.

A wider use of multinational formations formed by NATO members from among European countries is envisaged.

4. A course has been taken to establish broad contacts and actively develop cooperative interaction with countries that are not members of NATO. In 1991, the North Atlantic Cooperation Council (NACC) was created, a consultative forum that included, along with NATO states, former socialist countries, and then states that arose on the territory of the collapsed USSR. Subsequently, several neutral countries also became NATO “partners,” and the total number of participants in this consultative structure reached 44; in 1997, it was formally replaced by the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC), which was supposed to become an instrument for NATO countries and their partners to jointly address European security issues. In 1994, the Partnership for Peace (PfP) program was initiated, inviting all OSCE countries to cooperate with NATO on the basis of individual projects on issues such as ensuring transparency of military planning and military expenditures, introducing civilian control over the armed forces, and implementing joint planning , training and combat training of military units for use in peacekeeping, rescue and humanitarian operations 29.

5. Since 1993 central place In discussions regarding NATO, the question of the possibility of expanding the alliance and the entry into it of former socialist countries and the Baltic countries took up the question. In 1997, an official decision was made on the upcoming accession of Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary, which became full NATO members in 1999. Russia waged an active political campaign against NATO expansion, appealing to the need to prevent the emergence of new dividing lines in Europe. NATO emphasized that the entry of new members into the alliance would expand the zone of stability on the continent, would be accompanied by restraint in the spread of the bloc’s military infrastructure to the east, and that at the same time there should be an intensive expansion of ties with Russia. The prospects for a “second wave” of alliance expansion are quite problematic, but NATO’s official position provides for such a possibility.

6. Subsequently, the main attention began to be paid to the definition and justification of new missions for the alliance, going beyond the functions that were outlined in the North Atlantic Treaty. At the same time, the need to reorient the alliance towards solving the tasks of crisis management and peacekeeping, with a corresponding change in ongoing military preparations and ensuring flexibility and mobility of the armed forces, is especially emphasized. In NATO's Strategic Concept, approved at the alliance's anniversary summit in April 1999, the possible tasks included for the first time "conducting operations to respond to crisis situations not falling under Article 5 of the Washington Treaty" (i.e., not related to collective defense against external aggression). The first practical experience of using NATO forces for these purposes was the missile and bomb attacks on Yugoslavia, which began in March 1999. The official goal of this operation was to end the humanitarian catastrophe in Kosovo. NATO's military campaign against Yugoslavia showed that the alliance claims the right to use force outside the territory of member countries and without the authorization of the UN Security Council.

7. NATO’s place in the emerging international political system on the European continent is determined by the political and military capacity demonstrated by the North Atlantic Alliance, as well as by the expansion of its spatial area. But due to the fact that this structure does not include Russia, the transformation of the North Atlantic Alliance in its current form into the central element of the “pan-European architecture” is either problematic or fraught with aggravation of tensions. This issue could be transferred to a constructive plane as a result of a more radical transformation of the union and the formation of qualitatively new relations with Russia. In May 1997, the Founding Act on Mutual Relations, Cooperation and Security was concluded between them, which defined “the goals and mechanism of consultations, cooperation, joint decision-making and joint action, which will form the core of the relationship between Russia and NATO." The Russia-NATO Permanent Joint Council was created and began to function.

However, the question of the real nature and scale of their future cooperation remains open. The possibility of such cooperation was jeopardized military operation NATO against Yugoslavia, which Russia characterized as undisguised aggression. Such actions prompted her to sharply reduce the level of relations with NATO (withdrawal of Russian representatives from the alliance headquarters, withdrawal from PfP and other measures).

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