To be or not to be the mistress of a married man? Karma of a married man's mistress. How to be the best lover for a married man

Unfortunately, they are found on women's path males who, confident in their own irresistibility, do not understand how a woman could not want them immediately as soon as they uttered an obscene joke. Moreover, they believe that all calls to stop relationships that are degrading to women are nothing more than an affectation masking the desire to continue the game.

And if a woman, without calculating the consequences, allowed herself to smile or respond with a joke, then more overt attacks will follow immediately - after all, in the opinion of this man, if I may say so, his actions are encouraged and welcomed.

It is unlikely that you will be able to remain silent and pretend that nothing is happening. After all, silence is a sign of consent, a sign that a woman doesn’t mind further development events. The situation will sooner or later come out to the general public, and silence for even the slightest amount of time will be regarded as complicity and connivance.

So, what should you do if someone you absolutely don’t like begins to behave like a cat that has eaten too much valerian on the eve of the March holidays? Does he make unambiguous hints and grab him by the knees and above? Let's aggravate the situation with alcohol intoxication and our antihero's confidence in his own impunity. The most emotional ladies will slap you in the face without hesitation. The method is effective and quite effective.

But it has its drawbacks:

First – not every woman has such an impulse. Many will not want to make the actions of a stupid man public, because those around her will think badly of her, because the instinctive reluctance to get dirty about her will work. dirty man. Some are simply paralyzed by fear of. These internal restraining moments are false and harmful, since it is necessary to protect personal space, and not worry about how some strangers will perceive the situation. There is no need to be afraid of conflict, because it is inevitable. It’s much better to stand up decisively for yourself a couple of times, so that next time they’ll simply be afraid to mess with you. If your counterpart acts hidden, then he is more afraid of a scandal than yours;

Second – if a man’s level of development soon catches up with an orangutan, as evidenced by his behavior, then there is a chance of getting a slap back;

Third - very often there are situations when you need to avoid a scandal. After all similar situations often occur after libations for festive table, and I really don’t want to spoil the mood of the hero of the occasion. Or you cannot disclose the situation to your husband, because he does not have the required amount of restraint, but is jealous to the extreme.

In this case, there are several options:

When married woman lacks the attention and affection of her husband, she begins to look for love on the side. Perhaps the relationship married couple have grown into a habit, and there is no longer the former passion and romance. Having taken a lover, after some time a woman realizes that a relationship with him will not lead to anything good. How to leave your lover without causing him great emotional trauma, so as not to hurt his feelings in any way? You should approach this issue wisely.

In order to try to avoid a serious conflict when breaking up with your lover, you need to make every effort. You need to put yourself in this person's shoes if the relationship lasts long enough for a long time, breaking up will be much more difficult. You shouldn’t be too mean and leave a man over the phone or via SMS. To break up with a person, you need to have a frank conversation with him. Having honestly revealed your feelings, you need to explain the reason for the separation as tactfully as possible. Your partner's reaction may vary. Relief, anger, anger, disappointment, asking him to give him a second chance. You need to be prepared for anything and not give up decision taken. Maybe, ex-lover he just won’t calm down, and will continue to look for meetings, pester phone calls and letters to social networks.

In this case, it is better to cut off all the threads that were once connected and simply ignore it. He must understand that the decision has been made finally and irrevocably. A man may resort to threats that he will commit suicide, thus causing only pity. A good psychoanalyst will help him. At such moments it is very important not to lose composure and not follow the lead. own feelings and emotions. Especially if everything inside has not yet cooled down towards this person. In the event that neither talking nor ignoring helps, you need to make the lover want to leave. There are several ways to break up with your lover if he is against breaking up.

Option #1. Constant scandals. Not a single man on our planet likes having his voice raised at him. Constant screaming, nagging, squabbles over trifles, dissatisfaction over any reason can drive even the calmest and most peaceful person crazy. Sooner or later he will not want to communicate with the brawler.

Option #2. Extortion of money. Constantly looking into your lover's wallet to tell him what he needs to give more money for personal expenses, you can ask for too expensive gifts and if he is not able to give them, let him leave in all four directions. Yes, this will not show the woman from the best side, maybe even disappoint her chosen one, but this is the main task.

Option #3. Pathological jealousy. It can manifest itself to everything living and non-living: to mother, wife, children, friends, to work. The list goes on and on. Constant control. Where did you go? What time did you arrive? Where were you? With whom? Oh, were there any other women there? Regularly checking your phone and all messages. Men don't like it when their personal space is encroached upon.

In order to avoid the desire to have a lover, you need to talk frankly with your husband. Explain what exactly is not working in the relationship and try to correct all the mistakes together. Perhaps we should diversify family everyday life and add to family life more bright colors. Then you won’t have to think about how to get rid of your lover before your husband finds out anything.

One of the most effective ways to get rid of a lover is a woman's frigidity in bed. A man often takes a mistress only to assert himself in sex or to gain new emotions and sensations from it. And if you limit access to your body, or yawn, doze off, or look at your watch boredly during sex, the lover’s ardor will cool down. Referring to the constant headache, women's days and other ailments, the lover’s patience may burst, and he will begin to look for a replacement for his eternally ill partner. The hardest parting with a lover is if the relationship continues long enough long time and warm feelings remained in my heart.

The heart often does not want to listen to the mind and worries with constant thoughts and pleasant memories about this person. In this case, it is recommended to set yourself a specific choice - family or lover. What happens when the husband finds out about his lover? And if there are children in the family, the situation can be even more tragic. Making the right informed decision in favor of the family, a woman will make every effort to confront her conflicting feelings. To do this, you should find as many shortcomings as possible in this person and compare them with the advantages of your husband. What kind of lover would become a husband and father? Rare meetings and romantic dates are significantly different from family life. Is it worth losing what has been built up over the years for the sake of new fleeting sensations? It is much easier to break than to build.

Sometimes, fatigue from the family routine causes cracks in the relationship with your husband. It is recommended to explain to him the entire current situation, omitting the details. Only when two people show the desire and necessary efforts to save the family, everything will work out. Confidence in your husband’s love, the sincerity of his feelings and a great desire to be there for the rest of his life will give you the strength to resist your lover and competently break off any relationship with him as quickly as possible. Before you decide to commit adultery, you need to think several times. Is it worth it? A fleeting affair and light flirting is one thing, but having a permanent lover is another. You should not deceive yourself, your husband or another man. Very rarely, when such novels end in a serious relationship, more often they lead to another disappointment. If you just want to have fun, then you should immediately agree that there will be no continuation.

A lover is a sexual partner with whom a woman is not in a legal relationship. Most often in the life of a married lady, he appears at a difficult moment in her family life. A relationship with him helps you forget about problems at home while at the same time adding new troubles.

Before finding a lover and committing adultery, you need to think about your decision more than once. Possibly without extra person With some effort, you will be able to improve your personal family life. Relationships outside of marriage can go quite far and then it will be very difficult to separate from your lover. But if accepted final decision in favor of the family, you need to act immediately, resorting to various options for solving this problem.

Question to a psychologist

Hello. The point is that I was at the party without my husband accompanying me. Naturally, alcoholic drinks were drunk, there was dancing... One guy began to show interest in me. We all went out into the hall to breathe. He asked me to stay and talk. Everyone left, he kissed me. I ran away, explaining that I didn’t need it. Let me clarify right away that I did not give any reason for such behavior. Now he writes to me on social networks. She explained that there was no need to write, that my husband could see this, and he is a very jealous man. DOESN'T UNDERSTAND! He writes, “Well, tell me where you can write.” And I can’t remove him from social media. networks, because my husband will not understand this, he will ask me to explain the course of my actions. This young man is our mutual friend. I often found myself in such situations - it always helped to just talk to the person, explain to him what was happening - I love my husband, I value my family... But this one is unbreakable. I have never cheated on my husband and have no desire, everything suits me. I am a pretty girl, with outstanding body parts, cheerful, sociable, and the life of the party when in company. Therefore, apparently, men regard this as a call for closer communication. Maybe I’m wrong, somehow I should behave differently. Although even if I don’t even open my mouth and judge with a straight face, they still cling. And they don’t care at all that we have a strong family - loving husband, two beautiful children. Why do they behave this way? I started something about one man, and ended with the eternal question - “to understand men’s logic.” Thanks in advance.

Rule ONE - DO NOT RELY on external attributes and half-hints.
Hence rule TWO - ACT. Best protection- this is an attack.

Men are not afraid of the hypothetical presence of a husband, recorded by an engagement ring. Destroys every desire woman's passion for her husband. A lady's stories about her betrothed have a powerful influence on potential suitors. cold water. Therefore, buzz about your legal life partner, even if you don’t want to.
The same effect on a hunter, I clarify, on a married hunter, is produced by questions about his family. I suppose that the reminder of the dinner waiting for him at home gives the young man a rush gastric juice. It seems to me that in a hungry state a man is not able to think at all.
They have one more " Achilles heel" As one said wise woman, “A man cannot think with both heads at the same time.” Therefore, rule THREE - PHILOSOPHY. The hunter will inevitably have to listen to your, perhaps even nonsense. It’s even better if you can also find a topic that interests him. And the brain, or whatever it thinks with, will return to its rightful place. Don't be afraid for yourself. There is always a topic or two in which you are strong. We must act using the enemy's methods. There are no more smart men than smart women. And it must be admitted that what is attractive to us is not them at all, but the banal babbles who twist their speech with the tongs of verbosity. They are too conspicuous.
BUT!!! Just as we are overwhelmed with delight when we meet a man who can talk us through, they become indignant in the same situation. Well, they don’t like someone who is smarter, braver, stronger, and if it’s also a woman, that’s the end of the relationship.
These are the simple rules based on the principle of “by contradiction”. This is the most effective methods. There is also an additional package for the attacker - tell everything to your husband, unless of course you have a trusting relationship.

Good answer 4 Bad answer 0

There is hardly anyone who dreams of becoming a mistress. Most want family, children, mutual friends. No one falls in love with someone else's husband willingly, but sometimes it still happens. No matter how hard we try to stick moral principles, flirting with a married man can quietly turn into an affair.

Whether you have both partners or just him, affairs rarely end in your favor.” Most likely, you will end up with nothing but pain, regrets and broken heart. The bad news is that breaking up with a married man is harder than breaking up with official partner.

Married men often spend money on their mistresses, be it gifts or the “full package”: paying for an apartment, trips and everyday expenses. It’s not so easy to give up this, especially if you’re used to it, but you still can’t provide yourself with the same standard of living on your own. A break with an official partner, as a rule, implies a division of property, even if you were not married: you bought things for the apartment together, and upon separation, everyone gets something. Leaving married lover, you'll likely leave empty-handed.

Your communication is a continuous endorphin-adrenaline holiday, an eternal honeymoon. It's hard to refuse

Usually relationships end for a specific reason: you had a fight, you realized that you want different things from life. In a relationship with a married man, you have almost no chance to see his flaws. You don't meet often and try to show your best side. You don’t have time to bore each other or spoil the mood with conversations about loan payments or the dishwasher not being unloaded on time. Your communication is a continuous endorphin-adrenaline holiday, an eternal honeymoon. This is very difficult to refuse.

In addition, you initially accepted the fact that he has sex with his wife. In a normal situation, this would be perceived as cheating, and it is very likely that you would not tolerate it. By starting an affair with a married man, you voluntarily agree to this. The worst thing is already happening, and he is unlikely to do anything out of the ordinary to make you decide to leave. The good news is that it is possible to end a relationship, there are tactics that will make the task easier.

1. Shift your focus

An effective way is to fall in love with a free man. Most mistresses remain faithful to their married partners. Think about it: he is not faithful to you. Even if he claims that he and his wife sleep in different rooms, there has been no sex for several years, and the last three children are the result of an immaculate conception, artificial insemination, or a conspiracy of a healer. In fact, he most likely continues to sleep with his wife, and his conscience does not torment him at all - and why would he?

You shouldn't reduce your life to one man. Open yourself up to new possibilities. There are a lot of interesting and free men around. If someone interests you, breaking up with your lover will be a matter of one call.

2. Increase your requests

Have you ever asked for money and been content with gifts? Ask for money or more gifts. Most likely, this will quickly begin to irritate the man, and the relationship will crack, because he will show you not only best sides, but also those that he hid.

3. Spend more time together

Be offended if he can't meet you. Make a claim. Firstly, it will irritate him, because before everything was fine with you. Secondly, you will have a chance to see him true face which his wife watches every day. It's very likely that you won't like it. Don’t brush off the unpleasant traits of his character - he’s not tired, it’s not stress and you didn’t “bring him down.” That's the kind of person he is, and maybe he's not right for you. If these discoveries lead to a quarrel, it will only benefit you. It will be easier to leave and start a new life.

4. Take off the mask of a good and understanding woman

Stop portraying the ideal life partner who is happy with everything. Show your character. Of course, there is a chance that he will like you even more. But the likelihood that you will remind him of the wife from whom he is running away to you is much higher.

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