She expressed her dissatisfaction to me and found a mistake. Dissatisfied patient


A person, while living his life, encounters many things on his way. different people. Each of them has their own destiny, their own problems and mental wounds. Sometimes it happens that we play a significant role in the life of another person, and sometimes, on the contrary, others leave deep trace In our hearts. In fact, life is a constant change of people around us: some leave, others come, and only a few walk hand in hand with us the whole long way.

The work of N. S. Leskov “The Enchanted Wanderer” is the story of the fate of the peasant Ivan Flyagin. His life path mysterious, often filled with mysterious events. And on his way he met many different people. One of them is the gypsy Grusha, whom our hero meets in a tavern. Who is she - one of many or one who will remain in the memory for a long time? What role did the gypsy and the peasant play in each other’s lives? I will try to answer these questions by analyzing the episode “The Incident with Pear”.

It is not surprising that this girl attracted Flyagin’s attention: “I saw how between the black hair on her head, like silver, the parting curled and fell behind her back, so I went crazy and took away all my mind. I drink her treat, and through the glass I look into her face, and I can’t figure out whether she’s dark or white, and meanwhile I see how she’s under thin skin, as if in a plum in the sun, the paint turns red and the vein beats...” Flyagin perceives the girl as perfection, an ideal created by nature itself. Pear attracts his attention not only with its appearance. In my opinion, Ivan feels great inner world, her spiritual beauty. The girl agrees to his request to sing. This is the most amazing song our hero has ever heard! Pear began to sing at first roughly, courageously, but soon notes of sadness and longing appeared in her voice, which “simply took the soul out of the body.” He asks her to sing again and again...

Pear understands perfectly well that this simple man admires not only her appearance, but also feels her peace of mind. The girl immediately makes him stand out from the crowd.

Ivan Flyagin himself appears in this episode from an unexpected side. The tavern I came to main character, was intended for rich people, especially nobles. Flyagin, a peasant, clearly did not “fit” into this society. But the owner of the inn, Grusha’s father, not only did not put him away from the nobles, but, on the contrary, put him in the very center, explaining that “you still don’t know how another simple person can appreciate beauty and talent.” That is, we Flyagin appears to us as sensitive, receptive to beauty, emotional person.

But the main event in this episode is not the songs and dances of Grusha, and not the recognition of Flyagin by society. Everything is much more tragic, as tragic female soul, exhausted unrequited love. We learn that Grushenka was in love with Prince Ivan Severyanich. But his feelings were short-lived, and soon he no longer needed the gypsy girl, since the “secretary daughter Evgenia Semyonovna” of noble blood appeared in the city. Pear could not come to terms with the loss of her loved one. There was only one way out for her - not to live! In Flyagina she saw kindred spirit, felt it special treatment To her. Therefore, it is Ivan who she demands to swear that he will find the strength to kill her. She herself could not decide on this act, because she was a believer: “My more strength No, live like this and suffer, seeing his betrayal and abuse of me. If I live another day, I’ll kill him and her, and if I feel sorry for them, I’ll kill myself, then I’ll kill my darling forever! Have pity on me, my dear, my dear brother.”

At first Flyagin could not commit murder, but in the end, out of pity for Grusha, he decided to do it. Yes, of course, this act cannot be called moral. However, if you look from the other side, Ivan could not allow the girl to commit suicide and commit such terrible sin. As a person who deeply feels the pain of others, he was ready to take this sin upon his soul.

Reading the entire work, we find many of Flyagin’s actions controversial. At the beginning of the story, he accidentally killed an innocent man, then he stole horses from the count, and in this episode he pushed a girl off a cliff. I tried to think about what I would do in these situations. Would she have passed by Grushina’s grief, dooming her to lifelong suffering? Would give false hope new love? It’s unlikely... But I wouldn’t have found the courage to push her into the river. And Flyagin did this, taking the sin on his soul, but easing the suffering of Grusha. Does this mean that the main character is kind? Or angry? No, that doesn't mean it. These questions are difficult to answer unambiguously...

This episode reveals true face each of the heroes, showing them in hopeless situations. Flyagin made a promise to Grusha, which he could not fail to fulfill. Otherwise, Grusha’s life would turn into dishonor and suffering: “If you don’t kill me, I will become the most shameful woman in revenge for all of you.” As for Ivan Severyanych, the culprit of the girl’s tragedy, he did not take her death to heart, because he could not love as selflessly and selflessly as Grusha. And for Grusha, life without love had no meaning.

Other works on this work

Mysterious Russian soul" in N. Leskov's story "The Enchanted Wanderer Analysis of an episode from N. S. Leskov’s story “The Enchanted Wanderer” What is the charm of Ivan Flyagin? (story by N. S. Leskov “The Enchanted Wanderer”) What is the meaning of the title of N. S. Leskov’s story “The Enchanted Wanderer”? Female images in N. S. Leskov’s story “The Enchanted Wanderer” The life path of Ivan Flyagin (based on the story “The Enchanted Wanderer” by N. S. Leskov) Ivan Flyagin - truth-seeker of the Russian land (based on the story by N. S. Leskov “The Enchanted Wanderer”) Ivan Flyagin in Leskov's story "The Enchanted Wanderer" Ivan Flyagin is the main character of N. S. Leskov’s story “The Enchanted Wanderer” Ivan Flyagin is an image that embodies the features of the Russian national character Who is Ivan Severyanych Flyagin: a sinner or a righteous man? The world of Leskov's images The image of Ivan Flyagin in N. S. Leskov’s story “The Enchanted Wanderer” The image of Ivan Flyagin in N. S. Leskov’s story “The Enchanted Wanderer.” Image of Flyagin The Enchanted Wanderer is the most significant hero of N. S. Leskov Why is N. S. Leskov’s story called “The Enchanted Wanderer”? Ivan Flyagin is righteous or sinful Russia in the story by N.S. Leskova "The Enchanted Wanderer" Russian national character in N. S. Leskov’s story “The Enchanted Wanderer” Russian national character is the purpose of depicting N. S. Leskov’s story “The Enchanted Wanderer” Russian character in the stories of N. S. Leskov Freedom and necessity in “War and Peace” by L. N. Tolstoy and “The Enchanted Wanderer” by N. S. Leskov The originality of the author's approach to the depiction of the hero in N. Leskov's story "The Enchanted Wanderer" The originality of the author's approach to the portrayal of the hero in N. S. Leskov’s story “The Enchanted Wanderer” The meaning of the title of N. S. Leskov’s story “The Enchanted Wanderer” The meaning of Ivan Flyagin’s wanderings (Based on Leskov’s essay “The Enchanted Wanderer”) Wanderer Leskova Creativity N.S. Leskova (Story "The Enchanted Wanderer") The theme of wandering in N. S. Leskov’s story “The Enchanted Wanderer.” Traditions of folklore and ancient Russian literature in N. S. Leskov’s story “The Enchanted Wanderer” Analysis of the text of the story “The Enchanted Wanderer” What features of the Russian national character are embodied in Ivan Severyanovich Flyagin Genre, plot, composition, image of the main character Characteristics of Ivan Flyagin in Leskov’s story “The Enchanted Wanderer” The life of a Russian sinner in the story “The Enchanted Wanderer” The meaning of the word “Wanderer” in Leskov’s story of the same name Russian righteous people in the works of N.S. Leskova (at the premiere of “The Enchanted Wanderer”) The plot and problems of the story “The Enchanted Wanderer” The life vicissitudes of the protagonist of the story “The Enchanted Wanderer” Traditions of Old Russian literature in the story “The Enchanted Wanderer” Ivan Severyanych Flyagin is a special, exceptional person with a strange and unusual destiny. Mysteries of Leskov's tale using the example of the story “The Enchanted Wanderer” Laws of the artistic world of Leskov Flyagin - characteristics of a literary hero Russian righteous people in the works of N.S. Leskova (at the premiere of “The Enchanted Wanderer”) The image of Ivan Flyagin in N. Leskov’s story “The Enchanted Wanderer” The image of Flyagin in the story “The Enchanted Wanderer” The plot of Leskov’s story “The Enchanted Wanderer” Narrative organization of the story “The Enchanted Wanderer” The meaning of the title of Nikolai Leskov’s story “The Enchanted Wanderer” The image of Ivan Flyagin in Leskov's story "The Enchanted Wanderer" The hero of Leskov’s story-essay “The Enchanted Wanderer” Ivan Flyagin, truth-seeker of the Russian land The history of the creation of the story “The Enchanted Wanderer” Morality and humanism of the Russian person in the story “The Enchanted Wanderer” Depiction of the Russian national character in the works of N.S. Leskov (using the example of the work “The Enchanted Wanderer”).

Option 1.

1. Determine the genre of the work “The Enchanted Wanderer”:

A. novel;
B. tragedy;
V. story;
G. story.

2. “The Enchanted Wanderer” is a work composed of individual episodes. How are the parts combined into a single work?

V. heroine (Pear);
G. wandering hero.

3. Determine the nature of the narrative in the work “The Enchanted Wanderer”:

A. objective - narrative;
B. memoirs;
V. fantastic, in the first person;
D. third person.

4. The main idea of ​​the work “The Enchanted Wanderer” is as follows:

A. a Russian person can handle everything;
B. Russian people always strive for danger;

V. only in extreme situations a person reveals himself;
D. Russian people cope with all troubles alone.

5. Which character from the work can be called “the enchanted wanderer”:

A. Gypsy Grusha;
B. prince;
V. Ivan Flyagin;
G. Savakiria.

6. Which epic hero does he compare with?

A. with Alyosha Popovich;
B. with Dobrynya Nikitich;

V. with Ilya Muromets;
G. with Saveliy - the hero of Starorussky.

7. What was Ivan Severyanovich Flyagin’s name in childhood:

A. Ishmael;

B. Monomakh;

V. Golovan;

G. Cossack.

8. What reward did the main character ask for for saving the count’s family:

And money;
B. liberation from serfdom;
V. horse;
G. accordion.

9. Why did he flee to the steppe from the city:

A. in search of adventure;
B. following his beloved;
V. was captured;
G. because of the murder of Savakirei.

10. How they kept the main character in the steppe:

A. rich gifts;
B. the most beautiful girl was given as a wife;
V. was kept in a hole in stocks;
G. “bristled” the heels.

11. How long was I. Flyagin in captivity:

B. 3 months;

12. killed the gypsy Grusha:

A. because of jealousy;
B. trying to save her from the sin of murder;
V. because of unrequited love;
G. it happened by accident.

13. How did the main character’s wanderings end:

A. returned to his homeland to his landowner;
B. started his own family;
V. became a monk;
G. is going to go to war.

Creativity test

Option 2.

1. What genre ancient Russian literature The story “The Enchanted Wanderer” is similar:

A. Apocrypha
B. Walking
B. Life
G. Teaching

2. What is Ivan Flyagin’s middle name:

A. Larionich

B. Severyanych

V. Stepanych
G. Maksimych

3. With what epic hero compares:

A. Dobrynya Nikitich
B. Ilya Muromets
V. Nikita Kozhemyaka
G. Alyosha Popovich

4. What Ivan Flyagin asked for the salvation of the count’s family:

A. Freedom
B. Money
V. Garmon
G. Horse

5. After parting with the gypsy, Flyagin started working:

A. Doctor
B. Horse breeder
V. Nanny
G. Shepherd

6. fled to the steppe:

A. Hid from Khan Dzhangar
B. In search of a new life
B. Because of the murder of Sawakirei
G. Following my beloved

7. How much time did the hero spend in the steppe:

A. Ten years
B. Three years
Per month
G. One year

8. How Ivan Flyagin was held in the steppe:

A. Kept in stocks in a pit
B. Heels bristled
B. They gave the most beautiful girl as a wife
D. Rich gifts

9. killed Grusha:

A. Because of unrequited love
B. It happened by accident
B. So that Grusha does not return to the prince
D. To save her soul from sin - murder

10. After the murder:

A. Joined the recruits
B. Ended up in prison
V. Went to a monastery
G. Fled to the steppe

11. How did the main character’s wanderings end:

A. Started his own family
B. Took monastic vows
V. Returned to his homeland
G. Going to war

12. What does not apply to the biography of Ivan Flyagin:

A. Nanny for a master's child
Actor in a booth
G. Serf blacksmith

13. Which name does not belong to the main character:

A. Golovan

B. Petr Serdyukov

IN. father Ishmael
G. brother Diomede

Option 1

1. Answer B. story
2. Answer G. wandering hero
3.V.’s answer is fantastic, in the first person.
4.Answer A. Russian people can handle everything
5.Answer from V. Ivan Flyagin
6. Answer V. with Ilya Muromets
7. Answer V. Golovan
8. Answer G. accordion.
9. G.’s answer because of the murder of Savakirei
10.Answer G. The heels “bristled.”
11.Answer B. 10 years
12.Answer B. trying to save her from the sin of murder
13.Answer G. is going to go to war

Option 2

ANSWERS: 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B, 7A, 8B, 9B, 10A, 11B, 12D, 13G

As a person lives his life, he meets many different people along the way. Each of them has their own destiny, their own problems and emotional wounds. Sometimes it happens that we play a significant role in the life of another person, and sometimes, on the contrary, others leave a deep mark on our hearts. In fact, life is a constant change of people around us: some leave, others come, and only a few walk hand in hand with us the whole long way.
Work by N.S. Leskov “The Enchanted Wanderer” is the story of the fate of the peasant Ivan Flyagin. His life path is mysterious, often filled with mysterious events. And on his way he met many different people. One of them is the gypsy Grusha, whom our hero meets in a tavern. Who is she - one of many or the one who will remain in the memory for a long time? What role did the gypsy and the peasant play in each other’s lives? I will try to answer these questions by analyzing the episode “The Incident with Pear”.
It is not surprising that this girl attracted Flyagin’s attention: “I saw how between the black hair on her head, like silver, the parting curled and fell behind her back, so I went crazy and took away all my mind. I drink her treat, and through the glass I look into her face, and I can’t make out whether she is dark or white, and meanwhile I see how, under her thin skin, as if in a plum in the sun, the color turns red and the vein beats ... ". Flyagin perceives the girl as perfection, an ideal created by nature itself. Pear attracts his attention not only with its appearance. In my opinion, Ivan has a great sense of her inner world, her spiritual beauty. The girl agrees to his request to sing. This is the most amazing song our hero has ever heard! Pear began to sing at first roughly, courageously, but soon notes of sadness and longing appeared in her voice, which “simply took the soul out of the body.” He asks her to sing again and again...
Pear understands perfectly well that this simple person admires not only her appearance, but also feels her spiritual world. The girl immediately makes him stand out from the crowd.
Ivan Flyagin himself appears in this episode from an unexpected side. The tavern where the main character came was intended for rich people, especially nobles. Flyagin, a peasant, clearly did not “fit” into this society. But the owner of the inn, Grusha’s father, not only did not put him away from the nobles, but, on the contrary, put him in the very center, explaining that “you still don’t know how another simple person can appreciate beauty and talent.” That is, we Flyagin appears to us as a sensitive, receptive to beauty, emotional person.
But the main event in this episode is not the songs and dances of Grusha, and not the recognition of Flyagin by society. Everything is much more tragic, just as tragic is the female soul, tormented by unrequited love. We learn that Grushenka was in love with Prince Ivan Severyanich. But his feelings were short-lived, and soon he no longer needed the gypsy girl, since the “secretary daughter Evgenia Semyonovna” of noble blood appeared in the city. Pear could not come to terms with the loss of her loved one. There was only one way out for her - not to live! In Flyagin she saw a kindred spirit and felt his special attitude towards her. Therefore, it is Ivan who she demands to swear that he will find the strength to kill her. She herself could not decide to take this action, because she was a believer: “I no longer have the strength to live like this and suffer, seeing his betrayal and abuse of me. If I live another day, I’ll kill him and her, and if I feel sorry for them, I’ll kill myself, then I’ll kill my darling forever! Have pity on me, my dear, my dear brother.”
At first Flyagin could not commit murder, but in the end, out of pity for Grusha, he decided to do it. Yes, of course, this act cannot be called moral. However, if you look from the other side, Ivan could not allow the girl to commit suicide and commit such a terrible sin. As a person who deeply feels the pain of others, he was ready to take this sin upon his soul.
Reading the entire work, we find many of Flyagin’s actions controversial. At the beginning of the story, he accidentally killed an innocent man, then he stole horses from the count, and in this episode he pushed a girl off a cliff. I tried to think about what I would do in these situations. Would she have passed by Grushina’s grief, dooming her to lifelong suffering? Would you give false hope for new love? It’s unlikely... But I wouldn’t have found the courage to push her into the river. And Flyagin did this, taking the sin on his soul, but easing the suffering of Grusha. Does this mean that the main character is kind? Or angry? No, that doesn't mean it. These questions are difficult to answer unambiguously...
This episode reveals the true colors of each of the characters, showing them in desperate situations.

Anya: damn, he disappeared again(((
Anya: I don’t understand him anymore (facepalm)
Anya: maybe he just wants to be friends, but it seems to me more because I have chronic under..b)))))
Me: no... it seems to me that he doesn’t want to be friends
Me: I just don’t have time
Anya: damn, why is it so strange then? This is my first time having this experience, so I’m completely confused. :(
Me: you don't know how it works. Maybe he doesn’t have time to pee, let alone text you for kilometers
Anya: and in the evening, blea?
Anya: ask “how are you?”
Me: mmm... and in the evening he pisses, for the whole day, for which there was no time
Anya: damn)))))))))))))))
Me: 5 points))))))))

drshade: I haven’t watched “Game of Thrones,” but I understand that it’s something like “Ivanhoe,” only without Ivanhoe. And there are a lot of people and everyone hates and kills each other.
SuperRio: Hate, kill and fuck.
gdy: Not necessarily in this order

xxx: I’m looking here at the front page of the newspaper, which is now lying in the kitchen. Large headline: “The most popular actress in Russia, Svetlana Khodchenkova” - and an even larger photograph of her. Who the hell is this?! First time I see her. Just above her head is another headline: “The secret of people’s love for weather forecasts has been revealed.” What?? What secret? What kind of love? What kind of people?
yyy: –...don’t read before lunch Soviet newspapers.
- Hm... But there are no others.
– Don’t read any of them.

From the forum, topic “What to give a girl for New Year”.
“But under no circumstances ask her what she wants for the new year.
On the contrary, she herself will casually hint to you that she wants it as a gift. But don't expect her to give you hints last month before New Year. On the contrary, she can do this at any time of the year, even in spring, summer or autumn. The main thing is not to ignore this information and if you know that you are capable of forgetting it, then it’s better to write it down somewhere.”

- I bought a book yesterday culinary recipes. I just can’t cook anything. Not a single sensible recipe.
- Why?
- You see, every recipe begins with the words: “TAKE A CLEAN PAN...”

From LJ:
“I live in a new microdistrict, where, naturally, there are many young mothers with children.
Well, I'm already used to 6 year old girls with big pink toy strollers and dolls in them...
But when I saw a young mother who was pushing a stroller with a SLEEPING girl of about four years old, who in front of her was rolling such a toy stroller the size of this child, my boiling brain confusedly said “train”, “recursion”, “reserve” and “fucked up”. "."

My sister works in network marketing, borrowing money from relatives every month to “close the next step, for which she will be awarded the next bonus points,” bought a Kirby vacuum cleaner, “protecting her from terrible coprophides,” she is easily subject to any trolling, while she lives in a rented apartment “so as not to interfere with living as she wants” and she has a daughter “because she wants children.”
Why is the Darwin Award not given out during one's lifetime?

"...but he firmly says that his parents forbade him to play for a long time because the TV would go down.
-Darling, you are 25 years old, you have a diploma as a computer engineer and a 2nd category television technician. tell me, monster, what can sit on TV?

yeah...the engineers have gone. On old TVs, the picture tubes “shut down” due to continuous operation.
lost brightness and color. game consoles issued such bright colors that overheating after 5 hours of play was doing its job.

“Total illiteracy makes me want to puke already!
Let's call you "Alixander"
"Svitlana", etc."

won't help, brother. go to any dating site or social network. Half of the users there are signed in all seriousness. IMHO, I don’t even know what you can talk about with a person who can’t even write his own name correctly.

skuggen: No, don’t think so, the site is wonderful. The recipes are interesting, the girls are very friendly, no quarrels, squabbles, or showdowns. And it is decorated in calm colors, no eye-popping light green on a pink background. And, of course, I understand that the girls there are from different countries, different incomes, and are used to different products... But every time I come across something like: “First, let’s cook the quinoa,” “you will need 4 sheets of rice paper,” “1 cup of peeled and washed mung beans,” “add pickled bamboo root”, “take a dry fern”, “pour orzo into a heated frying pan”, I feel like Yulia Gribkova, whom Alice teaches the intricacies of making bramboulet: “You take mangosteen and fry it in peteyar oil.”

One boss calls. “Check your phone! I’ve called 3 times, but I always end up in the wrong place. It’s your PBX that’s acting up!”
They asked for a number. We're calling.
"Hello. We are checking the phone, is this number so and so?"
“XXX called and said that he couldn’t reach you on the phone.”
“Please excuse us. This fool has already called 3 times, my son answered the phone every time, and every time he said that he was in the wrong place - and hung up.”

The hardest thing was to call this XXX and calmly explain the reason without neighing like a horse...

An incident with a friend. I was driving a car at 20 km/h (maybe I was putting on lipstick, or maybe I was reaching into the glove compartment) and was stopped by a traffic cop. He turned over the documents for a long time and sniffed: “Yulia Anatolyevna, how are you doing with alcohol?” I must say, the girl had a birthday that day)
She: “Not yet, but what?”
He: “Why do you smell like that? I don’t understand.”
She: "This is Dior..."
silent scene)))

Your phrase “cool sound” can now kill everything in the bud. What you mean by “cool sound” is not clear. The range of “cool sound” is too wide, from “boyish bass” to “oh, I finally heard the 7th violin.”

“she yells somewhere to the side,” listen, you freak, I asked you to lock this fucking creature in the toilet.”
I think he can hire her on double salary, but as a human resources manager."

and then we are surprised by the quality of service, when swearing and unreasonable anger are the key to success...

xxx: I don’t understand people who value “tits” and “ass” in a girl. How more topics better?
Stupidity. After all, girls are the sweetest creatures on the planet and there are so many beautiful things about them.
yyy: For example, tits and ass.

bleat. occupational Safety and Health. test. Well, how can I remember the difference between a flash and ignition and self-ignition

well fuck...

a flash is when “fuck aaaaaaa the scribe is on fire!”, ignition is “something smelled like something was burning. It’s strange, like I’m... Fuck, dumplings!!! Aaaaaah! Goriiiimmm! Fucked up!” Spontaneous combustion is "*knock-knock* - Who's there? - FBI, Agent Mulder and Agent Scully, Paranormal Unit."

)) I will answer that way

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