Frequency of infrared waves. Infrared (IR) radiation or IR waves

Derivative financial instrument or derivative is an agreement (contract) under which the parties receive the right or undertake the obligation to perform certain actions in relation to. In this case, a derivative may have more than one underlying asset.

Usually the opportunity to buy, sell, provide, receive certain or securities is provided. Unlike a direct sales contract, a derivative formal and standardized , initially provides for the opportunity for at least one of the parties to freely sell this contract, that is, it is one of the options. Derivative price and the nature of its change usually closely related to the price of the underlying asset, but are not necessarily the same.

At its core, a derivative is an agreement between two parties in which they undertake an obligation or acquire the right to transfer a specified asset or amount on or before a specified date at an agreed upon price.

Typically, the purpose of purchasing a derivative is not physical receipt the underlying asset, but price or currency over time, or making a profit from changes in the price of the underlying asset. Finite financial result for each side can be either positive or negative.

A distinctive feature of derivatives is that the total number of obligations under them is not related to total number underlying asset traded on .

60s of the XIX century. The emergence of the first modern futures contracts.

On London Stock Exchange trading put and call options came into practice in the 30s years XIX century. In America, trading options on commodities and stocks became common practice by the 60s of the 19th century. First forward contract Chicago Chamber of Commerce, for which there is a registration record, was dated March 13, 1851. In 1865, the Chamber formalized grain trading by introducing contracts called futures. These contracts standardized: quality, quantity, time and place of grain delivery.

70s of the XX century. The emergence of financial futures.

In 1972 at Chicago Mercantile Exchange A new division was created - the International Foreign Exchange Market. It became the first specialized exchange platform for trading financial futures contracts - currency futures. Previously, only commodities were used as the underlying asset of futures. In 1973 Chicago Chamber of Commerce established Chicago Board Options Exchange. By the end of the 1970s, financial futures were traded on exchanges around the world.

80s of the XX century. Proliferation of over-the-counter derivatives.

According to statistics Bank for International Settlements: if in 1998 the average daily turnover of over-the-counter derivatives (representing largely speculative capital) was 475 billion, then in 2007 - 2544 billion - an increase of 5.4 times over ten years.

Books on derivatives

  • John C. Hull - Options, Futures and Other Derivatives. - 6th ed. - M.: “Williams”, 2007. - 1056 p. - ISBN 0-13-149908-4.
  • Derivatives: A course for beginners (An Introduction to Derivatives) - M.: Alpina Publisher, 2009. - 208 p. - (Reuters Series for Financiers). - ISBN 978-5-9614-1092-1.

Translation by Dmitry Viktorov

Abbreviation: IR radiation
Definition: invisible radiation with wavelengths from approximately 750 nm to 1 mm.

Infrared radiation- this is radiation with a wavelength greater than 700 - 800 nm, upper limit visible wavelength range. This limit does not determine how the sensitivity of the eye to visible radiation in a given spectral region decreases.

Despite the fact that the eye's sensitivity to visible radiation, for example, at 700 nm is already very weak, radiation from some laser diodes with a wavelength above 750 nm can still be seen if this radiation is sufficiently intense. Such radiation can be harmful to the eyes, even if it is not perceived as very bright. Upper limit The infrared region of the spectrum in terms of wavelength is also not clearly defined; it is usually understood to be approximately 1 micron.

In order to "see" in infrared light, night vision devices are used.

For areas of the infrared spectrum, the following classification is used:

  • - near infrared region of the spectrum (also called IR-A) is ~ from 700 to 1400 nm. Lasers emitting in this wavelength range are especially dangerous to the eyes, since near-infrared radiation is transmitted and focused on the sensitive retina in the same way as visible light, but at the same time does not trigger the protective blink reflex. Appropriate eye protection is required.
  • - shortwave infrared (IR-B) propagates from 1.4 to 3 µm. This range is relatively safe for the eyes, since such radiation will be absorbed by the substance of the eye before it can reach the retina. Erbium doped fiber amplifiers for fiber optic communications operate in this range.
  • - mid-wave infrared range (IR-C) from 3 to 8 µm. The atmosphere experiences strong absorption in this range. There are many absorption lines, for example for carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor (H2O). Many gases have strong and characteristic absorption lines of mid-IR radiation, which makes this spectral region interesting for highly sensitive gas spectroscopy.
  • - long wave IR varies from 8 to 15 µm, following the far-infrared, which extends down to 1 mm, in the literature it sometimes starts as early as 8 µm. The long-wave IR region of the spectrum is used for thermal imaging.

However, it should be noted that definitions of these terms vary significantly in the literature. Most of the glass is transparent to others infrared radiation, but strongly absorbs radiation of long wavelengths, and photons of this radiation can be directly converted into phonons. For quartz glass used in quartz fibers, strong absorption occurs after 2 µm.

Infrared radiation is also called thermal radiation, since thermal radiation from heated bodies is in to a greater extent in the infrared region. Even at room temperature and below, bodies are released significant amount mid- and far-infrared radiation, which can be used for thermal imaging.
For example, infrared images of a winter-heated home can reveal heat leaks (for example, in windows, the roof, or in poorly insulated walls behind radiators) and thus help take effective improvement measures.

Based on materials from the Internet portal

About infrared radiation

From the history of the study of infrared radiation

Infrared radiation or thermal radiation is not a discovery of the 20th or 21st century. Infrared radiation was discovered in 1800 by an English astronomer W. Herschel. He discovered that the "maximum heat" lies beyond the color red visible radiation. This study marked the beginning of the study of infrared radiation. Many famous scientists have put their heads into studying this area. These are names such as: German physicist Wilhelm Wien(Wien's law), German physicist Max Planck(Planck's formula and constant), Scottish scientist John Leslie(measuring device thermal radiation– Leslie cube), German physicist Gustav Kirchhoff(Kirchhoff's radiation law), Austrian physicist and mathematician Josef Stefan and Austrian physicist Stefan Ludwig Boltzmann(Stefan-Boltzmann law).

The use and application of knowledge of thermal radiation in modern heating devices only came to the fore in the 1950s. In the USSR, the theory of radiant heating was developed in the works of G. L. Polyak, S. N. Shorin, M. I. Kissin, A. A. Sander. Since 1956, many technical books on this topic have been written or translated into Russian in the USSR ( bibliography). Due to changes in the cost of energy resources and in the struggle for energy efficiency and energy conservation, modern infrared heaters are widely used in heating domestic and industrial buildings.

Solar radiation - natural infrared radiation

The most famous and significant natural infrared heater is the Sun. In fact, it is natural and the most advanced heating method, known to mankind. Within solar system The sun is the most powerful source of thermal radiation that determines life on Earth. At a solar surface temperature of about 6000K maximum radiation occurs at 0.47 µm(corresponds to yellowish-white). The sun is located at a distance of many millions of kilometers from us, however, this does not prevent it from transmitting energy through this entire vast space, practically without consuming it (energy), without heating it (space). The reason is that solar infrared rays travel a long way in space and have virtually no energy loss. When any surface is encountered on the path of the rays, their energy, being absorbed, turns into heat. The Earth itself is heated when it hits sun rays, and other objects that are also exposed to sunlight. And the earth and other objects heated by the Sun, in turn, give off heat to the air around us, thereby heating it.

The height of the Sun above the horizon most significantly determines how much solar radiation power earth's surface, so does him spectral composition. Different components of the solar spectrum pass through the earth's atmosphere differently.
At the Earth's surface, the spectrum of solar radiation has more complex shape, which is associated with absorption in the atmosphere. In particular, it does not contain the high-frequency part of ultraviolet radiation, which is harmful to living organisms. On the outer border earth's atmosphere, the flux of radiant energy from the Sun is 1370 W/m²; (solar constant), and the maximum radiation occurs at λ=470 nm (blue). The flux reaching the earth's surface is significantly less due to absorption in the atmosphere. At the most favorable conditions(the sun is at its zenith) it does not exceed 1120 W/m²; (in Moscow, at the moment summer solstice - 930 W/m²), and the maximum radiation occurs at λ=555 nm(green-yellow), which corresponds to the best sensitivity of the eyes and only a quarter of this radiation occurs in the long-wave region of radiation, including secondary radiation.

However, the nature of solar radiant energy is quite different from the radiant energy given off by infrared heaters used for space heating. Solar radiation energy consists of electromagnetic waves, physical and biological properties which differ significantly from the properties of electromagnetic waves emanating from conventional infrared heaters, in particular, the bactericidal and healing (heliotherapy) properties of solar radiation are completely absent from radiation sources with low temperatures. And yet infrared heaters provide the same thermal effect, as the Sun, being the most comfortable and economical of all possible heat sources.

The nature of the occurrence of infrared rays

Outstanding German physicist Max Planck, while studying thermal radiation (infrared radiation), discovered its atomic nature. Thermal radiation- This electromagnetic radiation, emitted by bodies or substances and arising due to it internal energy, due to the fact that the atoms of a body or substance move faster under the influence of heat, and in the case hard material fluctuate faster compared to the equilibrium state. During this movement, atoms collide, and when they collide, they are excited by shock, followed by the emission of electromagnetic waves.
All objects continuously emit and absorb electromagnetic energy. This radiation is a consequence of the continuous movement of elementary charged particles inside matter. One of the basic laws of classical electromagnetic theory states that a charged particle moving with acceleration emits energy. Electromagnetic radiation (electromagnetic waves) is a disturbance of the electromagnetic field propagating in space, that is, a time-varying periodic electromagnetic signal in space consisting of electric and magnetic fields. This is thermal radiation. Thermal radiation contains electromagnetic fields different wavelengths. Since atoms move at any temperature, all bodies at any temperature are greater than the temperature absolute zero (-273°С), emit heat. The energy of electromagnetic waves of thermal radiation, that is, the strength of radiation, depends on the temperature of the body, its atomic and molecular structure, as well as on the condition of the body surface. Thermal radiation occurs at all wavelengths - from the shortest to the longest, but only that thermal radiation that has practical significance, which falls in the wavelength range: λ = 0.38 – 1000 µm(in the visible and infrared parts of the electromagnetic spectrum). However, not all light has the characteristics of thermal radiation (for example, luminescence), therefore, only the infrared spectrum can be taken as the main range of thermal radiation (λ = 0.78 – 1000 µm). You can also make an addition: a section with a wavelength λ = 100 – 1000 µm, from a heating point of view - not interesting.

Thus, thermal radiation is one of the forms of electromagnetic radiation that arises due to the internal energy of the body and has a continuous spectrum, that is, it is part of electromagnetic radiation, the energy of which, when absorbed, causes a thermal effect. Thermal radiation is inherent in all bodies.

All bodies that have a temperature greater than absolute zero (-273°C), even if they do not glow with visible light, are a source of infrared rays and emit a continuous infrared spectrum. This means that the radiation contains waves with all frequencies without exception, and it is completely pointless to talk about radiation at any particular wave.

The main conventional areas of infrared radiation

Today there is no unified classification for dividing infrared radiation into its component areas (areas). In the target technical literature there are more than a dozen schemes for dividing the infrared radiation region into component areas, and they all differ from each other. Since all types of thermal electromagnetic radiation are of the same nature, the classification of radiation by wavelength depending on the effect they produce is only conditional and is determined mainly by differences in detection technology (type of radiation source, type of meter, its sensitivity, etc. .) and in the technique of measuring radiation. Mathematically, using formulas (Planck, Wien, Lambert, etc.), it is also impossible to determine the exact boundaries of the regions. To determine the wavelength (maximum radiation) there are two different formulas(by temperature and frequency), giving different results, with a difference of approximately 1,8 times (this is the so-called Wien displacement law) and plus all calculations are made for an ABSOLUTELY BLACK BODY ( idealized object), which do not exist in reality. Real bodies found in nature do not obey these laws and, to one degree or another, deviate from them. Information was taken by ESSO Company from the technical literature of Russian and foreign scientists" data-lightbox="image26" href="images/26.jpg" title="Expand areas of infrared radiation">!}
Radiation real bodies depends on a number of specific characteristics of the body (surface condition, microstructure, layer thickness, etc.). This is also the reason for indicating in different sources absolutely different sizes boundaries of radiation areas. All this suggests that using temperature to describe electromagnetic radiation must be done with great care and with an order of magnitude accuracy. I emphasize once again that the division is very arbitrary!!!

Let us give examples of conditional division of the infrared region (λ = 0.78 – 1000 µm) to individual areas (information taken only from the technical literature of Russian and foreign scientists). The above figure shows how diverse this division is, so you should not get attached to any of them. You just need to know that the spectrum of infrared radiation can be divided into several sections, from 2 to 5. The region that is closer in the visible spectrum is usually called: near, close, short-wave, etc. The region that is closer to microwave radiation- distant, distant, long-wave, etc. If you believe Wikipedia, then the usual division scheme looks like this: Near area(Near-infrared, NIR), Shortwave region(Short-wavelength infrared, SWIR), Medium wave region(Mid-wavelength infrared, MWIR), Long wavelength region(Long-wavelength infrared, LWIR), Far area(Far-infrared, FIR).

Properties of infrared rays

Infrared rays- This is electromagnetic radiation, which has the same nature as visible light, therefore it is also subject to the laws of optics. Therefore, in order to better imagine the process of thermal radiation, we should draw an analogy with light radiation, which we all know and can observe. However, we must not forget that the optical properties of substances (absorption, reflection, transparency, refraction, etc.) in the infrared region of the spectrum differ significantly from the optical properties in the visible part of the spectrum. Characteristic feature infrared radiation is that, unlike other main types of heat transfer, there is no need for a transmitting intermediate substance. Air, and especially vacuum, is considered transparent to infrared radiation, although this is not entirely true with air. When infrared radiation passes through the atmosphere (air), some attenuation of thermal radiation is observed. This is due to the fact that dry and clean air almost transparent to heat rays, but in the presence of moisture in the form of steam, water molecules (H 2 O), carbon dioxide (CO 2), ozone (O 3) and other solid or liquid suspended particles that reflect and absorb infrared rays, it becomes a not entirely transparent medium and, as a result, the flow of infrared radiation is scattered in different directions and weakens. Typically, scattering in the infrared region of the spectrum is less than in the visible. However, when the losses caused by scattering in the visible region of the spectrum are large, they are also significant in the infrared region. The intensity of the scattered radiation varies in inverse proportion to the fourth power of the wavelength. It is significant only in the short-wave infrared region and decreases rapidly in the longer wavelength part of the spectrum.

Nitrogen and oxygen molecules in the air do not absorb infrared radiation, but attenuate it only as a result of scattering. Suspended dust particles also lead to scattering of infrared radiation, and the amount of scattering depends on the ratio of particle sizes and wavelength of infrared radiation; the larger the particles, the greater the scattering.

water vapor, carbon dioxide, ozone and other impurities present in the atmosphere selectively absorb infrared radiation. For example, water vapor very strongly absorbs infrared radiation throughout the entire infrared region of the spectrum, and carbon dioxide absorbs infrared radiation in the mid-infrared region.

As for liquids, they can be either transparent or opaque to infrared radiation. For example, a layer of water several centimeters thick is transparent to visible radiation and opaque to infrared radiation with a wavelength of more than 1 micron.

Solids(bodies), in turn, in most cases not transparent to thermal radiation, but there are exceptions. For example, silicon wafers, opaque in the visible region, are transparent in the infrared region, and quartz, on the contrary, is transparent to light radiation, but opaque to thermal rays with a wavelength of more than 4 microns. It is for this reason that quartz glass is not used in infrared heaters. Ordinary glass, unlike quartz glass, is partially transparent to infrared rays; it can also absorb a significant part of infrared radiation in certain spectral ranges, but does not transmit ultraviolet radiation. Rock salt is also transparent to thermal radiation. Metals, for the most part, have a reflectivity for infrared radiation that is much greater than for visible light, which increases with increasing wavelength of infrared radiation. For example, the reflectance of aluminum, gold, silver and copper at a wavelength of about 10 µm reaches 98% , which is significantly higher than for the visible spectrum, this property is widely used in the design of infrared heaters.

Suffice it to cite here as an example the glazed frames of greenhouses: glass practically lets through most of solar radiation, and on the other hand, the heated earth emits waves long length(about 10 µm), in relation to which the glass behaves like opaque body. Thanks to this, inside the greenhouses long time temperature is maintained significantly higher than the outside temperature, even after solar radiation stops.

Radiant heat transfer plays an important role in human life. A person transfers to the environment the heat generated during the physiological process, mainly through radiant heat exchange and convection. With radiant (infrared) heating, the radiant component of heat transfer from the human body is reduced due to the higher temperature that occurs both on the surface of the heating device and on the surface of some internal enclosing structures, therefore, while providing the same warm sensation, convective heat loss may be greater, those. The room temperature may be lower. Thus, radiant heat exchange plays a decisive role in the formation of a person’s feeling of thermal comfort.

When a person is in the range of an infrared heater, IR rays penetrate the human body through the skin, and different layers of the skin reflect and absorb these rays in different ways.

With infrared long wave radiation the penetration of rays is significantly less compared to shortwave radiation. The absorption capacity of moisture contained in skin tissue is very high, and the skin absorbs more than 90% of the radiation reaching the surface of the body. The nerve receptors that sense heat are located in the outermost layer of the skin. The absorbed infrared rays excite these receptors, which causes a feeling of warmth in a person.

Infrared rays have both local and overall impact. Shortwave infrared radiation, unlike long-wave infrared radiation, can cause redness of the skin at the site of irradiation, which reflexively spreads 2-3 cm around the irradiated area. The reason for this is that the capillary vessels dilate and blood circulation increases. A blister may soon appear at the radiation site, which later turns into a scab. Also when hit shortwave infrared rays to the organs of vision, cataracts may occur.

Listed above, possible consequences from exposure shortwave IR heater, should not be confused with impact long-wave IR heater. As already mentioned, long-wave infrared rays are absorbed at the very top of the skin layer and cause only a simple thermal effect.

The use of radiant heating should not endanger a person or create an uncomfortable microclimate in the room.

Radiant heating can provide comfortable conditions at lower temperatures. When using radiant heating, the indoor air is cleaner because the air flow speed is lower, which reduces dust pollution. Also, with this heating, dust decomposition does not occur, since the temperature of the radiating plate of a long-wave heater never reaches the temperature necessary for dust decomposition.

The colder the heat emitter, the more harmless it is for the human body, the longer a person can stay in the heater’s area of ​​effect.

Prolonged stay of a person near a HIGH TEMPERATURE heat source (more than 300°C) is harmful to human health.

Impact of infrared radiation on human health.

How the human body emits infrared rays, and absorbs them. IR rays penetrate the human body through the skin, and different layers of the skin reflect and absorb these rays differently. Long-wave radiation penetrates the human body significantly less compared to shortwave radiation. Moisture in the skin tissue absorbs more than 90% of the radiation reaching the surface of the body. The nerve receptors that sense heat are located in the outermost layer of the skin. The absorbed infrared rays excite these receptors, which causes a feeling of warmth in a person. Short-wave infrared radiation penetrates the body most deeply, causing its maximum heating. As a result of this impact, there is an increase potential energy cells of the body, and unbound water will leave them, the activity of specific cellular structures increases, the level of immunoglobulins increases, the activity of enzymes and estrogens increases, and other biochemical reactions occur. This applies to all types of body cells and blood. However Long-term exposure to short-wave infrared radiation on the human body is undesirable. It is on this property that it is based heat treatment effect, widely used in physiotherapy rooms in our and foreign clinics, and note that the duration of procedures is limited. However, the data restrictions do not apply to long-wave infrared heaters. Important characteristic infrared radiation– wavelength (frequency) of radiation. Modern research in the field of biotechnology has shown that it is long-wave infrared radiation is of exceptional importance in the development of all forms of life on Earth. For this reason it is also called biogenetic rays or life rays. Our body radiates itself long infrared waves, but it itself also needs constant feeding long wave heat. If this radiation begins to decrease or not constant replenishment them of the human body, the body is subject to attack various diseases, a person ages quickly against the background of a general deterioration in health. Further infrared radiation normalizes the metabolic process and eliminates the cause of the disease, and not just its symptoms.

With such heating, you will not have a headache from the stuffiness caused by overheated air under the ceiling, as when working convective heating, - when you constantly want to open the window and let in fresh air(while releasing the heated one).

When exposed to infrared radiation with an intensity of 70-100 W/m2, the activity of biochemical processes in the body increases, which leads to improvement general condition person. However, there are standards and they should be followed. There are standards for safe heating of domestic and industrial premises, for the duration of medical and cosmetic procedures, for working in HOT workshops, etc. Don't forget about this. At correct use infrared heaters - negative impact COMPLETELY ABSENT on the body.

Infrared radiation, infrared rays, properties of infrared rays, radiation spectrum of infrared heaters



Can we do it? Nope.

We are all accustomed to the fact that flowers are red, black surfaces do not reflect light, Coca-Cola is opaque, a hot soldering iron cannot illuminate anything like a light bulb, and fruits can be easily distinguished by their color. But let's imagine for a moment that we can see not only the visible range (hee hee), but also the near infrared. Near infrared light is not at all what can be seen in . It is closer to visible light than to thermal radiation. But it has a number of interesting features - often objects that are completely opaque in the visible range are perfectly visible in infrared light - an example in the first photo.
The black surface of the tile is transparent to IR, and using a camera with the filter removed from the matrix, you can see part of the board and the heating element.

To begin with, a small digression. What we call visible light is just a narrow strip of electromagnetic radiation.
For example, I found this picture from Wikipedia:

We simply don't see anything beyond this small part of the spectrum. And the cameras that people make are initially castrated in order to achieve the similarity between a photograph and human vision. The camera matrix is ​​capable of seeing the infrared spectrum, but a special filter (called Hot-mirror) removes this ability - otherwise the pictures will look somewhat unusual to the human eye. But if you remove this filter...


The test subject was a Chinese phone, which was originally intended for review. Unfortunately, it turned out that his radio part was severely buggy - it either received or did not receive calls. Of course, I didn’t write about it, but the Chinese didn’t want to send a replacement or take this one back. So he stayed with me.
Let's disassemble the phone:

We take out the camera. Using a soldering iron and scalpel, carefully separate the focusing mechanism (on top) from the matrix.

The matrix should have a thin piece of glass, possibly with a greenish or reddish tint. If it is not there, look at the part with the “lens”. If it’s not there either, then most likely everything is bad - it’s sprayed on the matrix or on one of the lenses, and removing it will be more problematic than finding a normal camera.
If it is there, we need to remove it as carefully as possible without damaging the matrix. It cracked for me, and I had to blow glass shards out of the matrix for a long time.

Unfortunately, I lost my photos, so I’ll show you a photo from her blog, which did the same thing, but with a webcam.

That shard of glass in the corner is exactly the filter. Was filter.

Let's put everything back together, taking into account that if you change the gap between the lens and the matrix, the camera will not be able to focus correctly - you will end up with either a near-sighted or far-sighted camera. It took me three times to assemble and disassemble the camera to get the autofocus mechanism to work correctly.

Now you can finally assemble your phone and start exploring this new world!

Paints and substances

Coca-Cola suddenly became translucent. Light from the street penetrates through the bottle, and even objects in the room are visible through the glass.

The cloak went from black to pink! Well, except for the buttons.

The black part of the screwdriver also became lighter. But on the phone, only the joystick ring suffered this fate; the rest of the part is covered with a different paint that does not reflect IR. So does the plastic of the phone dock in the background.

The tablets turned from green to lilac.

Both chairs in the office also turned from gothic black to strange colored ones.

The faux leather remained black, but the fabric turned out to be pink.

The backpack (it is in the background of the previous photo) became even worse - it almost all turned lilac.

Just like a camera bag. And the e-book cover

The stroller turned from blue to the expected purple. And the reflective stripe, clearly visible in a regular camera, is not visible at all in IR.

Red paint, being close to the part of the spectrum we need, reflects red light and also captures part of the IR. As a result, the red color becomes noticeably lighter.

Moreover, all red paint has this property, which I noticed.

Fire and temperature

A barely smoldering cigarette looks like a very bright dot in IR. People stand at a bus stop at night with cigarettes - and their ends illuminate their faces.

A lighter, the light of which in a regular photograph is quite comparable to the background lighting in IR mode, blocked the pitiful efforts of the lanterns on the street. The background is not even visible in the photo - the smart camera worked out the change in brightness, reducing the exposure.

When warmed up, the soldering iron glows like a small light bulb. And in the temperature maintenance mode it has a soft pink light. And they also say that soldering is not for girls!

The burner looks almost the same - except that the torch is a little further away (at the end the temperature drops quite quickly, and at a certain stage it stops shining in visible light, but still shines in IR).

But if you heat a glass rod with a torch, the glass will begin to glow quite brightly in IR, and the rod will act as a waveguide (bright tip)

Moreover, the stick will glow for quite a long time even after heating stops

And the hot-air hair dryer generally looks like a flashlight with a mesh.

Lamps and light

The letter M at the entrance to the metro is much brighter - it still uses incandescent lamps. But the sign with the name of the station hardly changed its brightness - that means there are fluorescent lamps.

The yard looks a little strange at night - the grass is lilac and much lighter. Where the camera can no longer cope in the visible range and is forced to increase the ISO (graininess in the upper part), a camera without an IR filter has enough light to spare.

This photo shows a funny situation - the same tree is illuminated by two lanterns with different lamps - on the left with an NL lamp (orange street lamp), and on the right with an LED lamp. The first one has IR in its emission spectrum, and therefore in the photograph the foliage underneath it appears light purple.

But LED does not have IR, but only visible light (therefore, LED lamps are more energy efficient - energy is not wasted on emitting unnecessary radiation, which a person will not see anyway). So the foliage has to reflect what is there.

And if you look at the house in the evening, you will notice that different windows have different shades - some are bright purple, while others are yellow or white. In those apartments whose windows glow purple (blue arrow) they still use incandescent lamps - the hot spiral shines on everyone evenly across the entire spectrum, capturing both the UV and IR ranges. In the entrances, energy-saving lamps of cool white light are used (green arrow), and in some apartments, warm-light fluorescent lamps are used (yellow arrow).

Sunrise. Just sunrise.

Sunset. Just sunset. The intensity of sunlight is not enough for shadow, but in the infrared range (maybe due to different refraction of light with different wavelength, or due to the permeability of the atmosphere) shadows are clearly visible.

Interesting. In our hallway, one lamp died and there was barely any light, but the second one did not. In infrared light, on the contrary, a dead lamp shines much brighter than a living one.

Intercom. More precisely, the thing next to him, which has cameras and a backlight that turns on in the dark. It is so bright that it is visible even with a regular camera, but for an infrared camera it is almost a spotlight.

The backlight can be turned on during the day by covering the light sensor with your finger.

CCTV lighting. The camera itself didn’t have a backlight, so it was made out of shit and sticks. It's not very bright because it was taken during the day.


Hairy kiwi and green lime are almost the same in color.

Green apples turned yellow, and red apples turned bright lilac!

The white peppers have turned yellow. And the usual green cucumbers look like some kind of alien fruit.

Bright flowers have become almost monochromatic:

The flower is almost the same color as the surrounding grass.

And the bright berries on the bush have become very difficult to see in the foliage.

What about the berries - even the multi-colored foliage has become monochromatic.

In short, it’s no longer possible to choose fruits by their color. You'll have to ask the seller, he has normal vision.

But why is everything pink in the photographs?

To answer this question, we will have to remember the structure of the camera matrix. I stole the picture from Wikipedia again.

This is a Bayer filter - an array of filters colored in three different colors, located above the matrix. The matrix perceives the entire spectrum equally, and only filters help build a full-color picture.
But filters transmit the infrared spectrum differently - blue and red ones transmit more, and green ones less. The camera thinks that instead of infrared radiation, ordinary light hits the matrix and tries to form a color image. In photographs where the brightness of the IR radiation is minimal, ordinary colors still come through - shades of colors can be seen in the photographs. And where the brightness is high, for example on the street under bright sun- IR hits the matrix exactly in the proportion that the filters let through, and which forms pink or purple, overwhelming all other color information with its brightness.
If you photograph with a filter on the lens, the proportion of colors will be different. For example this one:

I found this picture in the community
There are also a bunch of pictures taken in the infrared range. The greenery on them is white because the BB is positioned right along the foliage.

But why do plants turn out so bright?

There are actually two questions to this question - why do greens look bright and why do fruits look bright.
The green is bright because in the infrared part of the spectrum absorption is minimal (and reflection is maximum, as the graph shows):

Chlorophyll is to blame for this. Here is its absorption spectrum:

Most likely, this is due to the fact that the plant protects itself from high-energy radiation, adjusting its absorption spectra in such a way as to receive energy for existence and not be dried out by too generous sun.

And this is the radiation spectrum of the sun (more precisely, that part of the solar spectrum that reaches the earth’s surface):

Why does fruit look bright?

Fruits in their peel often do not have chlorophyll, but nevertheless they reflect IR. Responsible for this substance, which is called epicuticular wax - the same white coating on cucumbers and plums. By the way, if you google “white coating on plums”, the results will be anything but this.
The meaning of this is approximately the same - it is necessary to preserve the color, which can be critical for survival, and not to allow the sun to dry the fruit while still on the tree. Dried prunes on trees are, of course, excellent, but they do not fit into the plant’s life plans.

But damn, why the mantis crab?

No matter how much I searched for which animals see the infrared range, I only came across mantis crabs (stomatopods). These are the paws:

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Infrared radiation (IR listen)) is electromagnetic radiation with a longer wavelength than visible light, extending from the nominal red end of the visible spectrum at 0.74 μm (micron) to 300 μm. This range of wavelengths corresponds to the frequency range of approximately 1 to 400 THz, and includes most of the thermal radiation emitted by objects near room temperature. Infrared radiation is emitted or absorbed by molecules when they change their rotational-vibrational motions. The presence of infrared radiation was first discovered in 1800 by astronomer William Herschel.

Most of the energy from the Sun reaches Earth in the form of infrared radiation. Sunlight at its zenith provides illumination of just over 1 kilowatt per square meter above sea level. Of this energy, 527 watts is infrared radiation, 445 watts is visible light, and 32 watts is ultraviolet radiation.

Infrared light is used in industrial, scientific and medical applications. Night vision devices use infrared illumination to allow people to observe animals that cannot be seen in the dark. In astronomy, infrared imaging makes it possible to observe objects hidden by interstellar dust. Infrared cameras are used to detect heat loss in isolated systems, observe changes in blood flow in the skin, and also to detect overheating of electrical equipment.

Light comparison



Frequency (Hz)

Photon energy (eV)

Gamma rays

less than 0.01 nm

more than 10 EHZ

124 keV - 300+ GeV


0.01 nm to 10 nm

124 eV to 124 keV

Ultraviolet rays

10 nm - 380 nm

30 PHZ - 790 THz

3.3 eV to 124 eV

Visible light

380 nm - 750 nm

790 THz - 405 THz

1.7 eV - 3.3 eV

Infrared radiation

750 nm - 1 mm

405 THz - 300 GHz

1.24 meV - 1.7 eV


1 mm - 1 meter

300 GHz - 300 MHz

1.24 µeV - 1.24 meV

1 mm - 100 km

300 GHz - 3 Hz

12.4 feV - 1.24 meV

Infrared imaging is widely used for military and civilian purposes. Military applications include surveillance, night surveillance, targeting and tracking. Non-military applications include thermal efficiency analysis, environmental monitoring, industrial site inspection, remote temperature sensing, short-range wireless communications, spectroscopy and weather forecasting. Infrared astronomy uses sensor-equipped telescopes to penetrate dusty regions of space, such as molecular clouds, and detect objects such as planets.

Although the near-infrared region of the spectrum (780-1000 nm) has long been considered impossible due to noise in visual pigments, the sensation of near-infrared light has been preserved in carp and in three species of cyclids. Fish use near-infrared wavelengths to capture prey and for phototactic orientation during swimming. Near-wave infrared can be useful for fish in low-light conditions at dusk and in turbid water surfaces.


Near-infrared light, or photomodulation, is used to treat chemotherapy-induced ulcers as well as wound healing. There are a number of works related to the treatment of the herpes virus. Research projects include work on studying the central nervous system And therapeutic effect through the regulation of cytochrome and oxidases and other possible mechanisms.

Health Hazard

Strong infrared radiation in certain industry and mode high temperatures may be hazardous to the eyes, resulting in vision damage or blindness to the user. Since the radiation is invisible, it is necessary to wear special infrared glasses in such places.

Earth as an infrared emitter

The Earth's surface and clouds absorb visible and invisible radiation from the sun and return most of the energy as infrared radiation back to the atmosphere. Some substances in the atmosphere, mainly cloud droplets and water vapor, but also carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxide, sulfur hexafluoride and chlorofluorocarbons, absorb infrared radiation and return it in all directions, including back to Earth. Thus, greenhouse effect keeps the atmosphere and surface much warmer than if the infrared dampers were absent from the atmosphere.

History of the science of infrared radiation

The discovery of infrared radiation is credited to William Herschel, an astronomer, in the early 19th century. Herschel published the results of his research in 1800 before the London Royal Society. Herschel used a prism to refract light from the sun and detect infrared radiation, outside the red part of the spectrum, through the increase in temperature recorded on a thermometer. He was surprised by the result and called them “heat rays.” The term "infrared radiation" appeared only at the end of the 19th century.

Other important dates include:

  • 1737: Emilie du Châtelet predicted what is today known as infrared radiation in her thesis.
  • 1835: Macedonio Meglioni makes the first thermopile with infrared detector.
  • 1860: Gustav Kirchhoff formulates the black body theorem.
  • 1873: Willoughby Smith discovered the photoconductivity of selenium.
  • 1879: The Stefan-Boltzmann law was experimentally formulated, according to which the energy emitted by an absolutely black body is proportional.
  • 1880s and 1890s: Lord Rayleigh and Wilhelm Wien both solve the blackbody part of the equation, but both solutions are approximate. This problem was called " ultraviolet disaster and infrared disaster."
  • 1901: Max Planck Max Planck published the black body equation and theorem. He solved the problem of quantizing admissible energy transitions.
  • 1905: Albert Einstein develops the theory of the photoelectric effect, which defines photons. Also William Coblentz in spectroscopy and radiometry.
  • 1917: Theodore Case develops the thallium sulfide sensor; The British develop the first infrared search and track device in World War I and detect aircraft within a range of 1.6 km.
  • 1935: Lead Salts - Early Missile Guidance in World War II.
  • 1938: Tew Ta predicted that the pyroelectric effect could be used to detect infrared radiation.
  • 1952: N. Wilker discovers antimonides, compounds of antimony with metals.
  • 1950: Paul Cruz and Texas instruments produce pre-1955 infrared images.
  • 1950s and 1960s: Specification and radiometric divisions defined by Fred Nicodemenas, Robert Clark Jones.
  • 1958: W. D. Lawson (Royal Radar Establishment at Malvern) discovers the detection properties of an IR photodiode.
  • 1958: Falcon develops rockets using infrared radiation and the first textbook on infrared sensors appears by Paul Cruz, et al.
  • 1961: Jay Cooper invented pyroelectric detection.
  • 1962: Kruse and Rodat promote photodiodes; waveform and line array elements are available.
  • 1964: W. G. Evans discovers infrared thermoreceptors in a beetle.
  • 1965: First infrared guide, first commercial thermal imagers; A night vision laboratory was formed in the United States Army (currently a night vision and electronic sensors control laboratory.
  • 1970: Willard Boyle and George E. Smith propose a charge-coupled device for the imaging telephone.
  • 1972: Generic software module created.
  • 1978: Infrared imaging astronomy comes of age, with an observatory planned, mass production of antimonides and photodiodes and other materials.

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