The sun laughs tenderly and shines brighter. Preschool child - child development, preparation for school in Kyiv

Spring Festival
"Tale of Flowers"
(Middle group)

Characters: Rose
Presenter Dandelion
Fairy of Spring and Flowers Tulip
Evil Witch Violet
Boy beetles Narcissus
Butterfly girls Iris
Flower girls

Under the m-ku, the children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle.

Presenter - Look how beautiful it has become around
The trees and meadow are already turning green
The cheerful guest spring has come to us
And everything woke up from winter sleep!

Spring, spring is coming, spring!
She brings warmth and light!

The sun laughs tenderly
Shines brighter, hotter.
And it pours loudly from the hillock
Talkative stream.

Spring songs can be heard from all sides
They are light and cheerful
How gentle the breeze is!

Song "Spring Round Dance"

Spring is in the air
Soon the brown snow will melt
Streams run here and there
Rooks make nests.

The willow has blossomed
And spring is calling
The beauty will be with us soon
Coming to us soon!
- With the nightingale's song,
With green flowers
With silver murmur
Bright streams.

Song "Spring has come to us"

Presenter - Guys, do you want to go to visit the fairy fairy for a ball?
But the ball will be extraordinary. It will be called Bol of Flowers. Well then, let's go!

Musical didactic game “We are going” - they walk in a circle.

We're going, we're going, Marching in a circle
We sing a song loudly.

Let's jump once, jump twice. - Jumping on the spot
We always love to jump!

We are walking, we are walking - Walking on tiptoes
Let's sing a song quietly

Let's take one step, two steps - Take 2 wide steps
And let's go to the chairs!

Presenter - We went to spring forest, where the Spring Fairy lives. But for some reason I don’t see her. But I can hear the birds chirping. Do you hear? (listening to birdsong in the recording)
And here the butterflies have come to us.

Butterfly girls come out.

Streams gurgle in April
The sun caresses us
We arrived at the meadow
And here we dance the waltz.

We spread our wings
The pattern on them is beautiful
We're spinning and fluttering
What space there is all around.

Dance of the Butterflies.

The Fairy of Spring and Flowers comes out

Fairy - Hello Dear friends! I am the Fairy of Spring and Flowers. Today an unusual Flower Ball awaits you. At night, the flowers had already bloomed for a ball during the day.

Exercise with flowers.

Fairy - Let me go to the flower
And I will ask him
Open the petals
Show me what you are hiding.
(opens the petals and finds a toy beetle)

A fairy is a bug, guys!

A beetle comes out.

Beetle - We are horned beetles
We're flying by the river
We are looking for a flower for ourselves
Let's lend our voice.

Dance of the Beetles.

Fairy-Bug Bug Buzz,
Circle over the flower.
Where can I find your flower?

Game "Find your flower"
Children run around the hall to the m-ku, and when the m-ku ends, they sit down on the flowers laid out on the floor.

Fairy - In a magical spring, the flowers will bloom, they go to the clearing to dance.

The flower girls come out.

Violets, lungworts.
Blooms in the forest in spring
And sorrel stars.
They turn white here and there.

And the blue snowdrop
Spring's dear son
Trustingly and tenderly
He looks at us.
Dance of Flowers.

The Evil Witch comes out.

Evil Witch - So, I see fun here? As soon as you turn away, everyone starts celebrating something. Bugs fly, flowers dance. I love fairy tales, but only scary ones. Now I’ll spoil your fun. I know that fun is where people live together, but I will quarrel between you.
(casts a spell) - Quarrel, quarrel, be angry.
You're good, everyone is bad! (leaves)

The flowers begin to quarrel.

Rose - I am a garden flower,
Expensive and new
Rose beauty
Everyone in the world likes it.

Dandelion-Dandelion is the best
Golden fur on the dress

Tulip - What are you arguing friends
The best of all, of course - I

Violet - I don’t want to be friends with you
We will not live together!

Narcissus - Oh, what a disaster!
I'll manage without you then!

Iris - All of you are not worthy of honor,
May I grow with you together!

Presenter: There is no way to quarrel, because we are friends!
Let's guys sing a song and the flowers will make peace.

Song "Spring"

Fairy of Spring - Let beautiful flowers give people joy.
And your dreams will come true, no need to quarrel.

Rose - We won't quarrel anymore
We'll be friends
And dance naughty
We would like to invite you!
General dance.

Fairy of Spring - Well guys, it’s time for me to say goodbye. And I hope next year, I will see you again at the fairy ball. (Leaves)

It’s not for nothing that they call spring the morning of the year
Nature has awakened from its winter sleep.

The cheerful sun suddenly sparkled
No need for icicles under the roof!

And in the morning you can hear a ringing scream in the yard.
A flock of sparrows Chirp - chik - chik!

Presenter: Our holiday has come to an end. But that’s not all. The Spring Fairy has left a treat for you. Well, we’re all going to the group.

30.From sentences 3-5, write down a word formed without a suffix. 3 Blue-blue sky, bright sun. 4 I didn’t want to leave. 5 But departure

was scheduled for next Tuesday.

31. From sentences 3-5, write down a word formed by transitioning one part of speech to another.

32. From sentences 2-6, write down a word formed by transitioning one part of speech to another.

2 People began to gather at the club after lunch. 3 The club began to fill with the smoke of cigarettes and the chatter of peasants. 4 Soon the chairman appeared. 5 He announced the topic of the speech: “The situation of the working masses in America.” 6 Everyone became quiet and prepared to listen.

33. From sentences 4-6, write down a word formed in a suffixal way.

4 Andrey had a dream. 5 It’s as if Nikita is flying out of the window and stretching his arms towards the cradle. 6 The next morning Andrei went to Timoshikha so that she could unravel his dream.

34 From the sentences of task 33, write down a word formed by moving from one part of speech to another.

35. From sentences 5 and 6, write down the word formed in a suffixal way.

5 We drove through the wooded section of the road in about twenty minutes. 6 Then the steppe began

1) From sentences 2-4, write down conjunctions. 2) From sentences 2-7, write down adjectives. 3) From sentences 3-7, write down particles. 4) From sentences 14-15

write down all the prepositions.5) Write down from sentences 13-17 passive participle past tense.6) From sentences 13-16, write down the particles.7) From sentences 13-14, write down the adverb.8) From sentences 13-15, write down the interrogative pronoun.9) From sentences 13-17, write down the personal pronouns. 10) From sentences 16-17, write down the reflexive verb. 11) From sentences 9-11, write down reflexive pronoun. 12) Write out the adverb from sentences 11-12.

-(1) What does the Sun have to do with it? (2) “I don’t know any Sun,” the Shadow made excuses, but the Lantern was inexorable.

-(3) “Leave now,” he said. - (4) I have to tell you: I don’t want to know you!

-(5) Know me, know me! - Shadow whined. - (6) I can't leave you.

(7) She spoke the truth: how can a Shadow get away from such a bright Lantern?

(8) The lantern shook his head.

(9) Oh, he shouldn't have done it! (10) He shook his head too categorically and crashed. (11) Many people later gossiped that the Lantern committed suicide out of love. (12) And this only happened because of his integrity.

(13) Now Shadow didn’t have to beg. (14) What could she do next to the broken Lantern? (15) She clung to the Bus running past her and was like that.

(16) So the Shadow wanders around the world, clinging to everyone, offering its friendship to everyone. (17) Perhaps she will follow you too.

1. From sentence 8, write down the words formed by the prefix-suffix method 2. From sentences 17-21, write down all the pronouns 3.

From sentence 13-14, write down a phrase with the connection CONNECTION

1) From the sentence, write down a word formed in the PRESIDENTIAL-SUFFIX way.

A person is not born as a sheet of white paper, and if he is born, then this paper is always of different quality, and one must write on it in different ways in order to get the same result that we need.
2) Write down the adjective used as a noun.“The right person in the right place” is the optimal solution in the fight against crime, as one of our prominent scientists noted.
3) From the sentence, write down a phrase with the connection MANAGEMENT.
Nobody bothered them; their characters were recognized much later.

sentences, write down a phrase with the connection CONNECTION.

Dad moved his shoulder so hard that he flew to the side.
Write out from the sentence subordinating phrase with connection CONNECTION.
By nature I was not a murderer, neither by nature nor by upbringing, Pushkin’s “he called for mercy for the fallen” always resonated in me.
Indicate the type of connection in the subordinating phrase WE WILL NOT UNDERSTAND THIS in the sentence.
Until we understand this, we will be prisoners of other people's goods.
Indicate the type of connection in the phrase DISAPPOINTINGLY POOR in the sentence.
The world would become depressingly impoverished, a time of ignorance, suspicion and alienation would begin.
Indicate the type of connection in the phrase COMPARE THEM in a sentence.
Isolating facts from the surrounding world, analyzing these facts, comparing them - this is what every person in the 21st century should be able to do.
Indicate the type of connection in the phrase THESE DEFINITIONS in the sentence. These definitions are simplified and schematic.
From the sentence, write out a subordinating phrase with the connection CONCORDING.
They had been living in this dungeon for two years.
From the sentence, write down a phrase with the connection CONCORDING.
Mother still stood on the landing and, sadly bowing her head, looked after me.
For a person who reads such books is a reasonable person, a moral person.
From the sentence, write down a phrase with the connection MANAGEMENT.
Today we are surrounded by very helpful and smart cars: microwaves, vacuum cleaners, Cell phones, computers, refrigerators.
From the sentence, write down a phrase with the connection MANAGEMENT.
I raised my head, looked and froze: what a beauty!

Poems for preschoolers

Four artists
So many paintings.
Painted it with white paint
All in a row one.
The forest and field are white,
White Meadows:
Near the snow-covered aspens
Branches like horns...

The second one is blue
Sky and streams.
Splashing in blue puddles
A flock of sparrows.
Transparent in the snow
Ice lace.
The first thawed patches,
First grass.
...In the picture of the third
There are so many colors to count:
Yellow, green,
There is a blue one...
Forest and field in greenery,
Blue River,
White, fluffy
There are clouds in the sky.
And the fourth is gold
Painted the gardens
The fields are productive,
Ripe fruits...
Berries beads everywhere
They ripen through the forests,
Who are those artists?
Guess yourself.
E. Trutneva

The mother came up with names for her daughters,
Here are Summer and Autumn, Winter and Spring.
Spring comes - the forests turn green,
And bird voices are ringing everywhere.
And Summer has come - everything under the sun is blooming,
And ripe berries ask to be eaten in the mouth.
The generous Autumn brings us fruits,
Fields and gardens produce crops.
Winter covers the fields with snow.
In winter the earth rests and sleeps.
A. Kuznetsova

All he has is paint - snow,
And the brush is a mischievous frost...
But its simple landscape
Dear to each of us.
From frost sweaters
The breeze lifted the birch tree.
There was a snowdrift under the window, -
White fairy marmot.
- What kind of paint is this - snow?
- What kind of brush is this - frost?!
Postponed January sketch:
- Is the essence only in the paint?!
V. Tian

All the snowstorms have died down,
And the frosts don't crack.
Drops dripped from the roofs,
And the icicles hang in a row.
More fun and warmer
The days of March have begun.
In our garden in the alleys
The thawed patches are already visible.
V. Alferov

Hello, hello, beautiful spring,
We sowed seeds in the ground;-
Sprouts grow from the ground,
Flowers are blooming on the window.
O. Vysotskaya


Go away, frosty, shaggy one!
Do you hear, old man or not?
And above the garden and above the hut
Blue spring light.

The sun laughs tenderly,
Shines brighter, hotter,
And it pours loudly from the hillock
Talkative stream.

It is radiant, silvery,
It sparkles and trembles
And the other one, just as pure,
He runs merrily nearby.

Don't you hear, angry grandfather,
Like in the sky-high distance,
Above the ground washed by the rain,
The cranes screamed.

And winter gave up, settled down -
Stop being naughty for her!
Come out guys, feel free
Sing songs and welcome May!

Spring hurried to the river,
To slide on the skating rink.
Stepped onto solid ice floes -
The river depths have opened...
Spring hastened to the clearing
Pick up snow in your palms,
Fluff, tender snowflakes!
And the snowdrop opened.
E. Moshkovskaya

Go away, gray winter!
Already the beauties of Spring
Golden chariot
Rushing from the mountain heights!
She has no bow, no arrows,
I just smiled, and you,
Picking up your white shroud,
She crawled into the ravine, into the bushes.
A. Maikov

Spring has been going on for a long time in secret
From the winds and cold,
And today - straight
Splashes through the puddles
Drives melted snow
With hubbub and ringing,
To line the meadows
Green velvet.
“Soon, soon it will be warm!” -
This news is the first
Drumming on the glass
Gray paw willow...
Y. Akim

Green, red,
Bright May
The guys have coats
Take pictures!
Dress the trees in leaves,
Ring the streams
All day!
Where am I in May
I won't go
Everywhere I am the sun
I'll find it!
S. Kaputikyan

Do you want to take a look at the summer?
You are allowed into the forest without a ticket.
Mushrooms and berries
So much -
Can't collect it in a year!
And by the river, and by the river
Little men with fishing rods.
Got it!
Look - pike!
I’ll drag the pike ashore.
Okay, tired of the heat,
Jump through the dew at night,
Cook porridge on the fire,
Talk until morning...
Y. Akim

All day
Drumming on the glass.
The whole earth
The whole earth
Got wet from the water.
Howls, howls
Outside the window
Displeased wind:
He wants to tear down the doors
From the creaky
Wind, wind,
Don't knock
In the locked hallway,
Let them burn
In our oven
Hot logs.
Hands are reaching out
To the warmth
The glass is fogged up,
On the wall
And on the floor
The shadows danced.
Get ready
I have
Listen to a fairy tale
By the fire!
Y. Akim

The birches have unbraided their braids,
The maples clapped their hands,
The cold winds have come
And the poplars were flooded.
The willows have drooped by the pond,
The aspen trees began to tremble,
Oak trees, always huge,
It's like they've become smaller.

Everything became quiet. Shrinked.
Drooped. Turned yellow.
Only the Christmas tree is beautiful
By winter she looked better.
M. Sadovsky
Guests came to us: gray-haired,
And behind her is a young woman,
The third is blooming brightly,
And the fourth one is crying.
(Winter spring Summer Autumn)

* * *
Powdered the paths
I decorated the windows.
Gave people joy
And took me on a sled ride
* * *
I have quite a lot to do -
I'm a white blanket
I cover the whole earth,
I remove it from the ice of the river,
White fields, houses
My name is …
* * *
She covered the ground with a blanket,
Bound the rivers with strong ice
And she painted our windows
Sparkling white silver.
* * *
Snow on the fields
Ice on the rivers
The blizzard is walking.
When does this happen?
* * *
Even though there is snow and ice,
And when he leaves, he sheds tears.
* * *
Auntie is cool
White and gray
The bag carries the cold,
The cold is shaking on the ground.
It sweeps up snowdrifts,
Covers the ground with a carpet.
* * *
Troika, troika arrived.
The horses in that trio are white.
And there’s a girl sitting in the sleigh,
White-haired, white-faced.
How she waved her sleeve,
Everything was covered in silver.

* * *
The snow is melting, the streams are ringing,
The currents are getting stronger.
And the rooks are already flying
To us from distant countries.
* * *

I open my buds
In green leaves
I dress the trees
I water the crops
Full of movement
My name is …
* * *

Streams roll into the ravine,
He gives a dress to the trees,
The meadow will be dressed in flowers
And suddenly it will become summer.
Do you know who she is?
Gorgeous …
* * *
She comes with affection
And with my fairy tale.
With a magic wand
Will wave
The snowdrop will bloom in the forest.
* * *
She was white and gray
A green, young one came.
Like a peahen flying,
I sat down on the field,
Let down her feathers
Yes, any potion.

* * *
The ice is cracking, the water is splashing,
The young queen washes herself.
* * *

The snow is melting,
The meadow came to life
The day is coming
When does this happen?
* * *
The peahen has arrived
Sat on the lava
Let down her feathers
For any potion.

* * *
Red maiden,
Releases the grass
Spreads the dew.
Rides sideways
With a plow, a harrow,
With spring water.

* * *
She came and smiled
The snowstorms have subsided.
Started calling
Drop bell.
The river has awakened
The ice has melted
Snow-white outfit
We put on the gardens.

* * *
Red, green,
Scorched by the heat,
Yellow, fruity,
Every day with an update.
* * *
The forest is full of songs and screams,
Strawberries splash with juice,
Children splash in the river
Bees are dancing on a flower...
What is this time called?
It's not hard to guess...

* * *
The sun is burning
Linden blossoms,
The rye is ripening.
When does this happen?
(In summer)

* * *
I am made of heat,
I carry the warmth with me,
I warm the rivers
"Take a bath!" - I invite you.
And love for it
You all have me. I …

* * *
It's beyond spring
He's coming to visit us,
brings with him
A lot of worries.
Hot, long
Gives days
So that they mature quickly
Spikelets in the fields

* * *
So the days have become shorter,
And the nights became longer,
Birds are heading south
The forest and meadow turned yellow.
* * *
Empty fields
The ground gets wet
The rain is pouring down.
When does this happen?

* * *
I bring the harvest
I am sowing the fields again,
I send birds to the south,
I strip the trees
But I don't touch the pine trees
And Christmas trees. I …

* * *
He will wash the roof of the hut,
He will take Misha to the den,
The peasant's work will be completed,
And then the leaves rustle.
We will ask her quietly:
"Who are you?" And we will hear...

* * *
Walked through the meadows
Through the forests, through the fields,
She prepared supplies for us,
She hid them in cellars, in bins,
She said: “Winter will come for me.”
Who brought it in the bag
Cones and firecrackers?
This good Grandfather Freezing
Gives us toys!


The Christmas tree is lit with lights,
There are blue shadows underneath,
Spiny needles
It's like there's frost in the white.
She thawed in the warmth,
Straightened the needles
And with merry songs
We arrived at our Christmas tree.
Multi-colored toys
They hung it on it for us,
And we look at the Christmas tree,
And we have fun today.
The lights on the Christmas tree are bright
Lights up everywhere
In all houses throughout the country
The guys are smiling.
(L. Nekrasova)

Winter before the holiday
For a green Christmas tree
White dress herself
I sewed it without a needle.

Shaked off the white snow
Christmas tree with a bow
And stands more beautiful than everyone else
In a green dress.

To her green color to the face,
Elka knows this.
How is she under New Year
Well dressed!
(T. Volgina)
“The Christmas tree has stretched out its branches...”
The tree has stretched out its branches,
Smells like forest and winter.
Candies hung from the Christmas tree
And fringed crackers.
We clapped our hands
We stood together in a round dance...
Came so good
And Happy New Year!
“This happens in the world...”

Tokmakova Irina
It happens in the world,
That only once a year
They light up the Christmas tree
A beautiful star.
The star burns, does not melt,
Beautiful ice glitters.
And it comes right away
Happy New Year
"The most important of the guests"
Chernitskaya I.

- Who is wearing a smart, warm fur coat?
With a long white beard,
Comes to visit on New Year's Day,
Both ruddy and gray-haired?
He plays with us, dances,
It makes the holiday more fun!
- Santa Claus on our Christmas tree
The most important of the guests!

"Father Frost"
Russian folklore
This grandfather has many grandchildren,
The grandchildren often grumble at their grandfather.
On the street, grandfather pesters them,
He grabs your fingers and pulls your ears.
But a happy evening comes every year -
I'm waiting for an angry grandfather to visit.
He brings gifts and is kind in appearance,
And everyone is having fun - no one grumbles.
"New Year"
Naydenova N.

It smells like fresh tar again,
We gathered at the Christmas tree,
Our Christmas tree is dressed up,
The lights on it came on.
Games, jokes, songs, dances!
Masks flash here and there...
You are a bear. And I am a fox.
What miracles!
Let's dance together,
Hello, hello, New Year

Rusakov E.
The ponds are closed until March,
But how warm the houses are!
The gardens are covered in snowdrifts
Winter is caring.
Snow is falling from the birches
In drowsy silence.
Pictures of summer frost
Draws on the window.

We are snowflakes, we are fluffs,
We don't mind spinning around.
We are ballerina snowflakes
We dance day and night.
Let's stand together in a circle -
It turns out to be a snowball.
We whitewashed the trees
The roofs were covered with fluff.
The earth was covered with velvet
And they saved us from the cold.

"Snow Everywhere"
Brodsky A.
There is snow everywhere, houses in the snow -
Winter brought him.
She hurried to us quickly,
She brought us bullfinches.
From dawn to dawn
Bullfinches glorify winter.
Santa Claus, like a little one,
Dancing near the rubble.
And I can too
So dance in the snow.

Svetlana Kervis

Evening of poems about spring

March at my mother's - I took off my fur coat for winter,

And he shone with thawed patches,

And danced drop by drop in silence

The cockerel crowed to us spring.

I look, jubilantly, into the blue

And I invite the rooks to visit us.

Children, what time of year do you think this is talking about? poem? (Spring) Right. The time of frosty blizzard days has passed. The sun shines brighter, at midday the long icicles, transparent as glass, melt, and the drops ring. The shady tits echo her cheerfully, the sparrows chirp briskly. Spring! With her arrival, nature awakens, everything is transformed. in my hands Magic wand. She will help us tell about spring miracles. I give the wand to Alena Tumanova and she will give it to Sveta. The girls will read poem I. Kolas "Song of spring"

Go away, shaggy frost!

Do you hear, old man or not?

And above the garden and above the hut

Blue spring light.

The sun laughs tenderly,

Shines brighter, hotter,

And it pours loudly from the hillock

Talkative stream.

It is radiant, silvery,

It sparkles and trembles.

And the other one, just as pure,

He runs merrily nearby.

Don't you hear, angry grandfather,

Like in the sky-high distance,

Above the ground, washed by the rain,

The cranes screamed.

And winter gave up, settled--

Stop being naughty for her!

Come out guys, come out boldly

Songs to sing, welcome May!

The girls pass the wand to the boys Artyom Glukhikh and Denis Pirogov.

The sky turned bright blue.

The sun warmed the earth.

From beyond the mountains, from beyond the seas

Flocks of cranes rush.

Poem by A Barto"Sunshine" will be read by Amina and Arseny.

The sun looks out the window,

It shines into our room,

We will clap our hands

Very happy about the sun!

When the sun is warm, you can hear cheerful drops. Let's show how it rings. You will say “drip-drip-drip” and perform movements with me - slowly at first, and then faster and faster.

Drip-drip-drip, drops are ringing,

(Clap their hands rhythmically.)

It's like he's talking to us.

(They clap their palms on their legs.)

Icicles cry from the warmth

And there is melting snow on the roofs.

(Collects tears in palm.)

But all people in the spring

This makes me laugh.

(Turn around themselves.)

Our the evening continues. Julia and Sonya receive the wand. The girls will read poem" March"

All the snowstorms have died down, and the frosts are not crackling.

Drops dripped from the roofs and icicles hung in a row.

March days have become more fun and warmer

In our garden, in the alleys, thawed patches are already visible.

The girls pass the wand to Sofya Kulagina. She will read poem"The ice has broken"

What's happened? What's happened?

Something big moved.

And it creaked and rustled,

And it groaned and began to walk.

Something is going on somewhere.

The ice has broken.

A game " Spring is calling"

Get ready kids!

The forest is calling: "It's time to go for a walk!"

(Children clap their hands.)

Let's walk through the forest,

(They march in place.)

Breathe fresh air.

(Raise their hands up and do deep breath through the nose. They lower their hands and exhale through their mouth.)

On tiptoes along the path

We will go one after another.

(They walk one after another on their toes, keeping their hands on their belts.)

We'll jump over the streams

(Make several jumps moving forward.)

Well, let's go around the puddles.

(They walk, raising their knees high and holding their hands behind their back.)

Christmas trees got in the way,

We need to get around them.

And we learn what grows under the Christmas trees from Liza Golikova. She will read poem"Snowdrop"

Snowdrop peeked out

In the twilight of the forest...

Small scout,

Sent in the spring;

Let it still be above the forest

The snows rule,

Let them lie under the snow

Sleepy meadows;

Let the sleeping river

The ice is motionless -

Once I came scout,

AND spring will come!

Lisa passes the wand to Sasha Gazizov and Sofya Nikolaeva.

Streams in the forest sing

And the snowdrops are blooming.

Everything woke up from sleep...

This is coming to us spring!

in spring returning from warmer climes migratory birds and people build birdhouses for them. Listen poem, which will be read by Maxim and Andrey.

The birdhouses are ready, you can move in,

The houses are ready - the mansion!

Fly, fly, funny birds,

Hurry up and occupy your home!

And now I want to ask a question girls: “Tell me, what do boys like to run through streams?”

Poem"The Boat" will be read by Sasha Belkin.

Hurries along the stream

For the ravines

Little white boat

From paper.

I have my eye on this boat

I don't let you down

I'm writing a song about her

I'm starting to sing:

Can't keep up, little boat,

Behind you

You'll float away like a river

The river will carry you out

Straight into the sea!

My dad serves at sea

On a battleship.

Thank you, children. What a wonderful thing you said poetry.

We've been waiting for the arrival spring and plants, And animals and birds, and people. And although spring in our area it is often late, we greet it with joy. I offer you today In the evening draw a picture with your parents about spring and bring it to the garden tomorrow morning. Your works will be featured in the exhibition "Spring Splashes".

Publications on the topic:

Purpose: 1. To summarize children’s knowledge about autumn changes in nature. 2. Foster a love of nature. Objectives: 1. Strengthen the skill expressively.

Collection of poems for children Spring. Spring is coming the beauty walks through the courtyards, and smiling cheerfully winks at us. And in the sky the sun is clear, laughing from above. Warms with rays.

Good day, dear guests of my page! As part of Orthodox Book Week, my children and I preparatory group organized.

Piggy bank of teacher's poems A collection of poems by the teacher “Golden Grain” The sun is shining brightly and the grain is ripe, But the grain is not simple, everything in the ears is golden.

Lyrical evening of poems “About Mom...” Lyrical evening of poems “About Mom...” Presenter: Good evening. It is no coincidence that we have gathered today in our cozy hall. After all, we are in November.

Kolas Yakub (1882-1956), writer, folk poet Belarus. Academician.

"Song of Spring"
Y. Kolas

Go away, shaggy frost!
Do you hear, old man or not?
And above the garden and above the hut
Blue spring light.

The sun laughs tenderly,
Shines brighter, hotter,
And it pours loudly from the hillock
Talkative stream.

It is radiant, silvery,
It sparkles and trembles.
And the other one, just as pure,
He runs merrily nearby.

Don't you hear, angry grandfather,
Like in the sky-high distance,
Above the ground washed by the rain,
The cranes screamed.

And winter gave up, settled down -
Stop being naughty for her!
Come out guys, come out boldly
Sing songs and welcome May!

In 1894, the first literary experiments appeared - the fable “The Fox and the Crow” and the poem “Spring”. Yakub Kolas recalls: “In Albuti, when I was 12 years old, I began to try my literary powers.
IN Soviet time a book of stories "Kazki Zhytstya" (1926, 1st edition - Kovno, 1921), a collection of poems "Vodgulle" (1922), a poem "New Land" (1923), a story "At the Palesk Wilderness" ( 1923), etc.
Many of Y. Kolos's poems are set to music.
Y. Kolas is the author of works for children.
Processed a number of Belarusian folk tales.

An integral part literary heritage Yakub Kolas are dramatic works, such as the play "Antos Lata" (1917, staged in the 20s), "Zabastoushchyki" (1925), "Vaina Vaine" (1927, final version in 1938, staged in 1937), "U Pushchah Palessya" (1938, staged in 1937), one-act plays "On the Daroz of Life" (1917).

Laureate State Prize USSR (1946) for wartime poems, USSR State Prize (1949) for the poem "Fisherman's Hut".
Yakub Kolas was a poet, prose writer, playwright, children's writer and teacher, publicist, critic, and translator.

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