Teaching is not work, but renunciation, the skill of everything. Go on a long feat and torment, and see light and grace in this

Lesson objectives:


    improve the ability to analyze text;

    analyze several episodes;

    show the meaning of Bykov’s story “Obelisk”;


  • using the examples of the works of V. Rasputin and V. Bykov to show the selfless love of the teacher for children;
  • instilling respect for the personality of the teacher in the family, society, and state;
  • attract the attention of teachers, parents, students and the public to the problems of increasing the social prestige of the teaching profession


  • development of skills to compare, generalize, highlight the main thing;
  • development of a culture of reader perception literary text,
  • understanding the author's position, figurative and analytical thinking, reader's interests,
  • development of oral and writing students

Lesson participants:

    11th grade students;

  • school librarian;


    representatives of the public.

Methodical techniques:

teacher's story, conversation on issues, text analysis.

Class design:

photographs of teachers, drawings based on the works of V. Bykov and V. Rasputin, photographs from the film “French Lessons”, emblem of the “Teacher of the Year” competition.

Lesson progress

Word from the teacher and conversation with the participants.

Dear guys, dear guests! I am glad to welcome all of you to a public lesson, the theme of which is “Teaching is not work, but renunciation, the ability to give oneself completely...”. I would like to start our lesson with the legend of the pelican.

The Legend of the Pelican

Worried about his fruitless search for food and suffering from hunger, the pelican sank heavily onto the nest, where five chicks were impatiently waiting for him. The voices of hungry children tormented the mother's heart. The tired bird rose heavily into the sky and again rushed in search. It flew around and returned with an empty beak. The kids noisily greeted their mother, pinching and beating her chest. The poor bird, obsessed with one passion - to feed its children, did not feel pain. With a strong movement of her beak she tore her chest. Warm streams of mother's blood flowed directly into the beaks of the hungry chicks. Their lives were saved.

The legend of a pelican sacrificing itself to save its offspring has survived centuries and has survived to this day. Today, the pelican in European culture is a symbol of nobility, self-sacrifice and mercy. What do you think this bird has to do with the topic of today's lesson?

- (participant responses)

I absolutely agree with you. A teacher, like a pelican, devotes himself to his work and children. It is no coincidence that the pelican is a symbol of selfless love for children, a symbol of humanism in education. And he is also a symbol of the All-Russian competition “Teacher of the Year”.

Lines from the poem are displayed on the screen:

Teaching is not work, but renunciation,
The ability to give your all,
Leave for a long feat and torment,
And see light and grace in this!
- Please explain the meaning of these lines.

-(answers from lesson participants are heard)

In today’s lesson, we will try to find out whether “Teaching is really not work, but renunciation, the ability to give one’s all...” using the examples of the works of V. Rasputin “French Lessons” and V. Bykov “Obelisk”. It seems that these are two such different works, but during the lesson we will try to figure out what unites them.

V. Bykov and V. Rasputin are writers whose lives were scorched by the war.

Vasil Bykov volunteered to go to the front, took part in many battles, and was wounded twice. Once he even ended up on the list of dead. What he experienced was for Bykov the main source of knowledge of war and the nature of human behavior in war. In 1972, he wrote the story “Obelisk,” for which he was awarded the USSR State Prize.

Valentin Rasputin belongs to the generation that lost their childhood because of the war. Military and post-war period for children of that time, this was a severe test that fell like a heavy burden on the children’s fragile shoulders. This is exactly what Rasputin’s story “French Lessons” is about.

Conversation on the story “French Lessons”

  1. What does the title of the story say? (this is a work about school, lessons, peers, teachers).
  2. From whose perspective is the story being told? (on behalf of the author).
  3. Why? (because the story is autobiographical, much of what is described in the story happened to the author himself in the difficult post-war times - in 1948).
  4. What trials did the main character face? (hunger, loneliness, separation from home, mother, acute feelings of injustice, bitterness of deception, gambling, humiliation and beating, illness).
  5. Who comes to the aid of the hero in his difficult moments of life? (teacher Lidia Mikhailovna)
  6. How is she trying to help the boy?
  7. (- studies after school;

    Invites you to take classes at home;

    Wants to feed him;

    Sends a parcel, and, in after all, decides to take the most desperate step: play with the hero for money - at the wall.

    How do you evaluate Lydia Mikhailovna’s action?

  8. Did she do the right thing?
  9. What would you do if you were in her place?
  10. How did the “French lessons” end?
  11. Why doesn’t Lydia Mikhailovna try to justify herself in the eyes of the school director, explain to him the essence of what happened?
  12. (Yes, because he wouldn’t understand anything, he’s not that kind of person. She had nothing to justify herself with. Lidia Mikhailovna’s short and truthful answers reveal a feeling self-esteem. In this she is similar to her student).

  13. Why does she take all the blame on herself?
  14. What role does the afterword play?

(The afterword reveals new personality traits of the teacher: she has self-control, a sense of responsibility. She did not betray her state of mind when saying goodbye to the boy, she supported him and encouraged him).

Let's summarize our conversation about Lydia Mikhailovna by filling out the diagram.

So, what qualities would you highlight in Lydia Mikhailovna?


Ability to help

Sense of responsibility

“The ability to give your all

To which literary hero Would you still include these lines?

(to A.I. Moroz from V. Bykov’s story “Obelisk”)

Conversation on the story “Obelisk”

  1. Why is the story called “Obelisk”?
  2. (Firstly, this is a monument to the boys, which was erected through the efforts of Miklashevich in Selts for schoolchildren who were shot in 1942.

    Secondly, this same Miklashevich worked all his life for another name to appear here - the village teacher A.I. Moroz).

  3. Who is Frost?
  4. Who tells the author about Frost? (Tkachuk Timofey, former head of the district)
  5. How did Tkachuk first meet Moroz? (when sawing wood)
  6. Why did the personality of teacher Moroz seem extraordinary to Tkachuk?
  7. How did Frost behave when the war began?
  8. Who was part of the group that belonged to Moroz? (Kolya Borodin, Timka and Ostap Kazhin, Nikolai and Andrey Smurny, Pavel Miklashevich)
  9. How did the children end up in the hands of the Nazis?
  10. What happened to Frost?
  11. Why does Moroz decide to leave partisan detachment?
  12. Could Ales Ivanovich have acted differently?

V. Bykov builds his work on the dispute between Ksendzov and Tkachuk

Let's turn to the last pages of the story and see:

What does Ksendzov claim?

And what does Tkachuk say at the end of the work?

So why was it important for Tkachuk and Miklashevich that Moroz’s name was on the lists on the obelisk? (Because Moroz is, indeed, a real hero. It is not necessary to kill in order to commit a heroic act. According to Tkachuk, “he did more than if he had killed 100 enemies.” “He put his life on the chopping block. Himself. Voluntarily.” And how significant that the rescued Miklashevich, in turn, became a teacher and, most importantly, the same tireless fighter for truth and justice as Moroz was...

“I used to look and couldn’t get enough of it,” says Tkachuk about Miklashevich, “it’s like he’s a brother to A.I. Moroz... With everything: character, kindness, and integrity.”

Let's take a look at the diagram again. What qualities did teacher Moroz have? (the same as Lydia Mikhailovna).


Ability to help

Sense of responsibility

“The ability to give your all

“Teaching is not work, but renunciation...”

These are the images of heroic teachers who, at the cost of their lives, sacrifice themselves to children, like the great and powerful pelican bird. And this sacrifice is not in vain.

Writer Valentin Rasputin forever remembered life lesson Lydia Mikhailovna. This teacher really taught him French in the 5th grade, recent years She spent her life in France. Maybe thanks to her, he is faithful to the truth of life. In his works he raises questions of morality, conscience, and memory. His stories and stories teach us to live.

The lessons of Ales Ivanovich Moroz did not pass without a trace. The hero of the story, Tkachuk, decisively reflects: “I think so: the main merit of what we now exist as a nation and citizens is rural teachers. I may be wrong, but I think so.”

Do you agree with this statement?

What is the merit of teachers, including rural ones?

What qualities should a teacher have?


Ability to help

Sense of responsibility

“The ability to give your all

“Teaching is not work, but renunciation...”

Is it easy to be a teacher?

Yes, being a teacher is difficult. You need to give of yourself, sacrifice free time, hobbies, forget about health, think of students as your own children, take their difficulties to heart. But at the same time, being a teacher is noble and honorable.

Teachers have always been valued in our country, because “Russia is famous for teachers, students bring glory to it!”

Being a teacher is a calling. A person must feel like this in his soul.

Name the names of teachers who are truly teachers with a capital T. You can give examples both from life and from works of fiction, films, media mass media. (There are messages and stories from parents, teachers, and children about teachers who dedicated their entire lives to children. The names of such famous teachers as Ilyina, Sukhomlinsky, Makarenko were named. The names of the school teachers L.Ya. Gordina, the organizer of the school museum, P.A. Gordin, a history teacher, a participant in the Great Patriotic War and many others were mentioned. We remembered the feature films “The First Teacher”, “We’ll Live Until Monday”, “You Never Dreamed of” and others.)

And now I invite you to look at photographs of rural teachers who worked in our school in the seventies and eighties. And although they are not very good quality, black and white, but very expensive, because this is our story. ( A presentation about teachers was prepared for the lesson. The photographs were collected by teachers, students, and parents. “Crane Song” plays during the presentation.

Summing up

In today's lesson we touched on a very important topic - the topic of teaching. We tried to consider that a teacher is not only a person who gives knowledge, but also has the “ability to give his all,” as the heroes of the books by Bykov and Rasputin did.

But the heroism of teachers can be seen not only in books. Remember the September 2004 events in Beslan. Then teachers died along with the children. Not a single teacher abandoned his children. Everyone was together. Let's make it up together syncwine(small poetic form used to record emotional assessments at the stage of reflection):

1 line - Teacher

Line 2 -2 adjectives or participles

Line 3 -3 verbs (description of the topic, words can be combined with conjunctions and prepositions)

Line 4 – 4 words – sentence (a phrase that shows the author’s attitude to the topic in the 1st line)

Line 5 – one word – association, synonym that repeats the essence of the topic in line 1, usually a noun

At the end of the lesson, you are invited to watch a video about the school’s teachers.

In memory of today's lesson, I want to give each participant a symbol of nobility - a pelican (presentation of an emblem with a pelican).

Homework: Write an essay on the topic “There is such a profession - teaching children.”

Teacher! Even after many years

And my heart, I know, will be young
While the sacred fire will be with him.
Your soul from all kinds of adversity
The healing flame will save.
It will also help us on our way
To surpass the trickiest riddles.
It will help again, and more than once,
My teacher, continue you in business!
Teacher! Even after many years
The light you light will not go out!

Teacher - three syllables.
Not so much
And how many skills it contains!
The ability to dream!
The ability to dare!
The ability to give yourself to work!
Ability to teach!
The ability to create!
The ability to love children selflessly!
Teacher - three syllables.
But what a lot!
And this calling has been given to you by God!

Vedenyapina N.

Teacher! Your work is painstaking,
What other work can you compare it to?
You are like a sower over a field,
You are growing a priceless harvest!
You're like a pioneer
You lead young people through life,
You have tons of knowledge, like a prospector,
You will find a grain of gold!

Being a teacher is a calling.
You need to love children so much
So that soul and diligence
Give them without reserve.
Be a role model
It's interesting to explain
So that they have everything they want
Answer in class.

Poveshchenko O.

Teacher! What a wonderful word.
It is our life and the light and foundation.
Shining as a guiding star for us
And he leads you into the world of new knowledge.

Teacher! What a lofty word!
We repeat it again and again.
Our senior comrade, our sincere friend.
He is the key that opens the treasure trove of sciences!

You can learn everything in life,
Implement many new ideas
But a teacher must be born,
To live on earth for children.

Vedenyapina N.

Teacher! How precious is this word!
How much affection and kindness there is in him,
You have often been a strict mentor,
But more often - a source of warmth!
In your work you have encountered all sorts of things:
There were adversities and the joy of victories,
But the most important thing is that in children's souls,
You leave your every trace!

Teacher, school teacher!
You, worrying about us,
Rush invisibly into space,
Go to the taiga to search,
Into the desert over shifting dunes,
Into the sea on a foamy road...
We are your eternal youth,
Hope, joy, anxiety.
You still have no peace
Devoting my entire life to children.

If there were no teacher,
It probably wouldn’t have happened
Neither poet nor thinker,
Neither Shakespeare nor Copernicus.
And to this day, probably,
If there were no teacher,
Undiscovered Americas
Remained unopened.
And we wouldn’t be Icari,
We would never have soared into the sky,
If only through his efforts we
The wings were not grown.
Without him there would be a good heart
The world was not so amazing.
Because it is very dear to us
Our teacher's name!

Tushnova V.

Teacher, the days of your life are like one,
You school family dedicate
You are everyone who came to you to study,
You call them your children.
But children grow up, from school
Walking the roads of life
And your lessons are remembered,
And they keep you in their hearts.
Favorite teacher, dear person,
Be the happiest in the world
Even though sometimes it’s hard for you
Your naughty children.
You rewarded us with friendship and knowledge,
Please accept our gratitude!
We remember how you brought us into the public eye
From timid, funny first-graders.

Sadovsky M.

Teacher, how much patience
You hide in your soul,
Worries, thoughts and doubts -
You have already experienced everything.
What should love be like?
To dedicate it to children!
Everyone has their own character,
And everyone needs to be understood.
After all, children need to be given
A particle from your heart,
I wish them well every day,
Think about them and pray about them.
They need to be given knowledge
And teach what to strive for,
When it’s difficult for them, support them,
Don't let you suffer, don't let you be lazy.
So that you, we want, do not be sad,
The offense didn’t settle like a stone,
And all the good that you have invested,
By giving back to you.

The teacher generously teaches us that
What you really need in life:
Patience, reading, counting and writing,
And loyalty to the native Fatherland.

Viktorov V.

The cheerful bell rang
In yellow-red September,
School doors opened
To our noisy children.
In a long life exam
Along the indirect path
Will lead you to the land of knowledge
Our teacher is the helmsman.

There is no more beautiful profession in the world -
You bring a source of knowledge to children.
And our teacher is our idol,
With whom we come to know the world.
And on this day we want to promise you,
That, having risen from school desks,
And we will be able to convey to people
Your work, warmth of hearts and passion for searching!

Teacher. All her features
Clarified in a simple way in the morning:
Solitude of quiet kindness,
The grandeur of ancient construction.
But again the speech is calm and easy,
And again they breathe with reflected shine
Hexameters of ancient verse,
And the splash of leaves in the former biblical gardens.
Fatherland, freedom, that bitter smoke,
What will wake us up late or early,
But let me cry in repentance at least once:
“Teacher, before your name...”

In big cities and villages
In the morning the bell rings,
And the boys rush to school -
The lesson begins.

The teacher is inquisitive
Looks from so many different eyes!
Answers patiently
He has a hundred questions an hour!

“Why does the sun set?”
“Where does the hippo spend the night?”
“Does an elephant ever laugh?”
“Why is it raining?”

If it's difficult, he will help,
It is not clear - he will explain.
Twirly fighters too
Will reconcile very quickly.

No, the teacher is not a magician,
I just have to know a lot.
Don't be lazy, tutorial
Also open more often.

Teachers are different
In human society,
But our land rests on them,
Our discoveries...
They don't expect us
Indispensable fame
But they prefer a known reserve
Decency and honesty.
Many wince from chatter,
Empty glibness,
They teach by personal example
Elementary durability...
They have a strong mental backbone,
They respect their calling.
Some are honored
Others - yes
Without any title!
When you realize what is in your personal destiny
Not all theorems will be proven
Old teachers for you
They seem so family!
Invisibly supported by a shoulder
Chicks of your tribe.
I would like to talk to them - and there is something to talk about -
Yes, somehow there is no time.

Teaching is not work, but renunciation,
The ability to give your all,
Leave for a long feat and torment,
And in this we see light and grace.
Teaching - when in the eyes of cold
The dawn of understanding will light up,
And you will understand: I tried not in vain
And it was not in vain that he scattered his knowledge.
Showered with colored rain of bouquets
And illuminated by the brilliance of hundreds of eyes,
Accept, teacher, not a word of greeting,
And part of the soul is from grateful us!

And again in the gilded poplar,
And the school is like a ship at the pier,
Where teachers wait for students,
To start a new life.

There is no richer and more generous person in the world,
What are these people, forever young.
We remember all our teachers,
Although they themselves are almost gray.

They are in the destiny of each of us,
They pass through it like a red thread.
We proudly say every time
Three simple words: “This is my teacher.”

We are all in his most reliable hands:
Scientist, doctor, politician and builder...
Always live in your students
And be happy, our captain is a teacher!

We decided to play at school,
We turned the group into a class.
Let's wave the bell -
We have mathematics.

I'll be a teacher
I'll go to the board to explain.
I tap on the table with my pointer,
Calling for silence.

Raise your handles to the top
Let's count fingers:
Two, sixteen, ten, eight...
Well done! I give everyone a high five.

I see the nanny laughing,
This means something is wrong here.
Are we thinking wrong?
But then tell me how.

Being a teacher is not easy -
You need to be able to and know everything:
Sing, read, write in notebooks
And, of course, count.

Razumova L.

Teachers! They are like light on the way,
What kind of fiery heart do you need?
Have it in your chest to bring light to people,
So that his trace may never be erased!
How to measure their work, you ask
Millions of people have a people's army.
There are many devotees in Rus',
But no one is wiser or more noble than them!

And here's the call
The school house is quickly emptying.
In the ringing silence
Last steps.
But in a quiet class you are still sitting at the table,
And again your students are in front of you.
And in silence you think about them,
Yesterday strangers, now family,
About their question, about your answer,
About something for which there is no answer...
And tomorrow the day will come again,
And the school joyful people
Fill the floors with noise
And he will spin in the whirlwind of life!
Once upon a time I was on the third desk against the wall
I dreamed about the future and was in a hurry to become an adult
Even then you decided to be a teacher,
The path he chose was not easy, but he knew that he was strong enough.
And again there is silence at school,
And the old globe by the window,
In the magazine there is a suffix and case,
And so many destinies and hopes...
The fate of the country, the fate of the earth is in your hands,
Your students' dreams will come true.
They are to sow grain, guide ships on course,
Dedicate your life to children, as you did...
And again there is silence at school,
And the old globe by the window,
In the magazine there is a suffix and case,
And so many destinies and hopes...

Teachers, teachers...
There are no better professions!
Stay firmly at the helm
Opening the door for the child.
The teacher is the most faithful friend,
He will not betray, he will not betray;
And if something happens suddenly,
He will shake hands with everyone.
How intense is this work:
Understand and teach.
They always go to the teacher
Students and doctors...
You will enter the bright classroom when,
It's impossible not to notice
Always so cute
Tired eyes.
Oh, how courageous is this work:
Bullies, naughty...
Sometimes they stubbornly lie to your face.
You must understand them.
Teachers, teachers...
There are no better professions!
Stay firmly at the helm
Opening the door for the child.

I remember now:
I came to school in first grade,
I hold a bouquet of flowers in my hands,
I want to give it to the teacher.
I loudly “Hello!” said,
She ran towards the teacher,
Gave her a bouquet of flowers
And I didn’t forget to smile.
Our acquaintance took place
School life began with him.
The first teacher I met
She became my second mother.
I learned to write and read
The teacher was always nearby.
And if there was something I didn't understand,
She patiently explained to me.
And this lasted for many years
I gained a lot of knowledge
There is no better profession as a teacher
I have clearly understood this.
I know a lot of professions
But if you make a list,
From the profession of "teacher"
It needs to start.

Volkova M.

You are needed, needed forever
Both the young man and the old man,
To enrich them persistently.
This is how ore is mined.
So the light of spring is always awaited,
And this is how grains are grown.
Your work... Like a jeweler sometimes
Polishes a tiny diamond
This is how they impart shine to damask steel.
Yes, the main thing in the current fate
The earth owes you.
Teacher! May you be a hundred times
They will praise, thank
And they will ascend to the throne of songs,
So that with every generation from now on
It's magical for you to look younger
In work that is so wonderful!

The teacher came to class,
She herself is a little older than us,
And taught such a lesson,
That we forgot about the call.
We wanted to know more
And become adults faster,
And choose the right path in life,
And look into the future.
Perhaps one of us
It will go into the school classroom just like that.
And he will teach such a lesson,
That everyone will forget about the call.

Malkov V.

I'm still a small child
But I already started going to school.
Studying has become a great thing
And do excellent work.
My teacher passes by
I'm waiting for a signal from him.
After all, I need to study “excellently”
It's almost completely easy.
The teacher teaches us goodness
And we strive to help him.
And we learn letters and numbers,
And we are simply rushing towards knowledge!
Teacher first, you are my friend!
Your profession is a ray of light.
That's why I love you
Because I appreciate your business!
Will you teach me and everyone
Appreciate parents, the planet.
Love, dream, strive for light!
And there is no way to forget you.
There is no more necessary profession in the world!

Korkina O.

I believe!
Someday again flowers and trees
To be filled with a yellow-scarlet dawn,
I'll remember
About what will be the answer
That boredom and tender beautiful sadness:
I'll leave the house
I run as before, as in childhood, with a briefcase,
Since then: before school!
And it will burst into flames,
The heart that remembers will burn inside me
What do you remember about your school years?
And such dear, dear teachers!

Life is not eternal. Human life is short.
Veterans are retiring.
We are grateful to them for their honest work.
Their knowledge and experience will not die.
Despite aging and years
Students follow the elders.
Years go by. The Earth rotates.
Teachers raise students.
Their wise look and kind hand -
The textbook is the main one for the student.
The matter is immortal, the thread is continuous.
Young people will come to replace the elders.
And they will receive you at the abandoned post
Teachers hope and dream.
And therefore the commandment is so strong:
“Teacher, educate a student!”

Kim Yu.

Know-it-all Ole likes it
Be a teacher at school.
Write with chalk on a blackboard
The letter "A" and the number "five"
And point with a pointer:
“It's a catfish! And this is a weasel!
It's a fish! This is a beast!
This is a desk! This is the door!

“Ding-ding-ding!” - the bell rings,
That's the end of the lesson.
And the students should
Use a rag to wipe the chalk off the board.

Emelyanova O.

We don't always notice
How many worries do we have?
And patient work
The teacher gives.
With barely noticeable gray hair
On a dark blond strand
She's standing in front of you
Stacking notebooks.
And you love like him, like me,
Her - and let's say it straight:
She is your second mother.
Who is more valuable than mother?

He's always on the road -
In worries, searches, anxiety -
And there is never peace.
And a hundred questions are on the doorstep,
And you need to give the correct answer.
He judges himself more harshly than everyone else.
He is all earthly, but strives upward.
You can’t count, perhaps, how many destinies
Intertwined with his fate.

Druzhinin I.

Reach every heart
Those whom you decide to teach,
And the secret door will open
To the souls of those whom I could love!

And some boy who overslept
Late for first lesson
And the naughty girl in the past
Will invite you to the last call!

And many more years will pass,
Maybe someone's fate will work out,
And both pain and adversity will disappear,
Stop shooting everywhere!

In the meantime, there will be everyday life of study
And the answers are heard at the blackboard,
Peace without violence and without anger,
And donated rose petals!

Lvovsky M.

Who teaches us?
Who is tormenting us?
Who gives us knowledge?
This is our school teacher -
Amazing people.
It's clear and bright with you,
The soul is always warm.
And forgive me if it's on time
The lesson was not learned.
We sincerely congratulate you
All our teachers
And we wish everyone good health
From prankish children!

Don't you dare forget your teachers.
They worry about us and remember us.
And in the silence of thoughtful rooms
They are waiting for our returns and news.
They miss these infrequent meetings.
And, no matter how many years have passed,
Teacher happiness happens
From our student victories.
And sometimes we are so indifferent to them:
Under New Year We don’t send them congratulations.
And in the bustle or simply out of laziness
We don’t write, we don’t visit, we don’t call.
They are waiting for us. They're watching us
And they rejoice every time for those
Who passed the exam somewhere again
For courage, for honesty, for success.
Don't you dare forget your teachers.
May life be worthy of their efforts.
Russia is famous for its teachers.
The disciples bring glory to her.
Don't you dare forget your teachers!

Dementyev A.

Our elder friend, our priceless friend,
Our constant campfire!
A mighty plant of fire
It makes noise with undying leaves.

And he is above our disputes,
And entertainment, and ventures -
Life-giving fire, which
You saved our Prometheus.

You deserve this name.
You with your selflessness
We were infected and taught
While shining for others, you burn yourself.

More than once, puffing up evil feathers,
Like Prometheus among the rocks,
Eagle of soullessness, mistrust
He pecked you shamelessly.

But, having overcome adversity,
As before it shines, destroying the darkness,
Filled with the highest passion
Unquenchable soul.

Gives salvation from old age,
And our youth is alive,
And on an undying plant
The green leaves rustle.

Lyubov Orphan

There is such a profession as a teacher.
In my opinion, there is nothing more important.
Teacher, master, educator,
Keeper of knowledge, creator of children's souls,
The teacher holds all the light on himself.

Every year he polishes generations,
Like a jeweler, topaz or diamond.
This comparison would be appropriate here,
A teacher who has no patience
He will leave his profession at the same time.

After all, how much effort does it take to
To teach children something.
Sometimes the teacher cries from powerlessness
And because labor in the country of Russia
He is not appreciated. How can you not cry?

But they scream at every intersection
To him: “You’re hacking! You are releasing the marriage!”
Those words are offensive, of course, biting.
So horny teens
They swagger in anticipation of fights.

Perhaps the accusations are true
And he, the teacher, is worthless.
After all, children smoke, they are deceitful, they are wicked,
Rude, cynical and lazy at heart,
But is it only wine teachers?

Panchishkina O.

Geography teacher

They are ready to follow you
IN the bowels of the earth crawl,
But the countries on tour are with you.
We'd rather study!

Biology teacher

For the whole fauna in the answer,
Both life and death in one object.
And we hope soon
By natural selection
Your kind and tired eye
You stop at us!

Foreign language teacher

Without a translator we can understand you
Your pronunciation is excellent...
We come to the same opinion
Continue learning English.
Don't ask strictly,
After all, we clearly understand
That everyone in the class is in love with English.
And this is clear to everyone:
It’s so nice to communicate in English with you!

To the history teacher

There is silence in your lessons.
Only your voice is heard,
When you are telling a story.
What did the whole country live and live today?
Why is labor always held in high esteem everywhere...
We always think a lot at the board
How we live, how we will live...
However, we don’t always know how to surprise everyone with an answer.
We think what to give as examples
To get an “excellent” grade in class.

Literature teacher

Oh how many pages you gave us today!
We are thinking: will we be able to read???
And we open the book, and it’s necessary:
We can't take our eyes off her.
Until we read to the very end...
And this is not flattery at all,
What can we say: we respect you
For kindness, psychological approach.
According to Pushkin, we assure you,
That we trust you with everything and everyone
And our guarantee is your honor
And we boldly entrust ourselves to her.
And we still haven’t forgotten you,
You taught us well
It’s not just about writing essays with “A” grades,
And think before you speak!

Computer science teacher

Computer science is a serious science.
Without her today - nowhere.
Windows is not an easy thing
It takes a lot of work to know.
But, (teacher’s name), you explain your subject clearly
Because you know everything perfectly well.
Find an approach to each of us.
And this is where our knowledge comes from. Here!

Math teacher

Your stern gaze is not indifferent,
We like your clear mind.
And we are happy and glad,
That we have been faithful for every year!
We chew on mathematics
We don’t notice other sciences,
And as a result we know for sure:
We will not die as Einsteins!

Chemistry teacher

Your subject is very relevant,
Particularly popular among us.
And we ask you: do not scold us,
Since we are in the clouds.
Please forgive us -
Chemical process in the brain...

Music teacher

I am glad that there is a teacher at school,
The one I love the most.
For his music, born of the piano,
I thank him from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you for your kindness and affection,
For a bright moment of success
And the cry of false notes,
For competitions an exciting fairy tale.
May the Music lesson last forever!

Physics and astronomy teacher

You need to know both physics and astronomy, -
She tells us every now and then.
But we didn’t get tired of listening to her
After all, she tells the story well
About current strength and conductor resistance
About part of the Galaxy, celestial bodies.
“She’s very strict,”
You can only hear from the lazy.
But those who want to know know science,
And in lessons - “four”, “five”
WITH great success receives.

Physical education teacher

Let's plunge headlong into sports
We'll play volleyball and show you judo moves.
After all, [name of teacher] is ours, our teacher
He will cheer us up and help us where we need it.
We understand well
That you need to do physical education.
And we will douse ourselves with cold water
And in old age, your legs will not become tangled.
Physics is our favorite subject!
And, practicing every day,
We will live in health for many years!

Teaching is not work, but renunciation,

The ability to give your all,

Leave for a long feat and torment,

And in this we see light and grace.

Teaching - when in the eyes of cold

The dawn of understanding will light up,

And you will understand: I tried not in vain

And it was not in vain that he scattered his knowledge.

Showered with colored rain of bouquets

And illuminated by the brilliance of hundreds of eyes,

Accept, teacher, not a word of greeting,

And part of the soul is from grateful us!
Learn to work, think boldly,

Step. The roads are good...

There is no happier thing in the world,

What is the education of the soul!

Poems and songs for mentors,

The sparkle of inspired lines,

The wisest of all professions,

The greatness of the title: “Teacher!”

There is no more beautiful position in the world,

Labor is braver and sweeter...

Blue shines. Today is a holiday

My friends, teachers!
On an autumn day, when at the threshold

The cold has already begun to breathe,

The school celebrates teacher's day -

A holiday of wisdom, knowledge, labor.

Teacher's Day! Listen with your heart

In these sounds that are dear to us.

Everything related to youth and childhood

We owe it to the teachers!

The bitterness of the first annoying mistake,

The sweetness of the first difficult victories

Let everything be reflected in a smile,

Radiating wisdom and light.

You are always young at heart,

Sharing work and joys with us,

Our strict ones, our relatives,

Patient teachers!

You give us a lot of strength

And love - no matter what.

How much do you believe in us! And perhaps

No one can believe like that.

Not yesterday, not today, not tomorrow

The candle of that faith will not go out

Without a teacher there is no astronaut,

Engineer, poet, doctor.

Life tells you to teach, and for us to learn.

Your experience is a treasure trove of wisdom.

Everything we took from you will be useful

And it will become a hundred times more significant.

Teach light, sensitivity, truth

Our souls and our minds

Everything you ask us in life,

We will try to fulfill it.
Each of us is ready to convey to you

A thousand kind and kind words!

From your yesterdays, from yours today,

From your tomorrow's students!

Today we are on behalf of every heart,

On behalf of our happy youth.

On behalf of our sonorous childhood

We tell you - thank you!

You will always remain next to us,

Because we always need you.

This means you will never grow old.

Never! Never! Never!
We are in class, maybe not often,

We welcome you with a show of hands,

But on this day there are many beautiful words

The students want to tell you something.

Your experience, knowledge, generosity and participation

They will leave a good mark on our souls.

Teacher's happiness is formed

From our student victories.

And let the years fly ahead,

No need to be afraid of age

Let your experience be...twelve,

But in your heart there are only 20!
What a proud calling -

Educating others -

Give a piece of your heart

Forget empty quarrels

It's hard to explain to us,

Sometimes it's very boring

Repeat the same thing

Check notebooks at night.

Thank you for being

They were always so right.

We want to wish

So that you don't know troubles,

Health and happiness for a hundred years!
Teacher! Your work is painstaking,

What other work can you compare it to?

You are like a sower over a field,

You are growing a priceless harvest!

You're like a pioneer

You lead young people through life,

You have tons of knowledge, like a prospector,

You will find a grain of gold!

Our dear teachers!

On this holiday - Teachers' Day -

Forget all your worries

And look at the world more cheerfully.

You are always a source of light for us,

And the guys all, as if by agreement,

They bring you beautiful bouquets.

And for them the shine of your eyes -

The best reward for your efforts,

Better than any of the praise.

And they have one desire:

Just to bring you joy.

For your sake sincere smile

And the student, and every student,

He will instantly correct all his mistakes.

And it will not repeat them in the future.

You carry the torch of knowledge for everyone,

The one that will never go out.

May your wishes come true,

May no trouble come to your home

On days of celebrations and inconspicuous everyday life -

God knows in what year, in what region -

We kind words let's not forget to remember

Your first teacher!

That she carefully counted us like chickens,

When I took you under my wing,

When in the autumn I greeted you warmly

And she solemnly led into the school walls.

Thank you for your word, for your science,

For the hard work of mastered basics,

For that call that foreshadowed separation,

For a bright moment and an eternal call of the heart!..

There is no more beautiful profession in the world -

You bring a source of knowledge to children.

And our teacher is our idol,

With whom we come to know the world.

And on this day we want to promise you,

That, having risen from school desks,

And we will be able to convey to people

Your work, warmth of hearts and passion for searching

Puchezh Gymnasium is a friendly team of 227 students and 16 teachers. Teaching staff schools are distinguished by high professional qualities and stability. The true work of a teacher is always creativity and inspiration, generosity of soul, and also love, boundless love for children, for the work to which the teacher dedicated his life.
The hard work of teachers creative search, constant desire to improve our pedagogical skill make it rich and interesting lessons, where the inexhaustible joy of knowledge reigns. Initiatives are supported and all innovations are embraced.
Not a step back, only forward - the motto of the gymnasium teachers. Our colleagues are people different from each other, but they are all united by boundless devotion to their profession, to their students.
Teachers primary school you can always see children talking about interesting stories answering numerous questions. G.A. Malkova, V.V. Shkineva, T.B. Ovchinnikova, V.A. Chervonnova - teachers with extensive experience, teachers whose lessons for students are interesting discoveries And exciting travels. People who know how to do everything: sew, sculpt, draw, sing, dance, and most importantly teach their kids all this.
“Teacher... This word has a huge meaning. To open a bright path to knowledge,...to educate a person...” - this is what any teacher who has dedicated his life to children should be. This is precisely the opinion held by teachers who have worked for many years at the Puchezh gymnasium: V.A. Mochalov and G.V. Mochalova, V.P. Magdalinov, O.M. Lazareva, M.Yu. Kasatkina, E.K. Vasin, I.V. Sokolova. How many first and last calls they remember: memorable, exciting and sad. And today they walk along the familiar path in home school, to your favorite class, where boys and girls are waiting for their mentors - all so different, each with their own character. And it is necessary to find an approach to everyone, and they find it, because these people are characterized by goodwill, rigor, restraint, modesty, sensitivity, sincerity, intelligence, sociability, and love of life.
There are also young teachers in the staff of our gymnasium - A.V. Makarushkova and A.I. Luchinkin, who take their lessons with great responsibility, strive and achieve that each lesson is educational in nature. They carefully think through each lesson, skillfully relying on the curiosity of children.
And the main technologists in the educational organization are educational process, of course, are L.N. Kiseleva, O. M. Druzhinina - head teachers of our gymnasium. The head teacher at school is the most important and most irreplaceable position.
Our entire team treats veterans with great respect and respect. pedagogical work: N.M. Zotina, N.A. Sivova, O.V. Kolpakova, L.V. Kutsepalova, I.B. Kostyunicheva, A.A. Karpenko, N.F. Serova, V.A. Bolshakova, A.N. Leshchevoy, T.N. Garanina, E.P. Burova, N.N. Gregor, E.V. Baranova, R.L. Klimin, Yu.A. Dudorov and many other teachers who previously worked at the Puchezh gymnasium ( high school №2).
And this big one is headed pedagogical community young, energetic, responsible, keeping up with the times O.A. Voronkova - key figure at school. Her confidence in success fills you with optimism and makes you believe in yourself!
Every day of our colleagues’ lives is a lot of hard work, constant search for something new. You look at them and wonder: where does so much strength and energy come from, where does such perseverance come from? The answer is the simplest: the source of inexhaustible strength is in love, in great love to children, to your business, to life...
Dear colleagues, dear veterans of teaching work! Happy Teacher's Day to you! Thank you for your generosity and loyalty to your profession. I wish you health, prosperity, happiness!

Administration of MBOU
Puchezh gymnasium.

And renunciation

The ability to give your all,

Leave for a long feat and torment,

And in this we see light and grace.

Teaching - when in the eyes of cold

The dawn of understanding will light up,

And you will understand: I tried not in vain

And it was not in vain that he scattered his knowledge.

Showered with colored rain of bouquets

And illuminated by the brilliance of hundreds of eyes,

Accept, teacher, not a word of greeting,

And part of the soul is from grateful us!

Sharing work and joys with us,

Our strict ones, our relatives,

Patient teachers!

You give us a lot of strength

And love - no matter what.

How much do you believe in us! And perhaps

No one can believe like that.

Not yesterday, not today, not tomorrow

The candle of that faith will not go out

Without a teacher there is no astronaut,

Engineer, poet, doctor.

Life tells you to teach, and for us to learn.

Your experience is a treasure trove of wisdom.

Everything we took from you will be useful

And it will become a hundred times more significant.

We welcome you with a show of hands,

But on this day there are many beautiful words

The students want to tell you something.

Your experience, knowledge, generosity and participation

They will leave a good mark on our souls.

Teacher's happiness is formed

From our student victories.

And let the years fly ahead,

No need to be afraid of age

Let your experience be...twelve,

But in your heart there are only 20!

What a proud calling -

Educating others -

Give a piece of your heart

Forget empty quarrels

It's hard to explain to us,

Sometimes it's very boring

Repeat the same thing

Check notebooks at night.

They were always so right.

We want to wish

So that you don't know troubles,

Health and happiness for a hundred years!

Teacher! Your work is painstaking,

What other work can you compare it to?

You are like a sower over a field,

You are growing a priceless harvest!

You're like a pioneer

You lead young people through life,

The one that will never go out.

May your wishes come true,

May no trouble come to your home

On days of celebrations and inconspicuous everyday life -

God knows in what year, in what region -

We will not forget with a kind word

Your first teacher!

That she carefully counted us like chickens,

When I took you under my wing,

When in the autumn I greeted you warmly

And she solemnly led into the school walls.

Thank you for your word, for your science,

For that call that foreshadowed separation,

For a bright moment and an eternal call of the heart!..

There is no more beautiful profession in the world -

You bring a source of knowledge to children.

And our teacher is our idol,

With whom we come to know the world.

And on this day we want to promise you,

That, having risen from school desks,

And we will be able to convey to people

Your work, warmth of hearts and passion for searching

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