What is creativity and how to develop creative abilities? Types and functions of creativity. Creativity - what is it

“A true professional knows how to avoid

most typical mistakes in his creativity.

And this is what distinguishes him from an amateur.”

Niels Bohr

The unusual nature of a journalist’s creative activity lies in the fact that often it is not the information itself that is needed. scientific understanding term, but a kind of initial impetus to creativity. But it is usually preceded by an “incubation” stage.

Outwardly, this looks like a refusal to try to solve creative task journalist, but in fact he only involuntarily “transferred” it to an unconscious level. For creative personality incubation, “nurturing”, “nurturing” of an idea, theme of a mass communication work, its structural vision, ideas about form, genre, language, etc. – are no less important than their actual embodiment in some material media. Andrei Bely said it well: “The process of recording is insignificant for me in comparison with the processes of design before recording... The scratching of a pen plays as important a role as the quality of the pen or the shape of the speaker’s lips to the meaning of what is being said”1.

Yes, the most perfect creation of nature and the evolution of living things is the brain. And the most fundamental property brain - memory. It is sometimes compared to magnetic recording. However, technology only passively records and stores information. Human memory also programs response behavior, interaction with the external environment, and in our case, also the search for ways to solve a creative problem. Just as an experienced architect will remember more about a building he once saw than a person of any other profession, so a talented journalist, after meeting someone or getting acquainted with the situation and what “furnishes” it, will collect a more substantial store of knowledge and impressions. And all this happens primarily due to the details. The ability to detect the unusual in the ordinary, the ability to remember and reproduce various kinds of details is already creativity.

Everyone has a trace of the information received, but you need to be able to find the “key” to your subconscious. And here, having summarized the experience and results of our research, we also tried to describe some productive creative technologies.

Retrieval of a memory trace, as noted by more than half of the journalists we interviewed, is usually due to the reproduction of the emotional state that accompanied the period of memorizing a certain amount of information. A journalist should not be an indifferent recorder of information (for example, in a notebook or on a dictaphone), unless, of course, this is the preparation of works in those genres where the main thing is to accurately convey the volume clearly limited by certain conditions social information. Ideal option, when you can present the essence, looking at the notebook only to check names and some digital data. Only in this case the subconscious is fully included in the creative process. The reference signals for this type of brain work are formed under four conditions:

When there is novelty of information;

When information is supported by the emotions of the individual;

In the event that a journalist somehow consolidates a given amount of information in his consciousness (for example, by flipping through a notebook from time to time, listening to a dictaphone recording, more and more details and details “pop up”);

And, most importantly, the individual’s reaction to information is determined by its significance, that is, only in this case the mechanism of subconscious work on the work is “triggered”; in all other cases, only an imitation of creative activity or fruitless work occurs.

But a creative attitude, that is, a program for evaluating this information in the mind, formed on the basis of subconscious memory, is not yet a readiness for action. The stage of insight, or in other words, the emergence of new cognitive structures that make it possible to suddenly see the elements of a creative task with new point vision is nothing more than the intuition of the creative personality.

The famous Canadian psychologist Jacques Lered described intuition as follows: “it is immediate, fleeting, based on analogies, paradoxical and dual. Distinguished by the combination of opposites, it works simultaneously in two registers – consciousness and the unconscious”2. Let us add that it is characterized by the emergence of an unconscious decision with its further awareness. A number of experiments we have conducted suggest that in the field of journalism, and perhaps in general in the organization of creative activity, intuition plays a major role in determining the original path or algorithm for solving a problem.

The specificity of creative intuition is that it cannot be caused as a result of some kind of “coercion”; it can only be “cultivated”. Leaving aside cases where a creative person, as they say, from birth retains the ability to use his subconscious functions more freely than other people who, perhaps, are potentially equally gifted, we note nevertheless that here, too, certain “technologies” that promote intuitive decisions.

First of all, you need to take into account that the subconscious contains not only information accepted subconsciously, but also information accepted consciously, but forgotten. Creative inspiration, which is usually spoken of only as something ephemeral, is nothing more than the appropriate activation of memory and creative activity. Psychologists also call this the activation of the emotiogenic regulatory system. Every journalist must clearly imagine, having previously, of course, clearly recorded them, the situations, circumstances, conditions in which he creative activity was the most productive. We say what inspires us, that is, something from the outside acts on us, bringing to life creative forces within us, or as the great one called them theater director K.S. Stanislavsky, “superconsciousness”.

Only internal “balance” makes it possible for a truly creative person to be in harmonious “balance” with the surrounding reality. Creative self-expression as a dominant human existence in this profession manifests itself so clearly that it makes it possible to trace the relationship using the example of specific journalistic destinies.

I'm a girl. I don't want to decide anything, I want a new dress. Stop, this is not here. I love everything beautiful. I especially admire my friends and girlfriends who spared no time, effort and money to turn their home into a stylish and functional corner. First of all, this applies to guys who rent apartments. Naturally, they did not arrange a major overhaul. But the way they decorated their temporary home competently and tastefully is worthy of the highest award.

However, this is not what this is about. Not long ago, having compiled statistics in my head creative projects friends, I asked the question: “Where does this inspiration and instinct on how to do better come from?” All of them are tough techies, humanitarians and doctors. Not a single person with a more or less creative specialty! They didn’t receive any consultations, they didn’t hire professionals, but they made it so beautiful that one can only be amazed. I would have been thinking about such topics for a long time if inspiration and the need to do handicrafts had not burst into my life from all sides.

I can

This was my first thought after my friend (and also a happy bride) asked me to take over the making of boutonnieres. Of course, I couldn't refuse her. But where to start if my needlework has always been limited to knitting scarves and beaded string bracelets?

Boutonnieres as such are the cutest thing. After looking through a hundred photographs, I realized that their manufacturers are engaged, if not in jewelry, then in very painstaking work. A product measuring approximately 2x2 cm can accommodate this number of flowers, ribbons and other beautiful little things So that the composition does not look tasteless - you really need to be able to do this. But the challenge was accepted, so I went to the big one. shopping mall where you could buy something suitable.

The bride had one requirement - sunflowers. We decided that it was completely illogical to use fresh flowers for this purpose, which means we need to look for decent artificial ones. Failure awaited me from the very beginning: the couple of sunflowers that were available were very large (how can I attach a flower with a diameter of 10 cm to my friends’ shirts and to my friends’ hands?) and expensive, because the price of one piece was about 50 hryvnia. Since there was no alternative, the bride agreed over the phone to neat white daisies. Not sunflowers, of course, but also nothing. Having bought a sprig of daisies and a sprig of dried spikelets, I went to buy silicone glue at a store that sells all sorts of little things for needlework - buttons, beads and other things. When I walked in and saw SMALL sunflowers in three different varieties, I realized that I had missed the mark with my purchase. I had to return the daisies, but the local sunflowers fit the idea perfectly.

By the way, I went flower hunting 2 weeks before the wedding, and we immediately agreed with the hero of the occasion that we would not postpone all preparations until the last day. Of course we won't. Certainly. A lot of hassle led to the fact that I sat down to make boutonnieres exactly 12 hours before the ceremony. Deep at night. Not having enough experience with a silicone sealant gun. But it was the time limitation that did the trick: I made all seven pieces of boutonnieres (3 for groomsmen, 3 for groomsmen and 1 for groom) in three hours. And she didn’t even go to bed very late. After all, I already slept this week =)

They will be able

I must say that the bride and her mother did not waste any time either. Creative abilities awoke instantly when it was clear that there was nowhere to retreat.

The bride's mother took on the largest part of the work - embroidering the towel. The decision was made after the options sold in stores did not suit the appearance or price. And indeed, the most luxurious handmade towel, which was embroidered, cost only 90 hryvnia for the fabric, threads and pattern sample. And exactly the same one, but embroidered by a specially trained woman, cost 1,700 hryvnia. Even though last time My friend’s mother had been doing cross-stitch for a very long time; for three months, in her free time from her main job, she had been conjuring a towel. And, like all of us, I didn’t leave finishing the work until the last day. As a result, we finished making the towel and boutonnieres almost simultaneously - a little after midnight.

And at this time in next room the bride was finishing working on the ribbon for the wedding car. As you understand, she also did not plan to leave its creation until the last day, although 15 hours before the wedding she just bought the materials =) Fortunately, sewing the sunflowers to the wide braid did not take much time. An hour of painstaking work - and you're done.

After we breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out that the ring chest had been completely forgotten. It’s good that it was only necessary to wrap the pillow in a piece of lace braid, place it all in the chest, and then scatter the wheat grains and spikelets in it picturesquely. The quest was completed in 15 minutes.

He can

And then in my story the groom enters the arena. A normal guy, a technician, never involved in handicrafts. And here - on you!

The creation of banquet cards fell on his shoulders. At first, the newlyweds thought not to do them at all, simply seating the guests “with their own hands.” Two hours before the banquet, when the bride was preening with all her might, the groom finally did them. After looking at what was offered on the Internet, he came to an unexpected, but very correct decision: take green apples, to which hearts made of thick cardboard with the names of the guests are tied with twine. Considering that the wedding was held in country style, it was worth looking for a better option. The inspired man bought apples, cut out hearts, wrote names, laid out cards - in general, a hero! But he didn’t take one thing into account. He cut out hearts from boxes in which one of the online stores packages goods. They had the inscription “great choice, affordable prices" And one of the guests was very happy when back side I found the word “PAIN” in my heart =)

And what do I mean by all this, dear ladies. Each of us can create wonderful things. Even if you have no experience. All you need is desire =)

“A true professional knows how to avoid

the most typical mistakes in your work.

And this is what distinguishes him from an amateur.”

Niels Bohr

The unusual nature of a journalist’s creative activity lies in the fact that what is often needed is not the information itself in the scientific understanding of the term, but some kind of initial impetus to creativity.

But it is usually preceded by an “incubation” stage.

Outwardly, this looks like a refusal of attempts by the journalist to solve a creative problem, but in fact, he only involuntarily “transferred” it to an unconscious level. For a creative person, incubation, “nurturing,” “nurturing” an idea, the theme of a mass communication work, its structural vision, ideas about form, genre, language, etc. – are no less important than their actual embodiment in some material media. Andrei Bely said it well: “The process of recording is insignificant for me in comparison with the processes of design before recording... The creaking of a pen plays as important a role as the quality of the pen or the shape of the speaker’s lips to the meaning of what is being said.”

Yes, the most perfect creation of nature and the evolution of living things is the brain. And the most fundamental property of the brain is memory. It is sometimes compared to magnetic recording. However, technology only passively records and stores information. Human memory also programs response behavior, interaction with external environment, and in our case also the search for ways to solve a creative problem. Just as an experienced architect will remember more about a building he once saw than a person of any other profession, so a talented journalist, after meeting someone or getting acquainted with the situation and what “furnishes” it, will collect a more substantial store of knowledge and impressions. And all this happens primarily due to the details. The ability to detect the unusual in the ordinary, the ability to remember and reproduce various kinds of details is already creativity.

Everyone has a trace of the information received, but you need to be able to find the “key” to your subconscious. And here, having summarized the experience and results of our research, we also tried to describe some productive creative technologies.

The extraction of a memory trace, as noted by more than half of the journalists we interviewed, is usually due to the reproduction emotional state, accompanying the period of memorizing a certain amount of information. A journalist should not be an indifferent recorder of information (for example, in a notebook or on a dictaphone), unless, of course, this is the preparation of works in those genres where the main thing is to accurately convey the amount of social information clearly limited by certain conditions. The ideal option is when you can present the essence, looking at the notebook only to check names and some digital data. Only in this case creative process The subconscious is also fully involved. The reference signals for this type of brain work are formed under four conditions:

When there is novelty of information;

When information is supported by the emotions of the individual;

In the event that a journalist somehow consolidates a given amount of information in his consciousness (for example, by flipping through a notebook from time to time, listening to a dictaphone recording, more and more details and details “pop up”);

And, most importantly, the individual’s reaction to information is determined by its significance, that is, only in this case the mechanism of subconscious work on the work is “triggered”; in all other cases, only an imitation of creative activity or fruitless work occurs.

But a creative attitude, that is, a program in the mind for evaluating this information, formed on the basis of subconscious memory, is not yet a readiness for action. The stage of insight, or in other words, the emergence of new cognitive structures that make it possible to suddenly see the elements of a creative task from a new point of view, is nothing more than the intuition of the creative person.

The famous Canadian psychologist Jacques Lered characterized intuition as follows: “it is immediate, fleeting, based on analogies, paradoxical and dual. Distinguished by the combination of opposites, it works simultaneously in two registers - consciousness and the unconscious." Let us add that it is characterized by the emergence of an unconscious decision with its further awareness. A number of experiments we have conducted allow us to say that in the field of journalism, and perhaps in general when organizing creative activities, intuition plays a role main role in determining the original path or algorithm for solving a problem.

The specificity of creative intuition is that it cannot be caused as a result of some kind of “coercion”; it can only be “cultivated”. Leaving aside cases where a creative person, as they say, from birth retains the ability to use his subconscious functions more freely than other people who, perhaps, are potentially in equally gifted, we note, however, that here, too, certain “technologies” can be identified that promote intuitive decisions.

First of all, you need to take into account that the subconscious contains not only information accepted subconsciously, but also information accepted consciously, but forgotten. Creative inspiration, which is usually spoken of only as something ephemeral, is nothing more than the appropriate activation of memory and creative activity. Psychologists also call this the activation of emotiogenic regulatory system. Every journalist must clearly imagine, having previously, of course, clearly recorded them, the situations, circumstances, conditions in which his creative activity was most productive. We say what inspires us, that is, something from the outside acts on us, bringing to life creative forces within us, or as the great theater director K.S. called them. Stanislavsky, “superconsciousness”.

Only internal “balance” makes it possible for a truly creative person to be in harmonious “balance” with the surrounding reality. Creative self-expression as the dominant feature of human existence in this profession manifests itself so clearly that this makes it possible to trace the relationship using the example of specific journalistic destinies.

Inventor of toys and games, academician of the Academy of Invention, researcher at the laboratory of games and development subject environment research institute preschool education Victor Kaye is sure: any creativity begins with a game.

After all, all great creators were once children, and it is in childhood that one must look for the source of the creative impulse. In childhood, the inventor is sure, his future creativity was born. Viktor Avgustovich was born in 1944, in the harsh post-war years There were almost no toys, but the children wanted to play, so improvised materials were used. Perhaps it was then that the first outlines of Kaye’s book, “Classes on Designing and Experimenting with Children 5-8 Years Old,” written much later, appeared, which the inventor himself calls “Toys from Nothing.” In order to make such a toy for a child, all you need is desire and objects that are commonly considered “garbage.” Meanwhile, when presented correctly, children are delighted! The participants of the workshop “Academy of Inventors”, held at the Royal SRC “Zabota”, were convinced of this.

Victor Kaye held a master class for children and their parents at Care, and then a round table for teachers. Kids to meet withinventor gathered from the group day stay, and from the rehabilitation department for children with disabilities. He managed to interest everyone without exception with his toys, showing how many gaming functions are hidden, for example, in an empty plastic bottle, a holey rubber ball, a sour cream jar or a foam sponge!

According to the inventor, it is important that a toy or game be “ open systems", that is, they had not one, but a mass right decisions. The opposite of this approach is traditional puzzles: you put it together “right” and that’s it! Games based on the “Cahier system” are multifunctional: in those demonstrated later on round table"Cahier's magnetic cubes" the number of correct solutions is in the millions! Many correct options are left for the child to choose from, “anti-puzzle cards”, which the young participants of the master class happily put together, foam rubber geometric figures, which with the help of water are easily attached to the refrigerator door, creating amazing worlds, "honeycomb"Kaye”, wooden rings and plastic balls from old rattles. By the way, such balls easily turn into wonderful tops - the “favorite brainchild” of the inventor, a graduate of Baumanka and, by first profession, a gyroscope specialist.

Over 30 years of inventive activity, Viktor Avgustovich became the author of more than 1000 games and toys. Most of them are patented, many have received awards at international exhibitions. Some,for example, the “airplane with a landing strip”, which was popular among little queens, could be found in “ Children's world"back in the Soviet Union. Others have been implemented abroad; some are still being produced in our country, despite the dominance of foreign, mainly Chinese, business in this area. “For most toy manufacturers, this is nothing more than a business, main goal which is for sale. My inventions are designed to develop children’s imagination, imagination, eye, artistic taste, exploratory behavior, accuracy and patience, individuality combined with the ability to interact with peers. In general - they form creativity! - says Kaye.

And, I must say - not only for children! The teachers of the KSRC also “lit up” when they got acquainted with the techniques and inventions of the master. They will definitely use many of them when working with their students.



A poet begins with a book, and poetry begins with a poetic image.
Image, figurativeness is the property of art to reproduce life in a concrete sensory form, and not just in the form of thought or concept; This is allegory, unique and irreplaceable words (verbal imagery), visible representability. The image must reflect life, otherwise it is a verbal trick, a far-fetched trick, an empty play of language with words.
The miracle of art, in particular poetry, is to turn any story, a detail of life into a work, often, as happens in a separate poem, in a very, very small space of text.
The task of imagery is to subordinate each word to a super task aimed at the aesthetic development of the world. As a rule, a mature poet creates his own figurative world, with his own assessment of aesthetic and ethical values, where images act as a synthesis of complex life phenomena, precisely in his figurative system. By using figurative system the author in his own way, from his own point of view, solves specific socio-historical and social problems, which, if you have a poetic gift, cannot but be of artistic value (we talked about the 12 rules of the KCP in a separate article).
The artistic image is a basic concept in literature, at the center of which is the depiction of life in ideal, readable forms.
Within the framework of the artistic image, the ideas that fill the author’s time are embodied. And it depends only on the author’s poetic gift how convincingly he can influence the consciousness of the reader, viewer through the creation of an image, how convincingly he will present the idea.
Ideas are embodied through artistic image. AN IDEA is a collection of thoughts interconnected and capable of working in certain directions (thoughts about the essence of life phenomena, the essence human character etc.)
An artistic image in poetry is, in fact, the creation, with the help of the limited space of the text, of a visible, and through imagination and sensual form phenomena of invisible spiritual life lyrical hero. Poetic image is created through the transfer of the similarity, say, of a natural phenomenon to a phenomenon of a person’s spiritual life, that is, the nature of the person himself, his microuniverse - his inner world- on a basis common to both of these concepts.
The surrealism method allows you to create fresh artistic images on the border between consciousness and subconscious. This, in fact, is creativity. As an example, I will cite verses from poetry collection“Procrustean Bed”, A. Shamov, Ch. Ed. "ORPHEUS", 2004, p.48.

Chilled tears - snow
From the heavenly soul to us...

The poet must create a poetic image according to the laws of beauty, on a positive idea, otherwise it will be a guide to the manifestation of low, vile human feelings, which we very often see on TV screens or in print.
This doesn't mean you can't write about negative side life. You have to write, and what’s important here is not what the writers write about or how they write, what’s important is what the reader reads, what conclusions they draw from what they write, what they take away…. What is important here is not even the process of creating a work, but the consequences from the process of viewing or reading. This work leads the reader to such movements of the soul when he acts at least humanly; if this is not so, then, obviously, the author of the work did something wrong, did not think through something.
Criteria determination of efficiency works have been erased. But let God judge each new work, which is love, as well as his main assistant and our professional conscience.
The image carries aesthetic assessment life, generalizes reality, goes beyond the scope of the phenomenon studied by the writer.
A poetic image is created with the help of a trope and a figure, usually a comparison of two objects to explain one to the other. Ave. "The trigger bends the finger."
The poet is created visual image the lyrical hero, his experiences are interpreted, that subjective thing is exposed that has value for the reader in the form of intellectual and mental began, in the form experience of relationships and decisions of the hero.
In poems that are worth something, new connections and concepts, motives are revealed... and when reading, through comparison, an emotional perception of the designated phenomena occurs.
Trope - inexhaustible source the diversity and mystery of art, the energy of versification.
A poetic image creates beauty, where artistic thought is expressed through the following techniques:
1) there is a comparison figurative expression, built on a comparison of two concepts that have common features. Comparison is the initial stage of all tropes, the source of the poetic image;
2) metaphor (transfer by analogy), when a word is used in figurative meaning; is based on comparison, reflects complex life phenomena;
3) epithet (application)-shaped characteristic. A good sign comparisons;
4) metonymy (renaming) - replacing a word with another that has causation with the first word;
5) synecdoche - the correlation of the whole instead of a part, a part instead of the whole...;
6) hyperbole - exaggeration;
7) parallelism - walking next to each other;
8) likening - detailed comparison;
9) allegory (allegory) - depiction of an abstract idea through a concrete image. A fable and a parable are built on an allegory;
10) symbol (sign) - a multi-valued and objective image. Built on a compliance system;
11) litotes (simplicity) - definition of a concept through the negation of the opposite;
12) symphora (correlation, combination) - a form of metaphor where the link of comparison is omitted.
The ability to use these twelve techniques, I think, is an indicator of the poet’s class.
I hope that in this short article I was able to reveal where real poetic creativity begins.

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