Assignments for the German language oge. Typical mistakes when writing a letter

When reviewing the 2019 demo version ( oral part) Please note that the activities included in the demo do not represent all of the content that will be tested using the CMM options in 2019. Full list content elements that can be controlled at the 2019 exam are given in the codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of students for the main state exam in German, posted on the website:

Demo version control measuring materials for the main state exam in GERMAN LANGUAGE in 2019.
The demo is intended to give any test taker and the general public an opportunity to get an idea of ​​the structure. exam paper, the number and form of tasks, as well as their level of difficulty. The given criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer, included in the demo version of the examination paper, will allow you to get an idea of ​​the requirements for the completeness and correctness of recording a detailed answer.
This information gives graduates the opportunity to develop a strategy for preparing for the German language exam in 2019.

Download and read OGE 2019, German language, grade 9, Demo version, Written part

Specification of control measuring materials for conducting the main state exam in FOREIGN LANGUAGE in 2019.
The purpose of the KIM for the OGE is to assess the level of general education and foreign language training of 9th grade graduates educational organizations for public purposes final certification graduates. The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools.
OGE is carried out in accordance with Federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation.”

Download and read OGE 2019, German language, grade 9, Specification, Codifier, Project

The codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of students for the main state exam in the German language (hereinafter referred to as the codifier) ​​is one of the documents defining the structure and content of control measurement materials (hereinafter referred to as CMM). The codifier is a systematized list of requirements for the level of training of graduates and tested content elements, in which each object corresponds to a specific code.

Download and read OGE 2019, German language, grade 9, Codifier, Project

Increasing the objectivity of the results of the state final certification for the programs of the main general education in the form of the main state exam (hereinafter OGE) is largely determined by the quality of expert verification by subject commissions of completing tasks with a detailed answer.
The procedure for conducting state final certification in educational programs basic general education (order No. 1394 of December 25, 2013) establishes the mandatory requirement for experts checking students’ examination papers to undergo “additional professional education, including practical exercises(at least 18 hours) for assessing samples of examination papers in accordance with the criteria for assessing examination papers in the relevant academic subject, determined by Rosobrnadzor.”
For this purpose, specialists from the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements have prepared teaching materials to organize the training of experts of subject commissions to check the completion of tasks with a detailed answer in 2018. The manual for the subject7 includes a description of the examination paper for 2018, scientific and methodological approaches to check and evaluate the completion of tasks with a detailed answer, examples of answers from exam participants with comments on the evaluation of these answers, as well as materials for independent work expert.
The authors will be grateful for suggestions for improving the manual.

Download and read OGE-2018, German language, Writing, Recommendations for assessing assignments, Makarova N.I., Matyushenko V.V., Spichko N.A., 2018

Showing page 1 of 4

Preparation for the State Examination (OGE) in German

The GIA in German belongs to the group of exams in foreign languages ​​conducted as part of the certification of graduates in the 9th grade of the school. GIA in German does not appear mandatory exam, that is, students take this exam voluntarily.

Reasons for choosing to take the State Examination in German

  • GIA (OGE) in German is a stage of preparation for the Unified State Exam in German, which must be taken in two years for admission to universities.

The GIA (OGE) format is similar to Unified State Exam format, therefore, those students who plan to take the Unified State Exam in 11th grade choose German to take in 9th grade, since they then have more time resources for successful completion not only the GIA (OGE) in German, but also the Unified State Exam.

  • It should also be noted that today the German language is needed not only for the Unified State Examination, that is, for educational purposes, but it is also vital, since there are numerous German, Austrian and Swiss companies on the Russian market and successfully developing, work in which involves good knowledge German language.

What does the GIA (OGE) in German consist of?

At the moment, the GIA (OGE) in the German language consists of two parts:

  • written and
  • oral.

    Written part consists of 4 sections:

grammar and vocabulary,

Oral part, the format of which was changed again in 2016, consists of three tasks. And exam participants take this part with a computer.

First task.

The first task is identical to the first Unified State Exam assignment in German

IN first For the task, the examinee must read an excerpt from a text of a stylistically neutral, informational or popular science nature.

You are given one and a half minutes to prepare, during which time you have time to skim the text with your eyes.

Here the phonetic component is assessed: intonation contours, correct pronunciation of sounds, words, stress. In schools, unfortunately, it is not customary to pay attention to this, but phonetically correct speech important not only for the exam, but also for everyday life, so that the interlocutor can understand you.

That's why I always start my lesson with a phonetic warm-up.

Here there are also typical moments when phonetic errors are made, for example, beObachten (where the “o” is pronounced with a hard attack) or TheAter.

You need to pay attention to the stress, for example, in the word AugUst the stress falls on the second syllable if it is the month of August, and if the name is August, then on the first syllable.

In the word "vier" the "i" sound is long, and in the word "vierzehn" the "i" sound is short.

It is necessary to repeat the numerals, years, and remember that “10 percent” is read as “10 Prozent”, that is, “percents” are not put in the plural in German.

Please read the article:

Second task.

The second task is that you need to answer 6 questions asked by the computer, covering one topic. (A list of possible topics is below).

For each answer you have no more than 40 seconds, that is, you have no time to think.

Sample questions:

Guten Tag! Sie haben eine Nachricht vom Anrufbeantworter der Stadtbibliothek bekommen. Wir bitten Sie an unserer Umfrage teilzunehmen. Uns interessieren die Vorlieben unserer Leser. Antworten Sie bitte auf sechs Fragen. Die Umfrage ist anonym. Sie brauchen nicht Ihren Namen zu nennen. Wollen wir beginnen!

  • Welche Bücher lesen Sie germen?
  • Wie heißt Ihr(e) Lieblingsschriftsteller(In)?
  • Wie oft be suchen Sie die Bibliothek?
  • Warum lesen die modernen Jugendlichen nicht so viel wie früher?
  • Wie kann die Lektüre in der fremden Sprache die Fremdsprachenkenntnisse verbessern?
  • Welches Buch könnten Sie Ihrem Freund zur Entspannung empfehlen? Warum ausgerechnet diese Bucht?

Die Umfrage ist zu Ende. Vielen Dank für Ihre Teilnahme!

You can listen to the assignment here.

Third task.

The third task is a monologue statement on a given topic. You have one and a half minutes to prepare, you can speak for two minutes.

In the task itself, you are offered supporting points that you must necessarily touch upon in your statement.

Please note:

  • speech must be coherent
  • intonationally and phonetically correct, otherwise it will make it difficult to understand
  • grammatically correct
  • the answer must be logically complete. Example of the third task:

    Sie müssen über Ihren Wohnort berichten. Sie haben 1.5 Minuten Zeit zur Vorbereitung und danach höchstens 2 Minuten Zeit zum Sprechen.

    Bitte gehen Sie unter anderem auf folgende Aspekte ein:

· wofür Ihre Stadt/Siedlung bekannt ist;
· was Ihr Lieblingsort in Ihrer Stadt/Siedlung ist, warum;
· ob Sie nach dem Schulabschluss vorhaben, hier zu bleiben oder Ihren Wohnort zu verlassen, warum.

    For a coherent answer I give a cliche

Unfortunately, there is no list of topics on which to prepare for the oral part.

I have compiled an approximate list of GIA (OGE) topics in the German language, an oral part, an assignment - a monologue, for which you need to prepare so as not to be taken by surprise.

1. Meine Familie.
2. Massenmedien, Printmedien, Fernsehen
3. Internet. Seine Rolle in der heutigen Gesellschaft. Sozialnet
4. Sport. Sommer- und Wintersportarten.
5. Gesunde Lebensweise.
6. Essgewohnheiten.
7. Music. Klassische, Pop-Musik, mein Lieblingssänger, mein Lieblingskomponist.
8. Reisen.
9. Das Leben in der Stadt und auf dem Lande.
10. Umweltschutz.
11. Fremdsprachen in unserem Leben.
12. Zukunftspläne.
13. Schülerzeitungen.
14. Meine Heimatstadt.
15. Berlin, Sehenswürdigkeiten.
16. Bücher, mein Lieblingsschriftsteller.
17. Schule, Lieblingsfächer.
18. Meine Hobbies, was mache ich gern in meiner Freizeit?
19. Probleme von Jugendlichen.
20. Generationskonflikt.
21. Zukunftsvisionen.

22. Kino, Theater.
23. Bucher

I will repeat here again that this is only approximate a list of topics compiled on the basis of materials for preparing for the State Examination in the German language.

Once again I draw your attention to the fact that your answer in the third part should be logically connected and logically complete. You can do this using special cliches and connector words. Thus, your answer will look structured, clear and, in addition, decorated lexical means, which, of course, will not go unnoticed and will be positively assessed by the examiners.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the reasoning of the answer: if you say that you like to travel by plane, you need to indicate the reason.

Ich reise sehr gern mit dem Flugzeug, weil es schneller geht.

If there are several reasons, you can structure your answer using words: erstens, zweitens.
You should also ensure that there is no lexical repetitions: in one case you enter an argument with weil, in another - with the help denn.

Use more synonyms.

To make the answer seem coherent, you can use, for example,

Was mich angeht, …
Was die Verkehrsmittel in meinem Heimatort betrifft, ...
Wie bereits gesagt, …
Es muss noch einmal betont werden, dass...

In class I give cliche list, which help make your answer brighter. We make sure to put all these clichés into speech so that they sound appropriate.

Conclusion: To successfully pass the oral part (monologue statement) of the GIA (OGE) in German, you should:

1) repeat all the listed topics and

2) be ready to make a mix of them (if necessary) with the help of lexical connectors and with the help of appropriately used cliches.

The grammatical component of the answer must be impeccable.


The “Writing” section in the OGE (GIA) in German includes one task. It is suggested to write a personal letter on a given topic. The topic of the letter very often touches on the topics of the oral part of the assignment.

Therefore, in order successfully write this part of the exam, you need to good command of the oral part.

Algorithm for writing a correct letter:

The same structure of the letter must be followed when writing on the Unified State Exam, but the Unified State Exam has more stringent requirements for grammar and vocabulary.

1. Place, date (written in the upper right corner)

2. Greeting

Hello Dieter,

then you skip a line

3. Introduction

For example,
Vielen Dank für deinen Brief. Ich habe mich sehr gefreut.
Entschuldige bitte, dass ich erst jetzt auf deinen Brief antworte, aber ich war in der letzten Zeit sehr beschäftigt.

4. Main part

Then comes logical connective With subject of the letter,

du hast mich gefragt, wofür ich mich interessiere.

In the main part, you answer the questions asked in the letter or in the assignment. Comply logical structure text, use connectors, e.g. deswegen, weil, danach etc.

5. End of the letter

The volume depends on how detailed the main part was.

For example, a letter can be ended with the following. way:

Wie geht es deiner Familie?
Ich würde mich freuen, bald wieder von dir zu hören.

Dein(e) name

Common mistakes when writing a letter:

1. No date specified
2. There is no missing line after the greeting
3. There is no logic in the structure of the letter, that is, the transition from the Introduction to the main part is abrupt.
4. Did not answer the questions asked in the letter (this is regarded as a misunderstanding of the text).
5. Lexical connectors are not used, the letter is written monotonously.
6. The volume must be observed: the volume should not exceed plus or minus 10% of the required number of words

If you feel unsure of expressing your thoughts, then try to use the beginning and end of the letter to the maximum extent possible, and in the main part you can limit yourself to answering questions only. Of course, this will be noticeable, but this option will be better than if you do a lot of writing in the exam version of the letter. grammatical errors. This advice is suitable for those who have very little time to prepare for the State Exam (OGE) in German.
This strategy will help you get high score for this part.

Grammar and vocabulary

More will appear here later detailed information on preparation for the State Examination (OGE) in German, concerning other parts of the exam.

Preparation deadlines for the OGE (GIA) in German

The duration of preparation depends on baseline language proficiency, so the terms can vary from several months to two years (if the level of knowledge is very minimal).

Frequency of classes

The frequency of classes depends on the level of training. But if the level of the German language is low, and you want to pass the OGE (GIA) in German at high score, then it is better to study for two years, but less often 1-2 times a week, than 1 year 2-3 times a week, since the amount of information to be learned is quite large and so that memory resources are spent rationally and so that the acquired knowledge is transferred into Long-term memory requires a certain period of time.

Principles of preparation for the OGE (GIA) in the German language.

1.Creation of a language base(vocabulary, grammar, typical language tools for writing a personal letter. Increasing the general level of language proficiency.

2. “Training” on the exam format. Working with typical tests OGE format(GIA) - last year's GIA, demo versions, special methodological developments.

3. Analysis of typical errors allowed when completing OGE (GIA) tasks in German.

Use of synonymous verbs: vorschlagen, anbieten, bieten, etc.

Use of auxiliary verbs in Perfect, e.g. erroneous use auxiliary verb haben with verbs zunehmen (increase, gain weight), abnehmen (decrease, lose weight ).

I pay attention to all these points and give a list in during classes, what you should pay attention to, since everything OGE tests(GIA) are standard, which means you can calculate what tasks will be and prepare them purposefully, which makes it possible to pass the OGE (GIA) in German with a very high score.

German tutor
Dr. Nadeschda Sanzewitsch

Postgraduate student 8 years of experience

from 1,000 rub/hour

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I graduated from school with in-depth study of the English language. He had an A in Russian. Won regional olympiad in history and entered Expand budget at USU (Ekaterinburg) for the Faculty of International Relations. He completed his bachelor's degree there, and then entered the budget master's program at MGIMO (Moscow) for the program "Foreign Regional Studies". At both institutes he studied English and German, as well as socio-political sciences. My specialty: political scientist with knowledge of two foreign languages. Both languages ​​and humanities I know equally well. Additionally, he studied German for several years at the Goethe-Institut. I am a candidate master of sports in chess and constantly keep in shape. I have good experience in tutoring. I love children very much, I know how to approach them, I find them easily common language with adults. I have a particularly good command of preparation methods for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam. I will be happy to help you or your child deepen their knowledge in languages ​​and humanities!

An excellent tutor, he approaches the organization of the lesson very carefully, uses interesting additional materials(remember, BBC articles on current topics). Expand High level professionalism, I recommend! All reviews (13)

Galina Alexandrovna

Private teacher Experience 11 years

from 1,000 rub/hour

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Preparation for the OGE (GIA) in German

With a tutor, with a student, remotely

Galina and I have been studying for a relatively short period of time; she teaches me German. I am very pleased with the tutor and can already speak Expand O positive results. Galina offered me a productive lesson schedule, created an optimal lesson program, she conducts each lesson in an interesting and accessible form, and most importantly, he skillfully presents the material and provides successful study subject. Galina is not only an experienced and attentive teacher - she is very positive and erudite person, which every lesson charges me with positive energy and gives me an extraordinary incentive to study more, better, harder. I rate the tutor's work only as "excellent". I plan to continue classes with the teacher. All reviews (10)

Maria Dmitrievna

Private teacher Experience 6 years

from 1,200 rub/hour

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Preparation for the OGE (GIA) in German


The teacher permanently resides in Austria (Vienna), previously lived in Dresden (Germany).Additional education:Training Expand at Universitat Wien (Publizistik, BA) from September 2018 to the present. Study at TU Dresden (Medieninformatik, BA) - 2017-2018. Study at Goethe Institut Moskau - 2014-2016. In my work I use the method of maximum immersion in the language Therefore, teaching is conducted on the basis of foreign publications (Hueber, Cornelsen), which are supplemented by video, audio materials, texts for reading and discussion, and games. Classes for intermediate level or higher are conducted entirely in German. Mandatory emphasis on pronunciation and basic grammar. Express preparation for travel, interviews, exams. Compilation lesson plans, individual approach.

Maria Dmitrievna is simply a magical tutor and a wonderful, positive, energetic person. Thanks to her work and efforts, my daughter simply fell in love. Expand into English and looks forward to each next lesson. He even asks not to interrupt his studies for a while school holidays. I recommend Maria Dmitrievna to everyone. Many thanks to her for her work and for the excellent preparation of my daughter for the OGE after 9th grade. English language she passed with flying colors! All reviews (19)

Lyudmila Grigorievna

Private teacher 20 years of experience

from 1,500 rub/hour

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Preparation for the OGE (GIA) in German

With a tutor, with a student, remotely

State certificate of German language translator. She lived in Germany for about 5 years, studied German studies and economics at the University of Passau, previously Expand studied at German school as part of an exchange program. Winner of the DAAD scholarship competition at the Goethe-Institut in 1996. International German language exam, DSH certificate - 1996. She taught Russian as a foreign language to German-speaking students. More than 15 years of work experience in German companies, constant communication with native speakers, lively, modern, spoken, business and literary German. Russian state certificate of German language translator. Experience teaching at a university during graduate school. I am currently teaching German at linguistic school in groups and individually. The age of the students is from 7 to 63 years. The work experience as a tutor is about 20 years. I successfully work with children and schoolchildren - I find an approach to even the most characteristic ones, I am able to captivate, increase motivation for learning and using the language. Together with students and schoolchildren we prepare for international exams, Goethe-Institut certificates, and studies in German-speaking countries. We set goals and achieve them in a short time. In 2017/2018, two students passed exams at the Goethe-Institut to level B2 from scratch in a year and are going to enter the Studienkolleg and or continue studying the language for admission to Universities in Germany. With adult students, we quickly develop communication skills, prepare for negotiations, travel, traveling, passing the Sprachtest and moving to permanent residence.

My daughter Alina, an 11th grade schoolgirl, studied with Lyudmila Grigorievna on Skype 2-3 times a week for 60 minutes, sometimes longer. The task was in a short Expand deadline to prepare for the exam at the Goethe-Institut in June 2018 for admission to the Studienkolleg in Germany. Before this, Alina began learning German from scratch in courses for six months. The teacher identified gaps and proposed a program for studying grammar and developing all skills - reading, speaking, writing and listening comprehension. During the course of classes, the deadline for taking the exam was postponed to the end of March, that is, 3 months earlier than agreed, because it was necessary to have time to send documents to Germany. The classes began to be held more intensively, the teacher provided test models, which were used to practice all the skills tested in the exam. As a result of classes, with hard work On my daughter's side, the B2 level exam was taken in March, after only 8 months from starting to study the language. During the oral part of the exam, the situation was a little stressful, as a result of which Alina’s score was lowered. Lyudmila Grigorievna wrote an appeal, which was accepted by the Goethe-Institut and the certificate was received. Lyudmila Grigorievna also advised Alina on issues of academic education in Germany and helped prepare documents for submission. We were invited to take an exam at the University of Hannover. We thank Lyudmila Grigorievna for the result and wish you success! All reviews (23)

Evgenia Olegovna

Expand Experience 28 years

from 1,500 rub/hour

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Preparation for the OGE (GIA) in German

With a tutor, with a student, remotely

Specializes in classes via Skype. Individually and in a group. Grammar, phonetics, business course. Classic techniques and express program for Expand everyday communication. Execution tests and translations. Teacher of German and Russian as a foreign language in a German company. Successful experience in preparing for exams at the Goethe Institute (A1 and A2, B1 and B2, C1 and C2). Tutor about myself: I am a teacher highest category with 20 years of experience in the profession, I teach and do translations, I have my own teaching methodology, in which the main ones are 4 aspects: oral speech, writing, understanding German text, as well as listening. In my lessons, students speak freely, I remove language barriers, 60 minutes - the student speaks the language. I devote 30 minutes to explaining grammar. Lessons are held in German, even if you entry level. I am demanding and meticulous about discipline during our classes and especially about completing the tasks and tests assigned by me. I will select textbooks strictly in accordance with your individual goal. I emphasize that foreign methods, based on my experience, are not in all cases preferable to the Russian school of German studies . The German language is not only my profession, it is my whole life’s work, so I guarantee that I can instill a love for my subject, captivate you, and inspire you to further study the subject. I guarantee high-quality presentation of the subject and a friendly, good-natured attitude towards the student.

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