Quotes about new people. Quotes about life

In this world it is quite difficult to imagine anything more romantic than a sailboat sailing alone on the waves towards the unknown. Of course, traveling by sea is romantic in itself, but a sailboat is simply the pinnacle of all romantic dreams.

We dream of sailboats with early childhood, reading Jack London, Vladislav Krapivin or Jules Verne. But sailing even on a tiny sailing yacht will definitely not leave an adult indifferent. When a large real sailboat with several masts appears on the horizon, full set straight and oblique sails, it is simply breathtaking.

Long before the Titanic sank to the seabed, people mostly moved on water on ordinary boards with sheets attached. The unique tradition of sending sheets into the sea has remained to this day, albeit as entertainment. Nevertheless, the topic is interesting, so in today's lesson you will see how to correctly draw a sailboat with a pencil. A sailboat is a watercraft that uses wind power to move. Brilliant and simply angry and cheap, but in complete calm it is extremely inconvenient.

The whole truth about life:
— A sailfish is also a fish that for a long time lived among ships and her upper fin simply mutated into a sheet.
The best way pick up a famous one seasickness- this is running backwards along the deck during a storm.
— Black labor appeared when the first ships sailed to the shores of Africa. There were real problems with the wind, but the ship still had to move. Therefore, the peoples of Africa were given oars and the meaning of life.
— A sailboat usually does not float on land, but when it does, we can expect a lot of casualties among civilians.

Drawing a sailboat is easier than building or buying, but it will still look beautiful.

In this master class, we will learn together how to draw the sea in gouache with a sailboat. So, the drawing technique is gouache.

Haven't held a brush in your hands since school? It doesn't mean anything at all. Gouache drawings are a great start for beginners.

Why this particular technique?
Gouache is the optimal material to start with.
First of all, it is very affordable and can be purchased virtually at every step (compared to acrylic or oil).

Secondly, the water base of this type of paint makes it possible to easily vary the thickness of the paint, the level of its application, as well as the formation of textures on the canvas.

Thirdly, the fact that gouache is a completely non-toxic paint is very important. Thus, gouache lessons are completely safe for children and people with certain diseases and various allergic reactions.

Fourthly, this paint quite flexibly combines some of the qualities of watercolor and, in some cases, even oil paints, therefore, painting with gouache will provide an opportunity to develop practical skills in other techniques.

The thick consistency of the paint allows you to layer different layers on top of each other, while painting light areas with darker ones or vice versa. This allows you to make many changes to the image before it dries. At the same time, it is also possible to blur the paint, dilute it more transparent layers, which gives the drawing realism.

It is in connection with the important advantages described above that in this lesson we will use gouache paint.

Place the paper you are going to draw on vertically and divide it roughly in half. Top part let there be a little more leaf. Brush large size start painting the sky.

Use white gouache to draw a small moon. It is necessary to outline the border with bright yellow. You can also add a little orange.

While the gouache is still wet, add more dark color around the edges. To do this, simply mix black and blue paint on the palette.

Draw the outer edge of the clouds.

Mix blue, white and a little black paint. Add it to the clouds so that you get a very smooth transition from the light part near the moon.

From the inside of the picture, you should draw lighter clouds, since they reflect the light of the moon. While the paint is still wet, mixing colors is fairly easy. You can take a clean brush and use it to mix two colors in which you want to get an even and smooth transition.

For the stars, first mix some bluish paint on your palette and draw a small circle. When the paint is dry, use a thin brush to make a small dot of white paint.

Then you should carefully sketch out an image of a sailboat with a pencil.

We draw the sea with gouache step by step. The sea should first be painted over with uneven, long horizontal strokes, alternating dark blue, light blue and turquoise paint. Draw in the foreground big wave blue-green paint.

Continue drawing the sea. Use bright blue paint to paint small waves near the ship itself.

Use white gouache to paint highlights on the waves. Paint the sailboat with gouache. Please note that the sails should be drawn with a very smooth transition from blue to white, from left to right.

All that remains now is to paint small wings of foam on the waves, and also apply highlights of light with a thin brush. I sprayed the foam with gouache using a hard brush. First, it is better to practice on some piece of paper.

The result is a work like this - a sailboat sailing home through a mysterious moonlit night.

Drawing waves

We have already drawn the waves in the sailboat example, but we want you to look again step by step at how they are drawn.

    Well, that means we draw waves :) Drawing a wave is very difficult for a beginning artist, no matter what you draw, it won’t turn out to be a wave, but a snowdrift :), so it’s all a matter of practice :)

    To draw sea ​​wave in pencil, step by step, we will need the following diagram with a step-by-step description:

    Making a sketch of the future wave, for now

    Adding direction of movement

    Now let's draw a surfer

    Drawing splashes

    We erase the extra lines and add shading where necessary, which will add volume and dynamics.

    The wave is ready, let's start coloring.

    Waves are drawn quite simply; smooth lines and naturalness of the image are important. So,

    these waves are more like a soundtrack. They are easy to draw but look very neat.

    Softness, but at the same time sharpness of the lines shows dynamism, expression, and the power of the wave.

    We start the drawing with a template, a sketch, and then add a few strokes and lines to completely complete the picture:

    You can draw waves like this: first a sketch, then the details of the drawing (wave crest, splashes, foam, sun glare on the water).

    Also, step-by-step video instructions for drawing a wave will help you get the image right.

    A very beautiful master class for those. who wants to learn how to draw the sea and waves, including

    Personally, I really like this drawing, but how to draw it is in the answer given here earlier by the user himerka

    Drawing waves with a pencil is not easy if we're talking about about realistic waves, and not those depicted in children's pictures:

    Here are some simple examples:

    Also a simple option:

    Here's another option step by step drawing waves:

    But in this video lesson, the author of the drawing draws a seascape, explaining and showing how to draw waves with a pencil :

    There are many ways to draw a wave. But the main work comes down to these steps:

    1 step. Draw a sketch of the main wave in the shape of a curl

    Step 2. Add flow lines starting at the crest of the wave. Gradually draw each flow line less steep as it needs to come from the helix to show the wedge-shaped shoulder.

    Using this drawing technique, taking into account different perspectives (low and high horizon, changing the horizon line), you can get completely different waves:

    Draw a piece sea ​​elements in the form of waves you can do this:

    draw a horizon line separating the sea from the sky:

    outline the contours of future waves:

    start drawing the foam ridges:

    continue detailing:

    add a deeper blue color:

    even darker:

    add splash waves:

    In order to draw waves, you need to go to the seashore, sit in a quiet place where the sound of the waves can be clearly heard, take clean paper and pencils, and while watching my videos attached below, start drawing this very beautiful theme.

    I remembered how in childhood they drew waves with wavy lines that go side by side and depict the surface of a reservoir.

    You can also do it with dotted lines, like ripples.

    The main ways of drawing waves were shown, I would like to note several effects, how to draw from different positions, under different angles perception.

    In general, it is not easy to depict a moving object and this is the difficulty, but still realistically depict a wave(s).

Transfer from English lesson by drawing the artist's waves.

Dear friends, by popular demand, I present to you an excellent tutorial on drawing waves. This lesson was transferred from in English and supplemented by some of my comments. It was written by the wonderful artist Bob Penuelas and I think it will be easy for you to master this material so that you don’t have any difficulties when drawing waves, surf, rough water on the sea, lake, rivers, etc.

Many experience great difficulties with drawing water and waves. The main difficulty is that waves are a constantly moving object, and it is very difficult to fix it. You need to know some secrets of drawing such things in order to draw waves on the water without difficulty. It is worth saying that the artist Bob Penuelas is also a surfer, so in his lesson he presents a method of drawing big wave, which rises up and falls down. These are the waves that surfers ride their boards on.

The lesson is divided into several parts, which describe how to draw waves, starting with the most simple shapes and methods, and ending with complex ones.

The following illustrations will walk you through several basic drawing steps.

1. The basic method of drawing a wave.

1. Basic waveform. First of all, it is always necessary to begin with the foundation or the most important fundamental or basic forms.

3. Continue the lip thickness line with an oval arc downwards. This will give us the shape of the entire wave down to the base.

4. Next, follow the lines in the figure. The lines, depending on the distance of the steep wave, straighten and become less twisted. The closer they are to the twisted part, the more they resemble the so-called “pipe”.

5. Above the part that we have already drawn, thin lines or shading indicate the splashes, which invariably follow the main wave. In the place where the wave collides with the surface of the water, we draw a simplified foam explosion. You can also draw foam in the pipe itself. Foam whipped up by the impacts of the waves will add liveliness to the picture and eliminate the flat effect.

6. At the end of the first drawing, we do some shading. All this is done with additional lines. As you can see from the drawing itself, both parallel and perpendicular lines appeared. If you have already studied the lesson on chiaroscuro, then you probably know how light and shadow fall on different parts of the object. So, in this picture, the shadow in to a greater extent lies inside the “pipe”, as well as on those areas that we want to highlight especially, to give it expressiveness.

Tip: Bubbling foam can be depicted schematically, as shown here, otherwise you will simply go crazy drawing out each bubble.

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2. How to draw waves. The importance of Perspective.

In the next lesson, artist Bob Penuelas focuses on Special attention the importance of perspective as an integral part of any drawing, including drawing waves. If you use only the previous lesson, then you will, of course, be able to draw waves and, depending on practice, quite good ones, but if you do this without taking into account perspective, then all of them will turn out quite boring, monotonous, inexpressive and unrealistic. The key to breaking free from these "shackles" is to draw the waves from different angles using perspective techniques.

1. So. The first option is a low horizon. As you can see from the above picture, the horizon or line of sight is very low, which gives the viewer the impression that the wave is higher than him and hangs directly over his head.

2. High horizon. In this case, the viewer seems to be above a wave, on the deck of a ship, on a pier, on a pier, or on the crest of another wave.

3. The effect when you get the feeling that you are looking into the “pipe” of the wave itself. It's worth noting that all these things just need to be experimented with. The most unexpected effects, which make a picture excellent, can be achieved by simply moving the horizon level within the picture, as well as moving the wave or the point of particular intensity of the wave to the left or right.

4. View from the pipe. Also quite an interesting way of drawing waves from a surfer's point of view. In this picture you can see that the landscape is visible through the wave pipe.

5. A similar effect, only the artist moved the view from the pipe from the center to right side, which gave a little movement to the drawing.

6. View from the pier or from the shore. This is the very case when it is necessary to use high line horizon. In this case, the waves are below or below you.

7. Extremely low horizon line. An image from the perspective of a surfer on the water or just a person swimming.

8. Bird's eye view.

9. Another sketch with a low horizon.

Different types of waves.

Peak. Before drawing the wave peak itself, it is advisable to draw its side parts, creating mirror reflection each other. And only after that depict the top of the wave.

Variations. Wave variations can be quite diverse. They can be as huge and powerful as a freight train, or small and paper thin.

Adding surfers.

Next, the artist suggests learning how to add surfers to the waves. Those who do not need this and who came to this lesson only to draw waves can consider the lesson over, but those who are interested in learning how to position surfers correctly on raging waves can do so with the help of the following images.

This concludes the lesson on drawing waves. Remember that only practice can bring tangible results.

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