Poems for children on the theme "snow". Poems about winter as a mirror reflection of the Russian soul

Dear readers, today I invite you to a winter fairy tale. Let's fill ourselves with the spirit along with the poets who sang winter in poetry. Poetry is always a reflection of our soul.

Winter in Rus' - special time year. Summer is everywhere, you won’t be surprised by it, although both it and the spring-autumn periods have their differences everywhere. But it is the Russian winter that, like no other weather season, shows the power of the country, the people, and highlights the hidden shades of our existence. Today I will look through the pages again with you poetry collections different years. Poems about winter will be the topic of this review.

Does love have a short life in winter?
I suggest starting this review with a musical “intro”. There are a great many songs, romances, opera arias glorifying our winter. Each of you has your favorite tunes, cherished poetic lines from a series of poems about winter, framed by music.

Here I will recall only two song plots that embody completely differently eternal theme love. This is “Winter Love” by Arno Babajanyan with lyrics by Robert Rozhdestvensky and “Winter Night” with lyrics by Boris Pasternak, from the New Year’s film hit “The Irony of Fate”. They are united by a deeply lyrical approach and that quiet sadness that is often brought to all of us on long winter evenings.

Winter love
It's too cold outside
In vain love came in December.

Snow falls quietly to the ground.

Snow on the streets, snow in the forests
And in your words. And in the eyes.
Love has a short life in winter.
Snow falls quietly to the ground.

Winter vows are cold,
I will wait a long time for spring...
Love has a short life in winter.
Snow falls quietly to the ground.
Love has a short life in winter.
Snow falls quietly to the ground.

winter night
Chalk, chalk all over the earth
To all limits.
The candle was burning on the table,
The candle was burning.

Like a swarm of midges in summer
Flies into the flames
Flakes flew from the yard
To the window frame.

A snowstorm sculpted on the glass
Circles and arrows.
The candle was burning on the table,
The candle was burning.

On the illuminated ceiling
The shadows were falling
Crossing of arms, crossing of legs,
Crossing fates.

And two shoes fell
With a knock on the floor,
And wax with tears from the night light
It was dripping on my dress.

And everything was lost in snowy haze,
Gray and white.
The candle was burning on the table,
The candle was burning.

There was a blow on the candle from the corner,
And the heat of temptation
Raised two wings like an angel

It was snowy all month in February,
Every now and then
The candle was burning on the table,
The candle was burning.

Boris Pasternak.

This heartfelt song based on classic poems about winter is performed by Alla Pugacheva in the film. From her, director Eldar Ryazanov sought an intimate sound. And now I suggest you listen to the same “ winter night"in the original powerful performance of Nikolai Noskov. Everything is brilliant: poetry, music, performance.

Red bullfinches on white birches
Russian classics poetic genre did not pass by the splendor of winter beauty. Here, speaking about poems about winter by Russian poets, I will not distinguish between pre-revolutionary and Soviet period: it is not difficult to see that nature native land they admired equally enthusiastically.

It is difficult to convey in words the subtle ligature of frosty patterns on glass, the softness of a blanket of snow on sleeping tree branches, the melodiousness of the creaking of runners or the mystery of the rustle of falling snowflakes. But they tried, and, the most amazing thing, they succeeded, each in their own way, but with equal talent, precision and subtlety.

White birch under my window
She covered herself with snow, like silver.
On fluffy branches with a snow border
The tassels bloomed with white fringe.
And the birch tree stands in sleepy silence,
And snowflakes burn in golden fire.
And the dawn, lazily walking around,
Sprinkles the branches with new silver.

Sergei Yesenin.

Run out quickly
Look at bullfinches.
They arrived, they arrived,
The flock was greeted by snowstorms!
And Frost is the Red Nose
He brought them rowan trees.
Well treated
Sweetened well.
Winter evening late
Bright scarlet clusters.

Alexander Prokofiev.

Where sweet whisper
My forests?
Streams of murmurs,
Meadow flowers?
The trees are bare;
Winter carpet
Covered the hills
Meadows and valleys.
Under the ice
With its bark
The stream grows numb;
Everything is numb
Only the evil wind
Raging, howling
And the sky covers
Gray haze.

Evgeny Baratynsky.

I want the first, tender snowflakes

It is not for nothing that rhymes or consonances of the concepts “snowy” and “tender” are so often found in poems about winter by Russian poets. This is not plagiarism, but a certain intuitive feeling of the relatedness of concepts, which comes to everyone in their own way. Snow, especially the first one, covering the blackness of the earth, the flaws of our roads, giving a feeling of unearthly, transcendental peace. It is truly mesmerizing; you can watch the falling snowflakes without looking away, forgetting about the bustle around you. And what harmony there is in them, what perfection of form!

Light fluffy,
Snowflake white,
How clean
How brave!

Dear stormy
Easy to carry
Not to the azure heights,
Begs to go to earth.

Wonderful azure
She left
Myself into the unknown
The country has been overthrown.

In the shining rays
Slides skillfully
Among the melting flakes
Preserved white.

Under the blowing wind
Shakes, flutters,
On him, cherishing,
Lightly swinging.

His swing
She's consoled
With his snowstorms
Spinning wildly.

But here it ends
The road is long,
touches the earth,
Crystal star.

Fluffy lies
Snowflake is brave.
How clean
How white!

Konstantin Balmont.

God, I really wanted snow...

Flakes flying from the sky
So that the earth dresses as a bride
And the fog over the city disappeared...

I want the first, tender snowflakes,
So that people, having forgotten things -
They looked up at the snowy gift.
So that they say out loud: “Winter has come!”

I want to hear the laughter of children,
Touching the snow with admiration...
Evenings in winter are kinder and quieter,
And the veil of frozen rivers shines...

I want winter, so that in this world
Everything became at least a little whiter.
Let the snowflakes fly around the world,
Bringing joy to people's hearts...

God, I really wanted snow...
Flakes flying from the sky
So that the human soul warms itself in winter
Expecting happiness and miracles...

Irina Samarina.

First snow
It smelled like winter cold
To the fields and forests.
Light up bright purple
Before sunset the sky.

At night the storm raged,
And with dawn to the village,
To the ponds, to the deserted garden
The first snow started to fall.

And today over the wide
White tablecloth fields
We said goodbye belatedly
A string of geese.

Ivan Bunin.


But it just snowed...
And the gloomy day seemed to become brighter.
And as if in a dream
I'm walking along a snowy alley.

And in the world - witchcraft!
Passers-by are fascinated by the snow...
Snowflakes celebration
Tenderness sprinkles drop by drop...

And in a white mess
Winter spins me around in a magical waltz...
Trees in silver
They bowed in astonished curtsy.

And as if on Earth
There is no other color left:
White makes it warmer...
And the black...... seemed to appear.....

Natalya Radolina.

Not just classics, but tender romantics

When we start talking about Pushkin’s vision of winter. The first thing that comes to mind: “A storm covers the sky with darkness...” Or the no less popular one, sitting “at the bottom”: “Frost and sun; wonderful day!” This is probably the merit of the school - it is firmly ingrained in my memory. But the same Pushkin also has much less famous lines, equally expressive, for example, these poems about winter are short and beautiful.

What a night! Frost is bitter,
There is not a single cloud in the sky;
Like an embroidered canopy, a blue vault
Replete with frequent stars.
Everything in the houses is dark. At the gate
Locks with heavy locks.
People are buried everywhere;
Both the noise and the shout of the trade died down;
As soon as the yard guard barks
Yes, the chain rattles loudly.
And all of Moscow is sleeping peacefully...

Equally one-sided, or rather, we simply know little about the poetry of Nikolai Rubtsov. Of course, his mystical prediction: “I will die in the frosts of Epiphany, I will die when the birches crackle...” could not help but remain in the memory of people and in the history of literature. Moreover, it came true with perfect accuracy. But Rubtsov also has such heartfelt poems about winter, filled with a feeling of light, light. They are like the musical subtext of the running of a graceful, swift troika:

Slightly humming in the wind!

Dozhinki are celebrated in the village,
And snowflakes fly towards the accordion.
And all in glowing snow,
Moose freezes while running
On a distant shore.

Why are you holding a whip in your palm?
Horses gallop easily in harness,
And along the roads between the fields,
Like a flock of white doves,
Snow flies up from under the sleigh...

Oh, who doesn't love the first snow?
In frozen riverbeds quiet rivers,
In the fields, in villages and in the forest,
Slightly humming in the wind!

But it is no coincidence that the names of Tyutchev, Fet, Bunin are strongly and absolutely correctly associated with true soulful lyricism. These are masters of words, true experts in Russian literature, which is why they were so brilliant at writing poems about winter and any other seasons. They truly loved these wide open spaces and always, in any circumstances, remained singers of their native nature.


Enchantress in Winter
Bewitched, the forest stands,
And under the snow fringe,
motionless, mute,
He shines with a wonderful life.
And he stands, bewitched,
Not dead and not alive -
Enchanted by a magical dream,
All entangled, all shackled
Light down chain…

Is the winter sun shining?
On him your ray with a scythe -
Nothing will tremble in him,
It will all flare up and sparkle
Dazzling beauty.

Fedor Tyutchev.

Wonderful picture
How dear you are to me:
White Plain,
Full moon

The light of the high heavens,
And shining snow
And distant sleighs
Lonely running.

The creaking of footsteps along the white streets, lights in the distance;
Crystals glitter on the frozen walls.
Silver fluff hung from the eyelashes into the eyes,
The silence of the cold night occupies the spirit.
The wind sleeps, and everything grows numb, just to fall asleep;
The clear air itself is timid to breathe in the cold.

Afanasy Fet.

Under New Year This is what dreams smell like...

The culmination of winter, its pole, is, of course, the New Year. How we wait for him, with what hopes he comes to every home! This is the time when we all briefly fall back into childhood; we really want to believe in miracles. This means that with this faith we bring the miracle a little closer. These days we invariably become kinder, become more humane. Yes, it’s probably more sentimental, but we can afford it on rare fabulous New Year’s days. And poems about winter, short and beautiful, dedicated to this beloved spiritual holiday, will remind us of these bright moments all year long.


What bliss that the snow shines,
that the cold got stronger, and it was drizzling in the morning,
that the foil sparkles wildly and tenderly
on every corner and in the store window.

While serpentine, tinsel, gimmick
rise above the boredom of other possessions,
the languor of the New Year's weeks
to endure and endure - what a wondrous fate!

What luck that the shadows have fallen
surrounded by fir trees and fir trees blooming everywhere,
and evergreen news of love
the soul is inspired and added to the miracle.

Where did tenderness and spruce come from,
where they hid before and how they conspired!
Like children who wait at the cherished doors,
I forgot to wait, and the doors opened.

What a bliss it is that you have to decide,
where the glass ball will heat up more beautifully,
and only love, only decorate the spruce
and contemplate this untold world...

Bella Akhmadulina.

Frosty tangerine peel,
A resinous pine twig,
Frozen raspberry
This is what dreams smell like on New Year's Eve.
That's what dreams smell like when they're on Christmas trees
The garlands have not yet been lit.
This is what dreams smell like when in the evening
There are untouched candles...

Tatiana Snezhina.

According to the New Year's law...
Let's go according to the New Year's law -
Let's leave everything unnecessary behind:
Unpleasant phone calls
Last weekend alone...

Unexpected troubles and losses,
All the diseases that came on the sly...
And we will open the doors on New Year’s Day with a smile.
Light in the soul from the New Year's snow...

We will take with us a package of brilliant ideas,
A bag of joy, bags of kindness.
And friends - so dear and real...
Let's not forget to take your dreams.

We'll burst into the New Year with a white stripe,
Pure snow hiding negativity,
To appreciate people with spiritual beauty
Yard inner world so beautiful.

We will forget New Year's recipes.
The festive outfit will also be forgotten...
Only with sincerity will you make a contribution -
In the New Year, where we make plans at random...

And on the Christmas tree the garland blinks like that,
Like the hope that burns in the hearts of people.
Let's believe that it doesn't happen...
And the year of good news will begin!

Irina Samarina.

Winter without a mask and without makeup

Having waited for the first innocent snow, we are already beginning to slowly prepare for the New Year's celebrations. And when the fireworks die down, the champagne is drunk, and all the other rituals of the night of magic are performed, we are already thinking about spring. Sometimes we rejoice in the invigorating frost, the blinding sun, and sometimes we flip through the calendar, counting the days until the first days of spring, wondering whether the arrival of the drops will be quick or delayed.

These poems about winter are completely different in plot, mood, and subtext. Because you and I are also individuals, we see the world a little differently, and this only adds to its charm.


Winter without a mask and without makeup
White - white, weak, uncoordinated,
But the hidden one is also visible,
But even the silent one is heard.

She herself is full of forebodings,
Appropriate only in youth,
She herself needs art,
In its disturbing, wild strangeness.

It's all about him! All surroundings
Requires brushes, strings, and rhythm.
Everything stirs up the imagination,
He hurries, wanders, raves, tries...

And we, the crowded ones right there,
We re-evaluate the matter—
The eve of winter, the threshold of the cold,
The height of seasonal art.

Pavel Antokolsky.

White snow, fluffy spinning in the air
And he quietly falls to the ground and lies down.
And in the morning the field turned white with snow,
It was as if everything had covered him with a shroud.
Dark forest that he covered himself with a wonderful hat
And he fell asleep under her soundly, soundly...
God's days are short, the sun shines little,
The frosts came and winter came.
The toiling peasant pulled out his sleigh,
Children are building snow mountains.
The peasant has been waiting for winter and cold for a long time,
And he covered the outside of the hut with straw.
So that the wind does not penetrate into the hut through the cracks,
Blizzards and blizzards wouldn't blow snow.
He is now calm - everything around is covered,
And he is not afraid of the angry frost.

Ivan Surikov.

All day long flakes of wet snow fly...
And what do they want from us in this crazy world?
And what do we ourselves want from the world?
And where are we flying through the thick flakes?
Where are they waiting for us and where are they waving at us?
Snow flakes fly over the path, over the river.
Where is the limit? Where is the peace, quiet and comfort?
Flakes of wet snow scurry and scurry.

Larisa Miller.

Will there be spring?...
Spun, spun
Blizzard winter dial.
Performed by bagatelles
We are on an ice pipe.
The pines and spruce trees showed off,
We put on ball gowns.
The waxwings fell silent...
In a snow-white cradle
The river is sleeping. Only in the font
At Epiphany there are “carousels”...
It's blowing again... Barely
I believe in the arrival of a drop...

Lyubov Mironova.

Music of winter

watercolor silver rings
And lie sad in the snowdrift of bed,
playing with the wind, not in a hurry.

Wait for someone else's expectations in vain,
in the royal sparks the bell is dashing.
I'm going to be a daring group of three
blank verse will fly to the edge.

Through the forest limit and into the fresh frost
accidentally shakes the twig.
Smiling, the guest’s fur will quiver,
gray wolf sings happy.

Winter music snowflake flute
watercolor silver rings.
The royal down in the forest turns white,
He orders the saints to write with a sail.

Evgeny Borisovsky.

Nature has become generous again,
Mother Nature herself:
What nice weather
What a snowy winter.

Felt boots and skis are ready,
Matches and food in your pocket
Not for reserve - but to survive
When trouble strikes.

I'm in a hurry. Satisfied with the ski lubricant,
Snowy path
Where it feels like a winter fairy tale.
And I say hello to the fairy tale.

Lights of a distant village
They are still burning, but the light is dawning,
Just a little more, just a moment more -
And dawn breaks.

A tit was shading in the forest,
Magpie, with the message light,
Crackled in bulk to the fox,
But she was already far away.

There for high mountains,
Where the distance is transparent and echoing,
Winter with the humming winds,
The frosty ringing of a pine forest.

Naked on the rift,
Already pretty shallow,
The restless stream gurgles,
Leading the silver tune.

And the promised side
I wander under the vault of gray skies,
Where is the woodpecker drumming
The forest awakens the numb.

Do not take in an inquisitive glance
The expanse of snow-covered fields,
Where are the miracles, where is the fairy tale nearby?
With a radiant flock of bullfinches.

To the land of snowy paradise
They carry hemmed pimas.
And it flows, playing with sounds,
Live music winters...

Victor Kukhtin.

An invitation to a winter fairy tale...
Like in a ghostly white, captivating dream
The moon shines silver in the heights of the night,
And white, white birch trees sleep,
Wrapped in snow, immersed in dreams.

And an unearthly silence surrounds me,
Does this really happen?
And the snow is silvering underneath moonbeam
What will happen, what happened - I don’t care.

I don't know, I don't remember I live in the moment,
And the fairy tale stands before me in reality.
And it seems: take a timid step,
And the horn will dispel wonderful dreams.

The wind will touch them with a swift run,
And wonderful castles will be covered with snow.
And I hid, almost not breathing -
Oh, winter's tale how good you are!

Anatoly Tsepin.

Flowers under the snow
The flowers in the garden have not yet bloomed,
And time drives white snowstorms,
Bright dreams disappear under the snow,
Nature goes to bed until April...

...It seems that this is how nature intended it,
Flowers also need to rest,
Flowers under the snow will last a while,
Spring will come and they will bloom again.

Nadezhda Lykova.

I love,
when over the city -
circling uncertainly
slow snow
dresses in ermine
In an ermine coat
a student is coming.
In ermine
the guard is dressed up...
I love looking at the white ripples.
Lanterns float above the street -
are burning.
Like filled with flames
at home
the lights are on.
Plump it's snowing,
and I run after him.
The snow got entangled in a tangle of bushes.
In the snow
on very quiet
snow -
exclamation marks

Robert Rozhdestvensky.

And here is another touching poem about winter.

Your name on the white snow...
Your name on the white snow -
reflection of crystal happiness...
The flight of weightless snowflakes is like the feathers of an angel’s wing...
There are rays of sun in every letter... the vast sky communion...
And the magical fairy tale winter is infinitely pure and bright...

Your name on the white snow -
the whisper of birds in the shimmer of dawn...
The lacy breath of dreams in the chime of Christmas days...
A thin piece of ice on the tongue... a sweet berry of ripe summer...
A tear trembling slightly with happiness... my belated song...

Your name on the white snow -
like a postscript to unfulfilled letters...
Like hope for a fairytale light... like heaven's golden dawn...
Sparkles of stars scatter like pearl-silver beads...
And the gift of the gods sparkles - your name - my prayer...

You know... the angels took care of your name for so long, so that when we met, it became the only one in my life...

Marina Yesenina

Soul of Winter
Ginger-pine aroma
With a piquant hint of tangerine.
Cotton candy outfit
Painted the sunset in mother-of-pearl.
Weave star cape
She covered her shoulders. The candles are dancing
Letting the shadows go free,
Nature's brow decorating.
Longer than the stage time,
And there is a place for idle laziness,
Remaining in sleepy bliss.

Anna Voronina.

Tatiana Sezina
Walk “Snowflakes are spinning in the frosty air”

Walk for children of the middle group.

«» .

Target: formation of primary natural ideas (seasons, winter, signs of winter).

Equipment: bag with pre-prepared snowballs, poster with a picture of a wolf feeder and bird food.

Progress of the walk.

The teacher gathers the children around him and reads poem:

Snowflakes swirling in the frosty air,

Fall to the ground lace stars.

One fell on my palm.

Oh, don't lie snowflake,

Wait a little!

Look in Snowflakes swirl in the air. Catch snowflakes take a mitten and look at them. Which snowflakes?

From snowflakes consist of snowdrifts and thick snow coat on the ground. Look around and tell us what you see. What do the clearings, pond, trees and bushes look like?

Scoop up the snow with your mitten, examine it, and then squeeze it. Tell us what color it is, what it feels like.

Can you also tell us about ice?

I'll check now. I'll throw it to you snowball and talk about it, what snow, and you will catch snowball and talk, what ice.

The snow is white and the ice...

The snow is soft and the ice...

The snow melts quickly, and the ice...

The snow is fluffy and the ice...

Now get your fingers ready, let's play a game

« Snowflakes»

I stand and I catch snowflakes in my palm.

I winter, and snow, and I love snowflakes.

But where snowflakes?

There is water in the palm!

Where did they disappear to? snowflakes? Where?

Fragile pieces of ice melted - rays...

As you can see, my palms are hot.

(Rhythmic strikes with the fingers of the left hand, starting with the index, on the palm right hand. Rhythmic strikes with the fingers of the right hand, starting with the index finger, on the palm of the left hand. At the first question, clench your fists, at the second, unclench your fists. Small shaking with relaxed palms.)

Why does the snow melt?

Right. But today the snow doesn't melt because it's cold outside, frosty. Are you cold? But your cheeks are flushed and stinging freezing. Let's warm up and tease freezing.

We choose a driver using a counting rhyme.

The bunny came out onto the path.

The poor guy got his feet wet.

To prevent your feet from getting cold,

He will wear felt boots,

He will wear felt boots,

It's time for you to drive.

Tag game "Hey freezing

Well done! Warm up. But now it’s cold not only for you, but also for the birds. In winter it is difficult for them to find food. Let's hang up the bird feeder you made with your dads and put out some treats for the birds. Lay out the food and tell who and what you want to treat.

Well done! The birds will thank you. What tree did we hang the feeder on?

How did you recognize this tree?

Well done! You are very observant. Guys, you said that the trees and bushes are bare. And what trees have not shed their plumage in the fall?

Right. Who remembers the riddles about these trees?

Here is a thorn - untouchable.

You better not touch her.

Oh, sharp needles

The green one...

Like a red candle,

It's on a hill near a river.

Disheveled from sleep

In needles, in cones...

Remember which wild animal likes to eat Christmas tree and pine cones?

What else does she eat in winter?

Tell us about how other wild animals winter?

How much do you know about the life of wild animals in winter! They made me happy. And I have prepared a surprise for you. Let's throw the wolf snowballs so that he does not offend the hares.

(The teacher hangs up a poster with a picture of a wolf and takes out a bag of snowballs.)

Well done, you know so much about winter! We will continue the conversation next time take a walk and find out How plants overwinter under the snow.

Children with a teacher return to kindergarten.

Publications on the topic:

If it’s autumn, everyone knows, leaves are walking in the sky, The leaves are different colors: yellow and red. A. Pilatov Autumn continues to delight us.

Consultation for educators “A walk in the fresh air is the key to the health of preschoolers!” Stay on outdoors(walk) – most efficient look rest, allowing for the hardening of the body and an increase in motor skills.

The New Year holiday is the most favorite holiday for children, and many adults. Children are excited to prepare for the meeting of Santa Claus. They teach.

Program content: consolidate the techniques of pressing and smearing, learn to mix different colors, develop fine motor skills. Materials: silhouettes.

Walk for children of middle preschool age “Snowflakes are spinning in the frosty air.” Walk for middle children preschool age“Snowflakes are spinning in the frosty air.” Goal: formation of primary natural sciences.

Drawing of the dance “Snowflakes are spinning” Dance of Snowflakes (“Snowflakes are spinning”) Verse 1 Coming out from behind the tree on tiptoes, plumes in hands Moving in a circle in front of the tree or around.

Ivan Zakharovich Surikov

White, fluffy snow swirls in the air and quietly falls to the ground and lies down. And in the morning the Field turned white with snow, as if everything had covered it with a shroud. The dark forest covered itself with a wonderful hat and fell asleep under it, soundly, soundly... God's days are short, the sun shines little, - Here come the frosts - and winter has come. The toiler-peasant pulled out the sleigh, the children are building the snowy mountains. For a long time now the peasant has been waiting for winter and cold, And he covered the hut with straw from the outside. So that the wind does not penetrate into the hut through the cracks, snow does not blow into the hut, blizzards and blizzards. He is now at peace - Everything around is covered, And he is not afraid of the angry frost.


Nikolay Nekrasov

The snow is fluttering and spinning, It’s white outside. And the puddles turned into cold glass. Where the finches sang in the summer, Look today! - Like pink apples, there are bullfinches on the branches. The snow is cut up by skis, Like chalk, creaky and dry, And the red cat catches cheerful white flies.

Winter morning

A.S. Pushkin

Frost and sun; wonderful day! You are still dozing, lovely friend - It’s time, beauty, wake up: Open your eyes closed with bliss Towards the northern Aurora, Appear as the Star of the North! In the evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry, cloudy sky the darkness was moving; The moon, like a pale spot, turned yellow through the gloomy clouds, And you sat sad - And now... look out the window: Under the blue skies Magnificent carpets, Glistening in the sun, the snow lies; The transparent forest alone turns black, And the spruce turns green through the frost, And the river glitters under the ice. The whole room is illuminated with an amber shine. The flooded stove crackles with a cheerful sound. It's nice to think by the bed. But you know: shouldn’t we tell the brown filly to be banned from the sled? Sliding through the morning snow, dear friend, let us indulge in the running of the impatient horse and visit the empty fields, the forests that were recently so dense, and the shore that is dear to me.

Winter!.. Peasant, triumphant...

A.S. Pushkin

Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant, renews the path on the wood; His horse, sensing the snow, trudges along somehow; Exploding the fluffy reins, the daring carriage flies; The coachman sits on the beam wearing a sheepskin coat and a red sash. Here is a yard boy running, having planted a bug in a sled, transforming himself into a horse; The naughty man has already frozen his finger: He is both in pain and funny, And his mother is threatening him through the window...

Here is the north, the clouds are catching up...

A.S. Pushkin

(Excerpt from the poem "Eugene Onegin")

Here the north, driving up the clouds, breathed, howled - and here comes the sorceress-winter, she came, she crumbled; Hanged in tufts on the branches of oak trees, Lay down in wavy carpets Among the fields around the hills. The river has leveled the river like a plump veil; The frost has flashed, and we are glad for the pranks of Mother Winter.

The evening is quiet and frosty...

Alexander Blok

The evening is quiet and frosty. Only there is no snow. The stars turned on outside the window, The lights in the house were turned off. A cloud came out from behind the forest. The house fell silent and fell silent. At night, someone was barely audible knocking on the windows with their paws. And in the morning, in the silvery, snow-white silence, Someone clean and fluffy was lying on my window.

Blank verses

Sergey Mikhalkov The snow is spinning, the snow is falling - Snow! Snow! Snow! Animals and birds are happy about the snow and, of course, people! The gray titmice are happy: The birds are freezing in the cold, The snow has fallen - the frost has fallen! The cat washes its nose with snow. The puppy has white snowflakes melting on his black back. The sidewalks are covered in snow, Everything around is white-white: Snow-snow-snowfall! Enough work for shovels, For shovels and scrapers, For big trucks. The snow is spinning, the snow is falling - Snow! Snow! Snow! Animals and birds are happy about the snow and, of course, people! Only the janitor, only the janitor Says: - I will never forget this Tuesday! Snowfall is a disaster for us! The scraper scrapes all day long, the broom sweeps all day long. A hundred sweats have left me, And everything is white again! Snow! Snow! Snow!


Irina Pivovarova

The hare lay down on a hillock and decided to take a nap for an hour. While he was sleeping sweetly, the first snow fell on the ground. A gray hare woke up and was surprised: “What’s the matter?” I was gray, but I became white, Who changed my clothes?

VPR 2nd class

Instructions for performing the work:

You are given 45 minutes to complete the Russian language work. The work includes 7 tasks.

Write down the answers to the assignments in your work. If you want to change an answer, cross it out and write a new one next to it.

When performing work, it is not allowed to use a textbook, workbooks, grammar reference books, spelling dictionaries, other reference materials.

If necessary, you can use a draft. Entries in draft will not be reviewed or graded.

We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip a task that you cannot complete immediately and move on to the next one. Try to complete as many tasks as possible.

Estimates for the GDP in 2017 were made as follows:

Maximum: 21 points.
"5" from 18 to 21,
"4" from 13 to 17,
"3" from 7 to 12,
"2" is less than 2.

We wish you success!


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24 Sep 2017



The first snow fell in the morning. The guys went to the park. Sasha and Dima are making a snowman. Sveta slides down the mountain on a sled. They bought skis for Ira. Everyone laughs happily.

№2 Arrange alphabetically and write it in alphabetical order these words.
Christmas tree, butterfly, ball, raccoon, concert.

№3 Underline the words in which first letter stands for voiced consonant.
Pen, pencil case, bell, pencil, notebook.
Write them down in response.

№4 Underline the words in which first letter stands for soft consonant.
Habit, exercise, cup, shower, rainbow.
Write them down in response.

№5 Divide the words into syllables. When dividing words into syllables, use vertical line (|).
Laika, dinner, Fedor, plant.
Write them down in response.

№6 Write it down only those words that can be divided for transfer. Indicate the transfer location with a dash (for example, sky).
husky, dinner, Fedor, plant

paths, leaves, along, circling, park, dry

24 Sep 2017


Read and copy the text carefully.
Our class went on a hike. We gathered at school entrance and got on the bus. How handsome autumn forest! There is such silence all around. Only the leaves rustle underfoot.

skis, sleds, mitten, slide, skates

Write them in your answer.
school, music, reading, group, schedule

Write them in your answer.
brush, jelly, ruler, heron, drawing

Ira, teapot, fairy tale, singing

Ira, teapot, fairy tale, singing

№7 Make up a sentence using these words. Write it down correctly.
frosty, spinning, in, snow, air

24 Sep 2017


№1 Read and copy the text carefully.
Spring has come. The drops are ringing. The streams began to gurgle. The grass turned green on the hills. Dry reeds rustle by the river. Vanya and Seryozha went down to the shore. In winter they played hockey here.

№2 Alphabetize and write down the given words in alphabetical order.
drops, heat, stream, sun, river

№3 Underline the words in which the first letter represents a voiceless consonant.
Write them in your answer.
alarm clock, apron, bowl, caramel, bunny

№4 Underline the words in which the first letter denotes a hard consonant sound.
Write them in your answer.
rain, cone, pine, squirrel, woodpecker

№5 Divide the words into syllables. When dividing words into syllables, use a vertical line (|).
iron, arrow, reading, song

№6 Write down only those words that can be divided for hyphenation. Indicate the transfer location with a dash (for example, sky).
iron, arrow, reading, song

№7 Make up a sentence using these words. Write it down correctly.
warm, from, returned, edges, birds

Last edited: 24 Sep 2017

24 Sep 2017


Read and copy the text carefully.
Clear day. Drops are falling from the roof. The buds on the birch tree are swollen. Melting last snow. A stream meanders under the mountain. Seryozha has a boat. He launched it into the water. The ship quickly sailed away.

№2 Alphabetize and write down the given words in alphabetical order.
snow, sled, ice, snowdrift, ski track

№3 Underline the words in which the first letter denotes a voiced consonant.
Write them in your answer.
aunt, grandmother, father, grandfather, son

№4 Underline the words in which the first letter represents a soft consonant sound.
Write them in your answer.
summer, beach, ball, Panama hat, umbrella

№5 Divide the words into syllables. When dividing words into syllables, use a vertical line (|).
blow, vowel, knowledge, word

№6 Write down only those words that can be divided for hyphenation. Indicate the transfer location with a dash (for example, sky).
blow, vowel, knowledge, word

№7 Make up a sentence using these words. Write it down correctly.
summer, on, good, river, relax

24 Sep 2017


Read and copy the text carefully.
How beautiful lilies of the valley are! The leaves open on a thin stem. And a stem breaks out between them. It is covered with tiny white bells. Lilies of the valley smell wonderful! Beetles and butterflies hover over them.

№2 Alphabetize and write down the given words in alphabetical order.
flower, gladiolus, flower bed, water lily, violet

№3 Underline the words in which the first letter represents a voiceless consonant.
Write them in your answer.
purple, green, lilac, pink, yellow

№4 Underline the words in which the first letter denotes a hard consonant sound.
Write them in your answer.
truck, subway, bicycle, platform, ticket

№5 Divide the words into syllables. When dividing words into syllables, use a vertical line (|).
blizzard, blizzard, frost, shine

№6 Write down only those words that can be divided for hyphenation. Indicate the transfer location with a dash (for example, sky).
blizzard, blizzard, frost, shine

№7 Make up a sentence using these words. Write it down correctly.
Petya, on, gave, birth, puppy, day

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