Dear friends, we are glad to welcome you. Eagle owl hiding in the forest

Carnival scenario

Presenter1 Hello, dear friends. We are pleased to welcome you to today's celebration.

Presenter 2 Outside the window winter time the most short days and the longest nights. But we really love this time of year. After all, it is in winter that the New Year comes to us and with it the “coniferous” joyful mood of happiness, change, hope, which this beloved holiday brings with it.

Presenter 1 It is on this day that unforgettable meetings take place, the most cherished desires, the most incredible miracles are possible. Don't believe me? I am sure that you will be able to verify this if you become a participant in our New Year's carnival.

Presenter 2 We invited interesting guests to our holiday, prepared exciting competitions, fun musical and dance surprises, so we hope no one will be bored.

Presenter 1 But the most important thing is to create Christmas mood. So we begin. (All along with the song New Year Verka Serduchka)

Presenter 2 New Year is a family holiday. But each family prepares for the holiday in its own way. How do they prepare for the holiday in the Patrikeev family? . Are you interested? Us too. So let's see.

Presenter 1 New Year is a wonderful holiday. Some people prepare Olivier salad, others decorate the Christmas tree. but our guests buy flowers for their loved ones. Let's see what they can do? (Scene by Rose Vine Goza).

Presenter2 Do you like friends songs? Yes? Then Bedoeva Sabina and Tedeeva Nastya sing for you. (Blue frost)

Presenter 1 And you know, every country has its own traditions of celebrating the New Year. For example, in Iran, the husband gives his wife beautiful clothes decorated with patterns. A wonderful tradition, isn't it? And we want to invite you to watch the sketch “I have nothing to wear again”

Presenter 1 Now, of course, it’s winter outside, but time will pass quickly and the time will come to take exams - “Exam in Mastery” is the name of our next skit

Flash Mob music plays

Competition with spectators

Presenter 2 And now I am glad to inform you that Russian pop stars came to our holiday to congratulate you on the upcoming New Year. Meet your favorite artists

Star Parade

)Presenter 2 Another musical greeting will remind us that the New Year is just around the corner. (New Year Song)

Song "Abba"

Presenter 1 And now the Honga 10-11 grade team will delight us with their talent.

Presenter 2 Do you know how stars light up? They take a small spark and lift it onto the stage, and then such a New Year's light flares up from it that the sparks fly to the skies and ignite new star. A little sparkle from kindergarten Chertkoeva Sofa came to congratulate us on the New Year.

Presenter 2 Do you guys like to write poetry? Yes? Of course, each of us is a poet at heart, even if he cannot come up with a single rhyme. Don't be afraid, the poems have already been composed for you, you just need to come up with them last word. So let's begin:

Ved 2To do modern makeup

Acquired by a beauty….. (trellis)

Vedas 1 Scarier and more dangerous than a mine

for a mountain climber... (vertex)

Ved 2 Is figure skating familiar?

To the people of the Kingdom….. (UK)

Vedas 1 I, as a karateka, will not calm down

If they don't give me black... (belt)

Ved 2 Wolf, after watching football, I finally decided

“Like me, they are also fed...(legs)

Vedas 1 The peak was almost conquered,

But the snow got in the way...(avalanche)

Presenter 1 Only in Russia they celebrate the New Year twice. And that’s right, there should be a lot of good holidays. And the next story took place immediately after the Old New Year (scene Student Sleeps)

Presenter 2 A holiday is wonderful. But the guest, who was in a hurry to visit us for the holiday, somehow got an appointment with the dentist. Let's see what came of it. (skit The Best Dentist)

Presenter 1 A guest from the East came to our holiday

meet the magician and magician mysterious Raju (Tricks)

Presenter 2 On your doorstep all gray with a beard

Old year - very old

He leaves us, he waves his hand

And wishes you good luck in everything

But someone came, someone quietly called,

Three white horses at the door,

It's exactly midnight and the New Year has arrived.

You pour champagne into glasses!

I raise my glass - I congratulate you again,

My dears, Happy New Year

Always do good and give love,

despite the years and weather! Presenter 1 Let the glasses clink, let the wine sparkle,

Let the night starfall knock on your window.

On this moonlit night you can’t live without smiles,

Pain and sorrow away! Happy New Year, friends!

Presenter 2 Now it's time for us to say goodbye. But we hope that you will be able to maintain the mood of fun, joy, and expectation of something extraordinary throughout the year. The song sounds: And on New Year and Christmas (everyone sings together)

Santa Claus runs in, well, in time, while he was flying from Veliky Ustyug, the sleigh broke down.

And I magic words forgot. That’s right, my granddaughter, Snow Maiden, says I have grown old. I’ve been flying all over the world for 2015, I go into every home, I want to make every child happy. And now I have prepared gifts for everyone. Ai Ai Ai there are so many guests, I’m afraid there won’t be enough gifts for everyone. Here's sclerosis, I forgot to take the second bag.? So what should I do? I flew to get the second bag, and my assistants will distribute these gifts for now, but only to those who behaved well all year, agreed? Well, Happy New Year, Happy New Happiness.

Valentina Panina
Scenario of the concert program “Kindergarten Gathers Friends” dedicated to the 5th anniversary of the kindergarten

You know - childhood, what color?

It is both simple and difficult to answer this.

It's blue, a little silver

When you and I run at dawn.

And if you want to wander in the forest,

Then you say that childhood is very green.

And you will go out into endless, bright meadows

You won't say anything: “Yeah, it’s colorful!”.

Of course childhood fairy tale colors

One hundred thousand shades, very different!

So let us always delight you with many colors,

Illumines everyone Childhood rainbow!

Dance "Rainbow"

The phonogram sounds as the presenters exit.

Ved. 1. Hello dears Friends! We are glad to welcome you all in our cozy hall!

Ved 2. Prepare your warmest wishes and most reverent feelings!

Ved. 1. Be patient!

Vedas 2. Don’t be ashamed to express good attitude to each other, and to the speakers!

Ved. 1. Don’t skimp on applause.

Vedas 2. Because we welcome you to concert« Kindergarten gathers friends» , which We dedicate to the 5th anniversary of our kindergarten"Rainbow"

Song "Big Round Dance"

Song: We were born to live joyfully,

To play together, to be strong friends,

To give each other smiles and flowers.

May all our dreams come true in life

During the loss, the presenters list the staff of the preschool educational institution

Ved1: Today at kindergarten"Rainbow" 108 children grow, develop, and engage in creativity. village of Bazarny Karabulak, 8 qualified teachers, an instructor in physical culture, musical director,4 teacher assistants, creatively organizes educational process methodologist Volkova I. S.

Ved2: The health of the little pupils is monitored by honey. sister, cooks provide 4 meals a day, administrative and economic service monitors cleanliness and order.

Ved1: Skillfully manages - manager kindergarten"Rainbow" - Kochetkova T.V.

After the loss, the verse sounds again songs:

Invites you to a holiday with an open soul

Our big bright house, mischievous, groovy.

Where we play, dance, sing together.

Where we live cheerfully, amicably, happily.

Exit of the manager T.V. Kochetkova and the guests of honor. Congratulations, awards.

Ved1. Why are we called "Rainbow"

Ved. 2:Because we are like the Rainbow. After all

A rainbow is a real inflorescence of colors, and the world childhood also diverse and beautiful.

Ved. 1. One the end the rainbow is close to the ground, as if resting on native land, and others rush somewhere up, like children's dreams and aspirations for new heights, for new achievements, for new victories.

Presenters2: We want it to happen this way

IN our anniversary holiday, Friends,

Our "Rainbow" shone brighter

Giving warmth and love to everyone.

Ved1:All finds and achievements

On this holiday today is for you.

In short, a rosy mood

We want to give it to you now!

Ved2: And for this purpose now in our hall

the hall will light up with a real rainbow children's creativity . We will see and hear wonderful little performers and dancers. Well, here we go.

Ved1:As you know, the rainbow has 7 colors. The first color of the rainbow is red. And the word "red" in ancient times it meant "Beautiful". Beautiful dance "Fashionistas" girls from the preparatory group perform for you "Cloud".

Presenter 1: Let's step into the second color of the rainbow. - Orange!

Presenter 2: Orange - bright, dazzling, original. We hope the next number "Saxophonists" this will be the case for you.

Presenter 1: Thank you very much participants of the orange episode and we move on to the next color of the rainbow - yellow!

Presenter 2:Therefore, now the real sun will shine in our hall, because our beloved children will perform a cheerful, sunny song about their beloved kindergarten .

Presenter 1: "Kindergarten -one family !" performed by children from the senior and preparatory groups.

Presenter 2: We have already gone through three colors of the rainbow. The next color is green!

ED1: Green- the color of nature, hope, luck and growth.

We always watch with great interest the growth and development of our graduates, and they are over 5 years - already not a little! We are proud and rejoice at each of their victories, and always look forward to meeting them. And now, we invite you to this stage our graduate Dobdina Daria. Today Dasha is a student at the Children's Art School. Under the guidance of the director of the Children's Art School Fomenko O.V. Dasha is successfully studying vocals and now she will perform the song “Magic Flower” for all of us.

Ved1:Thank you Dasha for a wonderful performance.

Ved2: And we meet another graduate of our kindergarten Martynov Daria. Dasha is also a student at the Children's Art School and, together with her brother Pasha Martynov and a wonderful choreography teacher Gal N.V., are repeated winners of various regional competitions. And now you and I have a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the performance of these talented guys.

VED2: Dear guys, thank you very much for the wonderful performance. We wish you that on your creative path green light was always on light-color open road, and good luck and victories brought you joy and happiness, and gave an impetus to growth and perfection.

Ved1: Well, we move on to the next track - the next color of the rainbow is blue.

Ved2: Blue color is known to be the color of purity and peace. I wonder what our kids think about this, what does the color blue mean to them?

Now they will tell you everything about it themselves.


The most tender and dear

For me the color is blue.

This is sky and water

Forget-me-nots by the pond.

We draw warm smoke -

The color is soft blue,

Blue cornflowers –

In a clearing by the river.

My doll has blue eyes,

And the sky above us is still blue.

It is blue, like a thousand eyes.

We look at the sky, and the sky looks at us.

Ved1: Well done guys, now tell me what holiday ours celebrates today kindergarten?

Children: Birthday, anniversary.

Ved1:What is customary on a birthday?

Children: Congratulate, give gifts.

Ved2:Have you prepared congratulations? Yes.

Birthday happens

It's not just the guys

And today he celebrates

Birthday kindergarten.

Adults and children know

Better there is no garden in the world

Our beloved and dear

Dear birthday boy.

Happy birthday

Our favorite kindergarten,

Let the songs never stop here

And let them dance

For many, many years in a row.

We also prepared a gift

Ved2: Which one? Children by alone: cheerful, comic, creative.

Ved1: We’re intrigued, so let’s take a look.

Room "Rockers"

Ved1: The comic dance "Rockers" was performed by the middle group guys.

To your warm applause, we send our kids backstage.

Ved2: The next color of the rainbow is blue. Scientists say that blue creates an atmosphere of security and trust. Therefore, on the blue path of our rainbow, we decided to get to know those who give children all their love, care and warmth. Thanks to their work, it is always cozy and joyful here! To your applause, we invite you to this stage employees of our institution.

Employee song

1. For children views are sincerely welcome

Every meeting is like a reward.

We study together and relax.

And we trust each other.

Chorus: We are with Congratulations to our garden on its anniversary.

We wish him to bloom from the bottom of our hearts.

2. All our children will become adults.

On the wings of fate their lives will fly across the planet.

New meetings, different people,

But their native kindergarten will always be with them.

We are with Congratulations to our garden on its anniversary.

We wish him to bloom from the bottom of our hearts.

We want to be together forever

"Rainbow" shines - 3p, let it endlessly.

Ved1: There is one more color left - Purple. It symbolizes wisdom, as we consider our parents to be. Sometimes you just can’t do without their help. Our fathers and mothers are always actively involved in life kindergarten. And today they prepared a dance number for us together with their children.

Dance "Moms, daughters and sons!"


Working with children is hard but enjoyable work. Usually this profession is chosen by kind and desperate people. Employees kindergarten- real magical fairies.

We sincerely congratulate you on this holiday!

We trust you with our blood!

We wish you success and goodness,

Good health, family warmth.

Let the rainbow-arc shine brighter!

Ved2: What a beautiful rainbow of our creativity it turned out to be - bright, amazing!

Presenter 1: I have a proposal, let's reward this miracle with thunderous applause!

Song "Thank you!

Rainbow" - 5,

Friends around.

I remembered a lot

And suddenly it became brighter.

We thank you with all our hearts

Everyone who comes to us today the anniversary has come.

Chorus: To the world of kindness,

Joy and happiness.

Stretch out, stretch out your palm.

Childhood holy fire – 2 r.

2. The holiday will pass,

Don't be sad.

Only the laughter of children

It can take away the sadness.

Our dear one is shining childhood land

And any day and hour Come to us.

Chorus: To the world of kindness,

Joy and happiness.

Stretch out, stretch out your palm.

May it never go out in your life

Childhood holy fire – 2 r.

Ved1: Dear Friends! Our gala evening is approaching end. Thank you for being with us on this day.

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