Blow on your thumb - we promise, the effect will be unexpected.

Option 1.

Read the text. Fill in the missing letters and missing punctuation marks. Complete the tasks.

(1) Suddenly the wind blew, shaking the mirror of the lake and breaking off dry branches. (2) The birds (did not) have time to fly away and... disappeared without... a trace. (3) The little moles who built the underground kingdoms hid. (4) Sending the sun to earth last ray buried in the gray darkness. (5) The... kind of stood there with bated breath, waiting for something, and then the first silver... snowflake fell on... the maple leaf.

(6) The snow began to fall noisily, covering all the uneven surfaces on the ground. (7) The snow carpet, which changed the usual appearance of the forest, covered with frost the spreading fir-trees that were growing at the edge of the forest. (8) They obediently bowed to the ground. (9) The forest river, not yet (un)bound by an ice shell, is covered with a lot of snow. (10) He stops the current off the coast, muffling the noise in the riffles. (11) The snow swallowed up all the sounds and created endless lines of white figures, covering the entire forest kingdom.

A1. Extract from sentence (5) participial and underline it as part of a sentence.

A2. Take out the participle from sentence (11) and analyze it according to its composition.


A3. From sentence (7) write down active participle present time. Indicate its type. _______________________________________________________

1.In which row is the same letter missing in all words?

1) unload the seedlings, unload the gun, the wind wraps around the shaft

2) to ask for help, to ask for help, to ask for meaning, r..vnina

3) zal..stitch the wound, zal..stuff into the garden, dedicated the background-rem

4) put down the linen, fringe, warm it up

2. In which row is the same letter missing in all words?

1) pr..wisdom, pr..tear, pr..rush

2) up..mother, pr..exclusion, pr..bend (branch)

3) s..improvise, inter..institutional, play along..

3. In which sentence(s) is NN written in place of the blank?

1. We were driving along a weak road.

2. We were driving along a road made of... cobblestones.

3. We were driving along a paved road.

4. The road is not paved..a.

4. In which rows is it not written separately?

1) (not) visible blizzard; (not) easier; (not) deep, but shallow;

2) (not) looking at the rain; (not) woolen; (not) hand-tied;

3) (not) feeling; (not) noticed; (not) seeing anyone.

4) not at all comfortable, walked (not) looking, (not) swam

a) before dark..; b) dry..; c) reference..; d) in good order...

6..At the end of which adverbs is it written?

a) wide open ..; b) supine..; c) already..; d) jump..

7. Replace phraseological units with an adverb (or a verb and an adverb):

1) there is nowhere for the apple to fall;

2) very bad;

3) walk at a snail's pace.

8. Indicate which numbers should be replaced by commas in sentences.

Running into different sides(1) The guys rushed to their heels.

The guys took to their heels (2) running in different directions.

And he (3) rebellious (4) asks for a storm.

9. In which row is the same letter written in place of the gaps?

1) polite, arrogant, sway

2) talk..give, advise..give, order..give


4) twist..twist, well done..serezh..n

10. In which word is the letter Y written in place of the gap?

1) melting snow
2) glue stick
3) good looking
4) splashing waves

11 Indicate the sentence in which the participial phrase needs to be highlighted (no punctuation marks are placed).

1) Cars covered in caustic mud were driving along the street.

2) The cars were carrying pine trunks filled with juice.

3) Several horsemen galloping nearby suddenly turned left.

4) The sky sparkling with stars seemed even higher.

12.Which sentence contains participial turnover?

1) Looking around, he saw that the room was in terrible disorder.

2) While playing with the kitten, Antoshka forgot about his trouble.

3) Thanks to the efforts of his grandmother, he received a good education.

4) The acrobat walked slowly along the rope and looked only forward.

Test work in Russian language

(interim certification) 7th grade

To be completed by students using this form.

Option 2

Part A

Read the text, insert the missing letters and punctuation marks. Complete the tasks.

(1) At night, a dense fog fell on the river (not) cleared until sunrise. (2) From the high hill from the old dilapidated church an amazing picture opened up. (3) A gray foamy sea swirled above the sleeping river and the street running down to it. (4) The shining roofs of the outermost huts are dotted with silver... drops of water. (5) Nearby, chimneys appeared smoking, like ships lined up in marching order. (6) The top of an old, lean poplar tree stuck out like a half-flooded lighthouse. (7) The first rays of the rising sun, which had not yet (not) floated out into the sky, the tops of the poplars appeared. (8) With the sun rising, this entire frozen sea begins to come to life, moving and swirling. (9) People married to this picture thanked the beautiful Russian race for the unexpected joy given to them.

A1. Write how the predicate in sentence (4) is expressed.

A2. From sentence (7), write down the active past participle. Indicate its type. _________________________

A3. Write out the participles from sentence (3).



1. Indicate a series of words in which the same vowel is missing in all words

1) in..dyanoy, tr...leybus, s..pogi

2) imprint, m..reader, h...kkey

3) l..sitsa, pick up, hit..sat

4) river..drain, z..rnitsa, s..tank

2. Indicate the row in which the same letter is written in place of the gaps.

1) work..borka,, be..losing

2) ra..hod, be...colored, ra..give

3) bottomless, bottomless, losing, nil..overthrow

4) neither..walk, clueless, ra..written

3. In which row is NN written in place of gaps in all words?

1) modern..ik, guests..aya,

2) sandy, knitted sweater, leather...

3) cranberry, special, hand knitted

4) glass... swan... boiled potatoes

4. Indicate in which row NOT with the word is written separately in all cases.

1) (not) seeing look; (not) loudly, but quietly; say (not) loudly

2) (despite) the weather; (not looking; (not) looking around

3) (not) good, but bad; I (not) feel good, I don’t (not) feel good at all

4) an (un)justified request, this is (not) a window, she is absolutely (not) beautiful

5. In what adverbs is the letter a written at the end?

A) direction..; b) long ago; V) exhausted..; G) left...

6.At the end of which adverbs is it written?

a) completely..; b) wide open ..; c) married..; d) etc..

7. Replace phraseological units with an adverb with a verb:

a) sleeps like the dead;

b) jump at full speed;

c) know it like the back of your hand.

8.Indicate which numbers should be replaced by commas in the sentences. (No commas included.)

1) The boys (1), attracted by the light (2), gathered near the lantern.

2) Attracted by the light (3), the boys gathered around the lantern.

3) Captivated by the image (4), I admired and admired.

9. In which word is the letter I written in place of the gap?

1) a busy person
2) depending on me
3) falling rain
4) creeping fog

10.Indicate a sentence in which the participial phrase is not separated by a comma (punctuation marks are not placed).

1) The partisans, cut off from the main forces, withstood the siege with honor.

2) The cloud hanging over the high tops of the poplars was already pouring rain.

3) The soil warmed by the sun dries out quickly.

4) The expanse of the sea, playing with bright colors, lives and breathes a mighty force.

11. Which sentence has an adverbial phrase?

1) Despite the pouring rain, we went outside.

2) The reeds, leaning over the river, whisper something.

3) By studying the past, you will understand the present.

4) The foliage, which delighted the eye with its brightness, has now faded.

12. Where was the mistake made in the use of the adverb?

1) He listened more attentively in class.

2) He did the best job.

3) I try to write more beautifully.

4) My friend is the most attentive in the class.


Option 1.


A1 - first silver snowflake



1-4; 2-2; 3-23; 4-34; 5-av; 6-vg; 7-close perform poorly go slowly; 8-1234; 9-1; 10-4; 11-1; 12-2;

Option 2.


A1- dotted, short passive participle

A2 - failed to swim, owl. view

A3- sleeping, escaping, foamed

1-3; 2-4; 3-3; 4-4; 5-bg; 6-ag; 7-sleeps soundly, rushes quickly, knows well;

8-1234; 9-2, 10-3; 11-3; 12-3.

Grading scale:

Part A. 1 task

0 errors - 5 points

1 mistake - 4 points

2 mistakes - 3 points

3 mistakes - 2 points

4 mistakes - 1 point

5 or more - 0 points

A1-A3 - one point for each task

1-12 tasks - one point each

Maximum - 20 points

17-20 points - “5”

14 - 16 points - “4”

11 - 13 points - “3”

9-10 points and below - “2”

We provide material for training work.

1. Write out the gerunds from the sentences and indicate from which verb they are formed and their type.

1) He stood on the porch for some time, enjoying the morning coolness and looking around.

2) Breathing heavily, the father went to the sofa and, without undressing, lay down.

3) Vera sang in the morning, washing herself in the stream, in the afternoon, working in the field, in the evening, returning to the forester’s house.

4) Zhenya sat with his knees raised to his chin and hugging them, his tight pants pulled up, revealing his skinny legs (V. Pan.).

5) Marya Pavlovna stood next to him, leaning against the birch tree and putting her hands back (T.).

2. Replace the gerund with conjugated forms of the verb, form a simple sentence in which the conjunction connects homogeneous predicates, emphasize the main members. Where necessary, sentences can be rearranged: We ran out of the house, getting dressed as we went. - We ran out of the house and got dressed as we went. Explain the difference in meaning of these sentences.

1) Sitting by the window, the sister looked at the illustrations for the book.

2) The guys, having rested a little, moved on.

3) A huge Christmas tree stood in the middle, filling the room with a resinous aroma.

5) Pushing the unlocked door with my foot, I hesitantly entered the room.

6) Bleating loudly, the sheep ran out of the pen.

7) Having settled down in a tent for the night, everyone fell fast asleep.

3. Replace gerunds with conjugated forms of the verb, form difficult sentence, emphasize the main members: Logs floated along the swift greenish water, swaying and overtaking each other. - Logs floated along the swift greenish water, they swayed and overtook each other.

1) The boy lay in the dark for a long time, clinging to the pillow and trying to fall asleep.

2) It sat down sadly autumn sun, flooding the already harvested fields with farewell light.

3) Fresh spring wind rushed through the meadows, bending long stems of grass to the ground.

4) In autumn, the birch trees dropped their leaves, covering the entire earth with a golden carpet.

When studying participles, you should focus on one of the very common mistakes - on Not correct use participial phrases in oral and written speech.

We begin the analysis with an incorrectly constructed sentence: “Having reached the edge of the forest, he heard screams.” We establish that the main action in it is indicated by the verb heard, and the additional participle by having reached. He reaches the edge of the forest, and the action, which is indicated by the verb heard, is consistent with the subject screams (screams were heard), therefore, the main and additional actions are not performed by the same person. This is the fallacy of constructing the sentence being analyzed. When used correctly, the adverbial phrase is the same thing actor must produce both the main and additional effects (he must reach the edge of the forest, and he must hear the screams). Correct sentence looks like this: Having reached the edge of the forest, he heard screams.

You can practice by correcting errors in the following sentences.

1) Accustomed to hard peasant work, the duties of a janitor seemed like a joke to Gerasim.

2) Having received the news about Pavel, joy overwhelmed Nilovna.

3) Studying “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” we have a question about who the author of this work is.

4) Turning on the radio, the sounds of music were heard.

5) While going up the stairs, I came across an excited neighbor.

Here is the text of the dictation.

Suddenly the wind blew. He walked along the shore, lighting up the mirror of the reach, breaking off dry branches. The birds disappeared without a trace. The hard-working moles who built the underground kingdoms hid in their labyrinths. The sun, sending its last ray to the earth, buried itself in the gray darkness. All nature froze with bated breath, waiting for something. Suddenly on Maple Leaf The first snowflake fell.

And then the snow fell silently, covering all the unevenness on the ground, softening the relief of the slopes. The snow carpet, changing the usual appearance of the forest, century-old spruce, lay down like swan's feathers on the branches of a birch tree. Small whips of willow obediently bent to the ground. Through the duvet, only the sharp tops of the fir trees growing lonely at the edge of the forest remained visible. Heavy snow covers the forest stream, stopping the flow along the banks, muffling the noise in the riffles. The splashes are heard less and less often, the gurgling sounds become more indistinct. The snow absorbed all sounds, created endless lines of white figures, plunging the entire forest kingdom into a world of silence and dreams.

The final work on the entire topic may be the compilation of a table “Formation of verb forms.” Each student must prepare such a table on an unfolded sheet of paper. When filling out the table, we carry out training work on the formation of all verb forms.

Then, at each lesson, when studying other topics, we invite students in class or at home to form all verb forms from 1-2 verbs. Similar work as if sums up everything that has been passed, systematizes and consolidates the acquired knowledge.


Suddenly the wind blew. He walked along the shore, charging the water surface and breaking off dry branches. The moles who built the underground kingdoms hid in their labyrinths. The sun, sending its last ray to the earth, disappeared into the gray darkness. All nature froze with bated breath, waiting for something. Suddenly the first snowflake fell on the maple leaf.

And then the snow began to fall silently, covering all the uneven surfaces on the ground. A snow carpet, changing the usual appearance of the forest, covered the centuries-old spruce and lay on the branches of the birch. Heavy snow covers the forest stream, stopping the flow along the banks, muffling the noise in the riffles. The snow absorbed all sounds, created endless groups of white figures, plunging the entire forest kingdom into a world of silence and justice.

(97 words)

Assignments to the text:

3) Execute morpheme parsing two gerunds.


Time and people have left little of the spacious farmstead that once lay here. Here and there her remains peeked out to the surface like foundation stones that had settled over time. The alder forest, pushing aside the farm field, approached the yard itself. There is nothing left of the well. The water, finding itself unneeded, dried up. In place of the hut that stood here, a wild pear tree stretched towards the light. There was nothing from the road to indicate former estate. Only a lonely linden tree, perched near the former gate, alone and ugly, held several more powerful branches.

For some reason, birds flying from the forest never landed on its branches. The crows may have remembered something, sensing the spirit of misfortune in the mutilated tree, a sign of long-ago trouble. And only a thin young mountain ash, throwing out a few leaves into the light, seemed like a guest from another world in the middle of a courtyard overgrown with grass. Everything here belonged to the past. But only human memory, turning the past into the present, connects the present with the future.

(According to V. Bykov)

(134 words)

Assignments to the text:

1) Swipe morphological analysis two participles from the dictation text.

2) Underline the adverbial phrases as part of the sentence.



IN pre-war years I spent every summer at my grandfather’s house, leaving the village at the end of August. I was terribly worried that the Chegem grapes were just beginning to brown. Descending from Chegem, we saw that on the way down the grapes were becoming blacker and riper with every step. When the grapes began to turn pink on the trees of Chegem, I walked with my head up and peered into the pinking bunches, sometimes mistaking last year’s withered leaf for a blackened bunch of grapes.

One day I finally noticed that the grapes hanging from one of the upper branches were almost ripe.

WITH with great difficulty I got to the first branch. Having sat astride her, he began to figure out what to do next. The bunches captivated the eye: pink, red, black and purple, already ripening. But getting to them was still not easy. You had to go to the end of the branch and there, grabbing a bunch of grapes, pull it towards you.

(According to F. Iskander)

(136 words)

Assignments to the text:

1) Conduct a morphological analysis of two participles from the dictation text.

3) Parse the highlighted sentence into members.



Petya, when leaving Moscow, leaving his relatives, joined his regiment and was taken as an orderly to the general. Since his admission to active army, where he participated in the battle, Petya was in a constantly happy and excited state. He was very happy with what he saw and experienced in the army, but it still seemed to him that the most truly heroic things were happening where he was not.

At the moment when the first sounds of stomping and screaming were heard, Petya, hitting his horse and releasing the reins, not listening to Denisov, who was shouting at him, galloped forward. He galloped towards the bridge. Ahead the French fled with right side roads to the left.

Cossacks crowded around one hut, doing something. Shots were heard ahead. Cossacks, hussars and ragged Russian prisoners running from both sides of the road were all shouting something loudly and awkwardly. Shots rang out in the courtyard of the manor house where he was with Dolokhov last night. Approaching the gate, Petya saw Dolokhov in the powder smoke, shouting something to the people.

Petya, without hesitating for a single minute, galloped to the place where the shots were heard. A volley was heard. Petya galloped on his horse, quickly waved both arms and kept falling further and further from the saddle to one side. The bullet pierced his head.

(According to L.N. Tolstoy)

(192 words)

Assignments to the text:

1) Conduct a morphological analysis of two participles from the dictation text.

2) Perform a morphological and morphemic analysis of two participles from the dictation text.


The ice moves carefully every spring, but ice drift is always an event of the day. Hearing a scream, you quickly run to the bridge, as if a murder or robbery is being committed there.

Hanging over the railing, you look at the river, and suddenly disappointment! You expected a crash and a rumble, but you hear nothing except a dull, monophonic noise like distant thunder. Instead of breaking, collisions and a friendly onslaught, you see serenely lying, motionless piles of broken ice, filling the entire river from bank to bank. The surface of the river is blasted and agitated. Not a drop of water is visible, just ice, ice, ice.

The icy hills stand still, but you feel dizzy. It seems that the bridge and the public are going somewhere. Here is one large ice floe, resting against its side, for a long time preventing the bridge from running away from it. The ice floes look sad and dejected. They seem to realize that they are being driven from their homes somewhere far away to the terrible Volga. There they, having seen enough horrors, will turn into nothing.

(According to A.P. Chekhov)

(145 words)

Assignments to the text:

1) Conduct a morphological analysis of two participles from the dictation text.

2) Underline the adverbial phrases as parts of the sentence.

3) Find a word in the first paragraph that consists of two roots and perform its morphemic analysis.

We offer you hidden ways to control the body that may surprise you. Here are a few of them:

The human body is complex and sometimes strange system interconnected organs. A problem can appear suddenly, literally out of the blue, and be resolved just as quickly.

There are also ways to control the body that can sincerely surprise. Here are a few of them:

Sore throat

In this case, most people do a salt or baking soda rinse. However, you can get rid of the annoying itching without medication; just scratch your ear. Experts explain the effect by saying that it leads to stimulation auricle and a spasm in the throat.

Calm your nerves

Do you feel like your nerves are on edge? There is a simple way to calm down - washing with cold water.

It affects nerve receptors and also leads to a slight delay in breathing. The body will begin to produce oxygen, which will lead to calm. You can also drink a glass of cold water.

Fear of injections

Some people have a hard time with injections and are too afraid of needles and the pain they cause. But you can distract yourself from discomfort. You only need to cough before the nurse gives the injection. This way the brain will not notice the painful procedure. In order not to frighten the health worker, it is recommended to warn him about this method of getting rid of fear.

To get rid of the feeling of stuffiness, you need to rest your tongue on the roof of your mouth and press above your eyebrows. Relief should occur within 20 seconds.

Getting rid of burns

Did you get burned? Don't rush to use ointment or ice. You need to press lightly on the burn with your fingertips. This way, the heated area of ​​skin will return to its natural temperature more slowly and safely.

Relieving toothache

This trick will be useful for those who suffer from tooth enamel sensitivity. To get rid of it, you need to put ice on the back of your hand as soon as the pain begins to increase. And then move the ice to the depression between the index and thumb. Here they connect nerve endings, leading to the face. Directly from here a signal will be sent to the brain to relieve pain.


You have an important event coming up, you can’t calm down before the meeting, you suffer from nervousness and obsessive thoughts? To calm down, do not overuse medications. All you need to do is… blow on thumb hands.

It is he who is responsible for the so-called vagus nerve, on which the heart rate depends. Just blow and the anxiety will immediately disappear.

Part A
A1. In which word is the letter I written in place of the gap?
1) a busy person
2) depending on me
3) falling rain
4) creeping fog

A2. In which row is N written in all words?
1) glassware, traces are tangled
2) desperate step, oatmeal porridge
3) frightened by the noise, windy day
4) leather briefcase, boiled potatoes

A3. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers replaced by two letters N?
In the vacant lot behind the garden there were broken clay(1) jugs, tin(2) cans, torn(3) shoes, broken(4) furniture, some cut down(5) trees.
1) 1,5; 2) 2,3,4; 3) 2,3; 4) 4,5

A4. In which row is NOT written separately in both cases?
1) (not) fully tested, (not) a showy flower
2) (not) found on the map, (not) in our opinion
3) not knowing anything, the engineer was (not) annoyed
4) read (not) expressively, (not) explored area

A5. Please note the line in which all adverbs are written with a hyphen:
1) (bird-like), (on) side, (at) top
2) (c) blind, (c) draw, (c) seventh
3) (in) a friendly way, (unexpectedly) out of the blue, (barely) barely
4) (willy) nilly, (c) fifth, (side) about (side)

A6. Specify the line where there is a numeral:
1) three for the answer, crumpled three-ruble note
2) Semipalatinsk, “Seventh Continent” store
3) new “nine”, nine-year school
4) double use, pair of earrings

A7. Find the line in which the letter A is written in place of missing letters in all words:
1) fascination, invite, sunbath
2) present, ug...sat, application
3) teach, grow, manage,
4) fantasy, supposed, spread

A8. In which row is the same letter missing in all words?
1) and...root, merciless, excessive
2) neither...fall,, be...delicious
3) pr…neglect, pr…obstacle, pr…old
4), by...agreement, schedule

A9. What word is written with a hyphen?
1) (is) under the foreheads
2) (half) lemon
3) (all) the same
4) (agricultural)

A10. Indicate a sentence in which the participial phrase is not separated by a comma (punctuation marks are not placed).
1) The partisans, cut off from the main forces, withstood the siege with honor.
2) The cloud hanging over the high tops of the poplars was already pouring rain.
3) The soil warmed by the sun dries out quickly.
4) The expanse of the sea, playing with bright colors, lives and breathes with mighty power.

A11. Which sentence has an adverbial clause?
1) Despite the pouring rain, we went outside.
2) The reeds, leaning over the river, whisper something.
3) By studying the past, you will understand the present.
4) The foliage, which delighted the eye with its brightness, has now faded.

A12. Where was the mistake made in the use of the adverb?
1) He listened more attentively in class.
2) He did the best job.
3) I try to write more beautifully.
4) My friend is the most attentive in the class.

Part B
Read the text.

Fill in the missing letters and add punctuation marks
(1) Suddenly the wind blew, shaking the mirror of the lake and breaking off dry branches. (2) The birds (did not) have time to fly away and... disappeared without... a trace. (3) The little moles who built the underground kingdoms hid. (4) The sun sent its last ray to the earth and buried itself in the gray darkness. (5) The... kind of stood there with bated breath, waiting for something, and then the first silver... snowflake fell on... the maple leaf.
(6) The snow began to fall noisily, covering all the uneven surfaces on the ground. (7) The snow carpet, which changed the usual appearance of the forest, covered with frost the spreading fir-trees that were growing at the edge of the forest. (8) They obediently bowed to the ground. (9) The forest river, not yet (un)bound by an ice shell, is covered with a lot of snow. (10) He stops the current off the coast, muffling the noise in the riffles. (11) The snow swallowed up all the sounds and created endless lines of white figures, covering the entire forest kingdom.

IN 1. Extract the participial phrase from sentence (5) and underline it as a part of the sentence.

AT 2. Take out the participle from sentence (11) and analyze it according to its composition.

AT 3. From sentence (7), write down the active present participle. Indicate its type. _______________________________________________________

AT 4. Write how the predicate in the sentence is expressed (9). ________________________________

AT 5. Extract the participial phrase from sentence (4) and underline it as a part of the sentence. ______________________________________________________________

AT 6. Parse the word HID according to its composition.

AT 7. In sentence (5), find words with alternating unstressed vowels and write them down.

AT 8. In sentence (9), find the adjective with the suffix –yan-, write it down.

Answers. Part A

  1. 1-2, 2-4, 3-4, 4-2, 5-3, 6-2, 7-4, 8-3, 9-2, 10-3, 11-3, 12-3
  2. Answers. Part B, option 2
    B1 breathless
    B2 o-char-ova-v (the whole word is the base, without the ending)
    B3 Growing – ness. view
    B4 Covered – short participle
    B5 sending the last beam to the ground
    B6 S-hide-a-l-i-s

B7 froze, touched
B8 icy

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