Happy birthday quotes. A good day starts with a good morning! Quotes about a good day

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Statuses about today

The most best statuses about today

The best day is today!

You need to live for today, because you don't know what will happen tomorrow. :)

I live for today, and thank God. I don't know what will happen tomorrow. And too, thank God! Alina Kabaeva

You must be able to be happy every moment, and not wait for happiness to come. What if today is actually the best thing that was, is and will be in your life...

If you have troubles, don't take them to heart. Nothing should spoil your mood. Tell yourself: the only thing that can happen to me today is another well-lived day!

Happiness must be shared - then it will come back to you. Even if you just smile, they will definitely answer you with a smile. And if you fall asleep in good mood, then you will definitely wake up in the same mood. This means that tomorrow will be happy too.

Today is not subject to exchange or return...

Why lie that everything is fine? Smile at everyone if you collect yourself piece by piece in the morning, hoping that today will be better than the previous one.

Enjoy today, have little hope for tomorrow.

Don't put yesterday's memories in your morning tea, add the sugar of today's joyful hopes... Good day everyone and have a nice day!

The ability to live for today is the best insurance for tomorrow. Leonid S. Sukhorukov

I froze with happiness tonight... I just thought: “I have a daughter!” I'm surprised every day anew. I have a girl, how and where from?

Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

I'm sure of tomorrow. And I feel this bottom today...

Again they put off until tomorrow what was put off yesterday until today. Yana Dzhangirova

TO " today“belongs only to those who fill it with actions directed toward tomorrow. Karol Izhikowski

If you want to do something great one day, remember: that one day is today. George Lucas

Don't let the shadows of yesterday dim the brightness of tomorrow. Live for today.

Tomorrow will definitely be better than today!.. I talk about this every day...

Tomorrow doesn't exist, I checked! Today always begins in the morning.

In fact, only very few people live for today. Most are preparing to live later.

When you wake up, think about whether it’s possible to bring joy to at least one person today. This - best way start the day.

Today is the Day of Luck and Good Luck! I wish you all success and good luck! Warmth, love and kindness in my soul! Life is interesting, with good mood! Believe in luck and in dreams!

If I always do tomorrow's things today, then the last day of my life will be completely free. Ashley Brilliant

I can't wait for tomorrow... I was told today that I am getting better every day!

Live as if there is no “Tomorrow” at all. Turn into your heart for love green light. And life itself will fulfill your every whim. Live in such a way that God says: “Let’s have an encore!”

Today is my daughter's birthday! Some years ago it was so hard for me at that time... And now I am the happiest in the world! I love!

Friends, today is not subject to exchange or return... Live it cool!

Brief, clear, intelligible and, most importantly, positive. Quotes from great people for every day will help you look at own life as if a little from the outside. An unusual angle of view, a somewhat unusual interpretation, may help you understand and evaluate the events happening to you a little differently. Maybe they will help you understand yourself. Or maybe not. In any case, they will cheer you up - after all, that’s why they are positive quotes for every day :)

Happiness is not having what you want, but desiring what you have.

Miracles are where they are believed, and the more they believe, the more often they happen.
Denis Diderot

Act as if you are already happy and you will actually become happier.
Dale Carnegie

Wherever you can live, you can live well.
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus

I've missed over 9,000 times in my career. I lost almost 300 matches. 26 times I was entrusted with making the decisive shot and I missed. I have failed very often in my life. That's why I succeeded.
Michael Jordan

Success is moving from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.
Winston Churchill

If you're falling off a cliff into an abyss, why not try flying? What do you have to lose?
Max Fry, "The Chronicles of Echo"

Aim for the Moon... because even if you miss, you'll land on one of the stars
Les Brown

You are never given a desire without being given the strength to make it come true.
Richard Bach

When you really want something, the entire Universe will help make your wish come true.
Paulo Coelho

Well, we got an extra one positive charge? If it's not enough for you, let's continue. Positive quotes for every day will restore your faith in yourself and give you answers to difficult questions. So here’s another portion of thoughts and sayings for inspiration and energy.

I think you should enjoy the race while you're on the horse.
Johnny Depp

If you don't make mistakes, it means you're not trying to do anything.
Coleman Hawkins

There are no disappointments in life - only lessons.
Jennifer Aniston

Everyone needs a chance to change for the better.
Jay Z

Without going too far, how do you know what you're capable of?
Thomas Stearns Eliot

If you hit the wrong note, continue playing without anyone noticing your mistake.
Joe Pass

You can't limit yourself. The more you dream, the more you will achieve.
Michael Phelps

Follow your heart. Be true to yourself. Never follow someone else's path, unless you get lost in the forest and find a path - then, of course, you should follow it.
Ellen DeGeneres

Keep your head high and swing your hips as you walk.
Christina Aguilera

I am grateful to fate for all my problems. As I overcame each one, I became stronger and more capable of solving the problems I had yet to face. Thanks to all these difficulties, I developed.
JC Penney

Remember that there is always more positive in life than negative. Sometimes all you need to do is take a fresh look at your life and realize that everything is in your hands. Make this your daily routine, and let these positive statements will serve as a kick to you (in in a good way this word).

When you find yourself in a dead end, question everything except your ability to get out of it.
Twyla Tharp

Every problem is a chance to prove yourself.
Duke Ellington

Let bad times come and go. I enjoy every minute of the fight.
Mary Madsen

Don't be nervous. Do your work calmly, joyfully and carefree.
Henry Miller

You and only you are able to write the story of your life that you are destined to tell. And the world needs your story because it needs your voice.
Kerry Washington

In order to get what you want from life, it is absolutely necessary to take the first step: decide what exactly you want.
Ben Stein

To avoid criticism, you need to do nothing, say nothing and be nothing.
Elbert Hubbard

Life - great value. It is given only once. Don't waste it on bad relationship, bad marriage, bad job, bad people. Spend your life wisely doing what you want to do.
Eric Idle

There is no reason not to follow your heart.
Steve Jobs

You can't be a kid who stands on a water slide and thinks for a long time about what to do. You must go down the chute.
Tina Fey

A selection of positive quotes about love for inspiration and funny quotes about everything for a smile

"A good day starts with good morning" In a world of constant rush and bustle, many forget about such a simple truth. It’s much easier to say that the morning is never good, but the whole day can pass in a senseless expectation that everything will suddenly change for the better. It's a pity, but pleasant accidents only happen to those who start new page good morning. Therefore, quotes about a good day and morning will give you a little confidence and optimism.

It all depends on thoughts

The Strugatsky brothers said that 83% of all days that make up a year begin the same way: the alarm clock rings. But this is no reason to despair. This is just a statement of fact - the alarm clock rings in the morning. But everyday life is not the period of time that begins with the alarm clock and ends with the TV. It begins and ends with a person's thoughts. So why not take an example from Winnie the Pooh?! While talking to Piglet, he said interesting phrase: “Today is my favorite day.” It’s so simple and ingenuous: today is your favorite date.

At one time, Turgenev said: “Life must be built so that every day is significant.” Every new dawn is another chance to change everything. And you don’t need to hate the alarm clock that interrupted a sweet dream, the lines at the store, or the unpleasant words of your boss. A good day is not a specific date, it is our attitude towards the next period of time that comes after the alarm clock rings.

Quotes about morning

Morning is always a dilemma: continue to sleep or get up and make your dreams come true. So, what did the figures of the past give us? It is best to remember the saying of Marcel Achard: “Success comes to those who wake up in a good mood.” The morning should always start with positive thoughts. Even if it’s gray and slush outside, and there are still many difficult things planned for today. A positive attitude is the only thing that turns a dull alarm clock into a start.

He once noted: “According to the advice of the Pythagoreans, you need to look at the sky every morning. This allows us to remember that everyone has their own purpose, the main thing is to stay true to your path.” This may not cause optimism, but it gives confidence that the coming dawn is special.

How to make a good day

In quotes about a good day you can often find tips to make it better. The main thing to remember: new date- this is another start and it doesn’t matter what happened the day before. Morning has come, which means there is a chance to start life from scratch. As children, we woke up and perceived the coming date as another miracle. But adult life makes his own adjustments. People find it difficult not to think about the future or leave the past behind. So it’s time to relearn and make them good every day.

Quotes about a good day:

  • “You have to work hard to have a perfect day.”
  • “You have to do something that scares you every day.”
  • “If a day passes without laughter, it can be considered lost.”
  • “Every day can be perfect, the main thing is to share it with someone.”
  • “The next date will be better if you put on a happy face in the morning.”
  • "Every day is a little life."


Every day a person makes a choice: leave everything as it is or change something. They say that life is striped, but everyone must paint it in their own colors.

Sayings about having a good day can be quite contradictory. said that anything can happen in one moment: “In a day a person is born and dies. In a day he can fall in love and change his life forever.” Whether the next dawn will be good or bad depends on everyone’s choice. But the new day is successful simply because it has arrived, and in quotes about a good day this is mentioned more than once.

Nadya Yasminskaya once said: “Every new day is a kingdom to be conquered.” Whether he will be good or bad, whether the fortress of the kingdom will fall before a desperate knight, depends only on the person. No matter how many aphorisms about a good day you read, only one conclusion can be drawn from them: each date is a small life, it cannot be exchanged or returned, and everyone decides what it will be like by simply waking up in the morning.

Only those who know how to live treasure every dawn. A good day starts with a good morning. Yes, it’s not always possible to wake up in a great mood. Often everyday worries weigh down with their unbearable burden, trying to extinguish the spark of faith that the next day is not so bad. But one does not mean that the whole life is bad. Days have a way of ending... Tomorrow there will be another dawn again, another chance, another new beginning. You just need to wake up in the morning and allow the coming day to be good.

Citation famous expressions and aphorisms - favorite activity many people. And the most often used and become winged are the most witty and apt statements , which raise topical issues. Sometimes this or that aphorism comes to us from ancient times, but even after centuries it is a quote of the day that does not lose its relevance. This is evidence of the extraordinary mind and talent of outstanding thinkers of the past. And an indicator that only time changes, but the problems are still the same. It often happens that the quote of the day appears from the lips of our contemporaries. Important political and economic events and phenomena public life, social problems becomes a target for the quote of the day to hit and is sure to hit the target. It cannot be otherwise, because then no one will notice it or repeat it. The site contains exactly these: sharp, original and ironic quotes.

Where there is no fantasy, there will be no thoughts... (I. Druzhinin)

The world is endless with disabilities. We'll meet again.... (Buzurgmehr)

By not allowing your children to see your anger towards other people, you will ultimately protect them from the unnecessary habit of getting angry and give them skills to minimize negative emotions, coming from outside.

Never lose patience - this is the last key that opens doors.

(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

There is neither Evil nor Good on earth, only our thoughts about Good and Evil.

(William Shakespeare)

If you want to raise good children, spend half as much money and twice as much time on them. (Esther Selsdon)

They tell me that with my statements I want to turn the world upside down. But would it be bad to turn an upside-down world upside down? Giordano Bruno (1548-1600)

Do hard things while they are easy, do great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with one simple step.

(Lao Tzu)

Time is ours main value. However, we tend to waste it, kill it and waste it instead of using it for our own purposes.

(Jim Rohn)

The truth is the same in every part. What is deceptive is fragile. A lie is subtle and therefore transparent if you look closely.

To live your life wisely, you need to know a lot, Two important rules Remember for starters: You’d better starve than eat anything, And it’s better to be alone than with just anyone.

(Omar Khayyam)

You give the world the best gift when you remain yourself.

(Aishwarya Rai Bachchan)

We make any choice ourselves. Yes, it depends on circumstances, knowledge, opportunities. But no matter what we rely on when making this choice, it is up to us to live with the results.

(Elchin Safarli)

A bone thrown to a dog is not mercy; mercy is a bone shared with a dog when you are as hungry as he is.

(Jack London)

A husband and wife should be like a hand and eyes: when the hand hurts, the eyes cry, and when the eyes cry, the hands wipe away the tears. (Japanese proverb)

Don't hold back what comes and don't push away what comes. And then happiness itself will find you. Omar Khayyam

To reach the end, you need to be patient. He who believes is in no hurry.

(Van Gogh)

Either I will find my way, or I will make it myself. (F. Sydney)

family is when there are three and forever.

A girl is the sun that shines for everyone, but warms one.

Miracles are where people believe in them and the more they believe, the more often they come true.

Give a person a purpose to live for, and he can survive in any situation. (Johan Wolfgang von Goethe)

A person who dares to waste an hour of time has not yet realized the value of life. (Charles Darwin)

Moderation increases the joys of life and makes pleasure even greater. (Democritus of Abdera)

Life always gets worse before it gets better.

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