How to be one step ahead of everyone. Psychology is simple

One of the leaders of the Russian and world arms markets, the oldest defense enterprise in Russia - the Instrument Design Bureau - is celebrating its anniversary. From the irreplaceable TT and PM pistols, the legendary ShKAS aircraft machine gun and the ZU-32 anti-aircraft gun to the modern Pantsir-S1 and Tunguska anti-aircraft missile and gun systems, promising complex guided weapons "Krasnopol-M", high-precision long-range missile system "Kornet", many of which today have no analogues in the world... Over 150 adopted for service by the Soviet and Russian army samples of weapons and military equipment, developed and produced by specialists of the Tula KBP, have been for 85 years business card enterprises. On the eve of the anniversary, our correspondent managed to talk with one of the leaders of the world-famous defense enterprise. In the short interval between business trips to Ashuluk and Africa, the deputy agreed to answer Red Star’s questions general director Instrument Design Bureau Yuri SAVENKOV.

Yuri Alexandrovich, you just returned yesterday from Ashuluk, where experimental live firing of the modernized Pantsir-S1 air defense missile system took place. What elements of the updated complex were tested?

We worked with two combat vehicles of the Pantsir complex: one military vehicle with a combat crew and our experienced combat vehicle with our crew. Tried a new one information system target detection. It is fundamentally different from the one we are currently supplying to the troops. The task was completed - we received confirmation of our expectations. During the tests, a number of shooting tasks were tested that, to be honest, we could not afford before. The results that were obtained satisfied us. Moreover, thanks to interaction with Air Force at the Ashuluk training ground we have the opportunity to test promising systems in conditions as close as possible to a real combat situation: there is a very difficult air situation, and aviation, and interference... In this regard, the Air Force command is acting wisely: it is checking what is already available, and compares with what will happen in the future. This approach deserves respect.

Considering the colossal funds that are currently allocated for the rearmament of the Russian army, what volume of production do you plan to reach within the framework of the state defense order?

Now, according to orders with the Ministry of Defense, everything is planned out to a sufficient extent. long period. An agreement has already been concluded for 2013 and an agreement for subsequent years is ready. We were one of the first to reach an agreement with our defense department on the issue of pricing for KBP products. And now we have no problems with funding from the Ministry of Defense. At the same time, we are working on the option of working with the Ministry of Defense for a long period, and in this the state is meeting us halfway. At least for existing program We look at the state defense order with complete confidence and know that relative to us it will be increased. By quite for obvious reasons I can’t talk about specific volumes and figures right now, I can only say that government orders significantly exceed export supplies. And our task is to minimize short terms, this is a year or two, no more, so it is correct to use the allocated funds so that the cooperation works at full capacity. Moreover, “Pantsir” is not work for the next five years, it is a program for 25-30, and maybe even more years, since during the development of the complex a great modernization potential was built into it.

Since Pantsir has such potential and is just beginning to enter service with the troops, what capabilities of the complex are planned to be developed in the future?

Next we plan to modernize our missile weapons. I would like to note that in our class we have the best and cheapest missile weapons. Accordingly, our efficiency-quality criterion in this sense is quite high. Now our task is to push the line of destruction of air targets much further, without increasing the dimensions of the vehicle itself. In this, we believe, great prospect and a significant increase in air defense capabilities. But at the same time, we need to stay within the stated cost. In addition, we are working to improve the close-range effectiveness of the artillery weapon system today. We have such a project “Kornet-EM” - this is an excellent direction that, together with the artillery system, solves very interesting problems.

Modern combat has become so dynamic that it is impossible to stand still: you need to constantly maneuver, change shooting positions and at the same time not lose your fire capabilities. We are the first and so far the only ones who have implemented on the Pantsir the ability to use all types of weapons on the move, in motion. I cannot help but note that missile weapons can be loaded onto our combat vehicle manually. Yes, this is not a combat parameter, but noticeable in conditions real fight, as well as ease of repair and operation. This is very important qualities military equipment. And there are many such characteristics in this complex.

This is probably due to increased interest to Pantsir from potential customers and foreign partners? What kind of a stir did our Western colleagues cause with the news about the concluded contract with Syria for the supply of a batch of the latest complexes?..

Regarding this, I can only say that, as our Supreme Commander-in-Chief noted, we are not bound by any international restrictions on working with this state, including through the UN. We work as specified in the commercial contract, and this does not impose any restrictions on us. You have correctly noted that the nature of the events in Libya, Syria and other troubled regions shows that a car of this class is in great demand in the world today. Our portfolio of export orders now includes many regions of the world. Our complexes are present in many regions: the number of deliveries today exceeds one hundred units. This is a serious group deployed abroad.

How are things going with ours? nearest neighbors: How promising is the CIS market in terms of exports?

We have established close cooperation with many member states of the Treaty Organization collective security. In addition, we regularly take part in the joint exercise “Combat Commonwealth” of the CIS Joint Air Defense System. The desire to supply this weapons complex to each of the member states is very great. And after some time, “Shell” will definitely appear there. Today Belarus, among other Commonwealth countries, is our potential customer. This is confirmed by the recent parade on the day of independence of the republic, at which a mechanized air defense column was opened by our combat vehicles. We didn’t just come there to show off in the parade. And they arrived on their own, fully combat-ready within a very specific time frame. We have worked out the advance routes and within the forces special operations were ready to perform tasks as intended. A number of important military cooperation tasks were resolved, which should be worked out in peacetime.

Recently, information appeared that when withdrawing troops from Afghanistan, NATO troops plan to leave some of their equipment in the countries Central Asia. Can foreign analogues of short-range air defense systems compete with you?

Maybe I’ll boast, but I’ll say this: today there are no world analogues to the Pantsir complex - today the world uses us as an analogue. We have surpassed existing air defense systems of this class in many respects, but this does not mean that this will always be the case. We see from arms exhibitions that our competitors are making serious progress in this area. We are studying this experience and, of course, working to improve the characteristics of our system. Now, thanks to the fact that we have the opportunity to compare how our systems work in different regions of the world, we are able to constantly optimize software our machine and thereby improve its characteristics. Our leader Arkady Georgievich Shipunov demands that we always be one step ahead. We implement this requirement by daily work design team to improve the characteristics of our complex.

With this export potential and the needs for complexes in the domestic market, do you plan to expand production?

Since we originally started with export supplies, a large backlog was obtained from exports. Now we are trying to improve these indicators within the framework of the Russian State Defense Order. This allows us to be confident that the tasks assigned to us Supreme Commander-in-Chief, will definitely be fulfilled. This requires capital investments in the development of existing production, and the state is meeting us halfway. We really plan to expand our production capabilities, without slowing down the pace of export deliveries. This is important for us today.

In a short period of time, we will have to almost double production precisely in order to meet the needs of the State Defense Order. Therefore, now we are working primarily on effective use all its internal reserves with the simultaneous expansion of its production capacities and cooperation capacities. All this allows us to look forward with confidence today and make plans for the future.

Stay one step ahead

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Text Psychology "How to be one step ahead in 2017":

The ability to do something better than other people, the ability to perfectly adapt to the current situation and influence events, as well as the habit of continuously developing can make you a real leader in life. Work on yourself to always be one step ahead.


Get used to constantly working on yourself. If you want to be a leader, you need to devote time and effort every day to developing your own talents and improving your professionalism. Learn something new, train your mind to be constantly active.

Read motivating literature. In books written by great ones, successful people, you can find many useful recommendations. Try in practice those tips that have already helped other individuals become one step ahead of the rest. Reading quality fiction will help you develop speech, imagination and logical thinking. The works of world classics will increase your level of education. Be interested in biographies famous people. They will inspire you to new achievements.

Do a little more than required. Try to do your job not just conscientiously, but as best as possible. It is the desire to exceed other people's expectations that distinguishes a true leader.

Be aware of the events that are happening around you. You should not narrowly limit your range of interests. Become multifaceted, versatile developed personality. Be interested in the news of politics, economics, culture and medicine, and soon you will begin to understand many issues better than others.

Train your willpower. Don't let laziness rule your life. Do what you think is best for you in at the moment, and make decisions based on what will benefit you.

Start up useful acquaintances. Communicating with successful members of society will add motivation to you and allow you to become a better person. Connections with the right people will help you make your way.

Set goals for yourself. With them, your life will become more meaningful. Smash major tasks for more small stages and move forward towards their implementation.

Regardless of how much experience an entrepreneur has and what success he has achieved in business, he will always be interested in the answer to the question: “How to get ahead of your competitors?” No one has yet been able to solve the problem of competition once and for all - after all, new companies with new ideas enter the market every day. But this does not mean that every businessman is doomed to get lost in the crowd of his own kind.

We have developed effective plan actions that will help you win the competition.

How to beat competitors in business: step-by-step instructions

  1. 1. Watch carefully. Don't lose sight of your competitors, monitor their activities constantly. Of course, their achievements can become a bone in the throat and cause a flood negative thoughts, such as: “I shouldn’t have started doing this”, “I don’t have the means and resources like them”, “Their level is unattainable!” You will have to come to terms with these facts. It is very important for a businessman to imagine how things really are in the area that interests him. People who look at the world through rose-colored glasses often find themselves defenseless in the face of reality.
  2. 2. Copy successful solutions. Having taken a closer look at your competitors, try to apply their most successful developments in your activities - of course, if this is not prohibited by law. But be prepared for the fact that yours own experience may be adopted by rivals.
  3. 3. Use weak points competitors. Even the most sophisticated traders miss something. Try to find their weaknesses and make them yours strengths. In other words, if your competitors for some reason cannot offer customers a certain option or service, do it first!
  4. 4. Don't neglect advertising. It should not be financed on a residual basis. All you get in this situation are ineffective videos and inexpressive ads. “No matter what” advertising will never pay off. Therefore, you need to decide which advertising methods you want to use and allocate funds for them. Whatever method of influencing the client you choose, in advertising you need to use at least one “trick” that distinguishes you from your competitors. So, if you are opening a fast food restaurant in the city center, you should not write about “fast service” on your flyers. Maybe it makes sense to start promoting some new national cuisine?
  5. 5. Don't slow down. Long thoughts do not always lead to the desired result. This does not mean that you should always rush off the bat: of course, important issues are subject to reflection and discussion. But if the decision-making process drags on for months or years, your competitors won't wait for you to decide. If you have already drawn up a clear plan to conquer the market, and on paper it looks in the best possible way– don’t delay, start bringing it to life. Excessive caution, as opposed to the ability to take risks, very often harms business.
  6. 6. It's okay to make mistakes. Your competitors are guilty of this too. Of course too much large number failures are a reason to think. But the one who is able to analyze his failures, soberly assess the possibilities, draw up new plan action and begin to implement it, has every chance of achieving success.

Observing the activities of rivals, studying their strengths and weaknesses, working on advertising campaigns, competent planning and risk – these are the main means of competition.

The future has one thing wonderful property: Once you look into it, it immediately changes, because you saw it...

It is probably difficult to find a person who has not at least heard about the possibility allegedly available to some psychics to determine a person’s condition from a photograph. But how is this possible? Is it really true that you can tell something about him from a piece of paper with a picture of a person, even if you don’t know him personally and he is currently in an unknown place?

In fact, such abilities exist, and with a little training anyone can acquire them. And for this you don’t have to be a psychic from birth!

Let's talk about why this is even possible, and what benefits and new qualities this skill could bring to your life.

WITH theoretical side everything is very simple. A person lives in a society, during the day he is seen by millions of people, and in everyone’s subconscious he inevitably leaves some kind of imprint. The fact is that our unconscious is capable of incredibly accurately analyzing the person nearby. Based on his facial expressions, pantomime, skin moisture, pupil width and other, even more indirect microparameters, our psyche is able to restore for itself full picture emotional and physical condition the person who is next to us. We are all physiologically similar to each other, this is what allows one consciousness to decipher the state of another so easily. Of course, all this happens automatically, without the participation of consciousness. By imprinting itself in the subconscious of every person with whom we come into contact, we essentially acquire a kind of double. This generalized idea of ​​us begins to exist in the collective unconscious on its own. And at the same time, it contains all the information about us, our plans, moods, feelings. It contains all the information about our inner world. It is with this generalized idea of ​​a person, which corresponds incredibly accurately to him, that psychics deal.

Learning to tune into the collective unconscious is not that difficult. Moreover, subsequently, in order to feel the state of another person remotely, it becomes not necessary to have his photo. Let's say more. You don't even need to know what he looks like. Customization occurs with a minimum of information. The main thing is to know who we are talking about.

What can be seen with such a diagnosis of a person? Actually, a lot. This is both the state of emotions at a given moment in time and plans for the future regarding other people and upcoming events. Having mastered remote diagnostics, you will be able to simulate, and thereby foresee in advance a person’s reaction to a particular situation, or any of your actions. You will be aware of absolutely everything that is happening around. After all, your true motives will become clear to you. moving people, sometimes even those that they hide even from themselves.

This perception dramatically changes the world and naturally makes a person wiser and more tactful. The words of another person cease to play any role for you. They become unimportant because you know him true attitude to everything. Everything around becomes real. You will understand how pointless it is to prove something to someone and stroke your ego, in a world where only a few truly care about other people.
In a world where kindness is perceived as weakness and stupidity, and excessive pathos serves as a reason for everyone's attention, the ability to look deeply and see the present becomes especially valuable.

Having mastery of methods for diagnosing other people, you become invulnerable to manipulation from the outside. At the same time, you yourself can be completely unpredictable. Because, knowing other people's plans, and possible reactions, you have the power to structure your behavior in the most effective way.

By the way, there are ways to protect yourself from this kind of diagnosis. There are a lot of methods and each of them has its own degree of reliability. There are also very clever methods for circumventing such defense mechanisms. Such protection becomes very relevant if we take into account the fact that feeling the state of other people allows some technical means correct it if something happens. But that's a completely different story... This the whole world opening before you.

But even after mastering remote diagnostics itself, you can always be one step, two steps, seven steps ahead of others!

We invite you to DEIR seminars dedicated to field diagnostics. These are seminars on egregorial technologies, seminars “Diagnostics from photos”, and “Modeling the future”.

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