Facts of the sphere of public life.

A) discussion of the election program of a parliamentary candidate

B) farming 1) political

B) adoption of a law by parliament

D) trading on a commodity exchange 2) economic

D) elections of the head of state

53. The housewife is preparing stewed chicken for lunch for her family. The subject of this activity is

1) housewife 2) lunch 3) chicken 4) family

54. Which area? public life refers to the organization and conduct of the next presidential elections?

1) economic 2) social 3) political 4) spiritual

55. Are the following statements about personality true?

A. A personality carries within itself certain values ​​and qualities that society recognizes as important and significant.

B. The formation of personality is manifested in physiological changes occurring in the human body.

56. Inna invited her friends to her birthday. She went grocery shopping with her mother and baked a cake with her grandmother. To keep guests from getting bored, she came up with competitions and games. What is the purpose of Inna’s activities?

1) invite friends 2) purchase necessary products

3) bake a cake 4) make the holiday interesting

57. An example of the direct influence of nature on society is

1) deforestation for the construction of residential buildings 2) soil restoration after the liquidation of a waste dump

3) destruction coastal zone holiday with a powerful typhoon 4) organization nature reserve

58. Which of the following terms are used primarily when describing the spiritual sphere of society?

59. Which of the following relates to the spiritual sphere of social life?

1) goods and services 2) elections, parties

3) social stratification, mobility 4) artistic creativity, scientific hypothesis


A. In order to resolve an interpersonal conflict, it is important to understand the position of the other party.

B. To the most effective ways resolution of any interpersonal conflicts involves adaptation to the enemy’s opinion, a complete renunciation of one’s interests.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

61. Are the following judgments about interpersonal relationships true?

A. Interpersonal relationships can be based on feeling. mutual sympathy or hostility.

B. Interpersonal relationships can be manifested in the actions of people in the process of joint activity.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

62. Which of the following examples illustrates interpersonal communication?

1) The journalist asked the head of state a question at a press conference.

2) Teachers listen to the report of the Minister of Education.

3) Friends met after a quarrel, found out its reasons and made peace.

4) Representatives of trade unions discuss the organization of the meeting.


A.Modern society has sensed danger global changes nature.

B. Scientific and technical progress led to irreversible environmental changes.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect


A. Human activity is determined both by the mind and by feelings and emotions.

B. Human activity is always productive and creative

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

65. To human needs related to his biological essence, refers to the need for

1) self-realization 2) acquiring knowledge 3) procreation 4) work activity

66. Which of the following terms are used to describe economic sphere society?

1) estates, classes 2) federation, confederation 3) law, law 4) costs, profit

67. What example illustrates the influence natural factors on the life of society?

1) river flooding of houses in the village 2) soil contamination with industrial waste

3) cutting down forests for the construction of houses 4) studying geography by schoolchildren

68. Marina offered her help to Lena in preparing for the exam, but was forced to go to her sick grandmother. Lena was offended and did not answer phone calls Marina. After Marina returned, the girls calmly sorted out the situation, and the conflict was settled. What method of conflict resolution does this example illustrate?

1) cooperation 2) confrontation 3) avoidance conflict situation 4) concession

69. The physical education teacher at school believes that Peter has good physical abilities for artistic gymnastics. However, the young man does not want to play sports. About what concept we're talking about?

70. Are the following statements about interpersonal conflicts true?

A. the cause of conflicts between people is often the lack of ability to listen to another person

B. Interpersonal conflict can only be resolved with the participation of a third party

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

71. Are the following statements about human activity true?

A. In the process of activity, a person changes the world and myself.

B. Human activity is predominantly instinctive in nature.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

72. To what sphere of society does the activity of enterprises producing goods and providing services belong?

1) economic 2) political 3) social 4) spiritual

73. Which of the following statements characterizes a person as a person?

1) Lena has blond hair and blue eyes. 2) Sergey gets tired quickly during his morning jog.

3) Volodya strives to be the first in all matters. 4) Valya has a beautiful voice.

74. Are the following statements about the relationship between society and nature true?

A. Modern society is capable of completely controlling natural processes and regulating the severity of natural disasters.

B. The shortage of natural goods encourages society to develop exchange between different regions planets.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

75. The concept of “personality” is used primarily to characterize

1) human activity 2) the unique identity of man

3) a set of socially significant qualities of a person 4) a person as an individual representative

human race

76. Which of the following terms is used primarily when describing political sphere society?

1) social stratification, mobility 2) republic, federation

3) science, education 4) costs, profit


(A) Nature acts as a source of livelihood for humans. (B) Economic activity human destruction led to the pollution of nature, the disappearance of many species of animals and plants. (B) People should be more careful about nature in order to ensure the survival of future generations

78. In the center children's creativity The action “Learning Democracy” was organized. The participants held “elections” for municipal authorities, developed and presented candidate programs, and organized them public defense. This example illustrates the activity

1) gaming 2) labor 3) production 4) inventive

79. Which example illustrates the influence of nature on society?

1) acceptance new constitution countries 2) agricultural specialization of individual regions

3) drawing up a set of laws of the state 4) granting privileges to certain classes

80. Volodya studies well, helps his parents around the house, and shows responsibility and independence in his actions. He is involved in an aircraft modeling club and music school in guitar class. Enriching your social experience, Volodya becomes

1) an individual 2) a person 3) a student 4) a son

81. Schoolchildren spent a self-government day at school. One of the high school students was the “director”, the others were “head teachers, teachers”. What activity does this example illustrate?

1) gaming 2) artistic 3) production 4) scientific

82. Which of the following illustrates the activities of society to relieve the severity of global environmental problems?

1) closure of unprofitable enterprises 2) introduction of a proportional taxation scale

3) new generation installation treatment facilities at power plants

4) development of the telecommunications sector, mobile telephony market

83. Are the following judgments about the interaction between society and nature correct?

A. Nature influences society, creating favorable or unfavorable conditions for its functioning and development.

B. The economic activities of the company led to changes natural environment.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

84. Scientists use the concept “society” to characterize

1) natural habitat 2) the entire surrounding world

3) the results of human activity 4) all humanity

85. A person, unlike an animal, can

1) act together with others like you 2) realize the purpose of your actions

3) educate offspring 4) maintain normal heat exchange

86. That is main goal cognitive activity?

1) communication with other people 2) provision of services

3) creation of a qualitatively new product 4) obtaining new information about the world around us

87. Anatoly works at a factory. He good father and friend. His hobby is football: he regularly attends football matches. All this characterizes Anatoly, first of all, as

1) individual 2) personality 3) athlete 4) family man

88. Are the following judgments about the interaction between society and nature correct?

A. Natural conditions determine the economy and life of people.

B. The impact of society on the natural environment is contradictory.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

89. Marina and Andrey found out that Galya invited all her classmates to the picnic except them. Andrey did not find out the reasons for this action, he simply stopped talking to Galya. Marina asked another girl from the class to ask Galya why she did this. What type of behavior in an interpersonal conflict illustrates Andrei’s behavior?

1) avoiding a conflict situation 2) concession 3) mediation 4) confrontation

90. Are the following statements about interpersonal conflicts true?

A. Interpersonal conflicts can be considered as a clash of interests of individuals in the process of their relationships.

B. Interpersonal conflicts can arise both between people meeting for the first time and between people who are constantly communicating.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

91. Read the text below, each position of which is marked with a letter.

(A) A person who constantly quarrels with others probably has unstable views. (B) Experience shows that interpersonal and social conflicts capable of destroying a team and causing harm to society and the state. (B) I think that people need to be more attentive to the interests and dignity of other people, and restrain their selfishness.

Determine which provisions of the text 1) reflect facts 2) express opinions

92. Which of the following illustrates global socio-economic problems modern world?

1) humanization and humanitarization of the education system

2) increase in life expectancy of the population

3) threat of using weapons mass destruction

4) hunger and poverty of the majority of the population developing countries

93. The process of transmitting and exchanging information, thoughts, and feelings is called

1) knowledge 2) communication 3) creativity 4) labor

94. Anna found out that Irina invited all her classmates to the picnic except her. She did not find out the reasons for this act, she simply stopped talking to Irina. What type of behavior in interpersonal conflict does this example illustrate?

1) mediation 2) cooperation 3) avoiding a conflict situation 4) concession

95. R. teaches at the university. He talkative person, who loves travel. All this characterizes R. primarily as

1) personality 2) individual 3) man 4) teacher

96. Read the text below, each position of which is marked with a letter.

(A) In our opinion, it is quite obvious: the more independent a teenager is, the more he looks like an adult. (B) Research shows that some teenagers regard independence as disobedience, the desire to do everything their own way. (B) Most likely, this is incorrect, since independence presupposes a person’s responsibility for his actions.

Determine which provisions of the text 1) reflect facts 2) express opinions

97. V. is a tall, slender girl with brown hair. These qualities characterize her, first of all, as

1) individual 2) family member 3) personality 4) citizen

98. The totality is social significant properties, the human traits that he realizes in social life are denoted by the concept

1) personality 2) talent 3) individual 4) creator

99. Are the following judgments about the development of society correct?

A. Absence natural resources influences the nature of the development of society.

B. The development of society is largely determined creative potential of people.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

100. Which of the following terms are used primarily when describing the social sphere of society?

1) education, democracy 2) monarchy, republic

3) class, stratum 4) capital, production

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Grade 10

1 - option.

Part I .

1. - 1 b.




Transformation of real objects of nature and society


Changing the consciousness of people, the formation of their worldview, value system

2. - 1 b.

object-you de-i-tel-no-sti

re-zul-ta-you de-i-tel-no-sti

mo-ti-you de-i-tel-no-sti

subject-ek-you de-i-tel-no-sti

struk-tu-ra de-ya-tel-no-sti

purpose of activity

3 .Below are the names of the requirements. All of them, with the exception of two, are called under which they are in different classes. fi-ka-tsi-yah are presented as natural according to the needs of people. Find two terms, “you-pa-da-yu-shih” from the general row, and write back the numbers under which they are indicated to us.- 1 b.

1) bio-logi-che-skie

2) phy-zio-lo-gi-che-skie

3) social

4) or-ga-ni-che-skie

5) natural

6) es-te-ti-che-skie

4. - 2 b.

1) The components of the structure of any activity are means, motives, emotions.

2) Cognitive activity, unlike communicative activity, involves the use of concepts and terms.

3) Culture is the result of human transformative activity.

4) Human activity, unlike animal behavior, is conscious and purposeful.

5) Labor activity is leading throughout a person’s life.

5. Establishment of the correspondence between the examples and the elements of the structure of de-ya-tel-no-sti: to each position given in the first column, select the position from the second column.- 2 b.



A) theat-ral de-co-ra-tions

B) orchestra

B) theatrical corpse-pa

D) musical instruments

D) lighting devices

1) subject-you-de-tel-no-sti

2) means of de-i-tel-no-sti

6. - 2 b.

“In work, study, ___________ (A) all aspects of psyche are formed and manifested.

Particularly the question arises about how stable psych-hi-che-che-s are formed and secured from-no-si-tel- Chinese properties. Psychic properties ___________ (B) - her ability and ha-rak-te-ro-lo-gi-che-che-features - for-mi-ru-ut-sya in the course of life. Innate ___________ (B) or-ga-nis-ma appear only ___________ (D) - very many-meanings, which are conditioned by words -li-va-yut, but do not pre-define the psychic properties of a person. On the basis of the same inclinations, a person can develop different personal properties - ___________ (D) and character traits cancer depends on the course of his life and ___________ (E) not only manifests itself, but also shapes it. In work, learning and labor, the strengths and abilities of people come from work; in life’s actions and steps for-mi-ru-et-sya and for-ka-la-et-sya ha-rak-ter.”

one once.

List of terms.

1) feature

2) ability

3) personality

4) game

5) society

6) date

7) communication

8) activity

9) group

7. You make correct judgments about the needs of people and write down the numbers under which they refer -for-us.- 2 b.

1) By necessity, there is a need for something that is not necessary for life .

2) The need for self-re-a-li-za-tion, self-affirmation from-to-ideal-required-but- steam.

3) An example of a biological need is the need for knowledge of the world around us.

4) Demand serves as a bu-di-tel-mo-ti-vom de-ya-tel-no-sti.

5) The need, as a rule, for some object, with the help of which it can be satisfied you-re-na.

Consciousness and action

Like the activity of animals, activity is an information-forming process, the pre-la-ga-yu-ability of ori-en-ti-ro-sha-t-sya in the environment - to perceive the meanings of co-societies, transfer them into command codes according to which you call, direct and control tro-li-ru-yut fi-zi-che-ku re-ak-tion of the si-ste-we...

In-form-ma-tsi-on-the-ve-de-ness of the person is determined with-the-know-no-thing, which-is-becoming -is the highest form of development of the psyche of living beings, possessing a nervous system, capable of sensing to forgive, perceive and imagine the surrounding reality...

Co-knowledge of a person is based on the ability to word-weight-but-lo-gi-che-sko-mu, “ver-bal-but” -my” mouse, which is above-the-stra-and-va-et-over the system of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes in the way -niya and completes the simplest forms of “pro-lo-gi-che-skogo” - visually-effective and visually -about the mouse.

Any “become” person, in any way from the living area, has some ab-stract no-th mouse-le-tion, pos-s-able for him to display the environment by means of logical models, ideal images a call for action, from-the-most-of-the-selves, not-behind-the-moment -skih si-tu-a-tions.

The result is the right kind of work with the knowledge of the presence in human affairs tel-no-sti of a special kind of goals, different from the objective goals of the adaptive activity of animals. We are talking about the conscious goals of action associated with a person’s ability to analyze si-tu-a-tion, i.e. reveal implicit, not under-y-y-y-schi-e-sya “living on the blue-de-niu” when -the rank-and-consequence connections of its significant components... This ability allows people to pre-vi- to give the results of your de-tel-no-sti, to plan them, i.e. to pro-think the most purposefully different ways to achieve them under given conditions.

K.H. Mo-md-zhyan

8. What, according to the author, brings the life of living things closer to the activity of man? Ka-ki-mi from-li-chi-tel-ny-mi ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ka-mi the author on-de-la-et co-knowledge (mouse-le-nie) what -lo-ve-ka, compare-with-psych-hi-coy living?.-2 b.

9. How, according to the author's thoughts, does the whole world come from under the influence of the logic of the mouse -nia? Pri-ve-di-those two ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ki.-2 b.

10. Which of the two concepts - purposefulness and purposefulness - follows from non-ness to action? but what? Argue your answer based on this text, as well as knowledge from the society course.- 3 b.

11. Bring up the words of the text, in which there is a connection between consciousness and speech. Relying on knowledge from the society-ve-de-tion course, how-to-know the language for a joint business sti people.- 3 b.

12. "political activity"?

Drawing on knowledge from a social science course, compose two sentences: one sentence containing information about methods of political activity, and one sentence revealing the features of political action.- 3 b.

13. It’s up to you to give a detailed answer on the topic“According to the need and in-te-re-sy of people in the structure-tu-re de-ya-tel-no-sti.” Make a plan in accordance with which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more details are in sub-points- 3 b.

27-25 b. - "5"

24 - 19 b. - "4"

18 - 13 b. - "3"

less than 13 b. - "2

Test on the topic: “Activity as a way of human existence.”

Grade 10

Option 2.

Part I .

1. Write down the word listed in the table.- 1 b.

Activity and its types



Human actions based on thinking


Animal actions based on instincts.

2. Find something that is generalized for all other people and is presented below row. Za-pi-shi-te this word (word-in-with-che-ta-nie).- 1 b.


com-po-nent de-i-tel-no-sti





3 .. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, refer to the concept of “types of de-action.” Find two terms, “you-pa-da-yu-shih” from the general row, and write back the numbers under which they are indicated to us.- 1 b.

1) labor

2) instinctive

3) educational

4) creative

5) creative

6) personnel

4. Select correct judgments about human activities and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.- 2 b.

1) The activity of a person has a co-zi-da-tel-ny and pre-ob-ra-zo-va-tel-ny character.

2) The activity of a person is entirely determined by the conditional reflexes.

3) Regardless of the nature of living things, the reality of human beings is ori-en-ti-ro-va-na at satisfaction the influence of the needs acting at a given moment in time.

4) The activity of a person is called upon by the community as required.

5) The activity of a person has a strong and cognizant character

5. Establishment of the correspondence between the de-identifications and the vi-da-mi de-tel-no-sti, to -these they illustrate: for each position given in the first column, select a position from the second column.- 2 b.



A) transformation of nature and society for the sake of satisfying personal and social needs -stay

B) focus on practically useful results - various personal benefits

C) formation of knowledge and skills, development of thinking and personal knowledge

D) the bu-di-tel-ny motive is key not in the result-ta-te de-ya-tel-no-sti, but in its process

D) all means are always special-but-right-le-ny on the change-of-subject-ta-de-tel-no-sti

1) labor

2) game

3) teaching

6. About the text below, in which a number of words are mentioned. You-take-those words from the pre-la-ga-e-my list that cannot be inserted in place of the blanks.- 2 b.

“Mo-ti-vom _____ (A) is called what arouses it, for the sake of which it is realized. In the quality of your ability, you usually act as a specific _____(B) person. This is a certain form of communication with the outside world____(B), a social group, society as a whole. Depending on the tasks of studying the requirements in modern science, various classes of them are used. Si-fi-ka-tion. As required, caused by the biological nature of man, they are called ____(G). This is the need of people for everything that is not necessary for their existence, development and reproduction. Requirements related to the fact that a person belongs to society and has a certain place in it, participates in work de-ya-tel-no-sti, in communication with other people, ha-rak-te-ri-zu-yut -sya as _____(D). According to the needs, connected with the knowledge of the person around the world and the meaning of his existence -stvo-va-niya, from-to-sya-to________ (E). Each of the groups, according to their needs, calls for corresponding types of activities.”

The words in the list are given in nominative pas-de-zhe. Each word (word) can be used, but onlyone once.

You-bi-rai-follow-one word after another, thought-filled every miss. Pay attention to the fact that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms.

1) need

2) activity

3) reason

4) social

5) natural

6) authentic

7) socialization

8) personality

9) ideal (spiritual)

7. You-have-the-true judgments about who-mu-ni-ka-tiv-de-i-tel-no-sti-person and for-pi-shi- those numbers under which they are indicated.- 2 b.

1) One of the barriers in the process of communication between people is their personal mutual hostility.

2) The means of verbal communication is mi-mi-ka.

3) The information society has created new forms of society.

4) Speech is the most productive instrument of human society.

5) The main goal of communication is the exchange of emotions.

Of course, the statement that outside of consciousness there is no and cannot be action, the realization of my person -whom, as a co-tsi-o-kul-tour-subject, needs serious clarifications. In fact, “com-po-si-tiv-ny” ha-rak-ter of co-ci-al-no-go action, implementation-la-e-mo-go in co-ot-vet connection with the laws of physics and biology, and not against them, forces us to teach a close connection , and for-often the mutual-pro-nik-but-ve-nie, between our own co-ci-al-us and natural -me-re-ni-i-mi de-ya-tel-no-sti.

In this regard, the goal-oriented activity inherent in people does not exclude their -gu-la-to-ditch in-ve-de-niya al-ter-na-tiv-nykh with-knowledge. In reality, activity contains in itself signs of not only the simplest physical -ces-sa, but also with the-spo-bi-tel-no-go of the ve-de-niya of living, active-but-sti not in its genus, but in a su-gu-bo bio-lo-gi-che-sky way.

There is nothing surprising in this, if you remember that the reality of the reality of people, each of them which represents not only a “mic-ro-cosm so-ci-al-no-sti”, but also a living organism, endowed with both “vi-tal- we-mi" according to the needs of life, and the reflect-tor-ny-mi pro-gram-ma-mi in-ve-de-niya - not only to conditional ones, but also without conditions. No one teaches a human baby to breathe, scream, or suck the breast; fully grown people pull their hand away from the fire or instinctively, but keep the same weight, not at all we are above the non-ho-di-mo-stu-ness or the-follow-up-of-our-efforts.

It is tempting to declare that such reflective programs act only for internal and external tion of the reaction of our “body”, and do not interfere in any way with the actual activity, i.e. -the understanding of people as social beings. However, such a statement hardly corresponds to the truth, since the significant social cultural re-actions of human beings are not only due to logical calculations and plans.

Not only does the system of human consciousness include the totality of emotional processes; ces-sov, co-leaders and substantive influence on the goal. It is necessary to admit that there is no internal knowledge of the phenomenon -there is a wide-ranging sphere of so-called unconscious impulses, without taking into account some of the social cards -al-no-go in-ve-de-niya person will be clearly incomplete.

In the language of psycho-ho-lo-gy, according to ve-den-che-re-actions, in which there is no co-knowledgeable re-gu-la- tion and control of each of the non-ob-ho-di-movements is on-you. The place of co-knowledgeable calculation in them is due to the av-to-ma-ti-zi-ro-van-noe re-pri-tion of action. STI in the form of motor and in-tel-lek-tu-al-nyh on-vy-kovs, which are the main full-valued before -met-noy de-tel-no-sti in the external environment.

K.H. Mo-md-zhyan

8. What kind of components, in the opinion of the author, form a com-po-zi-tive character of so-ci-al-no- th actions? What two signs of de-ya-tel-no-sti, po-mi-mo tse-le-na-right-len-no-go ha-rak-te-ra, property-no-go people, what the author says?2 b.

9. What factors, in the opinion of the author, in addition to logical calculations and plans, make a co-tsi-o-cultural tour human behavior? Pri-ve-di-those two po-lo-zhe-niya. Using society's knowledge, we can name any other factor not mentioned in the text..- 2 b.

10. When studying human de-i-tel-no-sti, society-scientists use the term “on-you " What definition of “on-you” does the author of the text give? Here are three examples of similar examples that he writes about.- 3 b.

11. Using the contents of the text and society-scientific knowledge, with three explanations you say The author is interested in the idea that a person is a “micro-cosm of so-ci-al-no-sti.”- 3 b.

12. What meaning do social scientists put into the concept“functions of political activity”?

Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, compose two sentences: one sentence containing information about the directions of political activity, and one sentence revealing the features of this type of activity.- 3 b.

13. It’s up to you to give a detailed answer to the topic“The role of ne-demands in the de-et-tel-no-sti of a person.” Make a plan in accordance with which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more details are in sub-points.- 3 b.

27-25 b. - "5"

24 - 19 b. - "4"

18 - 13 b. - "3"

less than 13 b. - "2


A. Instinctive activity is meaningful.

B. Instinctive activity is conscious.

1.Only A is correct;

2.Only B is correct;

3.Both judgments are correct;

4.Both judgments are wrong

21.С scientific point From a personal perspective, a person is considered to be:

1. Any person from the moment of birth;

2. An individual with outstanding abilities;

3.Man, respectable from others;

4. A person with developed socially significant qualities.

Are the following statements about worldview correct?

A. A person’s worldview is the totality of his views on the world.

B. Worldview is historically changeable.

1.Only A is correct;

2.Only B is correct;

3.Both judgments are correct;

4.Both judgments are incorrect.

23. Scientific knowledge differs from everyday knowledge:

1.A combination of sensual and rational thinking;

2.Based on practice;

3. Experimental verification of the results obtained;

4.Use of generalized concepts.

Are the following judgments about personality formation true?

A. Moral personality is inevitably formed as a result of education.

B. Moral personality is inevitably formed as a result of internal spiritual development.

1.Only A is correct;

2.Only B is correct;

3.Both judgments are correct;

4.Both judgments are wrong

25.Feature social cognition is:

1.Usage scientific concepts;

2.Mostly individual character cognitive activity;

3. Coincidence of the object and subject of cognition;

4. The predominance of factual material over theoretical generalizations

26. People, unlike animals:

1.Take care of the offspring;

2. They live in groups;

3. Construct shelters;

4.Have a preliminary action plan.

Task 2.

Establish a correspondence between the concept and definition.

1. Anthropogenesis - 1. is a creature of the biological species Homo sapiens (reasonable man), which is a product of biological evolution.

2. Exogamy - 2. formation of a person.

3. Language - 3. formation of society.

4. Sociogenesis - 4. marriage ties within a group of individuals.

5.Endogamy - 5. marriage ties outside a given human herd.

6.Neolithic revolution - 6.ideas about the origin of one’s tribe from common ancestor, in most cases from an animal.

7.Totemism - 7.is the process of transmitting information using sounds combined into semantic speech structures.

8. Man - 8. this is the transition from gathering and hunting to agriculture and cattle breeding.

9. Sociological concept – 9. theory that asserts the primacy of biological principles in man.

10. Biological concept – 10. theory that absolutizes the social principle in man.

11. Communication – 11. the influence of the teacher on the student in order to instill in him a certain set of knowledge, skills and abilities.

12. Etiquette - 12. is interaction between people.

13. Ritual communication -13. is communication that is associated with a person’s ability to capture mental condition interlocutor, feel him.

14. Perceptual communication - 14. is communication using words, i.e. speech communication.

15. Everyday (everyday) communication - 15. this is communication that occurs when people interact in the process of joint activity.

16. Verbal communication - 16. this is communication between close people (relatives, friends, acquaintances) when solving everyday issues that arise every day.

17. Persuasive communication - 17. this is communication that is carried out at work, in the process of committing labor responsibilities, it manifests itself in the form of orders, instructions, directions and has the goal of achieving positive results labor activity.

18. Interactive communication - 18. is communication that is manifested in the influence of one person on another with the goal of changing his beliefs and behavior.

19. Business (office) communication -19. this is the interaction of people in the process of familiarization with cultural values.

20. Intercultural communication - 20. is communication that accompanies research activities.

21.Cultural communication - 21. is communication that occurs between people who share different cultural values.

22. Communication -22. it is the performance of pre-prescribed behavior.

23.Science Communication– 23. a set of rules of conduct relating to external manifestation relationships with others.

24.Unconscious information - 24. is a science that studies the system of ideas, views on the world and a person’s place in it.

26. Ideal existence - 26. is an existence that has a spatio-temporal character, it is individual and unique and means the actual existence of a thing or person.

27. Self-consciousness - 27. this being, which represents the essence of an object, it is devoid of a temporary, practical nature, remains unchanged, it is possessed by ideas, values, concepts.

28. Being is sensations, perceptions, emotions, feelings that have not been processed by consciousness.

29. The unconscious is a property human brain perceive, comprehend and actively transform the surrounding reality.

30. Social psychology - 30. this is a type of social consciousness that reflects social existence from the standpoint of the interests of certain social groups, classes, parties.

31. Consciousness - 31. is a type of social consciousness that characterizes the mental, emotional and volitional life of people at an ordinary, everyday level.

32. Social ideology - 32. is a person’s awareness of his body, his thoughts and feelings, his position in society, and his attitude towards other people.

33.Personality - 33. is a being belonging to the biological species Homo sapiens.

34. Man - 34. is a representative of the human race, endowed with special traits that are different from other people.

35. Talent - 35. specific traits that distinguish a person from the totality of his own kind.

36.Individual - 36. this is the integrity of a person’s social properties, a product social development and inclusion of the individual in the system of social relations through active substantive activity and communication.

37.Individuality - 37. is the awareness of one’s uniqueness as a subject of activity as a member of society.

38. Education - 38. a person capable of active social activity.

39. Social subject- 39. this is a person who shares the same cultural patterns as the majority of members of a given society, this is the type of personality that is most common in a given territory and at a given point in time.

40. Normative (basic) personality - 40. is a stable system of connections between individuals that has developed in the process of their interaction with each other in the conditions of a given society.

41. Social relationships - 41. are individual mental qualities of a person that allow him to successfully acquire knowledge, skills and abilities.

42. Socialization -42. This is a pronounced ability.

43. Self-education - 43. this talented person, constantly developing his abilities and achieving high results in its activities.

44.Abilities - 44. this is a process of mastering social roles, acquisition of social status and accumulation of social experience.

45. Modal personality – 45. the type of personality accepted by the culture of the corresponding society, in to the greatest extent reflecting the characteristics of a given culture.

46.Genius is a 46. process in which a person influences himself, forcing him to perform certain actions.

Task 3.

Read the text. Describe the rules of behavior on the street and in transport. Why do they need to be followed? Have you encountered violations of these rules? Do you try to follow them yourself?

N. M. Goncharova: “On the street, the rules of good manners dictate not to litter, not to spit, not to point fingers, not to shout at children, not to stop suddenly in the middle of the road, not to push your way to the window, pushing everyone away with your elbows, not to turn around often while walking along the street, and for men - not to look back after passing women, not to make loud comments about the clothes, height and facial expressions of passers-by, not to eat while walking, not to ask an acquaintance met on the street where he is going, and not to stop a friend who not alone. Four of you can't walk down the street. When three of you walk, the middle is given to the person who is more respected - a woman or an elderly person. A man walks in the center if he is with two women. Together with a man, a woman walks with right side. He can support a woman walking with him by the arm. A man always lets a woman go first, but if he himself goes ahead, he offers the woman his hand.

A man always helps the woman walking with him to carry a bag with groceries and things, but the woman carries her handbag, her raincoat, jacket or umbrella herself.

A man smokes on the street, although according to the rules of good manners this should not be done. The woman on the street does not smoke. If asked for a light, it is more polite to offer a match rather than a cigarette.

It's tactless to say to a stranger that his coat is splashed with mud, but you can tell the woman that her bag has been opened.

At the door of a store or institution, you must first let those leaving, and only then enter.

In transport it is also necessary to remember to observe certain rules of decency. When boarding the bus, stay in line, giving priority to the elders, standing nearby, men are inferior to women. If a woman is in the company of a man, then they board the transport according to their turn. A woman should not try to get on a tram or bus first, taking advantage of her and leaving her companion behind. If it nevertheless happens that he finds himself far behind his companion, he should not rush forward impatiently, pushing other women aside. Nothing terrible will happen if a short time The crowd will separate you and your friend.

Well-mannered man will sit on public transport only if there is no woman standing nearby. And he tries to immediately offer his seat to the woman who, upon entering the carriage, stood next to him. It is his duty to give way elderly woman, a woman with a heavy bag or an acquaintance.

The woman who was given her seat should immediately thank her for this. In such cases, it is not suitable to seat your own in the vacated place. healthy child, even primary school age.”


Read the text. What form of self-awareness are we talking about? What is the factor in the formation of self-awareness? Explain the author's opinion about what is most important in human existence. Do you agree with him? Give reasons for your answer.

K. Jaspers: “A person finds himself only in communication with others, which is never achieved only through knowledge alone. We become ourselves only to the extent that the “other” becomes himself, and we gain freedom only to the extent that the “other” gains freedom.<...>Ultimately, all ideas can be tested and tested using one criterion: whether they promote or hinder communication. This standard applies even to truth itself: truth is what connects us. Another way to put it is: the value of truth should be measured by the truth of the connection that it makes possible.<...>

The main thing in human existence is to individual was involved in the whole of life in general, while at the same time doing something extraordinary in his field of activity. If everyone were only narrow specialists, humanity would easily become the prey of someone who would subjugate the masses to his will through violence.”


Task 4.

Read the statements. What meaning do the authors give to the concept of “person”? What human qualities do they consider most significant?

A.N. Radishchev! “Only then will you become a person when you learn to see a person in another.”

M. Yu. Lermontov: “The same empty person who is completely filled with himself.”

I. Kant: “Humanity is the ability to participate in the fate of other people.”

E. Mezhelaitis: “Becoming a person is a lot of work.”

V. G. Belinsky: “It’s good to be a scientist, a poet, a warrior, a legislator, etc., but it’s bad not to be a human being.”


Read the sayings about parenting. What qualities distinguish well-mannered person? Why is education necessary for socialization and for the formation of personality?

Plato: “Education is the acquisition of good habits.”

Domostroy: “Raise a child in prohibitions and you will find peace in him and

D. Carnegie: “Don’t imitate others. Find yourself and be yourself."

A.P. Chekhov: “ Good parenting not that you won’t spill sauce on the tablecloth, but that you won’t notice if someone else does it.”

K. Marx: “The educator himself must be educated.”

I. Schiller: “Parents least of all forgive their children those vices that they themselves instilled in them.”


Task 5.

A) Establish a correspondence between the types of activities and their characteristics: for each position given in the first column, select the position of the second. Write your answer in the table.

B) Establish a correspondence between basic human needs and their specific examples: for each position given in the first column, select the position of the second. Write your answer in the table.

C) Establish a correspondence between a specific fact and a type social status: For each position given in the first column, match the position of the second. Write your answer in the table.

Preparation for the OGE


1. After the screening of a new feature film dedicated to the life of the classic writer, bookstores Sales of this writer's books increased sharply. The interconnection of which spheres of social life is illustrated primarily by this example?

  • spiritual and social
  • economic and social
  • political and economic
  • spiritual and economic

Answer: 4

2 .

A. A person becomes a person only in the process of social life.

B. A person is called a totality biological qualities person

  • only A is correct
  • only B is correct
  • both judgments are correct
  • both judgments are wrong

Answer: 1

3. During the holidays, 15-year-old Zakhar works as a courier. This example illustrates the activity

  • labor
  • gaming
  • scientific
  • political

Answer: 1

4 . Are the following judgments about the development of society correct?

A. The development of society depends on its provision of resources.

B. The development of society is based on the socio-economic and cultural achievements of previous generations

  • only A is correct
  • only B is correct
  • both judgments are correct
  • both judgments are wrong

Answer: 3

5. An example of the direct influence of nature on society is

  • organization of a nature reserve
  • destruction of a coastal recreation area by a powerful typhoon
  • deforestation for the construction of residential buildings
  • soil restoration after liquidation of a waste dump

Answer: 2

6 . A. Interpersonal relationships are primarily based on connections that exist through different types communication.

B. Interpersonal relationships are manifested in the nature and methods mutual influences, exerted by people on each other in the process of joint activity

  • only A is correct
  • only B is correct
  • both judgments are correct
  • both judgments are wrong

Answer: 3

7. What example illustrates the influence of natural factors on the life of society?

  • cleaning the park from household waste
  • adoption of legislation on nature protection
  • soil pollution with industrial waste
  • crop loss due to summer drought

Answer: 4

8 . A. Activity is determined both by the mind and by feelings and emotions.

B. Activities are always productive and creative

  • only A is correct
  • only B is correct
  • both judgments are correct
  • both judgments are wrong

Answer: 1

9 . A group of students, under the guidance of a teacher, made birdhouses and placed them on the school grounds. This example illustrates the activity

  • gaming
  • educational
  • labor
  • prognostic

Answer: 3

10 . Are the following statements about the relationship between nature and society true? A. Nature influences the development of society.

B. Society always has a beneficial effect on nature

  • only A is correct
  • only B is correct
  • both judgments are correct
  • both judgments are wrong

Answer: 1

eleven . Olga invited friends to her birthday. She went grocery shopping with her mother and baked a cake with her grandmother. To keep guests from getting bored, she came up with competitions and games. What is the purpose of Olga’s activities?

  • invite friends
  • make the holiday interesting
  • to bake a cake
  • purchase the necessary products

Answer: 2

12 . A. Society and nature together make up the material world.

B. Society is a way of organizing government power

  • only A is correct
  • only B is correct
  • both judgments are correct
  • both judgments are wrong

Answer: 1

13 . What example illustrates the influence of natural factors on the life of society?

  • soil pollution from industrial waste
  • deforestation for building houses
  • river flooding of houses in the village
  • studying geography by schoolchildren

Answer: 3

14 . Are the following judgments about activity correct? A. Activity involves achieving a specific goal

B. In a number of cases, the result of the activity is at odds with the goal

  • only A is correct
  • only B is correct
  • both judgments are correct
  • both judgments are wrong

Answer: 3

15 . Irina is preparing for an exam in chemistry: she reads a textbook, reference books, solves problems. The subject of this activity is

  • excellent mark
  • textbook
  • Irina
  • chemistry exam

Answer: 3

16 . Are the following judgments about resolving interpersonal conflicts correct? A. With permission interpersonal conflict it is important to understand the other person's point of view

B. The most effective ways to resolve any interpersonal conflicts include adapting to the enemy’s opinion and completely abandoning one’s interests

  • only A is correct
  • only B is correct
  • both judgments are correct
  • both judgments are wrong

Answer: 1

17. The entrepreneur provides financial assistance veterans' home. The interconnection of which spheres of society is manifested in this fact?

  • economic and social
  • political and spiritual
  • economic and political
  • social and political

Answer: 1

18 . Are the following judgments about activity correct?

A. A person regulates his activities not only with his mind, but also with his feelings

B. Personal self-realization occurs in activity

  • only A is correct
  • only B is correct
  • both judgments are correct
  • both judgments are wrong

Answer: 3

19 . Valya is 45 years old. She is a tall, slender brunette. How do these qualities characterize her primarily?

  • employee
  • individual
  • consumer
  • personality

Answer: 2

20 .

A. Any social activity destroys the natural environment

B. Nature is the natural basis of human life and society

  • only A is correct
  • only B is correct
  • both judgments are correct
  • both judgments are wrong

Answer: 2

21. Peter works at a factory. He is a good father and friend. His hobby is hockey: he regularly attends hockey matches. All this characterizes Peter, first of all, as

  • family man
  • individual
  • athlete
  • personality

Answer: 4

22 . Are the following statements about society true?

A. Society can be called a group of people united by joint activities

B. Society can be called the population of a country, contingent, or the world as a whole.

  • only A is correct
  • only B is correct
  • both judgments are correct
  • both judgments are wrong

Answer: 3

23. Julia found out that Inna told her classmates her secret. She did not find out the reasons for this action, but simply stopped talking to Inna. What type of behavior in interpersonal conflict does this example illustrate?

  • cooperation
  • involvement of an intermediary
  • avoiding a conflict situation
  • arbitration

Answer: 3

24 . Are the following judgments about areas of public life true?

A. In each sphere of public life, a certain group of tasks and problems of social development is resolved

B. All spheres of public life are interconnected.

  • only A is correct
  • only B is correct
  • both judgments are correct
  • both judgments are wrong

Answer: 3

25. The Entrepreneurs Association provides financial assistance to a shelter for street children. This example illustrates, first of all, the interconnection of such spheres of society as

  • economic and political
  • economic and social
  • political and spiritual
  • social and political

Answer: 2

26 . Are the following judgments about activity correct?

A. Activity is predominantly instinctive in nature

B. In the process of activity, a person changes the world around him and himself.

  • only A is correct
  • only B is correct
  • both judgments are correct
  • both judgments are wrong

Answer: 2

27. Vasily is a slender man, 44 years old, with blond hair and blue eyes. These qualities characterize him primarily as

  • personality
  • individual
  • family member
  • citizen

Answer: 2

28 . Are the following judgments about the spiritual sphere of society correct?

A. The spiritual sphere of society includes the activities of educational and scientific organizations

B. The spiritual sphere of society includes the activities of various artistic associations.

  • only A is correct
  • only B is correct
  • both judgments are correct
  • both judgments are wrong

Answer: 3

29. Vitaly teaches at the university. He is a sociable person who loves to travel. All this characterizes Vitaly primarily as

  • personality
  • teacher
  • man
  • individual

Answer: 1

30 . Are the following judgments about the connection between nature and society true?

A. Nature influences the life and economic activities of people.

B. Society has a contradictory influence on nature.

  • only A is correct
  • only B is correct
  • both judgments are correct
  • both judgments are wrong

Answer: 3

31. Ivan is a good student, helps his parents around the house, and shows responsibility and independence in his actions. He studies guitar at a martial arts school and at a music school. By enriching his social experience, Ivan becomes

  • son
  • individual
  • student
  • personality

Answer: 4

32 . Are the following statements about the influence of society on nature correct?

A. As tools improve, society’s influence on nature increases.

B. Society can limit its Negative influence to the natural environment.

  • only A is correct
  • only B is correct
  • both judgments are correct
  • both judgments are wrong

Answer: 3

33. Which example illustrates first of all labor activity person

  • young man's admission to college
  • doctor seeing a patient
  • student reading a book about scientific discoveries
  • participation of teenagers in a school mini-football tournament

Answer: 2

34 . Are the following statements about society true?

A. Society includes a variety of forms and manifestations of nature.

B. Society is a part of the world separated from nature that has not lost touch with nature.

  • only A is correct
  • only B is correct
  • both judgments are correct
  • both judgments are wrong

Answer: 2

35. Schoolchildren spent a self-government day at school. One of the high school students was the “director”, the others were “head teachers”, “teachers”. What activity does this example illustrate?

  • artistic
  • scientific
  • production
  • gaming

Answer: 4

36 . Are the following judgments about activity correct?

A. Activity is the purposeful, conscious activity of animals.

B. Activities are always creative.

  • only A is correct
  • only B is correct
  • both judgments are correct
  • both judgments are wrong

Answer: 4

37. Tanya is preparing for a math exam, reading a textbook and reference books, and solving problems. One of the means of this activity is

  • textbook
  • exam
  • mathematics
  • school

Answer: 1

38 .

A. Nature is an inexhaustible source of all types of resources used by humanity.

B. The economic activities of a society can have a negative impact on the natural environment.

  • only A is correct
  • only B is correct
  • both judgments are correct
  • both judgments are wrong

Answer: 2

39. The artist paints a picture. The subject of this activity is

  • paints
  • brushes
  • artist
  • canvas

Answer: 3

40 . Are the following statements about society true?

A. Society is a group of people engaged in joint activities.

B. They call it society historical period existence of humanity.

  • only A is correct
  • only B is correct
  • both judgments are correct
  • both judgments are wrong

Answer: 3

41. Nikita studies at the university. He is a sociable person, enjoys music and often goes to concerts with friends. All this characterizes Nikita primarily as

  • personality
  • friend
  • consumer
  • student

Answer: 1

42 . Are the following statements about the relationship between society and nature true?

A. Natural processes influence the development of society.

B. The interaction between nature and society is contradictory.

  • only A is correct
  • only B is correct
  • both judgments are correct
  • both judgments are wrong

Answer: 3

43. Sergey Vladimirovich is the father of two children, the head of the enterprise. IN free time he coaches a neighborhood football team. Sergei Vladimirovich has many friends, he is a sociable, energetic person. All these qualities characterize him as

  • employee
  • head
  • personality
  • individual

Answer: 3

44 . Are the following judgments about the relationship between society and nature correct?

A. Society always has a negative impact on nature.

B. Society is forced to look for ways to compensate for the shortage of natural resources.

  • only A is correct
  • only B is correct
  • both judgments are correct
  • both judgments are wrong

Answer: 2

45. After several hours of travel, train passengers long distance We got hungry and decided to have lunch. They took the food they had taken for the journey out of their bags and brought hot tea. What needs did passengers fulfill?

  • social
  • prestigious
  • spiritual
  • physiological

Answer: 4

46 . Are the following judgments about the interaction between society and nature correct?

A. B modern society Attention to environmental issues is increasing.

B. Destruction of the natural environment leads to a deterioration in people’s health and a decrease in their quality of life.

  • only A is correct
  • only B is correct
  • both judgments are correct
  • both judgments are wrong

Answer: 3

47. The dry, hot summer in Region Z has caused forest fires. Residents of many settlements were evacuated. Does this example illustrate?

  • the influence of nature on society
  • violation of forest rules
  • influence of culture on the life of society
  • instability of social development

Answer: 1

48 . Are the following statements about a person true?

A. Man, unlike animals, is capable of acting consciously.

B. Humans, like animals, have spiritual needs.

  • only A is correct
  • only B is correct
  • both judgments are correct
  • both judgments are wrong

Answer: 1

49. Students and parents cleared the wasteland behind the school of debris and planted trees and shrubs there. This example primarily illustrates the activity?

  • educational
  • gaming
  • labor
  • educational

Answer: 3

50 . Are the following statements about society and nature true?

A. In the process of influencing nature, society transforms it.

B. Society uses nature as most important source economic resources.

  • only A is correct
  • only B is correct
  • both judgments are correct
  • both judgments are wrong

Answer: 3

51. The influence of nature on society illustrates

  • planting shrubs on roadsides
  • closure of a plant polluting the river
  • construction of houses on stilts in areas of river flooding
  • advanced training of forestry workers

Answer: 3

52 . Are the following judgments about interpersonal relationships true?

A. When resolving interpersonal conflict, it is important to understand the other person's point of view.

B. The cause of interpersonal conflict may be the parties’ lack of communication culture.

  • only A is correct
  • only B is correct
  • both judgments are correct
  • both judgments are wrong

Answer: 3

53. Sergey works as a doctor. He's honest and honest man. In his free time he plays music group and practices in a ballroom dance studio. All this characterizes Sergei as

  • individual
  • personality
  • employee
  • comrade

Answer: 2

54 . Are the following judgments about the interaction between society and nature correct?

A. Society changes and transforms the natural environment.

B. Natural conditions influence the economy, life, and character of people.

  • only A is correct
  • only B is correct
  • both judgments are correct
  • both judgments are wrong

Answer: 3

55. Which of the following judgments characterizes society as an individual?

  • Lena has blond hair and blue eyes
  • Sergey gets tired quickly during his morning jog
  • Inna has a beautiful voice
  • Vladimir strives to be a leader in all matters

Answer: 4

56 . Are the following judgments about spheres of social life correct?

A. The spiritual sphere unites science, education, art, morality, and religion.

B. Social sphere interacts with other areas of society.

  • only A is correct
  • only B is correct
  • both judgments are correct
  • both judgments are wrong

Answer: 3

57. Galina offered Irina her help in organizing a festive concert, but was forced to go to her sick grandmother. Irina was offended and did not answer Galina’s phone calls. After Galina returned, the girls calmly sorted out the situation, and the conflict was settled. What method of conflict resolution does this example illustrate?

  • confrontation
  • cooperation
  • concession

Answer: 2

58 . Are the following statements about personality true?

B. Personality has certain qualities that society recognizes as important and necessary.

  • only A is correct
  • only B is correct
  • both judgments are correct
  • both judgments are wrong

Answer: 3

59. Which example illustrates the influence of nature on society?

  • granting privileges to certain classes
  • adoption of a new constitution for the country
  • compiling a code of state laws
  • agricultural specialization of specific regions

Answer: 4

60 . Are the following statements about personality true?

A. Personality is formed in communication with others.

B. Personality is characterized by a set of socially significant qualities.

  • only A is correct
  • only B is correct
  • both judgments are correct
  • both judgments are wrong

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