Day of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Troops (memorable day). International Day of Biological Diversity

Task radiation troops- minimize damage from radiation contamination. They are required to enter the lesion, determine the level background radiation and decontaminate the contaminated area. Chemical defense troops are engaged in eliminating the consequences of the use of chemical warfare agents (CWA). Their task is to determine the type of hazardous agent, to prevent losses among the population and personnel as much as possible, to localize and disinfect the affected area. Troops biological protection are designed to protect people and territories from the threat of the spread of various deadly viral diseases and methods of delivery of their carriers.

This holiday was established to pay tribute to the employees of these units, which are extremely important for any state.

When is it celebrated?

The Day of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Forces (RCBD) is held annually in Russia on November 13. He is memorable date and established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2006 No. 549. In 2019 it is celebrated for the 14th time.

Who's celebrating

The Day of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Troops 2019 is traditionally celebrated by military personnel of these military branches and scientific and research teams. manufacturing enterprises associated with these units.

History of the holiday

The event date has symbolic meaning. On November 13, 1918, according to Order No. 220 of the Revolutionary Military Council, the first chemical defense units were created in the Russian army - the Special Chemical Department (No. 9), which was responsible for the accounting and storage of military chemical property. This day is considered the date of formation RCBZ troops. Modern name these units received only in August 1992 (before that they were called chemical troops).

Combat gases were used for the first time German troops. They used chlorine during the 1915 fighting near the Belgian city of Ypres in World War I.

First combat use atomic weapons- nuclear airstrike air force USA in 1945 Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We should not forget about the mortal danger of the “peaceful atom”. Here you can remember the accident at Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which claimed the lives of many people.

Bacteriological weapons were first used by American colonialists. It is historically proven that in 1763 they used blankets infected with the smallpox pathogen, sending them to Indian tribes. But there is another hypothesis, which at the moment not supported by evidence. According to her, primacy belongs to sheep. Animals were used as carriers of plague by the militant Hittites who lived in Bronze Age. With the help of planted infected sheep, they were able to capture the Phoenician city of Simira, and 15 years later - the Asia Minor state of Artsava. In both cases, before the attack of the Hittites, ownerless animals were killed among the people, and after a short time a plague epidemic began.

​Young scientists will tell you what happens in your body after a doctor administers a vaccine against a disease, who can restore their limbs and why we can’t, how to get GMOs without getting up from your chair, and what is not written in textbooks about the complex and mysterious process of photosynthesis. And you will be able to see a lot with your own eyes and even touch it, because excellent excursions through real laboratories await you!

Fascinating performances

In 15 minutes, our scientists will tell you all the most important and interesting things they know.

Mikhail Pogorely will look at what happens in the body after receiving one of the best yellow fever vaccines. Who invented this vaccine and when? Where is yellow fever common and how is it transmitted? How do vaccines generally work? The answers to these and many other questions will be heard in the speech.

Mikhail is an employee of the Institute of Biochemistry, graduated from the Department of Virology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University, studies the immunity of twins, loves to print laboratory equipment on a 3D printer.

Maria Tereshina will talk about regeneration - the complete restoration of “accidentally” lost parts of the body. This ability has been exciting the minds of scientists for 250 years. Maria will explain who and what can regenerate, what are the main mechanisms of this process and why we don’t have this wonderful ability.

Maria - candidate biological sciences, IBH employee.

Victor Pleshkan will tell you everything you wanted to know about genetic engineering, but were afraid to ask. Victor will explain what a gene is, how to take it out of a cell and use it to create a cure for diabetes, as well as to obtain GMOs.

Victor is a Candidate of Biological Sciences, an employee of the Institute of Biochemical Chemistry, works on targeted gene expression and antitumor gene therapy, his favorite color of clothing is black.

Igor Fesenko will explain how plants use the energy of sunlight to synthesize organic molecules, simultaneously releasing oxygen. Without these processes, life on Earth as we know it would not be possible. How to control photosynthesis, and whether it can sunlight be harmful to plants?

Igor is a candidate of biological sciences, an employee of the Institute of Biochemistry.

Live tours

You'll have 20 minutes in each lab to see where scientists work and experiment with your own hands.

Infinitely pure

You will immerse yourself in the fascinating world of purified water and finally get answers to your questions. Is it necessary to purify the water in the laboratory at all? What is the difference between laboratory water purification and domestic water purification? To what extent should I clean? What to clean from? And what method - boil or is it already last century? But we won’t reveal all our cards, come and see everything for yourself, and also experience the exciting process of water purification.

Testers. You will hear about magnetic nanoparticles that are used to create new generation drugs and biorobots. And you can do a quick test yourself to find out if they put antibiotics in your juice. And also pet mice.

Physics in biology. You will take part in the operation of a nanomicroscope, which allows you to examine even individual molecules. You will hear the story of how a combined microscope was created, unique not only by Russian but also by world standards, you will be able to communicate with its creators, touch lasers and other laboratory equipment.

Color therapy

They will tell you how to study cells, diseases and drugs using colored proteins, and then you will be able to draw with these proteins on Petri dishes.

Catchers of “toxic” molecules. You will be able to sit at the most complex installations for electrophysiological tests, inject DNA into a frog egg and feed laboratory animals.

Jungle in the room

They will show you inconspicuous, at first glance, algae and mosses, and tell you why scientists devote entire laboratory rooms to these “pets,” spending hours studying their structure and behavior. And you will also learn how simple plants without roots, flowers and a conducting system allow you to solve important issues modern biology.

Analyze this, analyze that

Do you know how it happens quantitative analysis blood proteins in clinics? Is ELISA something scary? Come and see everything for yourself.

NMR barrels

You will see giant superconducting magnets filled with liquid helium and nitrogen, whose operation is monitored by special pumps and climate control units. These instruments are called nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers. They are unique, cost tens of millions of dollars, are ultra-sensitive, and have no equal in Russia and the neighboring countries. It is here that scientists from all over Russia come to understand what is so strange they have isolated from luminous mushrooms, bay leaves, bacteria, spiders, sea anemones and other animals and plants.

By the way! At Biology Day you can buy excellent souvenirs depicting human cells and different molecules.

The number of places is limited. So hurry up and buy your tickets and come to Biology Day. This is where science gets closer.

Read about previous events on our website.

They support us

Merck is one of the leading science and technology companies in the fields of healthcare, life science and advanced materials. Merck's approximately 50,000 employees worldwide develop technologies that improve the quality of human life, ranging from biopharmaceutical therapies to treat cancer and multiple sclerosis to the development of innovative systems for scientific research, production liquid crystals for smartphones and LCD TVs. Merck's Life Science division combines world-class products and services with the innovative capabilities of Merck Millipore and Sigma-Aldrich to become one of the global leaders in Life Science.

Schrödinger's cat - alive, rough, popular science magazine. The latest issues of the magazine will be available for purchase during the event.

Future Biotech is a company that brings together professionals and enthusiasts in the field of biology and biotechnology, promising areas of science and business. Thanks to Future Biotech, everyone will be able to watch the broadcast of lectures and some excursions of Biology Day.

Letovo School is a school for gifted and motivated children from all over the country, which gives highest level academic knowledge, purposefully develops the student’s personality and allows access to world-class education.

Venue: Moscow, metro station Belyaevo or Yugo-Zapadnaya, st. Miklouho-Maclay, 16/10.

Event starts: 17:00.

Preferred audience: students in grades 5-11.

“Biology Day,” which was held for the third time at the Institute of Biochemistry on the initiative of the Council of Young Scientists, was dedicated to diseases and medicines.

Excursion to the Laboratory of IBCh RAS

Is it possible to beat the flu?

Civil war in the central nervous system. Forcing peace

Drag design. Modern approach to create medicines

From poison to medicine

Videos from "Biology Day-2" (June 22, 2016)

Lectures will tell you about the latest scientific trends in the field of immunology, peptidomics and toxicology. You will learn which cells in our body fight in the army of Immunity and how you can teach them to recognize an insidious pathogen by sight. Lecturers talk about toxins that can be used to treat people, and about small proteins (peptides) that make us feel hungry and love those around us.

Biology Day for everyone! Excursion

Biology Day for everyone!

Biology Day - 2 (Igor Fesenko)

Biology Day - 2 (Mikhail Shulepko)

Biology Day - 2 (Mikhail Pogorely)

Biology Day-2 (Vitalina Kirgizova)

Videos from the first “Biology Day” (April 26, 2016)

Irina Alekseenko: How genetic engineers are changing the world, and is it possible to make a molehill out of a molehill?
Irina explains whether it is possible to make GMOs at home, why scientists learned to milk mice, and what gene preparations are used to treat people today.

Anton Chugunov: “Seeing” the invisible
Anton talks about how and why to model biological molecules - proteins, DNA, drugs - right in RAM computers, and whether it is possible to see with the help of a “computational microscope” something that cannot be seen even with the strongest magnifying glass.

Zinaida Osipova: “Find and highlight!”
Zinaida shares detective story about hunting for glow worms in Siberian taiga: how her colleagues extracted light-emitting luciferin literally bit by bit for three years and how they almost lost it, how they wondered chemical formula and why they exposed it in a test tube.

Denis Kuzmin: Algae is a new generation fuel
Denis explains what “green” fuel is and how it is better than fossil fuels. What is the difference between first and fourth generation biofuels? Is it possible to fuel a car with algae? And how to create a system that would effectively use the sun's energy to produce fuel?

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