Popular scientific magazine knowledge is power. Fiction Archive

  • 1926-1928 – Efim Semenovich Dobin
  • 1929-1931 – I. Razin
  • 1932-1938 – Heinrich Leopoldovich Eichler
  • 1938-1941 – Lev Viktorovich Zhigarev (deputy editor-in-chief in 1946-1970)
  • 1946-1960 – Afanasy Fedorovich Bordadyn
  • 1960-1964 – Vladimir Andreevich Mezentsev
  • 1964-1965 – Igor Ivanovich Adabashev
  • 1965-1989 – Nina Sergeevna Filippova
  • 1990-2005 – Grigory Andreevich Zelenko (deputy editor-in-chief in 1977-1989)
  • since 2006 – Igor Grigorievich Virko
Soviet and Russian monthly popular science and scientific art magazine for young people, the name of which is a famous aphorism by Francis Bacon “Ipsa scientia potestas est”. Publishes materials about achievements in various areas sciences - physics, astronomy, cosmology, biology, history, economics, philosophy, psychology, sociology. As well as essays, essays and works of fiction. The first issue was published in Moscow in January 1926 under the leadership of the Central Committee of the Komsomol and for this event Vladimir Mayakovsky wrote an advertising poem “What to do?”, ending with the lines: ...so that your head doesn’t become crazy, so that your brain doesn’t get carried away with nonsense - subscribe and read the magazine “Knowledge is Power.” The title page of the magazine read “Monthly Popular Science and Adventure Magazine for Teens.” He then saw his primary task in the natural science and technical education of schoolchildren - as well as in generally getting them interested in the idea of ​​cognition and practical development of nature. After the appearance of the magazine “Young Naturalist” in 1928, which took over the dissemination of knowledge about living nature, all other sciences remained under the jurisdiction of “Knowledge is Power”. These were mainly natural and technical sciences. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, publication of the magazine was suspended. The last pre-war issue (by that time the magazine was dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge, almost exclusively practical and related to military affairs) was signed for publication on June 13, 1941. In 1946, through the efforts of former editor-in-chief Lev Zhigarev, the magazine continued to be published, this time at the Trudrezervizdat publishing house of the Main Directorate of Labor Reserves under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. “Knowledge is power” now began to be addressed not only to teenagers, but to young people in general (yes, the subtitle read: “a popular science magazine for working youth”). The texts have become much more complex. Practical guide became significantly less: it ceased to be the main thing. The publication gained popularity among readers both due to the text part and thanks to decoration, becoming one of the most beloved popular science publications in the USSR. In 1967, its circulation reached a record 700,000 copies. And although a year later, as a result of a conflict between the editor-in-chief and the founder - the State Committee for Vocational Education - the magazine was transferred to the All-Union Society "Znanie", its concept did not change. Nina Sergeevna Filippova, who headed the editorial office in 1965-1989, subsequently noted that by 1965 “Knowledge is Power” was “a very good, or at least non-standard, magazine with a very non-standard design.” Myself appearance was fundamentally different from all the periodicals available at that time: the design was worked on by nonconformist artists who were not hired anywhere else. Currently, the magazine's volume is 128 pages, circulation is 5-6 thousand copies. Over the course of its existence, the magazine has changed its format, logo, and cover design many times. Thus, from 1959 to 1987, the magazine was published in the format 70 × 1081/16 (265 × 340 mm), from the first issue in 1987 - in a halved format 70 × 1081/16 (170 × 260 mm). The current publication format is 70 × 1001/16 (170 × 240 mm). Much attention The magazine devoted itself to works of fiction. In the section of the magazine "Fantasy Country", which was opened in 1965 in the sixth issue of the magazine, both well-known science fiction writers and beginners published their works from issue to issue. This significantly increased the popularity of the magazine and it constantly remained in the group of leaders (“Around the World”, “Technology for Youth”, “Chemistry and Life”). Since April 2006, a literary supplement to the magazine has been published - “Knowledge is power: Fiction”, and a year later science fiction was no longer published on the pages of the magazine.
Bibliography of science fiction publications in the magazine
  • N. I. Mur. Arspanis (Artificial bread): [Story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1927, No. 9 – p.232-233
  • N. I. Mur. Fifthless Fusion: A Fantastic Story / Fig. P. Staronosova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1928, No. 4 – p.92-95
  • N. Pavlov. Chicks: A fantastic story / Fig. P. Staronosova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1928, No. 6 – p.149-152
  • V. Yazvitsky. John Inglis's apparatus: A fantastic story / Fig. V. Golitsyna // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1929, No. 4 – p.92-96
  • A. Paley. Man Without Pain: A Fantastic Story / Fig. K. Cordina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1929, No. 9 – p.230-233
  • A. Belyaev. Head West! : Fantastic story / Fig. P. Staronosova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1929, No. 11 – p.284-288
  • Keep it to the West!: Explanations for the story by A. Belyaev “Keep it to the West” // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1929, No. 12 – 3rd page of the region.
  • A. Belyaev. Imperishable world: Fantastic story / Fig. V. Golitsyna // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1930, No. 2 – p.5-8
  • A. Zelenko. Journey to a New City: [Science Fiction Essay] / Fig. V. Golitsyna // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1930, No. 2 – p.9-11
  • V. Yazvitsky. Mexican Lightning: Story / Fig. A. Sokolova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1930, No. 3 – pp. 1-5
  • A. Belyaev. VTsBID: [Fantastic] story / Fig. P. Staronosova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1930, No. 6 – pp. 3-7, No. 7 – pp. 2-5
  • Is it possible to make the weather?: Explanation of A. Belyaev’s story “VTsBID” // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1930, No. 7 – p.6
  • Valery Yazvitsky. Air well: Story / Fig. V. Turanova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1930, No. 8 – pp. 2-7; No. 9 – pp. 3-7
  • V. Ya. Knapen’s air well (Explanation of the story by V. Yazvitsky) // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1930, No. 9 – p.7
  • N. I. Mur. A Day in Polargrad: A Science Fiction Story / Fig. V. Golitsyna // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1930, No. 12 – pp. 19-21
  • A. Belyaev. Kite: A Story // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1931, No. 2 – pp. 2-6
  • A. Paley. Double life: [Fantastic] story / Fig. V. Shcheglova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1931, No. 4 – pp. 2-4
  • Sleep and fatigue (On the story [A. Paley] “Double Life”) // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1931, No. 4 – p.7
  • A. Belyaev. Devil's swamp: [Fantastic] story / Fig. thin Staronosova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1931, No. 15 – pp. 2-7
  • N. Bobrov. Moscow – Vladivostok at 12 o’clock: A fantastic story // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1931, No. 19 – pp. 2-6
  • N. Ognev. Stories about an extraordinary school: [Story] / Fig. Rubinstein // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1931, No. 23 – p.2-6
  • Sergey Grigoriev. Behind the meteor: A fantastic story / Fig. V. Shcheglova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1932, No. 23-24 – pp. 2-5
  • G. E. Dreams of General Fuller: A Story // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1933, No. 7-8 – pp. 14-15
  • P. Lopatin. Tomorrow's Moscow: A Story // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1934, No. 5 – pp. 9-11
  • Gr. Adamov. Diego's story: Excerpt from the unwritten book “The Ways of the Future” / Fig. D. Smirnova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1934, No. 11 – pp. 13-15
  • Gr. Adamov. Crash: Science fiction story / Fig. P. Alyakrinsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1935, No. 2 – pp. 2-6; No. 3 – pp. 16-17
  • A. Abramov. Traveling on a helicommobile: [Science fiction essay] / Fig. D. Smirnova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1935, No. 3 – p.5-7
  • G. Klyuchev. Hyperbolic ship: [Fantastic story] / Fig. A. Krotkova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1936, No. 4 – p.7-10
  • A. Abramov. Electric City: A Science Fiction Essay / Fig. V. Shcheglova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1936, No. 5 – pp. 3-6
  • G. Adamov. Oasis of the Sun: A Science Fiction Story / Fig. A. Krotkova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1936, No. 5 – pp. 9-12; No. 6 – pp. 7-10; No. 7 – pp. 7-8
  • V. Solev. Stories about the future: [About the scripts of A. Kazantsev and Shapiro “Arenida”, S.K. Antonov “Gaz-TT”, V.G. Kryukov “Radio feeling”] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1936, No. 5 – p.13-14
  • L. Iskrov. We recommend reading: [K. E. Tsiolkovsky. On the moon; Dreams of Earth and Sky. – ONTI, 1935] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1936, No. 6 – p.2
  • A. Paley. An Extraordinary House: A Fantastic Story / Fig. L. Smekhova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1936, No. 8 – pp. 3-6
  • A. Belyaev. Flying Carpet: Science Fiction Story / Fig. L. Smekhova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1936, No. 12 – p.4-7
  • E. Ingobor. Enric-9: [Excerpt from the novel “Etland”] / Fig. A. Lavrova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1937, No. 3 – p.18-20
  • A. Scheideman, V. Naumov. Air operation of a future war: [Excerpt from the novel " Air war 194... years"] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1938, No. 2 – pp. 10-13
  • Gr. Adamov. Attack of magnetic torpedoes: Chapter from the science fiction novel ["The Mystery of Two Oceans"] / Fig. L. Smekhova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1938, No. 3 – p.5-8
  • L.I. [We recommend reading: Gr. Adamov. Subsoil winners. – Detizdat, 1938] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1938, No. 3 – p.32
  • G. Adamov. In captivity in ice: Excerpt from the science fiction novel “The Mystery of Rapa Nui Island” / Fig. L. Smekhova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1938, No. 4 – pp. 9-12; No. 5 – pp. 8-10
  • Yu. Weber. What kind of war will it be?: [On the science fiction novels of Giulio Douhet “Air Supremacy”, Major Guelders “Air War of 1936”, S. Fowler-Wright “War of 1938”, John Fuller “O future war"] / Rice. Kh. Erganzhieva // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1938, No. 4 – p.18-21
  • G. Adamov. Science enthusiast: [Article about Jules Verne] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1938, No. 4 – p.13
  • E. Zelikovich. Dangerous invention: Science fiction story / Fig. A. I. Lavrova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1938, No. 6 – pp. 22-24, No. 7 – pp. 21-24
  • L. Vorontsov. Explosion on empty space: [Story] / Fig. Kh. Erganzhieva // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1938, No. 8-9 – pp. 10-12
  • L. Vorontsov. If tomorrow there is war...: [Fantastic essay] / Fig. N. Smolyaninova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1939, No. 4 – p.6
  • Yu. Dolgushin. Rays of Professor Gurvich: [Fantastic essay] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1939, No. 10-11 – pp. 8-9
  • Boris Anibal. Sailors of the Universe: A science fiction story / Illustrations by L. Epple // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1940, No. 1-2 – pp. 36-40; No. 3 – pp. 24-29; No. 4 – pp. 21-25; No. 5 – 1st page of the region, pp. 26-32
  • V. Saparin. Ultra-Eye: A Science Fiction Story / Drawings by V. Viktorov // Knowledge is Power (Moscow), 1946, No. 1 – p.20-23
  • S. Saburov. Wonderful vibrator: [Science-fiction story] / Drawings by V. Dobrovolsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1946, No. 2-3 – pp. 6-9
  • Yuri Dolgushin. The Mystery of the Invisible: A Science Fiction Story / Screensaver by K. Artseulov, Drawings by A. Ermolov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1946, No. 2-3 – pp. 18-22; No. 4-5 – pp. 27-33; No. 6 – p.9-12
  • V. Saparin. Test: [Science fiction story] / Drawings by A. Shpir // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1946, No. 6 – pp. 6-8
  • Manly Wood Wellen. In the Darkness of Ages: [Fantastic] Tale / Published in abridged form; Translation from English by Zinaida Bobyr; Drawings by N. Nikolaev // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1946, No. 7 – pp. 14-19, 4th page of the region.
  • S. Saburov. The Fisherman's Secret: Story / Fig. A. Smekhova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1946, No. 7 – p.20-21
  • V. Saparin. Iron Heart: [Science fiction story] / Drawings by E. Heniss // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1946, No. 8-9 – pp. 15-18; No. 12 – p.36-39
  • Georgy Gurevich, Georgy Yasny. Rocket Man: A Science Fiction Tale / Drawings by A. Shpir // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1946, No. 10-11 – pp. 18-25; No. 12 – 1st page of the region, pp. 14-22, 39
  • B. Vorobyov. K. E. Tsiolkovsky: [Article] / Drawings by S. Kaplan // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1946, No. 12 – pp. 25-28
  • Vl. Nemtsov. “SL-1”: Science fiction story / Drawings by G. Balashov, E. Heinischs // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1947, No. 1-2 – pp. 32-41; No. 3 – p.22-28; No. 4 – pp. 18-24, 3rd page included; No. 5 – pp. 27-32
  • V. Saparin. Signal “I-17”: Story / Drawings by L. Smekhov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1947, No. 6 – p.26-28
  • I. Efremov. Starships: Science fiction story / Fig. A. Shpira // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1947, No. 7 – pp. 25-30; No. 8 – 4th page included, pp. 29-36; No. 9 – pp. 30-35; No. 10 – pp. 28-32, 4th page, region.
  • Georgy Gurevich. Cloud Chasers: A Science Fiction Tale / Fig. A. Shpira // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1948, No. 1 – 4th page included, pp. 29-33; No. 2 – p.24-29; No. 3 – pp. 29-35; No. 4 – p.29-33
  • V. Saparin. The Disappearance of Engineer Bobrov: A Science Fiction Tale / Fig. K. Artseulova, V. Viktorova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1948, No. 5 – 4th page included, pp. 29-37; No. 6 – 1st page of the region, pp. 31-38
  • Alexander Studitsky. Batyrlar-jol gorge: A science fiction story / Fig. A. Schultz, A. Pobedinsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1948, No. 7 – pp. 29-34; No. 8 – pp. 29-36, 3rd page included; No. 9 – pp. 27-36; No. 10 – pp. 30-37; No. 11 – p.27-35
  • [IN. Ivanov]. Journey to Tomorrow: [Essay] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1948, No. 10 - insert between pp. 3-4
  • V. Saparin. Sketch from life: [Sci-fi] essay / Fig. N. Petrashkevich, V. Dobrovolsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1948, No. 10 – pp. 5-8, 1st page incl.
  • Nick. Bobrov. Trains cross the sea: [Science-fiction] essay / Afterword by A. D. Alexandrov; Rice. K. Artseulova, V. Viktorova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1948, No. 10 – 2nd page included, pp. 9-11
  • A. E. Fersman. Dreams of a Scientist: [Essay] / Fig. I. Ulupova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1948, No. 10 – pp. 16-17
  • L. Korzhuk. Tomorrow of a Mine: [Science Fiction Essay] / Fig. K. Andreeva // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1948, No. 10 – p.18-20
  • P. Turovskaya. “Walking” cars: [Sci-fi essay] / Fig. K. Andreeva // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1948, No. 10 – p.21
  • Vadim Okhotnikov. Conquerors earth's bowels: [Excerpt from a science fiction novel] / Fig. N. Friedman // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1948, No. 10 – pp. 23-26
  • F. Veitkov. Power plant of 195...: Science fiction essay / Fig. V. Buravleva // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1948, No. 10 – p.27-29
  • [WITH. Evgeniev]. 10,000 kilometers per hour: [Science fiction essay] / Artist S. Kaplan // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1948, No. 10 – pp. 39-40, 3rd page incl.
  • S. V. Repolovsky. 144 Hours at the Weather Control Station: A Science Fiction Essay / Fig. A. Pobedinsky, A. Katkovsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1948, No. 10 – 4th page included, pp. 41-45
  • Vadim Okhotnikov. Coal Generator: Story / Fig. I. Bryulina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1948, No. 12 – p.28-31
  • Georgy Tushkan. Black Storm: Episodes from the novel “Black Tornado” / Fig. I. Bryulina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1949, No. 1 – p.33-38
  • Vadim Safonov. Land of the Future: [Fantastic chapter from the book “Earth in Bloom”] / Fig. I. Petrova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1949, No. 4 – p.37-39
  • A. Svetov. In Tsiolkovsky's house (Letter from Kaluga): [Article about the house where K. E. Tsiolkovsky lived] / Fig. I. Staroselsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1949, No. 8 – p.17
  • Valentin Ivanov. Energy is subject to us: Science fiction novel / In print individual chapters novel; Rice. A. Shpira // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1949, No. 8 – pp. 21-30; No. 9 – pp. 23-33; No. 10 – pp. 20-26; No. 11 – pp. 21-32; No. 12 – pp. 19-26 – [To be continued]
  • Valentin Ivanov. Energy is subject to us: Science fiction novel / Separate chapters of the novel are being published; Rice. A. Shpira // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1950, No. 1 – pp. 23-30; No. 2 – 1st page of the region, pp. 26-33; No. 3 – pp. 26-33; No. 4 – pp. 23-29 – [Ends, began in No. 8, 1949]
  • B. Lyapunov. From the Depths of the Universe: [Science Fiction Essay] / Fig. G. Balashova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1950, No. 10 – 1st page of the region, pp. 4-7
  • V. Saparin. Chibisov Plateau: A fantastic story / Fig. G. Balashova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1950, No. 11 – pp. 22-26; 4th page region
  • Science and fiction: [Article about the new department, incl. about F. Kandyba’s novel “Hot Land”] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1951, No. 1 – p.29
  • B. Vorobyov. Meetings with Tsiolkovsky: [Article] / Fig. N. Pavlova, N. Petrova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1951, No. 1 – p.30-35
  • A. Morozov. Professor Flanders Station: Story / Fig. G. Balashova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1951, No. 3 – pp. 17-19
  • In the depths of the sea: [Explanation of the work and design of a spacesuit using the example of a science fiction work]: G. Adamov. The Mystery of Two Oceans: [Excerpts from the novel] / Section “Science and Fiction” // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1951, No. 3 – pp. 28-29
  • Energy use sea ​​tide: [Explanation of the operation of a tidal hydroelectric power station using the example of a science fiction work]: V. Saparin. Object 21: [Excerpts from a science fiction story] / Section “Science and Fiction” // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1951, No. 5 – p.30-31
  • “Swift poplar”: [Review of the book of the same name by G. Gurevich (1951)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1951, No. 6 – p.28
  • Synthesis food products: [Solution to the problem of synthesis of bread and sugar using the example of a science fiction work]: Nikolai Lukin. The fate of discovery: [Excerpts from a science fiction novel] / Section “Science and Fiction” // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1951, No. 6 – p.30-31
  • S. S. Kovner. About internal warmth globe: [An article about the use of heat from the depths of the Earth in national economy on the example of the science fiction novel “Hot Land” by F. L. Kandyba] / Section “Science and Fiction” // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1951, No. 6 – pp. 32-33
  • Georgy Gurevich. Frost on the Palms: A Science Fiction Tale / Fig. G. Filippovsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1951, No. 7 – 4th page included, pp. 25-33; No. 8 – 1st page of the region, pp. 22-31; No. 9 – pp. 23-30; No. 10 – pp. 26-35; No. 11 – p.27-35
  • From the depths of the Universe: [Discussion of the idea of ​​​​the arrival of an interstellar ship in 1908, put forward in the science fiction essay “From the Depths of the Universe” by B. Lyapunov] / Section “Science and Fiction” // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1951, No. 8 – p.11
  • V. Maksimenko. Conquest of the depths of the sea: [An article about the development of diving, it also examines individual parts of the spacesuits used by the heroes of G. Adamov’s novel “The Mystery of the Two Oceans”] / Section “Science and Fiction”; Rice. F. Zavalova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1951, No. 9 – p.33-35
  • L. Platov. A moment: A science fiction story / Drawings by A. Orlov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1951, No. 12 – pp. 28-36
  • Valentin Ivanov. On the trail: Novel / Fig. G. Balashova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1952, No. 1 – pp. 28-34; No. 2 – pp. 27-33; No. 3 – pp. 25-32; No. 4 – pp. 28-37, 4th page of the region; No. 5 – pp. 21-35; No. 6 – pp. 26-36; No. 7 – pp. 29-36; No. 8 – pp. 30-37
  • L. Platov. Vanishing Islands: [Excerpt from the science fiction story “Archipelago of Vanishing Islands”] / Fig. M. Miloslavsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1952, No. 2 – p.23-25
  • Vadim Okhotnikov. Underground boat: [Excerpt from the science fiction story “The Roads Deeper”] / Fig. K. Artseulova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1952, No. 9 – 1st page of the region, pp. 18-19
  • G. Travin. The New Bakerville Arsons: A Story/Fig. A. Orlova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1952, No. 11 – p.27-32
  • A. Trebelev. Does it exist underground boat?: [Basis for V. Okhotnikov’s story “Roads Into the Deep”] / Fig. B. Dulenkova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1953, No. 1 – p.16-17
  • V. Saparin. Controversy: A Science Fiction Story / Fig. A. Orlova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1953, No. 4 – p.29-32
  • I. Efremov. Hellfire: A Story / Fig. K. Artseulova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1954, No. 1 – 4th page included, pp. 21-31
  • Sergey Revzin. Five weeks in a hot air balloon: [Fantastic essay] / Fig. A. Sysoeva // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1954, No. 2 – 1st page of the region, pp. 1-4
  • L. Vorontsov. Baurjed's Journey: [Review of the book of the same name by I. Efremov (M., 1954)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1954, No. 6 – pp. 17-18
  • Word before the congress: [Editorial calling for a new rise in Soviet science fiction and adventure literature] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1954, No. 10 – p.1
  • Georgy Gurevich. Fighting underground weather: [Sci-fi] story / Chapters from the story; Drawings by A. Lurie // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1954, No. 10 – pp. 4-11; No. 11 – 1st page region, pp. 19-27 – [To be continued]
  • Magazine within a magazine: November issue “Knowledge is power” for 1974 / The following took part in the preparation of the science fiction issue about the first flight to the Moon: candidates of technical sciences K. Gilzin and Yu. Khlebtsevich, engineers I. Osipov, V. Levin, L . Orlov, Y. Stepanov; writers G. Gurevich, Yuri Dolgushin, V. Lvov, B. Lyapunov, M. Popovsky; artists K. Artseulov, I. Grunthal, B. Dulenkov, F. Zavalov, S. Kaplan, M. Miloslavsky, I. Friedman // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1954, No. 10 – 1st and 2nd pages . incl., pp. 15-32 – [Part of the material from this “fantastic” issue will be included in the anthology “Flight to the Moon” (1955, Trudrezervizdat)]
      K. Artseulov. [Reproduction on cover] – 1st page included. Message from the USSR Academy of Sciences about the launch of the interplanetary spacecraft “Luna-1”, Tuesday November 26, 1974 – 2nd page incl. Head of the take-off facility, engineer K. D. Savelyev. Interplanetary Station: [Essay] – pp. 15-16 Commander of the Luna-1 spacecraft, Professor M. A. Sedov. Let's fly to the Moon: [Essay] – p.16-17 Navigator of the Luna-1 ship A.V. Sokolov. Earth - Moon and back: [Essay] - pp. 18-19 On-board doctor of the Luna-1 ship, Candidate of Medical Sciences T. A. Akopyan. Man in space flight: [Essay] – p.20-21 Chief designer and on-board engineer of the Luna-1 spacecraft Yu. N. Tamarin. Difficulties are behind: [Essay] – p.22-23 Head of the Strength Laboratory, engineer F. Mamedov. Lightweight but durable: [Essay] – p.24 Designer of the radio-television control system, ground pilot of the Luna-1 spacecraft, engineer R. Vinogradov. Radio assistants: [Essay] – p.24-25 Design engineer V. Krasavin. Nuclear engine: [Essay] – p.25-26 G. Valkov, turner at an aircraft factory. Products of our hands: [Essay] – p.26 President Interplanetary Society Professor V. N. Khomenko. Why are we flying to the Moon: [Article] – pp. 27-28 Transatmospheric Observatory: Conversation with the Director astronomical observatory Professor D. A. Rumyantsev - p.29 Moon: Help - p.30 First hour on the Moon: [Report by our special correspondent T. A. Akopyan] - p.31-32
  • V. Zhuravlev. How the film “Space Flight” was created: [Article] / Drawings by N. Petrov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1954, No. 10 – p.33-36
  • L. Zhigarev. Guinea pig: Story / Drawings by K. Artseulov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1954, No. 10 – pp. 37-43
  • Artyom Anfinogenov. Through polar ice: [Essay from the series “Window to the Future”]; Drawings by G. Petrov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1954, No. 10 – p.43-46
  • V. Saparin. Ariadne's Thread: Story / Drawings by A. Orlov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1954, No. 10 – pp. 51-55
  • G. I. Pokrovsky. Burjar-Sai: [Fantastic ballad] / Editorial Preface; Rice. I. Staroselsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1954, No. 10 – p.56-57.
  • Georgy Gurevich. Fighting Underground Weather: A Science Fiction Tale / Final chapters of the story; Drawings by A. Lurie // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1955, No. 2 – 4th page included, pp. 21-28; No. 3 – p.20-28; No. 4 – pp. 23-30
  • V. Savchenko. Towards the stars: A science fiction story / Drawings by A. Alexandrov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1955, No. 10 – 4th page included, pp. 25-32
  • E. Zelikovich. Victory over space and time: [An article explaining some of the issues raised in V. Savchenko’s story “Towards the Stars”] / Drawings by S. Kaplan // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1955, No. 10 – pp. 33-36
  • V. Saparin. Magic boots: A science fiction story / Drawings by A. Lurie // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1955, No. 12 – pp. 24-27
  • Nikolay Toman. The story of one sensation: Tale / Drawings by A. Orlov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1956, No. 6 – pp. 24-33
  • L. Zhigarev. Who is there?: Story / Drawings by A. Lurie // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1956, No. 7 - 1st page of the region, pp. 2-6
  • Georgy Gurevich. The Adventures of a Machine: A Science Fiction Story / Chapter from a Story; Drawings by K. Artseulov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1956, No. 7 – pp. 39-45, 4th page of the region; No. 10 – p.20-27
  • V. Savchenko. The Journey of Vitka Vitkin: A science fiction mystery story / Drawings by G. Bedarev // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1956, No. 9 – pp. 37-38
  • A. Sternfeld. Flight into Space: [Review of the book of the same name by M. Vasiliev] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1956, No. 12 – p. 18
  • L. Zhigarev. In 1960...: Report from the future / Fig. A. Zakharzhevsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1957, No. 1 – p.9-12
  • Arthur S. Clarke. Pacifist: [Fantastic story] / [Abridged] translation [from English] by I. Mozheiko and L. Sedov; Drawings by T. Mishurov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1957, No. 1 – p.15-17
  • Three years closer: What we didn’t talk about in our “lunar” issue [No. 10 for 1954] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1957, No. 2 – p.22
  • [Without a signature]. What happened next?: Report by our correspondent: [Science fiction essay] / Drawings by K. Artseulov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1957, No. 2 – pp. 23, 26
  • On the Moon in 2001: [Comic] / Drawings by I. Friedman // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1957, No. 2 – p.24-25
  • V. Boldyrev. Sleeping lizard: Story / Drawings by A. Shurov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1957, No. 3 – pp. 41-44
  • Alexander Belyaev: [About the author] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1957, No. 4 – p.34
  • Alexander Belyaev. The Last Man from Atlantis: [Sci-fi novella] / Abridged version; Alexander Belyaev: Opening remarks; Drawings by A. Lurie // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1957, No. 4 – pp. 34-42; No. 5 – p. 4th page incl., 41-49
  • B. Lyapunov. On the roads of the future: [Review of the book by Yu. Moralevich “Transport of the Future”] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1957, No. 5 – p.34
  • G. Gorin. Golden water: [Review of the book by A. Studitsky “Treasures of the Black Sea”, M., Trudrezervizdat] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1957, No. 5 – pp. 34-35
  • M. Astrov. Saving power: A joke story / Drawings by I. Friedman // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1957, No. 6 – pp. 40-41; No. 8 – p.30
  • I. Ogloblin. I. Efremov: [Story about the writer] / Drawings by I. Mikhailin // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1957, No. 7 – p.30-33
  • I. Friedman. Looking into tomorrow: [Comic] / Drawings by the author // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1957, No. 7 – p.50-51
  • Nikolay Toman. On the eve of the disaster: Story / Drawings by O. Marinin, N. Grishin // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1957, No. 8 – pp. 20-29; No. 9 – pp. 28-38, 4th page, region.
  • G.I. Babat. Flight on "mirror sails": [Science fiction essay; Forecast for 40 years ahead] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1957, No. 11 – p.28
  • S. Semenov. Universal solvent: [Fantastic essay] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1957, No. 11 – pp. 31-32
  • I. Nechaev. Kitchen of the future: Excerpt from a science fiction story / Drawings. A. Orlova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1957, No. 11 – p.36-37
  • D. Kershner. Conversation for festive table: [Fantastic essay] / Drawings by A. Orlov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1957, No. 11 – p.38-39
  • S. Vladimirov. Descendants of chlorella: Excerpt from an encyclopedia published in 1997: [Fantastic essay] / Drawing by A. Orlov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1957, No. 11 – pp. 39-40
  • Reality and fiction: [Editorial article for the fantastic issue of the magazine] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1957, No. 12 – p.1
  • Vl. Savchenko. Shadow on the wall: Excerpt from the science fiction story “Black Stars” / Drawings by N. Grishin // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1957, No. 12 - 1st page of the region, pp. 8-12
  • Vl. Nemtsov. High above the ground: Chapter from the new science fiction novel “The Last Stop” / Drawings by G. Bedarev // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1957, No. 12 – pp. 13-16
  • Georgy Gurevich. Around the world in one hour: Excerpt from the novel “The Birth of the Sixth Ocean” / Drawings by B. Reznikovich // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1957, No. 12 – pp. 27-29
  • A. Svetov. Sunbeam Hunter: Story / Drawings by S. Fedorov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1957, No. 12 – pp. 41-43
  • Clifford D. Simak. Once upon a time on Mercury: [Fantastic story] / Translation from English by N. Rakhmanova; Drawings by A. Orlov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1957, No. 12 – pp. 47-53, 4th page of the region.
  • B. Lyapunov. The future is on the screen: [Article about the creation of the scientific and feature film “Road to the Stars”] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1957, No. 12 – p.54
  • Guest from space: [About the science fiction story by A. Tishkanov (Alma-Ata)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1957, No. 12 – p.56
  • Gravitransistor: [About the science fiction story of E. Zakladny (Tbilisi)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1957, No. 12 – p.57
  • Her eyes: [About the science fiction story by L. Selenga (Moscow)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1957, No. 12 – p.57
  • On the Land of Queen Maud: [About the science fiction story by L. Onoshko (Dnepropetrovsk)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1957, No. 12 – p.58
  • S. Vladimirov. Through the pages of science fiction novels: [Article] / Drawings by L. Yanitsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1957, No. 12 – p.61-62
  • G. Gurevich and P. Offman. Dome on Kelm: [Science-fiction] story / Drawings by A. Lurie // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1958, No. 1 – p.40-47; No. 2 – pp. 31-37, 4th page of the region; No. 3 – pp. 37-45; No. 4 – pp. 30-41; No. 6 – p.46-51
  • [WITH. Altshuller]. Journey to the Past: [Science Fiction Report] / Comments by E. Zelikovich; Drawings by L. Yanitsky and N. Petrov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1958, No. 1 – p. 55-56, No. 2 – p. 44, No. 3 – p. 53, No. 4 – p. 53, No. 5 – p.53, No.6 – p.11-16
  • V. Shibanov. Journey to Venus: [Review of Stanislav Lem’s book “Astronauts”, (M., 1957)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1958, No. 2 – pp. 40-41
  • Robert Heinlein. The Long Watch: A Fantastic Story / Translation from English; Drawings by A. Orlov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1958, No. 3 – pp. 15-20
  • L. Zhigarev. Green light: Story / Drawings by P. Pinkisevich // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1958, No. 3 – pp. 21-24
  • S. Hlavna. Biocurrents control: [Science fiction essay] / Section “Window to the Future” // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1958, No. 3 – p.45-46
  • V. Shibanov. Real dreams: [Review of the book of essays by B. Lyapunov “Towards a Dream”, M., Trudrezervizdat] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1958, No. 4 – p.43
  • N. P. Pomazovich. Miracles of the cubic screen: [Humoresque] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1958, No. 4 – p.47
  • A. Dneprov. Shipwreck: A Science Fiction Story / Fig. I. Semyonova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1958, No. 5 – 4th page included, pp. 41-45
  • About dreams and fantasy: From notebook correspondent // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1958, No. 6 – p.21
  • V. Shibanov. Guests from Space: [Review of G. Martynov’s book “Callisto” (Moscow, 1957)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1958, No. 6 – p.25
  • I. Friedman. Science fiction writer and inventor: [Article in drawings] / Drawing by the author // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1958, No. 6 – p.52-53
  • Valentina Zhuravleva. Through time: A science fiction story / Drawings by I. Ushakov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1958, No. 7 – pp. 34-37
  • Boris Strugatsky, Arkady Strugatsky. Spontaneous reflex: Science fiction story / Drawings by I. Ushakov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1958, No. 8 – pp. 24-28, 4th page region.
  • G. Altov. Icarus and Daedalus: A science fiction story / Drawings by V. Viktorov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1958, No. 9 – pp. 14-15, 4th page region.
  • A. Dneprov. Crabs Walk on the Island: A Science Fiction Story / Fig. I. Ushakova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1958, No. 11 – pp. 26-30, 4th page region.
  • Yuri Dolgushin. Rays of Life: An excerpt from a science fiction novel / Preface by L. Zhigarev; Drawings by K. Artseulov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1958, No. 12 – pp. 26-30
  • G. Gurevich. Infra of the Dragon: A science fiction story / Drawings by G. Turylev // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1958, No. 12 – p.30-33
  • V. Saparin. The Last Cabby: A Science Fiction Story / Drawings by K. Artseulov // Knowledge is Power (Moscow), 1958, No. 12 – pp. 34-36, 4th page region.
  • What does the reader dream of?: [Review of some fantastic works, received by the magazine’s editors from readers] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1958, No. 12 – p.37-38
  • William Morrison. Sack: A Fantastic Story / Translation from English by Arkady Strugatsky, Boris Strugatsky; Drawings by I. Ushakov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1959, No. 2 – pp. 37-40, 4th page region.
  • N. Shmelev. To the stars: [Review of the book by K. E. Tsiolkovsky “Beyond the Earth”] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1959, No. 2 – pp. 42-43
  • Arkady Strugatsky, Boris Strugatsky. Six matches: A science fiction story / Drawings by A. Orlov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1959, No. 3 – pp. 32-37
  • V. Saparin. The Trial of Tantalus: A Science Fiction Story / Drawings by I. Ushakov // Knowledge is Power (Moscow), 1959, No. 4 – pp. 31-37
  • G. Anfilov. Wings: Science fiction story / Drawings by N. Grishin // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1959, No. 5 – pp. 33-37, 4th page region.
  • S. Ivantsov. This is not yet...: [Review of the collection of science fiction and adventure stories by V. Saparin “One-horned Giraffe”, M., Young Guard] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1959, No. 6 – pp. 38-39
  • G. Gurevich. The writer begins a conversation (about I. Efremov’s book “The Andromeda Nebula”): [Review] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1959, No. 7 – pp. 22-23
  • A. Dneprov. Stories // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1959, No. 7 – 1st page of the region, pp. 28-33
      Saboteur from “Jupiter”: Story / Drawings by K. Artseulov – 1st page of the region, p.28-31 [Anatoly Petrovich Mitskevich (Dneprov): Note on the writer’s work] – p.29 Machine “ES”, model No. 1: Story / Drawings by I. Ushakov – p.31-33
  • Arkady Strugatsky, Boris Strugatsky. Science fiction stories // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1959, No. 8 – pp. 34-43
      Forgotten experiment: Science fiction story / Drawings by N. Grishin – p.34-39, 4th page region. [About the work of A. and B. Strugatsky] – p.35 Private assumptions: Science fiction story / Drawings by I. Ushakov – p.40-43
  • [Georgy Iosifovich Gurevich: Note on the writer’s work] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1959, No. 9 – p.21
  • Georgy Gurevich. Everything from atoms: Chapter from a science fiction novel [“We are from the Solar System”] / Drawings by V. Bugoslavsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1959, No. 9 – pp. 22-27
  • A. Kolpakov. One: Science Fiction Story/Abridged Version; Drawings by N. Grishin // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1959, No. 10 – pp. 34-43, 4th page of the region.
  • [Alexander Lavrentievich Kolpakov: Note on the writer’s work] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1959, No. 10 – p. 36
  • V. Saparin. The last test: Science fiction story / Drawings by R. Orlovsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1959, No. 11 – pp. 38-44; 4th page region
  • [Viktor Stepanovich Saparin: Note on the writer’s work] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1959, No. 11 – p.39.] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1959, No. 11 – p.39
  • Gleb Anfilov. At the end of the road: Science fiction story / Drawings by R. Musikhina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1959, No. 12 – pp. 22-26
  • A word to the writers: [Note on the provision of the second section of the magazine to science fiction writers] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1959, No. 12 – p.23
  • Valentina Zhuravleva. The Man Who Made Atlantis: A Science Fiction Story / Abridged Version; Drawings by N. Grishin // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1959, No. 12 – 1st page of the region, pp. 27-32
  • K. Linovsky. Big Derby Queen: Humorous story/ Drawings by A. Orlov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1959, No. 12 – p.33-35
  • Arkady Strugatsky, Boris Strugatsky. White cone Alaid: A science fiction story // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1959, No. 12 – pp. 36-40, 4th page region.
  • I. Rosohovatsky. Monsters of the lunar caves: A science fiction story / Drawings by A. Orlov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1959, No. 12 – p.40-41
  • Arthur Porges. Ruum: A fantastic story / Translation from English by I. Bernstein; Drawings by I. Ushakov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1959, No. 12 – pp. 42-45
  • I. Nechaev. White dwarf: Science fiction story / Drawings by M. Rabinovich // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1959, No. 12 – pp. 46-49
  • [AND. Nechaev: Note on the writer’s work] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1959, No. 12 – p.47
  • Twenty years later: Afterword to the story by I. Nechaev [“White Dwarf”] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1959, No. 12 – p.49
  • G. Gorin. Generator of miracles: [Review of Yuri Dolgushin’s book “GCH” (M., 1959)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1959, No. 12 – p.50
  • G. Gorin. Journey to Venus: [Review of the book by A. and B. Strugatsky “The Land of Crimson Clouds” (Moscow, 1959)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1959, No. 12 – p.50
  • G. Gorin. In the world of adventures: [Review of the 4th collection “World of Adventures”] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1959, No. 12 – p.51
  • G. Gorin. It’s worth reading: [Review of the three-volume work by A. Belyaev, M., Young Guard] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1959, No. 12 – p.51
  • G. Altov and A. Skvortsov. From a cannon to the moon: Literary parodies / Friendly cartoons by I. Igin // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1959, No. 12 – pp. 52-53
      A. Kazantsev From a cannon on the blazing moon - p.52 V. Nemtsov. From a cannon to the moon – p.52 G. Gurevich. Without a gun to the Moon: A novel in 144 tables – p.52-52 V. Saparin. On the Moon, as on the Moon... – p.53 I. Efremov. From a cannon to the planet B-7336-C+87-A – p.53
  • Valentina Zhuravleva. Leonardo: Story / Drawings by G. Makarov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1960, No. 1 – pp. 28-30
  • A. Dneprov. Electronic hammer: A science fiction story / Drawings by I. Ushakov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1960, No. 1 – pp. 31-33, 4th page region.
  • V. Shibanov. Discovery and its fate: [Review of Nikolai Lukin’s book “The Fate of Discovery”, M., Detgiz] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1960, No. 1 – p.37
  • Ray Bradbury. Rocket: Story / Translation from English by Z. Bobyr; Drawings by G. Annenkov and M. Tarasov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1960, No. 2 – pp. 38-40
  • Jules Verne. At the bottom of the ocean: A story / Foreword by E. Brandis; [Translation from French by M. Krukovsky]; Drawings by A. Leskovets // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1960, No. 2 – p.41-42
  • G. Gurevich. The Sixth Ocean: [Excerpts from the novel “The Birth of the Sixth Ocean”] / Drawings by I. Ushakov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1960, No. 4 – p.20-22
  • Science fiction artist: [Article about the artist Andrei Konstantinovich Sokolov] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1960, No. 5 – p.26-27
      Start: [Reproduction] – p.26 Moon (Earthrise): [Reproduction] – p.26 Lunar volcano: [Reproduction] – p.26 To Mars: [Reproduction] – p.27 On the satellite of Mars: [Reproduction] – p.27 On Venus: [Reproduction] – p.27
  • Arkady Strugatsky, Boris Strugatsky. At night on Mars: A science fiction story / Drawings by I. Ushakov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1960, No. 6 – pp. 32-36, 4th page region.
  • G. Altov, V. Zhuravleva. Ballad of the Stars: A Science Fiction Story / Drawings by N. Grishin // Knowledge is Power (Moscow), 1960, No. 8 – pp. 30-37; No. 9 – pp. 32-40; No. 10 – pp. 30-39, 4th page, region.
  • G. Kopranskaya. Ordinary people: [Review of I. Efremov’s collection “Yurt of the Crow”] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1960, No. 8 – p.41
  • I. Lolin. Great geography: [Review of the collection “On land and at sea”, M., Geographgiz] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1960, No. 8 – pp. 41-42
  • Meet the “Seeker”: [About the new magazine of fantasy and adventure “Seeker”] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1960, No. 10 – p.45
  • B. Kartashev. Truthful storyteller: [Review of the book by I. Muravyova about the Danish writer and storyteller Anderson, published by the publishing house “Young Guard”] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1960, No. 11 – p.19
  • A. Dneprov. The Time Factor: A Science Fiction Story / Drawings by I. Ushakov // Knowledge is Power (Moscow), 1961, No. 2 – pp. 37-41
  • A. Dneprov. The world in which I disappeared: Pamphlet / Drawings by N. Grishin // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1961, No. 2 – pp. 41-44
  • M. Arlazorov. New about Tsiolkovsky: [Article] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1961, No. 3 – pp. 8-10
  • L. Zhigarev. Science fiction and Soviet reality: [Flight into space: forecasts of science fiction writers and the real feat of the Soviet people] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1961, No. 4 – p.24
  • V. Shibanov. A novel about a bright future: [Review of S. Lem’s book “The Magellanic Cloud”] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1961, No. 4 – p.41
  • Anatoly Dneprov. Game: Story / Drawings by I. Ushakov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1961, No. 5 – p.39-41
  • V. Shibanov. Fiction and science: [Review of A. Dneprov’s book “Maxwell’s Equation (Moscow, 1960)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1961, No. 6 – p.45
  • G. Altov. Can a machine think?: [Fantastic stories] / Drawings by B. Reznikovich // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1961, No. 7 – pp. 39-42
      Trigger chain – p.39-40 Ready for takeoff! – p.40 First contact – p.41 Strange question – p.41-42 From the editor: [Afterword] – p.42
  • A. Voiskunsky, I. Lukodyanov. The crew of the “Mekong”: [Excerpts from the novel] / Drawings by A. Lurie // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1961, No. 8 – pp. 38-43, 4th page region.
  • Anatoly Dneprov. Tragedy on Paradise Street: Story / Drawings by I. Staroselsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1961, No. 8 – pp. 44-49
  • Ray Bradbury. Cosmonaut: [Fantastic story] / Translated from English by L. Zhdanov; Drawings by N. Zakharzhevsky; Editorial afterword // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1961, No. 8 – p.50-52
  • [Without a signature]. The bunny went out for a walk...: Literary parodies / Drawings by I. Offengenden // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1961, No. 8 – p.56, 3rd page. region
      Dneprov A. Hares walk along the island. – 3rd page region. Zhuravleva V. Star letter. – 3rd page region. Savchenko V. Seventeenth expedition to the Strange Planet. – 3rd page region.
  • G. Altov. General Designer: Story / Drawings by I. Ushakov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1961, No. 10 – pp. 51-53
  • V. Vestov. Smith-Smith catches a spy: Almost according to Wells: Pamphlet / Drawings by I. Ushakov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1961, No. 11 – pp. 49-53
  • E. Muslin. Engineers for science fiction writers: [On technical errors in the books of A. Mitrofanov “On the Tenth Planet”, Yu. and S. Safronov “Grandchildren of Our Grandchildren”; G. Adamov “Winners of the subsoil”] / Drawings by B. Reznikovich // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1961, No. 12 – pp. 38-41
  • V. Ananyin. One night: [Fantastic story] / Drawings by N. Grishin // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1961, No. 12 – pp. 42-47
  • Stanislav Lem. Solaris: Excerpt from the story / Translated [from Polish] by V. Kovalevsky; Drawings by N. Grishin // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1961, No. 12 – p.48-50
  • Ray Bradbury. Howler: [Fantastic story] / Translated [from English] by L. Zhdanov; Drawing by V. Zamkov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1961, No. 12 – pp. 52-53, 4th page of the region.
  • G. Anfilov. The joy of action: [Fantastic story] / Drawings by N. Zakharzhevsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1962, No. 1 – p.40-42
  • Yu. Kuznetsov. Relay race: [Fantastic story] / Drawings by B. Reznikovich // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1962, No. 1 – p.44-45
  • L. Vozvyshaev. Pale dwarf: [Parody story] / Drawings by L. Kataev // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1962, No. 1 – p.47; No. 2 – p.55-56; No. 3 – p.47-48; No. 4 – p.47; No. 5 – p.56
  • N. Grishin. Drawing by a science fiction artist on which readers are invited to write a fantasy story // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1962, No. 1 - 4th page. region.
  • A. Strugatsky, B. Strugatsky. Attackers: (Chapter from the science fiction story “Return”) / Drawings by G. Makarov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1962, No. 2 – pp. 25-29
  • Karel Capek. How to invent: Humoresque. / Translated [from Czech] by V. Kovalevsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1962, No. 2 – p.56
  • Stanislav Lem. Immortal soul: [Fantastic story] / Translation [from Polish] by V. Kovalevsky; Drawings by I. Ushakov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1962, No. 3 – p.43-45
  • Gleb Anfilov. Test: [Fantastic story] / Drawings by I. Ushakov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1962, No. 4 – p.40-43
  • P. V. Simonov. Could this be?: Afterword // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1962, No. 4 – p.43
  • B.V. Lyapunov. Figures and facts that you should know: [An article about fantastic ideas implemented by science fiction writers in their works] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1962, No. 4 – p.46
  • Gleb Anfilov. EREM: [Fantastic story] / Drawing by N. Grishin // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1962, No. 6 – p.20
  • Anatoly Dneprov. Moonlight Sonata: [Fantastic story] / Drawings by A. Lurie // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1962, No. 6 – pp. 21-24; 4th page region
  • Travels to the future: [Rec. based on the book by G. Altov “Legends of Star Captains” (Moscow, 1962)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1962, No. 7 – p.37
  • Anatoly Dneprov. Facing the wall: [Fantastic story] / Drawings by A. Alexandrov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1962, No. 8 – pp. 32-35
  • Yu. Kuznetsov. A man sitting in a chair: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1962, No. 8 – p.35
  • M. Arlazorov. The road to Mars goes through Kaluga. (From the book “Tsiolkovsky, published in the series “Life of Remarkable People”) // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1962, No. 9 – pp. 12-15
  • R. Podolny. Navigation is impossible: A non-historical story // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1962, No. 9 – p.31
  • A. Dneprov. Formula of immortality: [Fantastic story] / Fig. N. Grishina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1962, No. 9 – p.34-41
  • R. Kologrivov. In the battle with time: [Article about the foresight of science fiction writers] / Fig. B. Zhutovsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1962, No. 9 – p.42-43
  • V. Kovalev. Point of view: [Humoresque] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1962, No. 9 – p.48
  • Roman Podolny. For the first time: Non-historical story // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1962, No. 11 – p.46
  • Gleb Anfilov. Me and not me: Fantasy: [Fantastic story] / Fig. Yu. Soboleva // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1962, No. 12 – p.44-45
  • Our guest: [About Stanislav Lem] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1962, No. 12 – p.52
  • Stanislav Lem. The missing time machine. (From the stories of Iyon the Quiet): Fantasy: [Fantastic story] / [Translation from Polish]; Rice. B. Alimova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1962, No. 12 – p.52-55
  • B. Zubkov, E. Muslin. Green button: Fantastic humor / Fig. A. Shcherbakova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1963, No. 1 – p.32
  • E. Voiskunsky, I. Lukodyanov. Formula for the impossible: [Story] / Fig. N. Grishina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1963, No. 1 – p.37-44
  • A. Pike. Space regatta: Story / Photo montage by the author // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1963, No. 1 – p. 48, 3rd page region.
  • B. Zubkov, E. Muslin. Beyond the edge of the Sun: [Story] / Fig. A. Shcherbakova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1963, No. 2 – p.44-45
  • N. Vilenkin. An extraordinary hotel (The Thousand and First Journey of Ion the Quiet): [Story in the essay “Countless Infinities”] / Fig. B. Kosulnikova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1963, No. 3 – p.28-29
  • V. Zhigulev. Antiworld: Script for a popular science film / Fig. B. Alimova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1963, No. 4 – p.40-43
  • Gleb Anfilov. Change of Mood: [Sci-Fi Story] / Fig. A. Shcherbakova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1963, No. 4 – p.44-46
  • Ilya Varshavsky. Biocurrents, biocurrents...: [Humoresque] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1963, No. 4 – p.48
  • B. Zubkov, E. Muslin. Black and green: Fantastic humoresque / Fig. I. Smirnova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1963, No. 5 – p.13
  • N. Denisov. Dissenting opinion: [Story] / Fig. A. Schultz // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1963, No. 5 – p.50-51
  • A. Kharkovsky. Venice in the Arctic: Letter to a friend: [Story] / Fig. K. Murashova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1963, No. 6 – 1st page of the region, pp. 4-5
  • A. Dneprov. The end of “Red Chrysanthemum”: Pamphlet / Fig. B. Alimova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1963, No. 6 – p.43-44
  • G. Gurevich. Aast Llun - Architect of the Sky: Tale: Excerpt from the book “Everything that is from Atoms” [“We are from the Solar System”] / Fig. A. Sokolova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1963, No. 7 – p.40-46
  • E. Pavlyuchenko, N. Eidelman. Pushkin Mountains 1963: [Essay] / Fig. and engravings by I. Staroselsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1963, No. 8 – pp. 31-42
  • A. Dneprov. Afterword to Wells: [Humoresque] / Fig. V. Dobrovolsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1963, No. 8 – p. 48, 3rd page region.
      The Invisible Man – p.48 The Time Machine – p.48 The Struggle of the Worlds – p.48 The First Men on the Moon – p.48
  • Anatoly Dneprov. Direct proof: Pamphlet / Fig. N. Grishina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1963, No. 10 – pp. 14-18
  • Rafail Bakhtamov. Discovery: Story / Fig. G. Turyleva // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1963, No. 10 – p.34-38
  • I. Petrov. Joke: Story / Fig. Yu. Makarova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1963, No. 11 – p.51
  • A. Sokolov. Ghosts of Mars: [Reproduction] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1963, No. 11 – 4th page region.
  • L. Zhigarev. “Think and you...”: [About the books of G. Gurevich “Prisoners of an Asteroid” (1962) and “On a Transparent Planet” (1963)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1963, No. 12 – p.43
  • N. Oglobin. Sentence: [Story] / Fig. V. Zuikova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1963, No. 12 – p.50-51
  • R. Kologrivov. Man does not want to be a god: [Review of the book by A. and B. Strugatsky “Distant Rainbow”] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1965, No. 1 – p.17
  • G. Filanovsky. Hours of life: [Fantastic story] / Fig. M. Zherebchevsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1965, No. 1 – p.22-23
  • K. Simak. The generation that achieved the goal: [Fantastic story] / Abridged translation from English by A. Iordansky; Rice. B. Alimova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1965, No. 1 – p.36-47
  • B. Zubkov, E. Muslin. Among the cybers: Fantastic microhumor // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1965, No. 2 – p.40
      Insightful child – p.40 Dad is a skeptic – p.40 Primitive – p.40 Unfading proverb – p.40 Advantage – p.40 To each his own – p.40
  • Stanislav Lem. Three Electric Knights: [Fantastic story] / [Translation from Polish]; Rice. A. Brusilovsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1965, No. 2 – p.40-41
  • Vl. Tretyakov. Visiting Kurdl: [Fantastic story] / Fig. Yu. Sooster // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1965, No. 2 – p.42-43
  • Stanislav Lem. Introduction to intelligentronics: [Two chapters from the “Intellectronics” section of the book “Summa technologiae”] / Fig. E. Neizvestny // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1965, No. 3 – p.6-10
  • Summa technologiae: [About the book of Stanislav Lem] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1965, No. 3 – p.11
  • Nikolai Kulikov. People with Southern Cross: [Fantastic story] / Fig. B. Alimova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1965, No. 3 – p.33
  • Vladimir Malov. A surprise awaited them on Pandeyra: [Fantastic story-joke] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1965, No. 3 – pp. 34-35
  • Alexander Siletsky. Nihil (Nothing): [Fantastic story-joke] / Fig. A. Velikanova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1965, No. 3 – p.34
  • L. Zhigarev. Writer - researcher, popularizer of science: [To the 75th anniversary of the birth of L. I. Gumilevsky] // Knowledge is power, 1965, No. 3 - pp. 38-39
  • Slawomir Mrozek
      Incident: [Humoresque] / Translated from Polish by M. Pavlov and Vl. Burich; Collage by A. Brusilovsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1965, No. 3 – p. 42 Wedding in Atomitsy: [Humoresque] / Translated from Polish by M. Pavlov and Vl. Burich; Rice. Yu. Soostera // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1965, No. 3 – p.43
  • Anatoly Dneprov. Head for rent: Science-fiction pamphlet / Engraving by A. Brusilovsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1965, No. 5 – p.40-42
  • Country Fantasy: [Article about the opening of the club “Country Fantasy” on the pages of the magazine] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1965, No. 6 – pp. 38-39
  • G. Gurevich. A question about questions. Writers ask: [Article] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1965, No. 6 – p.40
  • A. Strugatsky, B. Strugatsky. What science fiction writers don’t write about: [Article] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1965, No. 6 – p.40-41
  • Stanislav Lem. Fiction and science. (Thoughts on the article by V. Smilga “Science Fiction and Fantastic Science” from the magazine “Knowledge is Power” No. 12 for 1964): [Article] // Knowledge is Power (Moscow), 1965, No. 6 – p.40- 43
  • Grigory Filanovsky. Cleaner: [Story] / Drawing by B. Alimov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1965, No. 8 – p.33-35
  • A. Dneprov. Along the axis "EF": Science fiction story / Fig. N. Popova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1965, No. 9 – p.52-54
  • L. Zhigarev. "Kill Warrant": [Rec. based on a story by Robert Sheckley] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1965, No. 9 – p.54-55
  • Test of time: [About the fantastic story by N. S. Bobrov “Moscow - Vladivostok at 12 o’clock”, published in the magazine “Knowledge is Power” in 1931] // Knowledge is Power (Moscow), 1965, No. 9 – p.55
  • A. Kharkovsky. Submarines– to the sky: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1965, No. 10 – p.26-27
  • N. Eidelman. Great-great...: Film story / Fig. N. Grishina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1965, No. 10 – pp. 28-32; No. 11 – p.28-33
  • A. Kolpakov. Cold in the retort: ​​[Essay on chemical reactions with a fantastic preface and afterword about the laboratory of chemists on Jupiter] / Fig. A. Velikanova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1965, No. 11 – pp. 12-14
  • Boris Zubkov, Evgeny Muslin. Three with a minus: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1965, No. 11 – p.17
  • Vladimir Savchenko. The experience of a graduate student Krivoshein: An excerpt from the science fiction novel “Discovering Yourself” / Fig. N. Grishina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1965, No. 12 – pp. 10-11
  • Clifford D. Simak. Operation Skunk: [Fantastic story] / [Translated from English]; Rice. Sergei Alimov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1965, No. 12 – pp. 12-19
  • R. Sheckley. Scavenger on Lorey: [Fantastic story] / Translated from English by N. Evdokimov; Rice. O. Tselkova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1965, No. 12 – p.26-29
  • Stanislav Lem. 2 stories / Translated from Polish by Ariadna Gromova; Figure by A. Brusilovsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1965, No. 12 – p.34-38
      Gargantian's Trap – p.34-36 About how Trurl's own perfection led to trouble – p.36-38
  • A. Dobrovich. Reports former robot: [SF essay] / Fig. O. Tselkova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1966, No. 1 – p.23-26
  • I. Varshavsky. Cadet Ploshkin: [Fantastic story] / Fig. B. Alimova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1966, No. 1 – p.52-56
  • R. Sheckley. Hare: [Fantastic story] / Translated from English by N. Evdokimov; Rice. N. Grishina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1966, No. 1 – p.62-64
  • R. Sheckley. Minimum Man: [Fantastic story] / Translated from English by N. Evdokimova; Rice. N. Grishina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1966, No. 2 – p.42-47
  • V. Gan. Give back the soul to the people!: [Review of the book by A. Strugatsky, B. Strugatsky “Predatory Things of the Century”, M., “Young Guard”, 1965] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1966, No. 2 – p.48
  • Damon Knight. Man in a Jug: [Fantastic story] / Translation from English by N. Evdokimova; Rice. A. Brusilovsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1966, No. 3 – p.40-43
  • Paul Anderson is introduced to our reader by Ivan Efremov: [Preface to Paul Anderson’s story “Call Me Joe”] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1966, No. 4 – p.28
  • Paul Anderson. Call me Joe: [Fantastic story] / Translation from English by A. Bordaevsky; Rice. N. Grishina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1966, No. 4 – pp. 28-32; No. 5 – p.42-46
  • D. Bilenkin. The appearance of the giraffe: [Fantastic story] / Fig. N. Grishina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1966, No. 6 – p.44-46
  • Vladimir Savchenko. New Weapon: A science fiction play in 4 acts with a prologue / Printed with abbreviations; Rice. A. Brusilovsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1966, No. 7 – pp. 36-42; No. 8 – p.37-46
  • L. Zhigarev. In rapid motion: [Review of G. Gurevich’s book “We are from the Solar System”] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1966, No. 7 – p.43
  • A. Blum. Tsarist censorship against the “Time Machine”: [Article about the first edition in Russia of the novel by H.G. Wells] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1966, No. 9 – p.34
  • Peter Fateev. [Five reproductions of space paintings] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1966, No. 9 – p.45
  • Eric Russell. Touchstone: [Fantastic story] / Translation from English by N. Evdokimova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1966, No. 9 – pp. 46-49
  • A. Gromov. Transistor dreams: [Humoresque] / Fig. V. Zuikova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1966, No. 10 – p.20-23
  • A. Zelentsov. Taming the Skeptic: A magical performance with the Choir, the Skeptic and the Beautiful Fairy: [Play] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1966, No. 10 – pp. 22-23
  • Pan Tvardovsky and the devil: [Oh literary hero] / Rice. O. Kandaurova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1966, No. 10 – p.25
  • Paul Anderson. Turning point: [Fantastic story] / Translation from English by A. Borodaevsky; Rice. B. Lavrova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1966, No. 10 – pp. 26-29
  • Alexander and Sergey Abramov. New Aladdin: Excerpts from a fantasy story / Fig. E. Bachurina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1966, No. 11 – p.42-45
  • Daniel Keyes. Flowers for Algernon: [Fantastic story] / Abridged translation from English by S. Vasilyeva // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1966, No. 12 – pp. 33-37
  • G. Filanovsky. Come back tomorrow: [Story] / Fig. O. F. de Araujo // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1967, No. 3 – pp. 42-45
  • S. Lem. The First Journey “A”, or Elektribald Trurl: A Science Fiction Story / Abridged translation from Polish by O. Gain; Rice. M. Romadina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1967, No. 4 – p.44-46
  • L. Rozanova. Foreteller of the past. (From stories about Evgeny Barantsev): [Fantastic story] / Fig. Octavio Ferreira de Araujo // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1967, No. 7 – p.44-47
  • Vladimir Savchenko. Reader and science fiction: [Review of answers to a questionnaire for fans of science fiction, placed in the 1st and 2nd issues of the collection “Fantastika-66”] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1967, No. 8 – p.30- 31
  • V. Evgeniev. Manuscript found in Zaragoza: [About novel of the same name Yan Pototsky] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1967, No. 9 – p.33
  • Arkady Vaksberg. Hero against the author: [On the trial after the release of Jules Verne’s novel “Following the Banner”] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1967, No. 9 – pp. 51-53
  • Cyrus. Bulychev. The world is strange, but kind: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1967, No. 9 – pp. 58-59
  • William Jenkins. Parliamentarian: Story / Translation from English by N. Dubov; Rice. Yu. Sooster // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1967, No. 12 – p.52-57
  • Kir Bulychev. Breakdown on the line: [Story] / Fig. V. Morozova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1968, No. 4 – p.40-43
  • E. Lebedev, V. Studenikov. Inferiority complex: [Story] / Fig. Yu. Sooster // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1968, No. 6 – p.41-43
  • R. Sarukhanov. Expulsion of the Exiles: Treatise / Fig. N. Manuilova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1968, No. 7 – p.44-45
  • R. Sheckley. Dream city on feet of clay: [Fragment of the novel “Coordinates of Miracles”] / Translation from English by N. Evdokimova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1968, No. 10 – pp. 37-39
  • R. Podolny. Path to June 31st: [Rec. on the collection “The Thirty-First of June” (M., 1968)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1968, No. 11 – p.16
  • L. Rozanova. On the issue of heart transplantation: A fairy tale / Fig. N. Manuilova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1968, No. 11 – p.38-39
  • A. Strugatsky, B. Strugatsky. Inhabited island: [Chapter from the story] / Note. ed // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1968, No. 12 – p.52-54
  • Vladlen Bakhnov. Attention: AHI!: [Humoresque] / Fig. S. Zhdana // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1968, No. 12 – p.59-61
  • A. Mirer. I have nine lives: [Fantastic story] / Fig. A. Antonova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1969, No. 1 – p.40-43; No. 2 – p.39-41; No. 3 – pp. 33-35; No. 4 – pp. 31-33; No. 5 – p.49-53; No. 6 – p.34-37; No. 7 – pp. 32-35
  • I. Varshavsky. Second birth: [Fantastic story] / Fig. A. Ryumina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1969, No. 3 – p.35-37
  • Obituary on the death of Liliya Rozanova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1969, No. 4 – p.35
  • L. Rozanova. Cactus of Professor Ochkin: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1969, No. 4 – pp. 34-36
  • F. Grishin. Three pages about twenty-two fantasy stories: [Review of the book “Impostor Stamp” by Boris Zubkov and Evgeny Muslin (M., 1968)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1969, No. 4 – p.47
  • I. Vatel. People or anti-people?: [Humoresque] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1969, No. 7 – p.45
  • Isaac Asimov . Educational program for readers of science fiction: [Article] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1969, No. 8 – pp. 32-33
  • A. Balabuev. How “The Struggle of the Worlds” began: [An article about the history of H.G. Wells writing the novel “The Struggle of the Worlds”] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1969, No. 8 – p.35
  • M. Chudakova. Space of life: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1969, No. 8 – p.43-44
  • V. Yakovlev. Be careful, hares!: [Humoresque] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1969, No. 8 – p.48
  • Yu. Roscius. Mysterious Cyrano: [Article about Cyrano de Bergerac and his book “Another Light, or States and Empires of the Moon”] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1969, No. 9 – pp. 56-57
  • V. Mikhailov. Top-class pilot: [Fantastic story] / Fig. A. Antonova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1969, No. 10 – p.51-55
  • Robert Sheckley. Split personality: [Fantastic story] / Abridged translation from English by N. Evdokimova; Rhys Yu. Sarafanova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1969, No. 10 – p.56-60
  • Lydia Obukhova. Foray into the infinite: [Review of the philosophical work of Stanislav Lem “Summa of Technology” (Moscow, 1968)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1969, No. 11 – p.41
  • Valentina Zhuravleva. Adventure: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1969, No. 12 – p.32-37
  • Theodore Cogswell. The Wall Around the World: [Fantastic Story] / Abridged translation from English by E. Kubichev; Rice. D. Lyon // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1969, No. 12 – p.37-41
  • Frederick Brown. The Last Martian: [Fantastic story] / Translation from English by A. Chapkovsky; Rice. V. Mandrichenko // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1970, No. 1 – p.53-54
  • Cyrus. Bulychev. Share with me...: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1970, No. 2 – p.35-37
  • V. Yakovlev. Pet dry and black cats!: [Humoresque] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1970, No. 2 – p.48
  • R. Podolny. The stars are calling to Earth: [Review of the collection of science fiction stories about space “The Stars are Calling...” (M., 1969)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1970, No. 3 – p.37
  • Robert Sheckley. Diplomatic immunity: [Fantastic story] / Abridged translation from English by N. Evdokimova; Rice. A. Antonova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1970, No. 3 – p.42-45
  • Vladimir Grigoriev. Sample from 1919: [Fantastic story] / Fig. N. Koshkina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1970, No. 5 – p.46-51
  • Art Buchwald. What the white rats were talking about: [Humoresque] / Translation [from German]. T. Chernilovskaya; Rice. V. Kulbaka // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1970, No. 5 – p.63
  • Kirill Bulychev. Personal connections: A fantastic story / Fig. B. Bakhchanan // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1970, No. 6 – p.47-48
  • Arthur Clarke. Possessed: [Fantastic story] / Translation from English by A. Chapkovsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1970, No. 7 – pp. 46-47
  • M. Pukhov. Losing a Monopoly: Story / Fig. N. Koshkina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1970, No. 8 – p.32-35
  • R. Podolny. Once again about humanity: [Review of Robert Merle’s book “The Reasonable Animal” (Moscow, 1969)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1970, No. 8 – p.39
  • V. Volin. Man, machines and fantasy: [Review of the book by Sever Gansovsky “Three steps to danger” (Moscow, 1969)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1970, No. 9 – p.48
  • Cyrus. Bulychev. Fount of wisdom: [Fantastic story] / Fig. E. Nazarova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1970, No. 9 – p.60-62
  • Kurt Vonnegut. Report on the Barnhouse effect: [Fantastic story] / Translated from English by V. Telnikov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1970, No. 11 – pp. 39-41
  • Mikhail Pukhov. Lost: [Fantastic story] / Fig. A. Antonova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1970, No. 12 – p.30-31
  • Bill Brown. Star Ducklings: [Fantastic Story] / Translation from English by A. Lebedev, A. Militarev; Collage by V. Bakhchinyan // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1970, No. 12 – p.34-36
  • Vsevolod Revich. A trip around the world to the future, present and past: [O book series“Library of Modern Fiction” (Moloda Gvardiya Publishing House) and “Foreign Fiction” (Mir Publishing House)] / Fig. Yu. Sooster // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1970, No. 12 – p.36-37
  • Nikolai Lozhkin. Brothers in danger!: [Fantastic story] / Fig. I. Svechnova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1970, No. 12 – p.47
  • Valentina Zhuravleva. We will pass by - and further: [Fantastic story] / Fig. V. Ugarova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1972, No. 1 – p.56-61
  • L. Maistrov. Plot for a fantasy story: [Humoresque] / Fig. V. Plotnikova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1971, No. 1 – p.64
  • Somerset Maugham. Lord Mountdrago: [Story] / Abridged translation from English by L. Stein // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1971, No. 2 – pp. 42-44
  • A. Dobrovich. Fear of the unknown: Commentary by a psychologist [on S. Maugham’s story “Lord Mountdrago”] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1971, No. 2 – p.44
  • N. Savelyev. Well: [Fantastic humoresque] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1971, No. 2 – p.48
  • Dm. Sukharev. The queen and the arrogant king: [Humoresque] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1971, No. 2 – p.48
  • Cyrus. Bulychev. Choice: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1971, No. 3 – p.45-47
  • James Cox. Rain, rain, stop...: [Fantastic story] / Translation from English by Yu. Estrin // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1971, No. 4 – p.40-42
  • Ilya Varshavsky. Soul for rent: [Fantastic story] / Fig. E. Nazarova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1971, No. 5 – p.60-61
  • R. Sheckley. Leech: [Fantastic story] / Abridged translation from English by E. Tsvetkov; Rice. E. Nazarova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1971, No. 7 – p.38-40
  • Ilya Varshavsky. Plot for the novel: [Fantastic story] / Fig. N. Koshkina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1971, No. 8 – p.40-42
  • G. Dietrich. Expedition to brothers in mind: [Humoresque] / Translation [from English] by V. Postnikov and I. Zolotarev // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1971, No. 9 – p.63
  • Frank Sullivan. Eclipse Lessons: [Humoresque] / Fig. V. Plotnova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1971, No. 9 – p.64
  • Daniel Keyes. Mad Maro: [Fantastic story] / Abridged translation from English by G. Musinova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1971, No. 10 – pp. 43-46
  • A. Morozov. Timka the postman: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1971, No. 11 – p.47
  • Stanislav Lem. Kuno Mlatje. “Odysseus from Ithaca”: [Excerpt from the book “Perfect Vacuum”] / Translation from Polish by L. Khokhlov; Rice. N. I. Koshkina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1972, No. 2 – p.46-48
  • James Schmitz. Grandfather: [Fantastic story] / Translation from English by N. Ustinov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1972, No. 3 – p.45-47
  • S. Shmakov. Aliens: [Humoresque] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1972, No. 3 – p.48
  • I. Rusanov. Error in calculations: [Story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1972, No. 4 – p.46-47
  • D. Bilibin. Just one and a half millimeters: A story // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1972, No. 5 – pp. 12-14
  • Sydney Bounds. Relic: [Fantastic story] / Translation from English by E. Tsvetkov; Rice. N. I. Koshkina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1972, No. 5 – p.39-40
  • N. Ishiev. New about the origin of man: [Humoresque] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1972, No. 5 – p.47
  • Michael Coney. What happened to these McGowans?: [Fantastic story] / Translation from English by R. Nudelman // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1972, No. 6 – p.60-63
  • Christopher Anvil. Unintentional risk: [Fantastic story] / Translation from English by A. Jordansky, A. Tchaikovsky; Rice. N. I. Koshkina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1972, No. 7 – p.44-46
  • Aron Kobrinsky. The principle of optimal expediency: [Story] / Fig. I. Savinova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1972, No. 7 – p.47-48
  • Rossel Brown. Adventures of an Ancient Recipe: [Fantastic Story] / Abridged Version; Translation from English by Yu. Estrin; Rice. N. I. Koshkina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1972, No. 8 – p.41-44
  • E. Speransky. I-go-go: Excerpt from the play // Knowledge is power (Moscow), Moscow, 1972, No. 8 – p.46-47
  • Eric Frank Russell. I testify: [Fantastic story] / Abridged version; Translation from English by B. Klyueva // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1972, No. 9 – p.42-45
  • R. Sarukhanov. Neznanika: Brief basics of the theory: [Humoresque] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1972, No. 10 – pp. 62-63
  • Stanislav Lem. Another review: [Fantastic story] / Abridged version; Translation from Polish by L. Khokhlov; Rice. N. I. Koshkina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1972, No. 11 – p.46-48
  • Art. Lem. 137 seconds: [Fantastic story] / Abridged translation from Polish by L. Khokhlov; Rice. N. Koshkina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1973, No. 2 – p.54-58
  • F. Krivin. Beginning of life: [Humoresque] / Fig. V. Zuikova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1973, No. 3 – p.47-48
  • Kir Bulychev. Red deer, white deer: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1973, No. 4 – pp. 38-40
  • M. Crichton. Operating room No. 9: [Excerpt from the novel “Terminal Men”] / Terminal Men: Preface by P. Simonov, Doctor of Medical Sciences; Translation [from English] by P. and Yu. Simonov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1973, No. 5 – pp. 21-23
  • D. Bilibin. Shirkovsky's vaccine: [Sci-fi scenario] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1973, No. 5 – pp. 34-36
  • A. Van Vogt. Enchanted village: [Fantastic story] / Translation from English by A. Iordansky and A. Chapkovsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1973, No. 5 – p.60-61
  • A. Morozov, S. Chekrygina. And they say, Cuvier...: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1973, No. 6 – p.44-45
  • Cyrus. Bulychev. Half a Life: [Fantastic Tale] / Fig. N. Koshkina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1973, No. 7 – p.36-40
  • Mikhail Pukhov. Random sequence: [Fantastic story] / Fig. N. Koshkina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1973, No. 8 – p.38-41
  • F. Krivin. Romance of the sea: Fantasy without fiction / Fig. V. Dlugia // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1973, No. 8 – p.46-47
  • Christopher Anvil. Blind wall: [Fantastic story] / Abridged translation from English by S. Livitsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1973, No. 9 – pp. 44-46
  • F. Krivin. Explanation of hypotheses: [Humoresque] / Fig. A. Antonova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1973, No. 10 – p.60-61
  • Letter to the editor: [Humoresque] / Fig. T. Gnisyuk // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1973, No. 10 – p.61
  • Bob Shaw. Meeting on Praile: [Fantastic story] / Translation from English by N. Kolpakov; Rice. N. Koshkina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1973, No. 11 – p.44-46
  • Cyrus. Bulychev. Snow Maiden: [Fantastic story] / Fig. D. Utenkova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1973, No. 12 – p.38-41
  • Valery Tsyganov. Martian stories / Fig. N. Koshkina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1973, No. 12 – p.41-45
      The Last of the Martians – p.41-42 Scarlet Flower 1 – p.42 Bonfire – p.42 Toy – p.42-44 Lonely Wind – p.44 Voice – p.44-45 Scarlet Flower 2 – p.45 Monument to the Martian – p.45
  • Vladimir Volin. Science fiction about aliens: Parodies // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1973, No. 12 – pp. 46-47
      A. and B. Strugatsky A. and B. Meeting on the side of the road – p.46-47 Kir. Bulychev. Cinema in Guslyar – p.46-47 Henry Kuttner. Hogbens and the future – p.46-47
  • Christian Lurie. Van: [Fantastic story] / Translated from French by Pavel Gurov; Rice. T. Gnisyuk // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1974, No. 1 – p.39-41
  • Vladimir Volin. In the interplanetary zoo: A short guide: [Humoresque] / Fig. N. Koshkina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1974, No. 1 – p.46-48
  • R. Lafferty. Gluttonous beauty: [Fantastic story] / Translation from English by R. Nudelman; Rice. N. Koshkina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1974, No. 2 – p.56-58
  • F. Krivin. Fourth element: [Humoresque] / Fig. V. Vorobyova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1974, No. 2 – p.62-63
  • Nikolay Lozhkin. Letter to the editor: [Humoresque] / Fig. A. Dubensky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1974, No. 2 – p.64
  • Mikhail Pukhov. Over the Abyss: [Fantastic story] / Fig. N. Koshkina and S. Yukina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1974, No. 3 – p.44-46
  • Cyrus. Bulychev. Dialogue about Atlantis: [Fantastic story] / Fig. A. Dubensky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1974, No. 3 – p.48
  • Michael J. Coney. R/26/5/PSI and I: [Fantastic story] / Translation from English by E. Vanslova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1974, No. 4 – pp. 39-42
  • Nikolay Lozhkin. Letter to the editor: [Humoresque] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1974, No. 4 – p.45-46
  • Cyrus. Bulychev. Two drops for a glass of wine: [Fantastic story] / Fig. A. Dubensky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1974, No. 5 – p.58-62
  • Vladimir Volin. Understanding is possible: Parodies / Fig. N. Novikova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1974, No. 6 – p.46-47
      Ilya Varshavsky. The plot for a short story – p.46-47 Clifford Simak. The world that could be – p.46-47 Valentina Zhuravleva. I won’t pass by – p.46-47
  • G. Shah. Fire Chariot of Heliobal: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1974, No. 7 – p.44-47
  • Nikolai Lozhkin. International Day Against Superstitions: [Humoresque] / Fig. V. Dubensky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1974, No. 7 – p.48
  • Nikolai Lozhkin. Letter to the editor: [Humoresque] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1974, No. 8 – p.48
  • Yu. Danilov. Lewis Carroll in Russia: [Article] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1974, No. 9 – pp. 44-47
  • Arthur Sellings. Helping hand: [Fantastic story] / Translated from English by R. Rybkin; Rice. N. Koshkina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1974, No. 10 – p.60-62
  • Damon Knight. Analogues: [Fantastic story] / Translated from English by B. Klyuev // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1974, No. 11 – pp. 45-47
  • G. Fedorov. Snails in Tvarditsky style. From expedition stories: [Humoresque] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1974, No. 11 – p.48
  • F. Krivin. Old-timers of the Earth: Fantasies without fiction: [Humoresque] / Fig. A. Dubensky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1975, No. 1 – p.47-48
      Time, time... – p.47-48 Spouses Platypuses – p.48 Incomplete teeth – p.48 Biography of the Shrew – p.48 Contemporary of the mammoth – p.48
  • Yu. Danilov. Lewis Carroll and his “eight or nine wise words on how to write letters”: [Article] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1975, No. 2 – pp. 46-48
  • R. Levchin. In a spiral: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1975, No. 3 – p.45-46
  • Mikhail Pukhov. By use destroy: [Fantastic story] / Fig. A. Dubensky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1975, No. 4 – p.43-45
  • Cyrus. Bulychev. Following the example of Bombar: [Fantastic story] / Fig. V. Ivanova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1975, No. 6 – p.46-48
  • Cyrus. Bulychev. Law for the Dragon: [Fantastic Tale] / Fig. V. Glazycheva // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1975, No. 10 – p.60-64; No. 11 – p.44-46; No. 12 – p.60-62
  • Vl. Bakhnov. Test your feelings: [Humoresque] / Fig. E. Sheffer // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1975, No. 11 – p.48
  • O. Larionova. Decoy: [Fantastic story] / Fig. N. Koshkina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1976, No. 2 – p.45-48
  • A. Torosov. Something about stylistics: [Fantastic story] / Fig. N. Koshkina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1976, No. 4 – p.45-48
  • M. Arlazorov. Pilot, glider pilot, test pilot, artist: [Article for the 85th anniversary of Konstantin Konstantinovich Artseulov] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1976, No. 5 – p.44
  • A. Kobrinsky. Patsyuk from the Scientific Research Institute-Beelzewulproekt: [Humoresque] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1976, No. 5 – p.46-47
  • F. Krivin. Inventor of Eternity: [Fantastic story] / Drawings by V. Glazychev // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1976, No. 6 – pp. 45-48; No. 7 – p.50-53
  • Arkady Strugatsky, Boris Strugatsky. A billion years before the end of the world. (Manuscript discovered under strange circumstances): [Fantastic story] / Drawings by N. Koshkin // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1976, No. 9 – pp. 49-53; No. 10 – p.50-54; No. 11 – p.45-48; No. 12 – p.58-62; 1977, No. 1 – p.43-48
  • Kir Bulychev. Steam locomotive for the Tsar: [Fantastic story] / Drawing by N. Koshkin // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1977, No. 2 – p.46-48
  • Jack Finney. The face in the photograph: [Fantastic story] / translated from English by Vladimir Volin // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1977, No. 3 – p.45-48
  • Kir Bulychev. Dear science fiction fans from glorious city Kemerovo!: [Response to a letter from members of the KLF of the city of Kemerovo] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1977, No. 5 – p.59-60
  • Kir Bulychev. [Fantastic stories] / Drawing by K. Soshinskaya // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1977, No. 5 – p.60-64
      Mutant – p.60-62 Thermometer of feelings – p.62-64
  • Stanislav Lem. Are we alone in space?: [Article] / Translation from Polish by B. Panovkin // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1977, No. 7 – p.40-41
  • I. S. Shklovsky. I answer Lem: [Response of a scientist to S. Lem’s article] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1977, No. 7 – pp. 41-42
  • T. Sturgeon. Business on fear: [Fantastic story] / Translation from English by Yu. Estrin // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1978, No. 1 – pp. 46-48
  • Kir Bulychev. Dreams of Maxim Udalov: [Fantastic story] / Drawings by A. Salnikov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1978, No. 5 – p.60-61
  • Pamela Adams. Old-fashioned music: [Fantastic story] / Translated from English by N. Evdokimov: Drawing by E. Sheffer // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1978, No. 6 – pp. 47-48
  • D. Urnov. Robinson Crusoe in Siberia: [Chapter from a book about the writer Daniel Defoe]. Granville’s drawings // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1978, No. 8 – p.49-51
  • Mikhail Pukhov. Black Ball: [Fantastic story] / Drawing by B. Nikiforov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1978, No. 8 – p.61-64
  • Ernest Marinin. Prisoner: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1978, No. 9 – p.45-48
  • Gerald Kersh. River of Treasures: [Fantastic story] / Translation [from English] by N. Evdokimova; Drawing by E. Sheffer // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1978, No. 10 – p.61-64
  • Ray Bradbury. “Miracles and wonders! Pass it on...": [Fantastic story] / Translated from English by R. Rybkin; Drawing by E. Sheffer // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1978, No. 11 – p.47-48
  • Mikhail Pukhov. Points for a straight line: [Fantastic story] / Drawing by E. Sheffer // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1978, No. 12 – p.45-47
  • Vyacheslav Rybakov. The Great Dryness: [Fantastic story] / Drawing by B. Nikiforov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1979, No. 1 – pp. 44-47
  • N. Evdokimova. Walking through space: [Review of Mikhail Pukhov’s book “Picture Gallery” (Moscow, 1977)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1979, No. 1 – p. 48, 3rd page of the region.
  • M. Vysotsky. Under the sign of the integral: Mini-play: [Humoresque] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1979, No. 3 – p.43-44
  • Roman Podolny. Descendants of Orpheus: [Fantastic story] / Drawing by E. Sheffer // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1979, No. 3 – p.45-46
  • N. Dmitrieva. Van Gogh’s Cosmos: [Excerpt from a monograph about the artist] / Reproduction of Vincent Van Gogh’s painting “Starry Night” // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1979, No. 4 – pp. 42-45
  • Michel Demuth. Riders of the Light: [Fantastic story] / Translated from French by P. Gurov; Drawing by V. Kafanov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1979, No. 4 – pp. 46-48; No. 5 – p.45-47
  • M. Pukhov. A place for Lunograd: [Article] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1979, No. 6 – p.12
  • Lyuben Dilov. On the issue of dolphins: [Science fiction story] / Abridged translation from Bulgarian by O. Rzhannikova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1979, No. 6 – pp. 47-48
  • W. H. Auden. Today's “world of wonders” needs Alice: [An article about the history of Lewis Carroll’s creation of the book “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”] / [Translation from English] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1979, No. 7 – p.38-40
  • Alan Kubatiev. Bookseller: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1979, No. 7 – p.46-48
  • O. Larionova. Sonata of a Snake: [Fantastic story] / Reproduction of a painting by M. K. Ciurlionis. Sonata snake. Final” // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1979, No. 8 – pp. 45-47; No. 9 – p.44-46
  • Arkady Strugatsky, Boris Strugatsky. Beetle in an anthill: [Fantastic story]. Drawings by E. Sheffer // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1979, No. 9 – p.48; No. 10 – p.46-48; No. 11 – p.45-48; No. 12 – p.43-47; 1980, No. 1 – p.45-48; No. 2 – p.44-48; No. 3 – p.45-48; No. 5 – p.44-48; No. 6 – p.45-48
  • A. Evdokimov. A book about kindness: [Review of the book Cyrus. Bulychev “Summer morning” (Moscow, 1979)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1979, No. 12 – p.47
  • V. Gubarev. Three meetings with the future: [Article] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1980, No. 7 – 2nd page of the region, pp. 1-3
  • Kir Bulychev. Pass: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1980, No. 7 – p.45-48; No. 8 – p.44-47; No. 9 – p.46-48, 3 pages of cover; No. 10 – p.45-48; No. 11 – p.45-48
  • D. Bilenkin. Don't be a mystic! : [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1980, No. 12 – p.45-47
  • Isaac Asimov . Take a match...: [Fantastic story] / Translation from English by T. Ginzburg; Rice. D. Lyon // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1981, No. 1 – p.45-48
  • V. Rybakov. Artist: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1981, No. 3 – p.44-46
  • Vl. Gakov. Science fiction: a view from orbit: [Article] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1981, No. 4 – pp. 42-43
  • A. Katsura. The world is beautiful: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1981, No. 4 – p.46-48
  • Henry Kuttner. Bee-hological war: [Fantastic story] / Abridged translation from English by V. Bakanov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1981, No. 5 – pp. 43-45
  • Ya. Golovanov. “Dreams about Earth and Sky...”: [Article about K. E. Tsiolkovsky] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1981, No. 6 – pp. 20-22
  • I. Serebryakov. Last exam: [Fantastic story] / Drawing by D. Lyon // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1981, No. 6 – p.31-32
  • P. Bazarov. Metamorphoses of fiction: [Review of the book by Vl. Gakova “Coil of the Spiral”, Publishing House “Knowledge”, Moscow, 1980] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1981, No. 7 – p.31
  • Yu. Gerasimenko. Zenona-Tall: [Fantastic story] / Abridged authorized translation from Ukrainian by Georgy Boyarsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1981, No. 7 – pp. 42-45
  • Kir Bulychev. Someone else's memory: A fantastic story // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1981, No. 7 – pp. 47-48; No. 8 – p.46-48; No. 9 – pp. 30-32; No. 10 – p.46-48; No. 11 – p.45-48; No. 12 – p.28-30
  • D. Bilenkin. Close opportunity: [Review of the book by E. Voiskunsky, I. Lukodyanov “Illegal Planet” (Moscow, 1980)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1981, No. 8 – p.48
  • V. Hopman. Practice of imagination: [Review of D. Bilenkin’s book “The Snows of Olympus” (Moscow, 1980)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1981, No. 9 – p.29
  • N. Chekhovich. Literature that is three thousand years old: [On the monuments of Akkadian literature, incl. “The Epic of Gilgamesh”] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1982, No. 1 – p.35-36
  • A. Bogoslovsky. Salvation: [Fantastic story] / Drawing by D. Lyon // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1982, No. 1 – p.46-48
  • B. Rudenko. Hunting for licenses: [Fantastic story] / Drawing by D. Lyon // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1982, No. 2 – p.46-48
  • Gordon R. Dixon. Lalangamena: [Fantastic story] / Abridged translation from English by V. Bakanov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1982, No. 3 – pp. 31-32
  • A. Kubatiev. Hundred thousand grams noble metals: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1982, No. 4 – p.46-48
  • D. Bilenkin. Shadow of perfection: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1982, No. 5 – p.46-48
  • K. Milov. Twenty years and twenty-eight books later (Collections of science fiction from the Znanie publishing house) // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1982, No. 6 – pp. 29-30
  • A. Kargin. Very important games: Story / Drawing by D. Lyon // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1982, No. 6 – p.30-31
  • J. T. McIntosh. Escape from Immortality: [Fantastic Story] / Translation from English by N. Rein; Drawing by D. Lyon // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1982, No. 7 – pp. 46-48; No. 8 – p.46-48
  • Vl. Gakov. One of the glorious tribe of scribes: [Rec. based on the book by V. Bugrov “In Search of Tomorrow” (Sverdlovsk, 1981)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1982, No. 9 – p.43
  • G. Shah. Beware, Navarre!: [Fantastic story] / Fig. A. Brusilovsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1982, No. 9 – pp. 46-48; No. 10 – p.46-48
  • B. Rudenko. Exception: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1982, No. 11 – p.46-48
  • Vladimir Pirozhnikov. In the pastures of heaven: [A fantastic story] / Drawing by M. Chupriyanov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1983, No. 1 – pp. 46-48; No. 2 – p.45-48; No. 3 – pp. 30-32; No. 4 – p.46-48
  • E. Marinin. Its own genre: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1983, No. 5 – p.45-47
  • L. Lukina, E. Lukin. Awakening: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1983, No. 6 – pp. 31-32
  • Svyatoslav Loginov. The Barber: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1983, No. 7 – p.46-48
  • Vyacheslav Rybakov. Trial ball: [Fantastic story] / Published with the author’s abbreviations // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1983, No. 8 – pp. 46-48
  • Dmitry Bilenkin. Forgive those who leave: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1983, No. 9 – p.46-48
  • R. Kologrivov. From the past to the future: [Review of D. Bilenkin’s book “The Way of Thought” (Moscow, 1982)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1983, No. 10 – p.31
  • A. Siletsky. What is given to a person?: [Review of the book by Alexander Zhitinsky “In the First Person” (Leningrad, 1982)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1983, No. 10 – p. 31
  • V. Druyanov. Elder of geologists: [Excerpts from several chapters of the book “Knight of Fact” about Vladimir Afanasyevich Obruchev] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1983, No. 10 – pp. 34-37
  • N. Blokhin. Replies: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1983, No. 10 – p.46-48
  • V. Pokrovsky. Time of the dark hunt: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1983, No. 11 – pp. 45-47; No. 12 – p.29-31
  • Danil Koretsky. Logic of choice: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1984, No. 1 – p.47-48
  • S. Bardin. Lemma: [Fantastic story] / Illustration by V. Yankilevsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1984, No. 2 – pp. 46-48
  • A. Stolyarov. Marmots: [Fantastic story] / Drawing by V. Yankilevsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1984, No. 3 – p.46-48
  • L. Karlitin. Personnel inspector (Imitation of fiction): From the series “Stories about professions”: [Fantastic story] / Illustration by I. Chuikov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1984, No. 4 – p.47-48
  • Kir Bulychev. Everyone has something to remember: [Fantastic story] / Drawing by M. Chupriyanov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1984, No. 5 – p.45-47
  • S. Yaroslavtsev. Details of the life of Nikita Vorontsov: A Tale // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1984, No. 6 – pp. 46-48; No. 7 – pp. 46-48, 3rd page, region.
  • A. Stolyarov. A strange man: [Fantastic story] / Drawing by D. Lyon // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1984, No. 8 – p.45-48
  • A. Zerkalov. Report from the “time machine”: [Review of the book by Vl. Gakova “Four trips in a time machine (science fiction and its predictions)” (Moscow, 1983)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1984, No. 9 – p.43
  • V. Grachev, A. Kochetkov. Return of the “Seven of Spades”: [Fantastic story] / Drawing by A. Dobritsyn // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1984, No. 9 – p.46-48
  • Kir Bulychev. Wardrobe of unearthly beauty: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1984, No. 10 – pp. 46-48
  • B. Rudenko. Condition of stability: [Fantastic story] / Drawing by Yu. Batanin // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1984, No. 11 – pp. 47-48
  • Lev Karlitin. Nothing will happen to you: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1984, No. 12 – p.44-46
  • N. Lazareva. Green rain: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1985, No. 1 – p.47-48
  • L. Alexandrenko. Habitat: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1985, No. 2 – p.47-48
  • D. Bilenkin. Two and a sign: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1985, No. 5 – p.44-47
  • A. Strugatsky, B. Strugatsky. Waves extinguish the wind: A fantastic story // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1985, No. 6 – pp. 45-48; No. 7 – p.46-48; No. 8 – p.45-48; No. 9 – p.45-48; No. 10 – p.45-48; No. 11 – p.45-47; No. 12 – p.44-47; 1986, No. 1 – p.46-48; No. 3 – p.45-48
  • B. Silkin. Domestic dinosaur: [Humoresque] / Screensaver by E. Steinberg // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1985, No. 8 - 3rd page. region.
  • V. Evstigneev. As Kurdl Sepulka instructed: Imitation of Stanislav Lem: [Humoresque] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1985, No. 9 – 3rd page. region.
  • L. Popel. In the beginning there will be a word...: [Humoresque] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1985, No. 10 - 3rd page region.
  • V. Hopman. About people and about the stars: [Review of the collection of stories by P. Amnuel “Today, tomorrow and always” (Moscow, 1984)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1985, No. 11 – p.34
  • D. Bilenkin. Ambassador of the Earth: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1986, No. 4 – p.46-48
  • R. Podolny. “The Universe of Pictures, Feelings, Thoughts and Knowledge”: [Review of Homer’s book “Odyssey” (Moscow, 1983)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1986, No. 5 – p.35
  • M. Krivich, O. Holguin. Red and Striped: [Fantastic story] / Drawings by A. Kovalev // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1986, No. 5 – p.45-48
  • A. Lazarchuk. Coin: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1986, No. 6 – p.46-47
  • R. Lafferty. Deserted Lane: [Fantastic story] / Translated from English by A. Grafov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1986, No. 6 – p.47-48
  • A. Klimov, I. Belogrud. Koschey: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1986, No. 7 – p.46-48
  • Kir Bulychev. Temptation: [Fantastic story] / Photo illustration by E. Bazhilin // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1986, No. 8 – p.46-49
  • Anton Molchanov. The last sprinter: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1986, No. 9 – p.42-45
  • L. Lukina, E. Lukin. Don’t believe your eyes: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1986, No. 10 – pp. 46-48, 3rd page region.
  • A. Zlotnik. Heroes without intermission: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1986, No. 11 – pp. 44-45
  • R. Podolny. Communicating vessel: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1986, No. 12 – p.44-45
  • A. Stolyarov. A million brothers: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1987, No. 1 – pp. 114-115, 118-119, 122-128
  • V. Gopman. Faces are not a general expression: [Review of Dmitry Bilenkin’s book “A Face in the Crowd” (Moscow, 1985)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1987, No. 2 – p.88
  • A. Kargin. Floor lamp for a laboratory assistant: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1987, No. 3 – pp. 91-94, 96
  • V. Gopman. Where does a person begin: [Review of the science fiction story by Vladimir Mikhailov “Everything begins with silence”, published in the collection of Riga science fiction writers “Crystal Jellyfish” (Riga, 1985)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1987, No. 4 – p.39
  • Pyotr Kadochnikov, Arkady Strugatsky, Boris Strugatsky. Eclipse Day: [Film script based on the story “A Billion Years Before the End of the World”] / Drawings by E. Gorokhovsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1987, No. 5 – pp. 86-94; No. 6 – p.84-91; No. 7 – p.89-94; No. 8 – p.85-89
  • S. King. Text processor: [Fantastic story] / Translation from English by A. Korzhenevsky; Drawing by B. Sopin // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1987, No. 8 – p.90-91; No. 9 – p.92-98
  • Connie Willis. Letter from Cleary: [Fantastic story] / Translation [from English] by A. Korzhenevsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1987, No. 10 – pp. 83-86
  • D. Bilenkin. Spring puddles: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1987, No. 11 – p.93-97
  • Kir Bulychev. Dmitry Aleksandrovich Bilenkin: [In memory of the writer] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1987, No. 11 – p.97
  • A. Strugatsky, B. Strugatsky. Doomed City: [Excerpts from a fantastic story] / Drawing by D. Lyon // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1987, No. 12 – pp. 84-91; 1988, No. 1 – p.85-91
  • Evgeny Zamyatin. We: [Novel] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1988, No. 2 – p.82-91, No. 3 – p.86-89, No. 4 – p.82-86
  • [About science fiction illustrator Kira Soshinskaya] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1988, No. 3 – p.92
  • R. Podolny. Dispute with the Tralfamadorians: [Kurt Vonnegut's novel Slaughterhouse-Five, or the Children's Crusade with scientific point vision] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1988, No. 4 – p.39-43
  • Robert Sheckley. Also a civilization: [Fantastic story] / Translation [from English] by V. Bakanov; Illustrations by Yu. Sarafanov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1988, No. 4 – pp. 92-93; No. 5 – p.86-93; No. 6 – p.84-94; No. 7 – p.83-93; No. 8 – p.92-96
  • A. Nikonov. Chayanov's legacy: [About Alexander Vasilyevich Chayanov] / Publication prepared by V. Goldman // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1988, No. 5 – pp. 55-60
  • A. Zerkalov. Around the bend, in the depths: [About the novel by A. and B. Strugatsky “Snail on the Slope”] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1988, No. 8 – pp. 71-76
  • G. Kiesewalter. Lewis Carroll – photographer: [Article] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1988, No. 8 – pp. 97-98, 3rd page region.
  • K. Levitin. Exchanged Paradise: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1988, No. 9 – p.84-90
  • Kir Bulychev. Testimony of Olya N.: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1988, No. 10 – p.89-95
  • D. Kluger. A very ancient Stone Age: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1988, No. 11 – p.90-91
  • L. Lukina, E. Lukin. Knight of the Crystal Chalice: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1988, No. 11 – p.91
  • E. Gevorkyan. Klopov’s Pay Day: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1988, No. 11 – pp. 91-92
  • A. Lazarchuk. Their lives of the Gray Wolf: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1988, No. 11 – pp. 92-93
  • A. Sobol, V. Shpakov. Galactic Island, or Ferret in the Chicken Coop: (Almost according to the Strugatsky brothers): [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1988, No. 11 – p.93-94
  • Clifford Simak. Grotto of Dancing Deer: [Fantastic story] / Translation from English by A. Korzhenevsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1988, No. 12 – p.85-91
  • Vitaly Babenko. TP: A Tale of Spatial Years // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1989, No. 1 – pp. 88-94; No. 2 – p.91-95; No. 4 – p.86-92; No. 5 – p.90-96
  • A. Zerkalov. “The soul and mind are crowded”: Sociological reflections of Mikhail Bulgakov / Photo by A. Schnittke65 // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1989, No. 7 – p.60-65
  • Kir Bulychev. The story of contact: [Fantastic story] / Drawings by K. Shestakov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1989, No. 7 – p.86-91
  • Yuri Krelin. Nathan Eidelman: [Obituary article] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1990, No. 1 – p.30-31
  • Clifford D. Simak. Transfer Station: [Fantasy] Novel / The novel is printed with some abbreviations; Translation from English by A. Korzhenevsky; Etchings by S. Dergachev // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1990, No. 1 – pp. 86-93; No. 2 – p.84-91; No. 3 – p.83-90; No. 4 – p.87-95; No. 5 – p.85-94; No. 6 – p.86-92; No. 7 – p.88-92
  • M. Arapov. The language of utopia: [An article about the work of the Russian Marxist philosopher Alexander Alexandrovich Bogdanov (Malinovsky)] / Drawing by O. Brel // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1990, No. 2 – pp. 66-72
  • P. Amnuel. The highest measure: [Fantastic story] / Drawing by Yu. Sarafanov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1990, No. 8 – p.90-95; No. 9 – p.84-94
  • V. Barashenkov. Time machine: From rockets to wormholes: [An article about the possibility of time travel in SF and from the point of view of science] / Illustration by V. Brel // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1990, No. 10 – pp. 19-23
  • Ted Reynolds. Sample: [Fantastic story] / Translation from English by A. Korzhenevsky; Illustration by E. Silina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1990, No. 10 – p.78-85
  • V. Barashenkov. Time Machine. Forward to the past or back to the future: [An article about the possibility of time travel in SF and from the point of view of science] / Illustration by S. Deulin; Photo by V. Brel; Drawings by Yu. Sarafanov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1990, No. 11 – pp. 29-36
  • Arthur Clarke. Exile forever: [Fantastic story] / Translation from English by B. Silkin; Illustrations by Yu. Sarafanov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1990, No. 12 – pp. 84-90
  • B. Zhuzhunava. The Leader's Pipe: [Fantastic story] / Illustration by O. Brel // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1990, No. 12 – p.94-96
  • E. Lvova. Incident: [Fantastic story] / Drawing by E. Silina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1991, No. 1 – p.80-86
  • V. Pelevin. Crystal World: [Fantastic story] / Drawings by Yu Sarafanov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1991, No. 3 – p.83-91
  • “Land of Fantasy” // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1991, No. 3 – p.92-93
      R. Arbitman. There will be more toli!: [Article] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1991, No. 3 – p.92 J. Haldeman. It was like this: [From the article “Another World of Science Fiction”, “Analog”, 1983] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1991, No. 3 – pp. 92-93 Glance: [Note on science fiction 1990] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1991, No. 3 – p.93 “Volga-con – 1991” is coming!: [Note] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1991, No. 3 – p.93
  • E. Mayevsky. Tower in the village of Vyvalen: [Fantastic] story / Illustration by A. Obroskova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1991, No. 4 – p.87-93
  • “Land of Fantasy – April, 1991” // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1991, No. 4 – pp. 94-95
      Interview [with science fiction writer A. Mirer about the release of the film “The Mediator,” based on the first part of the novel “The House of Skatalians”] – p.94 Personal opinion: [Statements on the development of science fiction by the Soviet science fiction writer G. Gurevich and the American science fiction writer A. Bester] – p.95
  • A. Zerkalov. The world lying in evil...: [Article about the life of Mikhail Bulgakov and the time in which he lived] / Illustration by S. Alimov for “The Master and Margarita” // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1991, No. 5 – pp. 34-41 , 92
  • V. Pelevin. Ruler: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1991, No. 5 – p.86-89
  • “Land of Fantasy - May, 1991” // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1991, No. 5 – pp. 91-92
      A. B. The market is not a hindrance for Fanizdat, or Notes about Sidorkon-1: [Article] – p.91 Looking from the civilized market at ours...: [Article] – p.91-92 Information [about the oldest science fiction writer Abram Ruvimovich Paley and notice of the death of the science fiction writer Alexander Ivanovich Shalimov] – p.92
  • Rainer Maria Rilke. The Tale of the Hands of the Lord. And the seventh day still lasts: [Fantastic story] / Preface by Z. Mirkin; Translation [from German] by E. Zadorozhnaya // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1991, No. 6 – p.86-89
  • “Land of Fantasy - June, 1991” // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1991, No. 6 – p.90-91
      “I lost my ring...”: [Article about the First Hobbit Games, which originated in the bowels of the Krasnoyarsk KLF “Eternal Sails”] – p.90 Information about the English writer John R. R. Tolkien – p.90-91 Information about Ray Bradbury's consent to come to Moscow (Locus Magazine, 1990); about the death of the American publisher and writer Donald Wollheim – p.91 “To the Mir station – for three dollars”: [Article] – p.91
  • Lester Del Rey. Secret mission: [Fantastic story] / Translation from English by B. Klyueva; Illustrations by E. Silina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1991, No. 7 – pp. 89-91; No. 8 – p.73-77
  • Land of Fantasy - July, 1991 // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1991, No. 7 - pp. 92-93
      How much do you need to “cook” to satisfy everyone?: [Article] – p.92 Fritz Leiber is 80!: [Article] – p.92-93 R. Arbitman. Envy, of course, is bad...: [Article] – p.93
  • Land of Fantasy - August, 1991 // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1991, No. 8 - p.94-95
      Readers about science fiction in general and about that which is published in the magazine: [Letters from readers are posted] – p.94-95
  • Lewis Carroll. Two-part invention, or What the Turtle said to Achilles: [Excerpts placed in the article by Yu. Danilov “Invitation to Hofstadter”] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1991, No. 9 – pp. 6-12
  • V. Pelevin. Kreger's revelations: Documentation set: [Fantastic story] / Illustration by Yu. Sarafanov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1991, No. 9 – pp. 22-26
  • V. Pelevin. Lunokhod: Excerpt from the story “Omon Ra” / Illustration by A. Obroskova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1991, No. 9 – p.26-30
  • Vl. Gakov. Lacrimosa by Walter Miller: [Article-preface to the novel] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1991, No. 9 – pp. 91-93
  • W. Miller. A Song for Leibowitz: A [Fantastic] Novel / Reprinted abridged; Translation from English by E. Voronova; Illustrations by E. Silina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1991, No. 9 – pp. 94-112; No. 10 – p.84-93; No. 11 – p.90-93; No. 12 – p.82-86
  • Land of Fantasy, October, 1991 / Drawings by Yu. Sarafanov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1991, No. 10 – p.94-95
      A. Danilov. “What do we have for today?”: [Article] – p.94 Already!: [Note on the expected appearance of SF magazines] – p.94-95 Anniversary of “Aelita”: [Note on the tenth Soviet science fiction competition in Sverdlovsk] – 95 Stephen King leads the way: [Article] – p.95
  • Land of Fantasy, November, 1991 // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1991, No. 11 – pp. 88-89
      Bibliographic files – replacing bibliophiles?: [Article] – p.88 Do you write fiction? Half a million is yours!: [Article] – p.88 They will beat you. And perhaps with their feet...: [Copyright article in SF] – p.89 The Guard does not give up!: [Article about the new book by A. Azimov] – p.89 Nebula winners: [Note on the winners of the prestigious science fiction award] – p.89 Lem’s cause lives and wins!: [Note on the anniversary of the science fiction writer] – p.89
  • M. Gallay. In memory of Nora Gal: [Article about the translator of fantastic literature] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1991, No. 12 – pp. 48-49
  • Vl. Gakov. Boris, you’re right after all, or the First pancake – Volgacon: [Article about the Volgograd science fiction convention “Volgacon”] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1992, No. 1 – pp. 114-115
  • J. Wyndham. Fall asleep and dream...: [Fantastic story] / Translation from English by M. Birman // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1992, No. 1 – pp. 116-121
  • Vl. Gakov. To love a mockingbird: Towards a portrait of the artist in old age: [About Robert Sheckley] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1992, No. 3 – pp. 114-116
  • R. Sheckley. To choose from: [Excerpt from the novel “Additional Assortment to Choose from”] / Translation from English not specified; Rice. E. Silina // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1992, No. 3 – pp. 117-127
  • B. Grebenshchikov. A novel that will never be finished: Fragments / Drawings by B. Grebenshchikov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1992, No. 8 – pp. 120-121
  • E. Tsvetkov. Lady Jane: A fantastic story // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1992, No. 9 – pp. 118-119
  • N. Grigorieva, V. Grushetsky. main book Tolkien: [Preface to the following published chapters from the novel “The Silmarillion”] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1992, No. 9 – pp. 120-121
  • J. R. R. Tolkien. The Silmarillion: Chapters from the book / Translation [from English] by N. Grigorieva, V. Grushetsky // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1992, No. 9 – pp. 122-127; No. 10 – p.121-127; No. 11 – p.119-136; No. 12 – p.119-124
  • S. Potapov. The return of “Saint Isaac”: [About A. Asimov] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1993, No. 1 – pp. 156-157
  • A. Azimov. Community on the edge: Chapters from the story / Translation [from English] N. Borun and V. Borun; Drawings by Yu. Sarafanov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1993, No. 1 – pp. 156-160; No. 2 – p.153-160; No. 3 – pp. 153-160; No. 4 – p.145-159
  • N. Grigorieva, V. Grushetsky. The third of the “Inkligs” comes to Russia: [About Charles Williams] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1993, No. 5 – pp. 148-149
  • C. Williams. War in Heaven: A Tale / Translation from English by N. Grigorieva and V. Grushetsky; Drawings by Yu. Sarafanov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1993, No. 5 – pp. 148-157; No. 6 – pp. 147-160; No. 7 – p.149-160; No. 8 – pp. 146-158, 3rd page of the region; No. 9 – pp. 146-160, 3rd page of the region; No. 10 – pp. 148-158; No. 11 – pp. 147-160; No. 12 – p.141-155
  • V. Revich. Things have been going on for a long time days gone by. Science fiction writers under the supervision of the CPSU Central Committee: [Article] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1993, No. 7 – pp. 86-89
  • A. Petrov. A package of documents of the CPSU Central Committee on the activities of the KLF and science fiction writers // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1993, No. 7 – p.90-104
  • Vsevolod Revich. “From Pushkin to the Moon!”: Short course one story, no, excuse me, three stories: [Preface to “The History of Soviet Science Fiction” by R. Katz (Arbitman)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1994, No. 4 – pp. 136-138
  • R. Katz. “History of Soviet fiction” / Abridged version // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1994, No. 4 – pp. 139-149, No. 5 – pp. 142-153, No. 6 – pp. 148-159
  • Yu. Latynina. Preacher: [Fantastic Tale] / Fig. Yu. Sarafanova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1994, No. 7 – p.144-154, No. 8 – p.150-160, No. 9 – p.151-160, No. 10 – p.146-159, No. 11 – p.149-160, No. 12 – p.142-155
  • For the attention of science fiction fans: [“Stories of Soviet Science Fiction” by R. Katz (Arbitman was awarded three prizes at once)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1994, No. 8 – p.148
  • Vladimir Misyuchenko. Education is fiction: [Essay] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1995, No. 3 – p.141
  • Henry Locksmith. Exam day: [Fantastic story] / Translation from English by Vladimir Misyuchenko; Rice. K. Ter-Zakharyan // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1995, No. 3 – pp. 142-144
  • William Rotsler. Boaziyan delves into: [Fantastic story] / Translation from English by Vladimir Misyuchenko; Rice. K. Ter-Zakharyan // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1995, No. 3 – pp. 144-146
  • Larry Niven. Toy: [Fantastic story] / Translation from English by Vladimir Misyuchenko; Rice. K. Ter-Zakharyan // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1995, No. 3 – pp. 146-149
  • Bob Shaw. The happiest day of your life: [Fantastic story] / Translation from English by Vladimir Misyuchenko; Rice. Y. Sarafanova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1995, No. 4 – pp. 152-155
  • Bill Pronzini. According to my desire, according to my command: [Fantastic story] / Translation from English by Vladimir Misyuchenko; Rice. Y. Sarafanova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1995, No. 4 – pp. 156-158
  • Edward D. Hotch. Zoo: [Fantastic story] / Translation from English by Vladimir Misyuchenko; Rice. Yu. Sarafanova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1995, No. 4 – pp. 159-160
  • Vsevolod Revich. Alexey Tolstoy as a mirror of the Russian revolution: [About A. N. Tolstoy’s novel “Aelita”] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1996, No. 4 – pp. 119-127
  • The Worlds of Professor Tolkien
      The incredible adventures of Professor Tolkn in Russia: [On the publication of works in Russian] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1997, No. 2 – pp. 149-152 Natalya Zhukova, Boris Zhukov. Excursion: [Fantastic story] / Drawing by R. Igitkhanyan; No. Illustrations by E. Sadovnikova; Poems by Mikhail Shcherbakov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1997, No. 2 – p.153-158, No. 3 – p. 152-160, No. 4 – p. 148-157, No. 5 – p. 150-159
  • Dr. N. O'Body, secretary of Stephen Edwin King, writer. Castle Rock (Maine): history and geography of Horror: [Essay] / Translated from Esperanto by Vladislav Tarasov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1997, No. 6 – p.152-160
  • The Worlds of Professor Tolkien
      Natalia Prokhorova. Invitation to escape: [Article] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1997, No. 8 – p.150-157
  • The Worlds of Professor Tolkien
      Sergey Alekseev. John Ronald Ruel Tolkien: Life and Legends (Biographical sketch) // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1997, No. 9 – pp. 134-141 Natalya Semenova. “This is not a simple ring, but some kind of device!”: [History of translations of “The Lord of the Rings” into Russian] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1997, No. 9 – pp. 142-148 J.R. Tolkien. Ainulindale (music of Ainur): [Excerpt from The Silmarillion] / Trans. not specified // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1997, No. 9 – pp. 149-155 Creation of the world: [About “The Silmarillion”] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1997, No. 9 – p.156 N. Prokhorova. Signs of legends (Notes on elven heraldry) // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1997, No. 9 – pp. 157-158 Tolkien's drawings // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1997, No. 9 – pp. 136, 137, 139, 140, 151, 152
  • The Worlds of Professor Tolkien
      T. Shippy. Tolkien as a post-war writer: [Article] / Abbr. lane from English N. Semenova and Z. Metlitskaya // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1997, No. 12 – pp. 143-149 The oldest of human legends: [Preface to the “Legend of Adanel”] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1997, No. 12 – pp. 150-151 J. R. R. Tolkien. “The Legend of Adanel”: [Excerpt from “The Silmarillion”] / Trans. not specified // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1997, No. 12 – pp. 152-155 Signs of legends. Part 2: [Notes on Elven heraldry] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1997, No. 12 – p.156 Tolkien's drawings // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1997, No. 12 – pp. 147, 150, 152, 154, 155
  • Yuliy Danilov. Our friend Lewis Carroll (On the 100th anniversary of his death) // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1998, No. 1 – pp. 99-101
  • Galina Stalnaya. Bulgakov's mirrors: Background to the writing of the novel “The Master and Margarita” // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1998, No. 1 – pp. 144-152
  • The Worlds of Professor Tolkien
      Natalya Prokhorova. Virtues of Tolkien’s world: action and inaction: [Article] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1998, No. 3 – pp. 144-151 J. R. R. Tolkien. Description of the island of Numenor: [Essay] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1998, No. 3 – pp. 152-159 Natalya Prokhorova. Elven names of stars: [Note] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1998, No. 3 – p.159 Tolkien's drawings // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1997, No. 12 – pp. 144, 145, 146, 147, 149, 155, 158
  • The Worlds of Professor Tolkien
      Sergey Alekseev. Inkligi (Based on materials from “Biography of Tolkien” by H. Carpenter) // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1998, No. 6 – pp. 142-147 J. R. R. Tolkien. Secret vice: Recording of a lecture from 1931 (published in abbreviation) / Transl. not specified // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1998, No. 6 – pp. 148-157 Natalya Prokhorova. Trees of Legends: [Essay] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1998, No. 6 – pp. 158-159
  • The Worlds of Professor Tolkien
      T. Shippy. Allegory, potatoes, fantasy and good news / Transl. N. Prokhorova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1998, No. 9-10 – pp. 148-153 J. R. R. Tolkien. About long-bearded gnomes and people: [Essay] / Trans. M. Vinogradova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1998, No. 9-10 – pp. 154-158 Natalya Prokhorova. Herbs of Legends: [Essay] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1998, No. 9-10 – p.159
  • Grigory Zelenko. “Crossroads of Utopias”: [Rec. based on the book of the same name by V. Revich] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1999, No. 2-3 – p.113
  • “Beautiful is far away” by Ray Bradbury: [Interview with an American writer from the magazine “Wired”] / Prepared by Alexander Semenov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1999, No. 5-6 – pp. 3-4
  • Max Fry. About the novel “The Web” by Mary Shelley and Percy Shelley // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1999, No. 9-10 – pp. 113-114
  • Mary Shelley, Percy Shelley. Web: [Novel] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1999, No. 9-10 – p. 112, 115-117, No. 11-12 – p. 114-123 – [To be continued]
  • Mary Shelley, Percy Shelley. Web: [Novel] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2000, No. 1 – p. 110-123, No. 2 – p. 112-123, No. 3 – p. 109-128, No. 4 – p. 115- 127, No. 5-6 – p.106-123, No. 7 – p. 108-122, No. 8 – p. 111-124, No. 9 – p. 111-123, No. 10 – p. 123 – [End, beginning in No. 9-10 for 1999]
  • Arthur Clarke predicts: [Forecasts of an English science fiction writer for the 21st century] / Based on materials from Asiaweek magazine, prepared by Alexander Semenov // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2000, No. 8 – pp. 65-68
  • Tatyana Bashlykova. Tolkienists, forward!: [About the new film “The Lord of the Rings”] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2002, No. 3 – pp. 74-78
  • Alla Kuznetsova, Leonid Ashkinazi. Brothers Strugatsky! What will the NEXT generation learn about you?: [Article] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2002, No. 10 – p.84-89
  • The Matrix 3: Fiction Comes True
      Vladimir Gakov. Freedom from the obligation to think: [Oh social influence fiction] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2003, No. 10 – p.22-24 Alexey Andreev. Science fiction PR: [On the role of science fiction in the public consciousness] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2003, No. 10 – p.25-32 Alla Kuznetsova. Science fiction and fans: [The formation of domestic amateur fiction] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2003, No. 10 – p.34-36 Olga Balla. We are all in the matrix: [About cinematic fiction] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2003, No. 10 – p.37-42 Leonid Ashkinazi, Alla Kuznetsova. Yesterday on the planet Barrayar: [On the influence role playing games] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2003, No. 10 – p.43-49
    »] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2004, No. 2 – p.100-109
  • Vladimir Surdin. “Cosmic Communication” by Carl Sagan: [Article] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2004, No. 9 – p.69-73
  • Nathan Eidelman. Creative history“The Queen of Spades”: [Article] / Publication prepared by Galina Belskaya // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2004, No. 11 – pp. 107-113
  • Joseph Written. Second solution: From the series “Stories about starships from the future”: [Fantastic story] / Fig. Y. Sarafanova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2005, No. 3 – p.108-115
  • Joseph Written. Maneuver in orbit: Stories about starships of the future: [Fantastic story] / Fig. Yu. Sarafanova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2005, No. 7 – pp. 120-125; No. 8 – p.119-123
  • Alexey Lebedev. The Journey of Howard Carver: [Fantastic Story] / Fig. E. Sadovnikova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2005, No. 10– p.120-124
  • G. Vinogradov. Middle-earth around us: [Science uses names from the books of J. R. R. Tolkien] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2005, No. 12 – pp. 106-110
  • Aituar Abuseitov. The Silent World: A Story / Fig. Y. Sarafanova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2005, No. 12 – pp. 116-121
  • Olga Gertman. Metaphysics of dissent: [On fiction in the magazine “Knowledge is Power”] // Knowledge is Power (Moscow), 2006, No. 1 – p.149
  • G. Zelenko. “Who needs your Strugatskys?”: [On the attempt to ban the printing of the Strugatsky brothers] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2006, No. 1 – p.150-151
  • Vsevolod Revich. Affairs of bygone days: [On the attempt to ban the publication of the Strugatsky brothers] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2006, No. 1 – pp. 152-155
  • A. Strugatsky, B. Strugatsky. Beetle in an anthill: [Excerpt from the novel] / Fig. E. Sheffer // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2006, No. 1 – pp. 156-160
  • Yan Razlivinsky. Ragman: [Fantastic story] / Fig. E. Sadovnikova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2006, No. 2 – p.121-125, No. 3 – p.120-125
  • Alexander Abalikhin. Citadel: [Fantastic story] / Fig. E. Sadovnikova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2006, No. 4 – p.119-125
  • Tatiana Tomakh. Payment by air: [Fantastic story] / Fig. E. Sadovnikova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2006, No. 5 – p.120-124, No. 6 – p.120-125
  • Sergey Smirnov. Science fiction writers go into space (Stanislaw Lem, 1921-2006): [About the Polish science fiction writer and philosopher] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2006, No. 7 – pp. 122-123
  • Sergey Arutyunov. Library: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2006, No. 7 – pp. 124-125
  • Peter Rtishchev. Failed Calculator: [Fantastic story] / Fig. A. Geraskevich // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2006, No. 8 – p.119-124
  • Andrey Kozhukhov. The Time of Don Quixote: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2006, No. 9 – pp. 122-126
  • Yu. Maksimov. Prisoner: [Fantastic story] / Fig. E. Sadovnikova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2006, No. 10 – p.123-126
  • Tatiana Kigim. Singular Impossibility: [Fantastic Story] / Fig. Yu. Sarafanova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2006, No. 11 – p.120-125, No. 12 – p.120
  • Vladimir Budarin. Don't read detective stories: [Fantastic story] / Fig. E. Sadovnikova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2007, No. 1 – p.119-124
  • Alexander Zakheim. Give a day of happiness: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2007, No. 2 – p.121-122
  • Alexander Salnikov. Love of books: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2007, No. 2 – pp. 123-125
  • Peter Rtishchev. Taganrog mystery: [Fantastic story] / Fig. Y. Sarafanova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2007, No. 3 – p.119-124
  • Vadim Kirpichev. COMPUTER: [Fantastic story] / Fig. Y. Sarafanova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2007, No. 4 – pp. 119-124; No. 5 – p.118-123
  • Yuri Nesterenko. Purpose: [Fantastic story] / Fig. Y. Sarafanova // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2007, No. 6 – p.120-125
  • Konstantin Sitnikov. Measuring conscience: [Fantastic story] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2007, No. 7 – pp. 119-124
  • Elena Syanova. Man from Atlantis: [About the fantastic article by Mikhail Menshikov in the newspaper “New Time” in 1914] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2010, No. 10 – p.58-59
  • A. Savinov. “The machine of power and Mikhail Bulgakov”: [Article] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2012, No. 1 – pp. 105-111
  • Anatoly Sadchikov. Author of “The Black Hen”, participant in the Patriotic War: [About Alexey Alekseevich Perovsky] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2012, No. 7 – p.85-87
  • Sergey Oroby. Books on fire: [Examples of book burning in literature and in reality using the example of “The Master and Margarita” by M. Bulgakov, “Fahrenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury, the novel “The Dawners” by Yuri Nikitin] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2012 , No. 9 – p.110-112
  • Dmitry Bavilsky. Fantastic realism: [Rec. based on the book by Gabriel García Márquez “Live to talk about life” (M., 2012)] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2013, No. 11 – pp. 116-117
  • Oleg Feigin. The atomic bomb of H.G. Wells: On the centenary of the creation of the novel “The World Set Free” // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2014, No. 8 – pp. 76-83
  • Gennady Gorelik. Commentary by a science historian: [Afterword to Oleg Feigin’s article “The Atomic Bomb of H.G. Wells”] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2014, No. 8 – p.84
  • Al Buchbinder Bradbury vs. Asimov: [On scientific experience borrowed from science fiction books] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2014, No. 11 – pp. 89-90
  • [Reproductions of postcards from the series “Life in 2000”, released in 1899 with drawings by the French artist Jean-Marc Côté]: [Article] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2014, No. 12 – 1st page of the region .
  • Leonid Ashkinazi, Alla Kuznetsova. Fantastic science in science fiction: [Article] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2015, No. 8 – p.114-118
  • Leonid Ashkinazi, Alla Kuznetsova. Futurology and fiction: [How fiction predicts the future] // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 2016, No. 12 – pp. 98-103
About the magazine
  • short biography magazine “Knowledge is power” // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1946, No. 1 – 3rd page of the region.
  • L. Zhigarev. 30 years later: [To the 30th anniversary of the magazine “Knowledge is Power”] // Soviet press, 1956, No. 2 – p.45-47
  • “Knowledge is power” // Great Soviet Encyclopedia in 30 volumes: Volume 9. – M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1972 – p.
  • N. S. Filippova. “I didn’t build the magazine. It was built itself” // Knowledge is power (Moscow), 1995, No. 12 – p.62
  • A. M. Estrin. “Hello to the stranglers of freedom!”: From the knowledge of the annals of Sil. – M.: Pomatur, 2005. – 192 p. 500 copies (n) ISBN 5-86208-173-9
  • “Knowledge is power”: we meet the year 2009 with great concern both for the country and for the magazine: [Editor-in-chief of the magazine “Knowledge is power” Igor Kharichev answers the questions] // Troitsky option (Troitsk, Moscow region), 2008, 23 December (No. 19) – p.12

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    • 11/2018 Cereal humanity The history of people is the history of bread. It is the main food element, one of the most important aspects of the material and spiritual culture of peoples. Grain crops formed the basis of agriculture, which ultimately led to the emergence of the very phenomenon of civilization as such. The cultivation of cereals has become the “trigger” of progress, without which human society could not develop in principle. Therefore, the birthday of our world can rightfully be considered the day when it occurred to one of the free gatherers to abandon the search for edible roots and plant an oblong grain of wild wheat in the ground. By the 10th millennium BC, the increase in the number of people on Earth led to the fact that hunting and gathering could no longer feed everyone. To live further, it was necessary to find some new, more reliable way obtaining plant food. There was only one way - to put on the yoke of a farmer, hard work, but, as they would say today, promising. Our ancestors had to give up a wandering lifestyle, switch to sedentary life, acquire a lot of new knowledge and skills, invent and make new specific tools, since the scraper that used to dig up edible roots from the ground was clearly not enough. One should also learn how to build permanent housing, sew new, more comfortable clothes and shoes. New needs, in turn, stimulated the development of construction technology, the weaving industry and animal husbandry, since animals were now required not only for meat, but also for wool, skins, and hair. This led to the emergence...
    • 10/2018 There are probably many civilizations in our gigantic, perhaps even infinitely large Universe. And many of them, like us, are trying to understand what “other” intelligent beings might look like, how they think and act. The search for aliens has long ceased to be the preserve of only science fiction writers who depict the Great Contact in every detail. In recent decades, astronomers have been persistently searching for planets outside the solar system where life could exist. And although the observational means we currently have are unlikely to allow us to notice a “second Earth” in the vicinity of stars resembling the Sun, we are increasingly able to detect larger planets - the so-called “super-Earths”. On these planets, as well as on their satellites, conditions may be quite suitable for the development of life; for example, oceans of liquid water may exist there. According to astronomers, we now know many more places in space where we should look for life, and are even - theoretically - able to notice signs of the presence highly developed civilizations. Astrobiologists have long been discussing what animals inhabiting distant planets might look like, and what amazing abilities the hosts might be endowed with. higher intelligence from worlds alien to us - aliens. Sociologists, psychologists and even theologians are animatedly discussing the consequences of contact with extraterrestrial guests. Philosophers wonder what moral precepts space visitors adhere to and whether we ourselves are ready to become members...
    • 09/2018 Education: traditions, patterns and innovations (let's break through the asphalt?) Exactly ten years ago, for the next school year, “Knowledge is Power” actively participated in the discussion of the changes awaiting the domestic education system. Participating in such debates is traditional for the magazine, but in that memorable year the discussions took on the most acute character - the Unified State Exam was introduced into the school. It was introduced, as it turned out, finally and irrevocably, despite unprecedented controversy, which, as predicted, and after a decade did not eliminate, and in many ways aggravated the problems of both the average and high school. This is especially evident now, when at the highest level the task has been set to make a sharp leap in the development of science, technology, innovation, to build “ digital economy" To what extent do educational reforms conceived many years ago meet new challenges? This kind of transformation is a long game. In a constantly changing world, it is not easy to foresee the long-term consequences of such a large-scale restructuring. But, at the very least, it is necessary to conduct an honest analysis of what has been done and find out to what extent the grown “Unified State Exam generation” is geared to solving new problems, to what extent it is able to get involved in the creation of the innovative product that the country so desperately needs. And is this possible in principle if the formation of a future innovator occurs in an atmosphere of stereotyped approaches, standards, uniformity - in textbooks, in teaching methods, in the bureaucratic work of a teacher? That...
    • 08/2018 Exactly 70 years ago, in August 1948, at the session of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences named after V.I.Lenin (VASKhNIL), the most important sections of biology were abolished. The main victim was genetics, but along with it evolutionary biology, cytology and some applied disciplines were destroyed. Instead, from now on, Soviet scientists were charged with developing “Michurin agrobiology” - an eclectic cocktail of natural philosophical reasoning, scraps of outdated concepts and ignorant fantasies of home-grown “theorists.” The verdict on the sciences was pronounced by the country's highest political leadership, but its public announcement and execution was entrusted to the leader of the "Michurinites" Trofim Lysenko, who became a living symbol of the reprisal. These events and the decade and a half that followed them of the dominance of charlatans have long received a well-deserved and unambiguous assessment, both in the history of science and in the eyes of society. It would seem that today the dispassionate academic tone of historical research would be best suited to talk about them - especially since much in the history of Lysenkoism still remains almost unstudied. But recently, in the Russian public space, the voices of defenders of the “slandered nugget” have been increasingly heard. Today, not only anonymous bloggers and staff writers of marginal publications, but also people with solid scientific credentials and newspapers that were once perceived as the standard of intelligent journalism are trying to rehabilitate the name of the killer of Russian biology. In April of this year, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Ivan Lebedev, at a round table of the Duma Committee on Science and Education, called Lysenko a “great scientist,” put him on a par with Nikolai Vavilov and announced that he admires him...
    • 07/2018 Domestic shipbuilding in the past and present In 2017, domestic state shipbuilding celebrated its 350th anniversary. In the middle of the 17th century, Russia conducted active trade with the peoples of the Caspian basin, primarily with Persia. Goods were transported primarily by caravans of longboats along the Volga and Caspian Sea. However, entire flotillas of ushkuyniks - Russian pirates and other robbers - were waiting for merchants there, both Russian and foreign. Sovereign Alexei Mikhailovich, by Decree of June 19, 1667, ordered a decisive struggle against them, to begin the construction of warships for action in the lower reaches of the Volga and the Caspian Sea. A shipyard for this purpose was founded in Dedinovo on the Oka, where they had long caught fish for the royal table and where they knew how to build large fishing boats. General leadership execution of the Decree was entrusted to the famous associate of Tsar Afanasy Ordin-Nashchokin. The flagship of the future fleet was the three-masted warship "Eagle". The state tricolor was raised on it for the first time - according to the terminology of that time, white-azure-worm. The ship was launched on May 19, 1668. We will recall the history of the creation of the ship "Eagle" and talk about current state domestic shipbuilding, about the new things that are happening in this area of ​​industry and related science. Contents of the issue REVIEWER'S NOTES Alexander Volkov Long voyages for big ships! SCIENCE NEWS Category: The source of the mysterious gamma radiation has been found. Supervolcanoes and dangers to humanity. The mystery of elongated skulls. MAIN TOPIC Domestic state shipbuilding: from the Orel ship to giant nuclear icebreakers MAIN TOPIC Andrey Shablin...
    • 06/2018 Unexpected Chekhov: from Colombo to Monte Carlo Museums not only open their windows to the era when their main character lived, but also help us pay attention to the person to whom the exhibition is dedicated, to consider his personality (it is usually lost behind fame, giving way to stereotypes. And if, God forbid, the writer falls into school curriculum! - and even more so). It is museums, with their seemingly frozen collections of things, that remind us that man is inexhaustible. Let us think, wandering through the halls of the A. P. Chekhov Museum: did we really read him that well at the time and, in general, does the living Anton Pavlovich fit into the patterns in our heads? There is still something to discover in Chekhov - this becomes clear already in the first of the materials of the Main Topic of the issue: Natalya Rozhkova’s story about Chekhov’s researcher Alexander Chudakov and about the Chekhov biography he wrote for schoolchildren (but is also read by us, adults, avidly). The history of one of Chekhov's prototypes, explored by Tatyana Solovyova, takes us to Sakhalin in Chekhov's times. But if the writer’s Sakhalin trip is known to many, his relationship with Europe (and he was a passionate traveler!) is much less so. Vienna and Venice, Rome and Naples, Nice and Monte Carlo, Vesuvius and roulette (he was no less passionate as a player) - all this doesn’t fit well with his appearance, right? - Dmitry Kapustin and Sergei Zhukov will convince us otherwise. And finally, Ernest Orlov (Deputy Director of the State literary museum named after V.I.Dal scientific work, supervisor…
    • 04/2018 Space: a time of active exploration “We need astronomy just as we need all, even the most exotic, branches of science, art and craft... I don’t expect that the current generation of generals and politicians will understand this. The focus should be on the future generation who goes to school today.” This is what the famous popularizer of astronomy Vladimir Surdin wrote in August 2002 on the pages of “Knowledge is Power”. Alas, it was those students who were soon deprived of this subject, expelled from school. It seems that the time for realizing the mistake has come - having changed, the leadership of our education has apparently become wiser, and the decision to include astronomy in the school curriculum has recently been made. We are confident that this encouraging event was facilitated by the efforts of scientists, engineers, teachers and journalists, for whom it was obvious that neglect of one of the most important natural science disciplines is fraught with a lag in technological development Russia, which was losing its position in space exploration. We hope that we have also made a strong contribution to maintaining interest in astronomical topics - all these years the column “Space: continued conversations” has not left our pages; Also, “Knowledge is Power”, together with the Museum of Cosmonautics, organized a lecture hall where it was possible to communicate directly with scientists and popularizers of science. More than once their speeches became the basis for the main theme of the magazine. And today it will continue what was started in the last issue, revised for printing...
    • 03/2018 Museum of the Unread Classic In the USSR, he was the most published of the Soviet writers: from 1918 to 1986, the total circulation of his publications, numbering 3,556, amounted to more than 242 million copies. (Where are all these publications now? How many people pick them up?) And if we take into account writers and Russians, pre-revolutionary, then even here Gorky is second only to Pushkin and Leo Tolstoy - together with whom, and even with Mayakovsky, his mustachioed profile, symbol everything official, obligatory, imposed (which means unreal, dead!) looked askance at us from the school façade for ten years in a row. He also looked from the first page “ Literary newspaper", and from the walls of metro stations; There was, it seems, not a single settlement in the Soviet Union that did not have Gorky Street. A surefire way to be unread, it seems. By the way, despite the fantastic circulation in modern times, there is still no complete collection of his works). Neither the Soviet era, when Gorky was a much more ideological phenomenon than a literary one, nor the post-Soviet era that followed him, with its quite understandable repulsion from the “petrel of the revolution” and the desire to quickly forget him, contributed to an adequate and simply attentive reading of what he, in fact, wrote. It seems that now we are finally separated from his time by a distance large enough to look...
  • The magazine “Knowledge is Power”, founded in 1926, is a well-known popular science publication that publishes materials about achievements in various industries knowledge - physics, astronomy, cosmology, biology, history, economics, philosophy, psychology, sociology. The magazine's credo over the past 50 years has been a serious conversation with the reader about the problems of science, economics, society, and the ways of developing scientific thought. The magazine contributes to the development of schoolchildren's horizons. The magazine will undoubtedly be useful to students, scientists and technical workers, managers - everyone who is interested in the state of modern science, who perceives science and scientific knowledge as an effective tool for overcoming economic and social problems in the era of globalization. In the issue: Wood as a material seems to us something archaic. In fact, this is a material of unlimited possibilities. How were teeth treated in ancient times? How did the idea of ​​replacing lost teeth with artificial ones come about? This month marks one notable anniversary. Exactly 150 years ago the science of ecology was born. Joseph Brodsky, Dmitry Merezhkovsky, Zinaida Gippius lived in this house. The publishing house “World Literature” and the House of Poets were located here. Where is this house? and much more

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