Geometric figures comparison of objects middle group. Summary of nodes for femp "geometric shapes"

FEMP lesson in middle group №7

On the Topic: “SQUARE”


Teacher of MBDOU No. 46 Nutfullina L.M.



1. Introduce children to the square on a subject basis, consolidate the information children know about geometric shapes.

2. Fix the score within 4, the ability to correlate numbers 1-4 with the quantity.

3. Develop the ability to find signs of similarities and differences between objects.

4.Promote children's development thought processes: memory, thinking, imagination.

5. Cultivate an interest in mathematics and a desire to work in a team.

METHODOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES: questions, explanation, visual demonstration, generalizations, assessment, physical education, surprise moment, diagrams.

EQUIPMENT: counting sticks, geometric shapes, books, cubes.

INDIVIDUAL WORK:Activate more: Sasha, Slava, Daria. Continue to consolidate knowledge about color and geometric shapes with Artem and Sasha.



Educator: The guys came to visit us today. Let's say hello to the guests.

Children: Hello.

V.: “Once upon a time there was a circle and a triangle, they were walking one day and saw a square. The circle and the triangle got scared, hid behind a bush and thought: Who is this?

Does it look like a circle? (No)

Why? (there are corners)

Does it look like a triangle? (No)

Count the angles.(4)

The circle said: Let's go and ask what his name is?

That's how they met.

“I am a circle. I don't have any corners. I'm like the sun, I can roll."

“I am a triangle. I have 3 corners and 3 sides, I look like a roof."

“And my name is square. What do I look like? (cube...)"

Well done guys.

Q: Guys, now let’s sit down at the table and find out how you understand geometric shapes?

Q: Guys, on your table there are figures of a circle, a triangle and a square. Show me the green square please?

Blue circle? Red triangle? Yellow square?



V.: Guys, look at the drawing, there is a figure drawn here. You need to use counting sticks to place these figures on the table.


V.: Guys, now we don’t sit down, but come back to see how the geometric figures we met are doing.

Who did we meet?

D: With a triangle, a circle, and a square. V.: Correct. Square, triangle and circle, invented for us math game"Fourth wheel", let's play.

Q: Guys, look at the sheet and please tell me which item is extra and why?

Well done.

V.: Guys, geometric shapes have one more game for us. It's called "Find the one that's similar to a square." You need to find and take an object that looks like a square from this basket.

(Children take it)

V.: Now raise your hand with the object up and show it to me. Well done.


Q: Guys, what geometric figures came to visit us?

D: Circle, square, triangle.

Q: Does a circle have corners? (No). What is he like? (round).

How many angles does a triangle have? (three) Sides? (three) How many corners does a square have? (four) Sides? (four)

What games did you like best?

Guys, did you like the lesson?

Tamara Gapeeva
Summary of GCD for FEMP in the middle group “Geometric Figures”


consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes, square, rectangle, triangle, circle, practice counting within 4

Program content:


Continue learning how to make a drawing from ready-made shapes;

Strengthen the ability to glue ready-made forms onto a cardboard base.

Developmental: Develop interest in application as a type of activity.

Educational: To cultivate a desire to help others who need our help.

Materials and equipment:

Wonderful bag geometric shapes, picture from geometric shapes.

Vocabulary work:

round, round, square, square, triangular.

Methods and techniques: verbal, visual, practical

GCD move:

Educator: Guys, look, we have guests today. Let's say hello to the guests. Let's hold hands, make an even circle and smile at each other, pass good mood Let's show our comrades how dazzlingly we can smile.

Let's show our teeth.

We laugh all day long

We are not too lazy to smile!

Educator: Oh, guys, do you hear someone knocking? Let's see who it is?

Children: This is Dunno.

Educator: Why are you Dunno so upset?

Dunno: Podul strong wind and destroyed the houses of my friends - geometric shapes. I collected them all in this wonderful bag

Educator: How can we help Dunno? Will we be able to build new houses?

What do you call people who build new houses?

Children: Builders.

Educator: Right. And today we will be in the role of builders and will help Dunno build new houses. Look how much Dunno has in his bag geometric shapes.

Educator: - Now listen to the riddles and guess which one figure from wonderful bag coming speech:

1. I’ve been your acquaintance since childhood,

Every angle here is right.

All four sides are the same length.

I'm glad to introduce myself to you

And my name is... (square).

Guys, look what the houses are missing?

Children; the houses don't have enough roofs

2. My riddle is short:

Three sides and three corners

Who am I? (triangle)

Educator: Guys, what else is missing in our geometric town?

Children: in our geometric the town lacks sunshine and windows

3. What will we see now?

All my angles are right

There are four sides

But they are not all equal.

I'm a quadrilateral

Which?. (rectangle).

Educator: Well done guys, and now the bright sun will shine in the sky

4. I have no corners

And I look like a saucer

On the plate and on the lid,

On the ring, on the wheel.

I am an old friend to people

They call me... (circle).

Educator: - Well done, guys, they helped Dunno build houses. Look how happy he is. Let us count them

D/game “How many in total?”

Children:they count 4 of them at home

Educator: Well done! Let's take a rest m:

One, two, three, four, five!

We also know how to relax -

Let's put our hands behind our backs,

Let's raise our heads higher

And let’s breathe easily.

D/game "Find your match"

Educator: Well done! Guessed everything geometric shapes, built an unusual geometric town and came to visit them. Now let’s sit down at the tables and I’ll tell you fairy tale: Once our friends square, circle, triangle were sitting in their house and drinking tea.

Guys, what do their saucers resemble?

Children: Circle.

Educator: What shape are cookies?

Children: Square.

Educator: They drank tea and went for a walk outside. We started playing hide and seek. They hid everything, but they can’t find each other. Can we help them? Let's find everything figures in the painting?

Show me where the triangle is hidden? (roof)

Where did the circle hide? (Sun)

Where is the square? (wall of houses)

Or maybe someone else sees where the rectangle is hiding? (windows)

Educator: Well done, guys, what are we going to tell our parents today, who we went to visit?

Children: Geometric shapes.

Educator: Which one?

Children's answers. Square, circle, triangle, rectangle, which number did you get acquainted with 4

Educator: Did you enjoy visiting them? Now let's say goodbye to Dunno, say goodbye to him and our fascinating acquaintance with geometric shapes has come to an end.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of GCD for FEMP in the middle group “Geometric Figures” IEO: cognition, communication, socialization, reading fiction. Types of activities: gaming, communicative, educational.

Summary of GCD for FEMP in the second junior group “Geometric Figures” SUMMARY OF NODS IN THE EDUCATIONAL FIELD “COGNITION. FEMP" in the second younger group No. 5 FINAL LESSON “GEOMETRIC FIGURES: CIRCLE, SQUARE,.

The goal of the project: to form children's ideas about geometric shapes (circle, square). Objectives: Formation of knowledge experience.

Abstract of OOD on FEMP in the junior group “Geometric Figures” Summary of OOD on FEMP in the junior group “Geometric Figures” Prepared by: Educator I. N. Pologutina Goal: to create favorable ones.

Abstract of OOD on FEMP in the second junior group “Geometric Figures” Topic: “Geometric Shapes” Targets: the child correctly determines the quantitative relationship between two groups of objects; understands.

Oksana Popova
Abstract of GCD for FEMP “Geometric Figures”

Abstract of GCD for FEMP on the topic “Geometric shapes”

Goal: Reinforce the names of geometric shapes


Educational: Reinforce the names of geometric shapes.

Practice counting within 10.


Develop thinking, graphic skills, fine motor skills

Develop an understanding of the days of the week, times and months of the year.


Cultivate interest in mathematics.

Foster partnerships between children.

Methods and techniques: Playful, visual, practical activities

1. Organizational moment.

Hello right hand- we stretch forward,

Hello left hand- we stretch forward,

Hello friend - let's join hands with our neighbor,

Hello friend - let's take it with the other hand,

Hello, hello friendly circle - shake your hands.

We stand hand in hand, together we are a big ribbon,

We can be small - we squat,

Can we be big - let's get up,

But no one will be alone

2. Main stage

Today, I'm canceling math class! And I invite you to the quest! Quest is English word and means a hike, a search, a task. We will look for a mathematical treasure. I have a chest in my hands. All the treasures from the chest were gone. But there are envelopes. in which tasks. After completing the task correctly, you will receive part of the map. Having collected all the parts of the map, we will find the treasure. But a quest is also a journey, and what do people travel on (children’s answers)

Task No. 1 There are mathematical sets on your tables, you need to make a vehicle for travel from geometric shapes, not lookalike friend on a friend.

Educator: Well done! Both the sea and land ones, and even the air ones, turned out to be interesting. So we found the first part of the map, it is located in the part of the group where there is transport. (in the game center, in a plastic boat)

Educator: The following task is in an envelope, and the one who puts the numbers in order in order will choose the envelope from the chest - number series from 1 to 10 (numbers in math set) The envelope is chosen by the child who completed the number series faster

Task 2 D/I “Name the missing word”

The teacher throws the ball to one of the players:

The sun shines during the day, and the moon...

In the morning I came to kindergarten, and returned home...

If yesterday was Friday, then today...

If after Monday there was Tuesday, then after Thursday...

Winter will come...

Autumn months - September.

Summer will give way...

It snows...

The last month of spring is...

Educator: Well done, the next part of the map is where summer sun and snow together? Right at the stand of a corner of nature.

3. Physical exercise

Educator: To travel and search you need to be strong and dexterous, let's do some physical exercise

Friends in our group

girls and boys

We'll make friends with you

small fingers.

One, two, three, four, five -

Five, four, three, two, one -

we are sitting again.

To begin with, you and I

We only turn our heads.

(Rotate your head).

We also rotate the body.

Of course we can do this.

(Turns right and left).

And now we squat.

We understand perfectly well -

(We squat).


Finally we reached out

Up and to the sides. We caved in.

(Stretching up and to the sides).

Flushed from warming up

And they sat down again.

Educator: The next envelope will be drawn by the one who guesses the most riddles:

My little brother, Seryozha,

Mathematician and draftsman -

There are all sorts of drawings on Baba Shura’s table. (shapes)

He's been my friend for a long time,

Every angle in it is right,

All four sides are the same length

I’m glad to introduce myself to you, but my name is... (square)

We stretched the square

And presented at a glance,

Who did he look like?

Or something very similar?

Not a brick, not a triangle -

It became a square... (rectangle).

Three peaks are visible here,

Three corners, three sides, -

Well, perhaps that’s enough! -

What do you see? -. (triangle)

A watermelon slice is a semicircle,

Half a circle, part of it, a piece.

Knowing about forms is very important, friend.

No wonder it is among these lines!

If I took a circle,

I squeezed it a little on both sides,

Answer children together -

It would work. (oval)

The triangle has been filed

And we got the figure:

Two obtuse angles inside

And two spicy ones - look.

Not a square, not a triangle,

And it looks like a polygon (trapezoid).

Slightly flattened square

Invites you to identify:

Acute and obtuse angles

Eternally bound by fate.

Have you guessed what it's all about?

What should we call the figure? (rhombus).

Six obtuse angles inside

Look at the figure

And imagine that from a square

We got his brother.

There are too many angles here

Are you ready to name him? (hexagon)

We're getting down to business again

Let's study the body again:

Maybe he'll become a ball

And fly a little.

Very round, not oval.

Did you guess it? This is... (ball).

How can we not turn him around?

There are exactly six equal faces.

We can play lotto with him,

Let's just be careful:

He is neither affectionate nor rude

Because it's... (cube)

Cover on top, bottom on bottom.

Two circles connected

And we got the figure.

What should we call the body?

We need to guess quickly (cylinder)

Task No. 3 The child takes out an envelope, in the envelope there are cards for each child

Educator: children, look at the cards, what do you see? (children's answers). That's right, dots. Try to connect them and get a geometric shape. Children complete the task. What geometric figure did you get? (children's answers: circle, oval, square, triangle, rectangle).

Educator: Guess where the next part of the map is

It can be very spicy

And he draws brightly and colorfully.

Slate from all sides

Surrounded by wood.

This is your reliable friend

And the artist -. (pencil)

the next part of the map is in the corner of the ISO

Task No. 4 “Make an example”

The teacher takes out the last envelope and gives it to the children. (in the envelope are cards with numbers written in wax.) Children, with the teacher’s hint, guess that they need to paint over the cards with gouache. The guys paint over the cards. Numbers and signs appear)

Educator: what should we do with these cards?

Children: We need to make an example. Because there are signs: equal, plus. Make up an example and solve: 4+2=6

Educator: The last part of the map is in booth number 6

Pupils put together all the parts of the map and find them in the sports corner new game"Arithmetic"

4. Summary of the lesson

You guys worked hard, completed all the tasks, and which task did you like best? Which was the easiest? What's difficult? Well done guys.

Program content:
- To consolidate ideas about geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval, about the concept of “quadrilaterals”.
- Strengthen the ability to examine an object, highlighting its characteristic features.
- Repeat counting up to 5, saying the numbers in order.
- Strengthen children’s ability to answer the question: “Which one is it?”
- To consolidate the ability to determine the equality and inequality of two groups of objects by quantity, to equalize unequal groups.
- Develop auditory perception.
Individual workwith Gleb, Veronica - pin down how a square is similar and how it differs from a rectangle.
Demo material:geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval; image of objects similar to geometric shapes; soft toy-dolphin, envelope with a letter, metallophone, diagram for the game “Tangram”.
Handout: A set of geometric shapes, cards with two free stripes, the game “Tangram”.

GCD move:
Guys, today we will go on a journey, to the land of mathematics, to the city of geometric shapes. We will travel on our magic ship.
The teacher invites the children to board the ship and go on a journey. (Musical accompaniment - “Sounds of the Sea”).
A dolphin comes across the meeting, he has an envelope. The teacher reads the letter: “Dear guys! You are approaching the land of Mathematics, the city of geometric figures. Friends are waiting for you in this city."
Here we are! Drop anchor! Go ashore (children take their places at the tables).
So we found ourselves in the city of geometric shapes, and you will find out who lives here from the riddles:
I have no corners and I look like a saucer,
Not a medal, not a pancake,
Not an aspen leaf
Think about it friends
And tell me Who am I? (circle).
The teacher hangs a picture with a picture of a circle. Invites the children to take the circle and examine it, offers to ride it.
Next riddle:
My three sides can be of different lengths.
Where the sides meet, an angle is formed.
Look what happened! After all, there are also three corners.
Think about it, friends, and tell me who am I? (triangle)
The teacher hangs a picture of a triangle on the board. Invites children to explore the triangle.
Well done! Listen further.
Next riddle:
Four corners and four sides
They look exactly like sisters.
The figure is familiar to many guys,
You recognized him because... (square)
The teacher hangs a picture of a square on the board. Next he invites the children to explore the square.
These are the figures who lived in the land of Mathematics. But one day they appeared amazing figures. One shape looked a little like a square.
All my angles are right
There are four sides
But they are not all equal.
I'm a quadrilateral
Which? ...(rectangle).
The teacher hangs a picture of a rectangle on the board. Offers to examine him.
And one more figure, very unusual.
“The boy drew a circle and ran away,
A baby elephant passed by and came
And the circle turned into an oval!”
The teacher hangs a picture of an oval on the board. Offers to examine him.
Well done guys, you know geometric shapes well, so they want to play a game with you called “Describe your object” (the teacher shows a picture of the object, the children talk about this object, what geometric figure the object resembles).
Finger gymnastics:
Let's count fingers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
And name the figures:
Here is a square, and here is a circle
Triangle and oval
And also a rectangle,
And it's not hard to count
There are exactly five of them.
Every morning the figures do exercises.
Physical education lesson: The teacher shows geometric shapes one by one, the children perform the following movements:
Triangle - walk,
Square - squat
Well, what if the circle is a friend,
Perform the jump quickly.
Oh, guys, after loading our figures, our figures are completely confused, they need help. Let's answer the question “which is which” and tell the geometric figures their places.
Circle is the first, rectangle is the fourth, square is the third, triangle is the second, oval is the fifth. Now that's order.
And now we will play a game called “Listen carefully.” The teacher invites the children to put cards and a set of geometric shapes in front of them.
The teacher addresses the children: You need to put as many circles on the top shelf as the hammer hits. After completing the task, the teacher checks and gives the following instructions: Place on the bottom shelf as many squares as the hammer hits (children do not see the hammer strikes, the metallophone is behind the screen).
Questions for children:
How many circles are there on the top strip? (4)
How many squares are on the bottom strip (5)
What are more, circles or squares? What needs to be done so that there are equal numbers of circles and squares?
Well done guys, you are very attentive.
Guys, now our geometric figures will play with you a game called “Guess which figure is hidden?”
The teacher places the pieces all over the board, then asks the children to close their eyes and hides one piece, the children open their eyes and guess which piece is hidden (the game is repeated 2-3 times).
Guys, geometric shapes really like to play with you, they want you to put a picture out of them - the game “Tangram” (the teacher shows on the board general sample, children lay out on their tables, then name what they laid out and from which figures).
Visual gymnastics:
We played with the figures (children blink often without straining their eyes)
Our little eyes are tired.
Let's blink our eyes.
Let them rest a little (Children close their eyes)
And they will start blinking again. (Eyes open and blink as usual)
Educator: Guys, we feel very good and have fun with our friends, but it’s time for us to go back to kindergarten.
The teacher invites the children to say goodbye to the city of geometric shapes and return to the kindergarten on a magic ship.
Result: The teacher gives the children “emoticons” without drawn mouths, the children add mouths to the “faces” and justify their choice.

Math lesson notes.
Subject: Journey to the camp: Geometric figures. (fastening.)
Age group: Middle group.
Form joint activities: integrated lesson.
Form of organization: group.

Target: Learn to distinguish and name the following geometric shapes: square, circle, triangle, rectangle, practice counting; be able to navigate in space.
Expand children's knowledge about shapes. Learn to group them by color and size.
Develop observation and attentiveness.
Develop memory, thinking and speech.
Promote the development of collectivism and mutual assistance when working in a team.
Stimulate interest in mathematics.
To develop skills of cultural behavior in society.
For children - a card with four stripes, circles (large and small) in four colors: green, blue, yellow, red; geometric shapes.
For the teacher: Four baskets with stickers of shapes (for example, the first basket is a triangle, the second is a square...) Geometric shapes according to the number of children different colors. Four bags of different colors: green, blue, yellow, red. Three keys. Soft toy.
Progress of the lesson.
The teacher invites the children to the mat; all the children come up and stand in a circle; in the center of the circle there is a teacher and invites them to go to a country that is not simple, but magical, geometric, and in this country everything consists of shapes. The entrance to this land is enchanted. In order to disenchant the entrance to the magical land, you need to get three magic keys.
Q: I invite all children
He'll hit the road soon
Tests await you
Difficult tasks.
Our path will be long with obstacles. Are you guys ready to go on this journey?
D: Yes, ready.
Q: In this case, you can hit the road. The teacher and the children come to the first table. There are geometric shapes on the table.
Q: Our first task: There are different figures on the table, you need to take one piece at a time and name them.
D: Everyone takes turns taking a piece from the table and clearly names the piece they took.
Q: Well done guys, you all answered correctly. We completed the first task correctly, the path to our country is becoming shorter, we received our first key. (the key was under the last figure.) Let's move on to the second task:
On the chairs in the group there are four baskets, each with figures glued to it (circle, square, triangle, rectangle)
Q: Guys, each of you has a figure in your hands; our task is to group all the figures by size. To do this, whoever has the squares, stand next to the basket with the square. Whoever has circles, stand next to the basket with the circle. Whoever has rectangles, stand next to the basket with the rectangle. And whoever has triangles, stand next to the basket with triangles.
D: They find their baskets and stand up.
Q: Guys, if you are ready, raise your figures up. Well done, now put the pieces in your baskets. And in one of the baskets the children find the second key. Now we can move forward.
They approach the rug and there the whole rug is strewn different figures different colors. (while the children were doing tasks junior teacher poured the figures onto the mat.)
There are four bags of different colors on the mat.
Q: Guys, this is our last task. In order to get the third key you need to collect and group the shapes by color and then put them in bags.
D: They complete the tasks and find the third key in one of the bags.
Q: Well done guys, you completed the task. The magical land is disenchanted!!!
Guys, while the country was bewitched in the “dishes” store, all the cups were mixed up on the shelves. You need to help clean up the store. To do this, sit at the tables; each child has a card with four stripes and 14 circles.
The teacher explains. “These are (points to the mugs) Large and small cups.
They need to be arranged on shelves in whatever way they want.”
Options could be:
- mugs lie in disarray on every shelf;
-the mugs are on two shelves (large and small)
- the mugs are arranged by color on four shelves.
The teacher asks each person how he arranged the cups and on which shelf there are more and on which shelf there are fewer.
You can invite the children to arrange them so that on each shelf there are “cups” of the same color. Ask which “cups” are more: red or blue; yellow or green.
Q: Well done guys, they cleaned up the store, now residents magical land will be able to come to the store and easily choose cups. I suggest you tidy up your toys and go for a walk; there will be a lot more interesting things there.
You can play a game on the street: “Find the hidden toy.”
Using a counter, the leader is selected:
The seagulls lived at the pier,
The river pumped them with water.
One, two, three, four, five-
Help me count them.
The presenter goes out the door. Children hide a toy. To find it, the driver is given directions: “Go from the swing to the sandbox, turn right from the sandbox, take three steps and look there.”
Game options: The teacher indicates the direction of the asphalt with arrows of different colors.: The child indicates the direction: “First, go where the blue arrow points, then walk three steps and look there.”
When turning, the child must say where he turned: right or left.
The game is played several times at the request of the children.

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