Figurative words. The night has many lovely stars. And some sorrows from afar, And misty tablets from the earth

In this article we will consider in detail what a figurative expression is. What is the meaning, how are they used, let’s look at examples with a detailed interpretation of such statements.

Interpretation and definition

So, figurative expressions are units of speech that are primarily used in figuratively. When translating into another language, as a rule, additional clarification is required. On the other hand, the following interpretation can also be given: figurative expressions are widely used apt words, speeches, quotes from historical figures, literary characters, which over time have become household names.

However, the forms of recognized signs remain very numerous: sound, bi- and three-dimensional, shades of colors or even holograms can constitute a sign. However, almost all registered trademarks are in oral, figurative or semi-figurative form.

A word sign consists of only one or more characters. It could be a word, a set of words, or even a simple number. Once a word mark is registered, the chosen name will be protected by industrial property title, regardless of the graphic form used to exploit it.

This kind of sayings have become part of our daily lives so long ago and so strongly, and it seems that they were invented by the people. But this fact is not always plausible. Figurative expression is a powerful tool not only in everyday life, but also in literary works, their use adds unsurpassed flavor.

It is often preferable to place a word sign first rather than a figurative or semi-figurative sign. By protecting only the terms of the mark, and not its graphic form, one can thus use it in the form of one's choice and develop it at one's leisure without compromising the protection of the name. On the other hand, if a mark is placed in figurative or semi-figurative form, it must, in principle, be used as filed. This means that significant changes in graphic form may require a new deposit.

If you don't have the necessary funds to deposit three branded forms, it's better. It consists exclusively of graphic elements: There is no verbal element in a figurative sign. The figurative mark can then take the form of a logo, a design, a hologram, or even a specific shade of color.

Thanks to remarkable bibliographers and literary scholars, books have been collected and published that tell the reader about the primary sources of the emergence and use of sayings of this kind. Thanks to the uniqueness of such books, each person will be able to enrich and increase the expressiveness of their speech, master and give new breath to the rich heritage of the past.

Black evening. White snow. Wind, wind!

Like other forms of marks, a figurative mark creates an exclusive right of ownership in the owner, but only in the mark that is filed. A semi-figurative mark includes both types of elements: a verbal element and a figurative element. It can be a logo accompanied by a name, but also a term for calligraphy or graphic design.

This form of mark is useful when the word element is not or not very distinctive: the association of a name with a figurative element will in principle make the mark noticeable enough to be accepted when it is presented. Again, the semi-figurative mark must be used as filed. It is better not to make changes to the life of the brand.

Folk expressions

You should learn to understand figurative expression. For a better and deeper understanding, some of them should be examined.

  • For example, hanging your nose. In other words, you can say “to be sad, to be sad.”
  • Or drive a wedge. This expression can be interpreted as “to deliberately quarrel, create a quarrel between someone.”
  • Speak hand in hand. That is, interfere with doing something or prevent you from concentrating.
  • Or - give free rein to your tongue. In other words, talk a lot, speak out, tell something painful or, conversely, give away secrets and secrets.
  • Give me a light. You can say: shout, punish, point out shortcomings.
  • Look for the wind in the field. This means the following: irretrievable loss something or someone with a hopeless outcome.
  • Let's look at the expression "break into pieces." You can understand this statement as follows: try very hard to do something.
  • For example, this expression: hand in hand. This expression is usually used to describe a happy married couple. They go hand in hand through life.

Figurative expressions in literature

The figurative expression summarizes various phenomena in people's lives. Such short sayings are passed on from generation to generation. The mode of transmission is not only an everyday form of communication, but also literary works. Various features in the environment, in the manifestation of any actions. For example, if you hurry, you will make people laugh. I picked up the tug, don’t say it’s not strong. Dear ones scold - they just amuse themselves.

The city is lush, the city is poor

There are publications in the field of trademarks in “Money”, the magazine “Real Estate and Law” and “Legal World”. Master's degree in Marketing and Business Economics from the University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria. We are surrounded on all sides by signs. Scientific discipline The study of signs and the sign process is called semiotics.

Once this discipline is inextricably linked with the sign, it will look for connections between it and the brand

A sign is a sensory object of perception that represents another object and leads to the perception of that object. He represents not himself, but something else, some other is outside the object. A trademark may consist of any features capable of being represented graphically, in particular words, including personal names, drawings, letters, numbers, shapes of goods or their packaging, provided that such features are capable. distinguish the goods or services of one undertaking from other undertakings. Article 4 of the Regulations provides an extensive explanation of what a Community trade mark may appear to be by placing two conditions: must be represented graphically and has distinctive feature.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin admired folk sayings, sayings, proverbs, which can also be classified as figurative expressions. “Oh, what’s the point! What gold!” These were the sayings of the Russian poet. Sholokhov wrote about this: “The greatest wealth of the people is language!” Folk expressions have accumulated over thousands of years, and they live in words.

IN general definitions semiotics and mark the word “sign”. Logical questions: What is a sign? The Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure, considered the first founder of semiotics, gives a dual concept of signs. Saussure belongs to classical definition sign. According to him, symbols have a certain structure, which he defines as a connection between.

According to him, this sign is not only a sign of something that is beyond the sign itself. The sign should be considered as a unity of material and semantic aspects, regardless of the above-mentioned concept of Saussure. According to the brand definition, the most an important condition is that it has a graphic expression.

In fact, such statements are a storehouse of wisdom of the people themselves. They very often express truths that have stood the test of time. Figurative words and expressions are often used in public speech, their use in the introduction or conclusion can be one of the ways of argumentation, but we should not forget that the use of statements of this kind depends on the relevance of the situation. In order for words to be expressive and images to be emotionally charged, figurative expressions are often used.

The content of the plan is about the semantic side of the characters. Words have denotative and connotative meanings. Denotations are the literal, dictionary meaning of a word. The denotative meaning of a word gives information about what is actually stated. It follows that denotative words cannot be registered as markings; example, the word coffee for good coffee should not be registered as trademark in accordance with Article 7, paragraph 1, letters B and C of the Rules.

Leno is a context that is closely related to a person's experience. Examples of connotative words registered as Community trademarks. These examples show new look signs existing words with clear and informal descriptive meaning. Morris, semiotics also includes semantics. Semantics studies the relationships between characters and the objects they refer to. This suggests that the brand should be considered as “two blocks” of the “expression - meaning” plan. Who one would be perceived as depends on the awareness, intelligence and experience of the individual.


Summarizing the above, I would like to note the importance of figurative statements. They are constantly used unchanged, in other words, they can be classified as stable forms. If you change the wording, then this statement may lose its deep meaning. Lotman, in his book Lectures on Structural Poetics, wrote: “The statue of Apollo in a museum does not look naked, but try to tie a tie around its neck, and it will amaze you with its indecency.” Figurative statements are not created in the process of conversation, but are used as ready-made and unchanged, this happens from generation to generation. They are rich in their composition, origin and stylistic possibilities, which allows you to convey a large volume of meaning with minimal means and do it so emotionally and expressively. Peshkovsky wrote: “These are living words! Animating everything to which they are attached!” Their use will allow everyone to make their speech unique and individual.

Oh, if only there weren't frosts on the flowers

We are examining a trademark application submitted by a Bulgarian applicant to the European Community. In terms of population and area, Malta is the smallest member of the European Union. Maltese is the only official Semitic language for European country. Therefore, when applying for European Community word marks, it is a good brand to be thoroughly researched by searching and their meaning on official languages The European Union does not receive such surprises.

Figurative words transmit external visual figurative representations about objects, actions and phenomena. An expression like this values ​​goes due to the morphonetic structure of the word, and talk about some kind of imitation in in this case impossible, since production occurs visual images into sound.

Among figurative words, two semantic categories stand out:

Our officials have long forgotten that they are obliged to take care of the people's property, preserve, increase, fight for every penny!

According to Charles Sanders Peirce, an American philosopher and semiotician, sign is the fundamental feature of intelligence. He believes that nothing is given to our knowledge intuitively, and it is always necessary to mediate signs. If Saussure came to the conclusion that a sign is a composite set of signifieds and signifiers, then Peircean signs on their sites are divided into three groups: images, bookmarks and symbols. We will try to find where the brand is in its theory of sign grouping.

1) Words naming external figurative ideas about the process of action, about the nature of the movement of the object: dagdan-dagdan‘to step heavily, to move with a heavy burden’, zhalpan-zhalpan‘awkwardly, waddle’, dardan-dardan‘clumsy (about a fat man)’. Usually such words mean complex images, phenomena. From a structural-phonetic point of view, they are characterized by final <ң>, <к> , disyllabic root structure and doubled use (full repetition): tarban-tarban‘clumsily, clumsily’.

IMAGE icon is a sign that relates to an object-in only through its own qualities, which mark modules that have an independent actual subject of existence. For example, Peirce talked about "resemblance" or also says that a mark is iconic when it "can represent its site substantially in its likeness." Keywords for identification iconic signs- resemblance, resemblance, analogy. . From images, the observer receives information about what the objects they represent look like.

Sign signs usually indicate signs, drawings, drawings, diagrams. For example, if you see a sign depicting a fork and knife, you understand that the restaurant is close to the stove. Co iconic sign we can understand it immediately. Brand which consist exclusively of signs or indications that can serve in trade to indicate the type, quality, quantity, intended purpose, value, geographical origin or the time of production of goods or provision of services, or other characteristics of their features;.

These imitative figurative words do not change, but verbs can be formed from them: sorondo from soron-soron
‘to stick out, stick out, stand out’, Coycocto from coycock-coycock‘stretch your neck gracefully’.

2) Words indicating speed, immediacy of action. They are monosyllabic roots, the three-sound phonetic structure of which, ending with a sonorant, can be supplemented by adding a consonant (usually a stop <к>, <г> ): zhalt, zhylt, shyp, shart, zhark, kylt, sharp, tyr, tyrp etc.

The photograph below of coffee beans is registered as an EC trademark in class 30 International classification goods and services. The examination of the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market regulated the refusal of commercial coffee.

Umberto Eco, an Italian writer, philosopher and semiotician, criticized iconic signs. His criticism refers to non-specific concepts associated with all definitions of an iconic sign through terms such as similarity and analogy. He believes that the idea of ​​a "copy of reality" is naive because the idea of ​​"reality" itself is also naive.

The meaning of these words is specified only in the statement, because they all convey only a quick, instantaneous, sharp manner of any action : Hot stage kulumsurop zhiberdi. ‘He suddenly smiled cheerfully (flashed up with a smile)’. Chyndyk hot stage. ‘The truth suddenly revealed itself (flashed)’. Zhark etip kүtkon bakyt aldynan chiga kelse.‘If suddenly the long-awaited happiness will come (shine unexpectedly)’.

According to Eco, “objects” do not exist as empirical reality, but are creations of the mind. There is a cause or effect relationship between indexes and what they indicate. It is something visible that shows something invisible. The most common examples of indicators are smoke indicating fire, and for a ship's flag, its nationality.

The following two examples show a coat and a seal indicating respectively Liverpool football club and Oxford University. In this case, the index aspect is dominant. But if they are used in rituals or to represent goods or services, then they become symbols.

Along with figurative words, the Kyrgyz language has figurative verbs, the stem of which usually ends in th. They are close to figurative words in semantics and represent a formation parallel to them. If in figurative words the additional element is the final consonant <н>, <к>, then in verbs— <й> : kaldan-kaldan And kaldai, dardan-dardan And dardai. Verbs formed directly from figurative words should be distinguished from them. Figurative words of both categories have to a certain extent abstraction, which is also inherent in figurative verbs, but is significantly reduced in derived verbs. Wed: hot‘to sparkle, sparkle, shine’, where the verb retains only part of the imagery that is characteristic of the imitative word hot.

The mark was registered for information services. Marketing is the European Patent Organization. This example illustrates how a character can have dual function. Then these concepts are equivalent. That is, how to pronounce the word “Japan”, as if saying: “emperor”, and vice versa. In other words, the two terms are interchangeable.

Figurative expressions in literature

Here we have big difference between sign and symbol. A character in Murakami's book says that a sign is like road sign for two-way traffic until the character can imagine how the road sign is for one-way traffic. A word symbol, sound, image, or object that represents an idea or message through association. The symbol is “something” that brings meaning to the one who reads, sees or hears. The connection between what indicates what is indicated depends primarily on the one who observes them from his intellect.

Figurative words and figurative verbs are based on human visual representations and have rather abstract semantics. Their meaning can only be understood by combining the sound complex and visual representation. Probably, initially this happened on the basis of metaphorization. They were formed from nominal and verbal roots, most of which do not have living forms in modern language. But some of the figurative words are also connected with living words of the Kyrgyz language or other modern Turkic languages.

The perception of characters is subjective. The key understanding of the symbols is the word “union”. Mainly the symbols are covered in advertising and trademarks. Most registered marks are painted. Visual semiotics should be noted here. She studies meanings and their production in images and representations. One of the objects of research in visual semiotics is color. Frequent example is a visual semiotics of color coding of taps for hot and cold water. This shows that color can encode meaning in context.

Depending on the source of formation, figurative words can be divided into three groups:

  1. Words formed from living nominal and verbal roots: bokchong-bokchong‘hunchbacked, stooped’ ( bok‘tubercle’), kyishan-kyishan‘manner of grimacing, swaying from one foot to the other’ (which in Alt. ‘to rest, to do crookedly’).
  2. Words with unknown etymology, whose word-forming roots are dead: Cholon-cholon‘stump’, orson-orson‘upright’, үрпөң-үрпөң‘ruffled, disheveled’.
  3. Words whose roots are related to onomatopoeia. These figurative words contain an element that correlates with onomatopoeic words, but they differ in additional elements. At the same time, there is a certain commonality in the content of such words. Thus, in onomatopoeias there are a number of words with the root element ball: bulk-balk‘squelch-squish’, balp- same meaning. This element is also found in figurative words balkay, balky, balzhay, balchay With general meaning softness, looseness, passivity in a person. It can be assumed that etymologically these words are related. The same connection is found between imitations with the root element shal: shalp, shaltak-shaltak- onomatopoeia with splash, shalpay, shalpan-shalpan, shalbyr- figurative words (something dangling, flopping, hanging).

Figurative verbs, like figurative words, indicate some kind of external sign, an image of an object or phenomenon in a static state, at rest. They do not express procedurality: daldai‘to be somehow cumbersome, clumsy,’ tarbay‘to be spread out (for example, about fingers or about branches)". This distinguishes them from verbs formed from figurative words that indicate a process associated with a certain method, image, manner of action. Compare: Koyondun kulagy seren etti.‘The hare’s ears have become erect (figurative verb)’. Koyondun kulagy serendedi. ‘The hare’s ears rose up (upright) and fell down’ (a verb formed from an imitative figurative word).

In their morphological composition, figurative words are close to onomatopoeic words. They may also include additional sound elements that change their semantics. So, adding sounds |<г>, , <л>| emphasizes the instantaneousness and one-time nature of the figurative feature: sting-sting carads‘looked’, al zhalt-zhalt karady‘looked instantly’: Al meni zhalt karady. ‘He shot me a look’ , zhalt-zhalt‘instant brilliance, flash’: From
sorry this stage
. ‘The fire instantly sparkled and went out.’ Mol-mol'sparkle': Kozunun zashy mol-mol bolup ketti. ‘Tears, sparkling, flowed from the eyes.’ Mөlt-molt‘instant, one-time flash’: Kozunon jash molt etti. ‘A tear sparkled in his eyes.’

Element - yr in figurative words shows the shade of duration, repetition, sequence in the character of a certain image: zhyltyr/zhelbir'dangling', moltur/moltur bulak‘sparkling spring’. If to words with an element - yr an additional consonant is added |<т>[ , then the nature of the duration changes again and the words take on the meaning of brevity, quickness figurative expression:zhelbirt, zhalbyrt‘flash, surprise, instantaneity’, dangyrt, shyngyrt‘roar, ringing’, etc.

There are more similarities between onomatopoeic and figurative words than differences, which gives reason to consider both as one structural-semantic class of words.

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