“July - the crown of summer” A. Outline of a lesson in literature (grade 7) on the topic: “A.T.

“July - the crown of summer” Alexander Tvardovsky

July - the top of summer, -
The newspaper reminded
But above all newspapers -
Daylight loss of light;
But before this little one,
The most secretive of signs, -
Ku-ku, ku-ku, - top of the head, -
The cuckoo has tapped
Farewell greetings.
And from linden blossom
Consider that the song is sung,
Consider that half the summer is gone, -
July is the peak of summer.

Analysis of Tvardovsky’s poem “July - the crown of summer”

There is an old folk saying that July is the crown of summer, that is, the month when nature reaches its peak. However, it is very difficult to take people’s word for it until you notice characteristic changes indicating that autumn is just around the corner.

Alexander Tvardovsky dedicated his poem entitled “July - the Top of Summer” to this familiar phenomenon, which repeats itself from year to year. He tried to convey his feelings and sensations that gripped him at the sight of the flying linden blossoms and the waning leaves of the calendar - constant witnesses to the transience of time.

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, very few people pay attention to what changes occur in the world around them as summer wanes. Even Tvardovsky admits in his poem that the newspaper “reminded him” of the onset of midsummer. However, there is more significant signs, which are deposited in the memory of each of us at the subconscious level, but only creative people and contemplators are able to give them meaning and “decipher” them the way the poet did. He didn’t need to look at the calendar or the newspaper to understand that hot July in all its glory would soon be replaced by autumn coolness. He was informed about this by the cuckoo, which sent its “farewell greetings” to the whole world, as well as “daylight”, which with every goes on for days waning, reminding us that long winter evenings are just around the corner.

The poem “July is the top of summer” has a special dynamic that seems to emphasize the transience of time. Thanks to this, the work is read in one breath, and the imagination draws a string of sunny days, which rush by in succession, leaving in the soul a taste of slight regret that half of summer is already behind, and the rest of it will fly by just as quickly, bringing with it rains, yellow leaves and sadness. However, Tvardovsky is trying to convey to readers that the passage of time cannot be changed, and he can only obey. And also learn to enjoy every moment you live and enjoy the middle of summer, which, according to the author, is one of the most magnificent periods years, symbolizing the transition from youth to maturity. This is the time to sum up the first results, as well as a turning point in the life of any person, when he still has a chance to change something for the better and abandon wrong decisions.

July - the top of summer, -
The newspaper reminded
But above all newspapers -
Daylight loss of light;
But before this little one,
The most secretive of signs, -
Cuckoo, cuckoo, - top of the head, -
The cuckoo has tapped
Farewell greetings.
And from linden blossom
Consider the song sung
Consider that half the summer is gone, -
July is the peak of summer.

A. Tvardovsky

Of course, the poet did not have our humble magazine in mind, but we, dear readers, will also not fail to remind you of various events in July. Just the name of this month seems to emanate heat, the aroma of fragrant sweet berries and freshly cut hay... It has long been considered the “busiest” month of the year, it’s not for nothing that people have such proverbs as “July mows and reaps, you can’t sleep for long.” gives" or "It's not the ax that feeds the man, but the July work."

So...what holidays do we have to celebrate this month?

July 2 International Sports Journalist Day
International Cooperatives Day
July 3 Traffic Police Day (State Traffic Police Day)
Maritime Workers Day river fleet
July 7 Ivana Kupala
July 10 Russian Post Day
Fisherman's Day
Tax Workers Day
July 11 World Population Day
July 14 Bastille Day
July 17 Metallurgist Day
July 20 International Chess Day
July 24 Trade Worker's Day
July 28 PR Specialist Day
July 29
July 31 Day Navy/ Neptune Day

Birthdays in JULY

1-Ivan, Leonty
3-Julian, Terenty
4-Galaktion, Dmitry, Kirill
5-Alexey, Andrey, Boris, Vasily, Vsevolod, Georgy, Gleb, Daniil, Mikhail, Mstislav, Prokhor, Roman, Svyatoslav, Sergey, Euphrosyne, Maria, Sofia
8-Peter, Euphrosyne
9-Ivan, Tikhon
11-Ivan, Sergey
13-Andrey, Philip
16-Anatoly, Mark
17-Fedor, Evdokia, Martha
18-Vasily, Sergey
19th Valentine
20- Euphrosyne
23-Daniil, Leonty
24-Elena, Olga
29-Alevtina, Marfa
30-Margarita, Marina

Crayfish celebrate their birthdays in July.

Here are a few original congratulations, which can be used to congratulate our Cancer friends.

And many-sided and careful,
Sometimes he is faithful, sometimes he is unreliable.
You are waiting for a loving sonnet,
He will ruin everything with a joke.
And Cancer will drink all your blood,
If you don’t love your mother-in-law!

There are many mysteries in the Zodiac,
But the most mysterious of all is Cancer,
Even though sometimes they “tell” us how
And where do they spend the winter, Crayfish?!
And therefore, being everyone,
Having a sensual essence,
Be happy, Cancer, legally married
And be in the illegal too!
So that your path is lined with roses
And everything would always be alright
And to solve your riddles
If only someone could be nearby!

Cupid, carefree merry fellow,
Hearts are easily connected.
You are dear to me, dear Cancer, -
I never get bored with you!
May there be either heaven or hell ahead -
I'm interested in you everywhere.
And once we happened to be together
No need to back away.

And a little more about the holidays.

Neptune Day

This holiday has been celebrated in Russia for over 300 years. It appeared in the summer of 1702, when Peter the Great, conducting recruitment in Arkhangelsk for the war with Sweden, suddenly remembered that that year marked 10 years since the construction and launching of Lake Pleshcheevo of the first Russian military, then still “amusing” flotilla. Therefore, Peter, with his characteristic sweep, ordered to the Russian people“indulge in Neptune’s fun along the shores of all kinds of reservoirs, and where they are absent, then build bathhouses for them”... To which, right there, in Arkhangelsk, he gave a personal example, to the horror of the local bishop Zacharias, dressing up as Neptune.

Since then, people who are not indifferent to water element, every summer at the end of July, or even whenever necessary, they celebrate this happy holiday. By the way, officially, in the history of the USSR, July 29 falls on Navy Day. In order to get rid of ceremonies and not make this holiday boring and official, the crew of almost every ship on this day turns into pirates, sea monsters, beautiful mermaids and other inhabitants of the depths of the ocean. Neptune Day has become perhaps the most favorite holiday in children's and student holiday camps.

The main hero of the occasion, Neptune, usually appears accompanied by long-haired beauties - mermaids, pirates, monkfish and a life doctor. On the shore of a sea, river, lake or simply a swimming pool, a throne is established for the king of the seas, and Neptune makes a welcoming speech to those gathered for his holiday.

At this moment, pirates, sea and swamp devils, witches and kikimoras appear to the sound of cannons. They try in every possible way to disrupt the holiday, pester the spectators, try to smear them with mud, throw sand at them, definitely throw them into the water, and steal pretty girls. In general, the task evil spirits- interfere with the holiday in every possible way, cause pampering and noise. Neptune himself tames the evil spirits.

System Administrator Day celebrated annually on the last Friday of July. A special day, once a year, to recognize the value and importance of whoever occupies that position, especially since it is often the person who keeps the wheels of the company turning. A system administrator is often called a sysadmin, or S.A. In small organizations there is one system administrator, while in large enterprises there may be a whole team. This holiday concerns many system administrators:
* Computer administrators
* Network administrators
* Webmasters
*Voicemail Administrators
* Database Administrators (DBAs)
* Mail system administrators
* Mainframe systems programmers
* Home network administrators
* Administrators of 1C: and other programs
* Telephone and cellular administrators

Surely some system administrators will decide to celebrate this holiday in nature... Here are the brief rules for a system administrator on summer vacation:

Don't install local grids. Network devices can cause conflicts with the Fishing Supervision Authority, and this can take a long time to resolve. It’s better to place a local fishing rod on the shore, but not from the ports. There is a lot of traffic in the ports, they will drive you.
-If the tent is set up crookedly, you should not be lazy and reassemble it. If you are installing for the first time, be sure to study the manual, there is a lot of non-trivial stuff there.
-It’s better to download water from water pumps, it’s fresher: the one that comes with the landscape doesn’t always work correctly - it can then become distracting with frequent interruptions.
-The freshest firewood works the worst. They are still raw, they usually require a license (if you break them, conflicts may arise). Therefore, it is best to take the old crap. But it tends to fall at the first contact - be sure to jump back in time.
Dig the firewall and cover it with stones. At the end of the work, just before leaving, shut your feet and fill in your log there, asking the ladies to turn away.
-If you have a lot of users, advice: come to an agreement and allocate a separate swap partition in the forest. Otherwise, in a day or two you will come across your old sources everywhere. It’s even more unpleasant if it’s on strangers.
-The sleeping bag is usually large in volume, but can be compressed well with the help of
compression package of any version. I wind several meters of thick rubber band - it takes longer, but the degree of compression is higher.
-All power sources except canned archives are sequentially in two, three or four packages - otherwise after a thunderstorm the power may be cut out for a long time.
-On canned goods, always look at the version number and date. Do not use or store old versions - throw them away without a doubt, there will be no life with them.
-Make sure that the tent always has good firmware. Especially if some kind of Windows emulator is installed there - a potential security hole. Never leave the canopy unmounted overnight. Otherwise, a bunch of small hackers will swoop in and will be poking around until the morning, trying to pump something out of you.
-If possible, install an antivirus against the encephalitis bug and tetanus. Don’t do it yourself, use a standard doctor - he will prescribe everything and put it right under the shoulder blade.
-When assembling a backpack, do not use sets that weigh a lot - look for lighter and more compact analogues. Otherwise there will be a problem with space. Remember: frequent reloading of the spine can cause a disc to fly off! Recovering a disk is a big problem.
-Keep your keys and documentation carefully: in a sealed bag in your backpack pocket or in a cord around your neck. If you lose it, you cannot restore it.
-Erase the software more often, replace it with fresh one. Land above the firewall, but not close.
-If you see a bear, don’t ping. Behave the default way.
-Go into the barn carefully - there may be serious rakes.

The editors of the newspaper sincerely congratulate our permanent and irreplaceable Vitaly Molotov on this day!!!)))

The sun burns mercilessly all day. There is a haze of heat radiated from the earth in the air. It’s stuffy and hot and you’re tempted to drink something cold and hide somewhere in the shade. Flowering linden trees with sweet-wet foliage smell like honey. In my opinion, a typical Tver July.

“If we compare with previous years, the average daily temperature this July in the region is still 2-4 degrees above normal, 17-18 degrees,” Tatyana Zimina, head of the Tver Center for Hydrometeorology and Pollution Monitoring, disagrees. environment. – Unless, of course, you remember the anomalous summer of 2010, when on July 16, 34.9 degrees was recorded, and at the end of this month, all 37 degrees of heat. The water temperature in the Volga in the middle of this July is quite comfortable - 22 degrees, although on June 30 it was 23. That is, the river is gradually, slightly noticeably beginning to “rest” - to cool down.

– What about the rains, Tatyana Yuryevna? After all, July, as people say, is a terrible month, a month of showers: lightning sweeps, oak trees are damaged.

– The beginning of the week, as you can see, is difficult in terms of weather. On the 17th, an atmospheric front began to pass over the region, causing a decrease in night and day temperatures. If at the end of the first July week the temperature was 12–17 at night and 20–25 during the day, now it will drop to 7–12 and 16–21 degrees, respectively.

Clouds gathered over the area. There should be some rain, including heavy rain. And even showers. After all, as of mid-July, nature here had not yet met its monthly norm for precipitation - it poured only 94 millimeters of rain on us, whereas, for example, in July last year, 101 millimeters was already recorded on this date.

Of course, thunderstorms are also expected - what would July be like without them? And even hail. Although over the past June, our service issued many certificates to Tver residents for insurance companies about rainfall and hail that occurred in certain areas of the city. Due to these natural phenomena Damage to buildings and cars was quite possible, which their owners recorded on cameras - broken glass of balconies, dents on the bodies from trees or large branches falling on them during rains with squally winds. It is clear that even more such outbreaks of disaster are possible in July.

– But there is also a very optimistic folk sign, according to which from Peter and Fevronia, that is, from July 8, one can hope for another forty hot days. So, the Tverites should be comfortable for the flight for about another whole month?

– This is the same thing that people say in winter about the frosty forties. Science can only say for sure that after a moderate cooling due to rain in the middle of next week, our weather will improve. Daytime temperatures will rise to 25 and even 27 degrees. That is, summer will return to us: it will get warmer as much as it got colder.

Folk omens suggest: Petrovka came (July 12) - one leaf fell, Ilya came (August 2) - two leaves fell. Even though July is the crown, the peak, the heart of summer, last numbers It is considered a turn towards autumn, and the 26th–29th are even characterized by the first signs of winter - in the form of cold mornings.

However, I don’t want to believe signs, even those presented beautifully. poetic language V famous poem Alexander Tvardovsky:

July - the peak of summer, -

The newspaper reminded

But above all newspapers -

Daylight loss of light;

But before this little one,

The most secretive of signs,

- Kuku, kuku, - top of the head,

The cuckoo has tapped

Farewell greetings.

And from the linden blossom,

Consider the song sung

Consider it’s not half a flight, -

July is the peak of summer.

The poet also only invites us to hurry up to appreciate and enjoy every July moment. Moreover, summer generously showers us with its gifts - strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and then blueberries. Frequent thunderstorms in July are not a hindrance for mushroom pickers. Summer rain plentiful, but short. It's time for boletuses, chanterelles, and boletus. However, it is worth going to the forest and to the river without baskets with baskets. Just to feel like a part of a huge world that gives people vigor and health called Nature. To gain impressions and strength from her for the coming time of our mid-zone cold and, as the poet accurately noted, “the loss of light.”

Objectives: to introduce the biography of the poet, his work; emphasize the poet's love for native nature, expressiveness and simplicity of language, expressing the depth of Tvardovsky’s feelings; teach analysis of poems, selection of material, its arrangement, use

Lesson progress:

The personality of a writer is known through his work, and the fundamental beginning of personality is a person’s attitude to the places where he was born and raised. A.T. Tvardovsky carried his love to native land, to its origins throughout life, not forgetting about it either in years of joy or in times of troubles and separation. Image small homeland is visibly present in many of his works.

Reading a textbook article pp. 148-149 (excerpt from the poet’s autobiography)

So, the poet was born in the Zagorye farm, Pochinkovsky district Smolensk region June 21(8), 1910, in the family of a rural blacksmith, as you know, blacksmiths were always the most needed and respected people in the village. On his father’s side, Tvardovsky’s ancestors were farmers and blacksmiths; on his mother’s side, they were military men, they owned estates, went bankrupt, and became single-painters. Zagorye and Pochinok, the Luchesa River, Borki - these names are components of Tvardovsky’s small homeland. The house in which the poet was born has not survived to this day. Years of repression and war wiped Zagorje off the face of the earth. In the fall of 1943, Tvardovsky, together with units of the 32nd cavalry division I found myself near my native farm and was shocked by what I saw: “I didn’t even recognize the ashes of my father’s house. Not a tree, not a garden, not a brick or post from a building - everything is covered with bad, tall grass, like hemp, that usually grows on ashes. I haven’t found at all a single sign of that piece of land that, when I close my eyes, I can imagine every speck with which all the best that is in me is connected.” (But not everyone knows that the farm died not during the war, but much earlier, when the Tvardovsky family was evicted from there to the Trans-Urals.)

Nowadays the museum “Khutor Zagorye” is located on this site.

Tvardovsky entered the history of Russian literature, first of all, as the author of the poem “Vasily Terkin” and as the editor of the magazine “ New world" During World War II he was a war correspondent. Winner of many awards, order bearer.

One of the main themes of A.T.’s lyrics. Tvardovsky - the theme of “pores/”, which marks eternal laws changes in the life of nature - the change of seasons. Let's get acquainted with Tvardovsky's poems “The snow will darken blue...” July - crown summer" "At the bottom of my life...”

Reading the poem "The snow will darken blue" p. 151

Conversation on issues

1. What is the theme of the poem?

(nature, spring);

2. What technique does the poet use: the waters will come, pretend, rush?


3. How does spring affect the poet?

Invigorates, excites, fills with life, pleases the heart.

4. Name artistic means.

Metaphor – motionless “surface” – water; the waters are rushing, the earth is sleepy, the grass is cutting through the leaves.

Epithets: blue snow, country roads, still transparent forest, wet night, sleepy earth, thawed earth, old foliage, soft green alder pollen

They create the uniqueness of an artistic painting

So, the poem by A.T. Tvardovsky’s “The snow will darken blue...” conveys joy lyrical hero from the upcoming meeting with spring.

Reading the poem "July - the crown of summer" p. 152

1. what is the theme of the poem?

theme of nature, summer, which has waned.

2. What signs and details indicate near end summer?

(We learned about this from the newspapers, but it was announced even earlier folk signs, the day has shortened, the cuckoo has stopped cuckooing (according to popular belief, this bird stops cuckooing when the grain is ripe - “it will choke on an ear of corn”, and the end of the linden blossom - “consider the song to be finished.”)

3. What mood does the poem evoke?

A slight sadness, reflection on the inevitability of the end of summer, the transition to autumn. Each season has its own charm.

4. The sounds [a], [e], [i] are often repeated in the text - there is assonance. Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds in the lines of a poem. The sounds [l] and [l"] are also quite frequent, conveying the “sonority” of summer and the sonority of the voices of birds, animals and people... Summer is a happy time. The consonance of consonant sounds is alliteration.

5.Find epithets

Daylight, the most secretive of signs, your farewell greetings, linden blossom

6. Find metaphors

Decline of light (i.e., daylight hours become shorter), crown of summer (midsummer)

7. What picture do we draw before ourselves after listening to the poem? midsummer, when nature lives to the fullest

8. A. T. Tvardovsky’s poem begins and ends with the same phrase. He wanted to talk about how to determine the middle of summer, and he talked about it. He was helped by people (“reminded by the newspaper”), time (“the decline in daylight”), a forest bird (“the cuckoo clicked”) and a flowering tree (“from the linden blossom”). And the closer to the end of the poem, the sadder for the author: repeating the word “count”, he counts the days remaining until the end of summer, seeing off its first half, claiming that “the song is done” and throwing out “farewell greetings” a little early

Tvardovsky wrote the poem “At the Bottom of My Life” when he was 57 years old. Reading the poem “At the bottom of my life...” p. 153

Conversation on issues.

1. In what period of the poet’s life was it written? (At sunset.)

(Sit in the sun, “on the warm foam.” Evening (the sunset of life) is approaching; living your life is “no small hassle.” Sitting before a long journey, the author wants to sum up his life, mentally “live” it again, to understand that was it done wrong, was everything done and was it good, did he visit the world “by chance” (by chance) to check the box. The author comes to the conclusion that he did not live his life in vain (“No, still not.” , whatever happens...").)

3. Conclusion. Life has not been lived in vain. He was and is the best poet, sincere, honest; he never cheated, helped people at risk to himself; his poems “The Country of Ant”, “Vasily Terkin”, “Beyond the Distance - the Distance” trace the entire life of the country in which he lived, which he served and to which he gave his strength to “the very bottom”.

d/z learn one of A. T. Tvardovsky’s poems by heart




Literature lesson in 7th grade

" A.T. Tvardovsky. Poems “The snow will darken blue...”, “July - the crown of summer”, “At the bottom of my life...”"

Prepared by: Petrova Elena Mikhailovna

2016-2017 academic year year

Objectives: to introduce the biography of the poet, his work; emphasize the poet’s love for his native nature, the expressiveness and simplicity of the language, expressing the depth of Tvardovsky’s feelings; teach analysis of poems, selection of material, its arrangement, use

Lesson progress:

The personality of a writer is known through his work, and the fundamental beginning of personality is a person’s attitude to the places where he was born and raised. A.T. Tvardovsky carried his love for his native land, to his origins throughout his life, not forgetting about it either in years of joy or in times of troubles and separation. The image of his small homeland is visibly present in many of his works.

Reading a textbook article pp. 148-149 (excerpt from the poet’s autobiography)

So, the poet was born on the Zagorye farm of the Pochinkovsky district of the Smolensk region on June 21 (8), 1910 in the family of a rural blacksmith; as you know, blacksmiths have always been the most necessary and respected people in the village. On his father’s side, Tvardovsky’s ancestors were farmers and blacksmiths; on his mother’s side, they were military men, they owned estates, went bankrupt, and became single-painters. Zagorye and Pochinok, the Luchesa River, Borki - these names are components of Tvardovsky’s small homeland. The house in which the poet was born has not survived to this day. Years of repression and war wiped Zagorje off the face of the earth. In the fall of 1943, Tvardovsky, together with units of the 32nd Cavalry Division, found himself near his native farm and was shocked by what he saw: “I didn’t even recognize the ashes of my father’s house. Not a tree, not a garden, not a brick or post from a building - everything is covered with bad, tall grass, like hemp, that usually grows on ashes. I haven’t found at all a single sign of that piece of land that, when I close my eyes, I can imagine every speck with which all the best that is in me is connected.” (But not everyone knows that the farm died not during the war, but much earlier, when the Tvardovsky family was evicted from there to the Trans-Urals.)

Nowadays the museum “Khutor Zagorye” is located on this site.

Tvardovsky entered the history of Russian literature, first of all, as the author of the poem “Vasily Terkin” and as the editor of the magazine “New World”. During World War II he was a war correspondent. Winner of many awards, order bearer.

One of the main themes of A.T.’s lyrics. Tvardovsky - the theme of “times”/ ", which marks the eternal laws of changes in the life of nature - the change of seasons. Let’s get acquainted with Tvardovsky’s poems “The snow will darken blue...” “July is the crown of summer” “At the bottom of my life...”

Reading the poem "The snow will darken blue" p. 151

Conversation on issues

  1. What is the theme of the poem?

(nature, spring);

  1. What technique does the poet use: will the waters come in, pretend, rush?


  1. How does spring affect the poet?

Invigorates, excites, fills with life, pleases the heart.

  1. Name artistic means.

Metaphor – motionless “surface” – water; the waters are rushing, the earth is sleepy, the grass is cutting through the leaves.

Epithets: blue snow, country roads, still transparent forest, in the damp night, sleepy earth, thawed earth, old foliage, soft green alder pollen

  1. Why does the author use these artistic means?

They are with create the uniqueness of an artistic painting

So, the poem by A.T. Tvardovsky’s “The snow will darken blue...” conveys the joy of the lyrical hero from the upcoming meeting with spring.

Reading the poem "July - the crown of summer" p. 152

1. what is the theme of the poem?

theme of nature, summer, which has waned.

2. What signs and details indicate that the end of summer is near?

(We learned about this from the newspapers, but even earlier folk signs announced this, the day has become shorter, the cuckoo has stopped cuckooing (according to popular belief, this bird stops crowing when the grain is ripe - “it will choke on an ear”, and the end of the linden flowering - “count that the song is sung.")

3. What mood does the poem evoke?

A slight sadness, reflection on the inevitability of the end of summer, the transition to autumn. Each season has its own charm.

4. The sounds [a], [e], [i] are often repeated in the text - there is assonance. Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds in the lines of a poem. The sounds [l] and [l"] are also quite frequent, conveying the “sonority” of summer and the sonority of the voices of birds, animals and people... Summer is a happy time. The consonance of consonant sounds is alliteration.

5.Find epithets

Daylight, the most secretive of signs, your farewell greetings, linden blossom

  1. Find metaphors

Decline of light (i.e., daylight hours become shorter), crown of summer (midsummer)

  1. What picture do we draw before ourselves after listening to the poem?

midsummer whennature lives life to the fullest yu

8. A. T. Tvardovsky’s poem begins and ends with the same phrase. He wanted to talk about how to determine the middle of summer, and he talked about it. He was helped by people (“reminded by the newspaper”), time (“the decline in daylight”), a forest bird (“the cuckoo clicked”) and a flowering tree (“from the linden blossom”). And the closer to the end of the poem, the sadder the author is: repeating the word “count”, he counts the days remaining until the end of summer, seeing off its first half, claiming that “the song is done” and throwing out “farewell greetings” a little early

Tvardovsky wrote the poem “At the Bottom of My Life” when he was 57 years old. Reading the poem “At the bottom of my life...” p. 153

Conversation on issues.

  1. During what period of the poet’s life was it written?(At sunset.)
  2. What is the author's desire?

(Sit in the sun, “on the warm foam.” Evening (the sunset of life) is approaching; living your life is “no small hassle.” Sitting before a long journey, the author wants to sum up his life, mentally “live” it again, to understand that was it done wrong, was everything done and was it good, did he visit the world “by chance” (by chance) to check the box. The author comes to the conclusion that he did not live his life in vain (“No, still not.” , whatever happens...").)

  1. Conclusion. Life has not been lived in vain. He was and is the best poet, sincere, honest; he never cheated, helped people at risk to himself; his poems “The Country of Ant”, “Vasily Terkin”, “Beyond the Distance - the Distance” trace the entire life of the country in which he lived, which he served and to which he gave his strength to “the very bottom”.

d/z learn one of A. T. Tvardovsky’s poems by heart

And the middle of the year.

There are still all the leaves on the trees, there is still heat and thunderstorms, all the summer residents are still busy in their plots: watering, weeding and trimming.

But the day has already passed summer solstice, the summer fast of Peter the Great has arrived and Midsummer Day is approaching, reminding us of the transience of summer.

July, poetry about heat and thunderstorms, mosquitoes and forest coolness. But poets don’t particularly like July, because probably the beginning and the end are important: at the beginning you are happy, at the end you are sad, the middle passes unnoticed.

Alexander Tvardovsky

July is the peak of summer, -
The newspaper reminded
But above all newspapers -
Daylight loss of light;
But before this little one,
The most secretive of signs, -
Cuckoo, cuckoo, - top of the head, -
The cuckoo has tapped
Farewell greetings.
And from linden blossom
Consider the song sung
Consider that half the summer is gone, -
July is the peak of summer.

July in the city is exhaustingly hot. She overtakes in recent years increasingly and mercilessly, the city is filled with the smell of dusty asphalt, exhaust fumes, the noise of lawn mowers and apartment renovations.

The sun causes the grass to burn out, children's voices disappear, hiding in camps, dachas and villages, clerks are suffocating in offices, grandmothers are looking for coolness in the shade.

Summer in the city
Boris Pasternak

From under the ridge of heavy
A woman in a helmet looks
Throwing your head back
Along with all the braids.

And it's hot outside
The night promises bad weather,
And they disperse, shuffling,
Pedestrians go home.

The thunder is heard abruptly,
Resounding sharply
And it sways in the wind
There is a curtain on the window.

Silence falls
But it still soars
And still lightning
They fumble and fumble in the sky.

And when it’s radiant
It's a hot morning again
Dries boulevard puddles
After the overnight rain,

They look gloomy on occasion
Your lack of sleep
Age-old, odorous
Unfaded linden trees.

And in the village there is haymaking and a time of suffering, but there is also a river and berries in the meadows.

Samuel Marshak
All year round. July
Haymaking is in July
Somewhere thunder grumbles sometimes.
and ready to leave the hive
Young bee swarm.

Boris Pasternak

A ghost is wandering around the house.
Steps overhead all day.
Shadows flicker in the attic.
A brownie is wandering around the house.

Hanging out inappropriately everywhere,
Gets in the way of everything,
In a robe he creeps towards the bed,
He tears the tablecloth off the table.

Don’t wipe your feet at the threshold,
Runs in a whirlwind draft
And with a curtain, like with a dancer,
Soars to the ceiling.

Who is this spoiled ignorant
And this ghost and double?
Yes, this is our visiting tenant,
Our summer summer resident is a vacationer.

For all his short rest
We rent out the whole house to him.
July with thunderstorm, July air
He rented rooms from us.

July dragging around in clothes
Dandelion fluff, burdock,
July, coming home through the windows,
Everyone talking loudly out loud.

Uncombed steppe disheveled,
Smelling of linden and grass,
Tops and the smell of dill,
The July air is meadow.

In July

Barley is ripe in the fields.
He makes me happy!
I wander all day
On the waves of barley.

July laughs at me
The fields nod to me.
And the cloud is like tulle,
And the sun burns, scorching.

I've been wandering all day
In the dry waves of the earth,
While the night shadow
Will not darken the stems.

I'll go down to the river and take a look
On the muddy atlas;
Will he get sad, well,
Well, sadness from the eyes.

Should I be sad now?
When is the barley ripe?
I'll kiss everyone
I would like to on this day!

And children have freedom, and they can play, and run, and climb, and play hide and seek.

N. Kapustyuk

Moth and moth
They danced the polka famously.
And a mosquito with a mosquito
I also danced the polka...
A white cloud around the world
Sailed July, Summer laughed,
There was a lot of light -
The eternal carnival lasted!
The bird trills did not stop,
The bells were ringing
The strawberries turned pink,
Hops were everywhere...
Porridge ripened in the field,
In a warm checkered cap
Landed on daisies
Drunk old bumblebee...
It was fun and crowded
And it’s not at all difficult
Well, it's not at all difficult,
And not the least bit lazy
Sing, joke and tumble,
Just enjoy life
So that he can be remembered
This warm summer day!

E. Grudanov

The world has changed:
Birds were born
Meadow dressed up
In a daisy dress!
And among the lush greenery,
Along the forest path
We tried on the berries

Bright clothes!
The sun is triumphant
Everyone is intoxicated by the light!
Here July feasting!
He is the pinnacle of summer!

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