1st solar birthday characteristic of a person. Full picture of a sunny birthday

The first day of the solar year is March 21st. Every sunny month totals exactly 30 days. Each solar day lasts from sunrise to the next sunrise. In total there are 360 ​​days according to the number of degrees of the Zodiac.

But, since there are 365 days in a year, and 366 days in a leap year, the last 5-6 days of the year are days of cleansing from filth, abstinence and complete humility. I will give the characteristics of each sunny day. General information on all sunny days is the same for each month.

1st day promotes active initiative, especially in learning. You definitely need to find some interesting activity or have a fun holiday. It is strictly forbidden to be sad and despondent. The day is suitable for raising children and a family country walk.

2nd day serves for good thoughts and undertakings, as well as for initiation into the mysteries of existence. Good for obtaining intimate knowledge for the benefit of man. The night of the second day is filled with prophetic dreams. On this day you need to buy new things, part with old clothes, but you cannot clean up your apartment and avoid coming into contact with fire. Try not to smoke and protect your lungs from colds.

3rd day use for cleansing through chanting mantras and fire. Strive for creative expression, insights and discoveries will come to you. Start saving money or invest it in real estate. Money received on this day is considered good. It is useful to do household chores and help loved ones. Treatment of teeth and spine will be successful. You cannot use foul language or blasphemy.

4th day– time to combat physical inactivity. Move more, exercise, swim. It’s good to start a new promising business on this day; even if there is an element of risk and healthy adventurism in your affairs, they will be doomed to success. You must not fall into sadness and despondency.

5th day give to service, submission to people and circumstances, fulfillment of duty and previously undertaken obligations. Engage in cultivating the land, caring for plants, gymnastics, and hardening procedures. You can't cut your hair and envy others. Refrain from sex, there is a high risk of contracting skin and sexually transmitted diseases.

6th day dedicated to health. Eat right: the gastrointestinal tract is vulnerable on this day. Strengthen family ties. You can't use foul language, be a coward, or steal.

7th day use to get rid of fears and obsessions. Good for carnal love, conceiving children, creative endeavors. It is very successful to start building a house, planting plants, and doing housework. You cannot be jealous and greedy, this will lead to cardiovascular diseases.

8th day devote to religion, worship and veneration of saints. Free yourself from everything old that hinders life progress. Any new endeavors with elements of risk and adventure will be successful. It is useful to trim your nails and hair. A favorable day for the transition to a new spiritual quality.

9th day dedicated to Divine fire and light. It is necessary to bring the warmth and light of truth to people, travel a lot, and do missionary work. You should not cook hot food and overeat. If you freeze on this day, it means your guardian angel has turned away from you.

10th day dedicated to unity with the cosmic Mind. Get plenty of rest, do not take medications or eat animal foods. It's good to meditate in nature near the water. You cannot cook food in water or do laundry. Only ablution with clean water is allowed. On this day, alcoholics and drug addicts or, conversely, highly spiritual people are born.

11th day takeovers solar energy and sunlight. Sunbathe, bathe in the rays of the sun, develop your spirituality and strengthen your body. Good for communicating with children and childhood friends. Teach your children from the experiences of your childhood and the books of your youth.

12th day dedicated to the moon. Most It’s better to spend the day in a darkened room, don’t strain and go with the flow of the day. Accept the help of others in everyday affairs. Take up meditation on clean water. A contrast shower or bath is useful. On this day, emotional and vulnerable people are born.

13th day- moderation in everything. Favorable for concluding deals and contracts. Connected with home, secret information that will help get rid of the evil eye and damage. Dreams on this day will be prophetic; you can tell fortunes by the stars. It's bad if the sky is covered with clouds. Suitable for instilling courage and endurance in children.

14th day – time of suffering creatures. It is good to acquire animals and care for them. You need to show kindness, attention, remember the dead, help the poor, bake pies, organize charity events and lead people. You can start repairing furniture and clothing, accumulating material and spiritual values. Progress towards the intended goal will be dynamic.

15th day promotes unity with nature. It is better to spend it in the country or in nature and recharge with the energy of the forest and earth. If you get caught in rain or snow, this is a good sign. It is useful to go to the bathhouse and cut your hair and nails. Surgeries will also be successful.

16th day patronizes justice and strict observance of the law. It is good to apply for a pardon and appeal a court decision. It is necessary to strictly fulfill your official duty, to be extremely fair and polite. You can change jobs, enter into new contracts. Clean the house, organize your wardrobe.

17th day serves to fight dark forces and defend justice. Maintain holiness, read mantras, remove the evil eye, damage. Get started new cycle spiritual training or go on pilgrimage to holy places. You should actively fight fear by protecting the weak and upholding justice. If you hear a rooster crow at dawn, it is a lucky sign.

Day 18- idleness and fun. Do whatever you want, except evil and violence. Don't strain yourself when doing heavy work. Everything should be done easily, with a smile on your face. Forgive enemies and ill-wishers, restore justice, give birth or be present at childbirth.

Day 19- veneration of ancestors and worship of traditions. Spend it with your family, among your parents and elderly relatives. Avoid adultery and deception. You should not make vows and make far-reaching plans. Keep the fast and try to fulfill all requests. Be attentive to the needs of others. It's good to spend this day in nature and recharge your batteries.

20th day- fighting evil spirits with a sword in hand. Break unnecessary ties, call a spade a spade, expose lies and injustice. If you fight, then for a just cause, without fear or doubt. It is good to work on the land or build housing. Be careful and don't give in to temptation.

Day 21– ordeals and waste of a lot of energy. It’s good to get married on this day; fight in court for a just cause, get a new job or start renovating a house. If a cockroach or spider runs over your body on this day, it means there is a curse in the house. And you need to cleanse yourself of it with candle fire.

Day 22 dedicated to the deity of the wind, new contacts and liberation from everything unnecessary. Associated with movements, sharp turns in fate and the influx of new important information. But, before you start new things, understand yourself, clearly define your goals and objectives. A pause and rest will be useful - the wind should clear your brains!

Day 23 for noble endeavors and love. Favorable for sowing seeds and conceiving a child. Good for group events, any work, starting new things, purchasing new profession and promising acquaintances. It’s good to change your image in clothes and hairstyle. You can expose evil and feel the passage of time.

Day 24- there's a revelry going on dark forces. Be vigilant and careful, pay attention to the little things and do not disdain any work. This is the time to examine your conscience and life principles. On this day you are susceptible to various diseases that can cause changes at the genetic level. Day of alchemists and black magicians.

Day 25– awakening of the bright forces of reason and virtue. The day of various signs and assistance to the suffering. Stand up for justice in the search for truth. Buy a new iconic item and bring it into your home. This is a time of prosperity and prosperity. If you bring something new into your life on this day, you will experience a feeling of relief.

Day 26 connected with material or property affairs through travel and missionary work. On this day it is good to return to past business connections - this will result in material and moral profit in the future. You should not be distracted by love, family and other matters; they can significantly reduce your performance.

Day 27- heavenly signs. You should move more in human streams and wait for a sign for serious achievements. The doors of the house should be open wide for guests, and the table should be laden with abundant food. Woe to the greedy on this day!

Day 28- a time of divine revelation, deceptions and werewolves. There is an opportunity to reveal the mystery of spirits and defeat the darkest of them. Good for meditation and reading mantras, preparing medicinal infusions. A day of serious esoteric research. It is good to give sacred names to people and phenomena.

Day 29 dedicated to the deity of the sacred word, a prayer with which one can defeat the devil. Time of material accumulation. Take up home and clothing repairs. Day of beginnings and good manifestations. Wear plenty of clothes - they will protect you from injury and evil from others.

30th day – the day of the Holy Spirit, who conquers time. It is necessary to free yourself from everything old and unnecessary, to cleanse yourself with prayer, ablution or bath. Rejuvenating procedures and taking homeopathic remedies are useful. Fasting and abstinence help achieve your goals.

Critical sunny days: 4th, 13th, 17th, 24th, 28th.

Lucky days: 1st, 12th, 18th, 23rd, 27th.

Fasting days: 3rd, 9th, 16th, 24th, 29th.

Health days: 6th, 10th, 15th, 22nd.

This calendar remains the same for each month of the solar year. However, at the same time, the Sun naturally passes through different signs of the Zodiac in different months: for example, the 17th solar day can be in April (Aries) and August (Leo), and in any other month.

In addition, the same 17th solar day can be either Wednesday or Friday. Therefore, it is necessary to superimpose, for a complete picture of a particular sunny day, its plot on the plot of the zodiac month and day of the week.

Planets that rule the days of the week

It has been known since ancient times that A specific planet is responsible for each day of the week.

IN Monday The Moon reigns, which orders everyone to stay within their own walls and solve household chores.

Tuesday ruled by Mars, forcing a person to look for a way out for his strength and will. The ancients believed that war should only begin on Tuesday if they wanted to avoid defeat.

IN Wednesday, on the day of Mercury, it is best to make deals, solve financial matters, and study.

Thursday is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of power and law. Therefore, it is customary on this day to solve legal problems and talk with children on moral topics.

Friday ruled by Venus - the goddess of art, love and aesthetic affections. Therefore, on this day it is best to go to theaters and museums.

IN Saturday Saturn forbade work and study: during the period of this planet’s action, it is best to rest.

Sunday ruled by the Sun. This is the day Have a good mood, idleness and fun. While you're having fun, you'll be energized for the week ahead.

Full picture of a sunny birthday

If you can paint a complete picture of your sunny birthday, then get a guide to everyday life.

Thus, July 8 will be the 20th sunny day: 21.03 + 30 = 19.04; 19.04+30=19.05; 19.05+30=19.06; 19.06+20=8.07.

To the characteristics of the 20th solar day, add the characteristics of the month (Cancer) and the day of the week (Saturday).

It will turn out something like this: your life task is to fight for a just cause without fear or doubt; family plays a paramount role in your life; When fighting evil spirits “with a sword in your hands”, do not forget about rest.

Even if the characteristics of a solar day, month and day of the week seem contradictory to you, this does not mean that they should be mutually exclusive. With this in mind, you can easily determine your life program, you just need to put some effort into analysis.

Zodiac months. a brief description of

Aries – connected with ancestors, traditions, family roots, with how and what we inherit and what is our relationship to the family tree. This month you should make plans for the future, relying on the support of your family. Try to resurrect the spirit of your ancestors, and it will help you grow full-blooded shoots of future achievements.

Calf - a month of abstinence and energy accumulation. One should also accumulate and increase material and social benefits. Rely on public and social laws of existence. Beware of extreme manifestations and extremes in everything.

Twins - The month is dedicated to establishing contacts and mutual understanding between people. Time to enrich yourself with knowledge and useful connections, provide assistance to those in need, restore broken relationships, universal forgiveness and mercy.

Cancer- the time of strengthening the clan, building a family hearth on the basis of generally accepted universal laws. The time for concluding contracts and agreements, establishing long-term strong family ties.

a lion– a month of fruitful creativity, love, patronage and assistance to those suffering. A time of mass manifestations of artistic talents, relaxation and enjoyment of the generous fruits of nature.

Virgo– a month of active work and service for the benefit of society. The period of strengthening health, the beginning of useful communication with the Cosmos. This is the time of manifestation and development of the military spirit.

Scales– a month of scrupulously following the laws of society and existence. A time of restoration of justice, cleansing and repentance. Obtaining true information, developing aesthetic taste and intellectual enrichment.

Scorpion– a month of making responsible decisions and decisive actions aimed at qualitative change life. A time of trials and revolutions. Finding stability by abandoning aggravating circumstances and connections.

Sagittarius – month of unity of people and collective victory over the forces of darkness. A time of internal enrichment through contacts with other cultures and peoples. The month of traders, travelers, missionaries.

Capricorn– the time of acquiring universal wisdom and a stable philosophy of life. Developing your own principles and establishing contacts with the cosmic Mind. Building a strong life foundation for the whole year.

Aquarius - a month of communication with friends and relatives, establishing a spiritual connection with them. The time for the beginning of new cycles of learning, especially philosophical ones. A period of sexual abstinence, as well as rational expenditure of energy on friendly communication and serious learning.

Fish- a time of summing up, complete cleansing and return of earthly debts. The time of doing good, communicating with the Cosmos, observing fasting, preparing the ground for the beginning of a new annual cycle.

Who are you - a lunarian or a solar person?

The most important planets that determine a person’s destiny are the Sun and the Moon.

If the Sun dominates, then the person is an extrovert, he actively manifests himself in society, leads others, he needs recognition and manifestation of creativity. Such a person strives to give, he is always in the center of everyone's attention.

When the moon is strong inner world, emotions come to the fore: in social life such person is dominated by introversion, he is a lunarian. He needs a patron, an assistant, a reliable support in life, since such a person lacks yang energy (masculine principle). Alone, it is difficult for Lunarians to go through life and solve pressing everyday problems.

To determine who you are - a lunarian or a solar person - you need to calculate your ascendant. To do this, you need to know the time of sunset and sunrise on your birthday. This can be determined by a tear-off calendar or an astrological reference book. By finding the time of sunrise and sunset, you can determine in which zodiac sign your ascendant is located:

? If you were born 4-6 hours after sunrise, look for your ascendant in the third sign from your “native” sign.

? If you were born between sunrise and sunset (at an hour equidistant from the time of sunrise and sunset), then the ascendant is in the fourth sign.

? If you were born 4-6 hours before sunset, then your ascendant is in the fifth sign.

? If you were born 2-4 hours before sunset, then your ascendant is in the sixth sign.

? If the moment of birth coincided with the time of sunset, then the ascendant is in the seventh sign.

? If you were born 2-4 hours after sunset, then your ascendant is in the eighth sign.

? If you were born 4-6 hours after sunset, then your ascendant is in the ninth sign.

? If the birth occurred at an hour equidistant from the time of dawn and sunset, then the ascendant is in the tenth sign.

? If you were born 4-6 hours before sunrise, then your ascendant is in the eleventh sign.

? If you were born 2-4 hours before dawn, then your ascendant is in the twelfth sign.

The countdown of zodiac signs should begin with your “native” sign:

? If your ascendant is in a fire or air sign, then you need to live according to the solar calendar.

? And vice versa - if it is in a water or earth sign, then your calendar is lunar. It is also important to know what each of the solar or lunar days brings. Let us give their brief characteristics.

Moon. Important information

Back in the 13th century, astrologers made a very interesting discovery: the change lunar phases repeats, based on the natural phenomena that accompany it, the change of seasons. It has been noted that every 29.5 days from a new moon to the next new moon, we experience all four seasons - winter, spring, summer and autumn.

The famous scientist, biorhythmologist Felix Kazimirovich Velichko writes:

? “"Lunar winter" is 7 days centered on the new moon - a period of decreased vital activity, a decline in biorhythms, and the lowest point of this decline is the new moon.

? “Lunar Spring” is a period of awakening and growth of all living things, including our optimism - it is 7 days centered on the first quarter.

? “Lunar summer” - 7 days centered on the full moon - a period of full flourishing of life activity with a maximum rise in biorhythms during the full moon, corresponding to the “crown of summer”.

? Finally, “lunar autumn” is a period of gradual decline in vital activity, preparing the body for hibernation - this is 7 days centered on the last quarter point. With this calculation, you and I lost 1.5 days - we will add them equally to the two most important points of this cycle - the new moon and the full moon.”

Thus, from the point of view of the biorhythms of our body, this lunar-solar cycle is divided into two halves, approximately 14 days each: the period of the waxing Moon - from the new moon to the full moon, and the period of the waning Moon - from the full moon to the new moon.

The following numbering of the moon phases is used in the literature: (Fig. 1):

I – from the new moon to the first quarter;

II – from the first quarter to the full moon;

III – from the full moon to the last quarter;

IV – from the last quarter to the new moon.

Rice. 1

Special attention should be applied to the phases of the new moon and full moon. Each of them is allocated three days: the day before the phase, the day of the phase and the next day. The date and time of the onset of the phases are marked in detachable and lunar calendars.

During the waxing moon a person is more active, energetic, he is able to convince others and inspire others by example, matters are successfully resolved at all levels.

During the waning moon the vitality of the body decreases, the person becomes less active, his reaction slows down, things progress with difficulty.

When deciding vitally important issues It’s better to check with the Moon (see table).

Main lunar periods

The moon is the second mysterious luminary that influences a person’s character, his destiny and life path. Ancient civilizations treated the night star with the greatest respect. The Sumerians left us a lunisolar calendar. Arabs count the year according to the lunar calendar.

The cult of the moon with night rituals is reflected in folk traditions; rituals for Ivan Kupala are focused on the summer full moon.

Christian holidays begin with the lunar cycle: Lent, Ascension, Trinity, Spiritual Day, Easter. Our life, inner freedom, our victories and defeats are subject to the power of the Moon, as well as the power of the Sun.

The lunar month begins with the new moon when the night star is not visible in the sky. These days, the Moon and the Sun are on the same side of the Earth, and their gravitational influence is summed up. And as a result, even by thousandths, your body weight decreases, and the pressure of fluids in the body, such as blood, decreases.

The metabolic rate decreases - in a word, the new moon, according to doctors, is the lower limit of a person’s psycho-emotional and physical activity.

? On the days of the new moon, when a narrow crescent hangs in the sky, a visit to the hairdresser will be successful. A perm done these days will last longer, and thin, brittle hair will become stronger after cutting.

? This time is also convenient for going on a diet: during the waxing moon, it is easier to get rid of the habit of overeating. For two weeks, the Moon will support your strength.

? Nourishing and moisturizing masks will be good for facial skin. Over the next two weeks, the night star grows in size. The pressure gradually increases, the speed of metabolic functions increases.

? It is believed that during the growth of the Moon, vitamins and medicines are absorbed more effectively, but alcohol also affects the body faster and stronger - you need to be careful.

These processes reach their maximum in full moon, when the Moon and Sun are in opposite directions different sides The earths and their influence are mutually opposite. On this night, all physiological processes reach their maximum limit.

? On the days of the full moon, it is best to conclude property insurance deals.

? Fertilize the soil.

? Surgery should be avoided because wound healing is slow, with complications: 82% of all postoperative bleeding occurs on full moon days.

? Two days before the full moon, during the full moon and two days after it, you should refrain from making deals and signing contracts.

? During the full moon, reptiles, animals, birds become more excitable...

? These days people become aggressive, prone to conflicts and rash actions.

After the full moon, the Moon begins to wane, and all body activity decreases again.

? The days of the waning moon are beneficial for cosmetic procedures: the skin these days is more easily cleansed of toxins and fats.

? Weight loss is easier for those who follow a diet, since it is on these days that the body begins to get rid of fat.

? The ideal time to renovate your apartment.

? It is better to wipe wooden floors with a wet cloth or wash them during the waning moon. When the moon is waxing, dampness penetrates into the cracks, the wood warps and after some time mold may develop.

? Washing windows and glass is also best done when the Moon is waning: just use Not a large number of alcohol solution to obtain excellent transparency; strong and very concentrated products become unnecessary.

? Shoes polished during the waning Moon remain clean longer and do not wear out as much. If new shoes are soaked with cream for the first time during this lunar period, the impregnation will practically remain until the end of the wear period.

? Seasonal cleaning of winter and summer clothes is also best done on the waning Moon: then they will not become damp.

? It is advisable to do treatment, removal and prosthetics of teeth during the same phase of the moon.

? Nail care: filing, trimming is also advisable to do during the waning Moon: you will keep them strong, but ingrown nails should not be trimmed or corrected during this phase, otherwise they will grow back incorrectly. The lunar calendar is considered the most ancient calendar invented on Earth. The passage of time in it is tied to the movement across the sky of the night luminary, and not the Sun. This chronology is still used in some Muslim and Buddhist countries.

A new day there begins at sunset and lasts about 25 hours. The lunar month is 29.5 days, and in lunar year 354 days.

Characteristics of lunar days

Each day of the lunar month has its own characteristics. Therefore, we give brief characteristics of lunar days.

1st day symbol "Lamp", favorable for creativity, working in solitude, planning future affairs, and good endeavors. All good deeds on this day will be successful. But you should not overwork, drink alcohol or spicy food. Pay special attention to your health: an illness that appears on this day always turns out to be serious.

Those born on the first day of the moon are big dreamers. They always expect something unrealistic from life, and this sometimes pushes them to commit bright, extraordinary actions.

2nd day symbol "Cornucopia", "Maw"– in no case should you be angry or angry; on the contrary, you should show kindness and generosity, they will be rewarded, and evil will be punished. Magicians claim that on the second day of the lunar month you can find out who is who among your friends. To do this, drink a glass of water with a few drops of lemon juice in the morning and think about who you doubt. If nausea occurs, it sure sign that from this person It's better to stay away. On this day, it is recommended to pay special attention to your teeth and gums: a tooth may break, gumboil or gum inflammation may appear.

On this day, kind, wealthy people are born.

Day 3, “Leopard” or “Leopard”- a day of aggression, suspicion and deceit. Beware of them from others and restrain them within yourself. Avoid communicating with pushy people - they can drag you into a scandal. Magicians warn: beware of spilling oil on this day; if this happens, it means you have gone astray. The sauna is recommended to everyone. Pay special attention to your ears and the back of your head - skull injuries and ear diseases are possible.

On this day people of extreme professions are born.

Day 4, “The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil,” “AUM.” The day serves for concentration and elevated thoughts. It is better to spend it in solitude and not make hasty decisions. Before you start a new business, think it through carefully. On this day, a true sign “works”: if you see tangled threads or hair in a dream, immediately cancel everything, as failure awaits you.

Those born on this day are carriers of hidden information that must be unraveled throughout life.

Day 5, “Unicorn”. Happy day. All business, trips and travel will be successful. Chronically ill people can eat whatever they want. You just need to take care of your stomach so that old sores do not worsen. Tears on this day cleanse the soul.

People of this day should carefully monitor the information they receive, travel more, fuss less and strictly adhere to their principles.

Day 6, “Bird” or “Crane”- This is the day of religion and magic. Good for forgiving your enemies, for cleansing the soul and gaining through them the grace of God's love. Favorable for telepathic contacts, predictions, working with cosmic energies. Take care of your throat: there is a high probability of respiratory tract disease, acute respiratory infections and sore throat.

On this day transformers and interpreters are born cosmic energy and heavenly signs.

Day 7, “Compass Rose”, “Keys”, “Wand”– is very favorable for performing magical rituals, which is why it is also called a “magic” day. Business people should be careful when handling documents and securities. It’s bad if someone dreams of a rooster - this is a harbinger of imminent misfortune with you or your loved ones. On this day the lungs are especially vulnerable.

Those born at this time can be guides higher powers, collectors of secret information.

Day 8, "Fire", "Phoenix"- similar to the sixth one. Go to church, repent of your sins. Stand in the temple, looking at the flame of a candle, it will cleanse you of negative energy. In general, try to spend this day alone with yourself, without overexerting yourself, since any tension can cause illness. To help your body, go on a light diet.

Those born on this day are endowed with high intuition and a desire to study chemistry. Some people become addicted to alcohol and drugs.

Day 9, “Bat”, “Bat”, “Milky Way”– satanic. The day of deception and empty illusions. Be extremely careful in any contacts: even faithful partners can present you with unpleasant surprises. Carefully consider all proposals and your own moves. Do not pay attention to the dreams of this day: they are all false.

Note: Spilled milk and a broken mirror are signs of misfortune on this day. Take care of your heart, it is especially vulnerable. You can remove damage. People born on this day find it difficult to go through life; they constantly need to protect themselves from bad influences and carry out cleansing procedures.

10th day, “Fountain”, “Mushroom”, “Source of Water”, “Phallus”– favorable for new beginnings, mental and physical labor, communication with friends. Plan your affairs in advance so that you can devote this day to relaxation. The strength accumulated during this day will help you maintain energy and performance for a long time.

Those born on this day are able to discover additional energy sources.

Day 11, “Crown”, “Spine”, “Fire Sword”, “Labyrinth”. It is often called health day. This is what this day should be dedicated to. It is also favorable for practicing white magic. All tasks started in the morning of this day must be completed by the evening, otherwise there will be no luck.

For people in hazardous professions, there is a high risk of injury. A harbinger of imminent trouble will be the fall of a piercing or cutting object.

People of this day have remarkable physical and spiritual strength and often fall into extreme situations.

Day 12, "Heart" and "Chalice"– good for new things, thinking about the meaning of your life and for marriage. Prayer will bring relief from anxiety, and alms given to a beggar are especially pleasing to God. Take care of your heart and lungs; It’s good to de-load yourself on this day - don’t eat anything, drink only water and juices.

On this day, compassionate, compassionate people are born.

13th day, “Ring”, “Wheel”, “Spinning Wheel”,– especially suitable for scientific and creative work. Magicians consider it a “day of predictions”; made on this day, they can dramatically change your destiny. Give yourself a “stomach holiday” - everything will be perfectly digested and will not cause harm.

On this day, excellent occultists and talented followers of their teachings are born.

14th day, “Trumpet” and “Call”,- any magical actions can have bad consequences for you. But any new beginnings will be successful. It’s good to do physical work on this day. Attacks of melancholy and depression are possible, melancholy and intrusive thoughts. Do not drink alcohol and take care of your eyes to avoid injury and illness.

People of this day are endowed with talents, know how to adapt to any circumstances, are smart, cunning, but selfless and ready for heroism.

15th day, “Snake”, “Jackal with wings”,- day of devilish temptations, satanic. Curb your passions, avoid quarrels, and do not start new projects. Any dream on this day comes true. Take care of your health in general, especially the pancreas - do not overload it. An illness that begins on this day often becomes long and debilitating.

Note: Prophetic dreams come on this day, they often contain a hint. People of this day easily succumb to carnal temptations and poorly to suggestion.

Day 16, “Dove” or “Butterfly” – designed to cleanse the soul, harmony and balance. Extinguish the impulses of anger, envy, greed, do not start quarrels. Favorable for marriages, but very unfavorable for short sexual relationships and flirting. Follow a plant-based diet, it will benefit you.

On this day, people are born with pure thoughts, capable of seriously studying wise sciences; they are romantics and dreamers.

17th day, “Bunch of Grapes”, “Alarm” and “Bells”,

will pass under the sign of goodness and surprises. Suitable for fun and feasts. Follow the advice of Omar Khayyam: “Seek the truth in wine.” But don't overdo it, because this is a day of surprises; crazy things can lead you into very unpleasant situations. Favorable for weddings.

Those born on this day cannot live without a marriage partner or a permanent object of adoration.

18th day, “Mirror”, “Monkey”, “Aspid”,– very crafty: at the same time it is both a day of love dates and a day of love deceptions. You are equally likely to experience meanness and selfishness, love and kindness. Drunkenness can cause misfortune on this day. Pay special attention to the kidneys. Asp is one of the vampires, so the day is not very good.

On this day, actors, comedians, people deprived vital core, or spiritual healers.

Day 19, “Spider” and “Network”,– satanic, or “fatal”. Do not plan anything new for this day, do not enter into contracts or agreements. Any work you do will not work out. Spend it in peace and reading prayers, surrounding yourself with church candles. The stomach requires special attention.

Note: It is advisable to keep a candle burning in the room all day. Do not give in to the complaints of energy vampires: they will want to pour poison into your soul and take away your strength. There is a process of astral cleansing, moral cleansing of the soul.

On this day, unrecognized geniuses, or skilled seducers and cunning people are born.

Day 20, “Eagle Vulture”, “Eagle with a Rabbit Tail”, It will be happy for you if you spend it in spiritual humility. Day of transformation and knowledge of cosmic laws. Arrogance and pride can greatly harm you. Cannot be carried out magical rituals. There is a high risk of bone fractures.

Those born on this day always strive for perfection; they sacrifice themselves for the sake of the cause. In the worst case, they look down on others, become dictators and false teachers.

Day 21, “Horse”, “Herd of Horses”, “Chariot”. It is often called “the day you achieve your goal.” Good for both intense mental work and physical exercise that requires a lot of energy.

Successful for military personnel, athletes, and travelers setting off on this particular day. Anything that can cause harm is contraindicated circulatory system and liver.

On this day, arrogant and proud people are born, walking over corpses to the goal, or strong-willed defenders of justice.

Day 22, "Elephant", "Scroll (book)" and " Golden Key», – good for magical activities; For business people and scientists. You can arrange a “stomach holiday” for yourself - the lunar influence neutralizes everything Negative consequences overeating. Take care of your spine, unpleasant injuries are very likely.

A person born on this day is either a keeper of traditions, a guru, or a mossy conservative.

Day 23, “Crocodile”, “Cerberus”, “Chimera” and “Echidna”,– satanic. Be on your guard: troubles will come at you from all sides - breakdowns, leaks, fires, destruction. You may be subject to violence. Do not make love dates on this day. Abstinence, humility and control of emotions are recommended. Restrain the instincts rushing out from within you, quickly react to external troubles. Under no circumstances should surgery be performed.

Note: Sex is contraindicated; it will be destructive to health. Take the dreams you had that night exactly the opposite (you dreamed of a declaration of love, which means expect failure in your personal life, etc.)

Those born on this day are characterized by maximalism, but those with good intentions become divine arbiters of justice.

24th day, “Bear”, “Shiva”,– good for any new business – in the future they will bring you success and money. On this day, retribution is given for violence committed earlier. Everyone on this day experiences nervousness and fussiness. Try to control yourself. It is good to relieve excess energy with sports exercises.

Those born on this day are endowed with enormous physical and spiritual strength. Among them are many wanderers and hermits.

Day 25, “Turtle”, “Sink”,- full of unpredictable turns in events. They can only be controlled by relying on intuition; they are not subject to logic. If you fail to achieve your goal, do not go ahead, there will be no luck. Hold off on your old idea and use the day to start something new. On this day, the Moon helps the weak-willed, favors travelers, and makes relaxation by a pond unusually pleasant. True, swimming and boating are not recommended - there are many drownings on this day.

Note: If you had a dangerous or bad dream, when you wake up, look out the window and say three times: “Where the night goes, there goes the dream.” Then, while washing your face, open the tap, bend over to the stream of water and in a whisper tell it your dream. It will be washed off with water. After this, it would be good to read a prayer.

Those born on this day are endowed with wisdom, slow in deeds and thoughts, they have well-developed intuition, and they see prophetic dreams.

Day 26, “Toad” and “Swamp”,- always scandalous, fussy, full of ridicule and humiliation. It is better to plan it in advance as a rest day to avoid any troubles. Lightning seen in a dream warns: you have exorbitant pride and vanity, it’s time to stop inflating like a soap bubble - you might burst.

Those born on this day are publicans; all their lives they are forced to make and fulfill vows and promises.

27th day, “Trident”, “Rod”, “Ship”,– happy for everyone who does good deeds. The Moon patronizes people who decide to spend it on solving family problems, helping elderly parents, those in trouble, or sick friends.

Those born on this day are either hermits, eccentrics, tramps and drunkards, or musicians, healers and guides of the cosmic Mind.

28th day, “Lotus” and “Karma”, good for clairvoyance, fortune telling, deciphering dreams. Old affairs will be completed successfully. But he will bring melancholy and despondency, do not give in to them. Monitor your blood pressure and heart activity.

Those born on this day can be highly spiritual people or cynics without principles and a “king in their head.”

Day 29, “Octopus” and “Hydra”, “Maya (illusion)”,- satanic, and the most dangerous of all satanic days of the lunar month. Inexplicable melancholy and depression may occur. It’s better to put things off, they will still go awry. Go to church, say prayers, holy books. Beware of quarrels and scandals, they can go too far. The house should be on fire bright light so that there is not a single dark corner. Pay special attention to the nervous system.

Note: These lunar days may be the last in the lunar month. If they are the last, it’s time to take stock and complete everything started earlier.

People born on this day are long-lived, but losers, they are scapegoats and are forced to constantly fight for their existence.

Day 30, “Golden Swan”, very happy. And things will go well, and relationships with people will develop smoothly and kindly. Financial transactions will be successful. Show mercy and love for your neighbor. Avoid too strong emotions and physical fatigue - they are negative for your health.

Note: Please note that these lunar days do not occur every month and are very short. To be born on such a day is a very great reward for a person, for a family.

People born on this day are true to their principles and ideals, they are kind, helpful and generous. They have been given God's grace.

Your lunar birthday

To calculate the life program embedded in you when you were born, you must find your lunar birthday, which plays no less important in your life than the solar one.

By superimposing their indicators on each other, you will get a complete picture of your life purpose.

For determining lunar day To celebrate your birth, you should refer to the ephemeris - tables that indicate the position of the planets for each day of each year.

Such tables can be purchased at any store that sells esoteric literature. If this is not possible, refer to the tear-off calendar of the year of birth.

If at the time of your birth the Moon was in Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo or Virgo, then you need to count from the nearest new moon and the day of the new moon will be the first.

For example, you were born on August 25th. Let's say the new moon closest to your birthday was August 23rd. This means your birthday falls on the 3rd lunar day. Accordingly, the characteristics of this lunar day will be your life program.

If at the time of birth the Moon was in Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, then the first day should be considered the second after the nearest new moon.

Let's say you were born on June 13th. The closest new moon to this day occurred on June 9. Thus, the starting point becomes June 10 and your lunar birthday falls on the 4th day of the Moon.

A very energetic day that requires a lot of effort. Run, create, work hard - your efforts will pay off in full.

You can fight in court for a just cause. It's the right time to get a new job. A favorable day for concluding agreements and marriage contracts.

If on this day a spider or a cockroach runs over your body, it means that there is some kind of curse on the house that needs to be cleansed with candle fire.

Twenty-second sunny day

The day is dedicated to the wind deity. It is associated with movements, sharp turns in fate and the influx of new important information. This day favors new contacts and getting rid of everything unnecessary. But before you start new things, you need to understand yourself, clearly define your goals and objectives. You should take a short break and rest a little - the wind should clear your brain.

Twenty-third sunny day

Day of noble endeavors. Good timing for any work, especially for starting new things, gaining knowledge, acquiring a new profession, etc.

A favorable day for group events and promising acquaintances.

On this day you can expose evil and feel the passage of time.

It's good to change your image and hairstyle.

This is the day of love - best time to conceive a child.

It is good to sow seeds, and not only of reasonable, kind, eternal, but also useful plants.

Twenty-fourth sunny day

This is the day of alchemists and black magicians. It is a time of rampant dark forces, so you need to be vigilant. Be careful, pay attention to every little detail. On this day, people are susceptible to various diseases that can cause changes at the genetic level. This is a time for testing your conscience and life principles.

Twenty-fifth sunny day

The day of awakening of the bright forces of reason and virtue, a time of prosperity and prosperity. If you bring something new into your life on this sunny day, you will feel mental relief.

This is a day of various signs and assistance to the suffering. Seek the truth, defend justice.

It’s good to acquire new iconic things and bring them into the house.

Twenty-sixth sunny day

The day is associated with material and property affairs, especially through travel and missionary work. It is good to return to past business endeavors - this will result in material profit and moral satisfaction in the future. You should not be distracted by love, family or other matters that can significantly reduce your work activity.

Twenty-seventh sunny day

Day of Heavenly Signs. Try to move more in traffic and wait for a sign for serious achievements.

The doors of the house should be open wide for guests, and the table should be laden with abundant food. Sin to the greedy on this day!

Twenty-eighth sunny day

The day of divine revelation, as well as all kinds of deceptions and werewolves. At this time, every person has the opportunity to reveal the mystery of spirits and defeat the darkest of them.

A day of serious esoteric research. It is useful to meditate and read mantras. It is good to give sacred names to people and phenomena.

Twenty-ninth sunny day

This day is dedicated to the deity of the sacred word, prayer with which you can defeat the devil. Day of good manifestations and beginnings. You should wear more clothing - it will protect you from injury and manifestations of evil from others.

This is a time of material accumulation. It's good to do home and clothing repairs.

Thirtieth sunny day

Day of the Holy Spirit, who conquers time. Fasting and abstinence helps achieve your goals. It is necessary to cleanse yourself of everything old and unnecessary. It is good to cleanse yourself with prayer. A bath and complete ablution are recommended. Rejuvenating procedures and taking homeopathic remedies are useful.

Lucky sunny days: 1, 12, 18, 23, 28.

Critical days: 4, 13, 17, 28.

Fasting days: 3, 9, 16, 24, 29.

Health days: 6, 10, 15, 22.

This calendar remains the same for each solar year. However, at the same time, the Sun naturally passes through different signs of the Zodiac, for example: the 17th solar day can be in April (Aries), and in August (Leo), and in any other month. In addition, the same 17th sunny day can be either Tuesday or, say, Friday or Saturday. Therefore, in order to get a more complete picture of a particular sunny day, you need to superimpose its plot on the plot of the zodiac month and day of the week.

Zodiac months


This month is associated with traditions and ancestors, the roots of the family, with how and what we inherit and what is our relationship to the family tree. This month is good to make plans for the future, relying on the support of your family. In other words, try to resurrect the spirit of your ancestors, this will help you grow full-blooded shoots of future achievements.


A month of abstinence and energy accumulation. A favorable time for accumulating and increasing material wealth. One should rely on the public and social laws of existence. You need to beware of extreme manifestations and extremes in everything.


This is a month of enriching yourself with knowledge and useful connections. It promotes networking and good mutual understanding between people. An excellent time to restore a broken relationship.

Month of universal forgiveness and mercy. Necessary assistance should be provided to those in need.

A month of strengthening a family, building a family hearth on the basis of generally accepted universal laws. This time is conducive to establishing strong family ties. It is good to enter into various contracts and long-term agreements.

A month of successful creativity. At this time, many artistic talents emerge.

This is also a month of patronage and assistance to those in need.


A month of active work and service for the benefit of society. This is the time of manifestation and development of the military spirit, a period of strengthening health, and the beginning of useful communication with the Cosmos.


The month of formation of aesthetic taste and intellectual enrichment. It is possible to obtain true information. A time of restoration of justice, repentance and cleansing. Try to scrupulously follow the laws of society and existence.


A month of trials and revolutions. A favorable time for making responsible decisions and decisive actions aimed at qualitatively changing life. A period of gaining stability by abandoning aggravating circumstances and burdensome connections.


A month of human unity and collective victory over the forces of darkness. A time of internal enrichment through contacts with other cultures and peoples. This month favors travelers, missionaries and traders.


The month is associated with the acquisition of universal wisdom and a stable philosophy of life. Time to develop your own principles and establish contacts with the cosmic Mind. This month you can build a solid foundation for life for the whole year.


A month of communication and establishing spiritual connections with friends and relatives.

This is a good time to start new cycles of learning, especially philosophical ones.

A period of sexual abstinence, as well as rational expenditure of energy on friendly communication and serious learning.


A month of communication with the Cosmos, summing up results, returning earthly debts and complete cleansing. Hurry up to do good! It is useful to fast. The period of preparing the soil for the start of a new annual cycle.

Days of the week

It has been known since ancient times that a specific ruling planet is responsible for each day of the week.

For example, Sunday is ruled by the Sun. This is a day of good, festive mood and fun. Sunday favors entertainment, which helps to accumulate a charge of vigor for the coming week.

IN Monday The Moon reigns, which recommends that everyone stay closer to their native walls and solve purely domestic matters.

Tuesday commands Mars, which forces a person to look for a way out of his strength and will. In ancient times, it was believed that wars should only begin on Tuesday, since otherwise the attackers would face certain defeat.

IN Wednesday, on the day of Mercury, it is good to conclude all kinds of deals, solve financial issues, study and actively communicate with like-minded people.

Thursday is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of power and law. On this day it is good to solve legal problems, go to church, talk with children on moral topics.

Friday ruled by Venus, patron of love, art and aesthetic affections. On this day it is good to plan trips to the theater or museum, meetings with loved ones.

Saturday ruled by Saturn. During the period of this planet's action, it is necessary to rest or plan an upcoming vacation. This is an unfavorable day for active work and study.

Your sunny birthday

If you can paint a complete picture of your sunny birthday, you will have a guiding hand in your daily life. What do I need to do?

Let's say you were born on Saturday July 8, 1950. Start counting from March 21, adding 30 days to this date. Thus, July 8 will be the twentieth sunny day: 21.03+30=19.04; 19.04+30=19.05; 19.05+30=19.06; 19.06+20=8.07.

To the characteristics of the twentieth solar day, add the characteristics of the month (Cancer) and the day of the week (Saturday). You will receive something like this: Your life task is to fight for what is right without fear or doubt. Family plays a paramount role in your life. When fighting evil spirits “with a sword in your hands,” do not forget about rest.

Even if the characteristics of a solar day, month and day of the week seem contradictory to you, this does not mean that they should be mutually exclusive. With this in mind, you can easily calculate your life program, you just need to put in some analytical effort.

Receiving help from ancestors

Each person needs to remember his family, know his ancestry, as well as the characters and deeds of his ancestors. You need to develop the best of this heritage in your life, constantly remembering your ancestors.

Remember your ancestors who have passed on to another world, order prayers for the repose of their souls. This should definitely be done on the days of their Guardian Angels (i.e., on name days), on the dates of their birth and death, as well as on the nineteenth solar day (according to the lunar calendar, also on the tenth lunar day) and, in addition, on so-called common days of remembrance of the dead. You can have funeral meals in your home. It is good to light a lamp and place a burning candle in front of the icons that patronize your ancestors.

The spirits of our ancestors see and hear us. We can ask them for help, especially on some days.

IN sixth And seventh On sunny days it is good to pray for the healing of the sick, and on the sixth day women ask their ancestors for health, and on the seventh day men.

IN nineteenth A sunny day is good to pray for the removal of generational curses.

IN twentieth on a sunny day you need to pray for a home.

IN twenty-sixth on a sunny day it is good to ask for the well-being of the family, the prosperity of property.

IN Twenty-ninth On a sunny day, you need to pray for the health of your children, for the conception of a child.

About poverty and wealth

Any action in a person’s life must be approached as a sacred rite, without desecrating it by violating the principles of the world order.

In the Avestan tradition, it is believed that someone who has not accumulated anything in this life cannot be considered a person who has completed his earthly mission (i.e., karmic program).

Zoroastrians did not reject wealth accumulated through righteous means. Everything that a person has accumulated does not actually belong to him and therefore one should not get hung up on wealth, otherwise chaos invades a person’s life, various extreme situations arise and a destructive process begins.

It is believed that every person should increase their material well-being by at least 16 times during their lifetime. This should be enough for himself and his children. The main goal of accumulating wealth is to bring harmony and prosperity to this world.

There are four certain rules increasing wealth:

2) religiously observe the agreement, both oral and written;

3) wealth can be acquired in any way, but good creations cannot be desecrated;

4) must be guided cosmic laws and rhythms, consult the stars.

Poverty as a disease

Scientists come to the conclusion that poverty or wealth itself is not a blessing or a misfortune for a person. The main thing is how to treat your situation: as a disease or as an incentive to move forward.

This is what poverty-disease looks like. A person is filled with fear, self-doubt, and anxiety. His portrait: hunched shoulders, lowered head, wary gaze, lack of a smile. Joyless thoughts, like a magnet, attract difficulties and trials to such a person.

More prosperous people around them begin to feel discomfort from communicating with this person, and therefore his chances of success are very low. A vicious circle, and that’s all.

Unfortunately, recently a phenomenon has been emerging in our country that can be called a “culture of poverty.” People whose standard of living has noticeably decreased after the collapse of socialism, instead of trying to “jump out” of poverty, try to get used to it.

Let's first figure out when the solar month begins. The new countdown of the solar year begins on March 21 - the beginning of the spring equinox. This means that March 21 is the first sunny day.

So, This is a day of generosity and generosity.

Beginnings will be successful for those who take the matter seriously.
For a successful trip, when going on a long journey, purchase tickets in advance.
You should be active during the day, and in the evening it is best to relax properly. Don't be discouraged or depressed and don't be alone.
Be active, generous and creative. Avoid intrigue.


Have a wedding, but not due to circumstances.

Trim hair and nails.

During the day, contact with water is not advisable, but in the evening, a bathhouse is necessary.
Do some cooking.

You can drink red wine with the addition of spicy seasonings and warmed up.
You can wear new clothes for going out. Clothes should be light and bright, add sparkling accessories to your wardrobe.

Signs of the day:
Finding something shiny promises good luck; if you find a nail, you will find a rod.
The lightning flashing above you will bring joy.
Accompanied by birdsong throughout the day - this suggests that your deceased relatives are helping you - you need to remember them.
Food falling from the table threatens theft and violence.
A sign of poverty and divorce and quarrels with loved ones is to spill something.
Seams unravel and threads break - threatens death and illness of loved ones.
An accidentally turned off or extinguished light source indicates a failure to fulfill a dream.
Breaking a woman's nail means an unwanted pregnancy, and hangnails mean rape.

Having a colorful dream is good.
Holiday, feast - wealth or outside help.
Water - rumors and gossip.
Fire dreams of victory over enemies.
Lightning - changes in life.
But to experience hunger and horror means poverty and suffering.

Good aspect:
Those born on this day have perseverance, pride, calmness, and the desire to achieve heights.
They do not like to be subordinated. They themselves are excellent entertainers, although they will not budge until they understand why this is necessary.
They are witty and sharp, while also having a cheerful personality.
They have the ability to foresee and sense danger.
Their honesty and generosity is perceived as cunning.
They are born psychologists and know how to raise the self-esteem of others and awaken in them “faith in themselves.” However, they are not self-confident.
These people themselves serve as examples for others. Once they set their mind to something, there is no stopping them.
Such people love to travel, change their surroundings and do not tolerate small spaces - to roam around so roam! Despite their restlessness, they love their home.

Anyone born on the 1st day will be tempted in faith. The slogan of the day is “What is good and what is bad.”

Bad aspect:
Man is an opportunist, he changes his disguises like gloves. Seeks profit in everything. If he is interested in something, hold on, he will go ahead! He will never be caught in anything, he is always covered, there is always an alibi. Always serves as a fly in the ointment in relationships with people or society. He ingratiates himself into trust, and then defiles everyone and everything. Very vain, enormous pride and black envy are the lot of people born in a bad aspect of the sun. By humiliating and trampling others, he experiences the greatest pleasure, even to the point of ecstasy. He is very vicious, he drags other people into this. Very vindictive and greedy.

Homosexuality. Bestiality. They can't even think about that! Otherwise they will enter into such terrible relationships.
Numbers of the day
21 and 72
Acrux, giving people spirituality, self-sacrifice, and the acquisition of higher wisdom.
Items of power
fire or lamp
Pomegranate makes happy only active people who are completely dedicated to serving others. For them it is a source of energy.



Day of Ahura Mazda. This is the time when a person’s creativity manifests itself. You need to make plans for the month, start new things. But any undertakings on this day will be favorable only if they contain an element of creativity, and the person takes full responsibility for them and will follow the path he has outlined to the end. A day of personal achievements and growth, not suitable for collective affairs. Together with others you can only celebrate something, have fun. This day is also bad for those who have not joined religion or teaching - they are left without protection.

A person born on this day must keep the fire of Ohrmazd and be a creator. For the generosity and magnanimity with which he will share his gift with others, he receives the grace of the “Greatest creator Ahura Mazda, who gives Divine power and chosen power." He is given the opportunity to be a leader of others. And he also gains a personal guide and protector - a totem. The sacred animal of this day is the Griffin, half eagle, half lion. The Griffin sitting on the mountain is a great power, a gigantic creative gift, pride. He is the protector of the Mount of Faith, which is the pillar of the universe.

In the worst case, on this day the properties of Angro-Manyu appear - egocentrism, terrible pride and vanity, self-affirmation on others, original depravity that has penetrated into the essence of consciousness.

Either-or, the battle begins. Our business is to choose. Everything that will be done on the first sunny day must be thought out in advance; hasty, ill-conceived plans will be destroyed.


The day whose patron is Vohu-Man, Good Thought. This is a time of purification of thoughts in order to clearly see the future and know what to fight for, where to go, i.e. awareness, complete clarity and understanding. The day is good for contacts with people, trips and travel. Time to help and save others.

The ministry of Vohu-Mana is “agitation and propaganda”, bringing teaching and knowledge to other people. At the same time, you should not impose your way of thinking on anyone, everyone chooses for themselves. The day is associated with acquiring an idea, a Good Thought, coming to the best options, the discovery of something new. Try reading on this day smart book- take a look and you’ll like it.

A good sign on this day is guests from afar, the restoration of long-lost connections. It’s better not to be overloaded with homework, you can take a walk, go shopping, buy new clothes. The fire is not lit at this time so that he can gain strength for the next day.

Totem animal of the day - A dog with long golden hair and erect ears. This is a shepherd dog, a guide and a guide, a human assistant. Her traits are loyalty, prudence, intelligence. She constantly fights with the Black Cat, the panther through which Akimana, the Evil Thought, is embodied, carrying seductions with evil thoughts, deception, and discord. The character of a cat contains cunning, deceit, seductive manners, the ability to confuse, lull the mind and ingratiate itself into the trust of others. Therefore, this day is dedicated to the fight against bad thoughts. We need to get rid of unnecessary connections, deceitful friends, blind faith. You have to come to everything with your own mind, separating good and evil. “Think for yourself, decide for yourself” - your mind should not sleep.


The day associated with the Supreme Righteousness, Asha-Vahishta. It is better to spend it at home, doing housework, doing something with your own hands. On this day, great realists are born, striving in life for something serious, lasting, monumental. They strictly and steadfastly carry out their plans, slowly but surely. They are silent and difficult to stir up.

Everything that cannot be touched, weighed, everything that is lightweight and frivolous has no interest for them, because their sacred guide is the Elephant.

The day is associated with accumulation, the embodiment of creative fire into real achievements and things. But it is not recommended to buy something at this time; it is better to do it yourself. You should eat more, especially what you have prepared yourself, because Asha-Vahishta is also the keeper of fire (one of his symbols is the Stove).

For work and perseverance, a person is given the Elephant's hvarna: preservation of shrines, internal law, gigantic forces, potential, the ability to extinguish unbridled passions, invulnerability to the forces of evil. Well, and of course, the accumulation of earthly treasures, which for him is not an end in itself, but only a means to fulfill his plans. The “Elephant” will have a strong place in life; this person will be hope and support for his loved ones.

The Elephant is opposed by Andra in the form of the Bat, which gives unbelief, inner emptiness, life at the expense of others, appropriation of other people's property, robbery and murder. It is bad to shed blood on this day; you cannot perform operations. The Bat has nothing sacred or lasting, but he has a thirst for revenge and destruction. He is devoid of gratitude.

On this day you should work hard, but the achievement specific purpose can bring wealth and prosperity.


The fire of the previous day was so strong that it melted the metals and they flowed in a hot stream. Here is a lesson for us - do not give children matches, do not play Prometheus, otherwise you may be left without property.

This is a critical day. Its ruler is Kshatra-Varyu, the commander-in-chief of the Heavenly Host. Totem of the day - Snow leopard, fearless, decisive, noble. A person born on this day best case scenario“even during this life” can acquire the indicated features and even outwardly, instinctively and unconsciously will resemble his high-mountain guide. Hvarna of the day is zealous fulfillment of duty, the fight against injustice, independence and action at your own peril and risk, then at the very last moment support and help comes, i.e. victory in extreme situations.

In the worst case, the antitotem shows malice, vindictiveness, persistence and stupidity along with aggression. Criminal type.

Day of knightly deeds, struggle for a just cause, active endeavors.

It is useful to engage in physical training; in no case should you just relax and wait for the weather by the sea. You need to take risks, resolve complicated situations, but without unnecessary passions and within the framework of the law, then victories and happy occasions will come that change your whole life.

On this day they work with metals, buy and cut precious stones, fragments of the primordial Sky, which protects Kshatra-Varya.


Every battle ends someday, and a Beneficial Peace comes.

The patron saint of the day is Spenta-Armaiti. Having won, you return home, and here you have two options. The first way of the Donkey: agriculture, humility, submission; the second - the Rabbit: debauchery, debauchery, drunkenness, devouring other people's fruits, discord and indulging one's instincts.

Khvarna, which the peaceful and not even stubborn Donkey receives, includes harmony and piety. For the humility with which the Donkey endures trials and suffering, he gets the opportunity to be reborn again and again, like the Earth (“who said that the earth is dead”), in a new quality. He is given exactly as much in life as he needs.

On this day you need to work, cultivate the land, and take care of the health of your body.


Day of integrity and health - Haurvata, mysteries" dead water", gathering together, cleansing from everything unnecessary. This is a healing day, and cold water at this time has unique properties. You can douse yourself, start a hardening course, swim in an ice hole, if you wish. However, it is enough to take a cold shower three times a day or Just

wipe with water.

On this day the springs are cleansed. There is no need to desecrate the water - spit in the well, pour all sorts of chemicals into it, otherwise the neighbor above may flood it and the pipe will burst. It is bad to see muddy water in a dream.

Another sixth sunny day is the time of transformation. You can return what was lost, unravel karmic problems. It was on this day that Zarathustra received the Revelation.

People of the sixth day often become healers, engaged in restoring the lost Light. They are a little strange, self-absorbed, acting after a long period of stagnation in a fit of inspiration, sensitive.

Totem - Crane. Meek, not inclined to repay evil for evil, a little absent-minded, incomprehensible to others, living according to his own internal laws. His khvarna gives the unification of people on a spiritual basis, mercy and help to others, despite external isolation.

Antitotem - Leech, vampirizing on the most sacred things, playing at the virtuous life, speaking in a quiet voice about the highest things, benign and clearly claiming a personal icon, pity and love of others. You can’t undermine her, she adapts to everything, and sometimes she herself believes that she is an example of spirituality and religiosity.

It is bad to cut yourself on this day; loss of blood means that you have been confused and you are not paying your debts. You need to monitor smells and signs to distinguish provocateurs. This is the day of prophetic dreams.

Haurvat calls for awareness of one's own inner faith, victory over complexes and restoration of lost integrity.


If the previous day recreated the primary form and purity, then this one breathes life into it. The day of “living water”, Amesha Spenta Amertata gives enlightenment, transformation and immortality. "Living water" is a hot spring. You can go to the bathhouse, take a steam bath, always with a broom. If you lived the previous day incorrectly, then there is a risk: “throw into the cauldron and get cooked there.” Still boiling water.

A time of joy, fun, wine drinking, life affirmation and cheerfulness.

This day gives nothing to gloomy and lonely people who have lost interest in life. Amertat is the patron of love. Moreover, earthly love for a Zoroastrian is service to God (otherwise they died out a long time ago, like mammoths).

Amertat needs to be prayed before conceiving a child and for the first seven years.

The Sacred Falcon, cheerful, impetuous, sincere, the soul of the party, full of creative plans and able to ignite others, opposing the evil and epileptoidally sticky antitotem. Hvarna of the day - gift vitality, love and creativity, the ability to revive one’s creations, create immortal works or simply healthy children, bringing joy to others. Time for creative endeavors that are aimed at eternity, for planting, traveling, moving. It is simply tactless for you to die on this day.

We need to stain the garden, clean the house.

Good signs are leaves falling on you, grass and trees in your dream.

On this day, Amertat invites you to do something lasting, to strengthen a tradition, to participate in eternal and timeless affairs.


All Amesha Spenta, All Saints Day. And also Ised Hwareny. So, they served as a little humpbacked horse, in the cold and hot water We've swum - it's time to get some food. They honestly deserve it. Well, it’s true, not the royal one - it’s impossible to earn it (either you’re a king or you’re not), the priestly one too (the ancestors will still decide whether it’s worth awarding), but definitely a warrior’s. Who's the last one to get sick? Nobody!? So I'm first. Here is a personal horoscope, here is a certificate from a doctor confirming the absence of anti-heroes, here are eight photographs with a face in which the animal face of a totem is clearly visible, and here is a certificate from work certifying that I belong to one of the sacred professions.

It is on the eighth sunny day that a person can receive khvarna. This is generally one of the strangest days, when anything can happen, day " clean slate", when you can start living in a completely new way. This is also the time of liberation from everything unnecessary. You can cut your hair, trim your nails, pull out teeth, perform operations. What is cut off is stored until the 13th sunny day and buried in sandy soil.

A person born on this day should be unpredictable, freedom-loving, and active. There is little stability in his life: eternal changes and movements. Fate can be gray and monotonous only for a certain time, then there is a flash - and in a short time a person achieves a lot, his life is transformed.

Hwarena is incarnated as a Mongoose, fearless, fast, whose jump is unexpected and like lightning. He opposes the lazy, downtrodden, shaking and cowardly antitotem - the Suslik, who “preaches” herdism, fear of any change, panic and theft of someone else’s property. Moreover, this insignificant person always seeks pity, while she herself lives at the expense of others, appropriating what belongs to others.

On this day you need to be hospitable and invite friends. New acquaintances arise, love at first sight. Good signs are associated with electricity, lightning, and lightning. It’s bad to get into the mud, to be overwhelmed by a pile of unforeseen small matters, to be dependent and not free. Hvarna of the day - liberation, insight and transformation.


"Atara, the Son of Ahura Mazda, is worshiped with all types of fire." On this day, the three sacred Fires associated with the three Hvarns were especially revered. If you received khvarna - be like God, create! A day associated with radiance, enormous power and versatility of creative expression. The people of this day are conquerors of the elements, pioneers and leaders during difficult trials. They receive enormous strength in extreme conditions, the power of Fire, which burns everything unclean and false, the gift of creativity and the ability to warm others. These are missionaries, unifiers of many people. Their guide is a Leo with a dog's head, majestic, noble, putting everything into one impulse, but very modest and unpretentious in a calm atmosphere. He is opposed by the spotted Hyena, a malicious, laughing, evil mocker, delving into sewage, very mean, insidious, and most importantly, envious, desecrating the Divine Fire.

Zoroastrians celebrated this day by lighting a fire and burning everything unnecessary and rags in it. They were treated with fire and fragrant smoke. Three candles were lit, lamps of different colors, in honor of the three hvarnas.

It’s bad if the fire goes out on this day, fires, spontaneous combustion, and burns happen. A good sign of abundance, new acquaintances, moving is the doors of your home thrown open by the wind. Dreams will only be prophetic if you dream of a whole team, a large crowd of people.

You can go on a long journey. You should eat intensively, but with pre-prepared food. You cannot bake bread, cook or cook on this day, so as not to desecrate the fire.

The day of the beginning of serious and difficult affairs, receiving enormous strength for transformation and victory.


The guide is the Dolphin, a pilot in the sea of ​​our destiny, leading us through all storms and adversity. He knows the depths, undercurrents and rocks. Together with him, on this day you can look into the innermost depths of things, events, yourself, see what is inside you, where the causes of your problems, vices, and fears lie. You need to see and raise them from the depths of the subconscious to the clear light of consciousness and understanding. You can’t free yourself from all this right away, and you don’t have to bang your head against the wall. It’s sad, but what can you do, the path of working on yourself is long and difficult. But if you work hard, you will get an assistant - the Dolphin: wise and penetrating into the essence of all phenomena, solving any secrets, recognizing hiding places human souls saving others. Yes, he has to swim in an ocean of salty tears, but he is given cleansing power, overcoming grief and melancholy.

The antitotem adores and cherishes his vices, does nasty things with pleasure, has sadomasochistic habits, and you can’t stop him with tears. He mocks others and considers them similar to himself.

This is the day of Apam-Napata and the “Good water created by Ahura-Mazda.” And there is no need to desecrate it. Good omens - rain on your head, spilled water. It’s bad if your heel breaks, your shoes tear, your teeth, eyelashes and hair start to fall out.

Any dream must be told to running water, and then the bad will go away and the good will come closer to you.


We sank to the depths, now we rise to the skies. And there is the Sun, Khvarshat.

And in this incarnation it is associated with brilliance, warmth and joy, so childish, spontaneous, simple-minded and kind. It’s a good day to dedicate to children, play with them, tell fairy tales, remember your childhood and try to convey all the best that was in it.

Simply enjoying life, loving the world and people, believing them and constantly learning everything around, the Swift is the totem of this day. The Swiftman must sow joy, happiness, lightness and faith in miracles around him, and then he will receive a wealth of eternal discoveries and clarification complex issues. He will not have to think about everyday problems, his daily bread - everything will be given in due time.

Of course, the question arises: why is the Sun Khvarshat and not Amertat? Ized, not Amesha-Spenta? Khvarshat does not have the power of immortality and mastery of sound, this is another hypostasis of our luminary: the Sun of a younger age, cheerful, bright, shining. It is the patron of that sincerity, openness, purity, from which great creativity is just a step away. But he has the childish simplicity of discovering the world, the expectation of adventure, of kindness from others. In contrast to adults, pouting and thinking that they have discovered and learned everything around them, passing by miracles, the children's sun gives happiness only very much. pure souls. And children understand and perceive this world much easier - how big fairy tale, a game is what it essentially is: a huge creative act in which both the creation and the Creator are improved and developed. Great interesting game!

The antitotem of the day is the blind, gloomy, grumbling Mole who does not see the Sun. He is worried all the time, saving, rowing for himself, thinking that everything is for sale, with his tediousness and anger he kills laughter and fun. Doesn't like children. Swifts are characterized by kindness and generosity. It’s as if they have nothing, but the more they give, the more comes to them. And “mole’s treasures” do not bring joy to anyone.

Any surprise that surprises you will be a good omen. A day to clarify any confusing situations. It's good if the sun is shining.

It’s bad to poke around in the ground, to pine over a holey wallet. It’s better to joke, laugh, and generally treat everything with humor. The hvarna of this day is felt when everything comes easily, without far-fetched problems. Day of knowledge and discovery of the world.


Feeling like a fool, “with all our wisdom,” before the clear gaze of childhood, we continue our path through the sky. This day is associated with the female hypostasis of the Moon - the Lady Mach.

Since this is a “female” Moon, it is associated with the maternal principle, mercy, caring for loved ones and children. One of the Zoroastrian texts says that a woman is devoid of intelligence, but has wisdom. Or rather, not the woman herself, but the feminine principle, since it is associated with intuition, figurative and emotional perception. On this day you need to trust words and logic less, but pay attention to the hidden, “night” side of things and be guided by intuition. The twelfth solar day is considered a time of prophetic dreams, especially dreams before sunrise. The day of the dominance of hidden forces.

The totem of the day is the White Owl, the guardian of the home and family. She always strives to reveal secrets, expose and fight hidden dirt, intrigue, and evil spirits. She may be naive and short-sighted in some simple matters, not seeing anything up close, but she perfectly distinguishes what is still hidden to others, and has the gift of insight. Very sensitive and delicate, this homebody does not like to show herself from the hollow, but if you still get to her, she will have no choice but to be a hospitable hostess. Silent and unnoticed, she simply does her job and reveals herself only among close people.

The antitotem is a dry and petty pedant who digs under everyone, always strives to climb to the top, to gain someone's patronage, subserviently before his superiors, and does not disdain anything in order to curry favor. Talkative and intrusive, often pretending to be pitiful and unhappy, he has connections everywhere, instantly changes, focusing on the strong. A mean nature without creative imagination. Coward.

The twelfth day is a time of great strangeness. It is better to devote it to home and relaxation, home traditions. The day of awakening of life is considered one of the best for conceiving a child.

The main sign of the day is related to the attitude of pets towards you, which will show hidden attitude surroundings to you. A time of wisdom, care and protection of others.


This day is dedicated to "Tishtrya - a bright and glorious star, the mighty Shatavaesh (Guardian of the past that props up the Sky), who pushes the Heavenly Waters, who sets the galaxies in motion, sets all the planets in motion. The stars created by Mazda, which carry within themselves the seed of the waters, the seed earth, seed of plants. To the star Vanand (Guardian of Eternity), created by Mazda. Those stars, which are 7 in number, in the constellation Hafthoring (Ursa Major), created by Mazda, glorious and healing."

As you can see, the day is associated with celestial mechanics. If there are many stars in the sky at night, then this is a sign of prosperity for the area. Time for traveling, signing important documents, contracts, except marriage ones. It is recommended to be in nature more, open windows and doors (if they call). It is good to see fire in a dream, a source of light, for women - a goldfish.

The sacred guide of the day - the Winged Unicorn Horse - is a tireless traveler, straightforward, honest, ingenuous, cannot tolerate any duality, stubborn. Tishtar is also the Guardian of the Future, so people of this day usually make long-term plans in life, strive to follow them, but sometimes they are too straightforward and get hung up, while life gives them surprises. These are astrologers, scientists, mechanics. Hvarna of the day - fearlessness, the ability to select keys to any information and situation.

The antitoteme of the day is associated with lies, confusion, small dirty tricks. He always fusses like a snake, plays off others, gossips and settles scores. He can't stand anything living - an embittered loner, the demon Apaosha.

Barren, dry places should be avoided, protected and freed from the evil eye and damage. You cannot cut your nails or hair. It’s bad if your body itches, then you definitely need to perform ablution.

You need to work and “hold” Heaven. Time to conquer your fears. The day that opens the doors of the future is one of the best for initiation, reaching a new level, new spaces.


Hvarna warrior. Where are the glorious battles, exploits and victories? We are in the position of partisans in territory temporarily occupied by the enemy. And we’re not just recreating what was lost, but also preparing a springboard for a general battle code-named “Frashegird.” Under the conditions of occupation by evil, any task becomes a combative and extremely difficult task. But with our small successes we can not only change ourselves, learn not to repeat mistakes, not waste time and use currently 100%, but also to bring the time of final victory closer. Therefore, the task of sunny days is to survive and gain a foothold in the territory taken from the enemy, repelling all attempts and disrupting any of his disguises.

The fourteenth day is associated with abundance, fertility, harmony and beauty. This is the time when you need to make material plans, take care of earthly goods, and care for animals. Day of Geush-Urvan, the Soul of the Bull - the patron saint of animals, all creatures living in the world. After Angro-Manyu destroyed the primeval bull Efkhodat, the forces of light restored him in the form of the three-legged body Geush-Urvan, and since then he has become the driver and Ized of all creatures living and walking along the path of evolution in need of protection. The totem of the day is a Cow, peacefully grazing, giving milk, very calm, kind and flexible. Hvarna of the day: a person brings harmony, beauty that saves the world, is stable in non-resistance to evil through violence. The more harmonious and beautiful his life is, the more invulnerable he will be to evil, and troubles will bypass him. He is lucky in money - and he shares it so that there is less hunger and suffering around him, he takes care of those who cannot provide for themselves, about animals.

Antitotem - an evil, greedy, explosive and rabid Black Rhinoceros. A stupid and stubborn, impenetrably thick-skinned, vengeful and arrogant redneck who doesn’t believe in anything.

Under no circumstances should you quarrel on this day. It's good to get married, shop, rejoice, relax. The time is not for active events and affairs. Dreams on this night are not prophetic; signs are not particularly followed, except when they are associated with animals. You should surround yourself with beautiful things, harmony and love.


The beaver, the sacred guardian of the day following the fourteenth, brings the defensive formations to perfection. After all, his task is to build Vara - a temple that protects against the penetration of evil forces.

The beaver is the guardian of grace, and protection is associated with him environment, nature, water reserves.

This day is dedicated to the mistress of the Heavenly Waters, Ardvisura-Anahita, “the three streams of the Heavenly Waters, pouring out by the mercy of the Almighty onto the Earth, and giving it the farn of the Savior, and the mercy, and the radiance of the glory of the three Saoshiants, the three Saviors,” past, present and future, which is soon will come. In contact with these flows, a person can awaken his sleeping farn (radiance, grace), because we are all from good kind- each of us has a divine beginning, received from our Father, Ahura Mazda, we all originated from Gaiomart, who possessed all three hvarnas. Having accepted the teaching of one of the Saviors, we join the single stream of the Heavenly River.

This is a day of revelations, the awakening of unusual abilities and powers, but it is also a test of the bearing of khvarna. It is critical for those who take credit for someone else's farn. Women play a special role on this day. It's "Women's Day". Men must obey them. Anyone who argues and insults a woman is displeasing to God.

The day of cleaning the house, sprinkling it with holy water, washing, bathing, cutting hair and nails. You cannot desecrate nature, litter, or pollute water. After work, you can relax, take a walk along the river bank, meet a beautiful girl there and then continue walking together. In another month, well, I don’t have the right to refuse her, and in another month, while walking by chance, I find myself at the temple... On this day, weddings took place, construction of a house began. It is good for concluding alliances and serious rituals.

It is necessary to show the qualities of a beaver: modesty, thriftiness, rigor and consistency in work, worldly wisdom, realism. The antitotem is always talkative, speaks in abstruse phrases, ascribes incredible titles to himself, while dressing up in false modesty and holiness. He always strives to get to the top, groveling servilely, to control the thoughts and minds of others.

Terribly vindictive and mean. He has no property, no stable home, no tradition.

The day is good for people who have realized their farn, their uniqueness and the uniqueness of their abilities. For others, it is nothing or very difficult if there is no awareness of its purpose.

Signs of the day are associated with water. It’s bad if the water is turned off, there will be a drought, and you’ll be thirsty. It’s good to get caught in the rain, or to walk under a rainbow in sunny weather. On this day, grapes are harvested, wine and medicinal infusions are prepared, wreaths are woven - a sign of protection and harmony.


Second half of the month. If the previous day restored Vara, harmony in a separate and fenced territory, then this day introduces movement into it, adjusts the internal mechanism. On the sixteenth sunny day, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the law, ritual, regulations, not to deviate a single step from the prescribed rules, to maintain discipline and order. Violators

are punished under martial law.

This is the day of Mithras, the strict supervision of Heaven over earthly affairs. If people born on the first sunny day are the creators of the law, then the people of this day, opposite the first, are its guardians.

You can take vows, sign contracts, go to work.

A favorable day for social affairs, working in a team, moving to a new apartment, repairing doors, marking land plot, alarm installations. On this day they fought for justice, organized show trials, ordeals, and trials for those who defended their beliefs. And the Lord of Tests, protector Mithra, either confirmed their rightness or severely punished them.

Hvarna of the day - maintaining purity, harmony, observing ritual. The horse, the totem of the day, does not tolerate chaos and disorder. She is very clear and tough, able to endure, and works hard. By the way, on this day you need to work from sunrise to sunset, to finish what you started. People of this day are often associated with justice and obey authorities. At the same time, they are restive, free and recognize only the true law, brave, decisive, but do not get into trouble without a command, and are sometimes pedantic. The law for them is the law - it must work.

Signs of the day: it’s good to find a horseshoe; It’s bad if they climb, the hair of your “mane” is torn. Broken dishes, a mirror - a sign that Mithra is no longer protecting you.

Since he is also the “prosecutor” of the posthumous court, a mirror falling on you, glass that cuts you to the point of bleeding, are signs of death. A clock that stops on this day also speaks of death, but of a person close to you.

The sixteenth day is the time to pay debts. The sky turns away from deceivers. In general, this is a very clean, strict and chaste day, like the beginning of the Heavenly path.


The day of "the venerator of Asha, the Great Hero, the guardian of the faith of Ahura-Mazda Sraoshi, the recipient of the Holy Word, which made even a dry tree shake. Ized, possessing powerful spears and a bag of generosity, distributed to the righteous and faithful, and visible to the unfaithful and unrighteous." Our “heavenly lawyer” Sraosha is very unusual. His day is critical, it is no longer associated with choice, but with the battle of Light and Darkness.

You have to get up at sunrise. The day is good for the company of like-minded people, preparing important documents, studying, reading mantras, and prayers. The fire must burn. You need to work with the word, but anything indecent on this day attracts demons. You cannot tear books, causing insults to writings and texts.

Bad omens: lost or broken keys: dirt on clean clothes; gloomy rainy morning; spilled grain, spilled water, fallen food and you yourself - from the chair. Broken things are a sign of domestic conflicts. Good signs of the day are associated with birds (so you shouldn’t cut them - you’ll see, they’ll come in handy, like in a fairy tale). It’s not a bad idea to meet the rooster on this day and bow to each other.

The ritual image of the totem of the day is the Rooster Horse, a horse with a rooster's head, wings, and tail. His character is very emotional, easily excitable, but at the same time firm and stable. A person born on this day is a warrior, a novice, a man of his word, active and decisive. Very open, sometimes to the point of naivety. Relaxed, always ready for change, easy-going, ready to fight.

On this day they do not clean the house, close the windows at night, eat food prepared the day before - in war, as in war. You should not plant plants, you must protect yourself from thieves and scammers. When leaving home, you can take a handful of grain and throw it to the birds (for men - over the left shoulder, for women - over the right) - there is an ancient ritual that scares away demons.


The Day of the Heavenly Judge Rashnu, Justice, is always a holiday, light and joyful. You can do whatever you like, but without breaking the law, not at the expense of others, and not as a burden to others.

The eighteenth day is opposite the third sunny day, which means you can rest - we’ve done our part. You shouldn’t make a lot of purchases, save money, it’s better to give it as a gift.

The coin found on this day is not a sign of profit, but new love, conceiving a child. The children are brought by the person on duty for that day - the Stork. He himself is somewhat reminiscent of a child: easy-going, cheerful, easy-going and fair, very sociable. People born on this day do not imagine themselves outside of society; their home is full of friends. The Stork totem gives them harmony and rationality, the ability to find a middle ground, versatile abilities and stability, a strong nest, love for children, and protection of others.

Antitotem - always dissatisfied, going to extremes, hysterical litigator. An intriguer who ascribes to himself the merits of others, confusing the concepts of good and evil. He looks kind, smart and agile when he needs to achieve something.

What should you not do on this day? Avoid the opposite sex, start long journeys, especially if “from your wife and children.” Although a marriage concluded on this day is considered short-lived, superficial and easy.

The right time for appeals, court decisions. One of the days associated with the draft, the “agenda”. We need to communicate more with people, exchange information. It’s good to cook food: some for a holiday, and some to dry crackers. You need to drink more liquids, juices, wine.

Good omens will be “flying” weather, rain and sun, rainbows. Sleeping more is a sign of a clear conscience or lack of one at all. Dreams are light and empty. You also need to play, relax, devote time to the little descendants flying from the sky on the Stork.


A day dedicated to the remembrance of Fravash, Ancestors. They closely monitor what their descendants, to whom they gave a “start in life,” are doing. They help, protect and warn us in whatever way they can, because any good or evil deed we do affects not only us, but the whole race.

A good omen on this day is a clear sky at noon and a hazy sunrise. If there are clouds, d

>" url="https://astrorok.ru/lunnyj-kalendar/1-solnechnyij-den-xarakteristika-rozhdennyie-pod-totemom-pticzyi-senmurv.php">

1 sunny day is dedicated to Ahur Mazda, the creator of the world. Akhur Mazda is revered by Zoroastrians as the main god who gives people light, joy and prosperity. All the best things came from Ahura Mazda. Its antipode is Angra Manyu, who creates human suffering and misfortune. There is a daily continuous struggle between these deities, but victory remains with the light, that is, Ahur Mazda. The archangels help him defeat the darkness of Amesha-Spenta. The first week of the solar year is dedicated to the fighters of light.

Influence and characteristics of 1 sunny day

Any undertakings on 1 sunny day will not be easy. They should be approached seriously, and only in this case will those who act responsibly, requiring maximum care and concentration, have the prospect of good luck, which will be laid by 1 sunny day. Any doubts are interpreted detrimentally. When they appear, undertakings should be postponed, otherwise a fiasco is guaranteed. In the morning you should take full responsibility for your goal. Thoughtfulness of all aspects and details, clear planning and dispersal of forces and resources - these are the components necessary for a positive result.

1 sunny day with its energy favors individuals who know their worth and are accustomed to always and in everything achieving their goals on their own. Travelers need to choose the longest route for themselves. Adventurers and scammers will experience the bitterness of defeat on this day.

What not to do on 1 sunny day

Thoughtlessness and haste are bad companions on this day. Bad mood and apathy is prohibited. You should not be alone and give in to melancholy. But you also cannot rise above other people, consider yourself better or smarter than others. It is not recommended to keep windows and doors closed: the lack of wind affects Negative influence on the atmosphere in the room.

For whom is 1 sunny day favorable?

He patronizes directors, teachers, commanders. To ensure a successful day for this social stratum, you should adhere to the following recommendations. So, the first half of the day needs to be spent at work. In the evening, engage in active recreation, meet with friends or devote time to creativity.

Clothes for 1 sunny day

You need to dress up in a new outfit, but start shopping earlier. On 1 sunny day it is better to refuse shopping. It is advisable to exclude dark colors as symbols of despondency and dark forces. Bright, light things are welcome.

Meals on 1 sunny day

Housewives need to start baking at home on one sunny day. I wash down my food with wine, preferably red. The optimal drink is mulled wine with the addition of cloves, saffron, cardamom, nutmeg, and honey. If you do not drink wine on this day, it means showing disrespect for the Creator. Positive influence Nuts and seeds help digestion on this day.


The worst thing for someone born on 1 sunny day is unnatural sexual contact. In order to preserve the purity of thoughts, it is forbidden to even think about them.

Health in 1 sunny day

It is favorable for starting fitness classes, especially bodybuilding or other sports associated with lifting weights. Body cleansing exercises, visits to saunas and baths, diet, and medical fasting are also optimal and effective.

Good deeds on 1 sunny day

You can engage in altruism and philanthropy. In the old days, small coins were supposed to be thrown at road intersections to attract good luck and prosperity.

Dreams on 1 sunny day

It is considered great luck and good luck to see a dream associated with a holiday, banquet or attending a ball on one sunny day. These are harbingers of a quick improvement in well-being and good changes. Fire in a dream means the loss of enemies. Nightmares, hunger, devastation and other negativity in a dream indicate the threat of poverty, as well as upcoming trials and hardships. Wheels and vehicles indicate a long journey. Water in a dream speaks of intrigues and gossip in the team.

Individual totems for those born on 1 sunny day

Lucky numbers: 21 and 72.
The patron metal is tin.
Color - the whole palette of the fiery spectrum, pure purple, gold, white. Gray and black tones are prohibited.
The birthstone for those born on the 1st sunny day is garnet, which is also a symbol of fire, bringing happiness and being a source of hidden energy.
The star is Alpha Southern Cross of 1st magnitude Acrucus. A star that helps to gain wisdom through self-sacrifice.
Patron planet - Jupiter.

Signs of 1 sunny day

It is considered great luck to find bright, shiny signs or see shards of glass on this day. Coins and needles also accompany success. Flashing lightning portends joy and success. Anyone who finds nails, screws and other fasteners should count on quick patronage or outside help. The singing of birds says that the ancestors are protecting. A bird flying into the room indicates that the soul of a deceased relative requires commemoration.

Damage to clothes on 1 sunny day, broken dishes points to potential danger illegal action. Fallen food indicates possible physical violence. Scattered salt and spilled alcohol are harbingers of quarrels, poverty, separation.

Totem of 1 sunny day and antitotem

The symbol of this day is the Senmurv bird. She was represented as an eagle of enormous size, or a symbiosis of a lion and an eagle. This is the totem of the Tent of Hormazd. The symbol of this deity is considered to be Heaven, which punishes sinners and, at the same time, indicates the greatness and limitlessness of the power of the Creator.

The antitotem of the 1st solar day is hydra. In the perception of the ancients, the hydra was a kind of octopus, an insidious multi-headed snake. These are a kind of two options for the gods’ patronage of people, which have a direct impact on the character and appearance.

Characteristics of a person born on 1 sunny day

People who have such a totem tend to be taller than average, have long limbs, and an athletic figure. This applies to men. Women, on 1 sunny day, are also of large build, have large bones, large breasts, and strong muscles. Individuals of both sexes are characterized in appearance by a hooked nose, a long neck, dark sharp eyebrows, a sharp, piercing gaze, a lightning-fast reaction, physical stamina. The main character traits are greatness, harshness of judgment, pride, striving for heights.

Those born on 1 sunny day do not waste their energy. They always know what they are striving for and follow their goal to the end. It is difficult to obey someone's will, they do not talk in vain. When communicating with friends, they are cheerful and open, not greedy and capable of selfless acts.
Honesty and directness are also characteristic of a person who was born on 1 sunny day. Those who do not know him well mistake this character trait for deceit. He knows how to sense impending danger and knows how to act correctly in difficult situations. Good organizational skills, an example for others, intransigence with the weaknesses of others - strengths person.

Weak spots

Character weaknesses include a not entirely adequate, delayed reaction to immediate negative situations. The result is loss of orientation and apathy. Realizing its potential requires a large amount of time and space. In the process of achieving his goal, he is ready to make any sacrifice. It is comparable to a locomotive rushing at maximum speeds.

Negative character traits of those born on 1 sunny day - antitotem

The other side of the “coin” is people with an antitotem, who are, in a way, not the best representatives of humanity. They are also born on the same sunny day, but are visually different. They have an unpleasant, prickly look, and are prone to pettiness, betrayal and deceit. Facial features are small and difficult to remember. Below average height, with an unpleasant voice, with a hint of hissing.

The behavioral model of people of this type is similar to the performance of an actor. They adapt to the opinions of others and are able to put on any mask that pleases their superiors. They are similar to a virus, whose fatal effect on the body in the initial stages is practically not observed. Gradually, in achieving their goal, they are ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of their goal, even to the point of crime. To do this, they often suppress people and force them to work for themselves. It is useless to fight them with humane means.
It is impossible to convict such people of deceit and treachery. They calculate all their moves in advance and always play it safe. Vanity, immense pride, envy, sincere pleasure in humiliation and bullying of people, building intrigues with shifting the blame from the consequences onto another, nihilism, depravity, vindictiveness - these are the main character traits of the antitotem.

Famous people born on 1 sunny day

These include:
Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, better known as Molière. Born January 15, 1622. Actor, theater critic, comedian.
Antonio Salieri, great Italian composer and violinist. Born on August 18, 1750.
Honore de Balzac, world famous French writer. Date of birth: May 20, 1799.
Samuel Colt, an American design engineer whose creation sparked a worldwide revolution in the production of small arms and changed the course and tactics of battles. His date of birth was July 19, 1814.
Blaise Pascal, French scientist, philosopher, writer. June 19, 1923.
Brooke Taylor, British mathematician. August 18, 1685.
Max Linder, star of French theater and cinema (December 16, 1883).
Adolf Hitler, head of Nazi Germany (April 20, 1889).
Marcel Carné, film director (August 18, 1909).

Russian celebrities born on 1 sunny day

Among them are the writer Ilya Aleksandrovich Goncharov (August 18, 1812), composer Alexander Sergeevich Dargomyzhsky (February 14, 1813), therapist Sergei Petrovich Botkin (September 17, 1832), mathematical genius Sofya Vasilievna Kovalevskaya (January 15, 1850), “ White" General Anton Ivanovich Denikin (December 16, 1872), admiral, navigator Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak (November 16, 1874), composer, poet and performer of romances Alexander Nikolaevich Vertinsky (March 21, 1889), poet Osip Emilievich Mandelstam (January 15, 1891 of the year), Hero of the Soviet Union, military pilot Alexey Petrovich Maresyev (May 20, 1916).

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