How to find weaknesses in a person. Ways to obtain information

Everyone knows that violence is not the best way to solve a problem, and it should be resorted to only in the most extreme cases when a person understands nothing but strength. Not everyone has pumped up muscles or the ability or desire to physically hit a person, so many prefer to strike a different kind. Finding out how to morally humiliate a person is not difficult: you need to find him weak points and know several humiliation techniques. The main rule in this technique is to show your superiority over the “victim”. It is not necessary to insult or call a person names; carefully select the content of the phrase. How? How to humiliate a person morally by simply showing him where his place in this world is and where yours is? The easiest way to humiliate a person is with words, because they have enormous power: they can offend, heal, give or take away hope, sometimes even kill. So, let's take a closer look at how to humiliate a person morally with words.

Find your enemy's weak point

The first thing you should pay attention to, if you want to learn how to morally humiliate a person, is to look at his shortcomings, any - physical, spiritual or mental, that is, to find weak points. You, as the humiliating party, must be completely free from this deficiency, otherwise humiliation will lose all meaning. First, you can tell this to the person directly, in private, and watch his reaction. If he looked offended, then to consolidate the effect, repeat the same words in public, it is better if it is in front of your mutual friends. You should not express yourself openly in public, so as not to be accused of tactlessness; just a hint will be enough. You can also joke about shortcomings without meaning specific person, but so that he is nearby, and it becomes clear to everyone that this concerns him.

Even if someone around you doesn't get the point of your joke, the person you're trying to humiliate will feel 100% uncomfortable, and that's exactly what you wanted. If your enemy seems almost perfect to you, and you cannot find any visible deficiencies, don’t despair, it doesn’t happen, keep an eye on him and you will definitely see some mistake of his.

Pin the result

How to humiliate a person morally so that he does not forget about his humiliation for a long time and constantly feels it? Okay, you showed the person how bad he is, thereby humiliating him. Now imagine that he came home and, surrounded by friends and family, immediately forgot about you. The question arises of how to humiliate a person morally with words in such a way as to leave a mark on his soul. The best way- connect other people. Come up with a sonorous nickname that well reflects the appearance or person, tell it to your friends and acquaintances, most likely they will pick up the idea.

Now your enemy will hear a new offensive nickname everywhere, and will not forget about his humiliation for a minute. It’s better if the nickname is not trivial, then it will firmly cling to the enemy. This is how you can morally humiliate a person at any age. You shouldn’t persuade people to call a person by his nickname, just in a side conversation it’s enough to call him exactly that word, and if it is witty and funny, then first the nickname will spread in conversations where its “lucky” owner is not involved. Then the person will be called that openly. I think now you have no questions left about how to morally humiliate a person. But as you practice, think about whether you are doing the right thing and whether you are in any way different from your offender?..

The main condition for the success of the financial activity of an enterprise is not simply compliance with the requirements for growth or reduction of individual indicators, but compliance with a certain dynamic subordination of a set of indicators, specified, for example, by the rule shown in Fig. 1. In case of non-compliance specified order, the activities of the enterprise cannot be considered successful, even if the required results are achieved according to individual indicators.

Figure 1. Graph of the reference dynamics of financial indicators of the enterprise.

Designations on the graph:

K AL - quick liquidity ratio; K L - liquidity ratio; K P - coverage coefficient; TO OOK - ; K OA - ; To PP - ; KNR - rate of return; ROA - rate of return on assets; ROE - ; KKZ - duration of accounts payable turnover; KI - average collection period; K Z - ; K KS - ; K D - debt ratio; To FR - .

Let us call the depicted normative (standard) order a graph for ordering the financial indicators of the enterprise. In the graph shown, the direction of each arrow corresponds to the inequality ">". So, 1 → KZ, means 1>h(K KZ) and so on.

This graph describes in what order and direction relative to each other the changes in the most significant indicators of the company’s activities should be carried out. Failure to comply with this procedure indicates that the enterprise has problems. The greater the discrepancy with the reference development, the more serious the problems.

Calculation of reference dynamics indicators

To calculate benchmark performance, annual financial statements (balance sheet and income statement) are required. Then, the detailed balance sheet and profit and loss account must be presented in aggregate form according to the following algorithm:

Balance sheet item

Previous period

Current period

Balance sheet item

Previous period

Current period

Non-current assets

line 190 balance

line 190 balance

Share capital

balance line 490-470

balance line 490-470

Current assets, including:

balance line 290

balance line 290

retained earnings

balance line 470

balance line 470


balance line 260

balance line 260

Total debt, including:

line 590+690 balance

line 590+690 balance

Short-term financial investments

balance line 250

balance line 250

Long term debt

balance line 590

balance line 590

Accounts receivable

balance line 230+240

balance line 230+240

Current liabilities

balance line 690

balance line 690

balance line 210+220

balance line 210+220


balance line 300

balance line 300


balance line 300

balance line 300


Previous period

Current period

Line 010 of the income statement

Product cost

Line 020+030+040 profit and loss report

Line 050 of the profit and loss report

Total Interest Payments

Line 070 of the income statement

Income before taxes

Line 140 of the income statement

Line 150 of the income statement

Line 190 of the income statement

Based on the resulting aggregated balance sheet and profit and loss account, financial ratios are calculated using the following formulas:

Indicators of the efficiency of financial activities of the enterprise




Recommended dynamics

Liquidity indicators

Coverage ratio

Current assets

Current liabilities

Liquidity ratio

Current liabilities

Current liabilities

Average inventory turnover time


Average collection time

Accounts receivable


Annual revenue for sold products/360

Current liabilities


Return on total assets ratio

Annual revenue for products sold

Total assets

Return on fixed capital ratio

Annual revenue for products sold

Fixed capital

Owner quota coefficient

Long term debt


Share capital

Financial leverage ratio

Total debt


Debt ratio

Total debt


Total assets

Interest coverage ratio

Earnings before interest and taxes

Total Interest Payments

Profitability indicators

Profitability rate

Income after interest and taxes

Total revenue

Rate of return on assets

Income after interest and taxes

Total assets

Rate of return on equity capital

Income after interest and taxes

Share capital

Let's look at an example of construction final assessment financial activity of the enterprise.

OJSC Svyazinvest has achieved the following results in its economic activity, data in table 1.

Table 1. Performance indicators of OJSC Svyazinvest in 2007, 2008



Recommended dynamics

The dynamics are real

Liquidity indicators

Coverage ratio

Current assets


Current liabilities

Liquidity ratio

Current assets ¾ Inventories and work in progress


Current liabilities

Absolute liquidity ratio

Cash + Short-term financial investments


Current liabilities

Business activity indicators

Average inventory turnover time



Cost of goods sold/360

Average collection time

Accounts receivable


Annual revenue for products sold/360

Average turnover period of accounts payable

Current liabilities



Cost of products sold/360

Return on total assets ratio

Annual revenue for products sold


Total assets

Return on fixed capital ratio

Annual revenue for products sold


Fixed capital

Capital structure indicators

Owner quota coefficient

Long term debt


Share capital

Financial leverage ratio

Total debt



Share capital + Retained earnings

Debt ratio

Total debt



Total assets

Interest coverage ratio

Earnings before interest and taxes

Total Interest Payments

Profitability indicators

Profitability rate

Income after interest and taxes


Total revenue

Rate of return on assets

Income after interest and taxes


Total assets

Rate of return on equity capital

Income after interest and taxes


Share capital

Table 1 shows that many indicators have dynamics that differ from the recommended ones:

Even among similar indicators considered within the same group, trends in results can vary significantly;

Having such contradictory dynamics of indicators, it is impossible to establish end result the actions of the totality of the factors under consideration, that is, to identify how successfully the object under study developed;

It is difficult to determine which areas of enterprise management are the most problematic.

This situation is typical. Therefore for effective management The finances of a company in a modern economy require more informative methods of accounting and data analysis than those used traditionally. Let's solve the problem posed above by setting the normative (reference) dynamics of enterprise development.

Let's calculate the growth rate of indicators according to rule (1):

A— indicator of the economic activity of the enterprise;

h(A) — rate of indicator A;

a 2— indicator value A in the analyzed period;

a 1— indicator value A in the previous period.

Table 1 will take the form of table 2. Where the values ​​of individual indicators are presented in the form of their rates according to rule (1).

Table 2. Rates of performance indicators of OJSC Svyazinvest for the period 2007-2008.



Preferred temps

Liquidity indicators

Coverage ratio

Liquidity ratio

Absolute liquidity ratio

Business activity indicators

Average inventory turnover time

Average collection time

Average turnover period of accounts payable

Return on total assets ratio

Return on fixed capital ratio

Capital structure indicators

Owner quota coefficient

Financial leverage ratio

Debt ratio

Interest coverage ratio

Profitability indicators

Profitability rate

Rate of return on assets

Rate of return on equity capital

Let us define a graph of the reference dynamics of financial indicators in matrix form according to rule (1). (Table 3).

Table 3. Matrix of the graph for the reference ordering of the financial indicators of the enterprise

The reference ordering matrix is ​​constructed as follows. The arrow corresponds to “+1” in the matrix row and matrix column, named respectively by the outgoing position (row) and the position where the arrow is directed (column). In a cell that is symmetrical to the given one relative to the main diagonal of the matrix, “-1” is placed. This is a cell of the row of the element where the arrow is directed and the column of the position from which it is directed.

If there are no arrows between the positions of the graph in the ordering, that is, these indicators are not compared, then zeros are placed in the cells of the rows and columns incident to these indicators. “+1” is placed on the main diagonal.

So h(K OOK) and h(K PP) are not compared with each other, therefore in the matrix in the cells at the intersection of the row K OOK and the column K PP there is 0, at the intersection of the row K PP and the column K OOK there is also 0. Indicators K I and K L, according to the normative ordering graph, are interconnected by the relation K I K L, which corresponds to the inequality h(K I)

Table 4. Matrix of actual rates of financial performance indicators of the enterprise

In this matrix, at the intersection of rows and columns of indicators that are not compared with each other, there are also zeros. In actual order h(K L)=0.554 , that is K L ← K P, whereas in normative ordering the inverse relationship must be observed. Therefore, at the intersection of the K L row and the K P column in M[FP], “-1” is placed, and at the intersection of the K P row and the K L column, “+1”. In such matrix cells, differences between M[EP] and M[FP] will be observed. In cases where the actual order coincides with the normative one, the cells M[EP] and M[FP] have the same values. On the main diagonal there are units.

The distance between M[EP] and M[FP] characterizes the degree of deviation of the actual development of the enterprise from the required reference one, that is, certain violations are observed in the financial turnover of the enterprise. Let us denote the distance between M[EP] and M[FP] by d.

In our case d=220. However, the absolute value of the distance between M[EP] and M[FP] is not very informative. It is necessary to normalize the measure of difference between these matrices. In the case under consideration, k=162 and R=0.679. That is, the measure of difference between M[EP] and M[FP] is 0.679.

The measure of difference is a less operational concept. It is better to use the concept of similarity measure S. In our case, S = 32.1%, that is, the actual direction of development coincides with the recommended one by 32.1%. At best, the match would be 100%, at worst, zero.

Thus, the financial performance of OJSC Svyazinvest can be characterized as “below average”. Enterprise management must make efforts to correct the current situation and improve the efficiency of enterprise management. To do this, it is necessary to determine which areas of activity of the analyzed object are the most problematic and require priority efforts. It is necessary to carry out further diagnostics of the problem situation that has arisen.

Algorithm for identifying bottlenecks in the financial activities of an enterprise

Let us now consider how weaknesses in one of the branches of the graph are identified. To do this, let's introduce a conditional example. Let the normative order of hypothetical indicators A, b, c, d looks like this: a→b→c→d. This means that in dynamics, that is, compared with the previous base period, the indicator A should grow faster than other indicators. Height d should be inferior to the growth of the rest of the presented indicators, etc. If the actual order of the indicators under consideration coincides with the recommended one, then there are no deviations in financial activity, and, accordingly, there are no bottlenecks that require priority elimination. It is enough just to maintain the achieved result at a given level. Therefore, the degree of problem for all indicators is the same.

In case of violation of the standard order, bottlenecks can be identified based on the following reasoning.

Let in our example the actual order of indicator rates be as follows:


Let us assign ranks to each member of the normative order in descending order (Table 5).

Table 5. Ranks of rates of indicators of the normative order of a conditional example

The indicators are ranked in the same way in the actual order of the branch under consideration (Table 6).

Table 6. Ranks of rates of indicators of the actual order of a conditional example

In our example, the following deviation values ​​are obtained (Table 7).

Table 7. Deviation of the ranks of rates of the actual order of the conditional example from the normative one

Indicators with the smallest deviation value will be the most problematic. IN in this case this is an indicator b, who has b i equals –2. It needs to be increased first. Indeed the pace of the indicator b must be greater than the rate of indicators d And c, whereas the real situation developed in such a way that it turned out to be the smallest of all indicators. One can, of course, argue that the situation can be corrected by reducing the indicator d, since its actual value significantly exceeded the planned one. However, this will not meet the fundamental principle of an existing and developing enterprise, which implies ensuring high-quality growth of indicators, enabling the company to achieve success in the chosen strategy in the future. Hence, the most problematic indicators will be those that have the smallest deviation of the actual order of pace from the normative order, that is, the actual rate of which is significantly less than the one recommended by the criterion of the balance of corporate interests.

To do this, let’s return to the graph for organizing the financial indicators of the enterprise in Figure 1. The graph contains 12 branches. Let's list some of them:

1. ROE → ROA → K HP → 1 → K KZ → K I → K Z

2. K AL → K L → K P → 1 → K KZ → K I → K Z

3. K OOK → K OA → 1 → K KS → K FR

These orders correspond to the following ratios of growth rates:

1. h(ROE) > h(ROA) > h(K HP) > 1 > h(K KZ) > h(K u) > h(K Z)

2. h(K AL) > h(K L) > h(K P) > 1 > h(K KZ) > h(K I) > h(K Z)

3. h(K OOK) > h(K OA) > 1 > h(K KS) > h(K FR)

Let's take the first order as an example. Let's rewrite it in descending order of normative rates, assigning ranks to its elements (Column “Normative ranks” of Table 5). The highest (leftmost) term of order 1 has rank, equal to one. The remaining elements are numbered in ascending order. Then we put the ranks of the actual order for the elements of ordering 1 (Column “Actual ranks” of table 8). We have a table:

Table 8. Ranked rates of performance indicators of OJSC Svyazinvest for the period 2007-2008. along individual branches of the ordering graph



Normative ranks

Actual rates

Actual ranks

Rank deviation

Deflection module

Degree of problem

Rate of return on equity capital

Rate of return on assets

Profitability rate

Caliber (unit)

Average turnover period of accounts payable

Average collection time

Average inventory turnover time

In ordering the actual ranks the greatest value has the rate of the indicator “Average collection period”: h(K I) = 3.438. He is assigned the highest - first rank. Etc.

b K i = R i E - R i F

R i E- rank i- indicator in accordance with the normative procedure;

R i Ф- rank i- indicator in actual order;

TO— branch number of the dynamic standard.

Deviations b K i are given in the “Rank Deviation” column of Table 8.

After which the absolute value of the deviations is found, which indicates the degree of problem and the attention that should be paid this indicator from management. Indicators with the highest absolute value deviations represent the most “bottleneck” place in financial management enterprise. In our case, the most bottlenecks are managing accounts receivable turnover and managing return on assets.

Next, deviations of actual indicators from standard indicators are calculated for the remaining 11 branches of the graph for organizing the financial indicators of the enterprise. To identify problematic indicators among their entire set, we calculate the average value of the deviation modules of each indicator along all branches of the ordering graph according to the rule:


m- the number of branches of the reference ordering graph that include the indicator i;

N= 1.12 — number of the graph branch. The average value is calculated from the considerations that different indicators may be elements of an unequal number of ordering branches, and if the average is not taken into account, the picture may be distorted.

As a result we have:

Table 9. Identification of the most problematic performance indicators of OJSC Svyazinvest for the period 2007-2008. along all branches of the ordering graph



Sum of deviation modules

Average deviation

Degree of problem

Coverage ratio

Liquidity ratio

Absolute liquidity ratio

Average inventory turnover time

Average collection time

Average turnover period of accounts payable

Return on total assets ratio

Return on fixed capital ratio

Owner quota coefficient

Financial leverage ratio

Debt ratio

Interest coverage ratio

Profitability rate

Rate of return on assets

Rate of return on equity capital

In the column “Sum of deviation modules” the sum of deviation modules of each indicator is calculated for all branches of the reference ordering. The “Average deviation” column is calculated according to rule (3). The “degree of problem” indicates the degree of urgency in correcting the situation. So the K AL indicator has the largest average deviation - 5.333, therefore it has highest degree problematic. The next problematic indicator is K HP, its b cp i= 4.333, the degree of problem is 2. First of all, it is necessary to make efforts to correct the shortcomings characterized by these indicators, etc.

As a result, we have a graph of urgency in eliminating bottlenecks:

Figure 2. Graph of urgency in eliminating problems in financial management of Svyazinvest OJSC.

The beginning of the graph reflects those aspects of enterprise management that require the most close attention. As you move towards the end of the graph, the tension in the indicators decreases, and they do not require any dramatic changes in activities corresponding to them.

Regulation of various aspects of the financial activities of an enterprise

The construction of reference dynamics and the measurement of deviations from it in actual indicators clearly determine the bottlenecks in financial management and their degree of problem. Depending on the magnitude of the deviation of planned indicators from actual ones, the direction of action to correct the situation is set, that is, measures are taken to increase or decrease the indicators that make up the bottlenecks. Each indicator has its own management methods. As an example, let us consider the most problematic indicator of the financial performance of OJSC Svyazinvest - the absolute liquidity ratio. He equal to the ratio most liquid assets(cash and short-term financial investments) and current assets. Consequently, its growth can be achieved either by increasing the numerator or decreasing the denominator.

Absolute liquidity indicator management scheme

This is how weaknesses in the financial activities of an enterprise are identified and eliminated.

It was invented in a conversation on the forum funny example How to briefly explain the operation of a computer - using the example of a fence installation company.

All the problems of weakness in computer system can be explained by a law generally invented in ecology - or Liebech's law. Its classic illustration is a wooden barrel made of planks of unequal length. Naturally, this barrel can only be filled to the height of the lowest bar - why can’t you explain more? But for the computer this example It’s difficult to apply - the height of each bar is measured by its own standard of measurement.

A computer is a system of processing components - processors (workers) and a system of storage components - buffers, where there is what is not needed now (warehouses).

To find the weak point we need 3 programs

1) Resource Monitor is a standard Windows component, you can ctrl - shift - esc - performance - resource monitor (for Windows 7)

2) GPU-Z - free program, capable of displaying GPU and graphics memory usage.

3) actually what will load

The supplier doesn't keep up

The most common problem for high-power systems is that the supplier does not have time to produce as much as needed. Displayed by the constant loading of the hard drive - the system is constantly reading or writing something. We look out for what process creates the process. Next 2 options

1) the load is not created by the target process (the program is the load). If it’s not a system one, we choke it, if it’s a system one, go to Control Panel - Device Manager - IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers and start going through all the channels, studying the Additional Settings tab. Wherever there is a device there should be a checkbox “enable DMA” and some number should be written in the window that the UltraDMA mode is used. If PIO mode is written, and the DMA checkbox is checked - either a Windows malfunction (the fastest way is to rearrange it) or a hardware malfunction (damage to the hard drive controller, damage to the cable, faulty hard drive) - change the cable and try to connect it to another socket (in the case of SATA - spare sockets there), if it doesn’t help, we look for a known good hard drive and check it. Fixed - change the hard drive, no - change the motherboard.

2) the load is created by the target process - repeat the diagnostics specified in point 1, if everything is working properly - the weak point is your hard drive. Or we spend money on good SSD or we make a RAID array.

Problems at the enterprise

What to do if the processor is loaded:

1) check that the load is created by the target process. If not - if additional. shut down the program, if it is a system process, rearrange Windows

2) if it’s still a target one, your processor simply can’t handle it. We check the temperature, if it is normal, then it can only be corrected by installing a more powerful processor.

RAM is loaded, but the capacity is not exhausted- if the memory has a maximum frequency (determined using the CPU-Z program and studying the processor configuration) nothing can be done, all that remains is to check whether the memory operates at the required frequency.

Volume exhausted RAM - all that remains is to build it up

Problems at the assembly site

The resources of a powerful enterprise are easily negated by a couple of drunken collectors #haha# Alas, we actually do not have the opportunity to make changes to this team - all that remains is to fire and hire a new one.

So, the most common weaknesses of video cards

1) a huge warehouse, but the fence will be assembled by a couple of drunks- our Chinese friends have long been running a competition for the most stupid video card. At current memory prices, some manufacturers put 1, 2 or more gigabytes of memory on obviously office videos.

2) a small wheelbarrow between the warehouse at the assembly site and the assemblers- in reality, the width of the video memory bus affects the performance of the board only slightly up to certain limits, everything is decided by the number of computing units, i.e. it’s better to take a video card with a cut bus, but a large number computing blocks.

3) small warehouse at the assembly site- Does a large amount of video memory have a significant impact on performance? Actually, large video memory is needed only with great detail and high resolution, i.e. when the large number elements. That is, if you have a monitor with a low resolution, then taking a video card with a huge memory is frankly ineffective.

4) small transport from production to assembly site- in reality, you should only pay attention to the PCI Express version on top-end video cards. For video cards in the mid-performance segment, its 2nd version is enough, and in some cases even 1st version.

  • What eight business processes can be improved in any company?
  • How to find and eliminate weak link in business management
  • Which process is considered weak by most? Russian leaders
  • Why do 64% of domestic enterprises recognize the process of promoting and selling products as ineffective?
  • Why create a mentoring program in your company?

Over the past two years, we have carried out diagnostics of 165 Russian companies, having studied total 1313 business processes. Based on the data obtained, it was concluded that 59% of processes are weak management links; 36% are suboptimal and 5% are strong. At the same time, managers and employees are aware of the problems that are slowing down business processes, but do nothing. Let's look at eight aspects of the management process that were identified as weak by more than 50% of companies.

Weak link #1: logistics

Problems with organizing logistics were diagnosed by 72% of General Directors; for only 2% this process does not cause difficulties. Reasons low quality:

Evgeniy Demin – General manager and the owner of the SPLAT company shared with us the secrets of promoting the company, even if the market is busy.

Also in the article you will find 4 key competencies of the company that need to be adopted.

  • managers do not place orders with suppliers in advance, which leads to supply disruptions;
  • the company cannot quickly change the supplier, even if it is not satisfied with it;
  • the company does not have rules for concluding a contract with a supplier;
  • the company does not have the necessary reputation to choose the best suppliers;
  • the company does not use tenders and competitions to select a supplier.

Develop rules for interaction with suppliers. Thus, Windows of Petersburg selects contractors according to seven criteria:

  • what are the supplier's guarantees,
  • have promotional materials been developed, etc.

Each criterion is scored from 0 to 10 points. Based on the results, a future partner is chosen. Also develop KPIs for buyers.

Weak process No. 2: management and development of coordinated actions

For 70%, the development of coordinated actions is a critically weak link in management; strong – only 3% of enterprises. Reasons for poor process quality:

  • no analysis of the work of competitors is carried out;
  • market trends are not monitored, which does not allow finding profitable niches;
  • managers are not aware of changes in legislation;
  • suppliers and services are not analyzed, which leads to increased costs.

Instruct marketers to study competitors’ websites, their advertising, and offers. Have them submit a short report every Friday about the changes they noticed.

In addition, hang an information board in the office - every employee, as soon as he learns something new about a competitor, attaches a message here. Then the staff will know what’s going on with competitors, and you can quickly take action. necessary actions. To stay informed legislative changes, prepare for you a monthly selection of amendments that affect the operation of your business.

Weak business process No. 3: promotion and sale of goods

64% of managers named the marketing side of management weak process, 31% – suboptimal, only 5% are satisfied with the promotion and sale of products. Reasons for low efficiency:

  • lack of funds to defend a competitive position;
  • your employees collect information about how satisfied your customers are on an irregular basis;
  • before concluding a transaction, no one evaluates the client’s reliability, solvency and solvency;
  • sales growth cannot be considered only the merit of managers;
  • No quantitative criteria that would measure customer satisfaction.

Develop standards for communication between managers and clients, assess the level of customer satisfaction using the NPS methodology. This is exactly what they do at the holiday home owned by the ANM Group. We developed a communication standard for employees - they began to tell visitors in detail about the hotel’s services. The satisfaction index and, as a result, the number of repeat visits have doubled.

To improve the promotion process, discuss the results of the past week with marketers and identify 5-7 tasks for the upcoming one. Post your plans in a visible place so that they are always in front of your eyes.

Swipe brainstorming to find no-budget marketing ideas. Ask marketers to imagine a situation where there is not a penny for promotion. How will they act?

Weak link No. 4: reproduction of labor resources

Work with personnel in 64% of companies is poorly structured; in 30% this management process is suboptimal. Reasons:

  • violation of the law when registering employees, which is why dismissals do not always occur without conflict and litigation occurs;
  • the procedure for adaptation of newcomers has not been developed;
  • the recruited personnel do not meet the requirements in terms of competence and cost, as a result, many newcomers do not complete the probationary period.

Be sure to conclude employment contract within three days from the date the employee returns to work. Specify in the contract a probationary period, salary level, etc. Formulate the conditions for completing the probationary period, then you will have grounds for dismissing the employee if he cannot cope with the job.

Instruct the HR department to develop a procedure for onboarding new employees. Here's how, for example, they act in trading network Enter. The day before a newcomer goes to work, an employee calls him, introduces himself and asks him to contact him as soon as he appears in the office to meet him, show him everything and answer his questions. On the first working day, he takes him to the workplace, to the HR department, talks about the company’s values, introduces him to the team, etc. In subsequent days, the newcomer has the right to discuss any issue with the mentor, even how to resolve a conflict with a colleague. For mentoring, an employee receives points that are taken into account in the corporate game “Olympiad”.

Weak business process No. 5: IT infrastructure management

The process of developing and maintaining IT infrastructure is considered weak by 61% of managers, suboptimal by 34% and strong by 5%. Reasons for low efficiency:

  • the software does not meet the needs of employees, there are a large number of staff complaints about the functionality and speed of the programs;
  • information systems difficult to use, require serious efforts by accompaniment;
  • IT specialists maintain software and equipment in violation of manufacturer recommendations.

When implementing an IT system, enlist the support of staff. This is how they did it at the production company Ekookna. The implementation group met with representatives of all departments involved in the project - with the head of the department, two or three employees. They told us what was stopping them from working, and how they would like to optimize the site. All wishes were passed on to the contractors, who asked clarifying questions. Then the implementation group, together with representatives of the department, developed the concept: designed business processes, compiled a list of tasks that the program should solve, and formed interface requirements. Ready project The head of the department presented it to his subordinates, they discussed it and wrote the terms of reference themselves. Technical specifications All departments were sorted out at a general meeting of managers, identifying overlapping functions and deciding which department would be responsible for a specific task.

Another tip is to introduce a rule that all requests to the IT service are recorded in a special file. Set a time to fix problems. Then, based on this report, you can identify weak points in IT processes and evaluate the knowledge of IT specialists.

Weak link in management No. 6: reproduction of technological equipment

Of the companies surveyed, 109 use process equipment; 60% of them noted that problems arise with the purchase, maintenance and repair of equipment. Reasons:

  • when purchasing technological equipment, you do not organize tenders to find the best counterparty;
  • commissioning of equipment does not always take place after completion necessary procedures adjustment and testing, documentation requirements are not taken into account;
  • measures to prevent accidents have not been developed, and scheduled preventive maintenance is not carried out.

Develop regulations for purchasing equipment. Thus, at Rockwool, the approval process includes three stages. First, an application for investment is drawn up. The General Director studies the document and finds out whether it is necessary to purchase this equipment. Next, the application is checked by engineers and financiers. They evaluate whether everything is correct from a technical and financial point of view, and make their conclusion. The application then goes to the control committee, which accepts final decision. The process has proven to be effective.

Here's how the chemical plant solved the problem of repairs. Here they introduced a stand and cards. When a breakdown occurs that a worker cannot fix himself, he takes a card, fills it out and places it on the stand in the first of three fields - “Identified inconsistencies.” Then the technical service foreman, based on the workload of the teams and the availability of spare parts, moves the card to the next field on the stand - “At work with the technical service.” While the card is here, the workers understand that the team is fixing the breakdown. After the problem is resolved, the technical service technician transfers the card with a description of the repaired breakdown to the “Resolved inconsistencies” field.

Weak process #7: financing and settlements

57% of managers named the financing process as a weak link, 4% as a strong link, and for the rest it is suboptimal. Reasons:

  • indicators of execution (non-execution) of the organization’s budget are not “hardwired” into the personnel motivation system;
  • low reliability of financial reports;
  • The receipt and expenditure of money is not balanced, cash gaps arise.

Enter the KPI for budget savings. However, follow the rule - the goals of managers should not conflict. It happens that the bonus of one top manager depends on increasing profits and minimizing costs, while the bonus of another depends on the efficiency of the process, the setup of which requires certain financial investments. To avoid any inconsistencies when developing KPIs, we recommend using a balanced scorecard. This approach clearly demonstrates the goals of the company, departments and employees.

Weak business process No. 8: product production

Only 35 companies assessed the production process. 51% of respondents this process weak, 46% – suboptimal. Reasons:

  • the production plan does not take into account the equipment repair schedule;
  • production units are unevenly loaded;
  • emergency situations often arise;
  • The actions of the sales and production departments are not coordinated.

Find the weak link in production management. Then analyze what is causing the delay. If these are non-technological operations (loading components, cleaning the machine, etc.), reduce their duration.

This is exactly what they did at one food enterprise. Here, time was lost during stops before shift changes. Then they introduced a rule: transfer a shift only at the moment when the equipment is working (baking products), and not at the moment it stops and waits for loading.

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To the question How to find a person’s weak point? so as not just to offend him, but to “kill” him morally... and how to say these words correctly? given by the author Neurologist the best answer is Right now you can do anything here, just not write an answer to the point, peacekeepers!))

Reply from Low grade[master]
Dasha, why do you need to be angry? evil people there are already, well, they are on. yay. Be kind. Often people who start a war also die in it. If you don't. They pierced your soul, of course it’s unpleasant, but don’t use the weapon that these tari offered you, you won’t win anything with this weapon. Revenge is a sweet thing, but it may be that revenge will not bring the long-awaited relief. You can win a war without fighting. Take your time, take a break, find an outlet for yourself in something new. Get high somehow and write here and ask....

Reply from Ask[guru]
You don't need this, believe me.
The easiest thing to catch is pride.
But such a “feast victory” will not bring much joy.

Reply from Lyalena[guru]
why do you need this? Revenge won't make it any easier.

Reply from Termet termet[master]
There is nothing to look for here, you need to try. Art comes with experience. The answer will depend on the goal: to harm, to defend at all costs, with the least damage to oneself, with the least amount of effort...

Reply from Tatyana Timofeeva[guru]
They can also give back... the boomerang law... Your desire, mamzel, looks like complexes and weakness. Learn not to take revenge, but to improve... to be higher than your offender. Good luck in your combat...

Reply from KseniaLi[guru]
And you, so young and beautiful, why do this?
Not enough adventures in life?
Live with goodness, it will suit you better.

Reply from Alexey Minarov[guru]
Dasha, you need to get rid of revenge, pain and resentment, otherwise it will be too late.
Author: Galina Dymkova
Every person on Earth has experienced physical and emotional pain. Physical pain is a signal of cell destruction in the body. However, when the physical pain stops, the person forgets about it. Emotional pain is never forgotten and can be triggered at any time. Why are people susceptible to emotional pain? The answer lies in the human subconscious, which contains the past of all ancestors. Fear causes people to suffer pain. People seek careers to gain money and status while protecting themselves from humiliation and pain. Such people are often accused of having a big ego. Ego is an emotional pain inherited from ancestors and exists in every person.
Example. At school, a ten-year-old boy who could not stand up for himself was humiliated. He was beaten, humiliated, forced to take on himself the blame for the hooligans, etc. From the pain that the boy experienced, a desire was born to become strong and make his tormentors suffer. Time has passed. The boy grew up and joined the army. His zeal and desire to do military career were crowned with success. He became a sergeant. He took pleasure in torturing young soldiers. Because the pain suffered in childhood required me to mock others.
How to get rid of pain?
The example above suggests an exercise for getting rid of pain. Read the instructions and do everything with eyes closed. Take your thoughts back to childhood, when you were bullied. Using a yellow energy beam, cut out a piece of your life where you were humiliated and beaten, like cutting out a videotape. Then, in your imagination, change the events so realistically that you believe it yourself, as if you were going to another school, where it was interesting and good, where there were no offenders, but only peers, just like you.
This exercise can be used for any memory of pain.
Follow the link to find the articles: Revenge, Hatred, Jealousy and you will help yourself.

Reply from Myachikov Ball[guru]
Be always prepared for the fact that after killing him morally, he can kill you physically))

Reply from Vikusya[guru]
Treat people the way you would like them to treat you!! Success!!

Reply from Varvara[newbie]
"Thou shalt not kill!"

Reply from Zhanna[master]
Why do you need this? If you want to be treated kindly, treat others kindly. If you do evil, it will return to you as a boomerang in triple size, if you do good it will also return as a boomerang, also in triple size. The most interesting thing is that everything can come back in a year, then don’t ask everyone why such grief happened to me. I wish that you don’t have such a desire as to take revenge, it doesn’t lead to anything good :)

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