How will Kutuzovsky's understudy perform? Construction of the northern backup of Kutuzovsky Prospekt will begin this year

Residents Matveevsky I'm very concerned about the issue southern backup of Kutuzovsky avenue. The Moscow mayor's office has already adopted about a dozen resolutions regarding the southern backup of Kutuzov's. But either they change the mayor, or they save money, or they are going to build an overpass to Skolkovo. It is not completely clear whether the southern understudy of Kutuzovsky will go through Matveevsky. The last thing the authorities say:

“The routes along which the Northern and Southern understudy s Kutuzovsky prospect. This was announced on June 6 by Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Urban Development Policy and Construction Marat Khusnullin.

“The layout of the Northern alternate route of Kutuzovsky Prospekt is already known. The 10.3 km long road will cross the Moscow Ring Road in the area of ​​the Molodogvardeyskaya interchange and will become the entrance to the toll highway bypassing the city of Odintsovo,” the vice mayor said in an interview with “ Rossiyskaya newspaper" M. Khusnullin noted that this backup will mainly take place in the right-of-way railway and will almost not affect the territory of the city.

The southern backup of Kutuzovsky will start from the Skolkovo innovation center, go through the Ochakovo industrial zone, along the Kyiv direction of the Moscow Railway and through the Ramenki and Mosfilmovsky districts it will reach the Third Transport Ring, the deputy mayor said.

On the other hand, if you believe your eyes, Mosfilmovskaya, in the direction of the Matveevskoe station they pave the road and there is high probability that the southern understudy of Kutuzovsky will go through Mosfilm- Matveevskoe, on Matveevskaya or Veernaya street.

View from Mosfilmovskaya towards Matveevsky.

New information on the Kutuzovsky Prospekt alternate in Matveevsky:

At school No. 914 from 16.00 to 19.00 you can see an exhibition of Kutuzovsky’s 6-band doubler.
The map shown is distorted. The distances do not correspond to real ones, house numbers are deliberately not indicated on the map, and there are no main railway landmarks for ordinary residents who are non-professional “urban planners”. Question: Why exhibit the Road Construction Project in such a strange and veiled manner? Answering questions about these guidelines, the Council's consultant Ochakovo-Matveevskoe said that from house No. 1, first there is an understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt, then a railway. That is, it turns out that if a distance of 50 m is maintained from the railway (railway zone), then the backup road running parallel to the railway will pass right under the windows of the houses on the street. Veernaya 1. Why doesn’t it go on the other side of the railway, from the street. Lobachevsky (instead of the Drunken Road). There are no residential buildings, and the residents Matveevki wouldn’t they have been so badly damaged? There is an interchange opposite the “Circle”, where there is “Oblachko” and another one opposite the “Pyaterochka” store. It's impressive how a 6-lane road meets a 2-lane street. Fan. You don’t need to have a wild imagination to understand that now there will be traffic jams not only at the connection between Veernaya and Nezhinskaya, but already at this junction.
I noticed that the map is unfolded so that there is no plan of what will be on the other side of the railway. Where you can see, unfortunately, on the other side of the railway, somewhere in the area of ​​the apple orchard, it is planned to build the Aminevo trading house. Do we need it?
The consultant gives conflicting information: the 6-lane road will go on the ground, but the garages will not be demolished. If you imagine his words looking at the road project, then it’s very hard to believe.
If the garages are demolished, then the parking problem that exists in present moment, it will get even worse - cars will already be everywhere.
And of course main question: How will the ecology of the area be affected? Will there be a forest protection belt, or again (as during the construction of parking lots) will trees and bushes be cut down, lawns paved over and no landscaping in the area?
Another question: now it’s the same for residents of houses near the station “ Matveevskaya» round-the-clock noise and sharp beeps from the railway, how much will the background noise increase? Will the windows be replaced with soundproof ones?
Houses on the street A fan of old, cracked panels, cracks also running along the seams. How will the close proximity of these houses to a six-lane highway affect them? expressway with heavy traffic (the built-up Ochakovo, Solntsevo, Ramenki, etc. are expected to be populated)?

ATTENTION!! Approved information on the passage of the Southern alternate route of Kutuzovsky Prospekt through the territory of the microdistrict Matveevskoe:

In 2017, the mayor's office issued documents on the construction of the Southern backup of Kutuzovsky Avenue in Matveevsky.

Final information on the understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt in Matveevsky - diagram, interchanges, passage, affected areas of Matveevsky from the Moscow City Hall as of August 2017: Scheme and detailed description on the Moscow City Hall website -

“There is no understudy” - this is the name of the community of Muscovites who oppose construction toll road, which should relieve congestion on Kutuzovsky Prospekt

Residents of areas through which the northern one will pass understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt, called the project approved by the mayor’s office “catastrophic”. Activists from the districts of Kuntsevo, Mozhaisky and Fili-Davydkovo united in the “No Understudy” community. In their opinion, many streets will become simply uninhabitable if the project is implemented.

Oleg Kazenkov coordinator of the “No Understudy” movement in the Fili-Davydkovo district“The rights of those residents whose houses are located directly along the highway are categorically ignored. According to our estimates, the route will affect at least 70 thousand people. More than 30 thousand people signed against this project, and not a single proposal of ours to date has been accepted by the architectural authorities or the Moscow authorities for work. The feasibility of this route, a transit route, is completely unclear, that is, it does not improve the connectivity of the regions in any way, it does not provide additional space for motorists living in Western district. It is needed exclusively for the transit of residents of the Moscow region to the City, which is already overloaded with cars. That is, we take the most clear example- a district in the village of Davydkovo, the district is divided in two by Kutuzovsky Avenue. Along Kutuzovsky Prospekt there is enough large number forest plantations, in addition to the apple orchard, a large grove, several hectares near Starorublevskoe highway. This entire grove is being cut down without a trace in order to build a toll station on this site. This is the only square for the 87th quarter. That is, it will be a huge field - 24 stripes, this is a fairly wide space under people's windows instead of trees. Today we are ready to go to mass rallies, because it will be impossible to live on at least several streets in the village of Davydkovo and it will be extremely difficult to live on Ivan Franko Street in Kuntsevo.”

In the center of Fili-Davydkovo, the designers placed a toll station for 24 lanes. According to activists, for this purpose it is planned to liquidate the apple orchard and the park near the Starorublevskaya overpass. And the Fili-Davydkovo area itself will simply be cut in half by the highway. Also not issue resolved protecting homes from noise and dust. Concerns local residents not in vain, says urbanist, author of the blog “City for People” Arkady Gershman:

Arkady Gershman urbanist, author of the blog “City for People”"IN modern world Inner city highways are not built, especially if they run through local streets or residential areas. It is permissible to build somewhere underground, on the second level, that is, even through industrial zones. And when all this destroys the existing streets, it will be difficult for pedestrians, cyclists or public transport, such projects stopped being implemented somewhere in the 1980s of the last century, when they realized that this was generally a mistake. If this project was approved by the Moskomarkhitektura and there is talk about the reconstruction of streets for exits, for something else, then first of all you can say goodbye to quiet, pleasant and safe streets, they will try to turn them into something like highways so that these cars go somewhere. And if this really happens, it will become impossible to live on them. This can be compared to how the Third Ring Road was laid in the area of ​​Begovaya Street, when there was a complete breakdown of the area, a deterioration in the urban environment and the quality of life in general. It has become simply impossible to live there.”

The city hall approved the draft layout for the northern backup of Kutuzovsky Prospekt on August 18. Paid section seven kilometers long will be laid from Minskaya Street to the Moscow Ring Road, along the Smolensk direction of the Moscow Railway. It is planned that there will be three lanes 3.5 meters wide in each direction.

For the construction of the backup, it is planned to reconstruct several streets, but the city needs this route, says the director of the Institute of Transport Economics and Transport Policy High school economics Mikhail Blinkin:

Mikhail Blinkin Director of the Institute of Transport Economics and Transport Policy, Higher School of Economics“We need to build it, because our Odintsovo bypass ends in nowhere, it’s very inconvenient. And it is precisely the northern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt that will go towards Moscow City. What else is good about the idea? There will be private investment. There, the surroundings of the railway were mainly used for tracing. Some things were resolved, others turned out to be very difficult. But, in principle, there is a need to weigh the pros and cons. Rather, this is a plus. The number of people who are ready to save their time by paying some rubles for the kilometers traveled is not so small in Moscow. IN in this case Those calculations that I know about seem to inspire some optimism. There will be a lot of paid traffic and Kutuzovsky Prospekt will relieve some of the congestion.”

As Marat Khusnullin, deputy mayor of the capital for urban planning policy and construction, previously stated, the project for the northern backup of Kutuzovsky Avenue is planned to be developed by the end of the year and a competition for construction will be announced. Completion of work is planned for 2019.

Photo: portal Moscow 24/Lidiya Shironina

The Moscow authorities have approved the design project for the northern backup of Kutuzovsky Prospekt. Construction of the northern backup of Kutuzovsky Prospekt will begin at the end of this year. A fully toll highway will be built in 2019. This was announced by Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Urban Development Policy and Construction Marat Khusnullin.

“The competition for the construction of the northern backup of Kutuzovsky Prospekt is planned to be announced before the end of this year. Completion of work is scheduled for 2019,” said Marat Khusnullin.

The new 10.5 km long route will run along the Smolensk direction of the Moscow Railway and will be a continuation of the toll route" Northern bypass city ​​of Odintsovo." It will have three lanes 3.5 m wide in each direction. The start of the toll highway will begin at the exit from the Third Transport Ring (TTK) in the Moscow City area.

At the alternate site, two toll collection points will be built in the area of ​​Rublevskoye Highway towards the center and from the center. Both points will be equipped with a dozen toll collection booths, barriers, and administrative buildings will be erected.

The project plans to build a convenient exit from the Third Transport Ring. A multi-level interchange at the intersection of the northern backup of Kutuzovsky Prospekt, Shelepikhinskaya embankment and the Third Transport Ring, which is almost ten kilometers of roads, must be designed and built by an investor. The interchange will consist of a section of the road from Shelepikhinskaya embankment from the Third Transport Ring to the 3rd Silikatny Proezd, an overpass of the exit from the northern backup of Kutuzovsky Prospekt to the 1st Krasnogvardeisky Prospect, entrances to the backup from the Third Transport Ring and Shelepikhinskaya Embankment, as well as two underground pedestrian crossings. Simultaneously reconstruction will take place Prichalny, 1st Silikatny and 2nd Silikatny passages.

A new interchange will be built at the intersection of the alternate with the Moscow Ring Road, two exits will also be built: from Kutuzovsky Prospekt when moving from the center to the alternate towards the region and from the alternate to Ivan Franko Street, and a convenient entrance will lead from Kubinka Street to the alternate when moving from the region.

In addition, reconstruction of streets along the route is provided: Ivan Franko Street in the section from Polotskaya Street to Rublevskoe Highway, Alexey Sviridov Street and Krasnye Zori Street. The interchange at the intersection with Gerasim Kurin Street and Kutuzovsky Prospekt and the exit from Kutuzovsky Prospekt when traveling from the center to Rublevskoe Highway will also be modernized.

The highway will relieve congestion on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, Mozhaiskoe Highway and the entire western sector of the city as a whole. It is expected that the intensity in the northern backup will be 3.2-4.7 thousand vehicles per hour in one direction. The length of congested sections of the main highway will be reduced by a quarter, or 72.2 km.

In the fourth quarter of this year, according to the head of the construction department Andrey Bochkarev, construction of the southern backup of Kutuzovsky Avenue will begin. The first construction site will appear at the exit from Poklonnaya Street to the alternate. The road will pass through the territory of the Ochakovo industrial zone along the Kyiv direction of the railway through the areas of Ochakovo-Matveevskoye, Ramenki, Fili-Davydkovo and Dorogomilovo.

According to the construction department, this year it is planned to build 93 km of roads, 26 artificial structures and 20 pedestrian crossings. Moscow road workers have already put half of what was planned into operation; they have built 20 artificial structures and 27 pedestrian crossings. IN next year the builders planned to complete 94.5 km of roads.

Why was the Northern alternate to Kutuzovsky Prospekt invented?
Neither at the hearings nor in numerous publications there is a clear answer as to how the new toll “outbound” highway will help the city and how calculations were made that it would not harm.
All arguments “for” construction boil down to the following statements:
1. Moscow City needs this route because everyone goes to work from Rublyovka.
2. A route bypassing Odintsovo is needed, because there are only traffic jams in Odintsovo.
3. The city does not have that kind of money, but investors will invest theirs and everyone will be fine.
Let's go the logical route and try to verify these statements.
Let's look at a diagram of what already exists and what is planned to be built in the near future.

The route should relieve congestion on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. Those. The vehicle route must be moved from existing roads to a new toll highway. To do this, the route must provide entry and exit from it in such a way that the resulting direction of movement coincides with the desired route of the motorist. Otherwise, why go along this route? Simply put, you need to understand where the flows are coming from and where they will go from the point of view of the project customers.
Where it’s more or less clear is Moscow City. We are told that the elite work there, all of whom live on Rublyovka. But let's look around us at the teams of the companies where we work. What percentage of your company's employees can be called top managers? How many of them can buy a house on Rublyovka? Not at all. Business owners can afford this, and they don’t have to go to the office to work during rush hour. They may not go anywhere at all. In Moscow City, 99% of workers are the same office plankton as everywhere else. They need metro, trains and roads in all directions, and not towards Rublyovka.
Proof. Here you can clearly see the average annual salary of leading corporations and the relationship with the CEO’s income.
Okay, let’s say we believed it and the flow from Moscow City rushed to the Northern backup. Where should they flow out of it? The northern backup route cuts through Moscow in transit and 17 km after the Moscow Ring Road ends its existence, merging into the Minsk highway. Those. the task of the backup (the goal where the flow is heading) lies somewhere between the Moscow Ring Road and the Minsk highway. There are only two exits - Podushkinskoe and Krasnogorskoe highways. They are single-lane and very winding, i.e. Their capacity is zero. Why the fuss? Bypass Odintsovo? But we look at the diagram - the Minsk highway is a bypass of Odintsovo, it was planned that way from the very beginning, and besides, it goes to Minsk, i.e. this is a large international highway, which is currently being reconstructed as part of a project to increase the capacity of the Kutuzovskoye, Mozhaiskoye and Minskoye highways.
Once again it all comes down to these two conventions. This is confirmed by the very strange location of the payment points. On this a small segment of a toll road (17 km), completely block the highway twice and collect payment twice from all cars (100 rubles on one and 50 rubles on the second from a passenger car) - why? All over the world it is customary to either collect from everyone once, if we're talking about about a homogeneous area without intermediate exits, or collect at these very entrances/exits, depending on the mileage traveled. What's the point of a highway with a speed limit of 130 km/h, if you can't reach that speed, you'll have to stand in line at the ticket office every 7 km.
This suggests that the customer does not believe that the main purpose of the traffic will be through passage to the Minsk highway. So, after all, the goal is exits 1 and 2.
If Moscow City isn’t going there, then who is? If the capacity is clearly not affected, then we are not talking about traffic flows, but about straightening the route for single tuples?
In the diagram, the icons M and NO indicate the estates of Mayendorf and Novo-Ogarevo. Well, it’s a coincidence, of course, as is the fact that the direction of movement of the inhabitants of these estates exactly coincides with the direction of the understudy.
Investors and businessmen cannot invest 40 billion just to straighten the route for flashing lights; they are waiting for a flow of profit, i.e. They precisely calculated that the traffic flows will recoup their costs without involving budgets of any level.
However, this is not true either.
Concession agreements, which have become popular in lately for expensive construction projects, they have one feature.
There, indeed, all construction costs are borne by the winner of the competition, only he is not promised a profit, and is not needed. The main goal is annual compensation of its expenses, regardless of the effectiveness of the project. Those. the concessionaire takes out a loan for a year and builds; at the end of the year, his expenses are more than compensated from the budget, and so on for several years in a row, with the possibility of increasing, but not decreasing, compensation payments. Thus, only those who have secured the support of a bank of several billion rubles will be able to get into the competition; an undesirable participant will not get in. And the declared investment project turns out to be financed from the budget. The competition for the Concession for the construction of the Northern backup route from the City to the Moscow Ring Road should be announced in the near future, so that everything can be verified with documents.
What happens as a result:
1. Moscow City needs this route because everyone goes to work from Rublyovka. - Not true.
2. A route bypassing Odintsovo is needed, because there are only traffic jams in Odintsovo. - It’s not true, there is already a detour.
3. The city does not have that kind of money, but investors will invest theirs and everyone will be fine. - Most likely not true either.
Another conclusion is more logical.
The officials need the route. They are just going from the center to Rublyovka and back. They are driven by schedules and morning meetings. They need a route where others can not be allowed in, weeded out by payment and the inconvenience of queues. The officials themselves will travel along the green corridor with special passes. They do not need exits and entrances along the way, only the final points - Rublyovka - Center. There is no benefit for the city here. And they can easily compensate for the construction of such entertainment from the budget.
And yes, 2 billion per kilometer is not money for such purposes.

Residents demand that the project be declared illegal; activists have doubts about the need for the route. In response, officials say that only a possible corridor has been approved. Construction of the first interchange has already begun

Supreme Court Russia has begun considering the appeal of several dozen Muscovites against the decision of the Moscow City Court, writes Kommersant. In May, the court rejected their complaint against the planning project for the northern backup of Kutuzovsky Prospekt. The idea appeared in the general plan of Moscow back in 2010, and the controversy has not subsided since then. Paid the route will pass from Moscow City along the Smolensk direction of the railway and then bypass Odintsovo.

Problem: the area of ​​the future 12-lane highway will include dozens of residential buildings in the Dorogomilovo, Fili-Davydkovo, Kuntsevo, and Mozhaisky districts. The road literally blocks their windows. Residents began organizing protests on this issue six years ago. In 2016, Moskomarkhitektura prepared planning projects for sections of the backup road, and the Moscow government approved them in 2017.

The public hearings were held in violation of all the rules, so the issue began to be resolved through the courts, says the head initiative group community of residents of the Western District “Dubleru.Net” Oleg Kazenkov:

Oleg Kazenkov head of the initiative group of the community of residents of the Western District "Dubleru.Net"“I’m not happy with the opinion of local residents and the expert community being ignored. This is a disaster for residents of several districts of the Western District. The second point: massive violations of citizens’ rights during public hearings. We were promised one thing, but in fact it turned out to be something else. Over time, the scale only increases: if earlier they said that there would be three lanes in one direction, then later there will be four. Just this week, renderings appeared on the fences along the future route, on which we already see six lanes in one direction, six in the other.”

The main complaint is the massive cutting down of trees during construction, although initially they were promised not to be touched, says the activist. This will ruin the environment in the Western District, and also contradicts the Moscow law “On the protection of green spaces.” It is especially difficult to part with the green grove in Fili-Davydkovo, due to which it is planned to expand the route in the future.

The plaintiffs are ready to compromise (they propose to build the road in an alternative way: a tunnel or a closed highway), but dialogue has not yet been achieved. Perhaps because the design of Kutuzovsky’s understudy is constantly being changed, comments Alexander Kulakov, director of the HSE Center for Transport Modeling:

Alexander KulakovDirector of the Center for Transport Modeling at the Higher School of Economics“The project is constantly in adjustment mode; it cannot be said that I, for example, know the final solution. Question: how necessary or not necessary is the road? Of course, the northern alternate of Kutuzovsky Prospekt connects not only with Moscow City. Research has been conducted to determine what percentage of territories are occupied road network between the Third Transport Ring and the Moscow Ring Road. In total, about 12-14% of the territory is occupied by the road network. A forecast was made, calculations showed that the road would be in demand. In principle, there is a need for this road in the city. I would like people not to suffer, and there would be a road.”

It is assumed that the Kutuzovsky Prospekt backup project will become the first toll road in Moscow. It should be built under an agreement between the capital’s mayor’s office and the New Concession Company (a subsidiary of Leader Management Company), which will invest 38 billion rubles in the project. Fares for travel on the alternate route are still unknown, like many other things, despite the fact that the project itself was presented eight years ago.

The first instance, the Moscow City Court, according to residents, did not even request documentation on the backup from developers and city authorities. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation requested documents from the defendants. A new hearing of the case is scheduled for November 14.

Business FM is awaiting comments from Moskomarkhitektura and Mosinzhproekt; they were unable to be received promptly. Earlier, Deputy Mayor for Urban Development Policy Marat Khusnullin said that the project for the northern backup of Kutuzovsky Avenue is planned to be developed by the end of this year, and completion of the work is scheduled for 2019.

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