20 years of graduation to perform beautifully. Twenty years later

Hello girls. This year marks 20 years since we graduated from high school. I have never been to an alumni meeting. When I was 10 years old, I defended my diploma in another city and, on top of that, I was pregnant. We didn't intend to stay for 15 years. But God himself ordered it for 20 years. Well, I decided to organize this event. I found 20 people out of a class of 26 people. At first I studied on my own, then the girls joined in and found it easier. Initially a lot of people were going to come. But someone got sick, someone was on a business trip. As a result, we have 13-14 people. And that’s very good.

School. I haven't been there since graduation. I called 3 weeks in advance and they said that 02/04 would be the day open doors and there will be a meeting with teachers, they will allocate transport to bring retired teachers to school. We planned to buy flowers, cakes and champagne. Sit in our class. And after school go to a restaurant. Schools are closed for quarantine. Yesterday I called and asked what was what. The secretary answers me. The open house will not be held on Saturday as originally announced, but on Friday, February 3, from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm. I already asked in my hearts for whom you open all the doors Normal people they are working at this time. I told her that we wouldn’t be so offended if you answered that the open day was canceled due to quarantine. It feels like the education department is doing everything to ensure that as few people come as possible. Yes, God is with them, of course. Today I found our class phone number. I called and invited her to the restaurant, she happily accepted our invitation. We have prepared a little surprise for her. I think she will be very pleased.

We also prepared a video of school photographs, and if I decide, I will sing the song “I miss school.” Yes, I also sing (I performed throughout my school years). So I'll tell you how it all went soon. The post turned out well Thank you very much to everyone who finished reading.

And this is our 11A class

I'm in the center between two boys.

February alumni meetings have long become a good tradition for many adults. They are especially pleasant because they are a kind of excursion into childhood - the happiest time in a person’s life. It’s so nice to see again the institution that gave me a start in life, to communicate with classmates - a special cohort of people with whom I share common childhood, general impressions.

Long Alumni Tradition

This is one of those traditions that is universally accepted. In order for memories to really awaken, and annoying accidents not to overshadow the impression of the holiday, of course, a meeting of classmates must be planned in advance. Basic scenario this action for classmates (from 5 to 20 years later) will be the subject of this article. We will also pay attention to the features of the scenarios for the meeting of senior graduates age groups(20, 35, 40 years after graduation.)

First stage: planning

How does a meeting of classmates begin? From a preliminary (2-3 months in advance) discussion in a narrow circle of graduates who decided to become an initiative group that will plan a meeting of classmates. The scenario for the future action must be chosen from the possible options:

  • initially a meeting within the walls of the school simply in a close circle;
  • participation in organizing graduate day throughout the school or only for your class (parallel classes);
  • the location of the unofficial part of the celebration;
  • Possibility of using transport and office equipment.

If the initiators come to an agreement on the choice of option, they proceed to the second fundamentally important stage of preparation - calling or otherwise notifying classmates.

Calling. Correction of the initiative group. Presenter selection

Sometimes it’s not an easy task to find and notify them! After all, many live in other cities, and some even abroad. As experience shows, those traveling for permanent residence often have both the desire and the opportunity to fly. However, you need to inform them in advance so that they can plan their vacation.

Callers inform their interlocutors how and where classmates are planning to meet. The scenario is presented in general terms. In a conversation, it is important to initiate the next stage of notification (maybe your interlocutor knows contact information for some classmate that you do not have).
In the process of calling, the composition is adjusted initiative group holiday.

It is advisable to schedule the next meeting of the initiative group a month before graduation day, i.e. immediately after the Christmas holidays.

From the many options for this holiday, the initiative group chooses the optimal one. Most often, the choice is minimalism - an evening in a cafe for classmates usually involves a reunion of graduates.

The scenario in its initial stage assumes:

  • A preliminary meeting with the class teacher and (or) with your favorite teacher. Inviting them to the official part of the holiday.
  • Buying bouquets for teachers.
  • Gathering of school friends directly at the home school 15-20 minutes before the start of the celebration.

Communication planning. The role of the presenter

The most important thing at the second meeting is to outline the structure of future communication, elegantly grouping classmates by work, hobbies, and also thinking about how the word will move from one person to another. For example, a conversation about children-students can be such a “transition” if there is a meeting of classmates 20 years later. The scenario of the unofficial part can be planned as a thematic one, for example, disco of the 80s, 90s, barbecue party, etc.

The celebration itself requires the presence of a host. Who else, if not classmates, should know who exactly to appoint to this role. But if old friends are gathering, then it is logical to choose one of them. It is he who will implement the scenario. However, support and playing along with him from his classmates are guaranteed in advance. In this article we will also prefer to describe an amateur scenario, which is planned and carried out by classmates themselves.

Identification of critical issues

Our recommendation: carry out detailed planning at the second meeting of the initiative group. In particular, a team of like-minded people is planning a meeting of classmates 20 years later. The theme evening scenario, in our opinion, involves some “taboo” of communicating with classmates. This refers to “forbidden” topics (the loss of a loved one, a difficult divorce, a serious illness).

Why should they be discussed and identified in advance? It is important to exclude the very possibility that a person who came to celebrate will be accidentally upset by a direct and difficult question.

About drawing up a holiday budget

It is important to correctly calculate the cost of the celebration. In any case, it will include a certain group of expenses. The scenario for an evening meeting of classmates necessarily involves buying flowers for teachers (usually the class teacher, a favorite teacher) and paying for renting a cafe.

However, more creativity(involving the presentation of souvenirs for winning competitions, taking photos, decorating the premises) will entail additional costs.

It is advisable to optimize the compiled cost estimate through the volunteer work of fellow volunteer classmates. Naturally, we should proceed with their full consent in mind.

For example, the scenario of a meeting of classmates 30 years later, with its creative planning, involves the appointment of those responsible for:

  • collecting money according to estimates;
  • photographing;
  • a selection of school photographic materials;
  • holding competitions;
  • making humorous gifts, certificates for classmates and your favorite teacher.

Agree, in this case, preparation really requires preliminary labor costs. But the effect is completely different! After all, it’s one thing when a meeting of classmates (scenario 30 years later) is limited, for example, to a statement of the absence of a person good reason. And another thing is when right in the cafe (as if by magic) there will be a PC with a mobile WI-Fi router and the Skype program running, with the help of which friends will communicate with it. Naturally, the agreement with this person to get in touch should be made by the initiators in advance.

About choosing a cafe

Important criteria for choosing a cafe are: delicious menu, affordable rates, pleasant atmosphere, positive reviews from colleagues and comrades who have already tasted the cuisine.

For the scenario of meeting classmates in a cafe, it is advisable to select a room appropriate for the occasion in advance. Ideally, it should have good sound insulation, and the low frequencies of disco heard on the dance floor would not interfere with either the scenario or the communication of old friends. However, the opportunity to visit the dance floor should be provided.

Brief introduction and first toast

The presenter thanks those present for maintaining the team spirit graduating class. Briefly informs about those who are absent (those who could not be notified and who have good reasons absent). He greets the teachers present and begins to implement the planned scenario.

A meeting of classmates, of course, involves a feast and toasts. However, almost any plan for such an event includes a first toast to the meeting. Moreover, this confirms almost any scenario of meeting classmates: 20 years old, 30, 40. In in this case age is immaterial. It is important to present it solemnly, to find warm, friendly words that touch the soul.

Second toast

The second toast must be dedicated to the teacher (or teachers) present at the holiday. Usually this role is played by classroom teacher and/or favorite teacher. However, you should give the floor and entrust the toast to the teacher artistically.

As an option, the teacher is first solemnly awarded a comic diploma. It certifies that he has completed the full course and has the following skills:

  • understanding children's views (score - "excellent");
  • to instill in students what is reasonable, kind, and eternal (grade - “excellent”);
  • not to hear when prompted, and not to notice cheat sheets (rating - “good”);
  • sense of humor (rated “excellent”);
  • development of talents (rated “excellent”).

This diploma is awarded along with a memorable gift. A toast is raised "To teachers, to engineers of human souls."

Further, as a professional toastmaster would do, the attention of those present is focused on the community of those present. As an option, the following toast decorates a meeting of classmates with humorous statistics. The funny scenario becomes even more fun not only because of this. In parallel (to enhance the effect), you can run a slide show of school photos on the monitor or screen. Let's give an example of the statistics mentioned above.

Funny school statistics. Option for the third toast “to childhood”

“When we entered first grade, we weighed 1275 kg. During our studies, we ate 48,000 buns, 35,000 shortcakes and 25,000 sour cream in the school cafeteria. At the same time, we gained 1,700 kg and grew 30.2 m. Our behavior at school can be called almost exemplary. However, we still managed to break 3 window panes, 2 fluorescent lamps, 7 plates and 8 glasses in the school cafeteria. We have 37 kilometers of paper and 2800 twos. During our studies, we mastered the initial stage of the art of writing cheat sheets. Thus, this toast is extremely simple: “Here’s to a wonderful childhood!”

Obviously, it’s not just the toasts and the café ambience that decorate the amateur scenario (a meeting of classmates). The summer version of Graduate Day (by agreement, some schools celebrate it in June) is celebrated, as a rule, outdoors in the form of a barbecue party.

However, in any case, it makes sense to decorate this holiday with competitions and dance fragments. Contests and other gaming communication techniques are encouraged. Let's look at examples of some of them.

Example of a competition: guessing riddles

However, clarification is required regarding the essence of competitions for various age groups of graduates. After all, this is significant. For example, the scenario of a meeting of classmates who graduated from school 20 years ago assumes a meeting of people actively engaged in professional activities, realizing their creative potential. They require a more dynamic entertainment part of the evening.

These can be themed “school” riddles, forfeits, interrupted by dance breaks. Let's imagine sample list such riddles:

  • Who can be called the school president? (Directors.)
  • The plane available in the classroom. (Board.)
  • What do teachers look forward to all year? (Vacations.)
  • School signal. (Ring.)
  • What is a flat globe called? (By map.)
  • Who is the youngest in your class?
  • Who became the first grandmother (grandfather)?
  • Which school "A" is the most valuable for you?
  • What is your favorite lesson?

Impromptu interview

To liven up the atmosphere, the presenter, imitating reporters, conducts an impromptu interview with a group of classmates on the topic of what prank during their time at school, in everyone's opinion, turned out to be the most striking. The main question is hidden under a lot of additional ones:

  • Where do you think childhood goes?
  • How often have you run away from class?
  • Have you falsified grades in your diary?
  • Which subject of study was the most difficult for you?
  • Who could you copy from?
  • Have you ever thought about burning a cool magazine?

Features of the celebration for graduates of older age groups

The scenario of a meeting of classmates 35 years later brings together peers of pre-retirement age. Their children have already grown up, their professional heights are behind them. Life is ordered and follows a well-trodden track...

What would be ideal for a presenter would be his ability to revive and stir up such a contingent. When starting an informal meeting, you should immediately “take the bull by the horns.” As an option, we can offer to make “home preparations” - brief humorous descriptions of those present. They should be voiced, mentioning funny episodes from school life, success. The main thing is that it sounds short and not boring.

In the program of the meeting for age groups of graduates, greater emphasis is placed on logical and intellectual competitions. There are few dance breaks, they consist of several slow dances.

Meeting classmates 40 years later

It is no secret that the majority of retirees gather for an anniversary meeting of classmates 40 years later. The scenario for this action differs from those mentioned above. The main emphasis is placed directly on communication.

A good form for the presenter in this case would be to organize a kind of memory lesson. The graduates present, between infrequent toasts, carry on a measured conversation about themselves and their absent classmates. Mention news, phone numbers, addresses, availability and nicknames on social networks.

The result is a large and motley canvas of destinies... At this age, unfortunately, it happens that illnesses affect the health of individual graduates. It will be great if they have the opportunity to communicate with those present at the alumni day via Skype. The implementation of such an opportunity is an additional bonus for the initiative group, which is organizing a meeting of classmates (40 years old). A scenario with remote communication requires a laptop PC, a mobile Wi-Fi router, a preliminary test connection with the recipient, clear synchronization in communication time, and an additional (corrective) communication channel (for example, a telephone).

Exceptionally rare alumni reunions: 50 years later

Continuing the topic raised, we note that the scenario of meeting classmates 50 years later in practice is implemented much less often. After all, the contingent of those meeting are pensioners with experience. Their estimated age is 68-69 years. In connection with the above, it would be worth mentioning that the current average life expectancy in Russia for women is 72 years, and for men - 58 years.

However, since theoretically such a meeting can be scheduled, we will list its characteristic features:

  • relatively small circle of invitees;
  • a hall remote from the dance floor and isolated from sound;
  • menu pre-calibrated according to tastes and contraindications;
  • It’s better if the program is started slowly by an experienced guest presenter;
  • the evening's program itself is like a meeting of classmates 40 years later, its main style is conversation;
  • according to an agreement with the initiative group of graduates, the presenter adjusts the passage of the scenario.

Instead of a conclusion

The holiday of classmates for all ages is valuable for many reasons. He inspires people. After all, in most cases they meet like-minded people. The main attractive feature of such meetings is genuine goodwill and the absence of competitive relations.

Being present at them, you begin to understand the truth of the words that say that the more around happy people, the happier you are. That is why we strongly recommend that everyone reading this article make sure to plan anniversary meetings with their classmates in advance. And even if 50 years have passed, it’s better to strain yourself and gain priceless joyful emotions... It’s worth it.

School years... Bells for lessons and breaks, A's and D's, joys and sorrows, school friends, holidays, competitions, Olympiads... We are sincerely glad that once again within these walls those whose ringing voices have gathered for a year or five years ago filled the school with life. Whose victories and defeats were the source of joy and sorrow for the teachers. For those who enter the classroom with excitement and love every day, you are still students.



Scenario for the alumni meeting “Once upon a time.....years later” 2014

School-themed songs are played.

Registration is carried out at the entrance, the emblem of the evening is issued: a bell with the year of issue,

graduates pin the emblem on their clothes.

The hall is festively decorated.

There are tables in front for graduates celebrating their anniversaries.

With plates where the year of manufacture is written.

The students on duty seat the guests in their places.

Leading: Hello, Dear friends!

Presenter: We are glad to see familiar faces in this festive hall!

Host: - Do you know everyone?

Presenter: Yes, sure! It’s written all over their faces that they are theirs! You can immediately see creativity, positivity and communication! Because they all graduated from our nine.

Leading: And how great it is that they are all here today!

Presenter: Remember friends and first love, teachers and your desk, remember the exciting trill of the school bell

Leading: After all, each of you was waiting for her at some point...

Presenter: True, mostly from class, and very rarely to class!

Leading: We are also waiting for this call today, it will start our holiday!

They give a call………………………………………………………………………………….


Presenter: Do you remember? Of course, you all remember.

How your mothers took you to school by the hand,

They called you a new word - schoolchildren!

And you went towards knowledge.

Leading: School years... Bells for lessons and breaks, A's and D's, joys and sorrows, school friends, holidays, competitions, Olympiads...

Presenter: We are sincerely glad that those whose ringing voices filled the school with life a year or five years ago have once again gathered within these walls.

Leading: Whose victories and defeats were the source of joy and sorrow for the teachers. For those who enter the classroom with excitement and love every day, you are still students.

Presenter: With love and gratitude, we are pleased to welcome you, dear teachers: those who worked and are working today, giving the school talent, soul and heart, and for whom the school has become a second home.

Leading: On behalf of every heart, on behalf of every graduate, we say to you - thank you, teachers! We love you very much!

Presenter: You will always remain next to us,
Because we always need you.
So you will never grow old.

Leading:: Never! Never! Never!

Presenter: Today at the evening there are: (all labor veterans are listed).


Presenter: This musical gift is for you, dear teachers.

Kalinka Dance………………………………………………………………………………………

Leading: Many things have an amazing way of returning people’s memories of the past, giving them the joy of lived moments that have long been prevented from happening again.

Presenter: And everyone really wants to go back to childhood...

Film Childhood Day………………………………………………………………………………

Leading: Because those instructive lessons and interesting events remain in my memory. School friends and fun time during breaks.

Presenter: All this happened here within the walls of our native land. And the school remembers you, the graduates.
Song Zemlyanskaya Nastya………………………………………………………

Slide show…………………………………………………………………………

Leading: For 74 years now, Nine has hospitably opened its doors. And every year we, students and teachers, look forward to meeting you.

Presenter: You are probably thinking: “Why are they trying so hard? Who are we to them? I will answer this question right away: we would also like that in a year, five, ten years, high school students would be waiting to meet us - and they were waiting sincerely.

Leading: For us, you are a kind of bridge to the future, which we can look into through you.

Presenter: Overall it's a wonderful day. Just imagine: on the same day, at the same time, all the graduates of the city, as if on command, meet in their home schools, all the stores exceed their plan for selling cakes. Even yesterday's ones are being bought up. The flower sellers are having another successful day, and passers-by can easily recognize themselves 10, 20, 30 years ago in the cheerful young men and women.

Song 8A………………………………………………………………………………………

Leading: Yes, this is a unique day, because every year, despite the same scenario, everything is different. A year is added. And now not four, but five years have passed, and not nine, but ten...

Presenter: Today students came to our meeting different years our school. Young and not so young, exemplary in the past, and sometimes uncontrollable...

Leading: Among the graduates sitting in the hall are VIP graduates celebrating their anniversary.

Presenter: We want to look at the graduates of 2009......5 years ago who graduated from school. (applause)

Leading: Let's greet the graduates of 2004 - 10 years ago, the bell rang for them last call, graduates of 1999 - graduated from school 15 years ago!

Leading: I would like to know if any of you are graduates of 1993?

Presenter: We welcome you, your graduation is special - on October 19, 2013, our gymnasium turned 20 years old and we have the first graduates - gymnasium students!

Presenter: We are glad to see graduates of 1994 in our hall - please stand up, today is your 20th anniversary!

Leading: We welcome the graduates of 1989 with applause - 25 years ago, they graduated from school!

Presenter: I wonder if among the graduates there are those who graduated from school 30, 35 years ago, please stand up.....this applause is for you.

Leading: And of course, we especially welcome those who are at this meeting for the first time, those who have recently left the walls home school and miss her very much.

Presenter: Graduates of 2013 are our golden class, among them are 11 gold medalists - we welcome you!

Leading: Ah, we are a different generation

Have we moved forward? Who knows!
After all, we are children, just like you once were

The answer is that only time can give...

Hipster Dance…………………………………………………………………

Leading: What is 11 years old? These are the years spent in the waiting room of the school station. Years of hopes, worries, thoughts about the future.

Presenter: And today there is a solemn event at our station. On the Graduation Express train we set off down the road of high school memories.

Leading: When you're at school, time moves forward subtly. But when you return to school and meet your classmates, it seems as if these years never happened, that everyone is the same schoolchildren, and your teachers are still waiting for you. And today is just such a day when our school hours will help you return to your school years. I think it's worth a try...

Presenter: We invite you to take a virtual journey on our symbolic train.

Leading: Attention! Attention! The “Graduation Express”, following the “School Years” route, departs from the second track of the “Gymnasium No. 9” station, the numbering of cars is from the tail of the train. Please: passengers take their seats. The train leaves in 2 minutes.

Presenter: The head of the train, who is also the director of the gymnasium, Olga Viktorovna Kulichkova, is invited to greet passengers on the platform.

Director's words…………………………………………………………………………………

Leading: Each passenger on our train carries with him a significant baggage of memories from his school life.

Let's wish each other a good and long journey!

Song…………………………………….Kalashnikova S. Nechpai O.

Presenter: Our train is picking up speed, the wheels are knocking on the rails in time. Their knocking adds upfrom memories, interesting facts, joyful moments of your school life.

Presenter: Dear passengers, during the trip you and your guides (favorite class teachers) need to fill out a travel diary. Reflect in it your memories, confessions and wishes to each other, schoolchildren, teachers...

Leading: And ahead of each issue there is a short stop where you will share your recordings with us.

Presenter: So, dear passengers, the first train stop is in 15 minutes......have a pleasant journey along the road of school life. Everything you need to create a diary of your memories is on the tables in the carriages.

Musical background…………………………………………………………………………………

Leading: Attention attention!!! Our train arrives at the station

"Heroes of Our Time"

Presenter: And we meet on the platform passengers of the 1st carriage - graduates of 2013

Leading: Dear passengers, next stop is station

"The World of Wonderful Discoveries"

Presenter: Passengers of 2, 3, 4 cars - graduates of 2012-2009 are invited to the platform

(if they don’t tell you, ask questions)

How has our school changed since you left?

2.Which teachers do you remember and what do you remember about them?

3. Which of your classmates would you like to tell us about?

4. Do you remember your first class, your first teacher’s name?

5. Your favorite subject.

6. Who did you dream of becoming and who did you become?

8.What can you wish to your friends, graduates, teachers?

Leading: Our train is approaching the station "Bylye, darling years"

Presenter: Passengers of carriages 5, 6, 7, graduates of 2008-1998, prepare to leave.

Leading: Dear passengers! Look at each other, pay attention to yours appearance, smile, we are approaching the station

"The wind of change"

Presenter: And with great pleasure we invite to the platform passengers of 8, 9 and 10 cars - graduates - trainees of the 90-80s.

Leading: Attention! Attention! Our train arrives at the final station. We welcome those who will always remember each of their graduations, each of their lessons - these are our beloved teachers and class teachers - we invite you to the platform.

Presenter: Your wishes to graduates (live microphone)

Leading: This concludes our journey. But the school's story does not end there. We are all its chroniclers. With every step we take, with every action we write new pages.

Presenter: Perhaps, years from now, we will gather for our homecoming evening, and today will be history for us.

Leading: And today is a special evening - wonderful, soulful,


Presenter: We thank everyone who came to our native school and ask

Song People can’t always be there……………………………………

Leading :The evening of the meeting does not end here,
He's in yours former classes continues.

Presenter: Good teachers are waiting for you there
Classmates and beloved friends are waiting!
And we say goodbye to all of you:

Together: "See you again, friends! And goodbye!"


“Graduation Express” Numbering of carriages 2013, 2012, 2011/10, 2009, 2008/2005, 2004, 2003/1998, 1999, 1993, 1989/79 (other years refill for available seats)

Leading: And now we would like to play a game with the graduates.

Presenter: Shouting game “It’s me, it’s me, GLAD TO SEE EVERYONE HERE, friends!” I will read the text, you, dear graduates, shout the phrase “This is me, this is me, GLAD TO SEE EVERYONE HERE, friends!” to the lines that suit you.

1.Who does not change his roots
glorifies the hometown,
Praise, honor and honor to you
Who settled here?

2. Let's say hello for now,
those who are here from afar,
Who are our birds?
From near and far abroad?

3. (To teachers) Well, who is sitting now?
And admires you:
On their graduates
without taking your kind eyes off?

6.We are experienced parents,
Someone with more, to put it bluntly?
Who became mom and dad a little early,
Whose children are older than 15 years old?

7. Let's continue about children
heroic families
From whom, mind you,
The large family?

8. Who is still single
Who holds his own tail with a pipe?
to whom I wish happiness
To start a family faster.

9.Live and learn
who has a life like this?
Are there any students among you?
Who is it, stand up now?

10.Who is on the site, on a well-known one
Adorable classmates
Is everyone trying to find it?
Who hangs up on the network?

11.Who, despite the burden of life,
Found an opportunity, means, time
And today I’m very happy
20 years back.


Confession game - cards with answers and questions.

1 Have you ever had to hide around the corner of a school with a cigarette?

2 Have you ever played in class? gambling?

3 Have you ever wanted to burn your school magazine?

4. Do you often run away from class?

5 Have you copied your homework?

6 Have you put buttons on chairs?

7 Have you often fallen in love?

8 Did you sleep in class?

9 Did you spy in the locker room?

10 Were your parents often called to school?

11 Have you used cheat sheets?

12 Have you corrected the deuces in your diary?

13 Did you spy on your neighbor’s tests?

14 Did you hide your diary from your parents?

15 Did you break windows at school?

16 Are you often late for work (school)?

17 Are you capable of a noble act?

18 Do you believe in love at first sight?

19 Do you often promise more than you are able to deliver?

20 Are you dangerous when you are angry?

21 Are you lucky?

22 Do you approve healthy image life?

23 Do you ever feel scared?

24 Do you remember your friends’ birthdays?

25 Do you like getting up early in the morning?

26 Do you like to take risks?

27 Could you accomplish a feat for the sake of love?


1 I often had to suffer from this.

2 This happened against my will.

3 My embarrassment tells me that I should remain silent.

4What do you care about this?

5It all depends on my mood.

6This goes without saying.

7 I admit this too.

8I don’t answer such questions.

9I don’t even allow the thought of this.

10It seems you got too carried away.

11Yes, this is my element.

12Yes, I advise you too.

13Yes, although that's not all.

14This is my dream.

15How did you guess?

16Only in a hammock under a tree.

17This gives me a lot of pleasure.

18You don't know me well.

19You don’t have to do it once at a time...

20I've been used to this since childhood

21This is my hobby.

22Especially in the dentist's office.

23I spend all my free time like this.

24Had to a couple of times.

25My head is fine for now.

26Yes, I have always had many talents!

27Yes, but today I am resting.

28Yes, especially on the train.

29You would like it too.

30Only if no one sees.

31Please do not put me in an awkward position.

32If the situation is hopeless, then yes.

33Yes, I really like it.

34Only in the company of friends.

35Life forces you.

36Only in a dream.

37At every opportunity.

38Every night.

39This is quite possible, given my appearance.

40Ask something easier.

41We’ll talk about this without witnesses.

42Risk is a noble cause.

43My financial situation does not allow me.

44I think this is possible.

We - representatives of the upcoming release - assure you:

We will proudly bear the title of graduate of our school

We will meet the expectations of our teachers

We will go through life in such a way that the school is proud of us.

And the school has stood for 75 years and will stand for another hundred years.

And the school will have both the 100th and 200th graduation, and this means

EVERYONE - we will meet again!

Winter graduation parties have long become a pleasant tradition, a meeting of memories for large quantities school friends. Such events are especially pleasant, since they are a specific excursion trip during school time - the brightest side of childhood. Every adult, deep down in his soul, dreams of seeing his school class again, which became the first step on the ladder to life, and meeting his classmates - an important group of people with whom they share common school years, memories and dreams. Hosting a homecoming party 40 years later is definitely good idea, but the event requires preparation.

Tradition of alumni meetings

This solemn tradition is practiced in many world powers. In order for the celebration to truly generate many emotional memories, and the offensive inevitabilities of the past not to come to the fore, of course, the alumni meeting must be planned in advance. The following will outline recommendations for holding such an evening and provide examples of scenarios for an alumni meeting 40 years later.

Prom planning

This stage will be considered preparatory to the alumni evening. It is worthwhile to start calling old acquaintances in advance (2-3 months in advance), arousing their interest in such a significant evening of reunion of classmates, highlighting the most proactive old comrades who will help in the future with organizing the planned event.

At the first stage, you need to immediately think through possible scenarios for a reunion of graduates 40 years later, offering your classmates, for example, the following options:

  • The meeting will take place within study room home school among classmates and teachers.
  • The alumni evening can be carried out within the framework of the entire parallel released 40 years ago.
  • Perhaps a cozy cafe or a rented room in a restaurant will become a place for memories of school.
  • Will there be an unofficial holiday ceremony, and where should it be held?

If the organizers of the holiday managed to agree on the option for holding the event, then it is necessary to move on to the next stage of preparing the script for the reunion of graduates 40 years later - inviting classmates.

Invitation to the evening

It is worth noting that this stage is the most important organizationally and at the same time the most difficult. What happened to old friends after school? Finding many of them is now not so easy. Someone went to go to university in another city and settled safely there, contact with someone has long been lost and it will not even be possible to find out where this person is now, someone is busy with work and will not find time to meet classmates for 40 years later due to his business trips.

Forty years of graduation is not such a short period of time, so those gathered will already be close to sixty. Among them, unfortunately, there will be those who cannot attend the event for health reasons. However, as life practice shows, many willingly agree to invitations and try to attend such a gala evening.

It would be nice to organize a group of proactive people who will search for their classmates, contact them and invite school friends to the event. The scenario of a reunion of graduates 40 years later should be disclosed only in vague characteristics, there is no need to describe in detail this event. In communication with school friends it is important to initiate the next step of communication. Maybe, former classmate knows any information about others and will be able to help establish contact with them.

It is worth understanding that with the search for school friends, the size of the active group of the evening event increases. It is better to hold a meeting of this initiative group about a month before the event, that is, immediately after the Christmas holidays. At this meeting, you will need to discuss the script, plan the location of the event, choose a menu, and so on. Majority of those who agreed and approved this evening once again choose the option for its implementation. As a rule, participants insist on the simplest organization - to spend an evening with classmates in a cafe.

First steps in developing a scenario for an alumni meeting

Drawing up a plan for the event High school prom initially includes the following questions:

  • scheduling a meeting with your teaching staff;
  • inviting your favorite school employees to the official holiday ceremony;
  • greeting and seating classmates 20-25 minutes before the start of the evening.

How will invitees communicate at the event?

It is very important to make a plan for seating the participants in the evening in advance. It is advisable to group your classmates by type of activity, interests, and think about how communication will move from one table to another. For example, if you are having a reunion 40 years later, you can start by talking about your later life after school, oh new job or your own children and grandchildren. Invitees, as a rule, willingly share information about themselves.

The unofficial part of the scenario for a reunion of graduates 40 years later can be carried out in the trends of the favorite music of the graduation period, that is, disco, for example, from the seventies. Many will support this idea. Only it’s better to choose not fast dances for a reunion 40 years after graduation.

Appointment of the event host

The very form of organizing the event implies the presence of a presenter. Only friends school years may know who specifically to assign to this role. If old comrades are present, then it is wise to choose one of them. Specifically, the presenter will implement the scenario of a reunion of graduates 40 years later. If a classmate is chosen as the host of the event, then he will be guaranteed a response from the audience and support from the invited guests, and the evening will definitely be a success.

Conversations to Avoid

It is worth realizing that the planning scenario for such a special event calls into question many topics for discussion with classmates. In this case, a taboo should be placed on talking about the death of loved ones, serious illnesses, the sorrows of life, the difficult loss of a job and other difficulties. Such instruction should be carried out while inviting classmates to the gala evening. Why is it worth tabooing such questions? The theme of the meeting implies only bright and joyful memories and feelings, so you should discard any possibility of upsetting the person in any way that evening.

Event budget planning

One of the main points, of course, will be financial costs. It is fundamentally necessary to correctly calculate the cost of the event. In any version of the celebration scenario, a designated group of costs will be present. The alumni evening scenario certainly involves the purchase of balloons and bouquets of flowers as a sign of respect for the teaching staff. The costs will include renting the selected premises, unless, of course, a school office was chosen as such.

Additional costs will be more significant if the chosen option for holding a prom goes beyond the usual and includes competitions, live music, a joint photo shoot and so on. Of course, the resulting amount of expenses should be immediately discussed with the participants of the evening and the group of people who volunteered to help organize the event. As a rule, such an evening involves optimizing funds at the expense of volunteer classmates.

As a result, the scenario for the alumni meeting in a cafe will involve the appointment of those responsible for:

  • search for a photographer;
  • planning and organizing entertainment events;
  • collecting photographs from school years to view together;
  • collecting funds for renting an establishment;
  • preparation and decoration of the premises.

Organizing a real celebratory event will require considerable costs, both material and physically. It is worth noting that organizing a holiday in a cafe will differ significantly from school option. In our time technical progress It is also possible to see those people who, due to life circumstances, were unable to visit the alumni meeting. It is enough to get the Wi-Fi password in the establishment and use Skype to connect your interlocutor to interactive whiteboard. This is just an illusion of being present at the evening, but how pleasant it will be both for those present at the evening and for the person on the other side of the screen. Of course, issues of a person accessing the Internet and making a connection should be discussed in advance.

How to choose a suitable cafe for an evening?

One of the main criteria when choosing an establishment of this type will be: an accessible and varied menu, reasonable prices, a cozy and festive atmosphere, good feedback people who have previously visited it. Under the scenario of a alumni meeting in a cafe, you should consider a room appropriate for the festive occasion. There must be excellent sound insulation so that the music from the main hall does not interfere with the event scenario or the memories of school friends. But the opportunity to dance in the chosen room should be present.

Examples of starting a script. Introduction

Where do you need to start such a gala evening? In the very general view this can be represented as follows. The presenter thanks those present for maintaining the team spirit of the graduating class. Briefly provides information about absentees (those who could not be notified and who have compelling reasons to be absent). He greets those present and begins the reunion 40 years later (poems or simply introduction will do).

An example of an opening speech as part of the organization of a meeting evening 40 years later:

Hello, my dear 11th (letter) grade! What took you so long? Don't crowd the office doors, come on, sit down at your desks! I really hope that you still remember where and with whom you sat school lessons. So, is everyone in their seats? Are these exactly your places?

Prepared food should be on the tables at this time. school diaries, in which surnames will be written and school photographs pasted in.

Please check your diaries. During our evening, you will be able to write each other a few words in these diaries, so to speak, small wishes and hopes for new meetings. This will be a very pleasant memory of this day.

You can start your graduation party 40 years later with a congratulations poem. For example:

Forty years ago we said goodbye

Celebrated graduation

And today we are all together

Today is not an easy day

Our meeting is a miracle,

We have changed externally.

Only our souls remained,

Like children, mischievous.

I wish you to forget now all the grievances of past years,

I want this evening

He took us to school again.

First toast

This event, of course, involves a feast and toasts at the alumni meeting, slow dancing (school waltz). But in fact, such an evening involves the first toast to the meeting. This confirms virtually any scenario of classmates meeting: 20, 30, 40 years old. In this regard, age does not play a special role. It is very important to present a toast at a alumni meeting majestically, solemnly, to find the words that everyone needs now, warm, friendly, touching all corners of the soul.

Second toast at graduation winter evening, as a rule, address the memory of their teaching staff. In this role, of course, everyone faces the class teacher or favorite teacher. In this case, the speech at the alumni meeting 40 years later will be addressed to the teachers and warm memories of them. As part of this evening, you can also conduct the following interactive activity: display on the projector a poster on which there will be an image of a school teacher and medals addressed to them for:

  • sense of humor;
  • help in lessons;
  • life example of virtue;
  • the ability to sympathize;
  • ability to organize a lesson;
  • motivation to study.

By unanimous decision of the people gathered today, we decide to award the diploma to the highly qualified teaching staff. We undertake to invite you to all further graduation events and allow you to educate the younger generation! Let's raise a toast to our school teachers!

At the same time, during the entire event, it is very good to run a slide show of photographs from your school years, so that these photographs accompany the meeting and are in the attention of the entire festive evening. The music for the reunion 40 years later, “School Time,” would go well with the slideshow. Other accompaniments will do as well. You can choose songs for the graduation party related to the school or the time of graduation (popular music of the sixties, seventies, nineties, and so on).

Entertainment part of the event

After the official part, the script may include a number of exciting games that will help those present remember their school days and feel like the real thing again school class. Example: the game “Don’t Spill a Drop.” Guests sitting at the same table pass a glass around. Everyone should pour it in a small amount of some drink. The last one whose glass is so full that the liquid spills over the edge is forced to toast and drink the resulting “cocktail.”

Another example is the game “Get to know a friend”. The summoned “student” must be blindfolded. He must find out by touch and voice who is standing in front of him. The one who is recognized becomes the next player to be blindfolded.

There is a suitable game "Chocolate". For this game you need a plate of chocolate, a hat, mittens and a scarf, a knife, a fork, and a dice. All participants stand one after another and throw the game die on the table. The first person to roll the number six needs to sit down on a chair, put on a hat, quickly tie a scarf, put on mittens and start removing the wrapper from the chocolate bar. Then he takes a fork and knife and carefully cuts off a piece of chocolate and eats it in small pieces. If at this time another player rolls a six, then he undresses the previous participant and bites off a small piece himself. The person who finishes the last piece of the chocolate bar wins.

At this time, you can already play songs at the alumni meeting. As already mentioned, it is better to choose calm music, and leave more danceable melodies to accompany slide shows or congratulations. Perhaps those present will want to dance the school waltz again. For example, a sensual melody from the cartoon “Anastasia” is suitable for this.

Impromptu interview

In order not to lose the festive atmosphere of the evening, it is advisable that the organizer, imitating journalists, conduct a comic interview with a group of classmates on the topic of what pranks were remembered during their time at school. In this case, the main question can be veiled by a number of hidden ones, for example:

  • Do you think it is possible to bring back childhood?
  • How many times have you skipped classes?
  • Have you corrected the grades in your diary?
  • What from school course What subjects were the hardest for you?
  • Who did you cheat from in class?
  • Have you ever had any idea of ​​sneaking into the staff room?
  • Did you have a plan to hide the class magazine from the teacher?

Such questions will put those present in a more cheerful mood, liberate, and stimulate further communication between classmates. You can remember together the most significant moments, tricks and pranks.

Features of the event

It is worth noting separately that the scenario of a reunion of graduates after 40 years brings together classmates of pre-retirement age at the institution. In accordance with age category invited, ideal task for the presenter festive event will enliven the audience and present this evening in the theme of school everyday life.

In the company of older people, at the unofficial part of the prom, you should concentrate on competitions and events of a logical, intellectual nature, and memories of your school days. There should not be many dance parts; a couple of slow dances will be enough. At the end of the evening, you can hold a competition of brief characteristics of those present. Characteristics should be humorous. It should immediately be indicated to the participants that it is necessary to write a reference for a certain classmate taking into account his school merits.

Of course, alumni events 40 years later will be different from the rest. The emphasis in such evenings should be on communication and memories of school life. That's why good example there will be an evening of memories organized, during which classmates present have calm conversations about their school past, sometimes exchanging toasts and remembering classmates who could not come today. The result of such an event is a huge canvas of school destinies.

At this age, of course, it happens that the reason for not attending such a gala evening is an unimportant state of health. That is why it is worth connecting all available interactive communication opportunities in order to please a person with at least an indirect presence at the alumni meeting. The evening, therefore, will have to be organizationally based on the presence of a laptop computer, a mobile Wi-Fi router (or you need to find out the Internet password in the cafe where the meeting is being held), and a preliminary test connection with the addressee. We also need clear time synchronization (especially if a classmate lives in a different time zone) and an additional communication channel. Taking into account all the recommendations, the alumni evening 40 years later will be held at the highest level.

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