Where does the stash go? Where are bookmarks hidden?

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Drug addiction is a disease of young people. According to statistics, among addicts in Russia, 20% are schoolchildren, 60% are teenagers and young people from 16 to 28 years old, and only 20% are older people.

The reason for such popularity of drugs among teenagers is the viral nature of addiction. Schoolchildren are easily influenced by fashion and peers, so even in prosperous family a drug addict may appear. At the same time, children are very inventive in the matter of disguise, and sometimes the only way find out about their addiction - find a cache of substances and paraphernalia.

Most Popular Places

Crime films and TV series, communication on thematic forums, articles and videos on the Internet, the experience of friends - these sources help a novice drug addict hide the drug from relatives. Therefore, for all their originality, the places for hiding places are similar. Here are the most popular:


The easiest way for a teenager to store drugs is in his personal room, because he knows it perfectly and can easily set up a hiding place without attracting unnecessary attention.

Where to look for drugs in a teenager's room:

  • Desk. A bag of substances can be glued with double-sided tape to inner surface tabletop or desk drawer. And especially skilled drug addicts make a double bottom in the box.
  • Bed. The container with the drug is glued to the bottom. A mattress and pillows can also serve as a hiding place - you can make an inconspicuous hole in them.
  • Posters, photographs, paintings. Illicit substances may be hidden behind a photo frame or behind a favorite picture on the wall. Characteristic signs: the poster's tape often came off, the picture hung crookedly, the frame from the photo often moved.
  • Soft toys. Darling soft toy becomes a repository for prohibited substances, just make a hole in it. A clear sign- the child always carries the toy with him.

  • Books and magazines. A bag of drugs can be glued to the page of a book or magazine. Some drug addicts even cut out the pages inside the book and make a hole for the box. Or they buy a ready-made secret book with a box - they even sell decoys with a key and a combination lock.
  • Plants. The drug is buried in the ground indoor plant, and even make a pot with a hidden internal cavity. You should be alarmed if your child bought a flower, although he had not previously shown interest in plants.
  • Computer. There are many places for secret storage in a desktop computer: the closed case of the system unit, the back of the monitor and bottom surface keyboards. It's more difficult with a laptop, but even in it you can hide drugs - in the USB connectors or the disk drive. The hiding place can also be found under the mouse pad.
  • Columns. The inside of the columns is hollow, and large containers or paraphernalia for smoking or injection can be safely hidden in them.

  • Wardrobes Far shelves, the bottom, pockets of old clothes, the back of a mirror - all these places can be a hiding place.
  • Floor covering and baseboard. Storing prohibited substances and items behind baseboards or under carpets is a favorite method of drug addicts.
  • Lighting. Substances can be kept in the hollow base of a table lamp or in a chandelier - its base or shade. Addicts also hide drugs in the recess of the outlet by unscrewing the plastic casing.
  • Thermometer. You can buy a real thermometer with a secret niche on the Internet.

Important! If earlier child he was too lazy to clean up his own place and shifted this concern onto you, but recently he has been cleaning up himself - perhaps he is trying to hide something.

Personal items

But many schoolchildren are afraid to hide drugs at home and keep the stash to themselves. Personal items are ideal for this:

  • Personal care products and cosmetics. Cosmetics containers can be emptied and filled with drugs. Minor quantities psychotropic substance Can also be stored in a powder compact or a set of eye shadows. Moreover, in online stores you can buy special caches in the form of lipstick, shaving foam or deodorant.
  • Decorations. Pendants in the shape of a box, hearts, watches, or books may be hollow. At the same time, not only girls wear hidden jewelry - for guys these are pendants in the form of cartridges, fangs, skulls, stylish oblong cylinders. And in a believing family, a teenager can buy a cross with a secret cavity and even a spoon for cocaine.
  • Accessories. You can hide prohibited substances in a large belt buckle, keychain, flashlight, or comb handle. And online stores offer decoy batteries of different sizes.

  • Drinks Hidden cans of carbonated drinks are in great demand among young drug addicts. Therefore, if you constantly see the same can of cola or other drink, study the item and ask for a treat. An even more intricate storage option is a bottle with a secret cavity hidden behind the label. Thanks to the special design, you can actually pour a drink into this bottle and drink from it.


A schoolchild can hide substances in a relative’s car, and an adult drug addict can hide them in his own.

Where to look:

  • All pockets. Pockets for seats and sun visor, doors.
  • Cup holder and ashtray. Keep small item you can use it under the molding of glass holders, or in an ashtray - some even make a secret bottom.
  • Under the seats. Bags of drugs are glued with double-sided tape or regular chewing gum under the seat.
  • Under the rugs. If you rarely wash your car, look under the floor mats for drugs.
  • Armrest. A hole is made in the soft armrest for the rear seats for a hiding place.
  • External part. Use double-sided tape to form a bag into back side license plates or to the bumper, inside the air duct.

Near the house

If a drug addict lives in a private house, the most safe place for storage he will find the area near the house. A teenager can hold drugs:

  • In the flowerbed. If you don't have pets and the plants in your flowerbed look bruised, inspect the roots and soil.
  • In the drain. Capacity with psychotropic drugs can be glued inside the drainpipe.
  • Under the window sills. You can also find a hiding place under the window visors.
  • In the garden. If a teenager constantly walks in the garden, especially in the evening with a flashlight, check the places near which you saw him. Suspicion should be raised by fresh, loose soil, moved garden stones, or hollows in trees. Also carefully examine the stones themselves - a plastic container with substances is glued to the stone and hidden in the ground or among other stones.
  • Under the bench, in the gazebo. If your child frequents a yard bench or gazebo, look suspicious items under seats, table tops, canopies.

Found a stash of drugs? We will help you!

  • -- select -- Call time - Now 8:00 - 10:00 10:00 - 12:00 12:00 - 14:00 14:00 - 16:00 16:00 - 18:00 18:00 - 20: 00 20:00 - 22:00 22:00 - 00:00
  • Bid

What else gives away a drug addict?

Finding hiding places can be difficult, and some children store substances with friends, on school grounds, or on the streets. In this case, other signs of drug addiction will help you find out the truth.

In appearance:

  • Untidy appearance- especially if formerly man I always took care of myself.
  • Smell of burnt grass or medicine on clothes and hair.
  • Sudden weight loss.
  • Lack of appetite, or, conversely, constant hunger.
  • Red eyes, tearing.
  • Abnormally constricted or dilated pupils without reaction to light.
  • Unhealthy skin color, rashes.
  • Increased drowsiness or insomnia.
  • Traces of injections on the skin and attempts to hide them - the teenager wears long sleeves.

In behavior:

  • Uncharacteristic of man rudeness and irritability.
  • Secrecy and suspicion- the child has become withdrawn, avoids communication, puts passwords on the phone.
  • Sudden mood swings for no apparent reason.
  • Decreased academic performance, neglect of household duties.
  • Depression and suicidal thoughts- a teenager is always in a depressed mood, listens to sad, apathetic music, and surrounds himself with negative symbolism.
  • State of intoxication without the smell of alcohol. At the same time, the teenager shows excessive sociability and mobility, or, conversely, moves and talks too slowly.
  • Money problems- a student asks for more pocket money, looking for a part-time job.

Attributes for different types drugs:

  • Injectable: syringes, unknown ampoules, rubber ropes, bent spoons.
  • Smoking rooms: yellowed plastic bottles with holes, tubes and flasks of unknown purpose, lighters.
  • Powder: small spoons, plastic cards and business cards with scuffs and traces of powder on the sides, pieces of metal or glass in the shape of straws, razor blades.
  • Pharmacy: painkillers and sedatives, antidepressants, sleeping pills, which were not necessary before.
  • Substance abuse: inhalants (glue, solvents, paint, gas for refilling lighters, deodorants), bags and pieces of fabric with a specific odor.

What to do if you find a stash of drugs?

If you find a drug on a child, do not start serious conversation straightaway. You probably feel anger, resentment and fear - a conversation based on such emotions will not go further than reproaches and threats. As a result, the teenager will withdraw into himself and stop trusting you.

What to do:

  1. Calm down. Don't beat yourself up. Wait 1-2 hours for the first emotions to pass. If you are overwhelmed by indignation, write down your thoughts on paper - this will help you pull yourself together.
  2. Consider the reasons for addiction. Do not rush to blame the teenager and give yourself the status of a victim from the position of “the child does not appreciate my care.” Think about why he became interested in drugs: harsh parenting methods and excessive demands, lack of simple communication and leisure time with parents, quarrels between relatives, a conflictual atmosphere in the family, an example of addiction among relatives.
  3. Think through the conversation. Talk to your teenager not from the position of an accuser, but from the position loving person- you want to understand the problem and help solve it. Ask in what situation he would not have to look for pleasant emotions in psychotropic drugs.
  4. Offer to help. Gently teach your child that drug addiction is a disease. Prepare facts in advance about the consequences of taking the drugs you find, show the video. Offer your teenager help from a narcologist. An example can be given serious illnesses- We are not trying to cure tuberculosis or cancer on our own.

If you don’t know where to start a conversation and don’t feel strong enough to cope with a calm conversation, call us and get free consultation narcologist.

Anonymous survey for parents: sharing our experience

Teen drug addiction is scary and deadly dangerous disease. Therefore, mutual support for parents facing this problem is very important.

Natalya Kaptsova - practitioner of integral neuroprogramming, expert psychologist

Reading time: 8 minutes


The majority of the population of our compatriots have a need for savings. Each family has its own needs. And a quarter of them (according to statistics) put aside money in reserve not for new furniture or a multicooker, but simply “to have it.” You never know. And this situation is not surprising - Russians have never been spoiled with monetary stability. And besides, making nest eggs is practically national tradition. Keeping such a stash (even if modest) under your mattress warms your heart. It usually keeps my husband warm. Because women are less prone to the habit of “stashing money in reserve.”

Let's talk about this: where do husbands usually hide their money, why do they need it, and what to do with a stash suddenly found in the depths of the apartment?

Why does a husband make a nest egg from his wife - the main reasons

- Do you owe someone money?
- No, what are you talking about, dear!
- Mistress?
- Under no circumstances!
- Why the stash then?
- Sorry. Habit…

Dialogues akin to this are not an anecdote, but quite true story , which happens to many couples. Sooner or later, every second wife finds an unaccounted for “Klondike” at home and asks herself (or even her husband right away) main question- For what?

So, why does the stronger sex need nest eggs?

Let's look into the reasons...

  • For a mistress. This is probably the most ridiculous option, but it has a right to life. Although, in fact, a man who can afford a mistress (and this is a considerable expense) does not need nest eggs - there should be enough money for everything without the “wooden” ones in socks on the mezzanine.
  • For your manly joys(for fishing, cars, technical innovations, etc.). That is, for everything that wives often consider a waste money. You can’t save money in time - goodbye to a new spinning rod, cue or audio system. Men are like children, and each child is entitled to his own “children’s” piggy bank.
  • For women's joys. For us, loved ones. For example, enough for your wife to buy a gift, an unexpected surprise or a trip. Or to suddenly pay for a handbag that turned out to be “so cool, so cool - only 10 thousand, I want it, I want it, I want it, please.”
  • In case of emergency. Anything can happen in life. Sometimes money is urgently needed for treatment, for repairing a kitchen flooded by neighbors upstairs, for an urgent “relaxation” session for a spouse in a beauty salon, for car repairs, for fines for traffic cops, etc.
  • Just a habit.
  • For large purchases.
  • A kind of “rear”. It’s nice to know that any unforeseen event is already insured.
  • So that the wife does not control all income/expenses. That is, out of spite and out of principle, to spite his sawy wife.
  • Gold reserve for the future of children.
  • Because the wife is a spender.
  • For debts (or alimony).

As we see, the unaccounted assets of the spouse, in most cases, flow in the direction called “family budget”. And the absence of a nest egg (financial safety net) is worse for a man than his wife’s detective intelligence activities followed by a scandal and seizure of funds.

Especially when the wife manages the finances in the house (well, a man can’t give everything).

10 Best Places for a Husband's Stash - So Where Can a Husband Hide His Stash from His Wife?

There's no point in reinventing the wheel these days. For a nest egg, you can open a dozen bank cards and transfer all finances from “covens”, part-time jobs, bonuses to them etc. But with cash it’s more difficult... You have to show miracles of ingenuity. Where do the stronger sex usually hide their stash?

The most popular hiding places:

  • Bottom of the cistern(money is pre-packed hermetically).
  • Books. Simply between pages or by cutting out a suitable “hole” in book pages. You don’t have to look into “Capital” (too famous hiding place).
  • Under mirrors and paintings. Some “cunning men”, in the absence of their wives, even manage to place safes in the walls under the wallpaper. Another option is on the balcony, under one of the pulled out bricks.
  • In the vent.
  • In the dishes. For example, in my grandmother’s unfashionable sugar bowl, which has been standing in the very corner of the sideboard for ten years.
  • Under parquet, baseboards, tiles, cornices.
  • At the bottom of the aquarium, between pebbles, taking into account reliable sealing.
  • In the toys of the children's room. For example, in a huge teddy bear on the closet, which is dusted off once a year.
  • In a chemical box, into which the spouse will not climb as unnecessary.
  • In the computer system unit.

And also in Christmas decorations, tool boxes, old mobile phone or player, in the barrel of a hunting rifle, in a junction box etc. In general, wherever “ feminine logic"will never stick his powdered nose in.

No the most reliable place today is the bank . Opening a debit card takes 10 minutes. And it will be extremely difficult to look into it. Especially if there are several cards.

You found your husband's stash - what to do next?

What should you do if you accidentally (or not so accidentally) stumbled upon your husband’s treasure?

But jokes aside, the following should be remembered about your husband and his nest egg...

  • He could be saving this money for a surprise or gift for you. . It’s unlikely that family happiness will benefit if you expropriate the stash and even start a scandal.
  • This money may belong to another person. For example, someone asked to save, or the husband himself owes someone. Again, this is not a cause for scandal. Since they didn’t tell you anything about this, it means they are protecting your nervous system.
  • Of course, if the spouse works seven days a week, the younger one pays for the older one, the refrigerator is empty, and the spouse brazenly arranges “stashes” for his own pleasures - this is a reason to be upset . And often - even get a divorce.
  • A woman who trusts her husband will never ask “why do you need a stash?” . And she won’t look for her either. Because if this hypothetical stash exists, it means he needs it. And you shouldn’t get into this personal space (it definitely won’t bring joy to anyone).
  • There is no need to bring the relationship to the point where it begins total control not only for the husband’s income/expenses, but also for his every action. Such surveillance is not even a bell, but an alarm about a hole in the family boat. The more you tighten the grip of control around your husband, the more actively he will seek independence and freedom from you.
  • A wise woman will never take found money and will not remind her husband of them.

It is naive and short-sighted to think that the man in the family does not have the right to his own, set aside money. Don’t ask your wife every time for new wobblers, for travel, lunch in a cafe, etc. This is humiliating for a man.

The same situation applies to wives. Start your own secret piggy bank and forget about your husband's. Surely, it’s also not enough pleasure for you to beg your husband either for new underwear or for more shoes.

Have you been to your family life similar situations with your husband’s stash? And how did you get out of them? Share your stories in the comments below!

From the moment of the ceremonial presentation of the marriage certificate, you have everything in common - children, problems, relatives and, of course, money. But for some reason, some husbands do not agree with this and hide a small but sensitive part of their income in a secluded place. Although, it would seem, why do they need it - everything is ready? That’s why wives are strenuously struggling with their nest egg by searching for it, confiscating it and directing these funds to more worthy goals rather than “beer with friends.”

But since it is impossible to appear hopelessly henpecked in front of friends, husbands look for reliable caches, where a few banknotes, unnoticed by the watchful eyes of their wives, go to be saved. The choice of secluded places shows the wild imagination and remarkable resourcefulness of husbands, but still some patterns still exist. And one of them is a way to spend money according to your Zodiac sign.


In his understanding, a man without free money in his pocket is not a man, but just a male. They simply warm his soul and he doesn’t necessarily spend them on his own entertainment. Quite the contrary - if a financial difficulty arises in the family or a new thing becomes capricious, he will save the budget with a sweeping gesture or make a gift. And if you really can’t bear it, explore the “male” space – a workshop, a garage, a closet with all sorts of gadgets.


If you don't periodically shake his nest egg, he can collect quite a significant amount. On the one hand, it’s good, because Taurus won’t cheat on her and won’t lose at cards, but without consulting you, he can buy some kind of sheer nonsense (from your point of view) for crazy money. This can be prevented very easily, since Taurus, as befits a conservative, does not experiment with new places. Look under the carpet, in the closet on a shelf under pillowcases, or just in the pocket of an old jacket.


Finding a Gemini's stash is very difficult, because only a few hours are allotted to life. It's just a speed competition to see who can find it or spend it faster. And Gemini wins more often, because he spends at lightning speed, even before he saves. Here we need to be proactive. By summing up the salary received from your husband and the cost of everything purchased that day, you can get the real size wages and wait for her next month with a list of essential items already prepared. Gemini hides the money left over from the spree in some device, but you don’t have to strain yourself - there’s less of it there than you put in the effort.

An example of hoarding. He cuts all expenses to a minimum in order to save money for a rainy day, which he waits for his whole life. How Stingy Knight, he loves money for the sake of money, admires it, and stores these crispy pieces of paper in a beautiful jar in the most rarely visited place in the apartment. the only sign whose nest egg can reach a size worthy of investing in a reliable and trusted bank, which Cancer sometimes does.

Everything is simple for him - no stash. He has all the family money and the stash is somehow insulting to him. The only thing is, if there are expenses that the wife shouldn’t know about, she starts double-entry bookkeeping and writes off the cost of the bouquet for her mistress to the rise in gasoline prices. Finding Leo has a stack of money lying separately from the common fund - sure sign secret costs.


He needs money, which his wife does not know about, in order to give gifts and surprises to this same wife. And since Virgo is a thrifty sign, he will not give a useless gift. Therefore, there is absolutely no need to look for such a stash. You won't find it. Virgo is a serious sign, that’s why it hides without jokes. And, of course, not at home.


His wife decides all material issues, so the money is given to her completely and with joy. This means that Libra has complete harmony in the family. And if Libra conceives, there is a crisis in the family. He doesn’t trust his wife or even fell in love with someone else, which also requires money. But even here Libra’s naivety manifests itself, his stash is in the most traditional place - under the mattress or in the closet.


He will defend his own until he bites his throat, and will always separate the family budget and his own. This is not even a stash - this is his personal money, to which even his most beloved wife has no right. But where he stores it is easy to figure out. Remember a place in the apartment where you would never go, scared by his story about spiders in the closet or an exposed wire in the panel. That's where she lies calmly.


He believes that he got married so that his wife would relieve him of the burden of managing the family budget. And he lives perfectly well on the targeted allocations given to him by his wife within the limit. Unless he comes up with an extravagant idea, for example, a tour of the virgin forests of the Amazon, and for some reason his wife opposes it. Then he will begin to save, as in childhood, refusing school lunches. And the storage location is the same - in the thickest book in dad’s closet.


No matter what wife he gets, she is still an incorrigible spender, from whom money must be hidden away. Otherwise, she will buy a third bra, a fifth pair of slippers and socks for him, although you can still walk around in the old ones. Capricorn saves money from senseless destruction under furniture, and prefers old and proven ones.


The most sophisticated type that can hide not only reliably, but with such a twist of imagination that it is simply impossible to guess where the stash is. One thing is certain - the place will be the most unexpected. Moreover, it will give Aquarius unspeakable pleasure to watch his wife’s attempts to find money, which is stored in the wardrobe under the insole of her winter boots.


The Pisces husband hides money not because he needs it, but simply out of love for art. He likes the process itself, and not the result, which may be disastrous. When the money is needed, the place has long been forgotten, so you have to go and confess to your wife. Therefore, money is sought openly, by all family members, and not just one day.

Wives are often outraged when they find out that their husband is hiding money from her. Although it is time for the husband to be offended that he is considered so stupid and childish and that they do not trust him with the money he has earned. The relationship slides from a loving and trusting relationship into a relationship between a strict and punishing mother and a stupid, weak-willed son. And judging by the desire of women to call on their husbands to be financially disciplined, to find hidden money and also to be offended by this, many women only want such a relationship. And then they are offended again, but this time at life and the men who are no longer left. So you yourself wanted complete submission - get it! It’s scary to live with a real man who won’t allow himself to be pushed around - live with henpecked people. The choice is yours.

Useful tips

Sometimes it becomes necessary to hide your savings so that no one finds them.

Where is the best place to hide money in your own apartment? The place should be accessible to you and at the same time inaccessible to thieves and unwanted guests.

Once you choose a suitable place to store your cash, you can safely store it there without the fear of someone finding it.

Some “storages” can be created with your own hands and camouflaged in such a way that it fits into the overall interior without attracting the attention of strangers.

Here is a list of some of best places where you can hide money:

Where to hide money

1. Inside a tennis ball

Have you ever thought that you could hide money in a tennis ball?

But this is a great idea if we're talking about not about a big wad of money. Just make a small hole in the ball. The cut should be large enough so that you can easily insert the pack and just as easily remove it from there.

Then place the ball back into the container with the other tennis balls.

Of course, if you have no other sports equipment, it may at least seem strange to have such a collection of tennis balls in your home.

2. At the bottom of the chest of drawers

You might think it's too obvious to hide money at the bottom of your dresser. And at first glance, it seems that the money will be found easily. And so it will be if you just put money at the bottom of the drawer where you keep socks or other things.

Instead, secure the envelope containing the money under the drawer using tape or tape. Uninvited guests can rummage through your socks and underwear all day and they will never find that envelope.

By the way, the same can be done with a chair: attach an envelope to the bottom of the seat. It is unlikely that anyone would think to turn over a chair in search of money.

3. Inside the ballpoint pen

Did you know that money can also be hidden in a pen? If it's one or two bills, then yes.

For example, you can roll up a $100 bill so that it fits inside a ballpoint pen.

Just remember about the valuable filling of your pen and do not lend it to anyone. Otherwise, after doing a good deed to someone you know, you may lose your money.

4. Under the mattress

This place is very controversial as it is too obvious and the most common place where people hide their finances. This is especially true for older people who, out of habit, put their pension under the mattress.

Perhaps it is so common that it will be the first place a thief looks when entering an apartment.

But it’s still better than just storing money on your desktop.

5. Inside the shoes

You probably have shoes that you don't wear.

If so, and you have a pair of shoes hanging around, why not remove the insoles and use shoes like a safe?

Simply place banknotes in place of the removed insoles and store them that way.

Where to hide money in an apartment

6. B empty container for food

Empty one of the plastic containers of food, rinse it thoroughly and the safe for storing your cash is ready!

Then place this safe in the freezer. Of course, the money will be cold when you take it out of the container. But this method will indeed be safe.

Or, if you don't want to store money in the freezer, you can do the same with an empty cereal box.

You can also use clean jars from various products to store money.

Just make sure that someone doesn't accidentally throw the safe in the trash.

7. Inside the cornice

Most curtain rods have ends that detach.

If this is the case, then you can remove the curtain rod, secure the money in this void with a stiff rubber band, put the ends back on the cap and secure the curtain rod again.

8. In sofa cushions

Hiding money in sofa cushions is easy.

This is easy to do because most pillows have a zipper that allows you to quickly open the pillow, stuff it with money, and zip it back up.

But the following things should be purchased for your home in order to hide money in them.

Not only can you store your cash in items that you already have at home, but you can also buy items that will mix and match with your existing home furnishings. Here are some of these items:

9. Fake electrical outlet

It would be a good idea to camouflage the safe under the guise of an ordinary electrical outlet.

This is truly an unusual place where you can hide money. However, make sure that all sockets are the same color.

Otherwise, the fact that one outlet is different from the others may arouse suspicion among an uninvited guest.

Color mismatch will reveal your secret vault, and the thief will be interested in such a clear difference between one outlet and another.

Where do people hide money

10. In an empty bottle from -under Coca Cola

Another great way hide your money, it's an empty jar Coca Cola. What is the advantage of such a safe?

It's simple: besides the fact that the can is tin and opaque, few would suspect an ordinary can of containing such valuable wealth.

Just be careful not to accidentally throw away this mini-safe.

11. In an empty shaving cream can

Since basically every man needs a daily shave, no one will be suspicious of an ordinary shaving cream on the bathroom shelf.

But such an empty jar can serve an excellent purpose: keep money in it. Just always remember that the jar is not empty and put it away from prying eyes.

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