People with a high IQ level are their difference. IQ doesn't make sense: Why intelligence can't be measured

Many of us have heard about the IQ test, which shows the level of intelligence of a person. However, most people know virtually nothing about it. Before you start taking the test, you must find out what your IQ should be. normal person.

General information

The abbreviation IQ stands for what can be translated as “amount of intelligence.” In Russian speaking language environment The established expression “intelligence quotient” is more often used. However, it is believed that in order for the results to be as truthful as possible and really be trusted, it is worth taking into account not only the results of the test itself. Other factors such as age and gender need to be taken into account.

Many also believe that the results of this test are more likely to indicate a person's aptitude for a particular type of task, rather than actual intellectual abilities. Therefore, you can prepare for it by solving problems that resemble those presented in the tasks.


Attempts to study the IQ of a normal person began in the 30s of the last century. Researchers have made a number of attempts to determine IQ through various experiments. Scientists tried to find a pattern that would connect the processes of the central nervous system, reaction characteristics and mental abilities, even the size and weight of the brain were taken into account. In addition, they studied the relationship between the IQ of parents and children, its relationship to social background, age and so on.

IQ test today

It is now generally accepted that IQ depends on many factors, mostly heredity. However, the IQ level of a normal person can be increased by deciding various tasks and tests. In addition, in modern world It is not so much intelligence that is the source of success as it is motivation and perseverance. Important role Individuality, determination and ambition also play a role. However, it is a high level of intelligence that can help in solving difficult life circumstances and contribute to more advantageous conditions.

Despite the fact that the first tests were created exclusively with vocabulary exercises, today they use a wide variety of tasks. Among them are counting exercises, logical series, the ability to find the missing geometric figure, the ability to recognize a fragment, remember facts, technical drawings and identify the missing letter.

How much IQ does a normal person have?

The average level of human intelligence ranges from 100 to 120 units, which is about half of correctly solved problems. The person who completes all the tasks receives 200 points. In addition to the level of intelligence, the test also determines other indicators; it helps to identify the way of thinking of the person who is taking it. By identifying the category in which the subject has the lowest level of ability, you can help him identify gaps in his abilities, practice with different types tasks and raise your IQ.

First tests

For the first time, V. Stern spoke about the IQ, who considered the determination of the level of skills on the Binet scale to be incorrect, since it had a serious disadvantage related to age. The scientist proposed to determine by dividing mental age to chronological. An IQ test of a normal person demonstrates quantification abilities of an individual in relation to the average representative of the same age.


It is rightfully believed that an IQ test does not show a person’s level of erudition, but only an assessment general indicators. They are designed specifically to produce a distribution of results with an average score. The IQ of a normal person can vary, but there are common indicators. So, about half of the people who passed the test show a result between 90 and 100 points, a quarter - below 90, and the other quarter - above 110 units. Average among graduates of American universities is 115 points, excellent students - from 135 to 140. An IQ level that is less than 70 points is usually considered a sign of mental retardation.


IQ tests show a person, but they should not be assumed to in any way indicate the level of erudition. They only help to understand in what area and in what direction a person needs to develop.

It is believed that the IQ level of a normal person varies from 90 to 120 conventional units. The Eysenck test is most often used to determine IQ. However, do not forget that the most accurate results will be those obtained the very first time you take the test, and all subsequent attempts will only distort them.

50% of people have an IQ level of 90-110 - intermediate level intelligence.
2.5% of people have an IQ level below 70 - they are mentally retarded.
2.5% of people have an IQ level above 130 - I count such people with high level intelligence.
0.5% are considered geniuses, they have an IQ level above 140.
Although the debate continues about who is considered smart, and whether IQ determines mental abilities.

10. Stephen Hawking: IQ level= 160, 70 years old, UK.

This is probably one of the most famous people from this list. Stephen Hawking became famous thanks to his progressive research in the area theoretical physics, and other works that explain the laws of the Universe. He is also the author of 7 bestselling books and winner of 14 awards.

9.Sir Andrew Wiles: IQ level 170, 59 years old, UK.

In 1995, the famous British mathematician Sir Andrew Wiles proved Great Theorem Farm, which was considered the most difficult mathematical problem in the world. He is the recipient of 15 awards in the fields of mathematics and science. Is a Knight Commander of the Order British Empire since 2000.

8.Paul Allen: IQ level 170, 59 years old, USA

The co-founder of Microsoft is certainly one of the most successful people who turned his mind into wealth. With an estimated net worth of $14.2 billion, Paul Allen is the 48th richest person in the world, owning numerous companies and sports teams.

7.Yu dit Polgar: IQ level 170, 36 years old, Hungary.

Judit Polgár is a Hungarian chess player who, at age 15, became the youngest grandmaster in the world, surpassing Bobby Fischer's record by a month. Her father taught her and her sisters chess at home, proving that children can achieve incredible heights if they start early. early age. In the FIDE rankings, among the top hundred chess players, Judit Polgar is the only woman.

6.James Woods: IQ level 180, 65 years old, USA.

American actor James Woods was a brilliant student. He enrolled in the course linear algebra at the prestigious University of California at Los Angeles, and then was enrolled in the Massachusetts technological institute, where he decided to leave the study of politics for acting. He has three Emmy awards, a Golden Globe and two Oscar nominations.

5. Garry Kasparov: IQ level 190, 49 years old, Russia.

Garry Kasparov is the youngest undisputed world chess champion, winning the title at age 22. He holds the record for longest holding the title of number one chess player in the world. In 2005, Kasparov announced his retirement from sports and devoted himself to politics and writing.

4. Rick Rosner: IQ level 192, 52 years old, USA

With such a high IQ, it would hardly occur to you that this person works as a television producer. However, Rick is no ordinary genius. In his track record the work of a stripper, a waiter on roller skates, and a model is mentioned.

3.Kim Ung-Yong: IQ level 210, 49 years old, Korea.

Kim Ung-Yong is a child prodigy from Korea who was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the highest IQ in the world. At the age of 2, he was fluent in two languages, and by the age of 4 he was already solving complex math problems. By the age of 8, he was invited by NASA to study in the United States.

2. Christopher Michael Hirata: IQ level 225, 30 years old, USA

At the age of 14, American Christopher Hirata entered the Californian university of technology, and at the age of 16 he was already working at NASA on projects related to the colonization of Mars. Also at the age of 22, he received the title of Doctor of Science in astrophysics. Currently, Hirata is an assistant professor of astrophysics at the California Institute of Technology.

1. T Erens Tao: IQ level 230, 37 years old, China.

Tao was a gifted child. At the age of 2 years, when most of us were actively learning to walk and talk, he was already performing basic arithmetic operations. By the age of 9 he was attending math courses university level and at the age of 20 received a doctorate in Princeton University. At the age of 24, he becomes the youngest professor at UCLA. Over the years, he has published more than 250 scientific papers.
Found at artmaniako . Thank you.


By the way, the figure of Garry Kasparov is very indicative.
EIf anyone remembers, he was an adept in science" new chronology" - Fomenko’s teaching, which claims that almost the entire written history of mankind is fictitious. And its real depth is about 1000 years.
IN social sphere Garry Kasparov is an ardent and completely unsuccessful politician of the liberation movement and a fighter against the Putin regime.
That is, high IQ doesn't help much if we're talking about about areas of life activity with high sphere uncertainty.
This is exactly what modern social science and current socio-political processes in Russia belong to.

Perhaps you're not the neatest worker, and your partner complains that you never go to bed together. But there is a chance that your intelligence is above average. Check if there are any matches.

1. You are left-handed

In a right-handed world, being left-handed seems like a dubious advantage. Left-handed people have to use different scissors, change the location of the mouse on the computer, and also put up with superstitions and prejudices. A study last year found a significant link between left-hand dominance and math success (though there was also a significant correlation with age, gender, and job type).

2. You are not known for being neat.

Managers and office workers A clean desk is needed like air: one lost document can turn into a headache for the whole company. But if your job involves developing new products, graphic design, or writing articles, the cluttered workplace can stimulate creativity.

Researchers from the University of Groningen have concluded that the environment around us significantly influences the way we think. For example, if we see chaos around us, the brain unconsciously switches to sorting information, so thinking becomes clearer.

3. You use foul language.

Those who are accustomed to seasoning their speech strong words, are often considered narrow-minded people. But psychologists have discovered that knowledge swear words and the ability to use them is rather a plus. Participants in the experiment with the highest IQ and the largest vocabulary remembered the most swear words in a minute.

Humor signals that the speaker is resourceful, can think outside the box, and approach problems philosophically.

“We judge a person's intelligence by the way he speaks,” write Christine and Timothy Jay, psychologists at the Massachusetts College of Art. - But this judgment is not always accurate. We associate the use of taboo vocabulary with a whole bunch of negative characteristics: lack of education, poor self-control, aggressiveness. This is not always the case."

4. You know how to make others laugh

“There is a strong relationship between a sense of humor and high intelligence,” explains Jill Greengross, a psychologist at Aberystwyth University. She and her colleagues found that the strongest link was with verbal intelligence, since humor is based on verbal paradoxes.

“It is no coincidence that humor is considered sexually attractive,” the psychologist comments. “It signals that the speaker is resourceful, thinks outside the box, and approaches problems philosophically.”

5. You are a night owl

Despite the fact that due to the violation biological rhythms Night vigils can have a negative impact on health; research shows that, compared to early risers, night owls maintain concentration longer and get tired more slowly. In addition, on average, they earn more and hold higher positions.

6. You love dark humor

Morgue. Body identification. The surgeon lifts the sheet. Woman: “Yes, that’s definitely my husband. By the way, what powder do you use to wash your sheets? So white!” Not everyone will like this joke. However, as a study by Australian psychologists has shown, fans of such humor, on average, demonstrate a higher level of intelligence than others.

Where this connection comes from is not entirely clear. This may be due to the fact that when we “decod” a joke, we use complex cognitive processes. True, no matter what the level of intelligence, Bad mood reduces the ability to understand black humor, just like regular humor.

7. You tend to worry a lot

The consolation for those who see endless problems in the future is that at least their intellect is developed enough to find a solution. Psychologists from Lakehead University (Canada) found that those who constantly lost in their heads negative situations from the past or worried about the future, received high scores in a verbal intelligence test.

A higher IQ level is observed not only in first-born children, but also in older children in general

True, the same study found that indicators of nonverbal intelligence (social and emotional) in these people are reduced. They are probably better off choosing an advisor or analyst role.

8. You are self-critical

A phenomenon known as the Dunning-Kruger effect: less competent and intellectual developed people tend to exaggerate the degree of their understanding of the problem (as well as the level of development of their mental abilities in principle), while experts and intellectuals, on the contrary, are more likely to doubt themselves. However, Socrates also spoke about this: I know that I know nothing.

9. You love cats

In the debate between cat lovers and dog lovers, the point goes first: a 2014 study clearly showed that cat lovers are more open-minded and have a refined taste. In turn, those who prefer dogs are more energetic and easy-going.

10. You are the eldest child in the family

A higher IQ level is observed not only in first-born children, but also in older children in general. Professor Petter Christensen from National Institute occupational health in Oslo believes that this relationship is explained more by social than biological reasons. Seniors usually have to be more collected and responsible. This probably affects their attitude towards learning.

I don’t want to believe that success is determined solely by the level of intelligence. But psychologists experimentally prove that talent is an innate thing, and intelligence and intelligence directly depend on IQ. Good news is that some of today's sociologists leave little hope for people with average IQs, linking success to hard work. BusinessInsider collected the main facts about how life affects intelligence, and intelligence on life.

1. LevelIQdepends on genes by 40-80%

It has already been proven that environment affects IQ, but heredity affects general level human intelligence is much stronger. Ecology may add or subtract a couple of points, but this cannot be compared with what you get from your parents.

2. High IQ helps you communicate

Contrary to the popular belief that all smart people are not particularly sociable, scientists have nevertheless noticed that people with high IQs succeed in school, career and communication.

3. If children under three years old eat unhealthy foods, their IQ decreases

Children who ate unhealthy foods before the age of three have lower IQs than their peers. The difference is especially noticeable by age eight. But a diet rich in vitamins and minerals, on the contrary, makes children smarter.

4. Breastfeeding increases a child's IQ by three to eight points

Another argument in favor of breastfeeding.

5. Summer holidays reduce IQ

Swedish scientists measured how much a child's IQ decreases during separation from school - 1.8 points are lost in one year. Scientists South Africa counted more - each missed year reduces the IQ of children by five points. Some studies claim that IQ decreases even during summer holidays.

6. People with a below average IQ (75-90) are more likely to drop out of society, end up in prison, or live in poverty

If your IQ is close to 75-90, then you have 88 times more chances dropping out of school is seven times more likely to go to prison and five times more likely to be poor than someone with an IQ above 100.

Magazine Psychological Science published a study in which scientists, having studied the experience of 90 countries, claim that the power national economy depends significantly on the 5% most intelligent citizens. Scientists support their assumption with serious figures.

8. Low IQ pushes you to suicide

Swedish scientists, again, found a connection between low IQ and suicidal tendencies. People with low IQs are poor problem solvers, making it more difficult for them to cope with stress in times of crisis.

9. If your IQ is above 115, then you can cope with any job

In principle, people with both low and high IQs can work as anything. But a lower IQ makes it difficult to achieve success, especially if the work involves changing conditions. The threshold of 115 points removes any restrictions, you can succeed in any business.

10. People with high IQ feel more confident

Successful people from business, sports, and simply accomplished individuals will confirm to you that self-confidence is already half the battle. IQ level won't write your success story for you, but it will make you feel drained or inspired. Anyone who considers himself smart and has “proof” of his intelligence pushes himself in life to meet the expectations of others. And anyone who is convinced of the weakness of his mind condemns himself to a life of mediocrity.

11. By usingIQyou can measure the level of creativity

An IQ test tests how thoughtfully a person reasons, how divergent his thinking is, and other qualities that are important in creativity.

Do you know your IQ? How does this affect your life?

Incredible facts

Whether it be a fantastic mastery of the game of chess, where a person can win in five moves, or mastery of 15 languages ​​before the age of 20, there are several ways in which the "average" person can demonstrate the presence or absence of signs of genius. .

People with the highest IQs often do not engage in the most intellectual activities. Most likely, there are such people in your environment, or you yourself are one.

10. Virginity and masturbation

There has long been an opinion in society that more smart people spend less time on intimacy. The reasons for this, however, are much more complex than the banal explanation that no one wants to hug idiots.

Recent Research best students and graduates prestigious universities shows that the number of sexual partners per person is much lower than in the control group of students with average intelligence.

The level of virginity is also noticeably higher among young geniuses - about 45 percent of total number students.

There are a number of theories to explain this phenomenon, but it all comes down to a few key factors. Firstly, the hormone testosterone, which is responsible for male functions, works in conflict with chemicals, affecting intelligence.

Moreover, in some ways, testosterone has even been shown to suppress intelligence.

Secondly, smart people are more acutely aware of risk. Sex in modern era is an inherently dangerous matter, and therefore the more discerning mind easily perceives it as an unnecessary risk, especially when self-gratification or abstinence poses no risk at all.

Thirdly, people focused on self-education lead a reclusive lifestyle, and social events are treated as something not so important. This, in turn, sharply limits the number of potential meetings with opposite sexes, and, consequently, the probability of reproduction of offspring is reduced.

What is the result of all this "anti-copulation"? Sources in the UK and US report that recent years The number of sales of sexual toys intended for self-gratification has increased significantly.

Human genius

9. Drug use

The researchers were incredibly shocked by the results of the interviews they conducted with 8,000 people. It was found that the higher a person’s IQ, the more likely his “connection” with drugs is. Common sense suggests that smarter people should be aware of the dangers associated with drug use and understand the potential consequences of such behavior.

However, scientists have found that smarter people are more open to experiencing new experiences, such as drug use.

How open are they? More smart men in 50 percent of cases they are more likely to experiment with amphetamines and in 65 percent of cases they are more likely to use ecstasy. The results remain the same even when taking into account a person's socioeconomic status.

Curious, but such people smoke less, eat healthier, exercise more often and are higher on the social ladder. So why drugs? Like alcohol, according to researchers, smart people are looking for new experiences in drugs.

8. Smart people are more often night owls than early risers.

One of distinctive features Smart people have a tendency to ignore generally accepted rules and not follow the behavior of the general public. Smart people have their own plans and schedules.

A recent study by the London School of Economics shows that insomnia is natural state intellectual elite humanity. And this is not an accident.

Incredibly, the amount of sleep needed for rest decreases markedly as IQ increases. This leads us to believe that perhaps the quiet hours of the night are the ideal environment for personal growth.

7. Alcoholism

The great literary minds of the 20th century will undoubtedly raise a glass to this curious indicator developed intelligence. A study conducted by scientist Satoshi Kanazawa shows that alcoholism is often an indicator genius man. The argument, however, is somewhat unexpected.

In contrast to the issue of sexual tension discussed above, it appears that drinking alcohol has very little to do with stress relief.

The report, which was released to the public by a scientist, suggests that the UK's brightest student minds are more likely to develop alcohol addiction, compared to their not-so-smart counterparts.

The report describes alcohol as an "evolutionary activity." The very act of drinking is considered a luxury, an activity that can be classified as leisure, and on more serious grounds than any hobby or skill.

According to the results of the study, since the relative novelty of the phenomenon of alcohol consumption itself has long been ingrained in social behavior, people of “higher intelligence” are drawn to it as a pastime.

6. Large bust

Apparently, there is a direct connection between a woman's bust size and IQ. A study carefully published on the Internet demonstrated that a comparison of 1,200 women showed a correlation between large female breasts and the level of intelligence of its owner (on average, the superiority of women with large breasts in IQ level was 10 points).

But the bad news is that there is absolutely no evidence that the study actually took place, and the researcher who conducted it, one Yvonne Rossdale, appears to be a fictional character. Good news?

Actually there is scientific justification such a conclusion, even if the above study is clean water fiction.

Actual studies of human evolution and natural selection show the likelihood that large breasts, along with a high level of intelligence and other factors, are characteristic of an ideal partner.

Larger breasts are probably perceived instinctively as being more capable of nurturing a growing brain. The second potential reason is that the hormones that control breast size and firmness will be present in more in a well-formed and better functioning brain.

Thus, the male chooses a partner who can give him the smartest and healthiest offspring. Such children inherit the traits of their parents and continue to form pairs with the same, well-developed partners.

Thanks to this process, the most the best minds have better genes in other categories as well. But, of course, there are exceptions to every rule, because genetics is a very complex science.

5. Blue eyes

This factor should not be perceived as something that belittles the merits of the brown-eyed inhabitants of the planet. All in all, the facts show that there is a clear relationship between eye color and advantages in certain areas.

Blue-eyed people tend to show good results in the area strategic activities and in areas requiring strict self-control. Basically, this is scientific activity.

Brown-eyed people are more skilled in situations requiring rapid response, as well as in rapidly developing activities. We can talk, for example, about sports, or about other disciplines based on speed of reaction.

In other words, to each his own. However, when it comes to high intelligence, a blue-eyed baby will most likely amaze you with his brilliant mind.

The makings of genius

4. A banal hobby

A study of reputed geniuses throughout history reveals that most of them engaged in seemingly trivial and meaningless activities in their free time.

It could be associated with the brain's need to focus on something very simple to recover after hard work. It may also have to do with how smarter people see their world and how their attitudes toward triviality change.

One way or another, one thing is for sure: common feature, which was typical for the majority greatest minds history. Einstein took great pleasure in sailing. Stephen Hawking loves rock climbing and rowing. He even wrote several children's books.

Perhaps a tendency towards infatuation aquatic species sport represents another little-known indicator of highly developed intelligence.

3. Pointless activity

Geniuses throughout history have devoted themselves to what was often regarded by their contemporaries as something that doesn't make sense.

For example, John Alexander Newlands was ridiculed in scientific circles when he invented the first periodic table elements, while the Wright Brothers were also laughed at as they continued their flight experiments. Moreover, they were called liars.

Gregor Mendel, with whom the birth of such a science as genetics began, was simply ignored by the scientific community. The point is that the brain of a genius does not view the world through the lens of the rest of society.

Therefore, to achieve progress, strange for ordinary person classes are required to conduct.

2. Drawings, drawings

There is one thing that artists and geniuses share the ability to do: the ability to effectively process abstract thinking. People with a higher level of intelligence are able to express themselves in an abstract way.

That's why art classes, such as scattered drawing, helps this inspiration come out and gain physical fitness. Van Gogh and Picasso are certainly "advanced" representatives of this factor, while musical geniuses such as Beethoven and Mozart chose a different path to realize the creative instinct.

Genius and madness

1. Mental illness

Often smart people are eccentrics. Almost every academic leader has a certain eccentricity that sets him apart from those around him.

It goes without saying that brains that develop outside the "normal" spectrum of human understanding may also adapt differently to their environment.

This includes mental disorders all kinds. For example, Nikola Tesla was afraid of human hair, while Da Vinci suffered from procrastination(a concept in psychology that means constantly postponing important actions “for later”, while a person concentrates on absolutely unimportant everyday trifles).

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