Moskalev Unified State Exam. Reviews of other books

Name: Physics / A. N. Moskalev, G. A. Nikulova. - M.: Bustard, 2011. - 318, p. : ill. - (Preparing for the Unified State Exam).

Description: This manual includes practice tests on all topics of the physics course. The structure of the tests is fully consistent test tasks single state exam. The manual is addressed to graduates educational institutions, as well as everyone who wants to test their knowledge of the main sections of the physics course.

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1. Mechanical movement. Material point. Reference system. Trajectory. Path and movement
2. Translational and rotational motion. Speed. Instant and average speed. Acceleration
3. Uniform rectilinear movement. Addition of speeds. Relativity of motion
4. Equally variable linear motion. Graphs of kinematic quantities versus time for uniform and uniformly accelerated motion
5. Acceleration free fall. Movement of a body thrown vertically upward and at an angle to the horizontal
6. Movement in a circle with a constant absolute speed. Centripetal acceleration, period and frequency of circulation
7. Inertia of bodies, mass. Inertial system countdown. Newton's laws
8. Rectilinear movement. Friction forces, sliding friction coefficient. Elastic forces. Hooke's law
9. Law universal gravity. Movement of bodies under action gravity. Body weight. Movement artificial satellites. First escape velocity
10. Body movement on an inclined plane
11. Dynamics rotational movement
12. Dynamics of motion of a system of bodies
13. Body impulse. Impulse of force. Law of conservation of momentum
14. Mechanical work. Kinetic energy. Theorem about kinetic energy. Potential energy. The work of gravity, elasticity and gravitational force
15. Law of conservation of energy. Power. Mechanism efficiency
16. Conditions for equilibrium of bodies. Moment of power. Center of gravity. Types of balance. Simple mechanisms
17. Pressure. Pascal's law for liquids and gases. Communicating vessels. Hydraulic press. Archimedes' power. Condition of floating bodies
18. The law of constant fluid flow in a pipe (jet continuity equation). Dependence of fluid pressure on its flow rate (Bernoulli equation)
19. Oscillatory motion. Oscillations of a load on a spring. Energy conversion at oscillatory movement
20. Math pendulum. Forced vibrations. Resonance
21. Mechanical waves. Relationship between wavelength and the speed of its propagation and period. Wave equation


22. Basic principles of molecular kinetic theory and their experimental justification. Mass and size of molecules
23. Ideal gas. Basic equation of molecular kinetic theory ideal gas
24. Temperature. Equation of state of an ideal gas. Isoprocesses in gas
25. Internal energy. Two ways to change internal energy: heat transfer and work
26. The first law and its application to isoprocesses
27. Second law of thermodynamics. Carnot cycle. Heat engines
28. Equation heat balance, thermal processes during aggregate transformations and fuel combustion
29. Saturated and unsaturated vapors. Evaporation and condensation. Boiling. Humidity
30. Solid and liquid bodies. Mechanical properties solids and materials: elasticity, strength, plasticity


31. Electrification of bodies. Conservation Law electric charge. Coulomb's law
32. Electric field. Tension electrostatic field point charge. Electrostatic field strength lines ( power lines). Principle of field superposition
33. The work of the electrostatic field to move a charge. Field potential of a point charge. Relationship between potential difference and tension uniform field
34. Electrical capacity. Consistent and parallel connection capacitors. Electrostatic field energy
35. Electric current. Current strength. Electromotive force. Electric circuit. Ohm's law. Electrical resistance
36. Work and current power. Joule-Lenz law
37. Electric current in metals and semiconductors
38. Thermionic emission. Electron tube - diode
39. Electric current in electrolytes. Faraday's laws for electrolysis
40. Magnetic field induction. Ampere's law. Magnetic flux. Frame with current in a magnetic field
41. Lorentz force, Movement of charged particles in a magnetic field
42. Phenomenon electromagnetic induction. Law of electromagnetic induction. Lenz's rule
43. Self-induction. Inductance. The work of moving a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field. Magnetic field energy
44. Free electromagnetic vibrations in the circuit. Conversion of energy in an oscillatory circuit
45. Forced electrical vibrations. Electrical resonance. Effective values ​​of voltage and force AC
46. ​​Transformer. Broadcast electrical energy and its use
47. Electromagnetic waves. Properties of electromagnetic waves
48. Law rectilinear propagation Sveta. Laws of reflection and refraction of light. The phenomenon of total (internal) reflection
49. Thin lenses. Focal length And optical power lenses. Constructing images in lenses
50. Coherence of electromagnetic waves
51. Elements special theory relativity


52. Quanta of light. Wave-particle duality. Photoelectric effect
53. Rutherford's experiments on the scattering of alpha particles. Planetary model atom. Bohr's quantum postulates
54. Emission and absorption of light by an atom. Methods for observing and recording particles in nuclear physics
55. Composition of the nucleus of an atom. Isotopes. Nuclear forces. Communication energy atomic nuclei
56. Nuclear reactions. Radioactivity. Law radioactive decay
57. Chain nuclear reactions. Thermonuclear reaction. Elementary particles. Fundamental Interactions


Manual “Physics. Practical guide for preparation for the Unified State Exam" was prepared taking into account the needs of students in grades 10-11 of secondary schools and their teachers for active preparation for the Unified State Exam and other diagnostic events in physics. Using a compressed submission form theoretical materials together with the analyzed tasks on each topic, it is aimed at intensive assimilation and repetition of the basic principles and laws of physics, as well as at the successful solution of problems. Tests are intended for training and self-testing of students. The methodological emphasis and instructions given in the manual contribute to the formation of basic algorithms and students’ understanding of the fundamental points when solving physics tasks.
The contents of the manual are fully consistent Unified State Examination Codifier in physics, the structure and composition have a pronounced practice-oriented nature, which allows us to recommend it as a reference practical guide...

User comments:

User Peter Savin writes:

The workshop is good. It combines theory and practice, just what you need to “get your teeth into” and consolidate the entire course. I liked that there was a solution algorithm complex tasks, a kind of skeleton, this helps a lot. I believe that this is a sufficiently competent collection for those who need high score in physics.

One of the manuals that will be useful for me to prepare without the help of a tutor. There is a theory, a sequence for solving all types of problems and the tests.
Everything is printed quite brightly, the quality is good.

A useful collection for high-quality preparation for solving tests on the Unified State Exam. Firstly, the theory in a condensed form indicating all the laws, provisions and formulas. Secondly, a variety of tasks by topic. I highly recommend it. Clear and well written.

Available in formats: EPUB | PDF | FB2

Pages: 352

Year of publication: 2018

Language: Russian

The manual has been prepared taking into account the needs of students in grades 10-11 of secondary schools and their teachers for active preparation for the Unified State Exam and other diagnostic events in physics. The book contains tasks in Unified State Exam format to all topics of the physics course high school. The publication also includes answers to assignments, basic laws and formulas, as well as reference data. The content of the manual fully complies with the Unified State Exam Codifier in Physics. Order No. 699 of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation teaching aids publishing house "Exam" are approved for use in educational institutions.


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Title: Preparing for the Unified State Exam 2011. Physics.

This manual includes practice tests on all topics of the physics course. The structure of the tests fully corresponds to the test tasks of the Unified State Exam.
The manual is addressed to graduates of general education institutions, as well as to anyone who wants to test their knowledge of the main sections of the physics course.

A material point is:
1) a body of negligible mass;
2) the body is very small;
3) a point indicating the position of the body in space;
4) a body whose dimensions can be neglected in the conditions of this problem.
What is the change in position of one body relative to another called?
1) Trajectory.
2) By moving.
3) By.
4) Mechanical movement.
A newspaper lying on an airplane seat moves relative to:
A. the passenger sitting next to you; B. land;
B. a flight attendant walking between the seats; D. a pilot flying a plane.
1) Only B.
2) A and B.
3) B and C.
4) B and G.


1. Mechanical movement. Material point. Reference system. Trajectory. Path and movement 3
2. Translational and rotational motion. Speed. Instant and average speed. Acceleration 7
3. Uniform linear movement. Addition of speeds. Relativity of motion 10
4. Equally variable linear motion. Graphs of kinematic quantities versus time for uniform and uniformly accelerated motion 19
5. Acceleration of free fall. Movement of a body thrown vertically upward and at an angle to the horizontal 24
6. Movement in a circle with a constant absolute speed. Centripetal acceleration, period and frequency of revolution 29
7. Inertia of bodies, mass. Inertial reference system. Newton's Laws 34
8. Rectilinear movement. Friction forces, sliding friction coefficient. Elastic forces. Hooke's Law 39
9. The law of universal gravitation. The movement of bodies under the influence of gravity. Body weight. Movement of artificial satellites. First escape speed 45
10. Body movement on an inclined plane 49
11. Dynamics of rotational motion 53
12. Dynamics of motion of a system of bodies 57
13. Body impulse. Impulse of force. Law of conservation of momentum 62
14. Mechanical work. Kinetic energy. Theorem about kinetic energy. Potential energy. Work of gravity, elastic force and gravitational force 69
15. Law of conservation of energy. Power. Mechanism efficiency 75
16. Conditions for equilibrium of bodies. Moment of power. Center of gravity. Types of balance. Simple mechanisms 82
17. Pressure. Pascal's law for liquids and gases. Communicating vessels. Hydraulic press. Archimedes' power. Swimming condition of bodies 86
18. The law of constant fluid flow in a pipe (jet continuity equation). ^Dependence of fluid pressure on its flow rate (Bernoulli equation) 90
19. Oscillatory motion. Oscillations of a load on a spring. Conversion of energy during oscillatory motion 91
20. Mathematical pendulum. Forced vibrations. Resonance 96
21. Mechanical waves. Relationship between wavelength and the speed of its propagation and period. Wave Equation 98
22. Basic principles of molecular kinetic theory and their experimental substantiation. Mass and size of molecules 100
23. Ideal gas. Basic equation of the molecular kinetic theory of an ideal gas 103
24. Temperature. Equation of state of an ideal gas. Isoprocesses in gas 106
25. Internal energy. Two ways to change internal energy: heat transfer and work 115
26. The first law of thermodynamics and its application to isoprocesses 120
27. Second law of thermodynamics. Carnot cycle. Heat engines 127
28. Heat balance equation, thermal processes during aggregate transformations and fuel combustion 131
29. Saturated and unsaturated pairs. Evaporation and condensation. Boiling. Air humidity 138
30. Solid and liquid bodies. Mechanical properties of solids and materials: elasticity, strength, plasticity 142
31. Electrification of bodies. Law of conservation of electric charge. Coulomb's Law 146
32. Electric field. Electrostatic field strength of a point charge. Electrostatic field strength lines (field lines). Principle of field superposition 152
33. The work of the electrostatic field to move a charge. Field potential of a point charge. Relationship between potential difference and uniform field strength 156
34. Electric capacity. Series and parallel connection of capacitors. Electrostatic field energy 164
35. Electric current. Current strength. Electromotive force. Electric circuit. Ohm's law. Electrical resistance 171
36. Work and current power. Joule-Lenz Law 179
37. Electric current in metals and semiconductors 185
38. Thermionic emission. Electron tube - diode 191
39. Electric current in electrolytes. Faraday's laws for electrolysis 193
40. Magnetic field induction. Ampere's law. Magnetic flux. Frame with current in a magnetic field... 195
41. Lorentz force. Movement of charged particles in a magnetic field 201
42. The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. Law of electromagnetic induction. Lenz's rule 207
43. Self-induction. Inductance. The work of moving a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field. Magnetic field energy 216
44. Free electromagnetic oscillations in a circuit. Conversion of energy in an oscillatory circuit 220
45. Forced electrical oscillations. Electrical resonance. RMS voltage and AC current 224
46. ​​Transformer. Transmission of electrical energy and its use 230
47. Electromagnetic waves. Properties of electromagnetic waves 233
48. Law of rectilinear propagation of light. Laws of reflection and refraction of light. The phenomenon of total (internal) reflection 236
49. Thin lenses. Focal length and optical power of the lens. Constructing images in lenses 243
50. Coherence of electromagnetic waves 248
51. Elements of special relativity 253
52. Quanta of light. Wave-particle duality. Photoelectric effect 257
53. Rutherford's experiments on alpha particle scattering. Planetary model of the atom. Bohr's quantum postulates 261
54. Emission and absorption of light by an atom. Methods for observing and recording particles in nuclear physics 264
55. Composition of the nucleus of an atom. Isotopes. Nuclear forces. Binding energy of atomic nuclei 268
56. Nuclear reactions. Radioactivity. Law of Radioactive Decay 270
57. Nuclear chain reactions. Thermonuclear reaction. Elementary particles. Fundamental interactions 274
Replies 278
Appendix 313

Unified State Exam 2017. Physics. Problem book. Collection of tasks for preparing for the Unified State Exam. Nikulova G.A., Moskalev A.N.

M.: 2017 - 352 p.

The manual "Unified State Exam. Physics. Collection of tasks for preparing for the Unified State Exam" was prepared taking into account the needs of students in grades 10-11 of secondary schools and their teachers for active preparation for the Unified State Exam and other diagnostic events in physics. The book contains problems in Unified State Exam format for all topics of the high school physics course. The publication also includes answers to assignments, basic laws and formulas, as well as reference data. The contents of the manual fully comply with the Unified State Examination Codifier in Physics.

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Kinematics 10
§1. Mechanical movement. Material point.
Reference system. Trajectory. Path and movement 10
§2. Translational and rotational movement.
Speed. Instant speed.
Average speed passing the path. Acceleration 13
§3. Uniform straight motion.
Addition of speeds. Relativity of motion 17
§4. Equally variable linear motion 25
§5. Acceleration of gravity. Movement of a body thrown vertically upward and at an angle to the horizontal 29
§6. Movement material point along a circle with a constant modulus speed.
Centripetal acceleration 35
Dynamics 40
§7. Inertia. Inertia of bodies. Body weight.
Strength. Addition of forces. Inertial reference system.
Galileo's principle of relativity 40
§8. Newton's Laws 44
§9. The law of universal gravitation. Gravity. Body weight. Weightlessness. Movement of artificial satellites 47
§10. Friction forces, sliding friction coefficient. Elastic forces. Hooke's law. Movement of bodies
and systems of bodies under the influence of several forces 51
§11. Body impulse. Impulse of force. Law of conservation of momentum. Jet propulsion 66
§12. Mechanical work. Kinetic energy. Potential energy. The work of gravity
elasticity and gravitational forces 73
§13. Law of conservation of energy in mechanics. Power.
Coefficient useful action mechanism (efficiency) 78
Statics. Hydrostatics. Hydrodynamics 86
§14. Conditions for equilibrium of bodies. Moment of power. Center of gravity. Types of balance.
Lever equilibrium condition 86
§15. Simple mechanisms. Mechanism efficiency 92
§16. Pressure. Atmospheric pressure and its dimension 94
§17. Pascal's law for liquids and gases. Hydraulic press. Pressure inside a liquid.
Archimedes' power. Body floating condition 95
§18. The law of constant fluid flow in a pipe. Dependence of fluid pressure on its flow rate 98
Molecular physics 100
§19. Basic principles of molecular kinetic theory. Mass and dimensions of molecules 100
§20. Ideal gas. Basic equation of the molecular kinetic theory of an ideal gas 102
§21. Thermal equilibrium. Temperature and its measurement.
Dalton's law. Equation of state of an ideal gas 106
§22. Isoprocesses in gases 110
Thermodynamics 116
§23. Internal energy. Law of conservation of energy in thermodynamics. Two ways to change
internal energy: heat transfer and work 116
§24. First law of thermodynamics
and its application to isoprocesses 122
§25. Heat engines. Second law of thermodynamics. Carnot cycle 129
§26. Heat balance equation 134
§27. Evaporation and condensation. Saturated and unsaturated pairs.
Boiling. Air humidity 140
§28. Gas, liquid and solid models. Crystalline and amorphous bodies.
Mechanical properties of solids 145
Electrostatics 150
§29. Electrification of bodies.
Interaction of charged bodies.
Discreteness of electric charge.
Law of conservation of electric charge. Coulomb's Law 150
§30. Electric field. Tension electric field point charge.
Electric field strength lines
(field lines). Principle of superposition of fields 155
§31. The work of the electric field when moving a charge. Potential. Relationship between potential difference and uniform field strength. Field potential of a point charge.
Equipotential surfaces 159
§32. Conductors and dielectrics in an electric field. Electrical capacity. Sequential
and parallel connection of capacitors.
Field energy of a charged capacitor 166
DC 169
§33. Electric current. Current strength. Electromotive force. Ohm's law for a section of an electrical circuit.
Ohm's law for a closed circuit.
Electrical resistance.
Serial and parallel connection of conductors. Measuring instruments 169
§34. Work and current power. The amount of heat generated by a current-carrying conductor. Source efficiency.
Joule-Lenz Law 175
§35. Capacitors in a circuit DC 180
§36. Basic provisions of the classical electron theory conductivity of metals. Electric current in metals. Dependence of resistance on temperature.
Superconductivity 184
§37. Electric current in different environments 187
Electromagnetism 196
§38. Magnetic field. Magnetic field induction. Magnetic induction lines. Ampere's law. Interaction of parallel currents.
Magnetic permeability 196
§39. Lorentz force. Movement of charged particles in a magnetic field 204
§40. Magnetic flux. Law of electromagnetic induction.
Lenz's rule. Vortex electric field 211
§41. Self-induction. Inductance. Self-induced emf.
The energy of the magnetic field of an inductor. Magnetic field energy.
Frame with current in a magnetic field 221
Mechanical vibrations 226
§42. Oscillatory movement. Oscillations of a load on a spring.
Conversion of energy during oscillatory motion 226
§43. Mathematical pendulum 230
§44. Forced vibrations. Resonance.
The concept of self-oscillations 233
Electromagnetic vibrations. AC 236
§45. Free electromagnetic oscillations in the circuit. Conversion of energy in an oscillatory circuit.
Damped electromagnetic oscillations 236
§46. Forced electrical oscillations. AC. Alternating current generator.
AC 240 motor
§47. Effective values ​​of voltage and current. Coil in an alternating current circuit. Capacitor in an alternating current circuit.
Oscillatory circuit. Electrical resonance 245
§48. Transformer. Idle mode. Load mode. Electrical energy transmission 248
Propagation of vibrations in space. Waves 252
§49. Transverse and longitudinal mechanical waves.
Wave equation. Sound waves 252
§50. Ideas of Maxwell's theory. Electromagnetic field.
Hertz's experiments. Open oscillatory circuit. Electromagnetic waves and their properties.
Principles of Radio Communication 254
§51. Law of rectilinear propagation of light. Speed ​​of light. The concept of a ray.
Laws of reflection and refraction of light.
The phenomenon of total (internal) reflection 258
§ 52. Thin lenses. Lens formula. Construction of images in converging and diverging lenses.
Optical systems 266
§53. Coherence. Jung's experience.
Interference of light and its application in technology. Diffraction of light. Dispersion of light.
Light polarization 270
§54. Electromagnetic radiation different ranges wavelengths.
Properties and practical application of these radiations 275
§55. Fundamentals of special relativity 278
Wave-particle duality 281
§56. Planck's hypothesis. Photons and their properties. Photoelectric effect and its laws 281
§57. De Broglie's hypothesis.
Wave-particle duality 286
Physics of the Atom 288
§58. Rutherford's experiments on alpha particle scattering. Planetary model of the atom.
Bohr's quantum postulates 288
§59. Emission and absorption spectra electromagnetic radiation 291
§60. Lasers. Luminescence 294
Nuclear Physics 296
§61. Composition of the nucleus of an atom. Isotopes.
Nuclear forces. Binding energy of atomic nuclei 296
§62. Nuclear reactions. Radioactivity. Alpha, beta, gamma radiation and their properties 298
§63. Law of Radioactive Decay 302
§64. Fission of uranium nuclei. Nuclear chain reactions. Nuclear reactor. Thermonuclear reaction 303
Elementary particles 306
§65. Elementary particles.
Fundamental Interactions 306
§66. Methods for observing and recording particles in nuclear physics. Dosimetry 307
§67. Experiment and theory in physical knowledge of the world.
Concept of physical laws and the limits of their applicability. Measurements physical quantities 309

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