Sealand oil platform. Virtual state of Sealand (principality) - a microstate on a sea platform in the North Sea

Which country is the smallest? Many will answer: the Vatican. However, ten kilometers from the coast of Great Britain there is a tiny independent state - Sealand. The Principality is located on an abandoned sea platform.


The Rafs Tower platform (“Tower of Hooligans” in English) was built during the Second World War. To protect against Nazi bombers, several such platforms were installed off the coast of Great Britain. An anti-aircraft gun complex was located on them, which was guarded and serviced by 200 soldiers.

The Roughs Tower platform, which later became the physical territory occupied by the virtual state, was located six miles from the Thames Estuary. And Britain's territorial waters ended three miles from the coast. Thus, the platform ended up in neutral waters. After the end of the war, the weapons from all the forts were dismantled, the platforms located close to the shore were destroyed. And Rafs Tower remained abandoned.

In the 60s of the last century, radio pirates began to actively explore the coastal waters of England. Roy Bates, retired major british army, was one of them. He launched his first radio station, Radio Essex, on a different platform, displacing his colleagues. However, in 1965 he was fined for violating the Wireless Telegraph Act and had to find a new location for the radio station.

Together with his friend Ronan O'Rahilly, the major decided to occupy Rafs Tower and create an amusement park on the platform. However, the friends soon quarreled, and Roy Bates began to master the platform on his own. He even had to defend the right to her with arms in hand.

History of creation

The amusement park idea failed. But Bates could no longer recreate the radio station, despite the fact that he had all the necessary equipment. The fact is that in 1967 a law came into force that made broadcasting, including from international waters, a crime. Now even the location of the platform could not save Bates from persecution by the state.

But what if the waters are no longer neutral? A retired major had a crazy, at first glance, idea - to proclaim a platform separate state. On September 2, 1967, the former military man proclaimed the platform independent state and named him Sealand, and declared himself ruler new country, Prince Roy I Bates. Accordingly, his wife became Princess Joanna I.

Of course, Roy initially studied international law and talked to lawyers. It turned out that the major’s actions would indeed be difficult to challenge in court. The newly created state of Sealand had a physical territory, albeit small - only 0.004 square kilometers.

At the same time, the construction of the platform was completely legal. A document prohibiting such buildings appeared only in the 80s. And at the same time, the platform was outside the jurisdiction of Britain, and the authorities could not legally dismantle it.

Relations with Great Britain

IN territorial waters In England there were still three similar platforms left. Just in case, the government decided to get rid of them. The platforms were blown up. One of the Navy vessels carrying out this mission sailed to Sealand. The ship's crew stated that this platform would soon be destroyed. To which the residents of the principality responded by firing warning shots into the air.

Roy Bates was a British citizen. Therefore, as soon as the major stepped ashore, he was arrested on charges of illegal possession of weapons. Against Prince Bates began trial. On September 2, 1968, an Essex judge made a historic decision: he ruled that the case was outside British jurisdiction. This fact became official evidence that the UK had renounced its rights to the platform.

Coup attempt

In August 1978, a coup nearly occurred in the country. A conflict arose between the ruler of the state, Roy Bates, and his closest assistant, Count Alexander Gottfried Achenbach, over the policy of attracting foreign investment to the country. The men accused each other of unconstitutional intentions.

When the prince went to Austria to negotiate with potential investors, the count decided to seize the platform by force. At that moment, only Michael (Michael) I Bates, son of Roy and heir to the throne, was on the territory of Sealand. Achenbach, along with several mercenaries, captured the platform, and the young prince was locked in a windowless cabin for several days. After this, Michael was taken to the Netherlands, from where he was able to escape.

Soon, Roy and Michael were reunited and were able to regain power on the platform. The mercenaries and Achenbach were captured. What to do with people who betrayed Sealand? The Principality fully complied with international law. on the rights of prisoners of war states that after the cessation of hostilities, all prisoners must be released.

The mercenaries were immediately released. But Achenbach was accused of attempting a coup d'etat according to the laws of the principality. He was convicted and removed from all government positions. Since the traitor was a citizen of Germany, the German authorities became interested in his fate. Britain refused to intervene in this conflict.

A German official arrived on Sealand to speak with Prince Roy. As a result of the intervention of a German diplomat, Achenbach was released.

Illegal government

What did Achenbach do next after the failed attempt to capture Sealand? The Principality was now inaccessible to him. But the former count continued to insist on his rights and even organized a government of Sealand in exile. He also claimed that he was the chairman of a certain secret council.

Germany had Achenbach's diplomatic status, and in 1989 he was arrested. The post of head of the illegal government of Sealand was taken by Johannes Seiger, the former Minister of Economic Cooperation.

Territory expansion

In 1987, Sealand (principality) expanded its territorial waters. He announced this desire on September 30, and the next day the UK made the same statement. In accordance with international law, the disputed maritime territory is equally divided between the two states.

Since there are no agreements between the countries in this regard, and Great Britain did not make any statements, the Sealand government considered the disputed territory to be divided according to international norms.

This led to unpleasant incident. In 1990, a British ship unauthorized approached the shores of the principality. Residents of Sealand fired several warning shots into the air.


In 1975, the virtual state began issuing its own passports, including diplomatic ones. But Sealand's good name was tarnished when the illegitimate government in exile became involved in a major global scam. In 1997, Interpol began looking for the source of origin huge amount false documents allegedly issued in Sealand.

Passports, driver's licenses, diplomas higher education and other documents were sold to Russia, the USA and European countries. Using these documents, people tried to cross the border, open a bank account, and buy weapons. The Sealand government assisted the investigation. After this incident, absolutely all passports, including those issued absolutely legally, were revoked and abolished.

Constitution, state symbols, form of government

After Great Britain recognized that Sealand was outside its jurisdiction in 1968, the inhabitants decided that this was a de facto recognition of the country's independence. 7 years later, in 1975, they developed state symbols- anthem, flag and coat of arms. At the same time, the Constitution was issued, including a preamble and 7 articles. New government decisions are formalized in the form of decrees.

The flag of Sealand is a combination of three colors - red, black and white. In the upper left corner there is a red triangle, in the lower right corner there is a black triangle. Between them there is a white stripe.

The flag and coat of arms are official symbols Sealenda. The coat of arms of Sealand depicts two lions with fish tails, holding a shield in the colors of the flag in their paws. Below the coat of arms is a motto that reads: “Freedom from the sea.” The national anthem, written by composer Vasily Simonenko, is also called.

By state structure Sealand is a monarchy. The governing structure has three ministries - foreign affairs, internal affairs and telecommunications and technology.

Coins and stamps

Sealand coins have been issued since 1972. The first silver coin with the image of Princess Joan was released in 1972. From 1972 to 1994, several types of coins were issued, mainly in silver, gold and bronze, with portraits of Joanna and Roy or a dolphin on the obverse, and a sailboat or coat of arms on the reverse. The monetary unit of the principality is the Sealand dollar, which is pegged to the US dollar.

Between 1969 and 1977, the state issued postage stamps. For some time they were accepted by the Belgian Post.


The first ruler of Sealand was Prince Roy Bates. In 1990, he transferred all rights to his son and went to live in Spain with the princess. Roy died in 2012, his wife Joanna in 2016. The current ruler is Prince Michael I Bates. He has an heir, James Bates, who is the Prince of Sealand. In 2014, James had a son, Freddie, who is the great-grandson of the first ruler of the principality.

Who lives in Sealand today? The population of the principality at different times ranged from 3 to 27 people. Currently, there are about ten people on the platform every day.

Religion and sports

It operates on the territory of the principality. There is also a small chapel named after St. Brendan the Navigator on the platform. Sealand does not remain aloof from sporting achievements. Despite the fact that the population of the principality is not enough to form sports teams, some athletes represent the unrecognized state. There is even a football team.

Sealand and the Internet

Regarding the Internet on the territory of the state, a simple law applies - everything is permitted except spam, hacker attacks and child pornography. Therefore, Sealand, which began as a pirate radio station, is still an attractive territory for modern pirates. For 8 years, HavenCo servers were located on the territory of the principality. After the closure of the company, the principality continues to provide services for hosting servers for various organizations.

Legal status

Unlike other self-proclaimed states, Sealand has little chance of gaining recognition. The principality has a physical territory, it was founded before the expansion water boundaries Britain. The platform was abandoned, which means its settlement can be considered as colonization. Thus, Roy Bates could actually establish a state in free territory. However, for Sealand to receive full rights, it must be recognized by other states.

Selling Sealand

In 2006, there was a fire on the platform. Restoration required significant funds. In 2007, the principality was put up for sale at a price of 750 million euros. The Pirate Bay intended to acquire the platform, but the parties could not reach an agreement.

Sealand today

You can not only find out which country is the smallest, but also support the rebel platform government in its quest for independence. Anyone can donate money to the treasury of the principality. In addition, on the official website you can purchase various souvenirs, coins, and stamps.

For just 6 euros you can create a personal Sealand address email. For 25 euros order an official ID card. For those who have dreamed of a title all their lives, Sealand gives such an opportunity. Quite officially, according to the laws of the principality, anyone who pays 30 euros can become a baron, for 100 euros - a knight of the Sovereign Military Order, and for 200 - a real count or countess.

Today, the Principality of Sealand is ruled by Michael I Bates. Like his father, he is an advocate for freedom of information, and Hooligan Tower remains a stronghold of modern information pirates.

Prince Michael I Bates Territory
% water surface
~0.001 km²
100% Population
Grade ()
11 people
people/km² Currency Sealand dollar Internet domains .eu Dialing code +44 Time zone +0 Coordinates: 51°53′42″ n. w. 1°28′49″ E. d. /  51.89500° N. w. 1.48028° E. d. / 51.89500; 1.48028 (G) (I)

Roy did not build an amusement park, but chose the platform to base his pirate radio station, Britain's Better Music Station, but this radio station never broadcast from the platform. On September 2, 1967, he announced the creation of a sovereign state and proclaimed himself Prince Roy I. This day is celebrated as the main public holiday.

Conflict with Great Britain

In 1968, British authorities tried to take over the platform. Patrol boats approached, and the Bateses responded by firing warning shots into the air. The matter did not come to bloodshed, but a trial was launched against Major Bates as a British subject.

Coup attempt

Fire on Sealand

On June 23, 2006, the state of Sealand suffered its largest natural disaster throughout its history. A fire broke out on the platform, the cause of which is stated to be short circuit. The fire destroyed almost all buildings. As a result of the fire, one victim was taken by a British BBC rescue helicopter to a UK hospital. The state was restored quite quickly: by November of the same year.

Selling Sealand

Tourism in Sealand

The government of Sealand announced the start of tourist trips in the summer of 2012. As of July 19, a government spokesman reports in private correspondence that “the tourism program is in the final stages of preparation.”

Michael (Michael) I Bates

Since 1999, Michael I Bates (son of Paddy Roy Bates; born 1952) has become Prince Regent of Sealand. politician, living in the UK. Since 2012 he inherited the title: “Admiral General of Sealenda” Prince Michael I Bates».

Legal status

Sealand's position compares favorably with that of other virtual states. The Principality has physical territory and has some legal grounds for international recognition. The requirement for independence is based on three arguments. The most fundamental of these is the fact that Sealand was founded in international waters before the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea came into force, prohibiting the construction artificial structures on the high seas, and until the UK's sovereign maritime zone is expanded from 3 to 12 nautical miles in 1987. Due to the fact that the Rafs Tower platform on which Sealand is located was abandoned and struck off the British Admiralty lists, its occupation is considered to be colonization. The settlers who settled on it believe that they had every right to establish a state and establish a form of government at their discretion. According to international standards, the size of a state cannot be an obstacle to recognition. For example, the recognized British possession of Pitcairn Island has only about 60 people.

Second important argument is a 1968 British court decision that Britain had no jurisdiction over Sealand. No other country has claimed rights to Sealand either.

Thirdly, there are several facts of de facto recognition of Sealand. The Montevideo Convention states that states have the right to existence and self-defense regardless of official recognition. In modern international practice, tacit (non-diplomatic) recognition is a fairly common phenomenon. It arises when a regime does not have sufficient legitimacy, but exercises actual power on its territory. For example, many states do not recognize the Republic of China diplomatically, but de facto view it as a sovereign country. There are four similar pieces of evidence regarding Sealand:

  1. Great Britain did not pay Prince Roy a pension during the period when he was in Sealand.
  2. UK courts have refused to hear the 1968 and 1990 claims against Sealand.
  3. The Foreign Ministries of the Netherlands and Germany entered into negotiations with the Sealand government.
  4. The Belgian Post accepted Sealand stamps for some time.

Theoretically, Sealand's position is very convincing. If recognized, the principality would become the smallest country in the world and the 51st state in Europe. However, according to the constitutive theory, a state can exist only insofar as it is recognized by other states. Therefore, Sealand cannot be accepted into any international organization, can't start his own postal address, domain name . None of the countries established diplomatic relations with him.


Sealand has been involved in several commercial operations, including issuing coins, postage stamps, and providing server space HavenCo. Also, for some time, Sealand camouflage passports were issued by a certain Spanish group.


Dignity Material Year of issue
¼ dollar bronze 1994
¼ dollar silver 1994
½ dollar copper-nickel alloy 1994
½ dollar silver 1994
1 dollar bronze 1994
1 dollar silver 1994
2½ dollars bronze 1994
10 dollars silver 1972
10 dollars silver 1977
30 dollars silver 1972
100 dollars gold 1977


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An excerpt characterizing Sealand

The men came up and took him by the shoulders and legs, but he moaned pitifully, and the men, after exchanging glances, let him go again.
- Take it, put it down, it’s all the same! – someone’s voice shouted. Another time they took him by the shoulders and put him on a stretcher.
- Oh my God! My God! What is this?.. Belly! This is the end! Oh my God! – voices were heard between the officers. “It buzzed just past my ear,” said the adjutant. The men, having adjusted the stretcher on their shoulders, hastily set off along the path they had trodden to the dressing station.
- Keep up... Eh!.. man! - the officer shouted, stopping the men walking unevenly and shaking the stretcher by their shoulders.
“Make adjustments, or something, Khvedor, Khvedor,” said the man in front.
“That’s it, it’s important,” the one behind him said joyfully, hitting him in the leg.
- Your Excellency? A? Prince? – Timokhin ran up and said in a trembling voice, looking into the stretcher.
Prince Andrei opened his eyes and looked from behind the stretcher, into which his head was deeply buried, at the one who was speaking, and again lowered his eyelids.
The militia brought Prince Andrei to the forest where the trucks were parked and where there was a dressing station. The dressing station consisted of three tents spread out with folded floors on the edge of a birch forest. There were wagons and horses in the birch forest. The horses in the ridges were eating oats, and sparrows flew to them and picked up the spilled grains. The crows, sensing blood, cawing impatiently, flew over the birch trees. Around the tents, with more than two acres of space, lay, sat, and stood bloodied people in various clothes. Around the wounded, with sad and attentive faces, stood crowds of soldier porters, whom the officers in charge of order vainly drove away from this place. Without listening to the officers, the soldiers stood leaning on the stretcher and looked intently, as if trying to understand the difficult meaning of the spectacle, at what was happening in front of them. Loud, angry screams and pitiful groans were heard from the tents. Occasionally, a paramedic would run out from there to fetch water and point out those who needed to be brought in. The wounded, waiting for their turn at the tent, wheezed, moaned, cried, screamed, cursed, and asked for vodka. Some were delirious. Prince Andrei, as a regimental commander, walking through the unbandaged wounded, was carried closer to one of the tents and stopped, awaiting orders. Prince Andrei opened his eyes and for a long time could not understand what was happening around him. The meadow, wormwood, arable land, the black spinning ball and his passionate outburst of love for life came back to him. Two steps away from him, speaking loudly and drawing everyone's attention to himself, stood, leaning on a branch and with his head tied, a tall, handsome, black-haired non-commissioned officer. He was wounded in the head and leg by bullets. A crowd of wounded and bearers gathered around him, eagerly listening to his speech.
“We just fucked him up, he abandoned everything, they took the king himself!” – the soldier shouted, his black, hot eyes shining and looking around him. “If only Lezervy had come that very time, he wouldn’t have had the title, my brother, so I’m telling you the truth...”
Prince Andrei, like everyone around the narrator, looked at him with a brilliant gaze and felt a comforting feeling. “But doesn’t it matter now,” he thought. - What will happen there and what happened here? Why was I so sorry to part with my life? There was something in this life that I didn’t understand and don’t understand.”

One of the doctors, in a bloody apron and with bloody small hands, in one of which he is between the little finger and thumb(so as not to stain it) held a cigar and left the tent. This doctor raised his head and began to look around, but above the wounded. He obviously wanted to rest a little. After moving his head to the right and left for a while, he sighed and lowered his eyes.
“Well, now,” he said in response to the words of the paramedic, who pointed him to Prince Andrei, and ordered him to be carried into the tent.
There was a murmur from the crowd of waiting wounded.
“Apparently, the gentlemen will live alone in the next world,” said one.
Prince Andrei was carried in and laid on a newly cleaned table, from which the paramedic was rinsing something. Prince Andrei could not make out exactly what was in the tent. Piteous moans from different sides, excruciating pain in the thigh, stomach and back entertained him. Everything he saw around him merged into one general impression naked, bloody human body, which seemed to fill the entire low tent, just as a few weeks ago on this hot August day the same body filled a dirty pond across Smolensk road. Yes, it was that same body, that same chair a canon [fodder for cannons], the sight of which even then, as if predicting what would happen now, aroused horror in him.
There were three tables in the tent. Two were occupied, and Prince Andrei was placed on the third. He was left alone for some time, and he involuntarily saw what was happening on the other two tables. On the nearby table sat a Tatar, probably a Cossack, judging by his uniform thrown nearby. Four soldiers held him. The bespectacled doctor was cutting something into his brown, muscular back.
“Uh, uh, uh!..” it was as if the Tatar was grunting, and suddenly, raising his high-cheekboned, black, snub-nosed face, baring his white teeth, he began to tear, twitch and squeal with a piercing, ringing, drawn-out squeal. On another table, around which a lot of people were crowding, a large fat man with his head thrown back (curly hair, its color and shape of the head seemed strangely familiar to Prince Andrei). Several paramedics leaned on this man's chest and held him. The white, large, plump leg twitched quickly and frequently, without ceasing, with feverish tremors. This man was sobbing convulsively and choking. Two doctors silently - one was pale and trembling - were doing something on the other, red leg of this man. Having dealt with the Tatar, on whom an overcoat had been thrown, the doctor in glasses, wiping his hands, approached Prince Andrei. He looked into the face of Prince Andrei and hastily turned away.
- Undress! What are you standing for? – he shouted angrily at the paramedics.
Prince Andrei remembered his very first distant childhood, when the paramedic, with his hasty, rolled-up hands, unbuttoned his buttons and took off his dress. The doctor bent low over the wound, felt it and sighed heavily. Then he made a sign to someone. And the excruciating pain inside the abdomen made Prince Andrei lose consciousness. When he woke up, the broken thigh bones had been removed, chunks of flesh had been cut off, and the wound had been bandaged. They threw water in his face. As soon as Prince Andrei opened his eyes, the doctor bent over him, silently kissed him on the lips and hurriedly walked away.
After suffering, Prince Andrei felt a bliss that he had not experienced for a long time. All the best, happiest moments in his life, especially his earliest childhood, when they undressed him and put him in his crib, when the nanny sang over him, lulling him to sleep, when, burying his head in the pillows, he felt happy with the sheer consciousness of life - he imagined to the imagination not even as the past, but as reality.
Doctors were fussing around the wounded man, the outline of whose head seemed familiar to Prince Andrei; they lifted him up and calmed him down.
– Show me... Ooooh! O! oooooh! – one could hear his groan, interrupted by sobs, frightened and resigned to suffering. Listening to these moans, Prince Andrei wanted to cry. Was it because he was dying without glory, was it because he was sorry to part with his life, was it because of these irretrievable childhood memories, was it because he suffered, that others suffered, and this man moaned so pitifully in front of him, but he wanted to cry childish, kind, almost joyful tears.
The wounded man was shown a severed leg in a boot with dried blood.
- ABOUT! Ooooh! - he sobbed like a woman. The doctor, standing in front of the wounded man, blocking his face, moved away.
- My God! What is this? Why is he here? - Prince Andrei said to himself.
In the unfortunate, sobbing, exhausted man, whose leg had just been taken away, he recognized Anatoly Kuragin. They held Anatole in their arms and offered him water in a glass, the edge of which he could not catch with his trembling, swollen lips. Anatole was sobbing heavily. “Yes, it’s him; “Yes, this man is somehow closely and deeply connected with me,” thought Prince Andrei, not yet clearly understanding what was in front of him. – What is this person’s connection with my childhood, with my life? - he asked himself, not finding an answer. And suddenly a new, unexpected memory from the world of childhood, pure and loving, presented itself to Prince Andrei. He remembered Natasha as he had seen her for the first time at the ball in 1810, with a thin neck and thin arms, ready for delight, frightened, happy face, and love and tenderness for her, even more alive and stronger than ever, awoke in his soul. He now remembered the connection that existed between him and this man, who looked at him dully through tears filling his swollen eyes. Prince Andrey remembered everything, and enthusiastic pity and love for this man filled his happy heart.
Prince Andrei could not hold on any longer and began to cry tender, loving tears over people, over himself and over them and his delusions.
“Compassion, love for brothers, for those who love, love for those who hate us, love for enemies - yes, that love that God preached on earth, which Princess Marya taught me and which I did not understand; That’s why I felt sorry for life, that’s what was still left for me if I were alive. But now it's too late. I know it!

The terrible sight of the battlefield, covered with corpses and wounded, combined with the heaviness of the head and with the news of the killed and wounded twenty familiar generals and with the awareness of the powerlessness of his previously strong hand, made an unexpected impression on Napoleon, who usually loved to look at the dead and wounded, thereby testing his spiritual strength (as he thought). On this day, the terrible sight of the battlefield defeated the spiritual strength in which he believed his merit and greatness. He hastily left the battlefield and returned to the Shevardinsky mound. Yellow, swollen, heavy, with dull eyes, a red nose and a hoarse voice, he sat on a folding chair, involuntarily listening to the sounds of gunfire and not raising his eyes. He awaited with painful melancholy the end of that matter, which he considered himself to be the cause of, but which he could not stop. Personal human feeling on a short moment took over that artificial ghost of life that he had served for so long. He endured the suffering and death that he saw on the battlefield. The heaviness of his head and chest reminded him of the possibility of suffering and death for himself. At that moment he did not want Moscow, victory, or glory for himself. (What more glory did he need?) The only thing he wanted now was rest, peace and freedom. But when he was at Semenovskaya Heights, the chief of artillery suggested that he place several batteries at these heights in order to intensify the fire on the Russian troops crowded in front of Knyazkov. Napoleon agreed and ordered news to be brought to him about what effect these batteries would produce.
The adjutant came to say that, by order of the emperor, two hundred guns were aimed at the Russians, but that the Russians were still standing there.
“Our fire takes them out in rows, but they stand,” said the adjutant.
“Ils en veulent encore!.. [They still want it!..],” said Napoleon in a hoarse voice.
- Sire? [Sovereign?] - repeated the adjutant who did not listen.
“Ils en veulent encore,” Napoleon croaked, frowning, in a hoarse voice, “donnez leur en.” [You still want to, so ask them.]
And without his order, what he wanted was done, and he gave orders only because he thought that orders were expected from him. And he was again transported to his former artificial world ghosts of some kind of greatness, and again (like that horse walking on a sloping drive wheel imagines that it is doing something for itself) he obediently began to fulfill that cruel, sad and difficult, inhuman role that was intended for him.
And it was not just for this hour and day that the mind and conscience of this man, who bore the brunt of what was happening more heavily than all the other participants in this matter, were darkened; but never, until the end of his life, could he understand either goodness, beauty, truth, or the meaning of his actions, which were too opposite to goodness and truth, too far from everything human for him to understand their meaning. He could not renounce his actions, praised by half the world, and therefore had to renounce truth and goodness and everything human.
Not only on this day, driving around the battlefield, strewn with dead and mutilated people (as he thought, by his will), he, looking at these people, counted how many Russians there were for one Frenchman, and, deceiving himself, found reasons to rejoice that for every Frenchman there were five Russians. Not only on this day did he write in a letter to Paris that le champ de bataille a ete superbe [the battlefield was magnificent], because there were fifty thousand corpses on it; but also on the island of St. Helena, in the quiet of solitude, where he said that he intended to devote his leisure time to the exposition of the great deeds that he had done, he wrote:
"La guerre de Russie eut du etre la plus populaire des temps modernes: c" etait celle du bon sens et des vrais interets, celle du repos et de la securite de tous; elle etait purement pacifique et conservatrice.
C "etait pour la grande cause, la fin des hasards elle commencement de la securite. Un nouvel horizon, de nouveaux travaux allaient se derouler, tout plein du bien etre et de la prosperite de tous. Le systeme europeen se trouvait fonde; il n "etait plus question que de l"organiser.
Satisfait sur ces grands points et tranquille partout, j "aurais eu aussi mon congress et ma sainte alliance. Ce sont des idees qu"on m"a volees. Dans cette reunion de grands souverains, nous eussions traits de nos interets en famille et compte de clerc a maitre avec les peuples.
L"Europe n"eut bientot fait de la sorte veritablement qu"un meme peuple, et chacun, en voyageant partout, se fut trouve toujours dans la patrie commune. Il eut demande toutes les rivieres navigables pour tous, la communaute des mers, et que les grandes armees permanentes fussent reduites desormais a la seule garde des souverains.
De retour en France, au sein de la patrie, grande, forte, magnifique, tranquille, glorieuse, j"eusse proclame ses limites immuables; toute guerre future, purement defensive; tout agrandissement nouveau antinational. J"eusse associe mon fils a l"Empire ; ma dictature eut fini, et son regne constitutionnel eut commence…
Paris eut ete la capitale du monde, et les Francais l"envie des nations!..
Mes loisirs ensuite et mes vieux jours eussent ete consacres, en compagnie de l"imperatrice et durant l"apprentissage royal de mon fils, a visiter lentement et en vrai couple campagnard, avec nos propres chevaux, tous les recoins de l"Empire, recevant les plaintes, redressant les torts, semant de toutes parts et partout les monuments et les bienfaits.
The Russian war should have been the most popular in modern times: it was a war common sense and real benefits, a war of peace and security for all; she was purely peace-loving and conservative.
This was for great goal, for the end of randomness and the beginning of peace. A new horizon, new works would open, full of prosperity and well-being for all. The European system would have been founded, the only question would be its establishment.
Satisfied in these great matters and everywhere calm, I too would have my congress and my sacred alliance. These are the thoughts that were stolen from me. In this meeting of great sovereigns, we would discuss our interests as a family and would take into account the peoples, like a scribe with an owner.
Europe would indeed soon constitute one and the same people, and everyone, traveling anywhere, would always be in a common homeland.
I would argue that all rivers should be navigable for everyone, that the sea should be common, that permanent, large armies should be reduced solely to the guards of sovereigns, etc.
Returning to France, to my homeland, great, strong, magnificent, calm, glorious, I would proclaim its borders unchanged; any future war protective; any new spread is anti-national; I would add my son to the government of the empire; my dictatorship would end and his constitutional rule would begin...
Paris would be the capital of the world and the French would be the envy of all nations!..
Then my leisure time and last days would be dedicated, with the help of the Empress and during the royal education of my son, to little by little, like a real village couple, on their own horses, visiting all corners of the state, receiving complaints, eliminating injustices, scattering buildings in all directions and everywhere good deeds.]

: 51°53′24″ n. w. 1°27′20″ E. d. /  51.89° N. w. 1.455556° E. d.(G) (O) 51.89 , 1.455556

Motto: “E Mare Libertas (Latin: “From the sea - freedom”)” Hymn : Founded September 2 Official language English Largest cities No Form of government Constitutional monarchy Prince Michael I Bates Territory
% water surface
0.00055 km²
100% Population
Grade ()
32 people
5 people
9090 (according to the census) people/km² Currency Sealand dollar Internet domains .eu ISO code SL Dialing code +44 Time zone +0

Roy did not build an amusement park, but chose the platform to base his pirate radio station, Britain's Better Music Station, but this radio station never broadcast from the platform. On September 2, 1967, he announced the creation of a sovereign state and proclaimed himself Prince Roy I. This day is celebrated as the main public holiday.

Conflict with Great Britain

Expansion of territorial waters

Territorial waters claimed by Sealand

Fire on Sealand

Sealand after the fire

On June 23, 2006, the state of Sealand suffered the worst natural disaster in its history. A fire broke out on the platform, the cause of which was said to be a short circuit. The fire destroyed almost all buildings. As a result of the fire, one victim was taken by a British BBC rescue helicopter to a UK hospital. The state was restored quite quickly: by November of the same year.

Selling Sealand

Tourism in Sealand

The government of Sealand on its official website announced the start of tourist trips from the summer of 2012. As of July 19, a government spokesman reports in private correspondence that “the tourism program is in the final stages of preparation.”

Michael (Michael) I Bates

Since 1999, Michael I Bates (son of Paddy Roy Bates; born 1952), a Sealand politician living in the UK, has become Prince Regent of Sealand. Since 2012 he inherited the title: “Admiral General of Sealenda” Prince Michael I Bates»

Legal status

Sealand's position compares favorably with that of other virtual states. The Principality has a physical territory and has some legal grounds for international recognition. The requirement for independence is based on three arguments. The most fundamental of these is the fact that Sealand was established in international waters before the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, prohibiting the construction of man-made structures on the high seas, came into force, and before the extension of the UK's sovereign maritime zone from 3 to 12 nautical miles in 1987 year. Due to the fact that the Rafs Tower platform on which Sealand is located was abandoned and struck off the British Admiralty lists, its occupation is considered to be colonization. The settlers who settled on it believe that they had every right to establish a state and establish a form of government at their discretion. According to international standards, the size of a state cannot be an obstacle to recognition. For example, the recognized British possession of Pitcairn Island has only about 60 people.

The second important argument is the 1968 British court decision that the UK had no jurisdiction over Sealand. No other country has claimed rights to Sealand either.

Thirdly, there are several facts of de facto recognition of Sealand. The Montevideo Convention states that states have the right to existence and self-defense regardless of official recognition. In modern international practice, tacit (non-diplomatic) recognition is a fairly common phenomenon. It arises when a regime does not have sufficient legitimacy, but exercises actual power on its territory. For example, many states do not recognize the Republic of China diplomatically, but de facto view it as a sovereign country. There are four similar pieces of evidence regarding Sealand:

  1. Great Britain does not pay Prince Roy a pension for the period when he was in Sealand.
  2. UK courts refused to hear the 1968 and 1990 claims against Sealand.
  3. The Foreign Ministries of the Netherlands and Germany entered into negotiations with the Sealand government.
  4. The Belgian Post accepted Sealand stamps for some time.

Theoretically, Sealand's position is very convincing. If recognized, the principality would become the smallest country in the world and the 51st state in Europe. However, according to the constituent theory, more common in modern international law, a state can exist only insofar as it is recognized by other states. Therefore, Sealand cannot be accepted into any international organization and cannot have its own postal address or domain name. None of the countries established diplomatic relations with him.

Sealand is trying to achieve recognition of independence somehow large state, but did not try to achieve independence through the UN.


Sealand coins, from left to right: ½ dollar, silver dollar and ¼ dollar

Dignity Material Year of issue
¼ dollar bronze
¼ dollar silver
½ dollar copper-nickel alloy
½ dollar silver
1 dollar bronze
1 dollar silver
2½ dollars bronze
10 dollars silver
10 dollars silver
30 dollars silver
100 dollars gold

Coins from the 1970s have a portrait of one of the monarchs on the obverse, and the coat of arms of Sealand on the reverse. (On the coins of 1972 there is no coat of arms yet; a sailboat on the waves is depicted). The obverse of coins from the 1990s features an image of a dolphin.

Also known are 20 dollars with the image of Princess Joanna (silver, 1975, number of copies unknown). 10 dollars 1977 were issued in two types: 2000 copies with the image of Prince Roy and 2000 copies with the image of Princess Joanna.

The Government in Exile issued silver one hundred dollars in 1991 with a portrait of Prime Minister Johannes Seiger.

One of the oldest and certainly the most famous microstate in the world was born back in 1967. And you know what's most interesting? You, too, can become a citizen of Sealand, a freedom-loving principality off the very coast of Great Britain.

Platform for life

During World War II, Britain did everything possible to fortify the coast. As part of this program, several platforms were built on the approaches. The Rafs Tower site housed an impressive garrison of 200 men and several anti-aircraft guns. But in the bustle, the British erected that very Rafs Tower outside their territorial waters, which was the impetus for further development situations.

Amusement park

Long after the war, in 1966, former soldiers Paddy Roy Bates and Ronan O'Reilly looked at an abandoned platform to create an amusement park. The partners' plans were interrupted by a quarrel: Bates kicked Ronan off the platform and defended it for some time.

Pirate State

The winner did not build any amusement park. Instead, it was planned to place the pirate station Britain’s Better Music Station here, but things did not go further than plans. After living on the platform for several months, Roy suddenly announced the creation of a sovereign state. On September 2, 1967, the whole world learned with amazement about the emergence of a new principality - Roy named it Sealand.

Problems with the authorities

Of course, the English authorities were not going to stand by and give their property to some rogue. In early 1968, two military boats approached the platform and were met with gunfire. Bloodshed was avoided: England decided to simply sue Bates, because formally he remained a British subject.

Tricks of the Lawyers

A logical way out of this situation would be for Great Britain to expand its territorial waters. On September 30, 1987, this was officially announced: Sealand now fell under the jurisdiction of the country. However, the smart prince responded to the new threat immediately - he also announced the expansion of the territory of the principality, to which the British snobs decided not to react. And it was big mistake: In fact, for the rest of the world, Britain seemed to recognize Bates's right to sovereign control of his platform.

Document scam

For international crime, the existence of Sealand was a real gift. In 1997, Interpol came across a syndicate selling fake Sealand documents. Diplomatic passports, driver license, ordinary civil documents - in Europe, using such papers they managed to buy weapons, open bank accounts and organize entire scams. The operation to block the counterfeit documents took several years and cost Interpol about $10 million.

The inexorable elements

For a long time Sealand flourished. But on June 23, 2006, the history of this strange state almost came to an end. A sudden fire destroyed almost all the buildings on the platform, and it took the Sealanders six months to restore the infrastructure.


The Principality is governed as a constitutional monarchy. Until recently, the head was Prince Roy I Bates, and now he has been replaced by his heir, Michael I Bates. There is a full-fledged constitution, adopted on September 25, 1975. Life control is carried out by three ministries: Internal Affairs, Foreign Affairs and Telecommunications and Technology.

Social life

There is no need to think that Sealand is just one of the invented states. Everything you need is here normal life: The country issues its own stamps, there is the Sealand Anglican Church and even its own football team. The latter, however, has not yet been recognized by any federation.


After Roy's death, his only son, Michael Bay, became his heir. True, the politician did not move to the platform and prefers to spend time in the UK. In 2012, he was given the hereditary title of Admiral General of Sealand by Prince Michael I Bates.

Blog of architects Igor and Marina Popovskikh

This post, to some extent, continues the idea that flashed in “Houses of the Doomed.” The only difference is that we are talking about that section of the street. Bolshevik, where two architectural monuments of regional significance are located. Below the cut are photographs of the monuments themselves, a couple of neighboring houses, and also a little about the plans for this territory.

The April issue of the magazine "All about New Buildings" (No. 4, 2011) contains the article "Monuments of History and Architecture" (p. 58-61). At the very end of the article you can find a paragraph reporting a discussion of the possibility of creating a museum under open air"Urban Beginning" dedicated to builders railway bridge through the Ob, who became the founders of the city. The Bridge Monument, which is part of the span of the first bridge across the Ob, is considered as three objects on the basis of which it is possible to create such a complex..

Photo from 07/01/2010

House of the Office of the Administration of the Tomsk Estate of the Altai District of the Department of the Cabinet of His Imperial Majesty...

Photo from 07/01/2010

Photo from 07/01/2010

And the office of engineer G. M. Budagov. Considering that the last building is located across a fairly busy road in terms of vehicles, the question arises: “How will these points be connected?” After all, the construction of a nearby road junction will make it even more difficult for pedestrians - visitors to the future museum complex - to cross the roadway. But, since so far only the possibility of creation is being discussed, it is premature to talk about everything.

But it arouses some interest private sector, located along Bolshevistskaya and Inskaya streets. On the street itself. Bolshevikskaya there are two architectural monuments, about which below. On nearby Inskaya Street there is another architectural monument - the Terentyev estate (late 19th - early 20th centuries, unfortunately no photographs), a historical monument (Zakamensky District Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, 1908)...

And a couple of houses, richly decorated with carvings.

Photo from 08/15/2008

Thus, the place is certainly historical and with a certain creative approach, something interesting can be created from it. However, the question arises: will the place itself survive?

It is planned to restore the office of G. M. Budagov and create a memorial exhibition there to the founders of the city, but it is possible that soon there will be nothing to restore, since the building is in disrepair and is disappearing right before our eyes.

The office was built at the end of the 19th century by engineer Grigory Moiseevich Budagov. A rectangular one-story log house on a brick plastered plinth is covered with horizontal and vertical profiled boards.

Rectangular vertical windows are framed by platbands with over-window cornices decorated with carvings. The vertical boards are decorated with applied twisted half-columns of turning work and a “capital” formed by the plane of the board with an applied quatrefoil. The window sill board has a complex outline. Currently most the decor has been lost, some windows have no frames, and none of the remaining frames have twisted half-columns.

The decor of the dormer window is completely lost.

It is possible that soon the office of G. M. Budagov will repeat the history of the architectural monument at the address st. Bolshevikskaya, 29. The two-story mixed house was built in 1926. In 2007-2008 the wooden top was completely dismantled and rebuilt.

We can say that only the stone bottom has been preserved, everything else is a remake.

The house is richly decorated with carvings, which look good from afar.

However, up close (which may not be visible in the photographs), one feels some kind of falseness in the correct outlines of the patterns.

The fact is that carving was not done by hand, as a century ago, but on special machines. Therefore, everything in this carving is too regular and symmetrical, so it looks dry and lifeless.

The gables of the house are decorated with “sun” rosettes.

Fragment of the facade on the street. Makovsky:

Window opening on the first floor:

Platbands on second floor windows:

Window board decor:

Window sill board:

This architectural monument is well complemented by two more old houses located in the next block. It is not known whether the development of the territory discussed in this post will be approached in the same way as in Irkutsk, where, during the reconstruction of a block with 6 monuments, it was proposed to somehow preserve several dozen more houses that form a single whole with the monuments. So I consider the houses in the photo below to be “doomed houses” and take photographs as a souvenir. Here they are - the neighbors of the building on the street. Bolsheviskaya, 29.

Bolsheviskaya, 33.

St. Bolshevikskaya, 35

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