She hid the first-graders in closets when she heard shots. Schoolteacher becomes national heroine

Police report heroic actions of some Sandy Hook school staff American state Connecticut during the attack by Adam Lanza, whose victim total 27 people died, the newspaper writes on Sunday New York Post with reference to preliminary investigation data.

Police Lieutenant Paul Vance said that little by little the picture of what happened behind the walls of the school is being revealed. According to him, first of all, “nobody voluntarily let Lanza into the school - he broke in on his own.”
Then, when a young man dressed in camouflage and body armor with a rifle in his hands entered the building, the school security guard ran along the main corridor, warning everyone of trouble.
According to investigators, as a result of his actions, many teachers locked the doors to their classrooms, thereby protecting themselves and their children. In addition, one of the school employees turned on the sound warning system so that the sounds of gunfire coming through the loudspeakers would warn others of the danger.
According to the newspaper Telegraph, one of the teachers, Victoria Soto, died from the killer's bullets while shielding children, and her colleague, a senior teacher, whose name was not given, died when she tried to resist the criminal.

She took the shot herself and saved the children.
As the teacher’s relatives said on Sunday Victoria Soto (Vicki Soto), she shielded the students from the maniac shooter who opened fire at a school in Connecticut.
For your a brave deed Soto paid with her life. But this is the only way a 27-year-old girl could save her first-graders from the enraged killer Adam Lanza ( Adam Lanza) and become a hero.

Parents of surviving students remember with gratitude 27-year-old teacher Victoria Soto, who sacrificed herself for the sake of her students.

She was only 27. She taught school for three years and worked on advanced training in State University Southern Connecticut. Loved books, rooted for New York Yankees and adored her Labrador Roxy.

Now the name of this simple girl, who overnight became a national heroine, flashes across all international media. She saved other people's lives at the cost of her own. As the shooter approached room ten on Friday morning, the teacher primary classes Victoria Soto gathered her students and hid them. She lied to the criminal, saying they were in a different location.

In response, the killer shot the girl at point-blank range. Despite the horror of the tragedy, cousin Vicki would later say: “She did what she thought was right and necessary to protect the children.” Because there was no other way. Both her colleagues and the school principal knew about this, and they showed unprecedented courage in the face of danger. Six teachers were among the victims. Sandy Hook.

“The school principal herself went to the killer to protect her students, and did the same school psychologist. Another teacher helped the children leave the building - they climbed out through the windows. People did incredible things, they behaved like real heroes."- said school inspector Jennette Robinson.

Caitlin Roig, teacher: “I told them to sit quietly, very quietly. I was terribly afraid that if he came in, he might hear us and just start shooting through the door. I said that we should sit very, very quietly. And I said that there, outside, bad people, and we have to wait until they come good people and they will save us."

“The relatives were told that she, trying to protect the children, locked them in the toilet, Vicky’s cousin Jim Wiltsey tells the Daily News. Jim Wiltsie). - She shielded the students from the killer.”

According to Wiltsey, police told her relatives about Vicki Soto's heroic act at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
“I am very proud to say that she a real hero, says Wiltsey, who is a Fairfield County police officer. Fairfield), Connecticut. - Vicky wouldn't have done it any other way. Her professional instinct kicked in and her acquired skills helped. She acted as she was taught, and also as her heart told her. And when you know this, it becomes a little easier for all of us, relatives.”
“Emotionally it’s very difficult to go through all this at once,”
- he continues, - It's still hard to believe that all this happened b".

According to him, the relatives are completely crushed by grief also because the girl died just before Christmas.
“She just adored her family, they were all very friendly.”, - says Wiltsey, - and she was generally their ringleader, everything revolved around her. They just held a Secret Santa.(Christmas ceremony of anonymous exchange of gifts upon preliminary requests - approx. transl.). She was always the instigator and set it all up.”

Soto lived with her parents, sisters and brother in Stratford ( Stratford), Connecticut. Their modest 1.5-storey traditional house with a gable roof is located in a working-class area. Vicki was single, kept busy with her black Labrador, Roxy, and was a good member of the local church. Lordship Community Church.

Her mother, Donna, worked as a nurse at Bridgeport Hospital for 30 years ( Bridgeport). Father Carlos works as a crane operator in transport department state.
Vicky, as everyone called her, was her father's favorite. And it was he who had the sad fate of being present at the identification of his daughter’s body.

“He only talked about her, says Gary Verbanich ( Gary Verbanic), colleague of a grief-stricken father, - you won’t believe how much he loved her, he doted on her. I constantly talked to her on the phone and was happy.”
“I’m terribly sorry, such grief,- continues Verbanich, “She was a wonderful person.”

And a neighbor of the Soto family also thinks the charming brunette was “very pretty.”
“When I hurt my back, she came and helped me hobble home,- says 55-year-old George Henderson ( George Henderson), - She might as well not come, she doesn’t have to. I was young, my whole life was ahead of me.”
According to Henderson, the only thing Vicki didn't like was the long commute to work in Newton. “It’s sad that I’ll never hear her start her car in the morning again.”, he laments.

Soto worked at the school for 5 years, and the students simply adored her. She called them little angels and was touched when the little devils sitting in them sometimes chewed gum in class, although the children themselves knew that this was not allowed at school.

The police have not yet released the girl's body to the family, so no funeral preparations have yet begun. But Wiltsey says he wants people to know about Vicki now, before she's buried and forgotten.
"I want to tell you everything- he says, - until it became a statistic or just a number on paper. I want people to know about her actions and what she went to for these children.”.

This sweet smiling girl's name is Victoria Soto. She could become a wonderful teacher, get married, have children and be happy mom... But this is what they wrote in the funds mass media December 14, 2012, we provide information from different sources, but be that as it may - Victoria is a Hero of Our Time!

This is Victoria Soto. Today she died a hero. When she heard the shots, she hid 16 first-graders in closets. When the shooter came to her class, Victoria told him that her students were in the gym. The killer shot her and moved on. She saved the lives of all her students. Please pass this on to others. Victoria deserves to be remembered for her bravery. If not for her, there would have been 16 more victims...

This is Victoria Soto. She died a hero today. She hid her first graders in the cabinets and closets after hearing the gunfire. When the shooter came to her classroom, she told him that her students were in the gym. He then gunned her down and moved on. She saved the lives of all of her students. Please pass this on if you see it. She deserves to be remembered for her bravery.

As it became known after the shooting, 27-year-old first-grade teacher Victoria Soto took as many children as she could into the utility room, and then covered them with her body. The woman died from the killer's bullets.

In addition, two more teachers died while trying to save their students - 47-year-old Dawn Hochsprung and 57-year-old Mary Sherlach.

Subsequently, one of the school students - an eight-year-old boy - spoke about how another teacher dragged him into the classroom from a corridor through which bullets whistled. (

As a relative of teacher Victoria Soto told ABC News, she tried to take the children to cover at the sound of gunfire and came face to face with the armed Adam Lanza. Soto stepped between him and the children, after which Lanza shot her and opened fire on the children.
Students told reporters that Soto had a habit of chewing gum in class. This is usually forbidden to teachers, and the teacher was often teased about it. (

During carnage At a Connecticut school set up by Adam Lantz, elementary school teacher Victoria Soto shielded the children from the killer's bullets.

As TSN reports with reference to The Daily Telegraph, before the shooter broke into her classroom, the woman hid the students in the back room and remained in the classroom. When Lantz entered the room, Soto said that all the children were in the gym and rushed at the shooter, who immediately killed her. In total, there were 16 students in Victoria Soto's class.

“I spoke to Vicky recently. She said she loves all 16 little angels she teaches. She said that she never wanted to let them go,” said one of the teacher’s friends. (

Tragedy at a US school: dead teacher Victoria Soto saved 16 first-graders

Published 12/16/2012 19:11

Emily Alice Parker (6), Grace McDonnell (7), Olivia Angel (6), Noah Posner (6). Photo:

From three to 11 gunshot wounds were found on the victims' bodies. The criminal finished off the wounded.

Parents of surviving children remember the 27-year-old teacher with gratitude Victoria Soto. Hearing the shots, she ordered the children to lock themselves in the toilet, according to other sources - in the wardrobe. She told the killer who came in that all the children were in the gym. The young girl was killed at point-blank range, The Daily Telegraph reports.

American media quote the words of people who knew her. Children loved Victoria very much, despite her youth and short work experience at Sandy Hook School - only three years.

The school principal and school psychologist approached the killer to protect their students. Another teacher helped the children leave the building as they climbed out through the windows. Today the media quotes the words of witnesses. “I told them to sit quietly, very quietly,” says teacher Caitlin Roig. “Because I was so scared that if he came in, he might hear us and just start shooting through the door. I said we had to sit very, very quietly.” And I said that there are bad people outside, and we need to wait until good people come and save us."

Classmates of future killer Adam Lanza remember him as a shy boy. According to them, he was afraid of the team and was always on his own. In the graduation photo album, in the place where his portrait should be, there is an inscription: “He is camera shy.” According to other people, he was very smart and intelligent, he studied well, Vesti.Ru reports details.

Today it became known what helped to avoid more victims. When the criminal entered the school, the guard ran down the main corridor, warning everyone of the danger.Many teachers quickly reacted and locked the doors to their classrooms, thereby protecting themselves and their children. In addition, one of the school employees turned on the sound warning system. The sounds of shooting coming through the loudspeakers warned everyone of the danger, RIA Novosti reported on the progress of the crime investigation.

In connection with the incident, four days of mourning have been declared in the United States. Above diplomatic missions in American capital flags are at half-staff.

This sweet smiling girl's name is Victoria Soto. She could become a wonderful teacher, get married, have children and be a happy mother... But this is what they wrote in the media on December 14, 2012.

This is Victoria Soto. Today she died a hero. When she heard the shots, she hid 16 first-graders in closets. When the shooter came to her class, Victoria told him that her students were in the gym. The killer shot her and moved on. She saved the lives of all her students. Please pass this on to others. Victoria deserves to be remembered for her bravery. If not for her, there would have been 16 more victims...

This is Victoria Soto. She died a hero today. She hid her first graders in the cabinets and closets after hearing the gunfire. When the shooter came to her classroom, she told him that her students were in the gym. He then gunned her down and moved on. She saved the lives of all of her students. Please pass this on if you see it. She deserves to be remembered for her bravery.

As it became known after the shooting, 27-year-old first-grade teacher Victoria Soto took as many children as she could into the utility room, and then covered them with her body. The woman died from the killer's bullets.

In addition, two more teachers, 47-year-old Dawn Hochsprung and 57-year-old Mary Sherlach, died while trying to save their students.

Subsequently, one of the school students - an eight-year-old boy - spoke about how another teacher dragged him into the classroom from a corridor through which bullets whistled. (

As a relative of teacher Victoria Soto told ABC News, at the sound of gunfire she
attempted to lead the children to a shelter and came face to face with an armed Adam Lanza. Soto stepped between him and the children, after which Lanza shot her and opened fire on the children.

Students told reporters that Soto had a habit of chewing gum in class. This is usually forbidden to teachers, and the teacher was often teased about it. (

During the Connecticut school massacre perpetrated by Adam Lantz, elementary school teacher Victoria Soto shielded her children from the killer's bullets.

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And he will thank those who participated in saving the children. Parents of surviving students remember with gratitude 27-year-old teacher Victoria Soto, who sacrificed herself for the sake of her students.

She was only 27. She taught school for three years and worked on advanced training at Southern Connecticut State University. She loved books, rooted for the New York Yankees, and adored her Labrador, Roxy. Now the name of this simple girl, who overnight became a national heroine, flashes across all international media. She saved other people's lives at the cost of her own. As the shooter approached Room Ten on Friday morning, elementary school teacher Victoria Soto gathered her students and hid them. She lied to the criminal, saying they were in a different location. In response, the killer shot the girl at point-blank range. Despite the horror of the tragedy, Vicky's cousin would later say: "She did what she thought was right and necessary to protect the children." Because there was no other way. Both her colleagues and the school principal knew about this, and they showed unprecedented courage in the face of danger. The victims included six Sandy Hook teachers.

“The school director herself went to the killer to protect her students, and the school psychologist did the same. Another teacher helped the children leave the building - they climbed out through the windows. People did incredible things, they behaved like real heroes,” said the school inspector Jennette Robinson.

Caitlin Roig, teacher: "I told them to sit quietly, very quietly. I was terribly afraid that if he came in, he might hear us and just start shooting through the door. I said we should sit very, very quietly. And I said "that there are bad people outside, and we need to wait until good people come and save us."

Twelve girls and eight boys aged six and seven. A forensic examination showed that the children were finished off. The parents identified the bodies by drawings, so the police tried to minimize the consequences of the shock, but it is unlikely that this helped much.

“I don’t know, I just don’t know how to get through this. My wife and I just don’t understand how to find the strength to live on. We hope that our faith and our family will support us,” said the father of one of the victims of the massacre, Robbie Parker.

Six-year-old Emily Parker, the eldest of Robbie's three daughters, could, according to her father, light up a room with her mere presence.

Ben Paley and his nine-year-old twin brother were in the different ends building. Both were lucky - the killer did not reach them.

Ben Paley, Sandy Hook School student: “At first we thought it was some kind of animal. And the sounds we heard were not at all like the shots of our military or police weapons. We all hid in our teacher’s office. Then we We learned that many students were injured, including a couple of our friends."

The shooter - arrived at his former school right after he killed his own mother. He took her car and grabbed at least three guns from her arsenal. No one can still understand what motivated the teenager. No one suspected that he had any mental problems.

“He was a bright child, very smart and intelligent, he studied well. Nothing, literally nothing, gave reason to think that there was something wrong with him,” said James McDade, a neighbor of the Lanza family, shocked by what happened.

Meanwhile, the Daily News claims, citing psychiatrists, that he was unbalanced - this rare form autism - and was a “time bomb” that was bound to explode sooner or later. Apparently, there were prerequisites for this.

Marina Bardyshevskaya, candidate psychological sciences: “This is an intelligent person who understands all schemes and models well, who simply remains emotionally cold and stupid all his life. Of course, there is a genetic predisposition, but it cannot be said that a person with Asperger’s syndrome will necessarily grow into a maniac. But in an unfavorable situation in the family, this Maybe".

All last night they carried flowers to the site of the tragedy. At the entrance to the school, candles were burning and prayers were being said. The day before, he addressed words of condolences to the families of the victims. The president himself spoke about the sad statistics: “Over the past few years, our nation has experienced several similar tragedies. Primary School Newton, shopping mall in Oregon, countless corners in places like Chicago and Philadelphia. This could happen in our city at any moment. That's why we need to come together and take constructive measures together to avoid similar tragedies in the future."

It is not yet known what measures exactly will be taken. On Sunday, a shopping center in California was added to the list of those “under fire.” The attacker, a 42-year-old man, is in the store parking lot. The police have arrested the perpetrator and his motives are currently being investigated. Despite the fact that no one was hurt this time, in light of latest events Soon, even the crackle of a car exhaust pipe will be able to provoke panic among Americans.

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