Methodological associations of primary school teachers. Meeting of the methodological association of primary school teachers

Work plan

methodological unification

teachers primary classes

for the 2016-2017 academic year

Methodological Association of Primary School Teachersstructural unit intra-school system for managing the educational process.

The methodological association of primary school teachers coordinates scientific, methodological and organizational work teachers.

Methodological work in modern school– is holistic, based on the achievements of science and advanced pedagogical experience and on specific analysis educational process is a system of interrelated measures, actions and activities aimed at comprehensive professional development and professional excellence every teacher, for development and promotion creative potential teaching staff, and ultimately – to improve the educational process and achieve an optimal level of education. The work of the methodological association of primary school teachers is planned and carried out taking into account modern requirements to education and the teacher and includes the search for the optimal content of education.

Primary school is the foundation of education, and the further success of the student, and then the graduate, in the modern world depends on what this foundation will be.

Methodological problem: methodological support work on the Federal State Educational Standards of the NOO

Target: level up professional competence and pedagogical skills of teachers, promoting quality improvement general education.

Objectives for the 2016 - 2017 academic year:

    improve the human resources of the education system by organizing advanced training for teachers in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard;

    provide methodological support for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education;

    continue methodological support of the main activities methodological service: final certification graduates; introduction of the course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics”; implementation of the Development Concept mathematics education;

    provide methodological support for the preparation and conduct of the VPR;

    contribute to the creation of conditions for the introduction and dissemination of positive pedagogical experience, innovation, research, experimental and other types of creative activities;

    improve the system of information and methodological support at all levels that meet the needs of teachers, including replication of their results pedagogical activity;

    provide conditions for updating the content of the educational process, introducing innovations and new pedagogical technologies in order to improve the quality of training and education.

Forms methodological work:

    Methodological association

    Theoretical seminars

    Seminars - workshops

    Mentoring (consulting)

    Individual consultations

    Work of creative groups

    Open lessons

    Subject weeks


In accordance with the assigned tasks, methodological work was carried out in the following areas:

    Selection and placement of personnel;

    Improvement of qualifications, pedagogical skills and certification of personnel;

    Experimental and innovative activities.

    Providing methodological work.

Expected results:

    Increasing the quality of students' knowledge.

    Mastery by teachers of the Moscow Region of the system of teaching subjects in accordance with the new Federal State Educational Standard.

    Preservation of the student population.

This academic year all events in primary school will be planned taking into account the new form of work of m/o « Subject week as a quality management tool educational process at school ». The teachers decided to change the focus of the weeks in order to choose the most convenient option for the chosen form. The goals remain the same.


1. Education cognitive interest To school subjects;

2. Reorientation of the perception of academic disciplines;

3. Informal use educational knowledge, skills, abilities;

4. Formation of a holistic view of the world and man;

5. Broadening your horizons;

6. Informal communication teachers and students.

Intersectional work:

1. Open lessons.

2. Extracurricular activities (holding holidays, excursions, school Olympiads, etc.).

3. Work with parents (parent meetings, consultations, involvement in cooperation).

4. Work of classrooms (replenishment of educational and methodological base).

5. Mutual attendance at lessons (during the year, followed by discussion and recommendations).

6. Self-education of the teacher (work on methodological topic, course training, certification, seminars).

7.Informal communication (congratulations to birthday people, discussion, group reflection activities of the Ministry of Defense).

Personnel composition.

Topics for self-education for primary school teachers

Lyubimtseva Elena


“Development of computing skills of junior schoolchildren in mathematics lessons”



Elena Viktorovna

“Formation of computing skills of junior schoolchildren in mathematics lessons”



Irina Mikhailovna

"Development logical thinking in mathematics lessons"



Elena Mikhailovna

"Development cognitive abilities among younger schoolchildren"

Diagnostic support. In-school control

for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Boeva ​​T.V.

Diagnostics of 1st grade students


Lyubimtseva E. S.

Checking notebooks and diaries in grades 2-4

November April

Primary school teachers

Testing to test the knowledge of students in grades 1-4

During the year

Teachers MO

Conducting and analyzing final tests in subjects by half-year

Teachers MO

Educational work

in the educational process with students.

Title and plan

Datecarrying out


MO meeting No. 1

7.Problem seminar “Continuity of preschool and primary general education in the context of the introduction of new educational standards”

Boeva ​​T.V.

Lyubimtseva E. S.

MO meeting No. 2

Topic: “The concept of mathematics education in elementary school»

    Discussion of materials “The Concept of Mathematics Education”

    Generalization of experience

    Discussion of the results of the “Week of Mathematics”

    Discussion of the results of testing the teacher’s work on computational skills.

    Introductory control in Russian language and mathematics in grades 2 - 4.

Purpose: to check the level of students in grades 2 - 4 after the summer holidays

and the strength of assimilation of program material in comparison with previous years.

    Organization of teachers’ work with gifted and low-achieving students.

    Organization of the teacher’s work with notebooks and diaries.

Implementation of a single spelling mode.



Primary school teachers

Primary school teachers.

MO Meeting No. 3

Topic: “Formation of subject and meta subject competencies primary school students"

    Formation of subject and meta-subject competencies in Russian language lessons.

    Technologization of the educational process in mathematics lessons.

    Generalization of experience.

    Workshop “Objectivity of grading in notebooks.”

    Development of recommendations to eliminate identified deficiencies.


Primary school teachers

MO Meeting No. 4

Topic: "Using

effective technologies at the Russian language lesson"

    Difficult topics Russian language programs.

    Attendance at Russian language classes.

    Exchange of work experience: “Using effective technologies in the Russian language lesson.”

    Review of new methodological literature.

    On the preparation and holding of the week of subject Olympic Games

    Portfolio of 4th grade students as a result of the formation of UUD.


Primary school teachers

Lyubimtseva E. S.

Pavlenko E. V.

MO Meeting No. 5

Topic: “Ways to intensify the educational process in primary school”

    Creative report on self-education. Protection of pedagogical projects.

    Results of the final certification.

    Summing up the work of the Moscow Region for the 2016-2017 academic year. year.

    Discussion of the work plan of the Moscow Region for the 2017-2018 academic year.

    Organization of summer leisure activities for students.



Primary school teachers

Events for the 2016 – 2017 academic year

World Animal Day: 4.10.2016

Quiz for students in grades 1 – 4


Teacher's Day: 5.10.2016

Exhibition of drawings: My favorite teacher.


International Black Sea Day: 31.10.2016

Drawing competition: “Save the Black Sea”


National Unity Day: 4.11.2016

Drawing competition: “We are neighbors - we are friends”

1.11 - 4.11.

Ecological holiday: Titmouse day 12.11.2016

Competition for the best titmouse drawing

Holiday in the classroom: Titmouse Day

Promotion: Making bird feeders

7.11 – 11.11

World Children's Day: 20.11.2016

Creative children's competition: “Hello, childhood!” - in nominations: songs, dances...


Mothers Day of Russia: 27.11.2016

Poetry competition: “Mom means LIFE!”


Day of the Unknown Soldier in the Russian Federation: 3.12.2016

Laying flowers at the monument to the unknown soldier


New Year: 1.01.2017

Matinee: “Hello, New Year!”


Defender of the Fatherland Day: 23.02.2017

Poetry competition: “Dedicated to the Defenders of the Fatherland...”

Postcard competition: “Gift for Dad”


20.02 – 22.02

International Women's Day: 8.03.2017

6.03 – 7.03

International Bird Day: 1.04.2017

Ecological quiz: “Young bird experts”


Spring and Labor Festival: 1.05.2017

Postcard competition: " Spring mood»

24.04 – 29.04

Victory Day: 9.05.2017

Literary competition poems: “Heroes Great Victory»

Drawing competition: “Happy Victory Day!”


2.05 – 5.05

International Family Day: 15.05.2017

Presentation competition: “Family Album”


Easter: 16.05.2017

Competition of works (in any technique) – “Easter in my family”

8.05 – 12.05

Primary School Week

Release of the wall newspaper “Mathematics – the Queen of Sciences”.

Conducting extracurricular activities in mathematics in each class.

Literature Day.

    Release of the wall newspaper “Literary Living Room”.

    Trying to write “In the world of fantasy!” ( original design work)

World Environment Day

    Release of the wall newspaper "World of Nature".

    Extracurricular activity for international day forests.

Russian Language Day

    Release of the wall newspaper “I love my native language”

    Calligraphy competition “King of Letters”

    Contest vocabulary dictations"Land of the Dictionary".

art day

    Exhibition of drawings “My native village”.

    Exhibition of works “Our Creativity”.

    Holding an open extracurricular activity at school.

    Closing line for Primary School Week.

Protocol No. 1

from 26.08.2016

Meetings of the Moscow Region of primary school teachers

departments of secondary school MBOU secondary school st. Pavlodolskaya

There were 4 people present.


Topic: “Planning and organization of methodological work of primary school teachers for the 2016/2017 academic year.”

Questions for discussion:

1. Review and approval of work programs for primary school teachers for the 2016–2017 academic year.

2. Requirements work program on the academic subject, as the main mechanism for implementing the main educational program.

3. Approval of the work plan for primary school teachers’ school education for the 2016–2017 academic year.

4.Adjustment and approval of self-education topics for teachers.

5.Getting to know regulatory documents.

6. Consideration of teaching load.


    Lyubimtseva E.S. presented an analysis of the work of the Moscow Region for the 2015–2016 academic year. The report is attached.

    We reviewed and approved the work programs of primary school teachers for the 2016–2017 academic year.

    We approved the work plan for primary school teachers’ secondary education departments for the 2016–2017 academic year.

    Topics for teacher self-education were approved.

    We got acquainted with the regulatory documents.

    We got acquainted with the teaching load for the 2016–2017 academic year.


    Leave E. S. Lyubimtseva as the head of the ShMO.

Head of the Ministry of Defense: /Lyubimtseva E.S./

Secretary: /Pavlenko E.V./

Analysis of the work of the school methodological association of primary school teachers for the 2014 – 2015 academic year

The team of primary school teachers has an atmosphere of cooperation, mutual assistance and support. Teachers are constantly working to form a creative team of like-minded teachers.

The work analysis is carried out with the aim of assessing the activities of primary school teachers, developing goals for the 2015–2016 school year, and identifying ways to improve the work of primary school teachers’ educational organizations. Methodical work is the main type educational activities, which is a set of activities carried out by teachers in order to master the methods and techniques of teaching and educational work, creatively apply them in lessons and in extracurricular activities, searching for new, most rational and effective forms and methods of organizing, conducting and supporting the educational process.

In the 2014–2015 academic year, the elementary school staff worked on the methodological topic “Formation of professional competence of a primary school teacher for the implementation of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard.”

The most important goal The work of the Ministry of Education is to create conditions for the implementation of pedagogical skills, increasing the level of professional self-development of teachers while implementing a systemic and activity-based approach to teaching younger schoolchildren as part of the implementation of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard.

To implement it, the following tasks were formulated:

    improve the quality of a modern lesson, increase its effectiveness, apply modern methods training and introduce new technologies; study and use the experience of the best teachers in your work;

    continue targeted, systematic work to develop students’ junior classes creative, intellectual and communication abilities through the organization of various forms of work;

    use health-saving technologies in the educational process;

As of September 1, 2014, the elementary school had 17 classes. Training was conducted in two shifts of a five-day week. Training was carried out according to different programs, which allows ensuring favorable conditions for teaching primary schoolchildren with different levels preparedness, motivation and ability.



"School 2100"

1 “a,b,c,d,e”, 2 “a,b,c,d”, 3 “a,b,c”, 4 “a”

"Promising School"

4 "b,c,d"

KRO ( V// species)

3 "g"

Teachers developed work programs based on the Basic Educational Program of Primary General Education and copyright educational programs“Promising Primary School”, “School 2100”. All subject programs at the meeting of the Moscow Region were reviewed and agreed upon. Study programs for all training courses(theoretical and practical parts) have been completed in full, there are no backlogs.

All teaching materials comply with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. They make it possible to ensure variability, a level approach in the implementation of the educational process, thereby creating conditions for mastering the primary general education program for all children, including gifted and disabled children. disabilities health; develop cognitive motivation and interests of students, their willingness to cooperate and joint activities student with the teacher and classmates, form the basis of moral behavior that determines the individual’s relationship with society and the people around him.

The team of primary school teachers consists of 15 people. We present some statistical data on teaching staff at the end of 2014 – 2015 academic year:

by experience:

total teaching staff

from 0-2 years

from 3-5 years

from 6-10 years

from 11-15 years

from 16-20 years old

from 21-25 years old

over 25 years

by education:

total teaching staff


secondary special

incomplete higher education


study by correspondence

In connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of Educational Education in schools, the problem arises of increasing the professional skills of teaching staff to the level necessary for the successful implementation of the new standards. Need for improvement pedagogical knowledge, the emergence of new teaching strategies, the introduction of school technologies, and the implementation of a student-centered learning model require teachers to constantly work to improve their skills. Therefore, the team of primary school teachers constantly improves the level of professional skills, regularly passing certification for qualification category. At the end of the 2014–2015 academic year they have:

Category I

Vdovkina S. N., Zueva M. A., Koroleva T. G., Malysheva N. A., Novopoltseva E. A., Osipova I. L., Rakhimbakieva D. R., Tikhonova L. N.

II category

Svyazhina E.V.

Teachers of our methodological association strive to improve their teaching skills and raise the level of professionalism through self-education and advanced training courses. Advanced training helps a teacher get rid of outdated views and makes him more receptive to external changes, which ultimately increases its competitiveness. This academic year, advanced training courses were completed on the topic “Competency-based approach in the professional activities of primary school teachers” - N. A. Malysheva, E. A. Novopoltseva, I. L. Osipova.

During the school year, elementary school teachers attended training seminars on the basis of the IMC, conducted with the aim of providing teachers with information and methodological support in the process of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard.

Primary school classrooms have, although not fully, some material and technical base that ensures the organization and conduct of the main activities of students. The material and technical base complies with the current sanitary and fire safety rules and standards established for their maintenance.

All classrooms provide teachers with access to the information environment of the institution and to the global information environment.

These conditions are ensured by the presence in primary schools of:

    each teacher has a personal computer with Internet access;

    room 210 is equipped with netbooks for each student;

    installed in rooms 208, 210, 213 multimedia equipment, equipped with interactive whiteboards;

    library and reading room, in which there is a computer with Internet access, a scanner, a printer;

Teachers use information and educational resources, thanks to which they have the opportunity to enter into a single information environment, record the progress of the educational process, post materials, have access to any types of information necessary to achieve the goals of the main educational program, limit access to information that is incompatible with the tasks of spiritual and moral development, and ensure the necessary electronic document flow.

Our school has an official website for informational purposes. Parents and students have free access to information on the site, as well as electronic journal, thanks to which they can timely monitor the child’s progress and attendance.

Extracurricular activities in the first, second and third grades were organized in the following areas of development of the child’s personality: sports and recreational, spiritual and moral, social, general intellectual, general cultural. The organization of classes in these areas outside of school hours was an integral part of the educational process. At each of these parallels classes were held: “Peace native land through the eyes of the soul”, “Healthy Woman”, “Crazy Hands”, “Children’s Rhetoric”, “Entertaining Mathematics”, we got acquainted and learned to create projects. This school year, second grade students tried to defend their first projects for the first time, and they succeeded. It's a credit the following teachers: Rakhimbakieva D.R., Tikhonova L.N., Nedelko A.P., Malysheva N.A.

The team of primary school teachers also implemented educational tasks - the purposeful formation of a highly moral, harmonious developed personality junior school student. This was solved by creating a community of children and adults connected by common goals, activities, humane relations, development and various creative activities.

It has become a tradition to visit Tyumen theaters. Last year we watched the following performances:

Tyumen Puppet Theater: “Flint”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”;

Tyumen Drama Theatre: “The Bremen Town Musicians”;

Theater "Engagement" performance according to the rules traffic;

Pupils of 4th grade, together with their class teachers - Vdovkina S.N., Zueva M.A., Osipova I.L., Malysheva N.A., traveled around the cities of Russia and learned a lot of new things. They visited the ancient Siberian city Tobolsk, visited on southern Urals Kungur caves.

1st grade students, together with their parents, worthily defended the honor of the school in the city competition “Healthy Breakfast for the Champion”, 1st place was shared with MAOU Secondary School No. 67. Class teachers helped them prepare: Chiyanova E.V., Plesheva N.V., Abushemenova G. S., Tikhonova L.N., Novopoltseva E.A.

A lot of organizational and educational work was carried out to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Victory of the Second World War. Each class team passed cool watch, corners and stands are decorated. The final event was the “Battle of the Choirs,” where children sang songs on military themes.

Characteristic feature school work systems are various shapes integration of educational and extracurricular activities, which is clearly represented during theme weeks. A decade of mathematics, a decade humanities. They allow you to deepen and expand students’ knowledge in extracurricular activities, apply non-standard forms working with children, increasing motivation, uniting class teams, developing tolerance, giving each child the opportunity to show their talent. Special significance when conducting subject week take on the forms of subject-oriented educational work, when the material studied in class finds its logical conclusion in extracurricular activities. These are forms of work that combine training and education into a single process:

    Olympiads in the subject;

    organization of exhibitions: “Parade magic letters", "Parade of Magic Numbers";

    thematic competitions: competition of readers, newspapers, “Mathematics in proverbs and sayings”, “Mathematics in fairy tales”, “Parade of geometric men”;

    intellectual marathons;

    non-traditional activities;

During the subject week, a festive, high spirit reigned at school. All the children, as well as their parents, were busy common cause: they studied, created, competed, worried, discussed, crafted, drew.

It should be noted that teachers who, during the subject weeks, showed good organizational skills, which contributes to the development of creativity and professional growth the teachers themselves, these are Koroleva T.G., Vdovkina S.N., Svyazhina E.V., Abushemenova G.S., Plesheva N.V., Chiyanova E.V., Dostovalova L.V.

First-graders actively participated in all competitions, which indicates their successful adaptation to school life.

In the future, you should pay attention to the fact that there are class teachers who ignored this significant event; the children of these class groups did not take part in competitions. And the parallel second classes carried out work separately from the entire team.

Throughout the school year, teachers took part in the methodological work of the school unification. In the 2014-2015 academic year, 4 meetings of the Moscow Region were held.

The topics of the meetings reflected the main problematic issues, standing in front of the Moscow Region. All meetings were held in a timely manner; not only theoretical issues were discussed, but also practical seminars, during which teachers, a speech therapist, and a school psychologist exchanged their experiences, which made it possible to interest teachers in the work being carried out and contributed to the manifestation of initiative and creativity.

Issues discussed at meetings of the Interregional Council are reflected in the pedagogical activities of teachers, which makes it possible to expand their professional competence in various aspects teaching. Topics of some speeches at the Moscow Region:

    “Correction of dysgraphia in young children school age" - speech therapist Nikitina K.V.,

    "Modern educational technologies in the educational process" - Rakhimbakieva D.R.,

    “Technology of personality-oriented education” - Nedelko A.P.,

    “Game Technologies” - Babikova G.A.,

    “Forms of control and recording of student achievements” - Novopoltseva E.A.,

    “The possibilities of mark-free and rating system assessment of 1st grade students" - Svyazhina E.V.,

    "The use of instrumentation and training materials" - Zueva M.A.

One of the significant shortcomings in the work of educational institutions is the lack of mutual attendance at the lessons of colleagues, partly due to the fact that interchangeability very often occurs due to the lack of teachers for good reason(illness, taking courses, distance learning, vacancies).

The MO and the deputy director monitored the maintenance of school documentation, compiled tests for the half-year and academic year, and checked students' diaries and workbooks in subjects. At the MO meetings, comments were made on entries in journals (correctly formulate topics on literary reading). Basically, the documentation is completed in a timely manner, accurately, without gross violations. Maintenance comments are being corrected. Workbooks are kept in accordance with the requirements developed by the methodological association, verification written works carried out constantly, the volume complies with the standards, traceable different types works, penmanship work is underway.

Primary school teachers continue to actively implement educational process different shapes and types of use of ICT in order to enhance educational activities to develop self-education skills of schoolchildren, observing the principles of the competency-based approach to learning.

There are many elementary school teachers in the team experienced teachers, but along with them there are also young specialists who have high level preparedness. Teachers take an active part in the development of new pedagogical technologies, improve their pedagogical skill, develop skills pedagogical analysis, creative and experimental research.

All teachers follow a health-saving regime: physical exercises are held during lessons with sufficient physical activity of students, exercises are used aimed at relieving eye strain, teachers constantly monitor the correct posture of schoolchildren. The content of the educational material includes information that develops healthy lifestyle skills in children. In all lessons, sufficient attention is paid to the formation of universal educational activities students.

IN modern era, when the importance of intellectual and creative potential increases, working with gifted and highly motivated children is extremely necessary and continues to be one of the priorities.

As part of the “Gifted Children” program, students of our school took part in the All-Russian Olympiads and competitions “Russian Bear”, “Olympus”, “Helianthus”. The following students should be noted: class teachers:

Ostrioglo Kirill, Privalova Veronica, Gotolina Elena – 2nd “c” grade, teacher Rakhimbakieva D.R.

Renzhina Nadezhda, Rakhimbakiev Marat, Surkhaev Edik, Shubina Daria, Davletshina Adelina, Gerasimov Alexey, Delper Arseny – 2nd “b” grade, teacher Tikhonova L.N.

Klimovich Alexandra - 1st grade, Plesheva N.V.

Litvinova Arina, Kuchma Maxim, Kosomanov Alexander – 3rd “b” grade, teacher Koroleva T.G.

Boguta Mark – 4th grade, Vdovkina S.N.

Participation in these competitions develops certain skills and ability to answer questions, increases the amount of knowledge and broadens one’s horizons.

At the parallel of the second grades, checkers competitions were held, where the best players were identified.

The creativity of children is impossible without the creativity of teachers. Teachers at our school use individual and group assignments for learning, and guide students to additional literature indicating the source of information. Individual and group work assumes practical tasks, project activities, work with additional material. In Russian language and literature great attention is devoted to the development of creative abilities (writing essays, independent reading of works not provided for program material with further discussion).

Despite the efforts of working teachers, some problems remain in preparing children for Olympiads: it is necessary to improve the level of quality of training by compiling individual programs, tracking student growth using monitoring; hold more school competitions such as “Clever Men and Wise Girls” and Olympiads in subjects; need a system in operation;

For many years, our school has been actively cooperating with preschool institutions No. 36, 62, 161, located in the microdistrict. And this year was no exception. The pedagogical event “Towards each other - 2014” was jointly carried out, during which they exchanged experience, knowledge, and observations. Teachers Vdovkina S.N., Zueva M.A., Osipova I.L., Dostovalova L.V. attended open classes in kindergartens, and also performed at parent meetings, where they told parents of preschool children how to prepare their child for school and what to pay serious attention to. Pupils preschool institutions took a tour of the school.

In March, a unified methodological day “In a teacher’s creative workshop” was held, with primary school teachers taking an active part. They conducted open lessons:

Rakhimbakieva D. R. – Russian language, lesson topic “Initial concepts of grammatical basis offers"

Babikova G. A. – mathematics, lesson topic “Units of time measurement. Week".

Malysheva N.A. – Russian language, lesson topic “What is declension. 3rd declension of nouns."

In April, as part of the “Big Change” project, the head teachers of the school, together with teachers, prepared materials on the results of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of the NEO. The following events were held for parents of students:

Round table " Patriotic education junior schoolchildren" - head Svyazhina E.V.

Presentation (from work experience) « Project activities junior schoolchildren" - head Rakhimbakieva D.R.

Master class " Motor activity schoolchildren in lessons and in extracurricular activities” - head Tikhonova L.N.

Having analyzed the work of the methodological association, it should be noted that teachers are working to create a teaching system that meets the needs of each student in accordance with his inclinations, interests and capabilities.

The tasks assigned to the Ministry of Defense have been achieved. Methodological work made it possible to identify teachers’ difficulties, positive and negative points. The positive ones include:

    communication and provision methodological assistance in work from experienced teachers, timely criticism and assistance;

    discussion of new technologies of training and control, search for new things;

    accumulation work methodical piggy bank in the Ministry of Defense, promoting professionalism;

    theoretical presentations had a practical orientation;

    well-coordinated work of teachers, an atmosphere of empathy;

Compared to the previous academic year, teacher performance has generally increased.

Along with the existing positive trends in the methodological work of the teaching staff, there are also certain shortcomings:

    weak involvement of teachers in research and project activities;

    insufficient quantity open events and lessons;

    insufficient participation in remote competitions, lack of publications by teachers;

    lack of prizes at city subject Olympiads;

    insufficient work to generalize and apply advanced pedagogical experience;

Based on the analysis and the presence of problems, in the new academic year the methodological association will continue to work on the topic “Formation of professional competence of a primary school teacher for the implementation of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard” and solve the following tasks:

    improving the professional skills of primary school teachers during the implementation of innovative pedagogical technologies that contribute to improving the quality of education;

    create optimal conditions to develop students' core competencies in accordance with their interests, abilities and capabilities;

    provide psychological and pedagogical support to students with different levels learning ability;

    strengthen efforts to preserve the health of students and promote a healthy lifestyle;

    continue to study and generalize the best practices of primary school teachers;

    continue work to implement continuity between kindergarten and primary school, as well as primary and secondary schools;

The work of the methodological association in the 2014–2015 academic year is considered satisfactory.



I approve Agreed: Considered:

Director at a meeting of the Moscow Region

Deputy Director Protocol _____


city ​​of Astrakhan "Secondary School No. 29" according to the water management system "__"______2012.



"__"______2012 "__"______2012




for the 2012 – 2013 academic year

Subject: “Improving the quality of the teaching and educational process in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO”


Continuous improvement of teacher qualifications and increasing his competence in the field academic subject and teaching methods in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education.


1. Improve methods, means of teaching and education, increase the level of independent creative educational work of students in the classroom, and develop key competencies of students.

2. Create optimal conditions for discovering the individual abilities of students and developing skills for independent learning activities using information and communication technologies /ICT/.

Forms of work of the Ministry of Defense

  1. Targeted and mutual visits to lessons followed by discussion of their results.
  2. Open lessons.
  3. Organization and conduct of subject weeks.
  4. Study of best teaching practices. Familiarization with methodological developments according to the lesson.
  5. Participation in seminars and conferences.
  6. Organization and holding of subject Olympiads.
  7. Working with gifted children.

MR effectiveness criteria

  1. The quality of students' training.
  2. Number of winners of Olympiads and competitions
  3. General level of VR organization;
  4. Participation in the methodological work of the school and district.

"I affirm"

Head teacher


"___" _________2012


work of primary school teachers' educational organizations



Planning and organization of methodological work of primary school teachers for the 2012-2013 academic year.

  1. Analysis of the work of the Moscow Region for the 2011-2012 academic year.
  2. Approval of the work plan of the primary school teachers' educational organization for the new school year.
  3. Approval of self-education topics.
  4. Approval of work programs, calendar and thematic plans for subjects.

Pedagogical competence: Federal State Educational Standard of Education

5, Approval of the typology and structure of the lesson.

6. Development of unity of requirements in training:

A) compliance and implementation of a single spelling regime;

B) compliance with assessment standards;

B) dosage of class and homework, differentiated approach to homework;

D) quantity rationing tests;

Participation of teachers in the Festival “Open Lesson”, “Portfolio”, “Distance Wave”.

Head of the Ministry of Defense

Primary school teachers

Deputy Director of HR

Head of the Ministry of Defense

Deputy director of water management.

Assessing the achievement of personal results of universal educational activities

Form: round table, exchange of experience.

  1. Succession plan entry level and preschool educational institution.
  2. Olympiads in subjects among grades 1-4.
  3. Lineup based on the results of the Olympics.

Head of the Ministry of Defense

Teachers beginning classes

Art. kindergarten teachers

Deputy Director of HR

Development of creative and research abilities of junior schoolchildren in the classroom.

  1. Design in working with gifted children of primary school age (“round table”).
  2. System of working with gifted children of primary school age:

Project and research activities in primary school;

Development of cognitive activity of students /"Clever and smart girls"/

  1. Analysis of the results of the 1st quarter.

2. Approval of the work plan for Primary School Week.

Conducting a subject week: open lessons, extracurricular activities.

3. Lineup based on the results of the first half of the year.

4. Results of monitoring the success of teaching junior schoolchildren for the 2nd quarter.

5.Work on continuity with middle management (mutual attendance at lessons)

Deputy Director of HR

Deputy director of water management.

Head of the Ministry of Education, Primary School Teachers.

Formation key competencies students in the learning process.

The use of information and communication technologies in lessons is an integral part of teaching and educational process

  1. Performance results in the first half of the year.
  2. Research work outside of school hours:

participation in scientific and practical conferences. 1-4 grades.

  1. Organizing the enrollment of children in first grade.

Deputy director of water management.

Head of the Ministry of Defense

Primary school teachers

Head of the Ministry of Education, Primary School Teachers.

Formation of self-esteem of junior schoolchildren in the educational process.

1. Results of academic performance in the third quarter.

2. Day open doors for future first-graders and their parents.

3. Open day for future first-graders and their parents.

4. Conducting a seminar on the topic of school work.

5.Report on the topic of self-education. Exchange of teaching experience. Filling the “methodological piggy bank”.

Head of the Ministry of Defense

Primary school teachers

Deputy Director of HR

Head of the Ministry of Defense

Head of the Ministry of Defense

Summing up the year

Report on work with gifted children of primary school age (“round table”). System of working with gifted children of primary school age:

  1. Analysis of the work of the Moscow Region for the academic year.

Topic: “Understanding the educational process and the results of the activities of the Moscow Region.”

Objectives: to analyze the work of the primary school education department for the 2012-2013 academic year;

Form of work: round table

Questions for discussion:

Pedagogical discussion “Positive changes in the work of a teacher.”

Analysis of test papers, monitoring of reading technique, quality of students’ knowledge by grade in comparison with the previous year.

The effectiveness of self-education.

Improving and equipping classrooms.

Approximate planning of the work of the Moscow Region for the 2012-2013 academic year.

2.Free microphone with performance evaluation.

Head of the Ministry of Defense

Deputy director for sustainable development.

Primary school teachers

Organization of self-education work.


Last name, first name, patronymic

Self-education topic

Where and when is it heard (at a teachers' meeting, conference, meeting of the Moscow Region, etc.)

Lyubovets S.M.

Development of creative thinking of junior schoolchildren in Russian language and literary reading lessons in the conditions of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard.

Kovalenko A.A.

The project method as one of the conditions for increasing motivation in the process of mastering the educational complex “School of Russia”

Meeting of the Moscow Region of primary school teachers.

Kopylova O.V.

Formation of learning skills in younger schoolchildren in the conditions of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard.

Sviridova S.R.

Activation of the process of formation of basic spelling skills in primary schoolchildren.

Meeting of the Moscow Region of primary school teachers

Koltunova S.R.

Activation of cognitive activity in mathematics lessons in elementary school

Meeting of the Moscow Region of primary school teachers

Rogova E.I.

Intensification of activities on the use of pedagogical technologies that contribute to the development of learning skills of younger schoolchildren.

Meeting of the Moscow Region of primary school teachers

Akhmedyarova E.F.

Activation of cognitive activity of junior schoolchildren in Russian language lessons under the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Meeting of the Moscow Region of primary school teachers.

Savelyeva A.K.

Introduction of elements of new technologies in teaching primary schoolchildren.

Meeting of the Moscow Region of primary school teachers.

Deryabiga L.I.

Design and research activities in primary school as a condition for improving the quality of education

Meeting of the Moscow Region of primary school teachers.

Introduction of innovations into work.

  1. Use of ICT in the educational process (grades 1-4).
  2. Project activities. Project protection. (grades 2-4)

Organization of exchange of work experience

/filled out by each teacher/:



Open lessons






Russian language

The world around us


Labor - Fine Arts

Literary reading

Schedule open lessons


Full name of teachers



















Deryabina L.I.

Akhmedyarova E.F.

Kopylova O.V.

Teterina N.A.

Koltunova S.D.

Shchipkova A.V.

Koltunova S.D.

Sviridova S.R.

Rogova E.I.

Kopylova O.V.

Lyubovets S.M.

Shevakova E.V.

Savelyeva A.K.

Kovalenko A.A.

Grishina O.Yu.



Androsova Svetlana Alekseevna



Deryabina Lyubov Ivanovna



"School of Russia"

Sviridova Svetlana Ravilevna



"School of Russia"

Chekuristova Galina Fedorovna



"School of Russia"

Grishina Olga Yurievna



"School of Russia"

Teterina Natalya Anatolyevna



"School of Russia"

Lyubovets Svetlana Mikhailovna



"School of Russia"

Akhmedyarova Elmira Faikovna



"School of Russia"

Shevakova Elena Valerievna



"School of Russia"

Kovalenko Anna Antonovna



"School of Russia"

Kopylova Oksana Vasilievna



"School of Russia"

Savelyeva Anna Konstantinovna



"School of Russia"

Koltunova Svetlana Dmitrtevna



"School of Russia"

21st century primary school

Rogova Elena Ivanovna



21st century primary school

Shchipkova Alekspndra Viktorovna



"School of Russia"


The teacher makes the school a school. Teachers are different - they grow out of students. The artist learns to mix paints and apply them to canvas. A musician studies etudes. Journalist and writer master techniques writing. The teacher mixes paints and learns sketches and masters techniques. The teacher is a master. Virtuoso. He plays his lesson like notes. And only another teacher knows how much work went into such a lesson.

Quite a variety of children entered my 1st grade class. Of the 19 students, only 6 children were more or less prepared for school. The rest did not know how to simply listen and hear not only the teacher, but also themselves. Some of the children had obvious developmental delays. In addition, the speech therapist identified 5 students with a speech therapy diagnosis. Therefore, almost from the first days I had to build my lessons using a multi-level approach (differentiation). And now the result is already visible: those children who came reading increased their reading speed, those who did not read began to read, and in some cases smooth syllabic reading is already observed.

Once upon a time, Herbert Spencer said: “ Great goal education is not knowledge, but action.” This statement clearly defines the most important task modern system education: the formation of a set of “universal educational actions”, Successful learning in elementary school it is impossible without this. Today I would like to dwell on the techniques that form the UUD. What are “universal learning activities”? In a broad sense, the term “universal learning activities” means the ability to learn, i.e. the ability for self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. Learn to teach yourself- this is the task for which there is no substitute for schools today.

Types of universal educational actions:





Cognitive UUD are formed when:

- the teacher says: “Think”; “Complete the task”; "Analyze"; “Conclude…”

In 1st grade, the most effective forms of work are didactic games, gaming techniques and game situations.

In mathematics and literacy lessons I use it at the stage of updating knowledge "Brainstorm" "Brain gym" logical warm-up, games “Milchanka”, “Ladder”, is being held at this time individual work(at the board, punched card, on pieces of paper pasted into the notebook)

I begin my lessons with the stage of Introduction to educational activities. At this stage, children are included in the educational process, tuned in to active work in class. And at the beginning of the year, this stage helped to liberate the “silent people”.

At the stage of self-determination I use "Info-guess" method-I give a certain task..., I take the children to self-determination topics and objectives of the lesson (Guess the topic of the lesson, what we will do...)

The “Surprise!” method »
It is well known that nothing attracts attention and stimulates the mind like something amazing:
Did you know that...? I use it constantly env lessons scary world, in civics lessons and sometimes in mathematics lessons.

Method"Bus stop" ( I use it in a slightly wrong interpretation) - I attract the attention of children.

Method"Creative workshop" I use it in general lessons on literary reading and the surrounding world. For the lesson, children prepare drawings, illustrations on a given topic, prepare poems, select proverbs, sayings, etc.

Formation of cognitive universal educational actions in environmental lessons. peace and citizenship lessons are carried out in the following areas: working with a map, additional literature.

Regulatory UUD are formed when:

- the teacher teaches specific methods of action: planning, setting a goal, using an algorithm for solving a problem.

Thus, goal setting, planning, mastering methods of action, mastering algorithms, and evaluating one’s own activities are the main components of regulatory learning activities, which become the basis for educational activities.

"The sun and the cloud"(expectation and fear of the future lesson) I suggest showing the sun - positive expectations from the lesson, and if there are concerns, show the cloud. To summarize the lesson, let's return to the “Sun and Cloud” method. Remember what symbols you showed at the beginning of the lesson? Have they changed? are they now?

It is very important to include in the lesson active methods clarifying goals, expectations, fears. Methods such as "Tree of Expectations", "Glade of Snowflakes", "Orchard", "Autumn Garden" allow the teacher to better understand the class and each student, and subsequently use the received materials to implement a student-oriented approach to students. This method will allow students to more clearly determine their educational purposes, voice their expectations and concerns so that teachers can know them and take them into account in the educational process. The methods are as follows. Students are given snowflakes, apples, lemons, and colorful sheets cut out of paper in advance and are asked to try to more clearly define what they expect (would like to receive) from today’s lesson, learning in general, and what they are afraid of, by writing it down and attaching it to a certain clearing, tree, etc. .d. After completion, the formulated goals, wishes, concerns are systematized and the results are summed up.

Every day we start the 1st lesson with psychological mood:

We came here to study

Don't be lazy, but work.

Listen how? Attentively.

How to work? Diligently.

To diagnose and formulate regulatory universal educational actions, the following types of tasks are possible:
1. “Intentional errors”;
2. Mutual control;

3. Teacher's assistant

4. Educational projects contribute formation of both regulatory and cognitive actions.

Despite all the significance and importance of the content of writing lessons, children often classify it as the most tedious and boring. To change this persistent belief, I turn to unusual and striking lessons. The lesson is a journey, the lesson is a game. During a break from writing, I select interesting developmental oral tasks. These can be funny poems, linguistic tales, various word games.

Reflection stage: Success scale -

∆ - I could (- la) work better;

≈ - I didn’t work well today (- a);

○ – I tried very hard, but I didn’t succeed;

Today I worked at full capacity. Everything worked out for me.

Measure your activities on a scale of success. Draw the chosen symbol in the baby book.

- "Unfinished Sentence"

- "Chest of Knowledge"

Communicative UUDare formed when:

- the student learns to answer questions;

- the student learns to ask questions;

- the student learns to conduct a dialogue;

- the student learns to retell the plot;

- students are taught to listen - before this, the teacher usually says: “We listen carefully.”

For this I use Methods"Beehives", "Couple Exit".

Citizenship lessons and Ukrainian language we are starting with the “Circle of Friendship” technology (Colo of Friendship) I’m trying to create necessary conditions related to the introduction of collaboration in learning. - “Give a gift to a friend”, “Say hello (name body parts)…”, “Let’s smile at each other”, "Palm of Desires"

A lesson on the surrounding world on the topic “Testing knowledge and skills on the topic “What and Who”” was conducted in the form of a press conference.

We have visiting animals - representatives of the fish family, insects, animals and birds (class students hold drawings). They answer questions from journalists (class students).

Questions from journalists:

What is your name?

Where do you live?

What do you eat? etc.

Personal UUD are formed when:

- the teacher asks questions that help create motivation, i.e., the question is aimed directly at developing the interest and curiosity of students. For example: “What would you do...”; "What would you do…";

- the teacher contributes to the emergence of a personal, emotional attitude of students to the topic being studied. This is usually facilitated by questions: “How do you feel...”; “As you like...”

For example, studying mathematics contributes to the formation of such personal qualities as curiosity, hard work, the ability to organize one’s activities and overcome difficulties, determination and perseverance in achieving a goal, the ability to listen and hear an interlocutor, justify one’s position, and express one’s opinion.

I believe that the main thing in mathematics lessons in the field of personal learning achievements is the formulation of the question - Why study the subject "Mathematics"?

In each reading lesson I set aside time independent reading"Read to yourself." This allows the child to understand for himself whether he can read everything correctly, and if there are problems, he raises the signal card.

At the beginning of the school year we worked on the perception of quatrains:

I have six servants, agile and daring.

And everything that I see around me, I know everything from them.

At my sign they appear in need.

Their names are: How and Why, Who, What, When and Where. (Rudyard Kipling)

In the lessons of the surrounding world and civics lessons, the development of UUD personal actions are formed when performing tasks in which the student must reflect a personal vision of the problem or reveal his attitude to the material being studied. They are aimed at accepting life values, allow you to navigate moral norms and rules, develop your own life position in relation to the world. For example: draw the coat of arms of your family, the action “Amazing things are nearby”, make a collage on the theme “Zoo”, drawing “Dangers around us”

Don't forget about the restorative power relaxation in class. After all, sometimes a few minutes are enough to shake yourself up, relax cheerfully and actively, and restore energy. And sometimes it’s the other way around - to bring children into a calm state. I always take part in the exercises myself, and I have noticed that this helps insecure and shy students to participate more actively. (Any psycho-gymnastics)

Today, the student himself must become “an architect and builder of the educational process. Achieving this goal becomes possible thanks to the formation of a UUD system.

At the end of the speech I would like to wish:

Carry the cross given to you with dignity,
Believe in yourself, no matter how bad things get.
You know?! There are so many miracles in life,
AND You there is that the brightest miracle!

Thank you for your attention!

Take part!

Children may find some lessons boring. And then discipline begins to suffer in class, students quickly get tired and do not want to take part in the discussion.

Case lessons were created to connect educational school knowledge with urgently needed competencies such as creativity, systems and critical thinking, determination and others.

Thanks to the cases, you can help the student benefit and enjoy studying and cope with his personal problems!

Gifted children - who are they? What are abilities, what is giftedness? And how do capable children differ from gifted ones? How to recognize a gifted child? Do all children show giftedness in the same way? What advice should parents of a gifted child give when raising him or her? About this in our webinar.

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