Long-term plan for femp novikova. Calendar-thematic plans “Formation of elementary mathematical concepts”, “Speech development”, “Visual activities

Mukhametova Liliya Saitgalievna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU TsRR kindergarten "Tanyusha"
Locality: urban settlement Fedorovsky, Surgut district Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug -YUGRA
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Forward planning according to FEMP in the middle group (E.V. Kolesnikova)
Publication date: 10.08.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Long-term plan for FEMP
Topic and objectives of the lesson

1 week Game training 2 week Game training
Lesson No. 1
page 18
Consolidate: the ability to compare the number of objects, distinguish where there is one object and where there are many; compare two groups of objects, establish equality between them; compare familiar objects by size (large, small); count objects (within 2), using correct counting techniques; knowledge of the geometric figure circle. Teach: solve riddles; understand learning task and do it yourself. Form: the idea that circles can be of different sizes; self-control and self-esteem skills.
.Game “Riddles and guesses” 2. Game “Connect correctly” 3 Physical education lesson “Teddy bears”. 4. “Draw a path” 5. Game “Find and paint” 6. self-assessment of the work done.
Lesson No. 2
page 21
Teach: count objects (within 4), using the correct counting techniques; denote in words the position of an object in relation to oneself; navigate on a sheet of paper; count according to a model, establish equality between two groups of objects. Consolidate: knowledge about the season (autumn). 1. Game “Count and draw” 2. Game “Give me a word” 3. Physical education “Two claps”. 4. Game “Listen, look, do” 5. Game “Don’t make a mistake.” 6.Game “Be careful”

Lesson No. 3
page 23
Teach: establish correspondence between the number and quantity of objects; identify signs of similarity between objects (size) and combine them according to this feature. Consolidate: the ability to count objects (within 5); knowledge about the geometric figure square. Continue learning: compare objects by size. Shape: the idea that squares can be of different sizes; self-control and self-esteem skills. Develop visual attention. 1. Game “Connect correctly” 2. “Garages and cars” 3. Physical education lesson “Find a garage for the car.” 4. Game “Find and Color” 5. Game “Find out who is hiding” 6. Self-control and self-assessment of the work performed.
Lesson No. 4
page 25
Continue learning: counting objects (within 5); add a missing item to a smaller group; establish equality between groups consisting of the same number various items; denote in words the position of objects in relation to oneself (left, right, middle). Consolidate: an idea of ​​the parts of the day. Practice comparing two groups of objects. Develop skills of self-control and self-esteem. 1. Game “Count and complete the drawing” 2.. Game “Finish the sentence”. 3. Game “Find the artist’s mistake” 4. Physical education lesson “Crows”. 5. Game “Count and Draw” 6. Game “Shade Correctly”

Lesson No. 5
page 28
Learn to solve mathematical riddles based on visually perceived information; find the number 1 among many other numbers; write the number 1 using the example; understand the sequence of geometric shapes. Introduce the number 1 as a sign of the number 1. Strengthen the ability to determine the spatial arrangement of objects in relation to oneself. 1. Game “Riddles and guesses” 2. Game “Find the number” 3. Physical education lesson “Soldier”. 4. Game “Connect correctly” 5. Game “Continue the row” 6. Self-control and self-assessment of the work performed.
Lesson No. 6
page 29
Consolidate: knowledge about the number 1; about the geometric figure triangle, teach to find it among many others; the ability to compare familiar objects by size and combine objects according to this characteristic. Teach: correlate the number with the number of objects; guess riddles based on visually perceived information. Shape: The idea that triangles can come in different sizes. 1. “Riddles and answers” ​​2. Game “Color it in correctly” 3. Physical education lesson “Soldier”. 4.Game “Big, smaller, small” 5..Game “Find and paint” 6.Self-control and self-assessment of the work performed.

Lesson No. 7
page 31
Introduce number 2. Teach: write number 2; distinguish between the concepts of “yesterday”, “today”, “tomorrow”, “far”, “close”; understand the learning task and complete it independently. Develop the skills of self-control and self-esteem. 1. Game “Riddles and guesses” 2. Game “Find the number” 3. Physical education lesson “Maple”. 4. Game exercise “Answer correctly.” 5..Game “Complete the leaves on the tree” 6..Game “Color it correctly”
Lesson No. 8
page 33
Consolidate: knowledge about the number 2; about the geometric figure oval, find it among many figures; the ability to compare familiar objects by size and length. Teach: correlate the number with the number of objects; guess riddles based on visually perceived information. Shape: the idea that ovals can be of different sizes; the ability to understand a learning task and complete it independently; self-control and self-esteem skills. 1. Game “Riddles and guesses” 2. Game “Count and paint” 3. Physical education minute. 4. Game "Who is faster." 5. Game “Color it correctly” 6. Self-control and self-assessment of the work performed.

Lesson No. 9
page 35
Teach: guess mathematical riddles based on visually perceived information; write the number 3 in dots; understand the learning task and complete it independently; find the number 3 among many other numbers. Introduce: with the number 3 as a sign of the number 3. Continue teaching: correlate the numbers 1, 2, 3 with the number of objects. Z with the number of items. To consolidate children's knowledge about the season (autumn). Develop skills of self-control and self-esteem. 1. Game “Guess and Color” 2. Game “Find the Number” 3. Physical education lesson “One, two, three.” 4. Game "Number and figure". 5. Game “Connect correctly” 6. Game “Find and color” 7. Self-control and self-assessment of the work performed.
Lesson No. 10
page 37
Consolidate: knowledge about the number and number 3; the ability to correlate numbers with quantitative objects; write numbers 1, 2, 3; compare familiar objects by height, combine objects according to this characteristic; develop attention when comparing two similar drawings. 1. Game “Count and paint” 2. Game “Circle the right number” 3. Physical education minute. 4. Game “High, Low” 5. Game “Find the Differences”
Lesson No. 11
page 38
Teach: solve mathematical riddles; correlate the number of items with a number; practice comparing two groups of objects; develop an understanding of equality and inequality of groups of objects. Consolidate: the ability to compare familiar objects by width; knowledge about the geometric figure of a rectangle, find it among many others. Shape: The idea that rectangles can be different sizes. 1. Game “Riddles and guesses”. 2. Game “Connect correctly” 3. Game “Will the dolls have enough candy” 4. Physical education lesson “Pinocchio”. 5. Game “Shade it Correctly” 6. Game “Find and Color it”

Lesson No. 12
page 41
Teach: establish equality between two groups of objects when the objects are located unusually in a circle or square; equality and inequality, when objects are at different distances from each other; count objects according to a pattern; determine the position of objects in relation to oneself. Develop visual attention. 1. Game “How many Christmas trees?” 2. Game “Count, compare, draw” 3. Physical education minute. 4. Game “Color and Draw” 5. Game “Find out who left” 6. Self-control and self-assessment of the work done

Lesson No. 14 p. 44

Consolidate: knowledge about the number and number 4; geometric shapes. Continue learning: correlate the numbers 1 2 3 4 with the number of objects; see geometric shapes in surrounding objects; determine and indicate in words the position of an object relative to oneself (left, right). 1. Game “Count and Color” 2. Game “Object and Shape” 3. Physical education lesson “Counting with a shoe.” 4. Game "Number and figure". 5. Game “Connect correctly” 6. Game “Left, right”
Lesson No. 13 p. 43

Goal: To teach: to guess mathematical riddles based on visually perceived

information; find the number 4 among many other numbers; circle the number 4

points; relate objects to each other by size. Introduce number 4 as a sign

numbers 4. Promote the development of visual attention.

1. Game “Guess and write down”

2.Game “Find the number”

3. Physical education lesson “Counting with a shoe.”

4. Game “Complete the Draw Correctly”

5. Game “Who is attentive”

6.Self-control and self-assessment of the work performed.

Lesson No. 15
page 46
Teach: count according to the model and the named number; understand the relationship between the numbers 3 and 4; solve riddles that involve numbers; relate the number to the number of items; solve a logical problem based on visually perceived information. Form spatial representations. Strengthen ideas about geometric shapes. 1. Game “Guess” 2. Game “Count and Draw” 3. Game “Count and Color in the Number” 4. Physical education lesson “One, two”. 5. Game “Far and Near” 6. Game “Complete the missing figures”
Week 2, 3 – game training
Lesson No. 16
page 48
Teach: relate the number to the number of objects. Form an idea of ​​spatial relationships. Consolidate: knowledge about geometric shapes; seasons (winter, spring, summer, autumn). 1. Game “Guess, count, draw” 2. Game “Who is where?” 3. Physical education session “Bunny”. 4..Game “Shade it Correctly” 5..Game “When It Happens”


Lesson No. 17
page 50
Teach: solve mathematical riddles; write the number 5 in dots; denote in words the position of objects in relation to oneself. Introduce the number 5. Consolidate knowledge about the season (winter). 1. Game “Guess the riddle” 2. Game “Find the number” 3. Physical education lesson “Slick Jack”. 4. Game “Color it correctly” 5. Game “Connect it correctly” 6. Self-control and self-assessment of the work performed.
Lesson No. 18
page 52
Strengthen: ability to count within 5; relate the number to the number of items; establish equality of groups of objects when the objects are at different distances; see geometric shapes in the contours of surrounding objects; use a specific example to reveal the concepts of “fast” and “slow”. 1. Game "Number and figure". 2. Game “Number and Figure” 3. Game “What does an object look like” 4. Physical education lesson “Slick Jack”. 5. Game “Count and complete the drawing” 6. Game “Guess who is faster”
Lesson No. 19
page 53
Teach: ordinal counting within 5; distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting; correctly answer the questions: “how much?”, “what number”; navigate on a sheet of paper; see geometric shapes in objects. 1. Ira “Who came to Aibolit” 2. Game “What is where” 3. Physical education lesson “Listen and do.” 4. Game “What shapes does the bunny consist of” 5. Self-control and self-assessment of the work performed
Lesson No. 20
page 55
Continue to teach: ordinal counting, answering questions correctly; solve mathematical riddles; understand the independence of number from the spatial arrangement of objects; correlate the number of items with a number; see geometric shapes in the contours of objects; compare objects different sizes by size and combine them according to this criterion, use these words in speech. 1. Game “Guess the riddle.” 2. Game “Color it in correctly” 3. Game “Number and figure” 4. Physical education lesson “Exercise”. 5. Game “Count and Write” 6. Game “Pick up buckets for snowmen”

Lesson No. 21
page 58
Teach: compare the number of objects; objects by width, highlighting signs of similarity and difference, combine objects according to this characteristic; understand the independence of number from the size of objects; solve a logical problem to establish the sequence of events (parts of the day). Strengthen: skills of ordinal counting within 5; distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting; answer questions correctly. 1. Game “Number and Figure” 2. Game “What did the artist mix up” 3. Physical education lesson “Bunny”. 4. Game “Connect correctly” 5.. Game “Finish the sentence”. 6. Game “When it happens”

Lesson No. 22
page 60
Teach: count according to a model and reproduce the same number of objects; relate the number to the number of items; distinguish between the concepts of “yesterday”, “today”, “tomorrow” and use these words correctly; practice comparing two groups of objects. Consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes circle and square. Oval, rectangle. Introduce the geometric bodies ball, cube, cylinder. 1. Game “Count and Draw” 2. Game “Number and Figure” 3. Physical education “Get up quickly, smile.” 4. Game “What first, what then” 5. Game “Find and paint over”

Lesson No. 23
page 62
Continue to teach: ordinal counting within 5; distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting; answer questions correctly; relate the number to the number card and the number of objects. Reinforce knowledge about geometric shapes. 1. Game “Listen, count” 2. Game “Riddles and guesses”. 3. Game “Pick up a patch” 4. Physical education lesson “Get up quickly, smile” 5. Game “Connect correctly”
Lesson No. 24
page 64
Teach: correlate the number with the number of objects; indicate in words the position of an object on a sheet of paper. Promote the development of visual attention. Develop the ability to understand a learning task and complete it independently. 1. Game “Who will put the food in the chest” 2. Game “Draw the same amount” 3. Physical education “Teremok”. 4. Game “Who is attentive” 5. Game “Find a pair”
Lesson No. 25
page 66
Strengthen: skills of ordinal counting within 5; distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting; correct answer to the questions. Teach: correlate the number of objects with a number; distinguish between the concepts “left” and “right”; establish the sequence of events. 1. Game “Guess the riddle” 2. Game “Who counted what?” 3. Physical education lesson “We stomp our feet.” 4. Game “What first, what then” 5. Game “Color it correctly”

Lesson No. 26
page 68
Teach: correlate the number with the number of objects; establish equality of groups of objects regardless of their spatial location; solve mathematical riddles; compare objects of different sizes by size; identify signs of similarity between different objects and combine them according to this feature; decide logic problems to establish patterns. 1. Game “Count and compare” 2. Game “Guess the riddle” 3. Physical education lesson “We stomp our feet.” 4. Game “Connect correctly” 5. Game “Complete the missing figure”

Lesson No. 27
page 69
Strengthen: skills of ordinal counting within 5; distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting; the ability to indicate in words the position of an object in relation to oneself; distinguish and name the seasons. Learn to solve a logical problem to establish the sequence of events. 1. Game “Whom the artist forgot to draw” 2. Game “Draw correctly” 3. Physical education lesson “On a level path”. 4. Game “When it happens” 5. Self-control and self-assessment of the work performed.
Lesson No. 28
page 71
Strengthen: ability to count within 5; relate the number to the number of items. Teach: compare numbers 4 and 5; solve a logical comparison problem; develop an understanding of equality and inequality of groups of objects. 1. Game “Object and number” 2. Game “Connect correctly” 3. Physical education lesson “On a level path”. 4. Game “Look and compare” 5. Self-control and self-assessment of the work performed.
Lesson No. 29
page 73
Consolidate: knowledge about numbers from 1 to 5; the ability to see geometric shapes in symbolic images; navigate on a piece of paper. Continue to teach: ordinal counting up to 5; answer questions correctly. 1. Game “Shade it correctly” 2. Game “Riddles and guesses” 3. Physical education lesson “Gray bunnies”. 4.Game, “What shapes is a cat made of?” 5.Game, “Help Pinocchio draw a picture”

Lesson No. 30
page 75
Strengthen the ability to correlate numbers with the number of objects; see in the contours of surrounding objects geometric bodies. Promote the development of visual attention. Develop: the ability to understand a learning task and complete it independently; self-control and self-esteem skills. 1. Game “Who will collect what” 2. Game “Draw correctly” 3. Physical education lesson “Gray bunnies”. 4. Game “What shape do objects resemble” 5. Game “How many chickens does a hen have”
Lesson No. 31
page 76
Continue learning: correlate the number and quantity of objects; denote in words the position of an object relative to oneself; solve a logical problem based on visually perceived information; solve math riddles. Develop: the ability to understand a learning task and complete it independently; self-control and self-esteem skills. 1. Game “Riddle and answer” 2. Game “Where is whose toy” 3. Physical education lesson 4. Game “Left, right” 5. Game “Look and compare” 6. Self-control and self-assessment of the work performed.

Lesson No. 32
page 78
Continue learning: correlate the number of objects with the number; solve mathematical riddles; compare objects by width; solve logical problems. Reinforce: the ability to understand relationships between numbers; on specific examples concepts of “fast” and “slow”. 1. Game “Riddle and answer” 2. Game “Object, number, figure” 3. Physical education lesson. 4.Game “Wide, Narrow” 5.Game “How many hares are in the basket”

1Magic bird.

Develop the ability to create fabulous images, develop a sense of composition.

4 Girl dancing

Teach children to draw a human figure in motion, to convey the shape of a dress, the shape and arrangement of parts, their ratio in size. Learn to draw large. Full sheet; outline with a simple pencil, paint over. Receipt pink color on the palette. Develop the ability to evaluate your own drawings and the drawings of others, and note an interesting solution. Fix the genre of painting - portrait. Cultivate accuracy when painting.

5The Tale of Tsar Saltan

To cultivate a love for Pushkin’s work, to develop the ability to draw illustrations for a fairy tale.

6Landscape: “Winter. Frost. Cloudy"

7Drawing the heroes of the fairy tale "The Frog Princess"

Develop creativity and imagination. Learn to think about the content of your painting based on Russian folk tale. Shape aesthetic attitude to the environment. Strengthen skills in working with a pencil (the ability to make a sketch), designing images in color with paints, ways to obtain new colors and shades. Learn to convey in drawing fairy-tale heroes in motion.

8 Landscape: “Winter”

Learn to draw a winter landscape with paints and chalk (white). Develop in children aesthetic perception. Cultivate an emotional response to artistic image in the picture, create a joyful mood from what is depicted.

Teach children to create a decorative composition in a certain color scheme on products of folk arts and crafts (Pavlovsk shawls, Zhostovo trays, Gzhel dishes, etc.). Reinforce knowledge of warm and cold tones. Develop compositional skills (place the largest flowers in the center, place smaller flowers closer to the edges). Strengthen smooth, continuous movements of the hand when working with a brush, the ability to draw with the entire bristle of the brush and its end. Develop aesthetic feelings.

10 Drawing a ceramic animal figurine from life (doe, horse, deer, etc.)

Teach children to draw a ceramic figurine, conveying the smoothness of shapes and lines. Develop smoothness, ease of movements, visual control. Learn to draw contour lines together, carefully paint in one direction, applying strokes without going beyond the contour lines.

To consolidate children's knowledge of the cold range of colors. Learn to create a decorative composition using a limited range. Develop aesthetic perception, sense of color, creativity. Improve smooth, seamless movements.

12 Based on the book: "Santa Claus".

Teach children to convey images of familiar poems in drawings, to choose visual content and reflect in the drawing the most characteristic. Learn to draw in cool colors; outline Santa Claus with a blue pencil, draw with watercolors, gouache, and tint with chalk. Develop imagination and fantasy. Foster a love for fairy tales.

13 Drawing "Fairytale Palace"

Teach children to create fairy-tale images in drawings. Strengthen the ability to draw the base of a building and come up with decorating details. Learn to make a sketch in pencil, and then draw up the image in color, bring the idea to completion, achieve the most interesting solution. Develop the ability to evaluate drawings in accordance with the task of the image. Improve techniques for working with paints, ways to obtain new colors and shades.

14Christmas tree

Develop aesthetic perception, sense of color, creative abilities. Improve smooth, seamless movements.

Long-term plan for the formation of elementary mathematical representations

Lesson topic Program content
1. Repetition of material senior group. Strengthen: ordinal and quantitative counting;
knowledge of geometric figures; knowledge about temporary relationships: week, month, year; composition of numbers from units.
2. Place of a number among other numbers, comparison of two groups of objects. Learn to compare two groups of objects. To consolidate knowledge about the place of a number among other numbers in a series, knowledge of geometric figures, ordinal and quantitative calculations
3. Quantitative and ordinal counting, numbers. Consolidate: knowledge about quantitative and ordinal relationships in the natural series of numbers; knowledge of numbers; knowledge about the place of a number among other numbers in a series. Learn to compare groups of objects and numbers on a visual basis. Develop the ability to navigate in space using geometric shapes.
4. Pentagon Learn to measure volume using conventional measure; determine equalities and inequalities of several groups of objects. Introduce children to the pentagon. To consolidate knowledge about the variety of geometric shapes (quadrangle), about quantitative counting up to 10 in a straight line and reverse order.
5. Composition of number 3 from two smaller numbers, familiarization with the task. Introduce arithmetic problems and their solutions. Reinforce knowledge of composing the number 3 from two smaller numbers; quantitative counting up to 10 in forward and reverse order; the ability to compare groups of objects and numbers on a visual basis; knowledge about pentagons.
6. Spatial relationships, comparison of numbers. Learn to determine equalities and inequalities by the number of objects; visually recognize geometric ones; independently come up with dramatization tasks. Consolidate: knowledge about spatial relationships; knowledge about the size of objects.
7. Measuring volume with a conventional measure. Teach: measure volume using a conventional measure; determine the place of a number among other numbers in a series; navigate on a piece of paper. Strengthen skills: classify objects and combine them into sets according to three criteria; decide arithmetic problems-dramatization.
8. Transformation of figures, composition of the number 4 from two smaller numbers. Teach: transformation of geometric figures, recreating them according to representation; measuring the mass of an object. Introduce children to the notebook. Reinforce: composing the number 4 from two smaller numbers; the ability to determine the place of a number among other numbers in a series.
9. Mass of an object, logical problems.
Teach: establish a pattern when solving a logical problem; measuring the mass of an object; transform geometric shapes; draw short and long horizontal lines in notebooks at a distance of one cell from each other. Fix the composition of the number 4 from two smaller numbers.
10. Independence of number from the distance between objects.
Teach: see the independence of numbers from the distance between objects; establish a pattern when solving a logical problem; measure the mass of an object; put dots inside cells in notebooks. Develop the ability to navigate in space. Strengthen your knowledge of numbers.
11. Hexagon.
Teach: solve arithmetic problems-illustrations; compare groups of objects and numbers on a visual basis. Strengthen the ability to draw horizontal and vertical lines. Introduce children to hexagons. Develop the ability to navigate in space.
12. Arranging objects by size, “=” sign.
Learn to combine figures into sets according to three or four characteristics; organize objects by size; compare groups of objects and numbers visually using the “=” sign; solve arithmetic illustration problems; alternate images of straight lines horizontal lines and dots in notebooks.
13. Composition of the number 5 from two smaller numbers.
Teach: compare groups of objects, numbers on a visual basis, using the “=” sign; combine figures into sets according to three or four characteristics; arrange objects by size. Reinforce: composing the number 5 from two smaller numbers; the ability to draw horizontal and vertical lines of different lengths in notebooks.
14. Transforming shapes.
Teach: recognize and transform geometric shapes; compare groups of objects and numbers visually using the “=” sign; Draw oblique lines diagonally across the cell in your notebooks. Consolidate: knowledge of quantitative relationships in the natural series of numbers; making the number 5 from two smaller numbers.
15. Solving logical problems, determining the location of a number.
Teach: establish a pattern when solving a logical problem; determine the place of a number among other numbers in a series. Reinforce: composing the number 6 from two smaller numbers; knowledge of quantitative relationships in the natural series of numbers; the ability to draw oblique lines in notebooks alternating with dots.
Orientation in space, the composition of the number 6 from two smaller numbers.
Teach: establish a pattern when solving a logical problem; determine the place of a number among other numbers in a series. Develop the ability to navigate in space. Reinforce: composing the number 6 from two smaller numbers; the ability to draw oblique lines in notebooks, drawing them in different directions.

17. Composition of the number 7 from two smaller numbers, inventing problems.
Teach: arrange objects by weight; work in notebooks; come up with arithmetic problems on your own. Develop the ability to navigate in space. Reinforce the composition of the number 7 from two smaller numbers; drawing oblique lines of different lengths in notebooks.
18. Getting to know the calendar. Learn to come up with arithmetic problems on your own. Develop the ability to navigate in space. Introduce the calendar. Fix: names of days of the week, months; composing the number 7 from two smaller numbers; drawing short and long straight and oblique lines.
19. The place of the number among other numbers, the composition of the number 8 from two smaller numbers. Learn: determine the place of a number among other numbers in a series; arrange objects by volume. Reinforce: composing the number 8 from two smaller numbers; knowledge of the days of the week, months, making a calendar.
20. Equalities and inequalities of several groups of objects; Teach: determine equality and inequality of several groups of subjects; transform geometric shapes; determine the place of a number among other numbers in a series; connect short straight lines to represent a square and a rectangle in your notebooks. Reinforce the formation of the number 8 from two smaller numbers.
21. The composition of the number 9 from two smaller numbers. Teach: recognize and transform geometric shapes; determine equality and inequality of several groups of objects. Reinforce: composing the number 9 from two smaller numbers; quantitative counting up to 10 in forward and reverse order; the ability to connect short straight lines, make a pattern of squares and rectangles.
22. Counting forward and backward. Teach: solve logical problems; compare groups of objects and numbers on a visual basis; determine the place of a number among other numbers in a series. Reinforce: composing the number 9 from two smaller numbers; quantitative counting up to 10 in forward and reverse order; drawing squares and slanted lines in notebooks.
23. The composition of the number 10 from two smaller numbers. Teach: compare groups of objects, numbers on a visual basis; determine the place of a number among other numbers in a series; solve logical problems; vertical shading technique in notebooks. Reinforce the formation of the number 10 from two smaller numbers.
24. Geometric figures, drawing up diagrams. Teach: determine dependency when dividing a whole into parts; draw up diagrams. Consolidate: knowledge of geometric shapes; knowledge of quantitative relationships in the natural number series.
25. Temporary relationships, logic games. Teach: determine dependency when dividing a whole into parts; work with logic games; horizontal shading technique in notebooks. Continue reading the diagrams. Consolidate: knowledge about temporary relationships; ability to work in notebooks.
26. Classification of geometric shapes, comparison of depth values. Teach: create silhouettes from geometric shapes, compare depth values; hatch the square diagonally in notebooks. Practice classifying geometric shapes. Develop logical thinking V logic games Oh.
27. Algorithm, solving problems with signs “+”, “-”, “=”. Teach: use simple algorithms; solve problems and compose examples with signs “+”, “-”, “=”; compare values ​​by depth. Improve the classification of geometric shapes. Strengthen the ability to hatch a square in different directions in a notebook.
28. Polygon. Give children the concept of polygons. Learn: use simple algorithms; navigate on a sheet of paper; solve simple problems and examples. Strengthen knowledge of numbers and correlating them with numbers.
29. “Logic games and plan.” Consolidate: knowledge about polygons; the ability to determine dependence when dividing a whole into parts; the ability to draw straight vertical, horizontal and oblique lines when depicting large and small triangles in notebooks. Continue with the plans. Develop thinking with the help of logic games.
30. Dividing a whole into parts, numbers. Consolidate: determining dependency when dividing a whole into parts; knowledge of numbers; names of the days of the week.
Continue solving problems and writing down the solution using the signs “+”, “-”, “=”. Develop thinking with the help of logic games.
31. Area of ​​the object. Teach: solve logical problems; compare the area of ​​an object. Continue to teach: adding and subtracting numbers one at a time; create silhouettes from geometric shapes; Draw various geometric shapes in notebooks.
32. Tangram. Learn to identify dependencies when dividing a whole into parts; create silhouettes from geometric shapes; compare values ​​by area; Draw a circle by writing it in one or 4 cells in notebooks. Practice solving logic games and puzzles. Continue working in notebooks.
33. Schemes, the composition of a number from two smaller numbers. Learn: perform actions using familiar symbols; determine dependency when dividing a whole into parts; draw arcs in one and two cells in notebooks. Consolidate: composing the numbers 7,8 from two smaller numbers; ability to solve logic games and puzzles.
34. Comparison of values ​​by depth. Teach: compare values ​​by depth; create silhouettes from geometric shapes. Reinforce: composing the numbers 9 and 10 from two smaller numbers; ability to work with plans and diagrams; the ability to draw arcs, arranging them differently in notebooks.
35. Adding and subtracting numbers (one at a time). Teach: create silhouettes from geometric shapes; compare values ​​by depth. Continue teaching addition and subtraction of numbers (one at a time); complete tasks in logic games; drawing arcs and straight horizontal lines in notebooks.
36. Independence of number from the size of objects. Learn to find patterns by developing logical thinking. Continue to teach: addition and subtraction of numbers (one at a time); work with a plan; draw arcs and straight vertical lines in notebooks.
37. Independence of number from the arrangement of objects. Teach: count objects located differently; determine dependency when dividing a whole into parts. Continue to teach how to work with a plan. Develop logical thinking in logic games.
38. Columbus egg. Teach: create silhouettes from geometric shapes; classify geometric shapes according to two properties; determine dependency when dividing a whole into parts. Improve the ability to draw straight lines and arcs by creating a subject image in notebooks. Develop logical thinking with the help of logic games.
39. Correlating numbers to numbers Learn to create silhouettes from geometric shapes yourself. Consolidate: knowledge about numbers and relating them to a certain number; knowledge about temporary relationships; ability to navigate on a sheet of paper. Develop logical thinking with the help of logic games.
40. Composition of a number from two smaller numbers. Teach: identifying dependencies when dividing a whole into parts; Create your own silhouettes from geometric shapes. Reinforce the formation of numbers 4 and 5 from two smaller numbers. Continue learning to draw straight lines, practice various techniques hatching in notebooks. Develop logical thinking with the help of logic games.
41. Temporary relationships. Teach: identifying dependencies when dividing a whole into parts; make a plan. Develop logical thinking in logic games. Consolidate: knowledge about temporary relationships; knowledge about numbers.
42. Quantitative and ordinal counting, addition and subtraction of numbers. Continue teaching addition and subtraction of numbers (one at a time). Will consolidate: quantitative and ordinal counting skills; ability to navigate the plan. Improve the ability to classify geometric shapes. Develop logical thinking with the help of logic games.
43. Orientation according to the plan. Continue to teach: addition and subtraction of numbers (one at a time); navigate according to the plan; work in notebooks. Improve: the ability to classify geometric shapes; draw vertical and oblique lines, creating a subject image in notebooks. Develop logical thinking with the help of logic games.
44. Classification of geometric shapes. Give children knowledge about basic economics. Improve skills: classification of geometric shapes; drawing vertical and horizontal lines, maintaining a certain distance between images, in notebooks; adding and subtracting numbers (one at a time).
45. Orientation by symbols. Teach children to navigate using signs. Expand children's knowledge about basic economics. Improve the classification of geometric shapes. Develop logical thinking in logic games.
46. ​​Logic games, elementary economics. Expand knowledge of elementary economics. Continue to teach: addition and subtraction of numbers (one at a time); create object images using straight and oblique lines in notebooks. Improve the classification of geometric shapes. Develop logical thinking with the help of logic games.
47. Addition and subtraction of numbers, classification of geometric shapes. Continue to teach: addition and subtraction of numbers (one at a time); creating a pattern of large and small squares and circles; consolidate diagonal shading skills in notebooks. Improve the classification of geometric shapes. Develop logical thinking with the help logic exercises. Deepen knowledge of elementary economics.
48. Symmetrical arrangement of objects on a plane. Teach: pick up objects a certain shape by symbols; symmetrical arrangement of objects on a plane; compare values ​​by volume. Continue teaching children to create in notebooks story compositions using straight and inclined lines. Practice adding and subtracting numbers (one at a time).
49. Introducing the ruler and dial of a watch. Introduce children to the dial of a clock. Teach: create geometric shapes using a ruler; symmetrical arrangement of objects on a plane; select objects of a certain shape according to symbolic designations. Strengthen the ability to draw objects of different configurations using different types shading, shade images in notebooks completely or partially in accordance with the instructions.
50. Transforming geometric shapes using a ruler. Learn to transform geometric shapes using a ruler. Consolidate: the ability to form a number from two smaller numbers; ability to navigate in space. Clarify children's knowledge about the dial of a watch. Continue to practice creating object images in your notebooks using straight lines and shading techniques.
51. Counting to 11 and 12, adding numbers by 2. Teach: counting to 11 and 12; adding numbers by 2; navigate in space. Continue to teach children to create an object image, reinforcing the shading technique in their notebooks. Strengthen the ability to form the number 6 from two smaller numbers.
52. Numbers from 0 to 12. Teach children to add numbers by 2. Consolidate: knowledge of numbers from 0 to 12; the ability to find the next and previous numbers; the ability to symmetrically place objects on a plane. Continue to learn how to compose object images from straight and inclined lines of different lengths, and improve the technique of shading in notebooks.
53. Previous and subsequent numbers. Teach: select objects of a certain shape according to symbolic designations; compare quantities by mass using scales; compose object images of complex configurations in a notebook. Strengthen the skill: find the next and previous numbers; symmetrically place objects on a plane.
54. Stencil, plan, diagram, weighing on scales. Practice creating geometric shapes using a stencil; in the ability to compare quantities by mass using scales. Consolidate: knowledge about spatial relationships on a plan, diagram; the ability to select objects of a certain shape according to symbolic designations. Continue to teach children to make object images, placing them diagonally in notebooks.
55. Composition of a number from several smaller numbers. Learn: make numbers from several smaller numbers; create geometric shapes using a stencil. Consolidate knowledge: about the watch dial; spatial relationships on a plan, diagram. Continue to improve children’s ability to create an object image, teach the technique of shading a circle in notebooks.
56. Subtracting numbers by 2, logic games. Learn to subtract numbers by 2. Continue: familiarization with the clock dial; practice the technique of diagonal shading of rounded shapes in notebooks. Strengthen the skills: select objects of a certain shape according to symbolic designations; make numbers from several smaller ones. Develop logical thinking with the help of logic games.
57. Addition and subtraction of numbers by 2. Improve skills: find the next and previous numbers; visually arrange geometric shapes; using the technique of diagonal shading of rounded figures in notebooks. Reinforce addition and subtraction of numbers by 2. Develop logical thinking with the help of logic games.
58. Counting to 13. Teach: counting to 13; visually arrange geometric shapes. Improve skills: make a number from two smaller numbers; find the next and previous numbers. Continue to practice drawing round shapes in two and six cells in notebooks.
59. Template, counting up to 14. Teach counting up to 14. Consolidate: the ability to create geometric shapes using a template; ability to form numbers from two smaller numbers; the ability to create a pattern from different geometric shapes and lines, improve the technique of horizontal and diagonal shading in notebooks; knowledge about spatial relationships on a plan, diagram.
60. Clock, a number composed of several smaller numbers. Teach the transformation of geometric shapes using a template. Consolidate knowledge about: watches; compiling a number from several smaller numbers; spatial relationships on a plan, diagram.
61. Symmetrical arrangement of objects on a plane. Fix: the ability to symmetrically place objects on a plane; knowledge about watches; composing a number from several smaller numbers; ability to add and subtract numbers by 2 when solving problems. Encourage children to depict in their notebooks objects consisting of circles, ovals, and add small details of different configurations.
62. Dividing a whole into parts, counting to 15. Teach: divide a whole into parts, establish a relationship between the whole and the part; count up to 15, understand quantitative relationships between numbers. Fix: symmetrical arrangement of objects on a plane; adding and subtracting numbers by 2 when solving problems.
63. Operations with coins, counting up to 16. Teach: counting up to 16; make large images of objects, exactly following the instructions when counting cells in notebooks. Pin: knowledge number series in direct and reverse order; knowledge of coins and their exchange; dividing the whole into parts, establishing a relationship between the whole and the part; knowledge of numbers.
64. Counting to 17. Learn to make patterns of complex configurations in notebooks. Introduce children to the number 17. Practice telling time using a clock. Reinforce: adding and subtracting numbers when solving problems; spatial orientation skills.
65. Drawing up symmetrical drawings. Consolidate: the ability to create symmetrical drawings; ability to form the number 6 from several smaller numbers; the ability to create a whole from parts; orientation in space, determining the direction of movement; the ability to depict large and small objects consisting of lines, circles and ovals in notebooks.
66. Counting to 18. Teach counting to 18. Consolidate: knowledge of numbers; ability to create symmetrical drawings; ideas about quadrilaterals: rhombus, trapezoid; ability to form the number 7 from several smaller numbers.
67. Counting to 19 and 20. Exercise children in counting to 19 and 20. Reinforce: the ability to solve using symbolic notations; the ability to form a number from several smaller numbers; ideas about various geometric shapes.
68. Quiz " Fun puzzles" Generalization and consolidation of the material covered.

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