Congratulations to the class on the last call. Congratulations to the class teacher on the last call

The years spent at school gradually open up the world to the child. After spending 9 or 11 years at a desk, a student already becomes an individual, ready for a new, adult life. If in primary school first teachers are increasingly conducting classes with children in game form, then later, gradually, schoolchildren are drawn into serious, deep educational process. Already in the fifth grade, children have subject teachers and favorite teachers. By the end of their studies at school, boys and girls, accepting congratulations on the Last Bell from their parents and class teacher, fully realize how long their path to the future was, how grateful they are to the teachers for the gigantic work, knowledge given to them, and patience. Of course, the Last Bell takes place in a solemn atmosphere, however, some of the formality of the holiday is “diluted” by performances by graduates with remade songs, touching poems, skits about school life.

Touching congratulations from parents on Last Call 2017

When preparing congratulations to graduates on the Last Bell, the teacher can discuss and choose a holiday scenario together with the parents of the students. If desired, students can also join in the preparation festive events. Each student can offer their own version of performances - dance, song, skit. Graduation classes can present small concerts to teachers and moms and dads who came to the celebration. During the ceremonial part of the event, parents read out congratulations in poetry and prose to students who have graduated from school.

Examples of congratulations on Last Call from parents

Last call to Russian schools rings at the end of May. At this time, school is already ending, but exams await graduates. Dressed in school dresses and aprons, schoolgirls stand next to their classmates in formal, “adult” costumes. They accept congratulations from parents who came to the holiday to support their sons and daughters entering adulthood.

Our dear children,
Today you are already graduates,
We wish you that the stars were brighter
On your life's journey.

So that you do not doubt your abilities,
To try to achieve goals,
To live in a perfect, bright world,
So that you don’t encounter troubles at all.

We also wish you, dear ones, patience,
Good luck, happiness, to find your destiny.
Throw away your regrets
And believe in your bright dreams!

Thanks to all the teachers who put in so much effort so that our children graduate from school with such excellent results! Only we, parents, can understand how difficult it was for you with our children. God bless you and thank you again!

How quickly you grew up
Our dear children,
We didn’t have time to look back,
And you already have “graduation”
Roads are opening
Adult life in front of you,
There are many paths ahead,
Make your choice yourself!
Just remember, we are close
And we will help you, as before,
In a word, in deed, with a warm look,
After all, our love is boundless!

Original congratulations to subject teachers on Last Bell 2017

A teacher is the most multifaceted of professions. In Russian schools, there are brilliant subject teachers who explain to schoolchildren the basics of physics, chemistry, biology, patiently tell them the rules of spelling, teach the children algebra, geometry... Of course, each of the graduates had and still has their own favorite subject. Schoolchildren saying goodbye to their families dedicate their congratulations to teachers who bring real knowledge to children.

Examples of congratulations for the last call for subject teachers

Every teacher who patiently explains his subject to schoolchildren strives to convey to the child the deepest possible knowledge about the science he teaches. Very often, teachers help lagging students “catch up” with the class by staying with them after class, doing this absolutely disinterestedly. It is to such wonderful subject students that graduates dedicate their congratulations on the Last Bell. These can be poems, songs, prose, small scenes.

Poems for an English teacher

We read Byron in the original, And watch the interview with the Queen, After all, we know English flawlessly, Without leaving our homeland.

Our teacher, you are a teacher from God, We wish you happiness and love, And may the road be strong for you, And only good luck awaits you ahead.

Congratulations to the biology teacher

Biology is the science of living things and the world where we live. All living things in the world are akin to us: We are not alone in the world.

Isn't this a discovery for us? Thank you, congratulations! We will treasure this knowledge, May we live in peace!

Thanks to geography

A long time ago, the ancestors believed: The Earth stands on three pillars. All because our ancestors rarely traveled to foreign lands!

They didn’t want to open the textbook, They didn’t go on the Internet, They didn’t look on the map of the country, It’s as if they weren’t even there!

Now we have before us an atlas of the world. We have worn it down to holes, And thanks to geography, For opening up a whole world to us.

Congratulations to the graduating children from the class teacher on the solemn Last Bell

The class teacher is a person who sometimes knows more about the lives of his students than their parents. It is these teachers who have leadership abilities; they are able to unite the children and organize any event with them. Congratulating their class teacher on the Last Bell, schoolchildren thank him not only for the knowledge he imparted on his subject, but also for the responsibility he took at one time for every girl and boy. In turn, the teacher gives parting words to the almost grown-up children setting out for a new life.

Examples of congratulations on the Last Bell - Poems for graduates from the class teacher

Congratulating graduates on the Last Bell, the class teacher can dedicate poems written to the whole class or wish them bon voyage along the Road of Life. Examples of such original congratulations former schoolchildren you will find here.

This is the last time I stand before you,
There is so much I want to say.
I've grown to love you over the years
And I really don’t want to lose.
Not an easy path you and I have gone through -
Resentment, tears and success,
But we always remained friends
And I love you all for that.
Maybe I didn't have time to do much,
I couldn’t explain it to you clearly,
But believe me, I really wanted
Teach you to think and love.
The stars will go out at dawn,
Dew will sparkle in the thick grass,
I am no longer responsible for you,
But why does the tear run?
But why does my chest hurt so much?
And so your head is spinning?
Or maybe that's enough, that's enough?
Is it time to change profession?
But the voice of a cute first-grader
Made me forget everything.
But what would it be like without this Cheburashka?
At least live one day?
And forgive me for everything
I was harsh sometimes
But you love our school,
How we have always loved you.
I want your dreams to come true.
I want to see you happy.
I want you to smile now.
Goodbye eleventh grade!

How I remember that day today
How you and I first met.
You were so little
And they stood near the mothers.

The years have flown by very quickly,
You have become completely different -
A series of problems awaits you
And a different life, because we have matured.

Over the years, everything between us has been:
Resentments, pain, victories, defeats.
I remember every happy moment
After all, I loved you like my own family.

I wish you all your plans for implementation,
May all your wishes come true!
And remember: no matter where you go,
Try to make a decision with conscience.

Don't give in to a difficult life,
You always look forward proudly.
Remain yourself forever
How you will remain young for me.

My class graduation
Dear for me,
This graduation.
Tears in my eyes
They will hide my glasses
I'll see you off
Guys, girls.
I want from the bottom of my heart
Wish you happiness
Kindness, love,
Get on your feet.
Don't be afraid to live,
Conquer dreams
How can I live without you?
Eh, graduates...

A remade song to congratulate your beloved teacher on the Last Bell

Often graduates congratulate teachers on the Last Bell with a cheerful, remade song. As a rule, the melody of such congratulations remains unchanged, and the poems are dedicated to teachers, funny incidents that happen during lessons and breaks, and extracurricular life. Sometimes, when preparing the script for the school farewell celebration, the organizers of the event already use ready-made texts songs. You will find some of them here.

Examples of remade songs for Last Call - Congratulations to the teacher

When preparing congratulations to teachers, schoolchildren can prepare a cool, reworked song for each of the teachers in the subjects for the Last Bell. Separate musical scenes can be dedicated to the “main” subjects - “physics”, “mathematics”, “writer”, “biologist”. The guys can write the lyrics themselves or find them here.

(to the tune of the song “Chunga-Changa”)

How we live together and have fun,
We learn notes and sing songs.
Our school is ours home,
And we cannot live without school.

Our school is a miracle
It's so fun for all the people,
It's so great for all the people,
Let it be so?
(Repeat chorus twice.)

Every student knows for sure
That without school the world becomes dim in an instant.
Our kids love school.
School, school is the best time.

Let the teacher be very strict with us,
I'll try to learn my lesson.
I will not be silent at the board,
Let him give me a “five” rating!

Once upon a time there lived a teacher
To the tune of the song "Million" scarlet roses».

Once upon a time there lived a teacher who knew a lot in life,
But he had a pointer and chalk.
He sowed warmth in children, gave knowledge of the world
He may have had nothing, but he loved his work.

A million, a million, a million red roses
You give it to him at least once.
And at least once, and at least once you will not regret
For him, for him kind words love.
Even if he was strict sometimes: he could instruct twos,
Anyone who was late for class might not be allowed to enter the door.
I could call the parents if the child was a greyhound,
But he solved all problems cheerfully, as if jokingly.

For me there is no one more beautiful than you
To the melody of the song “There is no one more beautiful than you” by Yu. Antonov.

For me there is no one more beautiful than you,
But I catch your gaze in vain:
Like a vision, elusive
You pass by between the desks.

And I repeat again and again:
“You, not physics... You, not physics...
you are only my love!
I'm just a green kid for you.
And not in you, but in the object in love.
And in my eyes everything is foggy,
I adore you, Mary Ivana.

But I believe that the day will come
And in your eyes the ice will melt.
I will receive a certificate or certificate,
And love will get better.

Congratulations to parents at the line in honor of the Last Bell in 11th grade

Waiting for the day of the Last Bell, the most active parents schoolchildren prepare congratulations for teachers and graduates. For each teacher the end academic year becomes a kind of self-assessment of one’s own work done. Seeing the support and gratitude of the children’s fathers and mothers, teachers understand that their work was not in vain. A new generation of boys and girls has grown up, perhaps future great scientists, mathematicians, and doctors.

Examples of congratulations on the Last Bell in 11th grade for parents

As a rule, in each of the 11 classes, preparation of congratulations to teachers and graduates on the Last Bell is carried out by parent committee, as well as moms and dads who want to take part in the event. The most creative parents can prepare a fun flash mob for the whole school or even dance in front of all the classes gathered for assembly. You can watch a video of original congratulations on the occasion of graduation here.

Both dads and moms, thank you very much
We're telling you everything now
For your help, support, for your participation,
For your work, it is invaluable.

You helped us by solving problems,
They wrote notes not to go to school.
We accompanied you with love and patience
On that long school journey.

We hope in a big, unknown life
Give us advice again,
After all, even though last call already sounded
We are only learning to fly.

Let there be considerable reason for pride
For all the achievements later.
Today just accept from the children
A big thank you.

Our dear parents,
Today we want to tell you
What is dearer and closer to you
We can't find it in the whole world.

You always helped us in everything
And there were no sleepless nights.
We were taught, raised, treated,
They surrounded us with their care.

On this day, you are also with us
Our feelings are ready to be shared.
We see off school years,
We will never forget about them!

9 and 11 years of schooling flew by quickly, and now new graduates accept congratulations on the Last Bell and congratulate their teachers on the end of the difficult path they have traveled together. You can congratulate the subject teachers and the class teacher in both poetry and prose, a funny skit, or a remade song. Fathers and mothers who want to sincerely thank teachers for their noble work can prepare skits, dances for classes, or organize a modern flash mob.

Sincere and original words thanks to the teacher, to the class teacher, beautiful text in prose, thank you and Best wishes in their own words from students, school and gymnasium graduates.

Our dear, (full name)!

We have been waiting for this evening for many years, and today it has finally arrived! Some were looking forward to it, others were apprehensive, no matter what happens, today we are all standing next to each other. Today is the evening of summing up. During these eleven years, each of us periodically experienced ups and downs.

This evening, notes of a solemn and joyful finale are felt in the atmosphere, but in our hearts there is a quiet sadness of farewell to school.

This ending, as it seemed to us, would never come, we were all immersed in the cycle of school life, and did not notice how we found ourselves on the threshold of a new independent life. All school graduates give you sincere gratitude for wisdom, sensitivity and kindness. We wish you health, prosperity, and of course, further success in your work!

Dear, (Name, patronymic)!

We remember joyful moments, bouts of uncontrollable collective fun, and school humor. But all this time, both in joy and in sadness, there was one person next to us who helped each of us and shared invaluable advice.

This person is you, (full name), our beloved class teacher! And today, on this festive evening, we all unanimously and sincerely ask for forgiveness and sincerely thank you for your unique lessons, kindness and understanding!

Our dear and beloved (full name of the class teacher)!

School was a second home for us, we received knowledge from the lips of our teachers, but at the same time they invested in us what is called life experience. This experience is not yet fully mature, but the basic rules of life embedded in it are based on justice and kindness.

Over these 11 years, our cool team has experienced different difficulties, we had quarrels and disagreements, but we successfully resolved them, and in difficult moments, each of us was ready to help. Thank you for the light of teaching!

Please accept our gratitude from all students. We love you and will keep the brightest memories of school and your lessons for life.

Our dear, (Name, patronymic)!

You are our class teacher, and a sage who skillfully guided us, blind and inexperienced chicks, to the right life path. Now, thanks to you, our eyes have been opened, and we are ready to take our first flight into adulthood.

Now we all understand this. Forgive us, (full name), for the fact that we did not always listen to your advice, and, making mistakes, acted in our own way. After all, by doing so we made your kind heart worry and worry.

We will forever remember the life lessons you taught us. And your advice will help us in difficult moments of our life’s journey.

Thank you, (full name)! We will always remember you!

Like your own children, you loved the whole class.
You had patience, strength and courage
Lead so that each of us
He proudly held his matriculation certificate in his hands!
And finally, our graduation has arrived!
There are no more empty pages in the magazine.
Praise and honor to you, our faithful captain,
You have brought out the best qualities in us!

On Graduation we would like to congratulate our class teacher,
You have replaced a good parent for us at school!
You always surrounded us with care and love,
We carried it through the years with soul and patience.
We wish you health and more happiness,
So that bad weather can be avoided in your difficult work.
Let the minister increase your salary 10 times.
And so that schoolchildren learn in a way that pleases the eyes!

The prom has arrived. And we are leaving you.
Probably because the time has come.
We tear school childhood away from our hearts,
Now we need to get on the wing.
You raised us, protecting us from troubles.
We believe - in life's crazy bustle
You, Mom Cool, we were, dear,
Like a bright little flashlight in the dark.

Today is our class's graduation,
And on this day we are all immensely happy!
The manager is cool, don’t be sad,
And there is no need to cry at all on this day!
We will all run away in different directions,
But only for a minute will he feel sad,
We will remember you and our favorite class,
And we will come back here hundreds of times.

Thank you, great teacher,
Over the years that we taught our class.
Even though it’s graduation, this day is beautiful,
We will not hold back the bitter tears from our eyes.
And the years will fly like birds, quickly,
But remembering you, we will wipe the sadness from our faces.
And we’ll buy you a bouquet of irises as a class,
And we will definitely come to visit.

Fate sent us the honor to congratulate you,
Great manager, dear!
Collected a farewell ball for graduates,
We bring you all the bouquets of flowers!
Your eyes, teacher, are so bright!
They will not hide the sadness in their eyes.
I wish you health, hope and goodness!
May your children always love you!

Not a day, not two, but many, many years,
You taught our class wisely.
It's no secret to anyone today -
You were the best at Klassnaya school!
Graduation ball. We want one thing
To remain in your heart forever.
We respect you, love you very much, value you!
And I really don’t want to leave today.

You are our most excellent school teacher,
Leader worthy of attention
We lived a “cool” life together,
Successes, failures, worries were shared.
We have now lived with you until Graduation.
“Thank you for everything!” and “Be healthy!”
We wish in future affairs only success
And if there are tears, it’s only from laughter!

A wonderful evening, a holiday for the soul,
And, our teacher, the best in the whole world!
Without your help, we would not have found the way,
But your wise advice saved us.
We owe graduation only to you,
You were next to us like family.
We wish you happiness, blessings, warmth in your soul,
What did you give us unselfishly?

Thank you for the peace you created in the classroom,
We were taught to look into distant distances,
After all, although we are big, we are children inside,
And in our hearts there is only room for love.
Angry, we were often given a second chance,
For so many years they have always helped us in everything,
And in life we ​​were given a good kick.
Let the last call not separate us.

Beloved, dear, you are our teacher!
Our large class is already like family to you.
You are not just a “leader” for us,
You and I are like good friends.
You have walked such a difficult path with us,
Everyone helped us in our difficult time.
We dare not blame you for anything.
Your dear, dear, favorite class.

The momentous day has come,
We all waited for “Graduation”.
Teacher, you were not at all lazy,
Tell us everything in a new way.
You are our cool friend, and you are the best of all,
They explained to us how to live more than once.
We believe in your further growth and success.
Let them give you medals for your work!

Huge bows, gorgeous bouquets, bright ribbons and incredibly kind and happy children's faces - Last Bell is probably the most favorite holiday of all schoolchildren. Exactly ceremonial lineup The last bell marks the end of another school year, the beginning of the holidays and three whole months without classes or homework. But among the smiles and the atmosphere of general fun, there are those for whom Last Bell is not such a joyful day. It's about about graduates of grades 9-11 and their class teachers. Of course, high school students still have exams and graduation party, but in fact, it is on the lines of the last bell that their final farewell to the school walls takes place. In honor of this, high school students, as well as their parents, are sure to prepare touching congratulations in poetry, prose, and modified songs. They dedicate touching lines not only to the class teacher. but also to subject teachers, the director and beloved mothers and fathers. And adults, in turn, also read beautiful congratulations with the kindest and sincere wishes for graduates.

Congratulations to subject teachers on the Last Bell 2017 from graduates of grades 9-11

The main words of gratitude and congratulations at the last bell from graduates of grades 9-11 are addressed to subject teachers. It is thanks to the efforts teaching staff high school students were able to master complex school curriculum and achieve certain peaks in learning. You will find the most beautiful congratulations to subject teachers on the Last Bell from graduates of grades 9-11 in the following selection of poems.

Congratulations in verse on the Last Call from graduates of grades 9-11 to teachers

“The bell is not for the student,

And for teachers,”

You loved to repeat to us,

But everything is different now.

The last bell rang

Today just for us

And you take us on our way

And back to class again.

Thank you, teachers,

For knowledge and wisdom,

Patience, humor, optimism,

For faith in us and sensitivity.

We wish you to see

Giving back in your work,

Let your students love you

And your item to boot.

May the new day make you happy

Great mood

Recognition of your merits,

Everyone's respect.

For us you have become closer and dearer,

We may not always want to listen to you,

We spent many great days here:

We studied, argued, made friends and grew up.

We took a lot and succeeded a little,

They shook their nerves and did what they wanted.

And now, when the last bell rings,

We want to take off our hats and kneel.

Thank you for your loyalty and patience,

May fate please you more often,

Let the new younger generation

It will turn out to be truly brilliant!

Thank you, teachers,

Because our children

IN big people grew up

She became smarter, kinder and better.

Congratulations on the last call,

We wish you good health,

New achievements in progress

And the most joyful achievements!

Touching congratulations in verse on Last Call from parents

If anyone was as touched at the last bell as the high school students, it was their parents. For many years They, together with their teachers, witnessed how foolish kids gradually turned into smart, erudite and purposeful high school students. Therefore, parents prepare touching congratulations in verse for the Last Bell not only for graduates, but also for teachers. As a rule, for this purpose are selected beautiful poems With good wishes and words. Examples touching congratulations You will find further in poems from parents for children and teachers on the Last Call.

Touching poems for congratulations on the Last Call 2017 from parents

I want to say a word from my parents

About our kind and dear teachers.

Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart,

We have tears in our eyes from sadness!

May you work long and calmly,

May your students love you very much,

And they pay you what you deserve,

After all, for children you are like beacons!

We wish you good luck and patience.

We love you and are grateful to everyone

And we consider you the best of the best,

At least we’re parting with you for good!

Thank you for your help and support.

For the fact that, despite and through stress,

Of little boys and girls

You have raised princes and princesses.

Thank you for your care and concern,

For wisdom, for skills, love,

For restraint, patience and manners.

For something that is clear to everyone without words.

Excitement fills the soul

It's hard to hold back the tears.

Thank you, dear teachers,

For your sensitivity and warmth.

That you have become our children's friends

And they led me by the hand into the world of science,

Among new discoveries and knowledge

After all, the guys have found their personalities.

And we wish you, graduates,

Don’t be timid in the face of a difficult problem

And, conquering new heights,

Have perseverance and patience!

Congratulations in verse and prose to graduates from the class teacher on Last Bell 2017

The class teacher is not just a teacher. Over the course of many years, he and his parents become that significant adult whose opinion and comments schoolchildren are sure to listen to. It is not surprising that over time the teacher himself begins to perceive the children from his class as family. Congratulations in verse and prose on the last call from the class teacher to graduates - a simple way to say important words"to your children." You will find options for congratulating graduates on the Last Bell in verse and prose for the class teacher’s speech below.

Poems and prose for congratulating graduates on the Last Bell from the class teacher

Today is a warm spring day,

You will remember him forever.

The last bell is ringing.

Goodbye school years.

And tomorrow at new world beautiful

You open the window wide.

Color it with the flowers of happiness,

Like a painter's canvas.

I wish you an adult, new life,

I let you choose the right path.

Let the path be exemplary,

So that you don't have to turn it off.

How quickly time has flown by

Since the first lesson was.

Today you have all grown up,

The last bell rings.

You won't forget your school lessons,

Your class, friends, teachers.

Now you will involuntarily feel sad,

The classroom door will be closed.

You guys have become adults.

Today you are graduates!

Once upon a time there were kids

Without letting go of mom's hand.

Good luck to you in your adult life,

Don't forget the school route.

And value your friendship,

After all, the past years cannot be returned.

I wish you truthful, honest actions,

You cherish the joy of meetings.

Grow up, value your friendship,

Manage to save the school waltz!

Dear guys! This day begins new stage of your life, it's time to do informed choice and rely heavily on own strength. The last call is not a reason to be sad about the past amazing childhood. No matter how much you want to keep him, there are great changes ahead, the result of which depends on you. We, your mentors and parents, are always ready to support you and help you whenever you need it.

A remade song for congratulating teachers on the Last Call from graduates, lyrics

The remade song is another great option for Last Call congratulations for teachers from graduates. Usually texts popular songs they remake it for a school theme, but leave the music. Such converted songs for congratulating teachers from graduates at the last bell can be performed as individual students, and so did the whole class.

Lyrics of remade songs for teachers for Last Call from graduates

Song to the tune of " Migrant"(Kristina Orbakaite) song to the English teacher

You didn't understand me - that's very cute!

I spoke English: I know the alphabet thoroughly!

Why is there no mutual understanding?

If you want to be a free bird in the world,

That foreigner might come in handy!

Song to the tune of “La-la-la” (Zhanna Friske) song for a computer science teacher

It is clear to every child in our century,

What a person cannot do without a computer - technology has come a long way!

If you want to make your dreams come true, you must be on friendly terms with your computer.

And then life in the world will become easy!

Our teacher was able to teach us everything!

We hang out on the Internet and play different games!

We will create a presentation and fix the layer in Photoshop!

We will build graphs in Excel and any text in Word, believe me

We can do it now - the computer has become our friend!

He became a friend to us!

Song to the tune of “Biology” (Viagra) song for the Biology teacher

Populations, species, chromosomes

They are very significant in our lives.

The world of animals and plants is full of secrets and adventures

And human nature is the mystery of the century!

In class we looked through a microscope

And we examined the structure of the cell

Where are the stamens, where is the pistil?

We promise not to forget even in two hundred years,

True, if...we survive!

Biology, zoology, anatomy and botany

We studied everything to the end!

U, Biology, zoology, anatomy and botany

It is impossible to live without this knowledge!

Congratulations in verses for parents on the Last Bell 2017 in grades 9-11

Special congratulations on the Last Bell in verses, students of grades 9-11 choose not only for subject teachers and class teacher, but also for parents. Touching, kind poems with words of gratitude are ideal for this purpose. Best congratulations in poems for parents on the Last Bell in grades 9-11 you will find below.

Poems for congratulating parents on the Last Bell from graduates of grades 9-11

Dear dad and mommy,

Dear grandfather, grandmother,

You are with us today,

With your graduates!

You helped us a lot

They tolerated everything and did not scold.

Tears are shining in my eyes,

They don’t want to settle down

We want to hug you all

Kiss me from the bottom of my heart,

Take our poem

Congratulations on your certificate!

Our dear parents,

Today we want to tell you

What is dearer and closer to you

We can't find it in the whole world.

You always helped us in everything

And there were no sleepless nights.

We were taught, raised, treated,

They surrounded us with their care.

On this day, you are also with us

Our feelings are ready to be shared.

We are spending our school years

We will never forget about them!

Both dads and moms, thank you very much

We're telling you everything now

For your help, support, for your participation,

For your work, it is invaluable.

You helped us by solving problems,

They wrote notes not to go to school.

We accompanied you with love and patience

On that long school journey.

We hope in a big, unknown life

Give us advice again,

After all, even though the Last Bell has already sounded,

We are only learning to fly.

Let there be considerable reason for pride

For all the achievements later.

Today just accept from the children

A big thank you.

Beautiful, solemn, memorable congratulations on the Last Bell 2017 in verse and prose are addressed not only to graduates of grades 9-11, subject teachers and the class teacher. Beloved parents also deserve the most touching and beautiful wishes on this holiday. Don’t forget about the original versions of congratulations, for example, redone lyrics for Last Call songs.

Today you are releasing us into great life. Our schooling has ended, but there will be many more different lessons in life. And we want to tell you that the experience and knowledge that you gave us are priceless. And we will remember your kindness, understanding and love more than once. You did a great job real family, You have invested a piece of your soul in us. Of course, it’s sad to leave, but September will come, new students will come... We even envy them a little. We want to thank you for everything! Forgive us for the fact that at times we caused you anxiety and grief. We wish you future students who will be calmer than us, as well as more inspiration happy days, happiness and success!

The class teacher is almost a parent, and maybe, to some extent, even more. After all, it is rare when parents can see their child from the side from which the class teacher sees him. Thank you for your patience and affection, may this Last Bell not be your last and may future students also know what it’s like when you are their class teacher.

Our class teacher,
Last call from the heart
We will say: “You are the best teacher!
We will remember you forever!”

Thank you for being my soul
We were always there for you in everything,
We were taught to live with a dream
Go through winds and obstacles!

Our cool leader,
You're like a school lord
We were scolded and praised,
Taught wisdom!

It was like this when they scolded
Dad was called to school
For good deeds
We were praised, albeit sparingly.

We want to wish you
Receive less stress
Be happy and rich
May your salary be raised!

You are a great leader,
And you are a wonderful teacher!
IN in every sense teacher,
And not at all a demagogue!

You taught us faithfully,
We were praised very often
You weren't very strict
And they scolded us a little.

Be happy always
Let the years not age you,
For other generations
May you have enough patience!

The best teacher, the kindest,
We would like to say “Thank you!”
We wish you to be cheerful and patient,
Don't be sad and smile more!

You are the best teacher for our class,
And in unison we will shout that you are the “coolest”!
We wish you not to be bored without us,
And we promise not to forget you!

We often bothered you
But they also trusted secrets,
We didn't always live together
Your word was valued!

Years passed and everything changed,
But, as before, it was enough
To you from us, and to us from you,
But now we want:

To the new fifth grade
Became a joy for you,
May you live and not be sad,
We were happy to go to school!

The last call is a sad chord,
A sad trill sweeps through the school,
So the mentor couldn’t resist,
I involuntarily dropped a tear down my cheek.

Thank you teacher, thank you our friend,
For your work, for your upbringing,
For intelligence and care, the warmth of your hands,
You will live with us in our memory.

Let us remember more than once your farewell lesson,
We will never forget parting words,
The last bell rings with a ringing trill,
Thank you cool for the ticket to people!

Here comes the farewell call.
Your class is a little sad.
You are our guide -
Class leader,

Like a parent to children.
We trust you wholeheartedly
We hope there will be meetings.
And we are waiting for our graduation evening

Be strong and healthy.
And finishing school -
No reason for anyone
Won't come see you again.

We have many congratulations for you -
We are glad that you are in our world.
On a beautiful day - last call -
Your children will sincerely congratulate you.

There is no better teacher, believe me,
We will be looking forward to meeting you again.
And wait for you to check the notebooks,
After all, you are our own mother!

We wish you rest on this day
From noisy classes, numerous activities,
After all, the holidays will fly by again.
Let us all hug you!

Congratulations to the class teacher on the last bell
Congratulations to the class teacher on the last bell, how to congratulate?
text of congratulations to Congratulations to the class teacher on the last bell

Congratulations to the class teacher on the last call

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