Venerable Antiochus MonkComprehensive Collection (Pandects) of the Inspired Holy Scriptures. Collection of Lysenko surnames from various sources

B–17 or "Flying Fortress" is a serial American bomber.
About his ability to fly to his destination on honestly and one wing, many have heard.
It’s just that not everyone has seen what this really means.
I can’t imagine how anyone can stay in the air with such damage.

American heavy bomber B-17G Flying Fortress, damaged over Germany.
B-17G-80BO aircraft number 43-38172 (601st Squadron, 398th Bomb Group, 8th air fleet) On October 15, 1944, he took part in an American air raid on german city Cologne. Shortly after the plane dropped its bombs, an anti-aircraft shell hit its nose and exploded. The bombardier, Senior Sergeant George Abbott (S/Sgt. George E. Abbott), who was in his place, was killed; the explosion destroyed all instruments and equipment, including oxygen equipment.

Without oxygen, the plane could not fly at altitude. The pilot, 1st Lt. Lawrence De Lancey, lowered the altitude, reduced the speed to a minimum and flew the plane to England. He was able to land the almost uncontrollable car at Nuthampstead airfield, where this and other photographs of it were taken two days later.

For completing the mission and rescuing the remaining crew members, De Lancie was awarded the Silver Star.
Time taken: 10/17/1944
Location: Nutampstead, UK

This photo of a B-17G-35VE (serial number 42-97890) "Queen of Hearts" (aka "Lil'Satan") from the 524th Bomb Squadron, 379th Bomb Group, 8th Air Force, USAF, was taken after his return from the raid on June 25, 1944. During takeoff, an anti-aircraft shell severely damaged the nose of the aircraft. Bombardier Lieutenant Arthur M. Maatta was killed immediately, navigator 2nd Lieutenant Robert W. Evans was wounded.

The commander ordered the crew to prepare to abandon the plane, but the seriously wounded Evans jumped ahead of time. The tail gunner saw the opening canopy and jumped after the navigator. As a result, Robert Evans and tail gunner Joseph Simoncini were captured. Evans died from his wounds in a German hospital. And the damaged bomber reached the base and returned to service after repairs.

But nevertheless, it was completely lost during the raid on Magdeburg on September 28, 1944 (the commander and navigator were killed, 7 crew members were captured).

Bomber B-17G-35-BO (serial number 42-32109) “Mizpah” from the 840th Bombardment Squadron of the 483rd Bombardment Group of the 15th Air Force of the US Air Force on July 14, 1944, carried out a combat mission in Hungary (Budapest, Ferencvaros region ), the purpose of which was to destroy the enemy's railway marshalling stations.
An anti-aircraft shell hit the bomber directly in the bow, killing the navigator and bombardier. The Mizpah crew did everything they could to leave enemy territory and reach your allies. He failed, the plane crashed near the Hungarian city of Dunavece, all eight surviving crew members were taken prisoner.
Time taken: 07/14/1944

A B-17G "Stormy Weather" bomber of the 351st Bomb Squadron, USAF, made an emergency landing in Denmark, May 1944.

The plane, piloted by Captain Robert B. Clay, took off from Polebrook airfield in Great Britain on the morning of May 24, 1944 to bomb Berlin. Over German territory, the plane was damaged by anti-aircraft fire and the commander had to turn north and descend. Captain Clay, mistaking the landscape of many islands for Swedish, decided to land the plane. But this was not neutral Sweden, but German-occupied Denmark. The plane turned over the northern part of the island of Als and, flying over the village of Svenstrup, the commander gave the order to the crew to abandon the damaged aircraft. Eight crew members jumped out, leaving only the commander and co-pilot on board. Captain Clay managed to land the bomber on one engine. All crew members survived and returned to the United States after German captivity.

View of the nose of the American B-17 "Goonie" bomber (Boeing B-17 Flying fortness "Goonie") with marks depicting 15 combat missions and 7 downed Japanese aircraft. 1942

This B-17E, serial number 41-2523, belonged to the 72nd Squadron of the 5th Bomb Group and the 98th Squadron of the 11th Group. The photo was apparently taken on the island of Espiritu Santo (in the current state of Vanuatu), where the 5th group was based when this “Flying Fortress” belonged to it. The plane would be lost on March 20, 1943, splashing down near the Russell Islands. All crew members under the command of Colonel Marion Unruh were successfully rescued.

And these, unfortunately, died...

The Boeing B-17G-20-BO "Flying Fortress" bomber (proper name "Miss Donna Mae II") was hit by 1,000-pound (453.6 kg) bombs from another B-17 during a raid on Berlin. The bombs smashed the left horizontal stabilizer, the plane went into an uncontrolled rotation, and at an altitude of 4 km, due to overloads, its wings broke off and it crashed to the ground. The entire crew died.

An American B-17 bomber falling due to a part of its wing torn off by an anti-aircraft shell.

German ace Heinz (Oskar-Heinrich) "Pritzl" Bär inspects the American B-17 bomber he shot down. February 22, 1944.

This is the B-17F "Miss Ouachita" of the 323rd Squadron of the 91st Bombardment Group of the USAF, shot down by Heinz Baer on February 22, 1944 and making an emergency landing in the Salzburg area. Two crew members were killed, the rest were taken prisoner.

Nicholas Roerich. Health................................................. ........................................................ ...5 1. The element of Fire is the cause of unexplained epidemics.................................................. ................... 8 2. Epidemics need to be treated with psychic energy.................................... ........................................... 8 3. The ability to master consciousness will protect against epidemics.... ........................................................ 8 4. Immunity comes from heart fire.................................... .......................... 9 5. An aspiring person is full of immunity............. ........................................................ ......9 6. Immunity lies in the heart.................................... ........................................... 9 7. How to begin to manifest the immunity of the heart?.................................................. .... 10 8. Only the energy of the heart makes a person invulnerable.................................... ............... 10 9. The salvation of humanity in the understanding and prevention of heart disease.............................. .........10 10. The phenomenon of invulnerability lies in the heart and requires three elements - the heart,
Hierarchy and inseparability of aspiration.................................................................. ........................... 11 11. Studying the products of psychic energy and cultivating the heart will help avoid fiery diseases......... ........................................................ ........................................11 12. When the heart is silent , then the danger of fire epidemics is great..................................12 13. About the essence of fire immunity....... ........................................................ ...................12 14. Unity is a simple means of salvation from dangerous epidemics.................... ...............13 15. Suspicion is contagious and multiplies as easily as many epidemics...................... ........................................................ ........................................................ .....13 16. Coarsening of psychic energy is the most terrible epidemic.................................... 13 17. Cases when people begin to pick up radio waves can become a natural phenomenon and serve as the beginning of fire epidemics. ........................................................ .. 13 18. The phenomenon of obsession can become epidemic..................................... 14 20. Multiplication of grief is one of the causes of fire epidemics.................................................... 15 21. Like is cured by like . Fiery epidemics are cured by fiery
(means of increasing vitality)................................................... ........................... 15 22. The coming exacerbation of sensitivity without a corresponding development of consciousness can lead to an epidemic of “hearing voices” ...... ........................................................ ............. 15 23. Epidemics of tetanus, cancer, laryngeal convulsions, pneumonic plague, new brain disease belong to fiery diseases............. ............................................... 16 24. Epidemics of nervous diseases are contagious and under many forms have one basis, namely defeat subtle body.....................................................................16 25. Best treatment epidemics is to explain the cause of the phenomenon................16 26. Nature is a refuge from fiery epidemics...... ................................17 27. Low quality thinking can be a source of epidemics...................................17 28. Epidemics of neuralgia and rheumatism are the influence of the element of fire on the fiery centers of man . The role of suggestion in curing diseases from fiery influences.................................................... ........................................................ ........................... 17 29. Physical and mental epidemics are very harmful because they degenerate and create new microbes. ........................................................ ........................................................ ... 18 30. During an epidemic of obsession, people should seek heartfelt Communication.................... 18 31. About the possibility various types fire epidemic............................................. 18 32 Accustoming the body to perceive higher energies through consciousness will help people gradually resist fiery epidemics................................... ......................... 19 33. Insensitivity to reality is one of the most terrible epidemics ............. ........................................................ ........................................................ ..............19 34. Soda helps create immunity from the destruction of the elements of fire............................. ......19

35. The protective network (immunity of spiritual centers) is nourished from within the subtlest energy........................................................ ........................................................ .......... 20 36. “Ossification of consciousness” infects the atmosphere just like the most terrible epidemic.
........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................... 20 37. Epidemics, physical and spiritual depend on the physical and spiritual layers of the state of humanity.................................................... ........................................................ ...........20 38. Microbes of spiritual infections that saturate space burden precisely sensitive organisms......................... ........................................................ ........................................................ 21 39. There is joy and delight best prevention immunity................................................... 21 40. Contagious epidemics are tides of chaos.... ........................................................ ................21 41. Hierarchy, primary energy and the state of all nervous system- the basis of immunity......................................................... ........................................................ ...........................22 42. A person who has not succumbed to the influence of discontent, doubt, self-pity remains immune to all diseases...... ........................................................ ....... 22 43. Many epidemics are based on the phenomenon of possession.................................... ..... 22 44. The epidemic of betrayal is already a planetary disaster.................................... .....23 45. Crime is a mental illness. Just like sadism, cruelty and ferocity remain consequences of the same mental epidemic.................................... 23 46 . Phenomena of depression or fatigue can become epidemic.................................................... ........................................................ ........................................... 23 47. Any epidemic of obsession will be suppressed by doctors.... ...................................24 48. You need to be treated in the same way that consciousness gives. ...........................................24 49. “Many types of new diseases, but there will be even more. The emergence of brotherhoods will be ozone among the poisoned ruins." .................................... 25 50. About epidemics obsessions........................................................ ..................................... 25 51. “A kind of epidemic of horror is shaking the subtle world. Besides the battle, real diseases arise there." ........................................................ ......... 25 52. Brotherhood will not stop at epidemics of fear.................................... .......... 26 53. Main reason mass epidemics, new forms of diseases, depression, madness - there is the behavior of people and the stuffiness of the earth................................. ....................... 26 54. Cosmic currents affect not only world events, but also the lives of individual people in the form of special diseases and entire epidemics.. ........................... 27 55. Epidemics of new types of so-called neuralgia (fire fever) can arise from pollution of psychic energy ........................................................ .............27 56. Should be paid special attention for special periods of atmospheric poisoning and epidemics. ........................................................ ........................................................ .... 28 57. “Only the blind will not see fiery signs and dead doctors will not distinguish between fiery diseases.”................................ ........................................................ ......................................... 28 58. Epidemics can cover the limits of the macrocosm............ ......................................... 29 59. The danger of mental epidemics is increasing... ........................................................ .......29 60. The main harmful consequence of epidemics will be the mental perversions of humanity................................. ........................................................ ....................................... 30 61. Immunity is a consequence of thought. ........................................................ ...............................31 62. Epidemics of irritation of the mucous membranes are a manifestation of inflammation of the centers. ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................31 63. “The king of the planet - man is the creator of poisons.” Epidemics of mucous membranes and malignant tumors originate from spatial influences from the radiations of people’s evil thoughts.................................................... ........................................... 32 64. “Epidemics follow Armageddon." You need to be prepared for the appearance of signs of the most complex and unusual forms of diseases.................................................... ......... 33

65. Vibration treatment is very individual and requires from the doctor special intelligence, mobility and the ability to spot the accelerated symptoms of an epidemic................................... ........................................................ ................................................33 66 It is necessary to pay attention to the epidemic of mental insanity ..................... 34 67. Psychiatrists should pay attention to mental epidemics as diseases of the body due to the poisoning of space by the chemistry of mass human turmoil. ........................................................ ........................................................ ... 35 68. Epidemics of inflammation of the mucous membranes are treated with calm, for they are caused by the influence of disharmonious currents, intensified by earthly turmoil.. 35 69. Terrible world events, moral upheavals, grief, various surprises can cause a significant expenditure of people’s psychic energy, and as a result , - epidemics of diseases of the nervous system.................................... 36 70. The mechanism of fire epidemics: “People strengthen spatial chemisms with their thoughts and actions, but chemism, like a boomerang, strikes the creator himself - this is how a dangerous epidemic occurs." ........................................................ ....... 37 71. The “yellow disease” epidemic must be suppressed by maintaining a calm mood and doctors studying the importance of the centers of the nervous system..................... .. 37 72. The main factor for acquiring immunity is a good thought........... 38 73. The world is suffering from a mental epidemic generated by undisciplined will............... ........................................................ ........................................................ ...................38 74. The main success of medicine in the fight against epidemics will be in proper prevention.................. ........................................................ ........................................................ . 39 75. Cruelty, rudeness and ignorance are the nurseries of chaos...................................... 39 76. Irresponsible, irresponsible, subject to any influence, ready for any betrayal, filled with malice - such people turn out to be sources of mental epidemics...................... ........................................................ ...............................40 77. Know how to maintain true calm............ ........................................................ .........41 78. A person who has fallen into anxiety becomes a source of infection.................................... 41 79. Order yourself not to be upset: “Keep the strings of your heart in tune” 41 80. The quality of the radiation of the subtle body is of great importance for finding the cause of epidemics. ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................42 81.Compassion can arm doctors in the fight against epidemics.................. .............42 82. Malice and slander can give rise to epidemics of degeneration and other disasters.
"Hurry to free yourself from the shackles of malice." ........................................................ ............43 83. About the spread of the epidemic of mental self-destruction of humanity.
“People kill the spirit and deprive themselves of psychic energy”................................................. ... 43 84. Clear consciousness can protect a person from the epidemic of rudeness................................... 44

Agni Yoga of Epidemics

Nicholas Roerich. Health.
A certain worldly uncle bequeathed to his nephew:
“Love yourself more than your neighbor. Don't do today what you can do tomorrow. Never do yourself what you can force others to do. Don't pay debts until they step on your throat.
Remember: man was created to lie on soft things, suck sweet things and listen to pleasant things.
The main thing is to remember that you cannot exist without a stomach.”
Wise from his unique worldly experience, the uncle could not think beyond his stomach, and his stomach told him those misanthropic formulas that he said in a joking manner. But there are many such uncles, and there are an infinite number of admirers of the womb of Moloch. And from this devouring womb arises hatred. All these womb worshipers care a lot about health. Please note that the conversation closest to them will be about the use of some medicines unknown to them. And these patented medicines, usually containing some kind of drugs, poisons, are also a kind of offering to the womb of Moloch.
But nowhere does it say that humanity should despise health. On the contrary, in all teachings, in one form or another, healthcare is very impressive.
The one who said - a healthy thought in a healthy body - was right. But the question is what is healthy body and what is a healthy thought?
Again, many teachings talk about the possibility of the formation of new diseases that are very destructive for entire populations. Influenza, cancer, meningitis, sleeping sickness, asthma, all kinds of laryngeal, cardiac, pulmonary and nervous diseases, nervous spasms, often mistaken for appendicitis, actually assume proportions, sometimes more dangerous than the old epidemics, against which both vaccinations and prevention.
All these new diseases turn our attention not to our uncle’s stomach, but somewhere higher - to the heart, to the larynx, to the brain. By paying attention to these higher centers, we see both a healthy body and a healthy thought differently.
Sports and outdoor movement, which are, of course, useful to a certain extent, cannot completely replace the nutrition of the nervous system of mankind. True, humanity is tired, but it is not tired because of the amount of work, for rationally distributed work cannot tire. Real rest does not lie in idleness, but in wise distribution and in changing the type of work.
The healing of the body, especially now, when such a large number of newly discovered energies and rays have been introduced into everyday life, requires something different, more caring attitude rather than a rough stomach setting or a primitive and often one-sided sport.
The human being is drawn to culture. It suffers from an intolerable perversion of life. If we cannot escape this crooked life, then at least we
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We can introduce into it signs of its internal healing. We suddenly imperatively remember the ancient truth that sound and color (essentially the same thing) have a huge influence on us. I remember how in London Dr Jung studied the influence of the color of paintings on various diseases, as well as the use of colored rays and, of course, received very instructive observations. It is interesting to remember the brochure of a blind student of the Institute
United Arts in New York Leonida Hirsch, despite complete blindness, recognized the tonality of the paintings.
Moreover, let us remember all the amazing experiments of Sir Jagadis Bose and all the various observations of the effects of color and sound on animals and plants. Let us also remember that entire color treatment institutes are already being established in America, Germany,
Even a simple gardener already understands the value of colored rays for his garden.
Is it really possible that the human organism, which is more sensitive than anything else, will not be most intensely exposed to what even cabbage feels?
But even speaking about the details, we will remain in the dimensions of culture. Where will exquisite sound and refined color come from, if not from general cultural understanding? Therefore, if they tell us that when we talk about culture, we care only about heavenly things, we will answer: “No, we also care about the body so that it is truly healthy, meeting the requirements of true culture. The population of the planet, with all the monsters, monsters, giants, dwarfs, has long ended. Humanity understands that not only the expansion of consciousness, but precisely its refinement, is now urgently needed.” Without refining our consciousness, we will never resolve those complex problems of life that have washed over humanity and are causing various destructive excesses. By thinking creatively, we will inevitably come to the introduction of cultural foundations into life. These foundations will not remain within the confines of only isolated high phenomena, but must enter the masses, illuminating everyday life and spiritualizing the meaning of each work.
Agni Yoga gives urgent advice to the doctor to pay attention to peculiar new diseases, which, if not foreseen, can flood humanity with unheard-of disasters.
A Parisian radio station complains that the overcrowding of the atmosphere is a direct obstacle to transmission. In Belgium, fog full of toxic fumes caused many deaths. Continue this single fact into infinity and you will get a new disaster that can threaten the population of entire cities. The heart could not withstand the poisonous mists, the human heart weakens, and just supporting the stomach will not give life to the heart.
Not only are life guardians and life givers needed, but we also need awareness of the powerful psychic energy that is so closely connected with the quality of our thoughts.
To apply this beneficial power, if correctly understood, high energy, you need to realize the high ways of mastering it. Here we again, without any bias, come to the same need to implement the principles of high culture in all manifestations of life.
Sir Gyps, via radio in London, alerts the world that we live “in a constant explosion of the Universe.” Dr. Martin Gil, director of the Argentine Meteorological Observatory, comments on the recent toxic fog that such phenomena have deep cosmic causes. It reminds us of similar manifestations in Europe,
North Africa and Bolivia, connecting them with stardust and pointing out that in addition to actual poisoning, they contribute to the outbreak of various epidemics. Signor
Gil explains that the passage of a mass of stardust through earth's atmosphere unmistakably forms a field of intense electromagnetic activity, which causes organic and respiratory disorders in persons with a neurosensitive system.
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Agni Yoga about the causes and methods of protection from epidemics

Dmitry Merezhkovsky says: “Scientific inventions, miracles of mechanics can be miracles of the devil.... A learned troglodyte with the miracles of the devil is the wildest of savages.” “I would really like to be wrong, but it seems to me more and more that the world ship is sinking.”
He also quotes words from the Avesta: “In last days the earth will be like a sheep falling for fear of the wolf.”
The ever sensitive Rabindranath Tagore, in his last article in America, exclaims:
“I know that I am crying in the wilderness when I lift up my voice of warning. At the time when
The West is busy organizing a machine-made world; it continues to feed the underground forces of earthquakes with its injustices.”
In his last speech, Albert Einstein calls for increased study of the hidden forces of nature. The inquisitive glances of Millikan and
Mikhelson. Yes, on different continents, By various reasons, the best minds address interaction factors Space Force with the destinies of the earth's peoples. In a new light, the question of true health is growing far beyond the boundaries of one-sided sports and incomprehensible “rest”.
The best minds in various ways direct human thinking towards the expansion of consciousness, which alone contains true prevention and foresight of the possibility of bright construction. The time of dead scholasticism is ending. Dark prejudices are dying out. Bright minds call for a creative synthesis in which the old testament
“in corpore sano mens sana” acquires special meaning and one can truly understand that the pure creative spirit is the inhabitant of a pure healthy organism. And in the final synthesis, with the inseparability of spirit from matter, the circle is also in the opposite position: the pure creative spirit will heal the body. Thus, the issue of health from the medical department grows into the sphere of true public education and inspiration.
Himalayas. 1931
/Nicholas Roerich. Power of Light. "Health"/
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Agni Yoga about the causes and methods of protection from epidemics

1. The element of Fire is the cause of unexplained epidemics.
“The phenomenon of two seas appears to the eyes of experienced sailors. Their eye distinguishes two currents: one that adorns the surface but has no meaning, the other
- constituting power and bringing salvation or death, although unnoticeable on the surface.
It is difficult not to notice the foam of events and to catch the main currents. It is easier to train yourself on natural phenomena. How much energy is saved if we pass the ghosts of the surface! Our Teaching strives to understand modern natural phenomena, considering man a part of it.
You may have already observed that Our Indications relate to the depths of events. Often
I talk about trust not because I Doubt it, but because evidence prevents us from seeing internal currents. Everyone can remember how he mixed chance with the basis, making up completely arbitrary ideas. The same can be said about the element of Fire.
Someone thoughtlessly believes: “The grandfathers lived without any fire and went to the cemetery as respectable citizens. What do I care about fire! Let my cook think about it.”
But the thinker thinks: “Where do the inexplicable

epidemics that dry out the lungs,

larynx and heart
? On top of all the reasons, there is something else that is not foreseen by doctors. It is not living conditions, but something from the outside that mows down the crowds." Through careful observation, one can come to a conclusion without prejudice.”
/Agni Yoga, 411/
2. Epidemics must be treated with psychic energy.
“Agni Yoga comes in time. Who else will say that epidemics
influenza must be treated with psychic energy? Who will pay attention to new types of mental, brain and sleep diseases? Not leprosy, not the old form of plague, not cholera are terrible, there are protective measures for them, but we should think about the new enemies created modern life. You cannot apply old means to them, but a new approach is created by expanding consciousness.
You can trace how waves of diseases have been going on for thousands of years. From these tables one can compile an interesting table of human deviations, for illnesses naturally show the negative aspects of our existence.
I hope that living minds will think in time. It’s too late to build a pump when the house is on fire.”
/Agni Yoga, 492/

For the eighth year, the Wall Street Journal has hosted the D8: All Things Digital conference, where the site's editors-in-chief Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher spend several days interviewing the most significant figures of our time who have left their mark on the IT industry. And yesterday, just a few days after the opening, the main character of the evening was Steve Jobs, who for several hours in a row had to answer tricky and not so tricky questions from the presenters and spectators.

Here are some excerpts from what the legendary Apple CEO told us. Compiled from several sources. The issues discussed at the conference are presented in the form “Annotation from the translator - quote from Steve.” It will be interesting.

About capitalization

Naturally, the first question concerned the capitalization of the company, which last week for the first time exceeded that of Microsoft; Kara Swisher even called it “something unimaginable.” The head of Apple responded that in fact, this is not at all what makes the company's employees go to work every day.
Steve also agreed with Mossberg's remark that Apple had one foot in the grave in 1997, but thanks to the "amazing people" who worked hard, the company became more vibrant than ever. “The current situation is their merit.”

About Flash technology

The question about flash did not take the Apple King by surprise: since the publication of the open letter, his attitude towards this backward technology has not changed at all. Jobs gave a couple of interesting examples when talking about the stages of life of some computer things: Apple popularized floppy disks and was the first to abandon them, approximately the same decision was made in the case of SuperDrive in MacBook Air.
According to Steve, the company is trying to set the right priorities and make “wise” choices. And since Adobe failed to show any working option, when it comes to web technologies the choice fell on the HTML/CSS/JavaScript combination. “We didn’t intend to quarrel with anyone... They themselves made a scandal out of all this. That's why I wrote an open letter," Jobs concluded.

“This is not the first time we have done this. Remember 3.5 floppy disks. We made it popular. We got rid of this in the first iMac. The same as from the parallel port. This is the first time you've seen USB in the iMac. We were one of the first to abandon the disk drive - the MacBook Air turned out. And when we do something like this, many people call us crazy. Flash seems to be king today. But it's weakening, and it looks like HTML5 will soon take its place."

About Adobe

“Our decision was dictated solely by technology. We will not achieve positive results by putting this on our platform. We asked Adobe to show us something better - but they didn't show us anything. Adobe didn't care much about this until the iPad went on sale. We didn’t want to get into a fight, we just decided not to use one of their developments. They made a huge problem out of it. We're tired of these guys."

About the scandalous correspondence about pornography:

“He didn’t call himself a journalist. That day I was working until late at night, and then this guy starts texting me nasty messages... so I wanted to put him in his place. And as soon as I got rid of him... he also publishes this!”

About the Lost iPhone Prototype

Steve answered this question directly, saying that it is impossible to fully test the operation of a wireless gadget within a closed laboratory, but he does not fully know what happened in that ill-fated bar - whether there was a loss or the prototype was stolen. Mossberg didn't let up and immediately asked a question about the search of the Gizmodo author's home.

“The person who found the device decided to sell it, for which he first plugged the gadget into his neighbor’s computer. The neighbor called the police, who did everything that was appropriate in such a case. IN at the moment There is an investigation going on and I don’t know how it will end.”

About suicides at Foxconn factories

At Foxconn factories that assemble Apple equipment, c enviable consistency Suicides happen: 14 people have already taken their own lives. This burning topic did not pass over the main guest of the D8 conference. Steve Jobs looked puzzled at that moment. He said he doesn't have all the information. On the one hand, this is a closed production complex for 400,000 people, but on the other hand, all conditions have been created for people to live and work there: workers can easily go to restaurants, cinemas, gyms and swimming pools.
And at the same time, all these suicides are very alarming, even despite the fact that the percentage of these cases is much lower than in the United States (11 idiots per 100,000 population).

“We carefully monitor all this because we are used to controlling the situation in such companies. I can tell you some things. Foxconn is far from what the media portrays it to be. Even though it’s a factory... but my, there are even restaurants and cinemas there. And yet, this is first and foremost a factory. They employ 400 thousand people, and only a few have committed suicide. Even in the USA the statistics are worse, but this does not change the attitude towards the matter.”

What's going on between Apple and Google

“There is no question of any war,” Jobs says. According to him, the companies simply overlap in some markets (smartphones and software products), as a result of which only users benefit from competition, because they are the ones who make the choice, purchasing it with “their own hard-earned money.”
Steve once again said that Cupertino was not the first to put a spoke in the wheels of its partners: “We did not release our own search engine, it was Google who made their smartphone.” And for now, the company has no plans to get into the search business.

In addition, last week active rumors began to appear that in the “heat of hostility” Apple decided to get rid of Google services in the new firmware. Jobs dispelled these rumors, saying that it was not true, "because people like it."

“We have never been at odds. We didn't have any war with Microsoft either, and maybe that's why we lost. We just wanted to do the best thing, create the best product. They decided to compete with us... they are still competing.”

How the journey of iPhone OS began

Steve Jobs would never in his life now release a computer with a stylus - in this case, the device would inevitably face complete failure: fingers, fingers and more fingers - this is what a person uses every day.
It is very interesting that in the early 2000s, a “secret division” of Apple was not working on the iPhone, but on an iPad prototype. Half a year after the start of work (at the first presentation of the future tablet), only one thought was constantly spinning in Jobs’ head: “Can we make a phone out of this?” And only after the unprecedented success of the iPhone, Cupertino decided to “reactivate” the old project and return to work on the iPad.
But Steve said several interesting things about its future: the device is already almost perfect, because you can do anything on it. The software is getting better and better, in the near future it will be possible to edit videos, photos and do things that were previously only available on desktop systems. If online media come to the rescue, the iPad will become even more popular, and everyone will benefit from this: users will read news on the Internet, and publications will earn money on subscriptions, which should be made cheaper :)

“In general, we started with the development of a tablet. I had an idea for a display under glass with multi-touch technology, on which I could type text without any problems. I asked around the company to see who had anything on this matter. And six months later they came to me with a magnificent display. I gave it to our talented frontend developers. They developed inertial scrolling and other interesting things. I thought, 'Oh my god, we can make a phone out of all this,' so we put the tablet idea aside and started working on a phone."

On the iPad's effect on print media

“I believe that one of the main elements of a free society is a free press. We see what is happening to newspapers in the US today. I think they are very important. I can say as one of the main participants in the online content market - we need to set aggressive prices and increase volumes. It worked for us. Now I'm trying to bring the same idea to the press. They will need to change the approach they currently use in the printing process.”

On whether the tablet will replace the desktop computer

“When we were an 'agricultural' nation, all the cars on the continent were trucks. However, over time, people began to move to cities and switch to cars. I think PCs are like trucks now. All fewer people will need them."

About the “openness” of the iPhone OS platform and the App Store

“Today we support two platforms. The first and free one is HTML5. We support HTML5. We are ready to support this technology anywhere. The second and controlled one is the App Store. How do we control? A lot of people work for this every day. We have several rules: the application must do what is stated in the description, must not freeze or crash, must not use third-party APIs. Using these three rules, we filter out a large number of programs every day. However, 95% are tested and published in the App Store.”

About developers who complain about application publication refusals

“The problem is that people lie. They run to the media and tell tall tales about the pressure on them, getting their fifteen minutes of fame. And we don’t run to the media and say: “This son of a bitch- liar!" We don’t do that, no.”

What does Steve do every day at the company?

“One of the key things at Apple is that we always work together. Do you know how many different committees there are at Apple? Zero. We are extremely organized ourselves. Perhaps the most organized on the planet. We get together for three hours in the morning and talk about everything: about business, about what’s going on in the world in general. We have succeeded in assembling great teams and efficiently distributing tasks among them. So every day all I do is communicate with these teams.”

What Steve plans to do in the next 10 years

“Since the beginning of our work, our main goal has not changed. We have come all the way with one desire - to make the best products. Nothing puts me in a better mood for the day than hearing someone randomly write about how happy they are with their new iPad. This is what gives me the strength to continue working. This is what gave me strength before, what has given me and will continue to give me strength in the future.”

There is no single video file from the entire conference yet. A transcript of everything that happened on stage can be found at the link: [

IS 14-408-0862

Translation, comments by P. K. Dobrotsvetov

Edited translation by D. E. Afinogenov

Venerable Antiochus Savvait as a representative of Palestinian monasticism and his “Pandects”

May 2014 marked the 1400th anniversary of the tragic events of the capture of Jerusalem by the Persians in 614, accompanied by massacres and the captivity of the Byzantine Christian population of Jerusalem. The Siberian Blagozvonnitsa publishing house offers readers the publication of a translation of the famous ancient monastic work “Pandects” Inspired Scriptures» Rev. Antiochus the Monk, who lived in the 6th–7th centuries in Palestine and became an eyewitness to those events.

Very little information has been preserved about the author himself. The Monk Antiochus was a monk (and some even call him abbot) of the Great Lavra of Saint Sava in Palestine in the first half of the 7th century. He was born in the village of Medosaga, which was located 20 km from Ancyra in Galatia (Asia Minor). Antiochus “took monastic vows at the Attala monastery in Ancyra, then moved to the Lavra of St. Savva the Sanctified near Jerusalem, where he labored until his death."

Antiochus, Eustathius - abbot of the Attala monastery and reverend. Savva the Sanctified. Manuscript St. Sabbas, 76 (X century)

At that time, Byzantium was going through one of the most dramatic periods of its history - the war with Persia (602–628). At the beginning of this war, the Persians occupied the east of the empire - Palestine, Syria, Asia Minor, Egypt, and even besieged Constantinople. The Persians, led by the military leader Shahrvaraz, invaded Palestine at the end of 613 - beginning of 614. They were actively helped by the internal enemies of the Byzantines - the Jews living on the territory of Byzantium: “The cooperation of the Persians and Jews was complete... They flocked to enlist in the Persian army,” many became guides for the Persians. Of the 150–20 thousand Jews living in Palestine, according to the calculations of such authoritative historians as Gibbon and Rawlinson, the share of Jews who signed up for the Persian army could be from 26 thousand to 36 thousand people, that is, more than 10% of their total number.

The local Arab tribes, still connected with the Byzantine government by agreements, sensing its weakening and the ensuing chaos, began to attack the inhabitants of this rich Byzantine province, and robberies began. The Arabs also plundered monasteries, including capturing the Lavra of St. Sava: “Marauders broke into the Great Lavra of St. Sava a week before the fall of Jerusalem. The monks who did not want to leave the monastery (there were forty-four of them) were tortured for many days, trying to find out where the treasures were kept, after which they killed every single one of them.” About these tragic events is told in the message of St. Antiochus to Eustathius, abbot of the Attala monastery in Ancyra, fellow countryman of the Venerable. Antiochus (“Message of Antiochus, monk of the Lavra of Saint Sava, to Eustathius, abbot of the Attala monastery of the city of Ancyra in Galatia, from the holy fathers there”). Rev. Antiochus reports that the rest of the brethren, led by Abbot Nicomedes, managed to leave the monastery and hide in Arabia (that is, in the territory beyond the Jordan). Some monks, like Stratigius, took refuge in Jerusalem and became witnesses and participants in the ensuing disaster. Some time later, the brethren of the Lavra of St. Sava, having fled from invaders and robbers to Arabia, returned to the monastery and, seeing their slain brethren, buried them with great lamentation and honor.

At the end of April - in May 614, a three-week siege of Jerusalem began, ending with the fall of the city, despite the heroic resistance of its defenders. Jerusalem was subjected to a monstrous three-day looting and destruction. Different sources give different numbers of killed - from 34 thousand to 90 thousand. At the same time, the local Jews surpassed the invaders in cruelty. “The Jews of Jerusalem were on the side of the Persians and, when they captured the city, took an active part in the beating of Christians,” writes A. A. Vasiliev. Shahrvaraz promised life to the surviving inhabitants of the city, but the Jews collected a large sum of money (each invested according to their income) and used it to ransom the captured Byzantines and kill them. About 35 thousand captives, including the Patriarch of Jerusalem St. Zechariah, were gathered on the Mount of Olives, and then sent through Damascus to Persia. The Persians also took possession of the greatest shrine of the Christian world - the Cross of the Lord. He was also taken to Persia. About three hundred monasteries and church buildings were destroyed, including the Church of the Resurrection of Christ (Church of the Holy Sepulcher), built by the holy Emperor Constantine and the Holy Empress Helen, the Church of St. Stephen, etc. The Persians entrusted the administration of what was left of Jerusalem to the Jews for some time.

The tragedy of the capture of Jerusalem in Christendom difficult to estimate . Rev. Antiochus, as is clear from his Pandects, was among those who fled with Abba Nicomedes and, accordingly, an eyewitness to the events that took place.

The work known as “Pandects of the Inspired Sacred Scriptures” by Rev. Antiochus compiled it at the request of Abbot Eustathius around 620. This is the creation of Rev. Antiochus, as well as the “Easter Chronicle” and the narrative of Antiochus Stratigius are considered sources of information about the capture of Jerusalem, contemporary with the events themselves described (other authors - Theophanes, Michael the Syrian and Agapius wrote about the same later). In addition, “Pandects” is certainly a bright page in the history of Byzantine church writing.

From the preface by Rev. Antiochus shows that the brethren of Abbot Eustathius, after the Persians captured the environs of Ancyra in Asia Minor (about 619), fled, left the monastery and were forced to wander to different places. The books from the monastery library were apparently lost, and therefore Rev. Antiochus compiles a collection of excerpts from Scripture and the Fathers, which could become a source of spiritual consolation for the wandering brethren and satisfy the “hunger of hearing the word of God” (Amos 8:11). According to Dervas Chitti, “Eustathius, abbot of a monastery near Ancyra, like many, who had fled before the arrival of the Persians, turned to Antiochus with a request to give him summary teaching contained in the Scriptures, which he could carry with him."

The subsequent events of the life of Antiochus the Monk are unknown to us, but the Greek Church honors his memory in the ranks of the venerables on December 24, before the Nativity of Christ in the new style. In the Russian Church there is no separate day for the celebration of his memory, and the memory of this saint is celebrated at the Council of the Reverend Fathers, who shone in feat, on Cheese Saturday before Lent.

In the service to the holy fathers, who shone forth in the monastery of St. Sava (first edition - in Athens in 1986), we find the following hymns in honor of St. Antioch:

Troparion. Voice 3

Leaving everything earthly, retiring to the ascetics in the desert, Father Antiochus, reverend, and enlightened by the grace of the Holy Spirit, you shone as a writer who speaks God, a God-bearer, pray with boldness to Christ that He will grant great mercy to the pious.

Kontakion. Voice 3

You have appeared to the ends of the Church as the brightest and most radiant luminary, shining with the brilliance of your labors and delighting everyone with your writings, divine Father Antiochus, for this sake, commemorating your memory, we faithfully sing praises to God who is above all.


Having received the intelligent light of the Comforter in his heart, the skillful writer appeared as a very useful Pandect, the godly and blessed Antiochus.

The incomprehensible word “Pandects” in the title of the work of St. Antioch demands an explanation. It can be translated literally as “containing everything,” “a comprehensive dictionary or encyclopedia,” therefore, this work, which has the character of a florilegium, claims to have a wide coverage of topics of a popular nature. The mention of the Inspired or Holy Scriptures testifies, first of all, to the biblical component of this work (although, we note, St. Antiochus is not content with just a biblical quotation, but also draws on patristic sources). From this point of view, Antiochus's "Pandects" can be characterized as a kind of extensive encyclopedia of moral and ascetic teaching, based on the Holy Scriptures and the Fathers of the Church. Here “Rev. Antiochus, with the help of numerous quotations, briefly outlined all the wisdom contained in the Holy Scriptures and the works of the holy fathers of the Church, which he comprehended through his own spiritual experience.”

Image of the Rev. Antiochus in the manuscript of “Pandects” from the collection of STSL (XIX century)

However, apparently, this name (by which even Antiochus himself was sometimes called Antiochus Pandect) is later, and Antiochus himself simply called his work: “One Hundred and Thirty Chapters.” And either its addressee, Abbot Eustathius, or a later researcher or copyist made an additional inscription: “The book containing the Lord’s commandments, as well as their interpretation, as well as the teaching corresponding to them and arising from them » , and even later they called it “Pandect”.

Work of the Rev. Antiochus was intended for monks. It consists primarily of setting out moral commandments aimed at combating sin and practicing virtues. Rev. Antiochus intended his treatise to become a kind of code of monastic life. However, due to their popular nature, “Pandects” go beyond their main purpose and can bring spiritual benefit to every Christian.

"Pandects" includes 130 words (or chapters) devoted to various topics, mainly relating to moral and ascetic issues, namely, the acquisition of virtues and the fight against passions. There are also directly ascetic chapters about the fight against thoughts, prayer, etc., which have a purely monastic content.

After the words “On Faith” (which serves as the foundation of all Christian moral teaching) and “On Hope”, Rev. Antiochus speaks of various vices and their opposite virtues. From the 86th word onwards, the author touches, in a “monastic refraction,” on such topics as work, poverty, hospitality, silence, psalmody, prayer, etc. The last words are dedicated to the fear of God, the love of God and the Kingdom of Heaven. It can be seen that “Antiochus continues the ascetic tradition of Palestine in his contemporary generation, giving it at the same time a more theological overtones, albeit simple.” We find theological considerations in the word “On Faith”, where the Orthodox teaching about the Holy Trinity is briefly revealed, and in the final 130th word “On the Kingdom of Heaven”, which sets out Christology based on the oros of the Council of Chalcedon in 451. There is also a polemical sharpness in “Pandects”, which manifests itself when we're talking about about the fight against heretics and Jews. In the same 130th word, Rev. Antiochus gives (based on the “Panarion” of St. Epiphanius of Cyprus) a list of heresies (more than 70 names) and heretics (18 names) in order to remind Abbot Eustathius of the necessary vigilance in his travels in case of possible meetings with Gentiles. An expression of anti-Jewish polemics is the story in word 84 “On Dreams” about a monk who converted to Judaism due to the devil’s suggestion in a dream and ended his life in a pitiful way.

The “Pandects” end with the so-called confession, a kind of prayerful outpouring of the author before God, reminiscent of the cry of the Old Testament prophets (especially Jeremiah) about the destruction of Jerusalem and the captivity of the people of God by the Chaldeans (Babylonians), only this time by new Chaldeans - the Persians. Rev. here. Antiochus prays for the cessation of God's wrath against the people of the faithful - Orthodox Christians and for his change to mercy.

We can say that this work was written at the intersection of biblical studies and asceticism. In organizing his work, “Antiochus follows the method of announcing the theme of each chapter in one or more sentences and supporting the theme with many biblical and patristic quotations. And although the construction of the material sometimes looks disordered and reading the chapters is not always exciting, this work attracted the attention of the monks of that era, as well as subsequent ones, and served a serious service in monastic moral teaching.”

Illustration from the 1991 Greek edition of the Pandects with a preface by St. Nectarios of Aegina

As the researcher Panagiotis Christou suggests, the author himself defines the parts into which he divided his work as chapters; in the Greek editions they are called words, and in the Latin editions they are called homilies. However, says P. Christou, it is likely to be said that “either Eustathius himself, or another monastic leader, revised his work, giving the chapters the form of monastic catechumens,” that is, sermons for monks, where the address “brothers” and praise to God as traditional elements of this genre.

And although “Pandects” cannot be called a simple quotation book (fragments from Scripture and the Holy Fathers are combined into a single text by the author’s speech), nevertheless, the volume of quotes exceeds the author’s text. And this shows the reverend’s humility. Antioch: main task venerable - to give place to the word of God, Revelation; Moreover, he obeys Eustathius, who asked him to compose chapters specifically from biblical quotations. However, the Rev. selects these quotes on certain topics. Antiochus based on his own spiritual experience, which in itself is already valuable. Obviously, Abbot Eustathius was counting on exactly this when asking Antiochus to write such a work.

Therefore, the largest volume of text is occupied by biblical quotations - about 2500 in total. Old Testament The books of Wisdom, Sirach, and Psalms are most often quoted. From the New Testament - the Epistles of the Apostle Paul and the Gospel. In the chapters it is sometimes visible certain order citations. At the beginning of the chapter, after the author's introduction, the Old Testament is quoted.

The author places the Gospel words of Christ at the end of the chapter, for semantic “weight”. The chapter usually ends with a praise to God. In the edition offered to the Russian reader, New Testament quotations are given according to the Synodal translation of the Bible; Old Testament quotations, if their Greek text and the Synodal translation coincide, are given according to the Synodal translation, otherwise they are given in Church Slavonic. Sometimes, for a better understanding of the phrase modern reader, not always very familiar with Church Slavonic language, it was necessary to “combine” it from the Synodal and Church Slavonic texts.

Hegumen Eustathius asked Rev. Antiochus compose an abbreviated transcription of the teachings Holy Scripture, Antiochus did not limit himself to this and also turned to the teachings of the Church Fathers and church writers, which is why the title of the book (where only “Inspired and Holy Scriptures” are mentioned) does not “cover” the entirety of its content. The holy fathers of the Church and church writers quoted by the author, for the most part, belong to those who are commonly called ante-Nicene, that is, those who lived before 325. Rev. Antiochus gives excerpts from the work of Clement of Alexandria, “Which of the Rich Will Be Saved,” attributing it to St. Irenaeus of Lyons (however, this work is not found in the surviving works of St. Irenaeus). This is a story about a young man who was baptized by the Apostle John the Theologian and then, due to the negligence of the local bishop, to whom the Apostle entrusted his upbringing, fell into sins and became the leader of a gang of robbers, but then again called to repentance by the holy Apostle (word 122). We also find quotes from the Epistles to the Ephesians, Smyrneans, Trallians, Philadelphians, Magnesians, St. Polycarpus schmch. Ignatius the God-Bearer (words 1, 23, 85, 111, 112, 124); Epistle to the Philippians sschmch. Polycarp of Smyrna (words 74, 96, 114, 123); “Epistle on Virginity” by pseudo-Clement of Rome (words 1, 17, 18, 21, 22, 47, 86, 91, 96, 97, 98, 99, 111, 112, 122, 127, 130); “Shepherd Hermas” (mostly from the section “Commandments” and a little from “Similarities”) (words 15, 25, 29, 61, 66, 74, 77, 79, 85, 94, 98, 106, 110, 122, 127).

Church writing of the 4th–6th centuries is represented by excerpts from “ Church history"Eusebius of Caesarea, with fragments or allusions from the works of Evagrius of Pontus "On Prayer", Rev. Nile of Sinai “On the Eight Evil Spirits” (words 18, 23, 24), treatise “On the Divine Names” from the “Areopagite Corpus” (words 1, 123).

“External” wisdom, that is, borrowings from pagan philosophers, historians and poets, is absent in this work (unlike, for example, such a work of the 9th century as “The Bee”).

In general, the fairly wide range of literature used in the “Pandects” testifies to the preservation and wealth of the library of the Lavra of St. Sava at that time, and to the fact that it continued to be an important center for the creation and copying of manuscripts, despite external conflicts.

As for the influences and samples for writing the “Pandects”, among them we can name, firstly, Evagrius of Pontus with his “Antirrhetic” of eight hundreds - a selection of biblical quotations against the eight main passions with which the ascetic must contradict the devil, who tempts him with passionate thoughts . Secondly, according to Panagiotis Christou, the “Pandects” have as their prototype the “Moral Rules” and “Ascetic Rules” of St. Basil the Great, however, as the researcher notes, is still inferior to them, having neither the methodology of the “Moral Rules” nor the originality of the “Ascetic Rules”.

Image of a calligrapher monk in a 9th century manuscript.

Contributed by Rev. Antiochus made his contribution, albeit small, to Orthodox liturgical tradition. In the essay by Rev. Antiochus contains several original prayers, some of which are included in Orthodox worship: in the 19th word - a prayer read at Compline; in word 84 - a prayer included in the evening prayer rule (“Prayer 2 of St. Antiochus to our Lord Jesus Christ”); in word 85 there is a prayer read after the 12th kathisma. In our edition, to make it easier for the reader to navigate the book, these and other similar prayer texts are marked in the margins with the word “prayer.” It is also assumed that Rev. Antiochus also composed the well-known prayer “For every time and every hour, in heaven and on earth...”, repeated during the reading of each of the hours and at Great Compline.

And despite the fact that, according to G. Bardi, the teaching of Antiochus is not entirely original and is collected from numerous quotes (we would add that St. Antiochus did not strive for such originality), according to another famous researcher ancient monasticism, “in any case, no one will call this work insignificant,” it is called “famous”; St. Nectarios of Aegina, in his preface to the 1906 edition, wrote that “as a whole this work represents an excellent system of moral theology,” and St. Theophan the Recluse noted “that this Pandect can rightly be called a divinely revealed Christian moral teaching.”

It must be admitted that this work is still relevant for the Orthodox reader. It stands on a par with such works of ascetic patristic writing published long ago in Russian, such as the works of St. Nile of Sinai, “Teachings” by St. Abba Dorotheus and the “Ladder” Rev. John Climacus, and its author, as a person and church writer, - on a par with such representatives of the monastic tradition of the Great Lavra (or close to it or who often visited it), such as the founder of the Lavra, Ven. Savva the Sanctified, his biographer is Cyril of Scythopolis, Rev. John of Damascus, bl. John Moschus, St. Sophronius of Jerusalem and Theodore Abu-Kura.

Creation of Rev. Antiochus was very popular and in demand in Byzantium and its cultural area, both in the East and among the Slavs, as well as in Ancient Rus', as evidenced by the preservation of the “Pandects” in Greek, Slavic (starting from the 10th century) and Arabic (at the turn of the 11th–12th centuries) languages.

As Deacon V. Vasilik writes, on Slavic language The Pandects were translated in the 10th century in Bulgaria; the oldest surviving Slavic copy of this work dates back to the 11th century, “lists of the 15th–16th centuries. numerous. Many of his teachings were included in the Prologue.

“The composition [of this work] inspired Nikon the Montenegrin in the 11th century to compose a similar florilegium of 63 chapters called “Interpretation of the Lord's Commandments” or “Pandects,” inspired by the Turkish capture of Antioch and its environs in 1084. Gerasim, to whom he addressed his work, was also a monk of the monastery of St. Sava, and “Pandects” were translated into Arabic shortly after their composition, also by a monk of the monastery of St. Savva".

The “Pandects” were placed in the “Great Chetia-Minea” of St. Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow. This circumstance apparently explains the presence of references to Rev. Antiochus (six times) and numerous quotations from the Pandects (out of 196 teachings in thirty chapters - 42 from the Pandects) in the teachings of St. Seraphim of Sarov, placed in the Chronicle of the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery. Thus, four chapters of the teachings of St. Seraphima: “2. About faith", "4. About the love of God", "26. Against excessive care”, “27. About sadness." Rev. Antiochus is the most quoted author in this collection of teachings by St. Seraphim, which says a lot: such a great Russian saint, revered throughout the Orthodox world, was read by St. Antiochus was inspired by him in his exploits and taught his spiritual children with his lines.

View of the monastery of St. Savva Photo by Hierom. Feodora (Yulaeva)

“Pandects” later attracted the attention of our compatriots. The manuscript archive preserves the translation of the “Epistle to Eustathius” and the words of the 1st (“On Faith”) of St. Theophan the Recluse; in the library of the Holy Trinity-Sergius Lavra there is a handwritten Russian translation"Pandectov", performed unknown author XIX century.

As for the printed editions of the Pandects, they have attracted the attention of book printers for a long time. First printed edition, a Latin translation, of the Pandects was published in Paris in 1543 (Pandectes Scripturae Divinitus Inspiratae sancti patris Antiochi ante annos quidem ab hinc nogentos ab authore aeditus nunc vero primum donatus Latio per Godefridu Tilmannum Cartusiae Parisiensis ex professo monachum. Parisiis, 1543). The next printed edition, this time a Latin translation along with the Greek original, was published in Migne's Patrology (Patrologiae cursus completus (series Graeca). T. 89. Col. 1421–1856. Paris, 1857–1866). Greek text was published separately twice: by the works of St. Nektarios of Aegina in 1906 in Athens δέκτες των Θεοπνεύστων Αγίων Γραφών Εκδίδοται προς ηθικήν των Χριστ ιανών ωφέλειαν υπό Νεκταρίου Κεφαλά Μητροπολίτου Πενταπόλεως Αθήνα. 06) and was then reissued in 1991 in Thessaloniki. In Russia they were published only Church Slavonic translations“Pandects”: in the edition “Chetiy-Minei” (December 24. Stb. 1864–2183) and partial editions from Slavic manuscripts


Russian Evgeni Plushenko started the season successfully, winning the third stage of the Figure Skating Grand Prix, which ended today in Gelsenkirchen, Germany.

Alexey Yagudin was seriously injured and did not come to Germany, and today no one can compete with Plushenko.

Having won the short program, Plushenko also won the free program, brilliantly skating the new composition “St. Petersburg-300”. “I wanted to make a gift to St. Petersburg,” Plushenko said after the end of the competition. The choreography was choreographed by Kirill Simonov, a ballet star from St. Petersburg.

From a technical point of view, Plushenko was head and shoulders above everyone else. He performed two quadruple sheepskin coats and eight triple ones, making a mistake in only one of them. In principle, Plushenko could demonstrate the quadruple Salchow, which he performed in training, but did not dare.

“I’m not ready yet. In Russia I performed both a quadruple lutz and a quadruple flip,” the skater said at a press conference.

As a result, his scores for technique varied from 5.6 to 5.9, but his scores for artistry were slightly higher - from 5.7 to 5.9. Absolutely all the judges put Plushenko in first place.


The third Grand Prix tournament in figure skating ended in Gelsenkirchen on Sunday. Evgeni Plushenko made the greatest impression on the audience at the stage in Germany with his new program.

There was a lot that was unusual in Evgeni Plushenko’s speech. It was a different style. The former world champion's coach Alexei Mishin once said that on the ice his player “should be a prince.” It seems that Plushenko is really turning from just a wonderful athlete into a magnificent artist - a rare set of qualities that, perhaps, only Alexey Yagudin possesses in today's figure skating. Transformed with the help of Kirill Simonov, the star of the St. Petersburg ballet, who became the choreographer of the star of St. Petersburg figure skating. Yagudin, who suffered a hip injury two weeks ago at Skate America, was not in Gelsenkirchen. Plushenko says that, in principle, he doesn’t care who he beats now: “First of all, I compete with myself. It’s always been like that.” But for the public, of course, it would be much more interesting to see a duel between two Russians: when there is no intrigue, any tournament loses a significant part of its attractiveness.

Plushenko killed all the intrigue, in fact, even in the short program, receiving two marks for it: 5, 7, and all the rest - 5.8 or 5.9. Fantastic, considering that the season has just started! Then there was a free program, in which the Russian did one quadruple sheepskin coat cleanly, made a mistake on the second and added to this eight perfectly executed jumps in three rotations. Plushenko did not get a super-complicated quadruple Salchow from Plushenko in Germany, however, it was not particularly needed for the victory. “He’s not completely ready yet,” the skater explained. And then, as if finishing off his competitors, he said that at home in training he does quadruple Lutz and flip... In general, the emphasis on artistry, apparently, has not yet come at the expense of technique. Although the tournament in Gelsenkirchen can hardly be considered a real test for the “new” Plushenko: it is possible only in competition with an equal, where all the others are joined by such a factor as nerves, which have already failed the St. Petersburger.


The third stage of the Figure Skating Grand Prix could not boast a large number Russian participants. Only two sports pairs took to the ice in the German town of Gelsenkirchen - Maria Petrova - Alexey Tikhonov, Yulia Obertas - Alexey Sokolov, as well as two singles players - Alexander Abt and Evgeni Plushenko. Without exaggeration, we can say that the appearance of the latter became a real event of the tournament.

To stir up spectator interest, the organizers of the competition moved the final of the men's battles to the last day. However, no one doubted that Plushenko would be the first. Moreover, in Germany the audience saw a completely different skater on the ice. The carefree young man from the disco, the daring shirt-guy like we are used to seeing Zhenya, was replaced by a kind of dandy, a lonely hero who suffered and experienced a lot in life.

I dare to suggest that, perhaps, for the first time Plushenko portrayed himself on ice, baring his soul to the audience. The failures of last season (and all places except the first were tantamount to defeat for Evgeniy) made his skating more frank, which increased the emotional impression of his programs. This was largely facilitated by the majestic and tragic music of Albinoni’s Adagio. As a result, all 12 judges were unanimous, giving Alexei Mishin’s ward the same marks for technique and artistry from 5.8 to 5.9. True, the skater’s free program “Petersburg-300”, set to the music of Igor Kornelyuk, somewhat “fettered” the athlete’s artistry, but at the same time made it possible to demonstrate the versatility of the role.

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