History of the development of church and parish schools in Russia in the second half of the 19th century. School of the past: one day in the life of a 19th-century schoolgirl

Social movement in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.

1) A special style of forming political parties. Socialist world and national parties.

2) Actions of the government at the stage of the rise of the bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1905.

4) Monarchist parties.

5) The first experience of Russian parliamentarism. (1, 2, 3, to the State Duma chapter 28)

1) By the form of government, Russia at the beginning of the 20th century was an autocratic monarchy. Absence political rights and freedoms were turned into Russia unique phenomenon, among the relatively developed countries of the world. The contradictions between autocratic orders and a modernizing economy reached unprecedented intensity at the beginning of the 20th century.

*Political party - ϶ᴛᴏ organized group like-minded people, representing the interests of part of the people, setting goals and their implementation through the arrival of power or participation in its implementation. All political parties in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, in accordance with their vision of the future of Russia, political goals, means and methods of achieving these goals should be divided into several categories:

Left*(social democratic)


Liberal*(Cadet Party)


Monarchical * (Union of the Russian People and others) More than 20 who shared the ideas of Bokunin and Kropotkin. National and socialist parties arose, operating illegally. Social democracy of the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania 1893 Bund. 1897.

Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. (1903)

Socialist Revolutionary Party. The peasantry saw their social support (T in the peasantry)

The main provisions of the Bolshevik program. Marxists.

1) Transition from one public economic formation to the other is carried out through social revolution.

2) The social support of the party is the working class - the proletariat.

Main driving force socialist revolution– proletariat.

After the revolution comes the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat!

The leadership of the party consisted of intellectuals. Origin and structure political system Russia, with its significant share of revolutionary socialist parties, was not in favor of a smooth evolutionary development Russia.

2.) Absence of political and agrarian reforms V last decades The 19th century led to the revolutionary explosion of January 1905.

Nicholas II ascended the throne at the end of the 19th century. During his reign it intensified the role of the emperor and his personal office. The revolution of 1905 forced tsarism to return to urgent socio-political transformations. On August 6, 1905, tsarism announced the establishment of the State Duma. Bulyminskaya. The concession of tsarism turned out to be insufficient. The Bulygin Duma was boycotted in October 5 in the context of a growing wave of revolution. In October, during the All-Russian October strike Nicholas II signed the Manifesto of Improvement public order dated October 17, 1905 prepared by Witte. It proclaimed political freedoms. The word of the press, street processions, meetings of unions, abolition of estates. Duma parliament was endowed legislative rights. Sections of the population deprived of voting rights under the Bulykinsky bill were attracted to participate in the elections. The State Council was transformed into the highest chamber of the Duma with the right to approve laws.

Formally, the manifesto was transformed by the autocratic political system Russia into a constitutional monarchy. Women, soldiers, sailors, students, and landless peasants were deprived of the right to choose.

3) During the revolution of 1905-7, the first Russian multi-party system arose.

The liberal movement was taking shape politically. Its right-wing conservative wing was the Union of October 17 party. Leaders - Heyden, Alexander Ivanovich Guchkov, Rodzianko.

Number of members: 65-70 thousand members. Social composition - large financial and industrial bourgeoisie, liberal landowners, wealthy intelligentsia. Program -

1. “assistance to the government following the path of saving reforms”

2. Modernization of the country

3. Defense of the principle of constitutional monarchy and a single and indivisible Russian state.

4. Solution peasant question bypassing the forced alienation of landowners' lands. Resettlement of peasants beyond the Urals, intensification of the activities of the peasant bank.

5. Restriction of the right to strike, against the introduction of an eight-hour working day. The radical liberal wing was the constitutional democratic party. Brothers Dolgorukov, Kormilov, Kotlyarovsky, Maklakov, Pavel Nikolaevi Melyukov, Peter Struve.

Number 55 thousand, social composition - intelligentsia Liberal bourgeois and landowners. Specific gravity the working class in the party did not exceed 15%. Program - constitutional state in the form of a constitutional monarchy. 2) Civil rights, National, class, cultural equality. 3) Solution agrarian question through the forced alienation of part of the landowners' lands. 4) Recognition of the workers' right to races and to an eight-hour working day.

4) Monarchist parties. An obstacle to the implementation of reforms was the monarchical-noble bloc. Russian Monarchist Party, Union of Russian People, All-Russian Union of Land Owners. The main force was the union of the Russian people. Leaders: Dubrovin, Pureshkevich. Russian patriotism, protection of the principles of Orthodoxy, unity and inviolability Russian Empire and autocracy. A protest against the home-grown bourgeoisie, infected with the rot of the West. Black Sophia organized pogroms in 150 cities of the country.

The most important result of the first Russian revolution of 1905-1907 was the creation of Parliament and the introduction of political freedoms.

New system the political organization of the state in 1907 to 1914 was called the Third of July political system (the union of the tsar, nobles and big bourgeoisie united by the State Duma)

Social movement in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Social movement in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century." 2017, 2018.

2. Social and political movements and parties of the late 19th and early 20th centuries in Russia.

The process of industrialization was contradictory. The extremely increased regulatory role of the state under Alexander III, which corresponded to the political doctrine of the emperor, resulted not only in support of private initiative, but often became an obstacle to the natural development of domestic entrepreneurship. And started in the 80s. political reaction led to counter-reforms, which were a unique form of stagnation, when reforms not only did not develop, but were preserved. This caused concern among a significant part of society, which could cause a social explosion in the country.

The most prominent champion of the idea of ​​liberal renewal of autocracy,” which constituted an entire era in the history of Russian political thought, K.D. Kavelin wrote in 1882: Almost everyone is convinced that the autocracy has ended its days... A new period of Russian history begins in illness and torment!

Indeed, post-reform Russia has become a school of citizenship and a new political culture. Belief in the historical destiny of Russia, combined with the assimilated and reworked ideas of Western European socialist thought, served as the basis of populism - the Russian version of peasant socialism.

The founder of Russian socialism, as is known, was A. I. Herzen, who saw peasant community the germ of a just order future life. This position has received further development at P.G. Chernyshevsky, who in many ways anticipated the emergence of the “new people” of Russia - commoners. However, the ideas of communal socialism needed to be developed in conditions of increasing opposition among the intelligentsia / the term appeared in Russia in the 1960s. XIX century/ and students. We tried to develop this problem revolutionary populism 60-70s The ideologists of its three directions - P.L. Lavrov /propagandists/, “apostle of anarchism” M.A. Bakunin /rebels/, P.N. Tkachev /conspirators/ were looking for new approaches to developing the problem - implementation social revolution in Russia.

A significant role in the development of the theory of populism, which for many years became dominant in the liberation movement, was played by the intense polemics between Slavophiles and Westerners. Their clash over the cardinal issue of that time: which path should Russia take into the future - using the experience of its thousand-year development or taking into account the achievements Western culture, - served as a prerequisite for the synthesis of populist views. It should be noted that despite all the differences in approaches to this issue, both Westerners and Slavophiles were united in one thing - patriotism, ardent love for the Motherland, and the desire to find an ideal social order.

Having gone through a long and difficult process of formation and development, populism made a contribution to the world socio-political system.

The ideas of proletarian socialism were developed by Marxists. The capitalist development of post-reform Russia, the disintegration of the community, the downtroddenness and lack of culture of the peasantry encouraged thinking people to study Marxist theory. In 1883, the first Russian Marxist group, “Emancipation of Labor,” appeared in Geneva under the leadership of G.V. Plekhanov, who set the goal of promoting and spreading Marxism in Russia. The number of supporters of Marxist theory in the country increased more and more, which led to the organization of the first Social Democratic circles: in the capital D.N. Blagoev created the "Party of Russian Social Democracy /1884-1885/. P.V. Tochissky - "Association of St. Petersburg Craftsmen" /1885-1888/.

Along with this, works began to appear in the press, causing lively debate between Marxists and populists. “Legal Marxist” P. B. Struve wrote an openly apologetic article in which he called for people to go to the rescue of capitalism. The most thorough criticism of “legal Marxism” from the position of left-wing populists was given by N.K. Mikhailovsky on the pages of the magazine “ Russian wealth” He wrote: “...Russia will develop its capitalist production with all its internal contradictions, with small capitals being eaten up by large ones” and in the meantime, the man cut off from the land will turn into a proletarian, “socialize” and the matter will be in the hat that only remains to be put on the head of happy humanity. “At the same time, Mikhailovsky did not rule out” that “. .this Russian Marxism in a very short time... will give way to other, healthier trends. And his prediction was justified. Already at the end of 1894, a young, little-known V. I. Ulyanov came forward with his interpretation of the theory. the same questions that were posed at one time, but not resolved by Plekhanov: capitalism in Russia, fate various classes, classes, socio-political theories in the conditions of capitalist development of the country (and it was objective reality). In the mid-90s. Lenin creates the “Union of Struggle for the Liberation of the Working Class” in St. Petersburg.

In 1898, at the 1st Congress of Russian Social Democrats in Minsk, the creation of an all-Russian party was announced instead of scattered Social Democratic circles. However, the party was not tactically organized, since its charter and program were not developed and adopted. Therefore, Lenin took up the task of creating a party, starting the publication of the illegal all-Russian newspaper Iskra, the first issue of which was published abroad in Stuttgart on the very eve of the twentieth century, in December 1900. Groups of like-minded people united around Iskra, which created in 1903 “Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP).

In May 1990, at the First All-Russian Monarchical Congress in Moscow, the Orthodox Russian Monarchical Order-Union (PRAMOS), which had been in force since 1924, was legalized. His main task in the new conditions was “to conquer the majority of today’s structures of political power through peaceful, non-violent means to convene Zemsky Sobor, who will call the “legitimate” Sovereign Russian House Romanovs to the Kingdom with all rights vested in it Supreme Power" The concept of “Russia” does not mean the Soviet RSFSR, but the single and indivisible Russian Empire. Only Orthodox believers are accepted into the party.

At the same time, members of PRAMOS do not recognize the Russian Orthodox Church, declaring adherence to the right-wing monarchist foreign Orthodox Church, “not tainted by collaboration with the Bolsheviks.” Leader of PRAMOS - S. Engelhard - Yurkov.

In parallel with PRAMOS, the Orthodox Constitutional-Monarchical Party of Russia (PKMPR) was created. The Manifesto adopted at the congress puts forward three main tasks of the party: the revival of Russian Orthodoxy, the Orthodox Russian kingdom and a single and indivisible Russian Empire. Governing body parties - synclit. The printed organ is the magazine “Orthodox Kingdom”.

The political movement “Marchical Rus'” arose in June 1991 in Moscow. The participants of the constituent assembly - representatives of national-patriotic and monarchist groups - in the adopted declaration appealed to Russians to “support the movement to restore historical justice in Rus'.” At the meeting, the question was raised about inviting Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich (proclaimed by the center-left, radical bloc of Russian Tsar Vladimir I) to come to Russia for his coronation. The leader of the movement was the chairman of the Russian National Monarchist Party, “regent of the Russian monarchy” A. Brumel. In subsequent years, the activity of the movement was reduced mainly to the distribution of one or another political and public figures letters of nobility.

All of the above requires deep and critical thinking the history of the monarchical movement, analysis of the objective reasons for its departure from the historical scene.

The territorial scope of the study includes the whole of Russia. Significant differences in the demographic, socio-economic and administrative nature of its individual regions make it possible to see different strength Black Hundred movement within each region.

Chronological framework research covers the period from 1903 to February Revolution 1917. During the revolution of 1905-1907, the main political parties of a monarchical orientation were created, from the extreme right to the liberal-monarchist. IN specified period The forces of Black Hundred orientation were being formed, interaction with the tsarist government was being developed, forms and methods of influencing the masses were being developed. With the victory of the February Revolution, significant changes occurred in the party forms of the Black Hundreds, their methods of struggle and tactical guidelines.

IN medieval Rus'"Black Hundred" was the name given to taxation townspeople population. Since ancient times, the trading and craft population of Russian cities was divided into hundreds, which were military-administrative units. They were called black because the properties that belonged to the Grand Duke as the head of state bore such a name. This name did not have any negative connotation. The derogatory nuance appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century, when, after almost two centuries of oblivion, this name reappeared. Representatives of right-wing monarchist organizations that had different programs, but whose main goal was the preservation of Russian autocracy, began to call themselves Black Hundreds. Calling themselves the “Black Hundred,” they thereby emphasized that they were defending statehood.

The sources from which the Black Hundreds emphasized their ideology had nothing to do with revolutionary ideas. The extreme right relied on the well-known three-part formula - “Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality” - and used a number of postulates of Slavophilism. The most important thing that the extreme right took from the Slavophil teaching was a sharp contrast between Russia and the West, which meant Catholic and Protestant civilizations. Whereas Russia, in their opinion, is the creation of sovereigns and people based on the teachings of the Orthodox Church.

In contrast to the government’s policy aimed at the industrial modernization of the country, the extreme right argued that “economic policy should have as its guiding principle a view of Russia as a predominantly peasant and landowning country.” Democracy seemed to the Black Hundreds the most terrible evil that gave rise to Western world. The extreme right was characterized by an absolute distrust of democratic values. Monarchists did not share the belief that individual freedom was paramount. In their view, a person has always been part of a community - a community, class, people. The Black Hundreds were skeptical of socialists of all directions who criticized bourgeois freedoms and promised the victory of true democracy after the socialist revolution. In contrast to democratic institutions, the Black Hundreds put forward the principle of absolute, individual power.

The first Black Hundred organizations appeared in Russia during the maturation of the first revolution. At that time they did not yet call themselves Black Hundreds, were not widespread and existed illegally or semi-legally. Following the example of the revolutionaries, they reproduced their leaflets using the hectographic method. Information about illegal right-wing organizations is found in police reports along with information about revolutionary organizations and circles. As a party, the Black Hundreds emerged at the end of 1905, later than all other parties. Thus, the nobility reacted to the consolidation of other classes.

The government was not interested in grassroots initiatives, even right-wing ones. Minister of Internal Affairs V.K. Plehve did not approve of Zubatov’s enthusiasm, much less the enthusiasm of organizations that were not accountable to anyone. They were not persecuted, but they were not cultivated either. Finest hour"Black Hundreds" occurred in 1905-1906 - a time of mass spontaneous movements. When previous methods - arrests, exile, prisons, even mass executions - no longer brought the desired results, the government decided to strangle the popular movement with the hands of the people themselves.

The closest allies of the Black Hundreds, as well as their patrons, were conservative government circles, courtiers, right-wing members State Council. The Black Hundreds maintained close contacts with the Permanent Council of the United Nobility, formed in May 1906, and its leader, Count A.A. Bobrinsky. Cooperation with nationalists was also intense.

According to the Black Hundreds, Russia had three enemies that needed to be fought - the foreigner, the intellectual and the dissident, and they were perceived as inseparable. In a multinational empire, it is impossible to fight the revolution without fighting the national liberation movement. It is impossible to hate the intelligentsia and at the same time love advanced ideas. The image of a foreigner was constantly maintained, but before it was a Pole, but now it has become a Jew. True, the Pole was considered an “unreliable” nation, but anti-Semitism became the dominant direction of right-wing ideology.

In the 19th century, a powerful liberation movement, and at the turn of the century there were massive national liberation movements of many peoples. And in Russia, the nation that was among the first to enter the stage of capitalism turned out to be the most powerless. Even V.V. Rozanov, who cannot be accused of loving the Jews, agreed with the intolerable situation of the Jews. It was because of this that Jewish youth were most involved in the national liberation movement, which also explained their interests: only after the overthrow of the autocracy and the conquest of democratic freedoms could Jews count on equal rights with other peoples. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the far-right camp believed that Jews were the main culprits of the revolutionary unrest, and the fact that there were Russians in this movement was explained strong influence Jews. However, it must be taken into account that the influx of Jews into the advanced movements of the era was directly related to the assimilation process. During " People's Will“There weren’t many revolutionaries of Jewish nationality, and they were all Russified people.

Hatred of Jews was inextricably linked with hatred of one’s own Russian intelligentsia. Calling themselves “Russian patriots”, shouting at every step about their love for Russia, the Black Hundreds could not come to terms with the fact that they were not the ones serving the fatherland most brightly and talentedly. In turn, the intelligentsia, with its “softness” and humanity, could not accept the Black Hundred ideology. There is even a known case when in one of the provincial gymnasiums, students tried in a friendly court two high school students who took part in the pogrom. They were sentenced to leave the gymnasium, and both boys submitted to the harsh decision because it was a matter of honor.

But then there were people who could not give up their principles - the intelligentsia. Didn’t join the Black Hundreds, not one of them joined prominent figures Russian culture. But the anger against them was strong. “Christ-sellers, traitors to Russia, intellectual riffraff, Jewish lovers” - such “compliments” were awarded in the right-wing press to L. Tolstoy, A. Chekhov, M. Gorky, D. Merezhkovsky, L. Andreev.

The Black Hundred press was characterized by elements of age-related conservatism: distrust of youth, hostility to their tastes and sympathies. The Black Hundreds opposed the passion for progressive ideas, against decadence, and sometimes against education, especially foreign education. Age conservatism was characteristic not only of the Black Hundreds, but every successive Black Hundreds had a low opinion of the youth of his day. The simplicity with which all troubles were attributed to the “internal enemy” made the Black Hundred ideology convenient for the philistine consciousness. The Black Hundreds offered nothing and promised nothing except to beat Jews, revolutionaries, liberals, and intellectuals. Therefore, the Russian peasantry turned out to be almost unaffected by the Black Hundred movement, since they understood that even if they killed all the Jews without exception, the land would still remain in the hands of the landowners. Besides, where can we find them, Jews, in the Pskov region or near Ryazan? Even in the western provinces, where there was more fertile ground for national discord, the Black Hundred movement began to decline towards the end of the revolution of 1905-1907. But still, the main bet of the Black Hundreds on the primitive incitement of interethnic hatred yielded results - pogroms began.

IN scary days pogroms of 1905-1907, the Russian intelligentsia did not escape the blow that fell on the “enemies of Russia.” Intellectuals were beaten and killed in the streets, sometimes along with Jews. It was not difficult to identify the “traitors”: the youth wore student uniforms, and the adults wore departmental uniforms. For example, in Yekaterinburg, in October 1905, a crowd hostile to Jews and students attacked a group of young people organizing another peaceful rally. As a result of the massacre, 2 people were killed and 22 were wounded. Moreover, out of 24 victims, only 4 were Jews. The motives for the attack are known, which indicate the spontaneous nature of the crowd’s actions.

Contrary to popular belief, not all pogroms were prepared by Black Hundred organizations, which were still very small in number at that time. The feeling of preparedness for pogroms arose among contemporaries due to the massive nature of the riots and the inaction of the authorities, observed everywhere.

Although pogroms did not take place with equal activity throughout Russia. The Union of Black Hundreds - the Union of the Russian People - was active only in areas with multinational population. In the provinces of the Central Black Earth Region, only less than one tenth of one percent of the population was included in the structures of the RNC, since there were no foreigners there and, therefore, objects of persecution. There was nothing for the Black Hundreds to do in Finland, Central Asia, the Baltic states and Transcaucasia: there the chauvinistic Great Russian propaganda was obviously doomed to failure. The NRC was most active in regions with mixed population- in Ukraine, Belarus and 15 provinces of the “Pale of Settlement” more than half of all members of the RNC were concentrated. Here speeches of the following type were used: “...The Russian people, with open ears, listen to Jewish speakers and open their arms wide to them. The Russian intelligentsia, which sees itself as the leader of the Russian people, especially the student youth, who have nothing in common with the bitter factory worker and the village plowman, but who have fallen under Jewish influence, have also drawn the youth of the people into the midst of troublemakers...”

The source of all Russian troubles, according to the RNC, was the activities of Peter the Great and the foreign infection he brought.” Through the cut window, a through wind of the oldest European negation, paganism and rationality blew from the West into Europe... There is or should not be a nationality, like-bloods and co-religionists, tribalism... - but there is cosmopolitanism; and millions of leaflets, and the thousand-mouthed propaganda of Europeans and Jews darken and fog the Russian people's consciousness... From now on, not everyone in your house has become your brothers, sons, fathers and grandfathers: you are deceived by a non-Believer, oppressed by a foreigner, offended by a foreigner. The time has come to defend yourself at home...” In other words, to put an end to “the web in which monarchs and peoples, empires and republics are suffocating, exhausted, the life juices of which are being sucked out by ruthless and greedy spiders: the Jewish Freemasons.”

As you know, all parties and movements were famous for their special favorite tactics: the Socialist Revolutionaries - with individual terror, the Social Democrats - with strikes, the Cadets - with speeches in State Duma. The Black Hundreds have a monopoly on pogrom tactics. It was the pogroms that were the culminating moments of all their actions, the main review of forces and the most radical means of fighting the revolution.

Completely repay popular anger in 1905-1906 it was impossible, but replacing the object of hatred, directing anger in the other direction was salutary for the monarchy. Pogroms had occurred in Russia before, but only in the 20th century did they acquire political overtones, and only in the 20th century did they become a tactic political movement. The most common were Jewish pogroms, but in the Caucasus the “duties” of Jews were performed by Armenians, and in deep Russia by Russian intellectuals and students. For example, at the beginning of February 1905, a brutal Armenian pogrom broke out in Baku, followed by beatings of students and high school students in Moscow, Tambov, Kazan, Kursk, Pskov and other cities.

The Socialist Revolutionary Party occupied one of the leading places in the system of Russian political parties. It was the largest and most influential non-Marxist socialist party. Its fate was more dramatic than the fate of other parties. 1917 was a triumph and a tragedy for the Socialist Revolutionaries. IN short term After the February Revolution, the party turned into the largest political force, reached the million mark in its numbers, and acquired a dominant position in local authorities self-government and majority public organizations, won the elections in constituent Assembly. Its representatives held a number of key positions in the government.

Her ideas of democratic socialism and a peaceful transition to it were attractive. However, despite all this, the Social Revolutionaries were unable to resist the Bolshevik seizure of power and organize successful fight against their dictatorial regime.

Conclusion: Thus, revolutionary democratic parties in Russia took shape earlier than political organizations and parties of conservative liberal trends. Although, as socio-political trends, they all took shape starting in the 20s. XIX century, and went through a difficult path of development. But in Russia at the end of the 19th century, it was the revolutionary-democratic direction that gained popularity. The reasons for this were rooted in society's deep dissatisfaction with the state of affairs in the country and the desire to change the existing order of things as soon as possible.

3. Features of the protection of historical monuments at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.

The protection of historical monuments at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries is of no small importance in preserving the cultural heritage of our country. Historical and architectural monuments that era are now in danger. Urbanization, ecological problems, intensive construction, and “tourist load” sometimes jeopardize the very existence of historical monuments.

Many historical monuments the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries suffered as a result of global and civil wars, local conflicts and terrorist attacks.

Some architectural monuments often find themselves in areas of active development, demolition and redevelopment, or are used as residential and non-residential assets, which also threatens their safety.

Historical documents and material values items from that era are mainly found in museums, but also often end up in private hands through auctions and antique shops.

Conclusion: The protection of monuments of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries is very important point in preserving the cultural heritage of our Fatherland, preserving the cultural and historical roots of the Russian people, knowledge of the peculiarities of the formation and history of the culture of the Fatherland.

General conclusion: Russia and the world at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries crossed important stage development, which laid the foundations for the formation of modern modern history and redivision of the world.


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7. Mikhailova N.V. National history. Tutorial. Ministry of Internal Affairs stamp. M. "Shchit-M", 2003. 165 pp.;

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11. A manual on the history of the fatherland for those entering universities, ed. Orlova A.S., Polunova A.Yu., Shestova T.L., Shchetinova Yu.A., 4th edition: Textbook. Benefit. – M.; Prostor, 2004 – 479 pp.;

12. Revolutionaries “on the right”: Black Hundreds in the Urals in 1905-1916/Narsky I.V. - Ekaterinburg, 1994.

13. Sidorenko Nadezhda Semenovna “The monarchical movement in the Urals (1905 - February 1917). / Abstract of the dissertation for the competition scientific degree candidate legal sciences. - Orenburg, 1997.

Often combined with basic ignorance practical side affairs. Along with the desire for the victory of the spirit over the world, a reasonable ideal over hateful reality, in the soul of a typical intellectual in Russia at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries there was a feeling of isolation from the truly folk life, guilt before the idealized “suffering people” and the resulting desire to merge with it, to be imbued with it...

Relations at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, it should be noted that this period became the most brilliant in the development of Russian oriental studies, the center of which was St. Petersburg. Orientalism in Russia at the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries The East, with its way of life, poetry, music, fine and applied arts, attracted the attention of many Russian artists of different orientations, who interpreted its rich,...

The social movement of the late 19th century continues the trends of the past, in the 50s. The most influential was the populist movement. The founders of the ideology were A.I. Herzen and N.G. Chernyshevsky (the theory of peasant socialism). The Slavophiles gave the people their beginning.

Basic approaches:

Awareness of the fact of Russia's backwardness

An attempt to overcome

Search for a theoretical basis for overcoming


-develop without capitalism

-the basis of the theory is the presence of a rural community

-the upcoming revolution was read as socialist

The populists believed that R. does not have to go through all the phases of development. European countries.

Stages of development of populism:

1)70-ies-revolutionary populism. They believed that capitalism was imposed “from above” and had no social roots in Russia. The future is communal socialism . The peasants are ready for this. Transformations through revolution.

2)80-90s - liberal populism. They shared the folk theory, but rejected violent methods of change. They placed emphasis on cultural and educational activities (the magazine “Russian Wealth”). Insisted on the unacceptability of capitalism

(Mikhailovsky, Danielson, Vorontsov)

Social Revolutionaries

In the second half of the 1890s, small populist-socialist groups and circles existed in St. Petersburg, Penza, Poltava, Voronezh, Kharkov, and Odessa.

Some of them united in 1900 Southern Socialist Revolutionary Party , another in 1901 - in “ Union of Social Revolutionaries " At the end of 1901, the “Southern Socialist Revolutionary Party” and the “Union of Socialist Revolutionaries” merged, and in January 1902 the newspaper “Revolutionary Russia” announced the creation of the party.

Socialist Revolutionaries until 1917 -one of the leading parties . The first founding congress took place in December 1905-1906 .Leader - Viktor Mikhailovich Chernov.


Establishment of a Democratic Republic

Federal structure

The right of nations to self-determination

Universal suffrage

-bourgeois freedoms

-replacement of the army by the people's militia

- abolition of taxes on labor, a progressive tax on income is being introduced.

Agrarian question:

Confiscation of land from the private sector and its socialization

Distribution of land according to labor standards

Preservation of the land community

Additional cooperation of peasants in the future

Combat organization us. 15-20 roars, 25-30 militants. Ruk-Evno Azef, B. Savenkov. Killed min. Bogolepov in 1901 and in 1904 Plehve.

Marxist direction. It has been taking shape since the 2nd half of the 80s.

It is known within 2 currents

    « Legal Marxism"

Philosophers: Struve P.B., Frank S.L., Berdyaev N.A., Bulgakov S.N.

Economists: Danielson, Tugan-Baranovsky

Capitalism is a natural stage in development

Improve society through democratic reforms.

Opposition to revolutionary Marxism

Reflects Marxism in bourgeois literature

Does not share Marx’s conclusions about the need to eliminate the exploitative system through revolutionary means.

From the teachings of Marx, legal Marxism took as a basis the thesis about the economic progressiveness of capitalism relative to feudalism and the thesis about the natural replacement of feudalism by capitalism.

During the discussions, 2 works with criticism of Nar stand out.

- “Critical notes on the issue of economic development of Russia.” P.B.Struve

- “Materials for the characteristics of our economic development” from Lenin’s teaching

    « Revolutionary Marxism “It formed the leaders of Marxism, the first circles appeared, attempts to unite Marxism and the revolutionary movement. begin propaganda for the action of the working class. The propagandist was Georgy Plekhanov.

Plekhanov considered the liberation of the proletariat possible only through the use of revolutionary forms political struggle based on the social democratic program. According to this program, the revolution must be bourgeois, since on its own, without the help of the bourgeoisie, the proletariat will not be able to bring about changes in society. Therefore, the proletariat should simply receive the maximum benefits from this revolution, without claiming all the power in the new state. Thanks to Plekhanov's efforts, Marxism prevailed in the social democratic movement in Russia, and at the beginning of the 20th century, radical elements united around Vladimir Lenin began to play a significant role in it.

    RADICAL LENINISTS The main efforts were directed towards creating a social-democratic “party of a new type”, consisting of professional revolutionaries who would lead and organize the struggle of the working masses.

Ulyanov V.I. (1870-1924)

History of the RSDLP

The first social democratic circles appeared in the Russian Empire in the 1880s. In 1883, G. Plekhanov founded the first Russian Marxist organization - the “Emancipation of Labor” group.

At the end of 1894 - beginning of 1895, on the initiative of Plekhanov, the “Union of Russian Social-Democrats” was created. Abroad".

In 1895, the “Union of Struggle for the Liberation of the Working Class” arose from the St. Petersburg Social Democratic group, for which V. I. Lenin had a great merit. In 1887, a meeting was held in Kyiv between the Kyiv social democratic group “Rabocheye Delo” and the social democrats of St. Petersburg and Moscow. Also in 1887, Jewish social democratic groups in the Northwestern and Privislensky regions united into the “General Jewish Workers' Union in Lithuania, Poland and Russia,” or “Bund.”

July 1903-2 congress in Brussels, program and charter adopted.

Split into

Bolsheviks(course on forming a new type of radical party in 2 parts:

Printed rev. body and local rev. organizations)

Mensheviks(followed the European line of Marxism)

Liberal movement

    Intellectual liberalism and its tasks:

Find historical justifications for liberalism in Russia

Development of theories of Russian development. (soils, originality)

Among the first theorists of originality lib.B.N.Chicherin, K.D.Kavelin, Gradovsky A.D. Believed that the introduction of lib is the task of the authorities

2)Zemstvo liberalism

The current is moderate in the political sense. Requests come down to the development of local self-government and general state people's representation (council body). We tried to use historical experience Zemstvo Representative Office

    New liberalism

« Union of Zemstvo Constitutionalists" - left zemstvo lib. in alliance with the intelligentsia. They wanted to create a more radical direction. 1902 - edited magazine “Liberation” by Struve

1903-1904 "Union of Liberation", "Union of Cons"

1905 - “Union of Unions” - union of trade unions

In October 1905, 2 parties emerged:

Cadets: the main liberal party - the Constitutional - democratic party, took shape at the I congress in Moscow October 12-18, 1905."People's Freedom Party", predominantly an intellectual party, the elite of the Russian intelligentsia. Members: V.I. Vernadsky, S.A. Muromtsev, V.M. Gessen, A.A. Kornilov (historian), prominent zemstvo figures I.I. Petrunkevich. The Cadets sought to rise above the parties. Leader: P.I. Milyukov.


The main goal is the introduction of a democratic constitution in the country.

Democratic political system (like an English-type monarchy).

They advocated for separate powers: legislative, executive and judicial

Radical reform of local government and courts

Free schooling

An 8-hour work schedule at enterprises, the right of workers to strike, to social insurance and labor protection.

Restoration of state autonomy of Fonland, Poland, but as part of Russia.

Agrarian question:

Partial alienation of land (60%) in favor of peasants, but at market prices; they advocated private land ownership and were opponents of its socialization.

They achieved their goals only through peaceful means - by obtaining a majority in the State Duma and through it carrying out the reforms that are written in their program. However, the Cadet Party did not represent unity: three directions: left, right Cadets and center.

Octobrists:“Union of October 17,” in honor of the Tsar’s manifesto of October 17, 1905, which, they believed, marked Russia’s entry onto the path of constitutional monarchy. The registration of the party began in October 1905 and ended on 1 its congress February 8-12, 1906 in Moscow. The party of big capital - the top of the commercial and industrial bourgeoisie and landowners - are entrepreneurs. Chapter: major entrepreneur A.I. Guchkov


- hereditary.constitutional.monarchy, in which the emperor is limited by the decrees of the “Fundamental Laws”. They opposed the neo-German autocracy, but also against the parliamentary system.

Introduction of bicamerals. “People's representation” - the State Duma and the State Council, which are formed on the basis of qualification elections.

Granting of civil rights: freedom of conscience, religion, personal inviolability and home.

National issue: the principle of a united Russia, opposing any form of federalism. Excludes only Finland, subject to its state connection with the empire.

Agrarian question: transfer of empty state-owned, appanage and cabinet lands to peasants through special land committees, as well as assistance to peasants in purchasing land from private owners through the Peasant Bank. They allowed and forced the alienation of parts of privately owned lands with mandatory compensation of the owners at the expense of the treasury. The resettlement of landless and land-poor peasants to free lands, the equalization of rights of peasants with other classes, supported the Stolypin agrarian reform.

They recognized the freedom of workers' organizations, unions, assemblies and the right of workers to strike.

Limiting the length of the working day, but not to the detriment of industry

Supporters of expanding public education saw the need for reform of the court and administrative management.

The state structure is a constitutional monarchy with a State Duma. They advocated strong monarchical power, but also reforms in the business sector. The main program requirements are freedom of industry, trade, acquisition of property and its protection by law.

Conservative - protective:

Parties: “Union of the Russian People” and “Russian People’s Union named after Michael the Archangel.” The goal is to protect the Russian people. The rapid growth of Black Hundred organizations occurred after the Manifesto of October 17; in 1906, an attempt was made to create a single center - the “Main Administration of the United Russian People.”

« Union of the Russian People" took shape in November 1905 in St. Petersburg. He was assisted by government officials, provided financial assistance by the Police Department and even Nicholas II. This union included the titular nobility, the highest bureaucrats and part of the creative intelligentsia. Party leaders: V.M. Purishkevich, A.I. Dubrovin, N.E. Markov. The governing body of the party was the Main Council. These representatives of right-wing extremism proclaimed “Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality.” They declared that they recognized the truly Russian people as their friends. Anti-Semitic demands were made to deprive Jews of all rights. Create a Jewish state and allocate all Russian Jews there

Rejected changes in state structure

They considered it necessary to convene the Zemsky Sobor and advocated united Russia without allowing national self-determination.

They rejected any alienation of private land, even for compensation.

Preserved the.unlimited.power of the Tsar and the dominant.Russian.Orthodox.Church.

They considered their opponents to be those who were trying to shake the unlimited power of the king.

"Russian People's Union of Mikhail Archangel"- split in November 1907 from the “Union of the Russian People”. Officially formed in March 1908. The party consisted of representatives of the most conservative part of the Orthodox clergy. Founder and leader: V.M. Purishkevich, pursued the same goals as the “Union of the Russian People”.

The revolution of 1905-1907 created favorable conditions for the creation of many political parties (both Russian and national), they acted legally, they represented a range of social, national and even religious interests expressed in their programs. 3 main classification groups:

1) revolutionary democratic (social-democr., and neo-populist)

2)liberal - opposition (Russian and national liberal bourgeoisie, liberal intelligentsia),

3)conservative - protective (right-wing bourgeois-landowner and clerical-monarchist, Black Hundred).

Social-democratic : Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP) and Social Revolutionary Party (Socialist Revolutionaries).

RSDLP took shape in an organized manner at its Second Congress (1903) and then a split occurred into Bolsheviks and less. But formally, until March 1917, they continued to be considered members of the same party. At the II Congress, a single program was adopted (for major and minor), consisting of 2 parts. Program - minimum(solving the problems of the bourgeois-democratic revolution:

Overthrow of the autocracy

Introduction of a democratic republic and broad local self-government,

Granting the right to self-determination to all nations that are part of Russia

8-hour work schedule for employees

Agrarian question:

Initially, demands were put forward for the return to the peasants of the sections taken from their plots during the reform of 1861, the abolition of redemption and quitrent payments on land, and the return of previously spent redemption amounts, but in 1906 the agrarian issue was revised, now demands for the complete confiscation of all landowners' property. , state, appanage, church and monastic lands (this demand was stated by the peasants themselves at the 2nd congresses of the All-Russian Peasant Union and forced a change in the agrarian program of the RSDLP at the 4th congress). Agrarian program RSDLP was nationalization of all lands(i.e. owner land state, and it becomes a landowner - a monopolist), and the peasants wanted the land for public use (i.e., the owner of the land is the people themselves)

Agricultural policy is smaller: proposed by P.P. Maslov. Program municipalization of land.( those. Lands confiscated from landowners and monasteries were transferred to the disposal of local government bodies, which then distributed the land among the peasants). The program was less against government interference in agrarian relations, because this will strengthen the state, turn it into the sole land owner, and the ruling bureaucracy will also strengthen.

The program is the maximum. Provided for the socialist reconstruction of society after the victory of the proletarian revolution. But the implementation of this program by both the Bolsheviks and the smaller representatives is different. Bolsheviks: the immediate construction of socialism after the victory of the proletarian revolution, they even considered the possibility of developing a bourgeois-democratic revolution into a socialist one. Mensheviks: They considered the imposition of socialism in an economically and culturally backward country a utopia; they believed that a period of bourgeois development should pass after the bourgeois-democratic revolution, which would turn Russia into a capitalist country with bourgeois-democratic freedoms.

Social Revolutionaries. Organizationally took shape at the 1st founding congress end of December 1905 beginning of January 1906. Program:

Overthrown autocrat

Democratic Republic

Autonomy of regions and communities on a federal basis

Widespread use of federal relations between individual nationalities, recognition of their right to self-determination, introduction native language in all local public and government institutions

Universal suffrage without distinction of gender, religion or nationality

Free education

Separation of the church from the state and freedom of religion, free speech, press, meetings, strikes, inviolability of person and home

Destruction of the post-army and replacing it with the “people's militia”

8 hour working day

The abolition of all taxes related to labor, but the establishment of a progressive tax on the income of entrepreneurs.

Agrarian question:

Confiscation of land from private property. advocated socialization(public use). The land must be managed by the community, which will distribute its use according to the “labor” norm among all citizens of the republic, for whom labor on the land is the main source of existence. They wanted to socialize the land through various forms of cooperation among farmers. They advocated the preservation of peasant communities as the basis for the creation public relations in the village.

Tactics: propaganda, agitation, organization of strikes, boycotts, armed actions, up to the use of political terrorism. But terror is a last resort. “Battle Group” - Yevno Azef Boris Savnikov. Organized the murder of major political figures (V.Ya. Pleve)

At the end of 1904, a separate group was formed from the Socialist Revolutionary Party, which used the position of terrorist struggle. End of 1906 - the group formed into "Union of Socialists - Revolutionaries - Maximalists"- the extreme left wing of the Socialist Revolutionaries. Leader - M.I. Sokolov.

Also, a group emerged from the Socialist Revolutionaries anarcho-communists.

Labor People's Socialist Party (People's Socialist, Socialist Party)– rejected violent methods of struggle. The first programmatic issue of its bulletins was published in September 1906, the final registration of the party was in November 1906. These were the city intelligentsia, zemstvo employees. Prominent ideologists: A.V. Peshekhonov, V.A. Myakotin, N.F. Annensky, V.I. Semenovsiy, belonged to the left flank of legal populism. They advocated a special path to socialism for Russia, bypassing capitalism.


Introduction of the Democratic Republic

Replacement of the post.army "people's policeman"

Equality of all before the law, abolition of the class system, freedom of speech, conscience, press, meetings, unions

Inviolability of person and home

Supreme authority- a unicameral People's Representative Assembly, elected by all citizens who have reached 20 years of age, regardless of their gender, faith and nationality. The Assembly must have full legislative power.

Agrarian question:

Confiscation of residential lands, state, appanage, church lands and their transfer to public ownership. But confiscation should not affect peasant allotments, as well as privately owned lands where labor work is carried out.

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