Sample daily routine for a housewife. Not enough time? Making a housewife's routine

Olga Nagornyuk

Time management for housewives: how to manage everything?

Effective planning time for someone it becomes a reliable help in moving forward career ladder, and for some it helps to run the household and at the same time remain the most charming and attractive.

Three axioms

However, the science of time management does not come easy to everyone. Therefore, we decided to collect in our article advice from psychologists and housewives who know the answer to the question - how to manage everything?

Before you begin to familiarize yourself with time planning techniques, remember three axioms:

  1. It’s clean not where they sweep, but where they don’t litter. Accustom your household members to this idea every day, and you will see: the amount of housework will be significantly reduced.
  2. There is safety in numbers. Involve your husband and children in household chores. This approach will reduce your workload, make your spouse take a fresh look at his wife’s “doing nothing,” and instill useful skills in the younger generation.
  3. Don't forget that you are a woman. Spending time on your appearance is great way increase self-esteem. Also, remember that men love with their eyes.

Tactic #1

First technique rational planning time is compiled from advice contained in the books “The Muse and the Beast” by J. Frank, “Time Drive: How to Have Time to Live and Work” by G. Arkhangelsky, “The Art of Stress-Free Productivity” by D. Allen and “Let’s Start Over, or How to See Your Tomorrow » N. Kozlova.

Her tasks:

  • Find and neutralize the “eaters” of time. Sometimes we pay too much attention to insignificant and useless matters, which also take a lot of our energy. Keep a notebook in which you record in detail what and for how long you did during the day. After a week, it will become clear what you are spending an unreasonable amount of time on. Such an analysis will allow you to reconsider your attitude towards some activities, set priorities differently and change timing. For example, you shouldn’t give three hours of your precious time to social networks every day; it’s better to devote it to your husband and children, leaving 30 minutes for Internet chat. If you can’t deal with plaque and rust in the bathtub for a long time, it means either something is distracting you or you’re doing something wrong. Search the Internet for helpful tips and reduce your time spent struggling to get clean.
  • Plan tasks for tomorrow in writing. Drawing up a daily schedule has 2 purposes: a) serves as a “reminder” that prevents you from relaxing and postponing some of your planned activities until tomorrow; b) helps to rationally plan time and not be distracted by unnecessary and unimportant things, for example, talking with a friend on the phone for an hour, looking at last year’s fashion magazines that came to hand at the wrong time, or feeling nostalgic over a family album discovered while cleaning.

When planning tasks for tomorrow, always write down alternative tasks. Then, in the event of a water outage and the impossibility of carrying out wet cleaning, you can quickly switch to doing other work, say, ventilating and organizing winter clothes in the closet.

  • Set aside 1 day each week to buy groceries for your family. Plan and stock up so that during the week you can only buy more milk and bread at a nearby store, spending no more than 20 minutes on a trip to the market.
  • Set aside 1 day a week to clean the house.

  • Apply the kairos technique. The word, which is not clear to the uninitiated, means planning tasks that can be combined in time. For example, when going to a beauty salon, you can bring your shoes to be repaired, have your coat dry-cleaned and meet with a friend. Unconsciously, many of us use this method, but when you do it consciously, you will see that much more time will be freed up.
  • “Eat a frog” every day. Every housewife has her least favorite responsibilities - “frogs”, which cannot be avoided. Train yourself to do at least one such unpleasant task every day (“eating a frog”). This way you will prevent their accumulation, and at the same time cultivate self-discipline.
  • Every evening, review what you have accomplished during the day. To summarize, do a “debriefing”: find out which tasks could not be completed and for what reason, and move this plan item to the next day, and at the same time redistribute time between the planned tasks.
  • Use a money counter. Hit your lack of composure and sloppiness with a ruble. Develop with your household a system of fines that they will apply to you for failure to implement your own plan.

Tactic No. 2

IN lately the management system has gained extraordinary popularity household, proposed by American Marla Seelly. She created the image of flying, or jet, ladies (FlyLady), who manage to do everything and enjoy everyday routine activities.

Of course, Mrs. Silly has not encountered our housing office and bellicose neighbors who regularly flood the apartment, nevertheless, her method has a lot of supporters, and therefore deserves attention.

The Flying Lady follows 5 commandments:

  1. No dressing gowns or slippers. Shoes, fashionable, but comfortable clothes, hair and makeup - here appearance the ideal housewife.
  2. No sitting at the computer at night to the detriment of sleep and health. A rested lady is more attractive and energetic.
  3. Every thing has its place. This rule must be observed by all residents of the house.
  4. Combining the two is unacceptable. If you try to complete both tasks at the same time, you will not complete either task well.
  5. Indulge your little weaknesses: do something nice for yourself every day.

And most importantly - have fun with everything!

  • Go towards your goal in small steps. Divide the house into 5 zones and clean up each of them for a week, spending no more than 15 minutes a day on this process. For example, you have two-room apartment. You devote the first week to cleaning the bedroom, the second week to cleaning the living room, the third to the bathroom, and the fourth to the toilet and hallway.

This division makes cleaning the house less burdensome and allows you to spend more time on other household chores and on yourself.

  • Set aside 1 hour each week to clean the entire house. After daily 15 minutes of cleanliness, all you have to do is change the bed, wash the floors and wipe off the dust.
  • Keep an audit trail. It contains a list of daily tasks, called “routines” by Marla Seeley. Everything is recorded: the process of dressing and morning hygiene procedures, preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner, washing dishes and the sink. This is how self-organization is fostered.

  • Monitor hot spots regularly. In any home there are places where garbage accumulation/pollution occurs more often and faster than others. This could be a computer desk, a bedside table in the hallway, a hanger, etc. Don’t let debris form by dismantling them at the initial stage.
  • Get rid of junk. He is the enemy of order. Without regret, throw souvenirs donated by friends and aimlessly gathering dust on the shelves into the trash can, donate old clothes that you will never wear again to a second-hand store, get rid of the remnants of a tea set, instead of which a new one was bought long ago.

Carry out this cleaning regularly. The absence of trash greatly reduces cleaning time.

You can spend the freed-up time more usefully: go out into nature with your child, visit the theater with your husband, or gather your girlfriends and have a bachelorette party.

Flylady. Where to start:

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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Article from the series useful tips for housewives will help you organize your work day at home.

Every woman knows that being a housewife in a home is like being the head of a large company. A housewife has many tasks on her shoulders, the execution of which is a responsibility. Feed the children and husband, wash things, clean the house, take care of the flowers, do homework with the children, go to the store, etc., you can’t keep track of everything, but you need to do everything. How to deal with all this?

Advice to housewives who do not have time to do anything, but really want to become good housewives.

  • You must understand that the first task is proper organization. A woman acts as a leader in household chores, so it is necessary to be able to organize. Remember the concept of division of labor. Those. There are some things your husband or children can do that will help relieve your workday.
  • Next, you need to be able to prioritize. Those. what's in at the moment more important, but you need to place it correctly.
  • Then the main thing is planning. You simply cannot do without planning. Saying that you don't know how to plan is simply stupid. Women are simply experts in this matter; they spend their entire lives planning something. Moreover, planning must begin in the morning.

In the morning, too, everything should be in order; statistics show that about 60% of women housewives spend a lot of time in the morning just wandering aimlessly around the house, not knowing what to do.

When planning, focus on distributing tasks over days, i.e. You shouldn’t dump everything on one day and then not know what to do with it.

Write everything down by day of the week. For example: Monday - laundry, Tuesday - go to the store, Wednesday - cook, Thursday - cleaning, Friday - cook, Saturday - day off, Sunday - cook. This will help you reduce the amount of work you do each day. But the plan should also be drawn up correctly.

Advice on how to create a plan for running a household.

There are five steps to do this.

  1. Schedule regular meetings and activities.
  2. Determine one main task for each day.
  3. Add three to five small tasks to your daily main task.
  4. To complete your main daily task, choose a time that is convenient for you.
  5. Make a schedule important events. Next, start creating modes. Morning and evening, which would include the sequence of your actions in the morning, while serving breakfast, and in the evening, when you will serve dinner and do basic housework.

And also remember that if you did not have time to do some basic task, then postpone it to the next week, and not to the next day.

Pay attention to how much time you spend cleaning the entire apartment. Half the day will fly by in worries and you won’t have time to look back. Eat good way spend half an hour a day cleaning. To do this, distribute the housework like this: today you clean one room, tomorrow the next. Or this option: one day to wash the floors. Another day - dusting, putting scattered things in their places, also set aside half an hour free day. This way you will support general order in the house, spending from 10 to 30 minutes a day.

Combine cooking with washing in an automatic washing machine and you will do two jobs in one period of time. Of course, you won't get this effect with hand washing.

Prepare. for example, cutlets for several meals. Part for the day of preparation, put the rest in the freezer. At the same time, you can freeze ready-made cutlets or shaped raw ones. The taste will be preserved in both cases; after freezing, the food will be as freshly prepared. You can freeze a lot of dishes this way, making a homemade semi-finished product.

Consider the time for unforeseen circumstances. It is advisable to have your plan written down so you don't miss anything. Include time for personal matters in your plan, and try to make it fit your lifestyle. And then everything will work out for you and you will become best housewife!

Housewife: Recipes, home hacks, gardening, raising a child and much more.

I want to be an ideal housewife and a successful businesswoman, that is, a careerist. So that a three-course lunch + dessert and compote, so that everything in the cabinets and drawers is as if on a ruler, so that the house flowers bloom all year round and smelled. So that the children are always well-groomed, healthy and cheerful after joint educational games, and the husband is treated kindly and proud of his wife. So that the wives of his friends would turn green with envy because I look better than any movie star.

I want to learn three foreign languages, master NLP skills, watch new movie, read interesting book, lie in an aromatic bath...

I want to create and develop a profitable online business...

How to manage it all?

Oh yes! You also need to go to the hairdresser, to the store, to the market, for coffee with friends... to the dentist, to the pediatrician... to iron, wash the dishes, change the youngest... wash off the gouache from the walls, wash and hang curtains... feed your husband, receive and treat his friends... change the youngest again... take the hamster out of the trash can... pick up the eldest from kindergarten... write 5 articles, translate 11 text cards......

Time management for housewives orHow to have time to do a lot and even more?!

You've probably already come across the concept of time management - the art of time management. This real way how much to accomplish and how to achieve even more. There are many books and manuals about time management, which will not hurt to read. Our task is to take all the most useful things from them and combine time management business woman and time management for a housewife into a simple time management method.

“Everything a woman does is unnoticeable. It becomes noticeable when she doesn’t do this.”
I. Khakamada

On average, a business woman’s work takes from 8 to 10 hours a day, 5-6 days a week, and even with such a schedule, it seems that she has no time left for herself at all. A housewife works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The schedule of housewives knows no breaks or days off. Majority normal people When they come home from work, they have dinner and relax. Housewives do not know peace - after all, they actually live at work. Of course, from the outside it often seems that a woman who does not go to work is idle all day long. But you and I know that this is not at all true: unlike office work, household chores never end.

Washing, cleaning, ironing, cooking - a housewife, like a wounded Indian, rushes from one task to another and devotes all her time to them. And everything would be fine if you could do these things whenever you want. But no, at least half of the cases have clearly “written” deadlines.

Breakfast, for example, needs to be prepared by 7 am in order to have time to feed the husband and children, and lunch should be ready no later than 12.30, or the spouse’s lunch break will end and he will go to work hungry. On the 20th, were you and your whole family invited to visit? This means that for this day you need to prepare smart clothes for everyone - wash them, iron them.

Is it your daughter’s birthday in a week and many guests are invited? Everyone will have a holiday and fun, but the worries will fall on whose shoulders? That's right, on the shoulders of the one who is always at home - the housewife, i.e. yours. This is what you have to do general cleaning, plan a birthday scenario, prepare a festive dinner.

And how can you manage all this?

Yes, housewives have a hard time. Things hang over them 24 hours a day. But in addition to the main issues, there are also a lot of unforeseen ones - force majeure. My daughter broke her knee - we urgently need to calm the child down and cover the wound with wound-healing cream. A faucet in the apartment has burst - you must immediately call a plumber and it is advisable to turn off the water as quickly as possible. The son came home from school upset - the reason for the child’s “grief” should be found out, talked to, and reassured.

By the end of the day, the number of urgent tasks usually “catch up” with the number of regular ones, and sometimes even surpass it. In one of his books, Robert Kiyosaki compared a woman housewife to “a small enterprise with a huge amount of work,” and on this we completely agree with him.

So, answering the question: “How to do everything in time?” to finally organize your life, use Time management for Housewives in 3 steps.

Any activity, including housekeeping, requires planning. Only in our case this is a more flexible option, since everything can change at any time, for example, if a child gets sick, or we had to help out a friend by spending money on solving her problems large number time, or the husband asked to fulfill several of his requests.

Let's look at an approximate timing plan for a housewife (if you don't have children):

  1. Every day in the morning you should leave yourself a personal 30-40 minutes, during which you must clean yourself up (wash your face, take a light morning shower) and drink invigorating coffee or tea;

  2. No matter how much we would like to, cleaning in the morning is necessary. Most likely, there are still a couple of unwashed cups left in the kitchen from the evening, and dust has already fallen on the TV in the living room. Therefore, it is worth wiping off the dust and vacuuming. (15-20 minutes)

  3. Ventilate the room at least twice, once in the morning after sleep. The second time in the evening before bed. (10 minutes)

  4. Find interesting courses for yourself that will help you broaden your horizons - let it be a related topic with your education, or related to your hobby. An hour of listening to lectures is more than enough for you. (60 minutes)

  5. Be sure to check the news. Men almost always follow what is happening in the world, and you need this in order to maintain a conversation on any topic that your husband would not want to talk about. (20-30 minutes)

  6. Prepare a delicious lunch (if you don’t eat a lot, then cook it just for yourself, so you can eat it and immediately put the dishes away, and not wait until the salad gives juice until the evening, and serve it on the table in such an unsightly form). (20-40 minutes)

  7. Be sure to sign up for fitness. And visit the gym and swimming pool two or three times a week. Firstly, you will relax and have fun, secondly, you will communicate with those who spend time there, and thirdly, you will always keep yourself in shape. And don't be lazy! (60-90 minutes)

  8. After returning from training, take a shower. And read an interesting book for 30 minutes. Your body will rest and your head will switch gears. (40-50 minutes)

  9. Prepare a fresh, delicious dinner. Find interesting recipes that you haven't tried yet to surprise your loved one. (60-80 minutes)

  10. Before your loved one arrives, set the table, even if it is not a restaurant setting, but arrange the cutlery and decorate the dishes in a non-traditional way, with a twist. (10 minutes)

  11. An evening dinner can be spent having a pleasant conversation, to the sounds of melodious music. Music always relaxes and puts you in the mood for relaxation.

  12. And smile! Find new ones for yourself interesting activities, read books, listen to music, cook masterpiece desserts, decorate your home. Feel like a real woman.

A well-planned day is very important condition, increasing your personal effectiveness. That is why it is worth taking care of how to create a good daily routine.

Why is your daily plan so important?

Planning your day is not single type organizing time, but one of the most effective. Before you create it, you need to decide on your daily and weekly goals in order to strategically distribute your tasks for each day. Next is to create an agenda. She allows in the best possible way use the time you have during the day.

Good planning will increase your personal effectiveness and motivation to act. An agenda will allow you to find yourself in the chaos of everyday tasks, where there are many pressing issues, and only a few of them are the most important.

A good daily plan is based on the following elements:

  • contains the most important task;
  • completing the task step by step;
  • time reserve for unforeseen matters;
  • a minimum of the most important tasks.
  • Reviews and comments

How to plan your day, step by step?

There is no magic formula for creating a one-size-fits-all schedule. There is a solution for every person and every family. First, you need to try to describe your day in the form of a graph, taking the main points as a basis. This could be eating or sleeping, such elements of the plan will be a kind of pillars internal order. If your baby is slow, takes a long time to eat, or has a hard time waking up in the morning, allow more time for these stages.

Once your daily schedule is ready, you can put your idea into action and start sticking to the plan every day. Remember, however, that a house is not a barracks; it is worth preserving common sense And a certain degree flexibility in implementing your routine.

At this stage, we must constantly remind the family about fixed points plan. It's also very important point regime and discipline. We need to teach children to act more quickly, to be more “collected” and organized. Of course, we won’t succeed in everything the first time. Life, naturally, often makes its own adjustments.

Holiday periods or school holidays, and also various events bring changes to the daily routine and can allow you to relax a little. IN ordinary days, after you compose detailed plan per day and work it off, you must use it constantly.

How to create a good daily routine for a housewife

If a woman does not work and can devote herself entirely to raising children and maintaining the house, she needs to remember that even in this case the regime is also important.

From the very early age We need to teach children that in addition to having fun and entertainment, people should do many other things. A the best way to convey this to children will be an example of “collected” and organized mom who has everything under control.

Therefore, you should develop a daily plan, the more detailed it is, the better for the baby.

A clear routine can give him a sense of security because children need routine and a sense of control.

Here is an example of how to create a daily routine for a housewife:

  • 07:00 – 7:30 Getting up, dressing, preparing breakfast;
  • 7:30 – 8:00 Children get up, have breakfast together;
  • 8:00 – 8:30 Morning toilet and discussion of plans for the day;
  • 08:30 – 10:00 Morning chores – sending husband to work and children to school, kindergarten;
  • 10:00 – 13:00 Going to the store, park, on important matters;
  • 13:00 – 14:00 Cooking and lunch;
  • 14:00 – 15:30 Rest, hobbies, house cleaning, household chores;
  • 15:30 – 16:30 Afternoon snack;
  • 16:30 – 17:30 Walk, help children with homework, run errands, go to clubs with children;
  • 17:30 – 18:30 Rest;
  • 18:30 – 19:00 Cooking and dinner;
  • 19:00 – 19:30 Watching TV, reading books, household chores;
  • 19:30 – 20:00 Shower, bath for children;
  • 20:00 – 20:30 Bedtime story, putting the children to bed;
  • 20:30 Shower and relaxation for mom;
  • 21:00 Watching a movie, relaxing;
  • 22:00 – 23:00 Sleep.

Raising children and doing housework according to a predetermined schedule can be a challenging task for any woman. Therefore, you should make realistic plans that you can implement. If housework requires several hours of constant time, it is worth adding them to the daily schedule when the children are in bed.

It's worth trying to get help from someone in the family. Maybe there is someone nearby who will decide to take the baby for a walk and give you the opportunity to concentrate on work.

Planning the day should take into account the fact that the participants in family life are all family members.

It happens that a scenario is imposed in a family in which one of the parents, more often the father, is responsible only for providing material goods and smooth functioning of the home.

When the wife is completely busy with everyday household chores with the children “on her head”, and the husband, returning after work, dreams only of a chair and a remote control remote control TV, after a while a woman may find that she is losing emotional contact with both her husband and children. You should not allow this to happen and completely immerse yourself in the role of a housewife. Such a seemingly well-built house can quietly turn into an emotional refrigerator and can crack.

Learn to manage your time

Analyze your time: Over the next 3 days, write down what you did, hour by hour, and then evaluate the importance of each activity.

  • Reduce wasted time. If you were sitting on the couch and watching TV, you need to set aside time for that too, everyone needs to relax. But when you habitually, even if you don’t enjoy it, sit at this activity for four hours, and then complain that you don’t have enough time to do what you would like to do, this is wrong. Don't sacrifice time on something you don't enjoy. Think about what you can remove from your daily routine to make time for the activities you love. And don't be afraid to make revolutionary decisions;
  • Learn to refuse politely. You don't have to fulfill every request for help, both at work and at home. Say a polite no, especially when you see that it is not a matter of saving someone's life. The house can manage for some time without your help; the children and husband do not need your care 24 hours a day;
  • Organize your relationships with other people. Of course, there are many problems in relationships with relatives and other people, the solution of which is constantly postponed. Unfinished tasks not only depress you, but also get stuck in your head and prevent you from concentrating. Think about how you can organize your time so that you have enough time to resolve these issues. Call your parents, visit relatives and friends, you also need to devote time to them;

  • Get rid of unnecessary relationships and acquaintances. Don't waste your precious time on energy vampires. Maybe your friend has a habit of calling you and talking on the phone for hours about nothing, which leaves you in a terrible mood. Stop it. Minimize contacts with not very attractive friends, and even more so, spending long and aimless time with them.

There is no universal daily routine. But there is general rules effective and rational organization of its time.

Try to use your day rationally, removing all unnecessary waste of time from it and wisely distributing your time between business, worries and rest, correctly setting priorities and adhering to the accepted routine.

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