How to protect yourself from a drunk husband. The best ways to calm a drunk person

Many people are familiar with the problem of calming down a violent drunk. For example, difficulties with pacifying a husband, a hot-tempered alcoholic, are relevant for huge amount Russian women. But besides husbands in alcohol aggression Anyone can fall: father, brother, neighbor, colleague, stranger in a bar, etc. A special product that is universally suitable for all such conflict situations, does not exist. But still, how can you calm down a drunk?

Ways to subdue a drunk person without using violence

A reasonable means of restraint, in almost any situation, is to call the police. Employees law enforcement agencies they know better than us how to calm a drunkard without unnecessary hassle and have both the authority and special means and related rights. If a police visit is impossible or it is delayed, then there are ways to calm a drunken person before law enforcement agencies arrive:

  1. Divert the attention of a raging alcoholic. For example, tell him that his friends are waiting for him, that he got hurt, or make him an absurd offer, for example, help him solve some problem right now or praise him for some merits, thereby increasing his self-esteem (For example, remember how When you were young, did you fight off all my suitors? The best because!). Such techniques do not work with a “professional” alcoholic. They can be dangerous because they can contribute to the growth of an aggressive attitude. But for a person who has not previously been noticed in abuse, such a technique can be effective.
  2. Offer a rowdy drunk another drink. The method can also be unsafe, both for others and for the culprit of the conflict. Thus, for some, the risks of aggravating the conflict increase, while for others, an additional portion of alcohol can cause colossal harm to health or even life. But this method of calming down can work in some cases.
  3. . An ice-cold shower or a bucket of water poured on an angry husband or neighbor can bring him to his senses and calm the rowdy.
  4. Promise the rowdy to fulfill all his demands. Sometimes this method can work and, at least for a while, calm or distract an aggressive drunkard.
  5. Sometimes a couple of drops of ammonia can help pacify a drunken rebel, dissolved in normal fresh water. There is an opinion that ammonia promotes some sobering and calming. But if a drunk person is too aggressive, then getting him to drink a sobering drink will be problematic.

Methods of restraint using physical force

If the aggression of a drunken person is uncontrollable, and no persuasion or persuasion works, without using physical strength can't get by. As mentioned above, in this case the most correct method calming down an aggressive and thus dangerous rowdy is a call to the police. But domestic conflicts are a common thing for our police, so they are not always in a hurry to respond to such calls. Therefore, if possible and with minimal risks to others, a drunk and very aggressive person You can try to immobilize him. For example, using a rope or handcuffs.

When using physical force against a drunk person, you should be extremely careful. Any damage - beatings, injuries or death of a drunkard caused by negligence - is prosecuted by law and entails the most serious consequences for the person who pacified the drunken brawler, even though he acted with good intentions. If it is possible to avoid the use of physical force, then it is better not to use this method at all.

What absolutely cannot be done

1. It is strictly forbidden to give a drunk person any medications or drugs, except for a few drops ammonia. Many drugs combined with alcohol have reverse effect and can simply kill a person.

  1. If possible, brute physical force directed against the rowdy should be avoided in every possible way. The consequences of using brutal physical force can be catastrophic for all parties to the conflict.
  2. You should not drink alcoholic beverages with a potentially dangerous intoxicated person or drink to hell with him. This method will not solve the problem, but will only make it worse.

Alcohol is a real scourge of modern times. It is impossible to accurately calculate the number of troubles that a drunk person brings with him. And above all, troubles come to the drinker’s loved ones. Families fall apart, wives and children suffer. Women, who by the will of fate have to live under the same roof with a constantly drinking man, sometimes have to look for effective ways to calm down a raging drunkard.

Any wife in such a difficult period has to become an experienced psychologist, because she should know how to calm an aggressive drunk person. Moreover, do this skillfully, without provoking the drinker to take dangerous actions. Otherwise, both the woman herself and other family members, including children, may suffer.

To calm a drunken aggressive person, you should take the advice of experts

Alcohol is not called a brain fog for nothing. After all, sometimes a completely harmless, sweet and good-natured person under the influence of the “green serpent” turns into a real monster. He behaves aggressively and inappropriately, starts fights, swears, argues and gets in the way of others.

Aggression due to alcohol intoxication can affect any person, both a light drinker and a regular drinker.

Narcologists and psychologists, discussing why a drunk person becomes aggressive, identify several reasons this phenomenon. You need to know and understand them in order to accurately choose the tactics of behavior with an aggressive drunkard and quickly calm him down.

Consequences of intoxication

It is believed that alcohol causes aggression due to the effect of ethanol on certain areas of the brain. At the same time, primal instincts are released, the level of self-control drops, which leads to profound changes in habitual behavior. Moreover, it was noticed that instability behavioral reactions depends on the stage of alcohol addiction. In particular:

  1. I stage of dependence. At this stage, the longest part of the intoxication phase is occupied by a feeling of euphoria. But a relaxed state can quickly develop into irritability.
  2. II and Stage III. At this stage of pathology, the drinker constantly demonstrates a bad and aggressive mood. It is worth considering that ethanol at this phase of the disease no longer brings pleasure; a person no longer drinks for relaxation, but out of necessity.

Main causes of aggression

Action of external factors

Aggression during alcohol intoxication can also occur due to the appearance of certain extraneous circumstances. For example, the aggressor is guided by outbursts of jealousy, or feels some kind of danger or threat. Moreover, in many cases, the pathological situation occurs and develops due to the activity of the brain inflamed by alcohol. But in fact, there are no provoking factors.

Existing psychosomatic pathologies

Alcohol aggression in men is often provoked by various existing pathologies. For example, the reasons for inappropriate behavior are:

  • head injuries;
  • pathological personality traits;
  • existing mental illnesses (congenital or acquired due to prolonged drunkenness).

How not to behave with an aggressive drunk

It will not be difficult for the average person and stranger to bypass drunk company and avoid possible troubles. But a completely different situation begins if the intoxicated aggressor returns home. What should a wife do? To endure ridicule, direct insults, humiliation, and sometimes even beatings? Some desperate wives quietly add a heavy dose of sleeping pills or sedatives to the next alcoholic drink in order to bring the drunken husband out of the state of wakefulness.

But this should not be done, especially in own interests. Namely:

  1. If powerful sedatives react with ethanol in the body, then such a tandem in most cases provokes serious deterioration in health. And sometimes they can lead to death. Moreover, the woman herself will be to blame for the death of her husband.
  2. Adding any medications to food/drinks without the person’s knowledge is a crime under current legislation. An exhausted wife risks becoming a criminal and facing criminal law.

Also, you should not try to defend yourself from a drunken spouse getting into a fight. Moreover, arm yourself with a heavy object and thus try to fight back. After all, hitting a person can injure or even kill him. The woman will again be the culprit. And if she is physically weak, then a minor blow will only provoke the drunkard even more and the consequences for the wife will be disastrous.

Experts see the reasons for drunken aggression in the harmful effects of alcohol on the brain.

How to properly calm down a drunk

You should know how to behave with an aggressive drunk husband; unfortunately, not every wife knows such rules. Psychologists advise taking your own will into a fist and under no circumstances responding to aggression with irritability. The first thing you should do is try to calm the drunkard down with a quiet and friendly tone of conversation.

When interacting with an intoxicated person who shows signs of aggressive behavior, you should try to relieve alcohol stress by talking to him in a calm tone.

You should sit next to him and talk peacefully, occasionally, as if by chance, touching him with your hand, calming him down and instilling confidence in the intoxicated person that he will be supported and listened to. If such tactics do not help, and aggression develops, you must immediately go to safe place, leaving the apartment/house.

It is worth remembering that when a woman, when communicating with an aggressive drunkard, allows herself to be irritable and rude, the consequences can be very serious. After all, the psyche of a person who is intoxicated is inadequate and unpredictable. And many, even the most harmless words can become a trigger for even more aggressive behavior.

How to sober up someone who is drunk

If a drunkard understands and listens to kind words and is mentally ready to interact, he can and should be helped. Namely, to relieve alcohol intoxication. If intoxication is not so severe, you should resort to home methods of sobering up. Otherwise, it is better to seek help from doctors.

The best way to stop aggression is to sober up the person

Help at home

Experts offer an effective and gentle method of bringing a drunk person into a more adequate appearance, without resorting to aggressive medications. Proceed according to the following instructions:

  1. Rinse the stomach with a weak soda solution.
  2. Accept aqueous solution ammonia inside. To do this, dissolve 45 drops of ammonia in water (200 ml). The composition should be drunk.
  3. Then, using an adsorbent (activated carbon, Polysorb, Enterosgel, etc.), cleanse the stomach and intestines of ethanol residues. The medications should be taken strictly according to the instructions.
  4. Then restore fluid reserves in the body by drinking plenty of fluids. You can use homemade compotes, fruit drinks, chamomile infusions or teas.

As soon as the drunken state becomes more or less adequate, it is worth taking him for a walk in the fresh air. This will finally remove the remaining alcohol from the body and sober up the person.

If a drunkard regularly demonstrates attacks of aggression towards loved ones while drunk, this is a good reason to organize for him full-fledged treatment for alcohol addiction.

Help from doctors

The process of sobering up within the walls of a medical institution is much faster than at home. Experienced specialists use medications specially created for this purpose for this purpose.. Infusion therapy (droppers) is mainly carried out. Dialysis procedures (cleansing the body of alcohol metabolites) and plasmapheresis (removing toxins and waste from the blood) are also used.

In case of severe intoxication, it is better to seek help from a doctor.

What experts say

Any adequate person understands that a drunk who is no longer able to control himself can ruin any celebration. And even apply physical harm to the health of strangers, provoking a fight. Regarding family relations, then in the case when the husband is in a drunken state, the only the right decision for the wife it will be to leave the apartment for a while, spend the night with relatives/friends and begin solving the problem the next day, with a fresh head.

According to experts, real reasons aggressive manifestations of drunk people are hidden in the peculiarities of the psychological make-up of the individual. Ethanol has a liberating effect on a person, so all the previously inflicted insults on this person against the background of intoxication emerge from the subconscious to the outside, directly influencing his behavior.

Sleep is the perfect solution

The ideal way to pacify a violent drunk is sleep.. The poisoned body urgently needs it in order to return to normal and remove the remaining ethanol. It is worth knowing that in a sleeping person, the body directs all its efforts precisely to combating alcohol intoxication. Putting an inadequate drunkard to sleep has two positive aspects:

  1. Temporary isolation from others (necessary in this case).
  2. Complete recovery of the body from alcohol intoxication.

With the help of medications

Of course, at first glance this is the simplest and effective way send a raging drunkard to sleep. Therefore, many people add powerful sleeping pills or sedatives to food/food to pacify an inadequate personality. Moreover, without suspecting how dangerous it can be.

It is worth knowing that the most dangerous to human health is the use of medications while intoxicated.

Many sleeping pills(such as Diazepam or Phenazepam) taken against the background of intoxication can provoke the development of severe psychosis. Or lead to severe organ damage cardiovascular system. Doctors know of many cases where these drugs led to the development of a heart attack or stroke.

These drugs, taken against the background of alcohol intoxication, lead to other, no less dangerous consequences. In particular:

  • Quincke's edema;
  • respiratory depression;
  • severe toxic reactions;
  • coma and subsequent death.

It is impossible to determine in advance what kind of reactions you may encounter. It all depends on the degree of intoxication of the person, the dose of alcohol taken, the initial state immune system and existing chronic diseases. Medicines can be used for such purposes only in consultation with a doctor.

Combining sedatives with alcohol can trigger the development of alcoholic psychosis

Persuade yourself

Instead of engaging in dangerous experiments with drugs, you can try to persuade the intoxicated person to go to bed. This method works great if man walking to contact. Psychologists advise adhering to the following rules when talking with him:

  • do not argue or argue;
  • agree to fulfill requests (if, of course, they are feasible and adequate);
  • lead a drunkard during a conversation to think that sleep is on him at the moment extremely necessary.

It will help to persuade a drunken person to go to bed in the absence of other irritants (noisy music, swearing, the presence of strangers). For better effect you can turn on quiet, calm music and talk to him in a soft, muffled tone.


Alcoholism has long been officially recognized as severe, chronic disease. But he is treatable. True, this requires long time, a well-developed therapy technique, the participation of many specialists (narcologists, psychiatrists, physiotherapists and psychologists). Therefore, it is worth making every effort to save your spouse (as well as yourself) from the misfortune that has befallen you and send the alcohol addict for full treatment.

Each person behaves differently when intoxicated. Some people like to drink in silence and fall asleep after a few glasses. Others become overly active, disturbing everyone around them. It’s hard for relatives whose loved one behaves aggressively under pressure. What are some ways to calm a drunkard and put him to sleep?

It’s hard for relatives whose loved one behaves aggressively under pressure.


For violent alcoholics, you can buy sleeping pills at the pharmacy. However, you should be careful when choosing, since not all medications are compatible with alcohol. And some drugs only enhance the effect of ethyl alcohol.

Indirect acting drugs

Most often as sedative buy tranquilizers - psychotropic drugs, relieving stress and fatigue, and also having a hypnotic effect. They help sober people, but can cause problems with work in a drunk person. internal organs. Of all types of tranquilizers, it is better to give preference to the safest cyclopyrrones, but only after agreement with a narcologist.

Antihistamine drugs also have a hypnotic effect. IN small doses they are safe for health drinking man. However, with their frequent use, alcoholic insomnia develops, when the drunkard is unable to fall asleep on his own.

Clonidine, which is used to combat hypertension, will help put a drunk to sleep. The medicine has a hypnotic effect, but is sold only by prescription as it is addictive. Another popular remedy is Diphenhydramine. But this drug can both calm an alcoholic and increase his activity.

What can you put in alcohol?

Drugs, medicines and extracts with a sedative effect will be effective for a drunkard to help him fall asleep from medication with the sleep of alcohol. They can be added directly to a glass or bottle of alcohol.

Benzodiazepines have a good hypnotic effect. They are not addictive, but should not be taken frequently while intoxicated. Calms the central nervous system motherwort tincture or valerian extract. These medications are available without a doctor's prescription. However, their disadvantage is the long exposure time.

There are no safe sleeping pills that are compatible with alcohol. Incorrect dosage leads to:

  • inducing vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • memory lapses;
  • cardiac dysfunction.

There are frequent cases where failure to comply with the instructions for the use of drugs in combination with ethanol has led to death. Therefore, before using any pharmaceutical drug, you should consult your doctor.

How to quickly sober up at home - the most effective express methods

How to quickly sober up a drunk person

Folk remedies

At home, you can prepare decoctions that calm a drunkard. Hops have a calming and sleepy effect. To prepare the decoction 2 tbsp. l. raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 20-30 minutes. The decoction is given to a drunk person to drink.

Pumpkin decoction has a similar effect. To prepare it, boil sliced ​​pumpkin in 1 liter of water for 20 minutes. Then the pumpkin is grated and brought to a puree consistency. Pumpkin puree is mixed with honey to taste.

Such homemade recipes are not able to put an alcoholic to sleep right away. To bring a drunkard to his senses and put him to sleep, you need to remove ethanol from the body. Doctors use infusion therapy, prescribing a drip to the patient. But you can cleanse your body of alcohol at home.

The easiest way is to give activated charcoal to a drunk rowdy. You can sober up a person using potassium permanganate. A weak solution of potassium permanganate causes vomiting. Succinic acid quickly breaks down and neutralizes toxins. Mint tea or mint tincture (20 drops per glass of warm water) has a healing and hypnotic effect.

Psychological techniques

In order to put a drunkard to sleep, you can use not only tablets or various decoctions. Sometimes they help put a drunk person to sleep faster psychological techniques. When drinking, this method is effective, since the alcoholic often refuses to take medication.

The main thing is to communicate with the rowdy in a calm tone, trying to extinguish him emotional excitement. During the communication process, you need to constantly support eye contact. It is better to sit next to you, express understanding and sympathy with calm touches and in a quiet voice. The psyche of an alcoholic is unstable. But many drunkards in a state of intoxication are able to realize their inadequacy, so gentle and calm treatment loved one will be perceived by them as help.

Unconventional methods

A person has on his face and body " sleepy spots" They are located on the upper eyelids, near the corners of the eyes and nostrils, between the eyebrows and in the area of ​​the carotid artery. You need to put little pressure on them so as not to cause pain. Experts in alternative medicine believe that such methods of falling asleep are effective and safe. If a sleeping drunkard constantly tosses and turns, then pressing on the “sleepy spots” will also calm him down.

If a sleeping drunkard constantly tosses and turns, then pressing on the “sleepy spots” will calm him down.

What methods should not be used?

It is impossible to come to an agreement with a drunk person, he cannot be persuaded or forced to do anything. Appeal to common sense it won't work either. Therefore, it is better not to speak in a raised voice with an aggressive drunkard; you should avoid shouting and scandals, using physical methods calm down, as the consequences can be unpredictable.

The aggression of a drunk person is dangerous for others. A violent father or husband is capable of raising his hand against any family member. If psychological methods calming down and putting to sleep do not help, it is better not to try to convince a drunkard. You need to try not to become an object of aggression from a violent alcoholic. And in advanced cases, you should contact a drug treatment clinic.

After drinking, many alcoholics begin to make trouble, become rowdy and behave extremely inappropriately, which makes it necessary to quickly put them to bed. Often, relatives believe that a person can be euthanized without harming him. However, this is far from the case. The simultaneous use of alcohol and certain medications can lead to unpredictable consequences. This article will talk about how to put a drunk man or woman to sleep without harm to their health.

If a person is drunk and behaves extremely aggressively, you should not anger him under any circumstances. It is extremely undesirable to forcibly take the bottle from him, start a scandal, sort things out, or do anything like that. To calm an alcoholic, you need to talk to him quietly and calmly, without reacting to insults and provocations. It is quite possible that he will calm down and go to sleep on his own. If he continues to drink and row, you can put him down in other ways.

Ethyl alcohol can both potentiate (strengthen) and inhibit the effect of many drugs. For example, drinking alcohol during antibiotic therapy leads to treatment failure. And the simultaneous use of alcohol and sedatives can lead to a deep coma. This is why doctors do not recommend giving pharmaceuticals to a person while intoxicated.

In some cases, the simultaneous use of ethyl alcohol and medications leads to serious disruptions in the functioning of many organs, strokes, heart attacks, severe poisoning, loss of consciousness, and coma. There are cases when attempts to quickly put a husband, son or wife to sleep ended fatal. If relatives do not want to poison a drinking person, they should not give him any drugs at home.

The most dangerous drugs for an alcoholic are:

  • Sleeping pills. Alcohol enhances the effect of these medications and can cause intoxication, lethargy, and depress the respiratory system. If you give it to a drunkard large number sleeping pills - he may develop respiratory failure. To prevent the death of a person, he will need to be hospitalized in the intensive care unit;
  • Sedatives. In the instructions to most sedatives It is indicated that taking them simultaneously with alcohol is prohibited. This should not be done because ethyl alcohol enhances their effect and inhibits the nervous system. Calming your husband in this way can seriously harm him;
  • Barbiturates. Drugs in this group, like alcohol, depress the respiratory center. Mixing them can cause a person to stop breathing and even die. If relatives do not want to put an alcoholic to sleep “forever,” then they should not give him drugs from the barbiturate group (Phenobarbital, Sodium Thiopental, etc.);
  • Antidepressants. The combination of alcohol with drugs such as Amitriptyline or Imizine leads to a sharp jump in blood pressure. A person has an increased risk of developing a hypertensive crisis, stroke or heart attack, which can cause serious harm;
  • Tranquilizers. Together with alcohol, they have a strong depressant effect on the nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory system. If given to an alcoholic, he may develop psychosis, personality disorientation, or other mental disorders. To prevent this from happening, tranquilizers should not be used at home without first consulting a specialist.

Advice! To avoid unforeseen complications, you should not try to put a person to sleep using medications. IN as a last resort, you should call a narcologist to carry out detoxification. If an alcoholic develops symptoms of delirium tremens, you need to call an ambulance.

First of all, you need to take the alcohol from the alcoholic and hide it away. This must be done carefully and calmly so that he does not become even more angry. Then he can rinse his stomach or allow him to take absorbents (Enterosgel, Activated carbon, Smecta). In addition, you can give a solution of baking soda or potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) to drink - after this the person will vomit and his body will be partially cleansed of alcohol.

You can also take the drunkard out into the fresh air and let him walk a little. You need to make sure he drinks more liquid– this will help relieve intoxication. You should give him teas, broths, fruit drinks, herbal decoctions. Thanks to this, he will partially come to his senses and be able to sleep peacefully.

The following drugs have a hypnotic effect on a drunk person:

  • ammonia in a proportion of 5 drops per glass of water;
  • peppermint tincture (20 drops per glass of clean still water);
  • warm mint tea made from collected or purchased mint;
  • some medicines allowed for alcoholics.

You can also help an alcoholic fall asleep by pressing on the so-called “sleepy spots.” They are located on the upper eyelids, neck (in the area of ​​​​the projection of the carotid artery), between the eyebrows, at a distance of 1 centimeter from the corners of the eyes and nostrils. Press on the indicated points carefully, trying not to frighten or anger the alcoholic.

If you cannot calm a person down and send him to sleep, you should call a specialist to your home. Many modern clinics offer a similar service for affordable prices. The narcologist will put an alcoholic on a drip and prescribe necessary treatment. IN difficult situations a drunkard should be admitted to a hospital.

Important! Sleeping pills that can be taken while intoxicated include drugs from the cyclopyrrolones group. These include Zopiclone, Snovitel, Zolpidem.

Everyone has at least once had to deal with the inappropriate behavior of a drunk. How to calm down a drunken aggressive person, in most cases you have to decide individually in each specific situation depending on many factors.

Not every woman imagines how to calm a drunk man. Wives of alcoholics complain about problems arising due to the inappropriate actions of a drunken husband, including the use of violence and assault. The aggression of an alcoholic forces him to look for ways to solve the problem.

The best option is the psychological attitude to remain calm and not respond with aggression. It is worth trying to extinguish emotional excitement with a friendly tone. If this does not help, and the drunk grabs a weapon, you need to leave immediately.

When the degree of intoxication is low, a person is able to perceive the meaning of words addressed to him. You can and should help him cope with alcohol stress. While maintaining eye contact and speaking calmly, sit next to her and express sympathy and willingness to help with words and calm touches.

If, when communicating with a drunk, you do not restrain your emotional arousal and give vent to anger, the consequences will be severe.

Most alcoholics are aware of their inadequacy and expect help from others. Psyche drinking people unstable. Relatives who know the stimulating factors of an alcoholic (words, actions, situations) should not provoke him into psychological breakdowns.

How to sober up a drunk at home

If a drunk husband listens to words and is mentally ready to interact, it is worth helping him get rid of intoxication without resorting to medications.

At home, the process of liberation from intoxication is long, but gentle on the victim’s body. Recommendations for sobering up:

  1. washing the stomach and intestines with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or soda;
  2. ingestion of ammonia solution (5 drops per 1 glass of water);
  3. ingestion of activated carbon, Enterosgel or their analogues;
  4. drinking decoctions of chamomile, sage, fruit drinks, tea;
  5. use for the body is feasible physical activity(walking or running fresh air, light warm-up).

To calm down a rampaging alcoholic, physical force is used if necessary. This method is dangerous. It causes increased aggression and nervous stress. A rowdy who has come to his senses is able to write a statement to the police against the person who calmed him down.

Systematic drunkenness inappropriate behavior, disrespect for family and others is a good reason for treatment.

Sobering up in a medical institution

The doctor knows how to quickly put a drunk person to sleep using the necessary means. He uses medications that are not harmful to the patient’s health, taking into account the diseases he has suffered.

In the drug treatment department of a hospital, the process of neutralizing alcohol proceeds faster than at home. Qualified specialists carry out detoxification measures: digging medicines, plasmapheresis and dialysis procedures.

Experts' opinion

An adequate person understands that an alcoholic lacking clarity of consciousness can not only cause inconvenience to others or ruin a holiday, but cause serious injury to himself, as well as to those around him. Psychologists advise avoiding conflicts with a drinking person.

For example, if it is known that a man drinks for more than one day, and his wife has the opportunity to spend the night with relatives or friends, this should be done. You can talk with your spouse and discuss the possibilities of solving the problem the next day, when he comes to his senses.

According to experts, the reasons for drunken aggression lie in psychological characteristics personality. Alcohol liberates the mind, previously suppressed contradictions, grievances, and stress are released. Calming a violent alcoholic is difficult and sometimes dangerous.

The optimal method of neutralization is sleep. It is necessary for the affected body to cope with intoxication, lead to normal condition depressed kidneys and liver. In a dream, all energy is directed towards eliminating a dangerous toxic shock.

Over 60% of alcoholics die from pancreatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, 24% from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

How to put a drunk to bed person

Putting a drunk person to sleep has two positive aspects: temporary isolation and restoration of the body from alcohol stress. The most dangerous method of euthanasia is the use of medications in combination with alcohol.

With the help of medications

To pacify a drunk person, some people add drugs to their food or drink. These actions cost the lives of many alcoholics. There are cases when wives, driven to despair by scandals and drunkenness, try to calm down their insane husbands with the help of sedatives. This is extremely dangerous and can lead to the death of your spouse.

Some sleeping pills (Phenazepam, Diazepam) combined with alcohol cause the development of psychosis and severe damage to the cardiovascular system. Antidepressants mixed with alcohol provoke an increase in blood pressure, often leading to a stroke or heart attack.

Sedatives combined with alcohol cause severe toxic reactions, allergies, swelling or death, depending on the individual characteristics body, the size of the dose taken. You can use medications to put a person to sleep only after consulting a doctor.

Adding any chemicals into food or drink without the person's knowledge is a crime and is punishable by criminal law.

With the help of persuasion

Instead of experimenting with drugs, you should try to persuade a drunk person to go to sleep. This method works well when the alcoholic does not show aggression. You need to talk to him, following the rules:

  • do not argue, even if the conversation is about complete nonsense;
  • agree to fulfill a small request (helps slow down emotional arousal);
  • draw attention to the need for his help.

Quiet music and absence of noisy company, kindly voiced instructions for a sleepy state, and now he is already asleep. A sleeping alcoholic is not dangerous to others.

Unconventional methods

There are forced sleep techniques:

  • pressing on special points on the body;
  • hypnosis.

The use of these methods is forced. The sleep that follows after their use differs from physiological sleep. It does not give the body normal rest.

Alcoholism is officially recognized as a disease. Narcologists, psychologists, and psychotherapists work with patients. The success of treatment depends on the patient’s decision to free himself from the disease. It is impossible to discuss a problem when a drunk is aggressive. It is important that the people around them know how to communicate with the patient and are able to organize his euthanasia. Sleep relieves the aggressive manifestations of the disease and makes it possible to think about recovery.

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