Psychological compatibility and its types. Psychological compatibility


Psychological compatibility - the relationship between the personal qualities of two or more people organized group, which are the condition for their expedient interaction. People can become so incompatible that it can lead to a decrease in the performance of themselves and other members of the group (for example, a production team, flight crew, management team, firm, organization) and even to the collapse of the group. On the contrary, if there is good compatibility, optimal conditions are created.

There are several necessary layers (or levels) of psychological compatibility. One of them is designated as value-orientation unity, when people internally accept the same long-term goals of activity, have similar value ideas and corresponding emotional relationships, voluntarily and in equally accept responsibility for successes and failures in activities. This creates the effect of good business cohesion of the group.

Another layer (or level) is the consistency of functional-role expectations between group members; namely, they have a fairly clear idea, know who should do what, when and how in solving the tasks accepted by everyone, and agree on relevant issues.

Based on this, we can say that human incompatibility appears when the necessary layers of psychological compatibility are missing in the process of interpersonal interaction.

1. Relationships and socio-psychological qualities of the individual

If we compare people with each other according to their inherent socio-psychological characteristics, then they differ from each other in the degree of awareness of their relationships to the sides of reality, as well as in the depth and correctness of their understanding of the reasons that these relationships cause. These factors depend on certain character traits, which in psychology is understood as a property of a person’s personality, manifested in its relationship to the surrounding world, work, other people, and to oneself.

At the same time, it is quite obvious that many character traits, for example, “sociability - isolation”, “altruism - selfishness”, “conflict-free - conflict-prone”, in their origin and content, are socio-psychological characteristics of personality relationships. Naturally, they are all represented to varying degrees and interpenetrate each other differently. different people. At the same time, they different combination determines the existence of certain socio-psychological types of people. Comparing the latter with each other shows that some people are widely open to the people around them and society, while others are too closed in the narrow circle of their worldview, in personal stable relationships with the community of people closest to them.

Any quality of character, even the most remarkable, when it receives excessive development, begins to acquire a certain negative connotation, complicates the life of the person himself and his environment, and determines a “difficult”, “difficult” character. Thus, even such wonderful qualities as cheerfulness and activity, when in excess, lead to a “difficult character.” They are constantly cheerful, carefree, cheerful people, who always good mood, regardless of life circumstances, increased activity, energy, but often aimed at inappropriate goals (alcoholism, drugs, promiscuity, hooliganism). Business relations It is very difficult to support such people, since they do not comply with comments, criticism, and do not feel the boundaries between what is permitted and what is not permitted.

Since many of the above socio-psychological qualities, on the one hand, are universal, and on the other, are to a greater or lesser extent inherent in certain types of people, it is important to determine the criterion by which they can be assessed in specific individuals. Such a criterion may be a person’s desire to use them differently. That is why E. Shostrom distinguishes, in accordance with this criterion, two types of personality - manipulator and actualizer.

Manipulators are characterized by carefully disguised falsehood when contacting people; the desire to falsify personal experiences with actual indifference to others; deliberate prudence in the selection of means of influencing the latter; carefully hidden cynicism towards the basic values ​​of interpersonal interaction.

You need to keep an eye on this person. He needs to control the situation at all costs: he imposes his will in everything, tries to manipulate any phrase, any situation. A person is not born a manipulator. He develops the ability to manipulate other people in order to avoid trouble and achieve what he wants, and develops it unconsciously. Hiding your true emotions is the lot of a manipulator. The manipulator sees his main task as making some “proper impression.” Along with the need to control, the manipulator feels the need for guidance from above.

Manipulation is not a necessary attitude towards life and does not bring any real benefit. Too often, the manipulator uses his knowledge of the psychology of other people as rational explanations for their dysfunctional behavior, justifying their current misfortunes with references to past experience and past failures.

A manipulator is a person who has embarked on a path of self-destruction, who uses or controls himself and other people as “things.”

The manipulator treats himself and other people as inanimate objects. He is never himself, he cannot even relax, because his system of games and maneuvers requires him to constantly play the proper role. The manipulator's lifestyle includes four main characteristics: lying, unawareness, control and cynicism.

The actualizer is characterized by such socio-psychological qualities as honesty and sincerity in relationships with other people, a consistently shown interest in the latter, independence and openness in expressing one’s opinions, faith in own strength and into the minds of those with whom he comes into communication.

2. Negative forms interpersonal relationships

A complete analysis of interpersonal relationships requires research into their negative forms. Negative form friendly relationships - enmity. It involves negative emotional attitudes towards a partner: hatred, antipathy, rejection. Relationships of hostility are manifested in a lack of trust, stinginess in contacts and transfer of information to a partner: violation of his plans, obstacles in activities, deliberate underestimation of his self-esteem, status, deliberate disorganization of the partner’s consciousness and self-awareness. In general, hostile relationships manifest themselves in all sorts of attempts to destabilize, destroy, and level the partner’s personality and his life.

It should be noted that relations of enmity, like friendship, arise under the condition mutual relationship equal partners to each other. In the case of superiority of one of them or in case of one-sided hostility, typically hostile behavior and the desire to cause tangible harm to the partner are not observed.

The main function of destructive relationships is the cultivation, maintenance, satisfaction of abnormal needs and personality traits(acquisitiveness, aggression, hooliganism, etc.). This function also determines the number of persons included in the group. Usually it is small, not exceeding the size of a small group. The size of the group depends on the ability to satisfy abnormal needs. Mutual interest in satisfying abnormal needs narrows the interaction of group members within the framework of interaction and cooperation in satisfying this need. As a rule, the entire personality structure is involved in contact, but only those aspects of it that are associated with abnormal needs.

The manifestation of this type of relationship is mutual participation, assistance in satisfying abnormal needs when searching for objects of need, mutual stimulation of needs. Membership in the group, the time of its existence, the nature of the relationship are entirely determined by the capabilities and desire to satisfy a common need for these partners.

3. Communication difficulties as a factor of human incompatibility

Communication difficulties can be considered from the perspective various industries psychology: general, developmental and pedagogical, social, labor psychology, legal and medical psychology individual differences.

During communication, its participants observe various states, everyone exhibits certain mental properties of the individual.

Since communication is the interaction of at least two people, difficulties in its flow (meaning subjective) can be generated by one participant or both at once. And their consequence is usually a complete or partial failure to achieve the goal, dissatisfaction of the driving motive, or failure to obtain the desired result in the activity that communication served.

Psychological reasons for this may be: unrealistic goals, inadequate assessment of the partner, his abilities and interests, misconception own capabilities and misunderstanding of the nature of the partner’s assessment and attitude, the use of inappropriate this case ways to treat your partner.

When analyzing the difficulties associated with the age of generalizers, it is necessary to take into account psychological characteristics each age group and make allowances for how they manifest themselves in a child, teenager, boy, girl, girl, adult man and woman, in the elderly and elderly. Particular attention should be paid to the relationship between the typical level of development for each age mental processes and personality traits and characteristics specific to interacting people, such as their abilities for empathy, decentration, reflection, identification, and to comprehend another person using intuition.

Human relationships develop in real life circumstances, during joint activities people in the process of their interaction. The development of relations is significantly affected by various objective factors, with facilitate contacts or complicate their formation. Thus, comfortable conditions for cooperation, provision necessary conditions work, a clear organization of work certainly create favorable conditions for interaction between people.

time, the following factors have a significant influence on the effectiveness of interaction: the attitude of people towards each other and towards other people, psychological and practical readiness to cooperate, sometimes - individual psychological characteristics people and such and.

Every day a leader has to decide practical problems improving interaction and compatibility of team members. At the same time, it is important to be guided by the following factors that ensure coherence of actions and mutual understanding of partners:

a) criteria for interoperability during operation;

b) the nature of interpersonal relationships;

c) psychophysiological and socio-psychological compatibility

The subjective nature of relationships is manifested in the compatibility of people

Compatibility is the optimal combination of qualities individuals in the process of interaction, which contributes to the successful implementation of joint activities

In psychology, the following types of compatibility are distinguished: functional, physical, psychophysiological, socio-psychological and psychological compatibility

The degree of functional compatibility is determined by the speed of the processes of thinking, perception and collective action. Significant discrepancies in the qualitative and quantitative indicators of these processes deprive subordinates of the opportunity to succeed in joint activities, since, for example, one partner is ahead of the second, and the second may be ahead of him in organizing the plan of a tactical action.

Internal functional connections in a group have dynamics to which the actions of partners must be subordinated. Successful adaptation of partners requires a lot of time and appropriate information structure optimal cutting actions, taking into account the mental abilities of the skin.

Physical compatibility is manifested in a harmonious combination of physical qualities of two or more people who act together. For example, maximum performance physical work is possible only if those who perform it together are not inferior to each other in strength and endurance.

A common selection criterion may be indicators of physical compatibility in sports when recruiting teams (grouping by weight category in weightlifting)

Psychophysiological compatibility presupposes the unity and interconnection of the characteristics of analyzer systems, as well as the properties nervous system people during activity. This type of compatibility provides for success in the interaction of people in those activities where sensitivity within a particular analyzing system is a decisive factor. Psychophysiological compatibility presupposes that subordinates match their age level professional development, degree of preparedness, manifestation of character, temperament and abilities. With such compatibility, the success of collective activity is determined not so much by the individual contribution of each, but by the quality of interaction and mutual assistance.

Collective action, subject to successful psychophysiological compatibility, is not the sum of the contributions of everyone, but acts as a qualitatively new action, which, apart from the collective action, cannot be performed even by the most skilled with subordinates. This is possible with subject to clear distribution of roles and functions between performers, when each of them complements the other in collective activities.

Thus, work on an assembly line requires each employee to perform production operations at a certain pace. If the psychophysiological characteristics of one of the workers do not match, the process is disrupted or may even stop altogether. For two controllers collaboration to distinguish the saturation of colors will be impossible if their ability to distinguish and the sensitivity of color perception is different. More higher value within this type of compatibility they acquire temperamental properties.

It has been proven that two people can interact most successfully with different temperaments(choleric and phlegmatic, sanguine and melancholic), worse - people with the same temperaments (two choleric, two melancholic). At the same time, as already noted, opposite temperaments are unsuitable for work that requires a mobile nervous system from all its participants.

Social psychological compatibility presupposes relationships between people with such personality traits that contribute to successful performance social roles. In this case, an optional condition is the similarity of character and abilities, but their harmony is mandatory.

Socio-psychological compatibility is based on the unity of the immediate, distant and long-term goals, on the common interests and attitudes of team members

In this psychological aspect collective activity, in the process of formation of a team, integration or a tendency to join forces for joint activities is observed

Over time, differentiation occurs within the team according to certain characteristics and distribution of roles. In successfully organized teams, the processes of integration and differentiation constitute a dialectical unity, each of these processes presupposes the presence of a protile.

A high level of integration with value orientations, goals and attitudes, without a sufficiently successful distribution of roles and appropriate preparation, ultimately leads to a breakdown in compatibility at all levels of interaction and mutual understanding.

Life experience convinces us that contacts arise faster and manifest themselves more strongly in people whose character traits are mutual: this is a combination of inflammatory and impulsive with calm, moderate; theoretical with practical and so on. However, this does not mean that only people with opposite character traits are compatible. Compatibility is also possible when character traits or other qualities of a person coincide, but the likelihood of community movement in these circumstances increases.

Psychological compatibility presupposes a commonality of views, beliefs, social attitudes, values, relationships. The similarity of views, beliefs, values, and moral principles spiritually unites people. Dogs are the ichological compatibility that arises in the presence of such qualities - this is the highest integral level of compatibility between people, characterized by deep, meaningful aspects of interaction and predetermines the effectiveness of their activities.

Lack of compatibility in a group of people performing social or personally significant activities can, under certain circumstances, become a cause of conflict

In the process of joint activities, members of a small group need to come into contact with each other to transfer information and coordinate their actions. The productivity of the group, no matter what type of activity they engage in, entirely depends on the level of such coordination. In turn, this level depends on one degree or another of psychological compatibility of group members.

Psychological compatibilitythe ability of group members to interact jointly without conflict and in a coordinated manner in the context of joint activities. Compatibility is determined both by the similarity of some properties of group members and by the differences in their other properties. As a result, this leads to the complementarity of people in joint activities, so that this group represents a certain integrity.

Psychological compatibility in a group is important in all areas of joint activities of people without exception. The presence of psychological compatibility among group members contributes to their better teamwork and, as a result, greater work efficiency.

Compatibility Evaluation Criteria:

1. results of joint activities;

2. emotional and energetic costs of its participants;

3. satisfaction of participants with this activity.

There are two main types of psychological compatibility: psychophysiological And socio-psychological .

Psychophysiological – a certain similarity in the psychophysiological characteristics of people and, on this basis, the consistency of their emotional and behavioral reactions, synchronization of the pace of joint activities.

Socio-psychological – the effect of an optimal combination of types of behavior of people in a group, as well as the commonality of their social attitudes, needs and interests, value orientations.

Compatibility Levels:

Socio-psychological – commonality of goals among group members, motives for activity, commonality of their value orientations, unity in understanding tasks, attitudes towards activities and comrades, etc.;

Psychological – sociability, hard work, conscientiousness, responsibility, etc. Psychological compatibility has a positive effect on productivity and quality of work;

Psychophysiological – compatibility in terms of physical and psychomotor development, identical manifestation of basic mental processes and sensorimotor functions, a uniform degree of training of the group in certain professional skills and abilities, consistency in the dynamics of time and strength indicators of the highest nervous activity and others functional systems body, temperamental compatibility, etc.

Matching on all levels indicates complete psychological compatibility. A complete discrepancy leads to the emergence of a psychological barrier when people do not perceive each other, do not want and cannot communicate. Psychological incompatibility for any small group is a difference in value systems, lack of friendly connections, disrespect or hostility of people towards each other, inability to critical situations understand each other. All this negatively affects the cohesion of the group and interferes with joint activities.

On the compatibility of people in the group great influence provide types communicative behavior:

1. individuals striving for leadership, capable of solving problems only by subordinating other group members;

2. individualists who try to solve a problem alone;

3. adapting to the group (conformists), easily obeying the orders of its other members;

4. collectivists who strive to solve problems through joint efforts, so they not only accept suggestions from other group members, but also take the initiative themselves.

For example, If a person who aspires to leadership cannot get others to follow his orders, he may refuse to participate in the work, or remain and behave passively. If the group consists mainly of individualists, then each of them strives to act separately from the others, on his own. It is optimal when group members are active and exchange information among themselves, acting collectively.

So, psychological compatibility in groups is formed due to the action of various factors. The degree of such compatibility between members of the same group may vary depending on the different stages her life activity due to the dynamics of interpersonal relationships. Accounting and optimal combination of various personal characteristics are important factor group compatibility and effectiveness. Psychological compatibility in a group helps to increase its level of productivity and optimize the socio-psychological climate.

Self-test questions

Ø Define a social group.

Ø Name the main characteristics of the group.

Ø What does the concept of group norms mean?

Ø Can a group member violate group norms and what consequences are possible for him if he violates them?

Ø What behavior might a new group member choose when faced with group norms?

Ø Is it possible for a student group medical college count small group? Why?

Ø Describe the stages of development student group medical college.

Ø What factors influence the process of group cohesion?

Ø Describe a close-knit group.

Ø Define psychological compatibility.

Ø By what criteria can one judge psychological compatibility in a group?

Ø Name the types of psychological compatibility.

Ø Describe the levels of compatibility.

Ø Describe the types of communicative behavior that influence the compatibility of people in a group. Give examples.

One of the integral indicators and the most significant factor of family well-being is the psychological compatibility of spouses (family members in general).

Let's consider what is meant by compatibility.

Psychological compatibility is defined as mutual acceptance of partners in communication and joint activities, based on an optimal combination - similarity or complementarity - value orientations, personal and psychophysiological characteristics. Psychological compatibility of partners is a multi-level and multi-aspect phenomenon. L.M. Shcheglov, emphasizing that adaptation of partners

assessed by the level of their compatibility, subdivided

the latter for the following types:

* spiritual, that is, compatibility of basic life values;

* psychological, that is, a combination (or imbalance) of certain character traits, properties and characteristics of partners;

* intellectual (sometimes called compatibility according to the education index);

* family-role, that is, a combination of each partner’s ideas about the roles of husband and wife (that is, ideas about who should do what, what is responsible for in the family, etc.). At the same time special attention is given

what distribution of roles is expected in the seven main areas of family life:

1) raising children;

2) material support families;

3) maintaining the emotional climate in the family;

4) organization of entertainment;

5) playing the role of “master”/“hostess”;

6) responsibility for satisfaction with intimate relationships;

7) organization of family subculture;

* pedagogical, that is, the coincidence of the partners’ basic ideas about the nature of raising a child;

* material and everyday life, that is, the coincidence of the partners’ ideas about how much money there should be, how it can be obtained, how it should be spent, etc.;

* sexy.

It is noted that the more matches there are in terms of compatibility levels, the higher the adaptation in a married couple.

To summarize, we can say that in family interaction compatibility includes:

· psychophysiological compatibility (temperament, emotionality, reactivity);

· personal compatibility, including cognitive (understanding ideas about oneself, other people and the world as a whole);

· emotional(experience of what is happening in the external and inner world person);

· behavioral (external expression ideas and experiences);

· compatibility of values or spiritual compatibility.

The experience of various specialists working with families shows that the value and psychophysiological compatibility of people is especially important in family and marriage relationships. All other types of compatibility or incompatibility are subject to dynamic changes and can be changed quite easily in the process of mutual adaptation of family members or during consultative and correctional work. Value and psychophysiological incompatibility cannot be dealt with either with great difficulty amenable to correction.

Psychophysiological and, in particular, sexual incompatibility can lead to the breakdown of a marriage. And the mismatch of values ​​in the interaction of people, especially in everyday contacts, leads to an almost irreversible destruction of communication and partnerships. What is important here is, on the one hand, how different the evaluative criteria of the partners are, and on the other hand, how individual criteria correspond to generally accepted ones. The most common factors that determine success or failure in marriage are the personal qualities of the partners and their ability to solve all kinds of problems and be in harmony with each other. In the absence of these skills, conflict situations as a consequence of the incompatibility of any forces within one person or between partners. It is important to take into account the individual psychological characteristics of each partner. Personality type can serve as a rational and comprehensive indicator of individuality; the most common cause of marital conflicts, as well as divorces, is “dissimilarity of characters”, incompatibility of partners. Thus, the harmony of family and marital relations is determined by several basic elements:

* emotional side partnerships, degree of attachment;

* the similarity of their ideas, visions of themselves, partners, distribution of roles, ideas about social world generally;

* similarity of communication models and behavioral characteristics preferred by each partner;

* sexual and, more broadly, psychophysiological compatibility of partners;

* general cultural level, the degree of mental and social maturity of the partners, the coincidence of the partners’ value systems.

Psychological incompatibility is an unfortunate combination of temperaments and characters of interacting persons, a contradiction in life values, ideals, motives, goals of activity, discrepancies in worldviews, ideological attitudes, etc., which over time leads to conflicts.

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