Modern university between global challenges and local tasks.

Russian Research Association higher education

From October 20 to October 22, 2016, Moscow will host VII International conference Russian Association higher education researchers. Every year the Conference brings together leading Russian and foreign researchers and practitioners who are interested in the development of higher education. During the Conference, the most pressing problems and challenges faced by universities around the world will be discussed. The special theme of this year’s plenary reports and round tables is “Modern university between global challenges and local tasks."

We invite researchers and practitioners become participants in discussions O latest changes and trends in global education, and discuss the results modern research concerning various aspects higher education in the following areas:

1. The higher education system and the global market

Global challenges faced by modern universities, strategies for increasing international competitiveness, as well as existing barriers to entry into the global higher education market.

2. Modern university and local context
Local tasks of modern universities and its role in the development of cities and regions.

3. Organizational structure university in an era of global and local challenges
The organizational structure of specific universities, changes in their structure and functioning, taking into account the processes of mergers and reorganization in higher education related to the need for the university to cope with global challenges and solve local problems of its region.

4. Research and publication strategies in a modern university

Strategies of universities in the field of increasing and assessing the scientific productivity and publication activity of employees, current changes in university research policies and the consequences of these changes for the development of universities and the higher education system as a whole.

5. Training and development in a modern university

Features and new formats of student training and development, organization educational process taking into account modern educational technologies (massive open online courses, project-based learning and etc.).

6. Higher inclusive education: accessibility and quality

Strategies and promising models of higher education for students with disabilities health, aimed at increasing the accessibility and quality of such education, taking into account the best Russian and foreign experience.

7. Free direction

If your report does not relate to any of the listed topics, the Program Committee will consider the possibility of submitting it as part of a free direction.

November 24, 2017 - November 26, 2017

Goals and objectives « » :

  • contribute scientific research in area theoretical computer science, applied mathematics and computer science aimed at developing scientific foundations cognitive information technologies;
  • promote the development of research and innovation activity in the field of convergent cognitive information technologies and their applications in education;
  • promote the development of processes and technologies for informatization of education, educational and methodological support national system IT education, as well as promoting innovative pedagogical decisions based on the use of CCIT;
  • promote research and exchange of experience in the field of open continuous and network education based on the use of methods and technologies of electronic and mobile learning, innovative educational and instrumental technologies.

The scientific program of the conference involves work in the following thematic areas:

Section 1. IT education: methodology, methodological support.

Section 2. E-learning and IT in education.

Section 3. Educational Resources And best practice IT education.

Section 4. Research and development in the field of new IT and its applications.

Section 5. Scientific software in education and science.

Section 6. School education in computer science and ICT.

Section 7. Economic informatics.

Section 8. Innovative information and pedagogical technologies in the IT education system. The Organizing Committee forms a section of full-time participants who submitted works to the International Conference-Competition « Innovative information and pedagogical technologies in the IT education system".

A series of master classes, trainings, video conferences under common name"Modern training courses and benefits."

Round tables By current problems IT education.

Summarizing V II International Conference-Competition “Innovative Information and Pedagogical Technologies in the IT Education System” – IP-2017.

To participate in the conference Registration on the conference website is required.

Organizer: Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics FSBEI HE "Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov"

Official website of the organizer:

Official siteXII International Scientific and Practical Conference « Modern information Technology and IT education » :


  • Federal educational and methodological association in the higher education system according to UGSN 02.00.00 “Computer and information sciences» , Russia;
  • Federal government agency Federal Research Center « Computer Science and Management » Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia;
  • Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Laboratory of Information Technologies, Russia;
  • St. Petersburg State University, Russia;
  • Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky, Russia;
  • Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Russia;
  • Yelets State University named after I.A. Bunina, Center for Open Information Technologies, Russia;
  • PJSC Institute of Electronic Control Machines named after I.S. Bruka", Russia;
  • National politechnical University Armenia, Armenia;
  • Republican state enterprise "Institute of Mathematics and mathematical modeling» Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan;
  • Kazakh national Pedagogical University named after Abai, Kazakhstan;
  • Ventspils Higher School, Latvia;
  • Academy of Informatization of Education, Russia;
  • Company LANIT-Integration, Russia;
  • Network Academy LANIT, Russia;
  • Publishing house " Open systems", Russia;
  • Journal "Open Systems.DBMS", Russia;
  • “Applied Informatics” - scientific and practical journal, Russia;
  • “International Journal of Open Information Technologies” - international scientific journal, Russia;
  • Foundation for Assistance to the Development of Internet Media, IT Education, Human Potential “Internet Media League”, Russia.

The terms of participation

To all participants XII International Scientific and Practical Conference « Modern information technologies and IT education " necessary :

1). Create an account on the conference website. If you already have an account, you do not need to create it again;

2). Fill out the conference participant registration card;

3). Pay the registration fee for conference participants from Russian Federation:

  • For graduate students (without co-authorship with scientific supervisor) with a scientific report The size of the registration fee is 500 Russian rubles for one scientific report (in the case of several co-authors of a scientific report, the size of the registration fee does not change). The registration fee is transferred to the current account of the organization in which the project is being implemented. science project, Internet Media League Foundation (Download the payment receipt);
  • for students, undergraduates (without co-authorship with a supervisor) with a scientific report There is no registration fee;
  • for other authors of scientific reports The size of the registration fee is 1,500 Russian rubles for one scientific report (in the case of several co-authors of a scientific report, the size of the registration fee does not change). The organizational fee is transferred to the current account of the organization in which the scientific project is being implemented, Internet Media League Foundation (Download the payment receipt);

Pay the registration fee for participants from near and far abroad countries:

  • For all categories of foreign participants, the registration fee is 1,500 Russian rubles. Any money transfers to a current account Foundation "League of Internet Media" from foreign organizations and foreign individuals are not accepted. Please check with the conference organizing committee by e-mail for payment methods for the registration fee: [email protected].

4). Upload the scientific report (download step-by-step instructions for uploading the work), attach a scanned receipt of payment of the registration fee (if necessary) in additional files for uploading.

The text of the scientific report is submitted in .odt, .doc formats and muststrictly comply with the Requirements for the preparation of scientific reports and the attached template (sample) of the article.

Participation form

Annual scientific-practical conference“Modern information technologies and IT education” – PERSONAL. Acceptance of a scientific report requires mandatory registration and participation in the conference of at least one of the authors, who must personally present this work for public discussion. The final texts of the articles, taking into account all the comments of the reviewers, must also be posted on the conference website within the established time frame.

Planned on-line translation Conference plenary session and work online breakout sessions.

Based on the results of the conference, selected texts of reports will be published in International scientific journal “Modern information technologies and IT education” (ISSN 2411-1473), which included in the list of leading periodicals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission Ministry of Education and Science RF, to publish the results dissertation research from May 29, 2017, and indexed in the RSCI. The magazine "Modern Information Technologies and IT Education" is a periodical printed edition. Certificate of registration of the product mass media PI No. FS77-66450 dated July 14, 2016. The journal “Modern Information Technologies and IT Education” is included in the Russian Index scientific citation with posting of full-text versions on the website of the Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU. The journal is published at the beginning of the conference. Information about magazine "Modern information technologies and IT education" with access to electronic versions of all articles and citation indices is available on the eLIBRARY.RU website, integrated with the RSCI.

In order to increase the visibility of conference publications for the international scientific community, selected scientific reports conferences will be published in collection of scientific papers, which is indexed in SCOPUS.

Based on the results of the conference, selected texts of reports will be recommended for publication in an online publication - International scientific journal “International Journal of Open Information Technologies” (ISSN 2307-8162) , which included in the List of leading periodicals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, for publication of the results of dissertation research and are indexed in RSCI.

IV International Scientific and Practical Conference
"E-learning in continuing education 2017"

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Ministry of Education Ulyanovsk region
Ulyanovsk State Technical University
Institute of Distance and Continuing Education UlSTU
Ulyanovsky regional center new information technologies
Institute of Information Technologies of Belarusian state university computer science and radio electronics (Minsk, Republic of Belarus)
Vinnitsa National Technical University (Vinnitsa, Ukraine)
Donetsk National Technical University (Donetsk, DPR)
National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan
Institute of Information Technologies (Baku, Azerbaijan)

Dear Colleagues!

We invite you to take part in the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference “E-learning in lifelong education 2017” which will take place April 12 – 14, 2017 on the basis of the Institute of Distance and Continuing Education of Ulyanovsk State Technical University.


1. Blended learning: first results and prospects (main models, implementation experience).

2. New methods and technologies in IT lyceums and engineering schools.

3. Intelligent teaching systems.

4. Stem education – education of the new generation.

5. Experience of using MOOCs in Russia, development prospects.

6. Distance learning for students with disabilities.

7. School e-Learning: teacher training, creation of a popular course.

8. Corporate training. Dual training.

9. Forms and methods of teaching using distance technologies.

10. Adaptive learning intellectual environment – educational technology future.



Pinkov Alexander Petrovich – acting Rector of UlSTU, Ph.D.


  • Afanasyev Alexander Nikolaevich – first vice-rector, vice-rector for distance and additional education at Ulyanovsk State Technical University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor.
  • Yarushkina Nadezhda Glebovna – first vice-rector – vice-rector for scientific work UlSTU, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.

Members of the program committee:

  • Golenkov Vladimir Vasilievich – head. Department of IIT BSUIR, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).
  • Ivankina Oksana Gennadievna – Director of the Center for Information Technologies (St. Nizhny Novgorod, Russia).
  • Kobylyansky Alexander Vladimirovich – head. Department of Life Safety of Vinnytsia National technical university, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor (Vinnitsa, Ukraine).
  • Kureichik Vladimir Viktorovich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of CAD Institute computer technology And information security Southern Federal University (Taganrog, Russia).
  • Makhmudova Shafagat Jabrail kyzy – head. sector of the Institute of Information Technologies National Academy Sciences of Azerbaijan, Doctor of Technical Sciences (Baku, Azerbaijan).
  • Molchanov Alexander Sergeevich – Director of the Center distance education MIREA, Ph.D. (Moscow, Russia).
  • Nguyen An Duc – Doctor of Vietnamese Petroleum Institute(Hanoi, Vietnam).
  • Polyak Viktor Efimovich – CEO Dipol Corporation, Ph.D. (Saratov, Russia).
  • Fedyaev Oleg Ivanovich – head. Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Donetsk National Technical University, Ph.D., Associate Professor (Donetsk, DPR).

· Shamshovich Valentina Fedorovna – executive director of the Association of Educational Organizations “ Electronic education Republic of Bashkortostan”, Ph.D. (Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan).


· Remote and e-learning: methodology, theory, technique, mathematical and software and information support.

· Modern trends in education.

· Pedagogy in the information society.

· Modernization of secondary education (Stem education, blended learning, engineering schools, etc.).

· Electronic and distance learning in the context of the implementation of Federal State Educational Standard 3+.

· Inclusive education.

· Technologies for corporate training.


· Conditions for ensuring continuity in education (engineering schools - colleges - universities - corporate training).

· E-learning through the eyes of stakeholders. What should university education be like: classics or innovations? (Opinions of the university administration, teachers, students, employers).


MK1. Active methods learning in the virtual world.

MK2. Learning to program with Scratch.

MK3. Blended learning ( public lesson according to the “Station Rotation” model).

IT Hackathon (virtual worlds in the educational process).


The conference involves both full-time and correspondence participation (external participation - publication in a collection of articles based on the results of the conference).

To participate in the conference you need:

2. Send an article (report) of the participant with the mark “EONO 2017” in the “Subject” field to the following address: [email protected] . Articles are accepted in Russian and English languages from 4 to 8 pages. (Article formatting rules) .

Deadline for submitting articles and applications: until March 10, 2017 inclusive. Receipt of the application and abstracts will be confirmed by e-mail. Articles submitted without meeting the requirements will not be considered. The selection of articles for publication in the collection and participation in the conference is carried out by reviewers from among the members of the Conference Program Committee.

3. Pay the registration fee for conference participants, which is 1000 rubles (1 article of 4 to 8 pages of printed text and a participant diploma). Each subsequent article will cost 100 rubles. per page. Payment must be made only after receiving a letter from the organizing committee confirming the acceptance of the article for publication on time until March 17, 2017 bank transfer to UlSTU account ( Bank details of UlSTU ).

The results of the international studies PISA and TIMSS 2015 and factors influencing changes in the education system will be discussed by participants international conference which will pass. In addition, questions will be raised practical use research results in educational management.

The conference is planned for the participation of representatives from more than 30 countries and all regions of Russia involved in organizing, conducting and analyzing the results of studies on the quality of education, including the international studies PISA and TIMSS.

The conference will be moderated by the director Federal service for supervision in the field of education and science Sergey Kravtsov. Speeches by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation are scheduled Olga Golodets, Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva, Head of the Moscow Department of Education Isaac Kalina, Rector of the National research university « graduate School economics" Yaroslava Kuzminova and etc.

Foreign speakers are also expected (via videoconference): Peter Adams(Senior PISA Project Manager, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), Paula Korsnakova(Senior Researcher, Engagement Consultant, International Association for Evaluation educational achievements), Svetla Petrova(Bulgaria, Center for Quality Control and Assessment school education), Eckhard Klime(Germany, German Institute international educational research), Hagit Glickman(Israel, Ministry of Education, National Administration on educational assessment), Mindaugas Stundza(Lithuania, National Examination Center), Dana Kelly(US Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics), Gunda Tire(Estonia, Department of general education and exams).

For reference:

The international study PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) is the largest universally recognized international program assessments educational achievements students.

PISA tests are designed to identify and evaluate functional literacy schoolchildren aged 15 years in areas such as reading, mathematics and natural Sciences. Moreover, the emphasis in the tests is on identifying the creative skills of students, critical thinking and solution practical problems in real life situations.

The PISA program has been operating since 2000 and currently covers 72 member countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and collaborating with this international organization states

General testing is carried out once every 3 years on a sample of more than 500 thousand students.

TIMSS (Trends in Mathematics and Science Study) – international research on assessing the quality of mathematics and science education, conducted by the International Association for Educational Assessment (IEA). The TIMSS study evaluates the general education preparation of 4th and 8th grade students in mathematics and science subjects, as well as the preparation of 11th grade students studying advanced specialized courses in mathematics and physics. Monitoring is carried out every four years. More than 50 countries are participating in the study.

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