The river runs goes flows moves extra. Project on the topic “Both jokingly and seriously”

Tasks, games, exercises for junior schoolchildren aimed at developing memory, attention, observation, and logical thinking. I use assignments in electives and in groups. extended day, How additional material for Russian language lessons, in preparation for Olympiads and quizzes.

1. In these words, the first two letters and the last two are repeated. Write these words in your notebook.

For example: ottoman

But __ __ __ __ ri __ __

Touch __ __ __ __ treat __ __

2. Find the hidden word in each word and write it down.

For example: laughter - fur

Pillar - ___________ braid - __________

Regiment - ___________ bison - __________

Fishing rod - _________ aground - __________

Road - __________ laziness - ___________

3. Connect with an arrow the sentences that have the same meaning. Write down one pair of such sentences in your notebook.

Changes decisions often.

Doesn't believe anything.

A harmless person.

Very chatty.

It won't hurt a fly.

Has a tongue without bones.

He has seven Fridays a week.

Doubting Thomas.

4. Finish the proverb. Write it down in your notebook.

Without difficulty.....

Whoever you hang out with depends on….

Hurry up - people.....

Don't rush your tongue...

The best thing new, best friend ….

Labor feeds, and.....

5. Connect the halves of words and write them down.

6. Collect the letters that have scattered, you will get the names of the animals. Write it down.

7. Write words with the opposite meaning.



8. Insert vowels to form words.

9. From each word, choose a certain syllable and create a new word with it.

Example: porridge, river, plate - carriage.

Ear, mouth, vase -

Milk, seine, cockroach -

Scythe, lotto, boxer -

Ram, wound, bank -

Nightingale, summer -

10. Restore the words and underline the word that does not fit the rest of the words in meaning.

· pashak, sokni, vobr, kamai, fotak

· komorv, retsugo, kochabak, ivals, midorop

· klov, bakaso, kashok, zaok, rokova

11. Write in one word what the expression means.

To kick the bucket -

Lather your neck -

Head in the clouds -

My soul has sunk into my heels -

Hack on the nose -

At the edge of the earth -

12. Complete the words according to their meaning.

They chop with an ax, and with a saw...

They erase with an eraser, but with a pen...

In summer it goes..., and in winter...

Fish... and birds...

Water can be spilled, but peas...

The hay is cut, and the hair...

13. Complete the words that suit their meaning.

Pancakes are made from flour, and cheesecakes are made from cottage cheese.

Milk makes a cocktail, and orange makes...

From beets - borscht, and from cabbage -...

Milk comes from a cow, and milk comes from a chicken...

From ore - metal, and from wood -...

From caviar - fry, and from eggs - ...

14. Find extra word.

The clock sleeps, stands, walks, rushes.

The sun warms, blows, shines, shines.

The road stands, leads, runs, winds.

The wind blows, blows, hums, is silent.

The river runs, flows, walks, moves.

The rain is falling, knocking, lashing, running.

Muse, trains, luck -...


Both jokingly and seriously.


2nd grade student

MKOU secondary school in Sozimsky village

Mayburova Polina

Project goal:

Show your classmates interesting tasks in the Russian language.

Project objectives:

  • Find interesting and educational tasks in the Russian language.
  • Introduce tasks in the project that require knowledge of the Russian language.

Compose from a word strawberry as many words as possible.

Make a ladder from words

Read backwards and write down the sentences:

OrosoN teadob mogor

eN etitush with omgoroson

And az yokrog, and additional yokrog,

doP yozereb, and dop yokle,

imadovoroh and in dyar

In hapyalsh ytsdolom tiaots.

Attention, attention! Interesting task: "Five Wasps" title. 1. Os _ _ a. 2. Os _ _ a. 3. _ os _ a. 4. _ os _ _ _ a _ _. 5. _ os _ s _ a. 1. There is gilding on this wasp in October. 2. And this one grows in meadows and swamps... 3. This one has green needles on its paws. 4. This wasp flies to the moon. 5. This one is afraid of mustard and a fork.

Find the extra word. The clock is sleeping, standing, walking, rushing. The sun warms, blows, shines, shines. The road stands, leads, runs, winds. The wind blows, blows, hums, is silent. The river runs, flows, walks, moves. Rain - falling, knocking, lashing, running

Ingenuity tasks for schoolchildren

See answers below

1. When solving this problem, try to do all the calculations quickly and in your head, don’t write anything or use a calculator, and the result will surprise you.
Take 1000. Add 40. Add another thousand. Add 30. Another 1000.
Plus 20. Plus 1000. And plus 10. What happened?

2. A father with a sly smile asks his first-grader son a question: tell me the most large number. Having received the answer, he only shakes his head in surprise, not knowing what to object. What did the son answer?

3.What sign should be placed between the numbers 4 and 5 so that the result is more than four, but less than five?

4. There is a road on which only one car can pass. Two cars are driving along the road: one from the mountain, the other downhill. How can they leave?

5.How many times can you subtract the number three from the devil’s dozen?

6. Two people approached the river at the same time. The boat on which you can cross can only support one person. And yet, without outside help, everyone crossed on this boat to the other side. How did they do it?

7. In a company of friends, one of them came up with the idea to propose an argument to them:
- Guys, I’ll now put the bottle in the middle of the room and crawl into it.
And he succeeded... he won.
How did he do it?

8. There are 6 glasses in a row on the table. The first three are empty, and the last three are filled with water. How can you make sure that empty and full glasses alternate between each other if you can only touch one glass (you cannot push a glass with a glass)?

9.You are participating in a competition and overtake the runner in second position. What position do you take now?

10. Three swallows flew out of the nest. What is the probability that after 15 seconds they will be in the same plane?

11. They put a pencil on the floor and asked several people to jump over it.
But no one could do this. Why?


1.Answer 5000? Wrong. The correct answer is 4100. If you don’t believe me, recalculate with a calculator.

2. Thirty-first (meaning the day of the month).


4.Why do they need to leave? They both go downhill (downhill and downhill).

5. From the devil's dozen, the number three can be subtracted only once, the first time, since any subsequent subtraction will be made from a smaller number.

6.They approached different banks of the river.

7. He crawled into her - into the room.

8.Take the fifth glass, pour its contents into the second and put the glass in place.

9. Second.

10.100%, because three points always lie on the same plane.

11. They placed him next to the wall (close).

Think and count

To dress my sons warmly,
Two socks are missing.
How many sons are there in the family?
What if there are six socks in the house?
Answer: four
The kids have so many books,
How many heels does Alyosha have?
Galya brought it to the kids
Ball, book, bears.
Have you guys counted?
How many books are there?
Answer: three
To three frogs by the swamp
Two raccoons came running,
Aunt Toad galloped up
And the hen Ryaba came.
How many marsh reeds are there?
Turned out to be amphibians?
Answer: four

Problems to pay attention to

1. Think and tell me - who will swim across the river faster - ducklings or chickens?

2. Think and tell me - what color is the bun’s hair?

3. Guess the riddle:
There were candies in a pile.
Two mothers, two daughters
Yes, grandmother and granddaughter
We took a piece of candy,
And this bunch was gone.
How many candies were in the pile?

4. 5 birches grew. Each birch tree has 5 large branches. Each branch has 5 small branches. There are 5 apples on each small branch. How many apples are there in total?

5. Think and say - what helps polar bears survive in the desert where there is no water?

6. On what trees do ostriches make their nests?

7. There are 2 apples and 4 pears on the table. How many vegetables are there on the table?

8. Think and say - who growls louder: a tiger or a buffalo?

9. Vanya looked out the window in the morning and said:
- And on the street, it turns out, it’s very strong wind. You need to dress warmer.
How did he guess that there was wind outside? What did he see?

10. 2 girls went into the forest to pick mushrooms, and 2 boys came towards them. How many children go to the forest? (hint: 2 - the rest go back)

11. There were 5 candles burning in the room. A man came in and put out 2 candles. How many are left? (hint: 2 - the rest burned)

12. The log was cut into 4 parts. How many cuts did you make?

13. Read the words and say - which word is extra in each row?
- sofa, chair, wardrobe, kennel, bedside table,
- cloves, chamomile, reeds, lilies, aster,
- boletus, fly agaric, russula, boletus, chanterelle.

14. Think and say - how much earth will be in a hole 1 meter deep, 1 meter long and 1 meter wide?

15. A six-year-old girl had a cat with a short tail. She ate the mouse long tail, and the mouse swallowed 2 grains and ate a thin piece of cheese. Tell me, how old was the girl who had the cat?

16. There is a rooster on one bank of the river, and a turkey on the other. There is an island in the middle of the river. Which of these birds will reach the island faster?

17. Tell me how many mushrooms can be grown from 5 seeds?

18. Tell me, who lives in the sea at greater depths: pike, crayfish or trout?

19. A goose on two legs weighs 2 kg. How much will he weigh standing on one leg?

20. There are 5 branches on a maple tree. There are 2 apples on each branch. How many apples are there on a maple tree?

Entertaining mathematics

1. A cat sits in each of the 4 corners of the room. Opposite each of these cats are three cats. How many cats are there in this room?

2. The father has six sons. Every son has a sister. How many children does this father have in total?

3. In a tailoring workshop, 20 m were cut from a piece of cloth 200 m apart every day, starting from March 1. When was the last piece cut?

4. There are 3 rabbits in a cage. Three girls asked to give them one rabbit each. Each girl was given a rabbit. And yet there was only one rabbit left in the cage. How did this happen?

5. 6 fishermen ate 6 pike perch in 6 days. How many days will it take 10 fishermen to eat 10 pike perch?

6. There were 40 magpies sitting on one tree. A hunter passed by, shot and killed 6 magpies. How many magpies are left on the tree?

7.Two diggers will dig 2 m of a ditch in 2 hours of work. How many diggers does it take to dig 100 m of the same ditch in 100 hours of work?

8. Two fathers and two sons divided 3 oranges among themselves so that each got one orange. How could this happen?

9. A caterpillar crawls from the ground along the stem of a plant whose height is 1 m. During the day it rises by 3 dm, and at night it drops by 2 dm. How many days will it take for the caterpillar to crawl to the top of the plant?

10. There are two buckets with a capacity of 4 and 9 liters. How can you use them to bring exactly 6 liters of water from the river?


2. One girl was given a cage with a rabbit.

5. 6 fishermen eat 1 pike perch per day.
One fisherman eats 1/6 of pike perch per day.
10 fishermen eat 10/6 pike perch per day.
10 pike perch divided by 10/6 pike perch = 6 days

6. Everyone flew away

8. Grandfather, father and grandson = 2 fathers and 2 sons

9.After 7/12 days.

10. From a full nine-liter bucket, you need to pour 8 liters of water into the river, using a 4-liter bucket. Then the liter remaining in the large bucket needs to be poured into an empty four-liter bucket. If we now add three liters from a full large bucket, then there will be just six liters of water left in the nine-liter bucket.

Riddle about icicles

Four icicles hung on the roof,
And each melted for exactly a week.
Those who like to count, let them count:
How many weeks will it take for all the icicles to melt?
(per week)

Gymnasium Olympiad in Russian language in 2nd grade – 2017.

For each word 1

Task 2

A).Red, yellow, scarlet, blue, green, fiery.

B).Dog, horse, dog, goat, cow, canine.

C).Be angry, sleep, get sick, rest, doze, watch.

D).Think, thought, think, mental, think, thought.

D). Joy, rejoice, joyful, rejoice, triumph.

For each word 1

Task 3

Find the extra word.

The clock is sleeping, standing, walking, rushing.

The sun warms, blows, shines, shines.

The road stands, leads, runs, winds.

The wind blows, blows, hums, is silent.

The river runs, flows, walks, moves.

The rain is falling, knocking, lashing, running.

Task 4

Finish the proverb.

Live a century - a century... _______________.

Two boots... __________________.

Labor feeds, but laziness... ________________.

Business - time, fun - ... ______________.

One mind is good, but two are... ___________.

Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred... _______________.

Learning is light, and ignorance is… _________________.

Fear has eyes... ___________________.

For each

proverb word 1

Task 5

Choose words with the same root.

Cargo - ________________________________________________

Disease -______________________________________________

Birch -

For each word 1

Task 6

From the letters of the word folding beds make up other words ______________________________________________________


For each word 1

Task 7


For each word 1

Task 8

For example: laughter - fur

A). Pillar – _____________________

B).Fishing rod – ____________________

B).Road -


In the clearing stood an oak tree that was twice as big. Answer:

Task 10

Put emphasis on the words:
Chain, spark, sorrel, glue, kilometer, alphabet, document,

briefcase, shop, carpenter.

For each word 0.5

Task 11

My grandmother's name is Vera Petrovna, she lives on the street in Moscow

Rusakova. I often visit Grandmother, we like to go to the Park


Answers to school olympiad in Russian language in 2nd grade – 2016.

Full name _____________________________________________________ class________


Write down as many words as possible in which vowels represent two sounds.

Yama, berry, beautiful, Russia...


For each word 1

Task 2

Choose three synonyms from a number of words and underline them. (They answer one question per line).

A).Red , yellow,scarlet , blue, green,fiery.

B).Dog , horse,dog , goat, cow,dog .

B).Be angrysleep , get sick,rest , doze , look.

G).Think , thought,think , mental,think thought.

D).Joy,rejoice , joyful,rejoice , triumph.

For each word 1

Task 3

Underline the plural nouns.

Trees , leaf, air, cold , snowball, grass, frost .

Task 4

Paste the right word V stable expression
“Hungry like...”

A) dog
B) wolf
B) hare
D) bear

Task 5

Find the extra word.

Watch - sleeping , standing, walking, hurrying.

The sun is warming, blows , shines, shines.

Road - costs , leads, runs, meanders.

The wind blows, blows, hums, is silent .

The river runs, flows, coming , moves.

The rain is falling, knocking, lashing, runs .

Task 6

Finish the proverb.

Live a century - a century... (learn).

Two boots... (pair).

Labor feeds, but laziness... (spoils).

For business - time, for fun - ... (hour).

One mind is good, but two are... (better).

Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred... (friends).

Learning is light, and ignorance is... (darkness).

Fear has eyes... (large).

Friendship is more valuable than... (money).

For each

proverb 1

Task 7

Choose words with the same root.

Cargo – loader, loading, loading, truck.

Illness – sick, sick, sick.

For each word 1

Task 8

From the letters of the word folding beds make up other words - nouns (except names).

Treasure, layout, ears, soul, tubs, paints...


For each word 1

Task 9

Collect the letters that have scattered, you will get an animal.
bruska, ablek, obkasa, wurdleb, shokka, birza

Answer: badger, squirrel, dog, camel, cat, zebra

For each word 1

Task 10

There is a word hidden in every word. Find it and write it down.

For example: laughter - fur

A). Pillar – _____________________ table

B).Fishing rod – ____________________daughter

B).Road - horns

Task 11

How many [n] sounds are there in a sentence?
In the clearing stood an oak tree that was twice as big. Answer: 2

Task 12

Put emphasis on words.
FlailO chka,And skra, schave l, cle it's likee tr, alphaAnd t, documente nt, portfolioe huh, storeAnd n, tableI r.

For each word 0.5

Task 13

Read the riddle, fill in the missing letters. Write down the answer.
A).Through the field and

Served g.. l... juice,

He b...lives according to...the...ladies

You say here

And you can hear it there. (Telephone).

B).In the Linen Country,

Along the Prostynya River

The steamboat is sailing...
Now back..., then forward...,

And behind him there is such a look,

There’s not even a swell in sight. (Iron).

For each letter 0.5

1 for

the answer

Task 14

Sign the same prefix and you will get new words.

By talkerBy friend,By news,By walking,By ride.

For each word 0.5

Task 15

Read the text. Put it necessary signs at the end of sentences. Correct the mistakes.

My grandmother's name is Vera Petrovna. She lives in Moscow on Rusakova Street. I often visit my grandmother. We love going to Sokolniki Park.

Needs to be developed logical thinking in the child since childhood. And games to develop logic and thinking will help you with this! Fascinating ones will help teach your child to compare and analyze the information received, as well as establish simple patterns.

The child will need the ability to think logically not only when deciding school problems, but will also help find a way out of difficult life situations. In many logic games You can play with your child in line or on the way home from school.


1. Extra word

Ask your child to find a word in each line that is not related to the first word.

THE CLOCK goes by, they rush, they sleep, they stand.

The WIND blows, blows, hums, is silent.

THE ROAD leads, runs, winds, stands still.

The SUN warms, blows, shines, shines.

The RIVER runs, goes, flows, moves.

RAIN falls, knocks, lashes, runs.

2. Groups of animals

Invite your child to group the animals.

Groups: wild, domestic, agricultural.


  • cow;
  • tiger;
  • cat;
  • pig;
  • hippopotamus;
  • rooster;
  • dog;
  • guinea pig;
  • wolf.

3. Learning to reason

  • Who would be the lightest if a cat were lighter than an ant and heavier than a whale?
  • If a cow were shorter than a hare and taller than a giraffe, who would be tallest?
  • Karina lives a little closer to the school than Alina and much further from it than Tanya. Who lives closest to the school?

4. Logic puzzle

The knight fell asleep at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and woke up at 4 o'clock and 15 minutes. How long did the knight sleep?

5. New words

This logic puzzle requires you to replace one of the consonants in the words below with the letter N to create new words.


In this children's game, to develop logic, the child will need to compose and write words from the letters A, C, T, K, P, O, A in columns, in accordance with the number of letters in the word:

3 letters, 4 letters, 5 letters, 6 letters, 7 letters.

7. Add a syllable, get a new word

A logical puzzle in which you need to insert the appropriate syllable into words to form new words.

  • skein

8. Logic puzzle

Invite your child to decide logic puzzle. Dad gave Sasha a scale and five old coins and said: “Among the five coins, one is counterfeit. It is known that it is a little heavier than the real ones. Find it with just two weighings.”

Answer: We put one coin aside, and put the remaining two coins on different cups of the scales. If the scales remain balanced, the coin put aside is counterfeit. If one side of the scale is overweight, then the counterfeit coin is on that side. We put the coins from this cup on 2 different ones and notice which one outweighs the counterfeit one.

9. Habitat

Give your child the task of combining animals into groups, depending on their habitat.


Animals: turkey, gazelle, cow, lion, badger, sheep, beaver, chicken, giraffe, squirrel, deer, zebra.

10. Logic puzzle

Invite your child to solve a logic problem: Tanya had 5 apples; She gave 1 apple to her sister Dasha, who also had apples. After that, the sisters had an equal share of apples. How many apples did Dasha have at first?

11. Baby animals

Ask your child to name the babies:

  • chicken;
  • elephant;
  • horses;
  • camel;
  • pigs;
  • tiger;
  • sheep;
  • goats;
  • dogs;
  • cows.

12. Choosing a rhyme

At the end of each poem you need to choose a word that rhymes and is suitable in meaning.

Words: giraffe, puppy, bunny, crumbs.

A squirrel dropped a cone

The lump hit.....

The chick jumped along the path

And he pecked big ones....

There was a lock on the door,

I was locked up.....

Mom knits a long scarf,

Because son...

13. Changing syllables

What new words will you get if you swap the syllables:


14. Making up words

You need to connect halves of words to form new words.



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