Play logic games with matches. House made of glasses

In this section of the site you are presented with many interesting puzzles, tasks, riddles, puzzles, games, logical problems with matches. They all have answers. To pre-hide all answers, click the “Hide Answers” ​​button. Subsequently, to get the answer, you need to click on the word “Answer” located below the task.

Solving puzzles, tasks, riddles with matches develops logic, thinking, visual memory, and imaginative thinking.

1) Move one match so that the equality becomes true.

3) Move one match so that the equality becomes true.

4) Move one match so that the equality becomes true. There are two possible answers.

5) Move one match so that the equality becomes true.

6) Remove two matches so that only three squares remain.

7) How to make this equation with Roman numerals correct, while not touching a single match (you can’t touch anything, you can’t blow either).

8) Move one match to make a square.

9) Move 4 matches to make 3 squares.

10) Try placing six matches on a flat surface so that each match touches the other five matches.

11) Move one match so that the equality becomes true. IN given equation four and three sticks in a row are equal to four and three, respectively.

12) How can you place only three matches on a flat surface, so that by placing a glass on them, the bottom of the glass will be from the flat surface at a distance of 2,3,4 matches (i.e. the matches should be between the bottom of the glass and the surface of the table )?


Three matches are laid out on the table in the form of a triangle, as can be seen in the figure below. The larger the triangle, the closer the bottom of the glass will be to the table and vice versa.

13) Move two matches to make four squares.

14) Think, is it possible to lift as many as 15 matches with one match? How can this be done?

15) Move 4 matches to make 15 squares.

16) How to make seven triangles using nine matches; the ends of the matches can be fastened with plasticine, i.e. you will get a three-dimensional model.

What kind of riddles with matches we didn’t invent at school! Or maybe they didn’t invent it themselves, but just wished on their friends what they found out themselves? Is it really that important, after all? 🙂

Another thing is important: riddles with matches have indeed always been one of our favorite hobbies. Nowadays matches have become largely an anachroism. And in our time they could be easily stolen from any kitchen. 🙂 So we had fun.

Today, when I am already an adult, I nevertheless remember all these activities with great pleasure. And with the same pleasure I publish riddles with matches for you.

Riddles with matches with answers

1. How can you fold a triangle using one match without breaking it:

Answer . The condition does not say: “only one match,” which means you can use some improvised means, for example, the corner of a table. By attaching a match to it, we get a triangle.

2. How to fold a quadrilateral using two matches?

Answer . Place two matches parallel to the sides of the corner of the table.

3. Rearrange one match in a given fraction to get one.

Answer . This fraction equal to 1/7. Place the match on the far right on top of the Roman five on the right. Let's get the denominator to be the square root of unity, which is equal to one. We get: 1/1=1.

4. You can make a square out of four matches. Therefore, to fold five squares, twenty matches are required. You can fold five squares using sixteen matches. And you try to put together five squares from nine matches. (Note: matches may not be completely included in the square.)


5. The picture shows a fortress and a stone wall around it. Between the fortress and the wall there is a moat filled with water, with hungry crocodiles in it. Show how, with the help of two matches, you can build a bridge between the fortress and the wall.

Answer .

6. In the picture, a sad pig is made using 15.5 matches.

Make it fun by rearranging 3.5 matches.

Make the pig curious by removing one match and moving 2.5 matches.

Answer 1. Cheerful pig.

Answer 2. Curious pig.

7. In an incorrect equation made using matches, move only one match to get the correct equation.

False equality.

Answer. True equality.

9. Move three matches in this figure so that the fish swims in the opposite direction.


10. A cow with a head, body, four limbs, horns and a tail is made of matches. You need to move 2 matches so that the cow looks not to the left, but to the right.


11. Arrange a) three matches in this figure; b) two matches in such a way that you get two rectangles.


12. Incorrect equations are made from matches using Roman numerals. Move just one match to get the correct equalities.

a) XI - V = IV;


a) X - VI = IV or XI - V = VI or XI - VI = V - only three solutions.

b) IX - V = IV or X - VI = IV - two solutions.

13. Riddles are jokes.

a) The son argued with his father that if you add eight to five, you can get one. And he won the argument. How did he do it?

Answer . With the help of five and eight matches he laid out the word "one".

b) In this cross made of matches, rearrange only one match to make a square.


Why is four not a square? After all, it is equal to the square of two. 🙂

14). Eighteen matches make six equal squares.

If you remove two matches, you can get four such squares. How can this be done?


15). A glass is made from four matches. There is a cherry inside the glass. You need to move two matches so that the berry is outside.


16). A house is made of matches. You need to arrange two matches in it in such a way as to get its mirror image.


17). Arrange 3 matches in this grid in such a way that three squares are formed.


18 We have a snake made of matches. Rearrange five matches so that you get two squares of different sizes.

Answer. The problem has two solutions.

Solution 1.

Solution 2.

19 Rearrange two matches so that you get five identical squares.


20 In the given four squares, move four matches so that three squares are formed.


21 This spiral is made of matches.

Task 1. Move two matches in a spiral to make two squares.

Task 2. Move four matches in spirals to make three squares.

Answer to problem 1.

Answer to problem 2.

22 Place three matches on the table.

Place two more matches on top of them to make eight.

Answer . From two matches we add the Roman numeral V, we get: VIII - eight.

23 They made a figure out of matches that looked like a children's toy tumbler.

You need to rearrange three matches so that this tumbler turns into a cube.


24 Rearrange only one match on the left side of the incorrect equation to obtain a true equality.


25 A beetle is made of matches and crawls to the right. Move three matches in such a way that the beetle crawls to the left.


26 This incorrect inequality was created using 25 matches.

It is necessary to rearrange two matches so that the correct equality is obtained.

Answer We add the two matches that make up the right unit to the two and get an eight. The resulting correct equality will take the form: 16 – 8 = 8.

27 It is necessary to rearrange one match so that an incorrect equation turns into a correct one.

Answer 9+3 – 4=8

28 In this incorrect equation, you need to move one match to get the correct equality.

Answer We apply the right match of the left side from above to the right side of the Roman five, we get the sign square root. On the left we get the square root of unity, which is equal to one. We have the correct equality: 1 = 1.

29 Correct this incorrect equation without touching a single match. Make this equation true. (Matches must not be lit, moved, moved, etc.)


It is enough to turn the drawing 180 degrees. We get the correct equality.

Sort (attention exercise)

Cut off the heads of 54 matches with scissors. Take 18 of them and cut them in half. Place the remaining 36 large matches into 3 piles of 12 matches. On 12 matches you will draw red stripes, on the other 12 - blue, and on the third - black. Take the first 12 pieces; on 4, draw one red transverse stripe; on the other 4 - two stripes; on the third 4 - three stripes. It is also necessary to draw stripes of blue and then black. Now take 36 small matches and repeat with them the same as with 36 large ones. The material for sorting is ready. After sorting, each pile should contain matches of the same size, with the same number stripes of the same color. So you get 18 piles. This useful activity, as it develops attention well. It’s not easy to arrange matches into 18 piles at once. It’s much easier to first put them into 2 piles - separately big matches and small ones. Then each of these large piles is divided into 3, depending on the color of the stripes, for a total of 6 piles. Now divide each of the 6 piles into 3 piles depending on the number of strips. This will make 18 piles. This set of matches can be used by 3-4 people one after another. They notice by the clock who completed the task faster, and try to emulate him.

Geometric problem

Invite the children to make four triangles using only six matches. (Make a triangle out of three matches, place the remaining three inside as a pyramid.)

Who's faster?

Children are divided into two teams, which sit on chairs; however, teams can also compete while standing. The presenter gives two empty boxes without an inner paper drawer. Task: quickly pass the boxes to your teammates... with your nose. If the box falls, it is picked up, put on the nose, and the competition continues. Everything seems simple, but you can’t do it without dexterity.

Matches - a material for a designer or sculptor

There are eccentrics in the world who use matches to build copies of castles, temples, models of ships, etc. Offer the kids some matches, plasticine, glue, matchboxes, make papers quickly and efficiently: a robot, a doll, a ship, a horse, a hedgehog, etc.

Blow into the box

Empty the box of matches. Pull it out halfway and, putting it to your mouth, blow hard. The box can fly quite far. So hold an “air shooters” competition. By the way, with a paper box like this flying out of a box you can: try to get into a small circle outlined in chalk; shoot down an easy, paper target; get the box into a basket installed on the floor; try to set a record, i.e. “blow” the box through some kind of bar.

Burning match

Match - spear

Postal code

Who will raise more

Drawing with matches

Of five squares - four

Ask everyone who wants this task. Out of five squares (see Fig. 1), rearrange two matches so that you get four identical squares. The answer is in Figure 2.

Lots and lots

This game requires patience and a lot of time. You need to mix matches from one box. In turn, each player pulls out matches for himself (one at a time!). The task is to pull out the match so as not to move (move, drop) the others. If the player managed to pull out a match without moving the others, then he takes out the next match. If it fails, then the move moves on to another... The one who pulls out wins. greatest number matches.

Great artist

Drawing means putting out some given or derived figures or objects from matches: animals, a house, birds, a man, a boat, etc. The author of the most witty and high-quality drawing becomes the winner.

Challenge for weightlifters

One match is placed on the table. Other matches are placed on this match on both sides with their heads facing towards each other. Then all this is secured on top with one, two or a large number matches. This entire “structure” must be lifted without destroying it using the bottom match. It turns out like a hut. To do this, it is important to maintain balance.

Postal code

From matches on the table, children lay out ten (approximately) rectangles with a crossbar in the middle, just like an index on a postal envelope. The tasks for the players can be the following: quickly add up a number, a word, your last name, quickly changing the matches in the rectangle (index), doing this carefully, without destroying the matches.


A group of guys on a team simultaneously writes (lays out with matches) their first and last names. The one who does it faster and better wins.

Javelin throwers

Draw a line on the floor with chalk or a stick on the ground and, without crossing it, throw an ordinary match at a distance, like a spear. The winner can be determined by the final three throws.

Burn, Burn clearly

Children sit in a circle. Two matches are lit from a candle standing in its center. Burning matches go in a circle towards you. They are passed on by taking a whole match base or a burnt head. The one in whose hands the match goes out must answer any question asked by the participants in the game, perform an amateur performance, tell a funny story, an anecdote. So an ordinary match will help children make the game interesting.

Wind relay race

Empty the box of matches. Pull it out halfway and, putting it to your mouth, blow hard. The box can fly quite far. So hold an “air shooters” competition. By the way, with a paper box like this flying out of a box you can: try to get into a small circle outlined in chalk; shoot down an easy, paper target; get the box into a basket installed on the floor; try to set a record, i.e. “blow” the box through some kind of bar. undefined undefined

Match sculptor

There are eccentrics in the world who use matches to build copies of castles, temples, models of ships, etc. Invite the children to make quickly and efficiently using matches, plasticine, glue, matchboxes, paper: a robot, a doll, a ship, a horse, a hedgehog, etc.


Make a well out of matches. The one who has the highest one and lasts the longest wins.

Nose attack

Players are divided into two teams, which sit on chairs; however, teams can also compete while standing. The presenter gives two empty boxes without an inner paper drawer. Task: quickly pass the boxes to your teammates... with your nose. If the box falls, it is picked up, put on the nose, and the competition continues. Everything seems simple, but you can’t do it without dexterity.

Geometric problem

Invite the players to form four triangles using only six matches. (Make a triangle out of three matches, place the remaining three inside as a pyramid.)

Match tournament

These are fun relay races for any age. Several teams participate (the most optimal number of teams is three). If the team completes the task first, it is awarded three points, the second - two, and the third - one. Whoever has more points after all stages is the winner of the competition. For each competition, teams can stick matches into potatoes, and then count how many needles such “hedgehogs” have. The relay is considered completed when last participant the teams will deliver the boxes to the place from which the movement began. If a box falls while moving, the relay participant must stop, put it back in place and only then continue on his way. If this task is to build from matches, then you are given certain time. Teams perform the task one by one.

Competition tasks:

  • Make the phrase “Matches are not a toy for children!” from the matches.
  • Carry a matchbox, placing it on the top of your head.
  • Carry two boxes, placing them on your shoulders like shoulder straps.
  • Carry the box, placing its end on your clenched fist.
  • Who will assemble faster scattered matches. For each team, # boxes of matches are scattered in a certain place.
  • Carry the box, placing it on your back in the lumbar region.
  • Carry the box, placing it on your foot near the instep of your foot.
  • Whose team has the highest ability to build a “well” of matches in two minutes?
  • Carry the box, pressing it with your chin to your neck. The ends of the box should rest against the chin and neck.
  • Carry the outer part of the box, hanging it on your nose. Pass the baton without using your hands; the next participant must remove the box with his nose.
  • Carry the box, pinching it on your earlobe.
  • Build a train with two carriages on the floor using matches.
  • Place an empty box on the floor and blow on it so that it moves on its own. Move the boxes in one direction in this way, then run back.
  • Make the word “Congratulations!” from the matches.
  • Very often, unnoticed and seemingly insignificant things can do more for the development of intelligence than special targeted actions. Learn by playing - that's it best way education, easy and interesting. An example of this approach is any puzzle with matches.

    Why matches?

    Medicine and psychology unanimously declare the relationship between brain regions and biological active points on different parts bodies. In this case, the hands, namely the palms, are the area of ​​their greatest accumulation on the surface of the body. The phenomenon called fine motor skills is precisely the activity of handling small objects.

    But it’s not just about the touch of your hands? Absolutely a lot identical items in shape, length and width, color, they attract because they give impetus to the imagination. After all, the matches themselves are practically neutral, dull and insignificant. You can create combinations and compositions from them, group them at your discretion. And then each match becomes significant, part of something whole.

    How to put the garbage shown in the picture into a dustpan by moving only two matches? But in fact, you only need to move one match, and just move the other slightly to the right! Not every adult can solve this simple puzzle with matches, but the difficulty may lie only in the formulation of the task.

    What is the method aimed at?

    Puzzle games with matches are aimed at developing everyone. Excellent training for figurative, logical and spatial thinking- this is the result of such an accessible and useful entertainment. Mindfulness and the ability to reflect are necessary conditions successfully solving this type of problem.

    IN early childhood When matches and puzzles with matches are not yet available to children, inquisitive children can get answers to their questions from adults. Parents can resort to creating fairy tales from match figures. This prepares the child for the next stage of development and for independent logical conclusions.

    Solving more complex puzzles becomes available when further development logical thinking. Equality puzzles with Roman numerals are very popular:

    It is necessary to rearrange one match so that the equation becomes correct. There are two possible answers here:

    Or an even more complicated equality:

    The answer is to take the root of unity:

    What to pay attention to

    It must be remembered that matches are quite a dangerous object for children in the absence of proper attention from adults. Like any small and sharp object, a match can cause injury to the ear, eye, or be accidentally swallowed. Therefore, the issue of handling matches should precede games or training with their use.

    The possibility of variability is important point in activities where matches are used (puzzles with matches). The answers do not have to be strictly fixed, although there are quite definite answer options. Non-standard thinking, if the result is achieved, is allowed and even encouraged.

    Expected result and indicators

    Apply for intellectual entertainment and training with matches is possible starting from the age of three, with direct participation adult. Children and teenagers are especially interested in such riddles and puzzles. The competitive spirit plays a role here, and classes can be conducted in a team format.

    Puzzles like “create a figure” or “rearrange a match” are acceptable for more younger age when the child is less assiduous. Tasks where you need to rearrange several matches to achieve the opposite result are ideal here. For example, an animal running or looking in a certain direction, shown in the figure above, may turn its head or run in the opposite direction when moving matches. Everything is simple here: just swap the matches that form the head and tail.

    More complex and challenging geometric shapes more suitable for schoolchildren. Change total arithmetic action or create from a figure numeric value can only be familiar with number combinations or having developed For example, “9+0=6”. To get the desired result you need to move just one match.

    There are two options here, as can be seen in the picture. You can rearrange the match in the first number, 9, making it a six. Result: 6+0=6. Or you can move the match in the six after the equals sign, making it a nine. Result: 9+0=9.

    Games based on matches are universal. Such a puzzle with matches can be included in the program and used as elements extracurricular activities. But it is impossible not to mention that since the popularity is growing again match puzzles, developers began to offer them mobile applications. So now you can train your intellect without looking up from your favorite device by installing a puzzle with matches on it, which is very important for the modern generation.

    Games with matches


    The game promotes the development of concentration skills, voluntary memorization, the ability to listen to one’s feelings and differentiate them, and the development of fine motor skills.

    3 matches are laid out on the table. Tasks for the child.

    • Take one match.
    • Feel it. What is it like: warm or cold, smooth or rough, thin or thick?
    • Smell it. Do you know this smell?
    • Feel the head of the match. Look at it. What color is she? What shape?
    • What do you think it's made of?
    • Put the match on the table. I'll mix them up, and you try to find it.


    The game is aimed at developing imagination, speech, forming cause-and-effect relationships, and expanding ideas about the world around us.

    Place 5 matches on the table. The child chooses the match he likes, examines it, feels it, and smells it.

    Offer to answer the following questions.

    • Where did this match come from?
    • Where did the box come from?
    • How did he get into the store?
    • What are matches made of in factories?
    • Where did our tree grow?
    • How did a tree become a match?

    It turns out our match has an interesting story.


    The game will help develop voluntary attention and memory, fine motor skills, spatial representations.

    Take 3 matches, shake them and throw them on the table (carpet).

    • Where do the heads point?
    • Remember the pattern and try to repeat it.

    Hide the pattern under a napkin.

    • Remember the pattern and make the same one (he wants to find a brother or sister).


    The game develops imagination and ingenuity.

    Pour the matches onto the table. Offer to build a house, tree, path, etc. out of them.

    • Who lives in this house? (made from matches)
    • Where does this path lead? (made from matches)


    Draw a line on the floor with chalk or a stick on the ground and, without crossing it, throw an ordinary match at a distance, like a spear. The winner can be determined by the final three throws.


    One match is placed on the table. Other matches are placed on this match on both sides with their heads facing towards each other. Then all this is secured on top with one, two or more matches. This entire “structure” must be lifted without destroying it using the bottom match. It turns out like a hut. To do this, it is important to maintain balance.


    Drawing means putting out some given or derived figures or objects from matches: animals, a house, birds, a man, a boat, etc. The author of the most witty and high-quality drawing becomes the winner.


    This game requires patience and a lot of time. You need to mix matches from one box. In turn, each player pulls out matches one at a time. The task is to pull out the match without moving the others. If the player managed to pull out a match without moving the others, then he takes out the next match. If it fails, then the move moves on to another. The one who pulls out the largest number of matches wins.


    Make a well out of matches. The one who has the highest one and lasts the longest wins.


    • Carry a matchbox, placing it on the top of your head.
    • Carry two boxes, placing them on your shoulders like shoulder straps.
    • Carry the box, placing its end on your clenched fist.
    • Who can collect the scattered matches faster?
    • Carry the box, placing it on your back in the lumbar region.
    • Carry the box, placing it on your foot near the instep of your foot.
    • Whose team is the highest to build a “well” of matches in two minutes?
    • Carry the box, pressing it with your chin to your neck. The ends of the box should rest against the chin and neck.
    • Carry the outer part of the box, hanging it on your nose.
    • Build a train with two carriages on the floor using matches.
    • Place an empty box on the floor and blow on it so that it moves on its own.
    • Throw a match from shoulder height into a box lying on the floor.
    • Place the boxes on the table so that they do not touch each other and do not fall.
    • The lying box must be turned over on its edge using only one finger.
    • A matchbox is placed on the bridge of the participant’s nose, with which he must sit down without dropping it on the floor or holding it with his hands.
    • Using two matches, you need to move the half of another match a certain distance without dropping the carried “load.”
    • The child is shown a drawing made from matches for 5 seconds, then he must reconstruct the drawing.

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